Package: 0ad-data Description-md5: 26581e685027d5ae84824362a4ba59ee Description-zh_CN: 古代战争实时策略游戏(数据文件) 0 A.D. (发音"zero ey-dee") ,是一个自由、开源、跨平台的 古代战争实时策略游戏。简而言之,它是一款基于历史的战争/经 济游戏,允许游戏者再体验或改写西方文明史,时间跨度为公元前 500年至公元500年。该项目雄心勃勃,包括最先进的3D图像,细致 的插图,声音,以及灵活强大的可定制游戏引擎。 . 本包包含 0 A.D 所需的主要数据文件。 Package: 0ad-data-common Description-md5: 8d014b839c4c4e9b6f82c7512d7e3496 Description-zh_CN: Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare (common data files) 0 A.D. (发音"zero ey-dee") ,是一个自由、开源、跨平台的 古代战争实时策略游戏。简而言之,它是一款基于历史的战争/经 济游戏,允许游戏者再体验或改写西方文明史,时间跨度为公元前 500年至公元500年。该项目雄心勃勃,包括最先进的3D图像,细致 的插图,声音,以及灵活强大的可定制游戏引擎。 . This package contains the data files (configuration and tools) required by 0 A.D. Package: 2048-qt Description-md5: 0f25c2ca95ceff4500fde9f651d74f2e Description-zh_CN: 基于数学的解谜游戏 2048 难题是基于数学的解谜游戏,你需要在一个格子棋盘上滑动滑块,将其组合并创 建数字 2048。 你需要使用四个方向键移动并合并相似的滑块(2n)。当具有两个相同数字的滑块接 触时,它们会合二为一。 Package: 3dchess Description-md5: 12d01b96d7645ee302ebc29cde999e92 Description-zh_CN: 在 3 个棋盘上玩国际象棋! 3 个棋盘空间平行排布;96 个格,确是普通的国际象棋,只有少数地方稍有改动; 有 26 个可能方向。 AI 设计不是很完美但是足以挑战大多数高手。 Package: 3depict Description-md5: 246db3da16c5305f24976464271087a5 Description-zh_CN: 单值数据点的可视化处理和分析工具 该程序提供了一个图形界面,用于分析具有实值的数据点(x,y,z,值)。该程序最初是用于原子探针 显微成像应用的,但也可能适用于其他程序。 Package: 4g8 Description-md5: 08a3e421414ebaacb3294625688dc573 Description-zh_CN: 交换网络的网络包捕获和监听 4G8 allows you to capture traffic from a third party in a switched environment at the expense of a slight increase in latency to that third party host. Utilizing ARP cache poisoning, packet capture and packet reconstruction techniques, 4G8 works with nearly all TCP, ICMP and UDP IPv4 traffic flows. Package: 6tunnel Description-md5: 860002e3477a2706be336a14451bba8e Description-zh_CN: TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications 6tunnel 允许你使用 IPv6 主机来运行仅在 IPv4 下才可以运行的程序或反之。它可以绑定你的任何 IPv4 或 IPv6 的地址和向 IPv4 或 IPv6 主机传送所有数据。 . Tunnelling for application that don't speak IPv6. It can be used for example as an IPv6-capable IRC proxy in other network. Package: 9base Description-md5: ba92532ca0abb19498113de24635b819 Description-zh_CN: Plan 9 用户空间工具 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: ascii, awk, basename, bc, cal, cat, cleanname, cmp, date, dc, dd, diff, du, echo, ed, factor, fmt, fortune, freq, getflags, grep, hoc, join, look, ls, mk, mkdir, mtime, pbd, primes, rc, read, sam, sed, seq, sha1sum, sleep, sort, split, strings, tail, tee, test, touch, tr, troff, unicode, uniq, unutf, yacc. . Plan 9 is a distributed Unix-like operational system created by Bell Labs in the mid-1980s. Package: 9menu Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8 Description-zh_CN: 从 Shell 创建 X 菜单 这是一个允许你从 Shell 创建 X 菜单的简单程序,这里每个菜单项将会运行一个命 令。9menu 本来用于 9wm,但是也可以用于其他窗口管理器。 Package: a2ps Description-md5: 732bd45324c6fce1aa914b7b0167c68a Description-zh_CN: GNU a2ps - “一切到 PostScript”转换和美化打印机 GNU a2ps 能转换文件到 PostScript,用于打印和查看。它的默认格式很好,通 常是两分页,含边缘的页面、包含有用信息的页眉(页号,打印日期,文件名或提 供的标头)、行号、符号替换以及用于很多编程语言的美化打印。 . 历史上,a2ps 始于一个文本到 PostScript 的转换器,但是由于其足够强大,能够 使用任何类型的文件,例如它可以理解帮助手册,dvi 文件,texinfo 等…… . Among the other most noticeable features of a2ps are: - various encodings (all the Latins and others), - various fonts (automatic font downloading), - various medias, - various printer interfaces, - various output styles, - various programming languages, - various helping applications, - and various spoken languages. Package: a7xpg Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645 Description-zh_CN: 追逐动作游戏 游戏目的是采集每个关卡出现的黄金,规避敌人。随着游戏的进行,敌人会变得越来越强大。如果您能够 高速采集黄金,可以奖励短时无敌。 . A7Xpg 是 Kenta Cho 给与的另一颗璀璨宝石。 Package: a7xpg-data Description-md5: 1ab7e6e42cf00b0a9ea4f59b9fbe4717 Description-zh_CN: chase action game - game data 游戏目的是采集每个关卡出现的黄金,规避敌人。随着游戏的进行,敌人会变得越来越强大。如果您能够 高速采集黄金,可以奖励短时无敌。 . This package includes the architecture-independent data for the game A7Xpg. Package: abcde Description-md5: da35113f2508604b50014e0ccf6a31ac Description-zh_CN: 一个更好的 CD 编码器 frontend program to cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, and your favorite Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex, M4A, Opus, WavPack, Monkey's Audio (ape), MPP/MP+(Musepack) and/or AIFF format encoder (defaults to oggenc). Grabs an entire CD and converts each track to the specified formats and then comments or tags each file, with one command. . With abcde you can encode several formats with one single command, using a single CD read operation. It also allows you to read and encode while not on the internet, and later query a CDDB or Musicbrainz server to lookup metadata and tag your files. Package: abe Description-md5: b4ec019e3f9096ddfecc52da6004b162 Description-zh_CN: side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure" 一个滚动、平台跳跃的,古金字塔探索和宝物收集游戏,风格有点像 Commodore+4 中的游戏。 这个游戏是为了让年轻人们知道他们曾经错过了多少很酷的游戏。 Package: abe-data Description-md5: 567c8a00faab670558b096d2b6229f5c Description-zh_CN: side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure" -- data 一个滚动、平台跳跃的,古金字塔探索和宝物收集游戏,风格有点像 Commodore+4 中的游戏。 这个游戏是为了让年轻人们知道他们曾经错过了多少很酷的游戏。 . This package contains the architecture independent data files. Package: abiword Description-md5: 30063e6f0ad54b0bc4811f0becf40355 Description-zh_CN: 高效、功能强大的协同工作文字处理软件 Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。 . 本软件包包含目前可用的多种导入/导出插件,使 AbiWord 能与 ODT、WordPerfect 及其他各种格式进行交互。本软件包中还包含有各种工具插件,使 AbiWord 用户可在 Linux 和 Windows 上(通过 TCP 或Jabber/XMPP)进行实时协作,还提供在线翻译 和字典支持等。 Package: abiword-common Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273 Description-zh_CN: efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- common files Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。 . This package contains the common files that are used on all architectures without modification. Package: abiword-plugin-grammar Description-md5: 1501ee0849f0b04532649cc33398cac2 Description-zh_CN: grammar checking plugin for AbiWord Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。 . This package contains an in-line grammar checking system for AbiWord documents. Only English is currently supported. Package: abook Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6 Description-zh_CN: 基于文本的 ncurses 地址簿应用程序 abook 是一个基于文本的 ncurses 地址簿应用程序。它可以提供用户信息的诸多不同 字段。abook 设计为搭配 mutt 使用,但也可独立使用。 Package: abr2gbr Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2 Description-zh_CN: 把 Photoshop 的笔刷转换为 GIMP 格式 abr2gbr is a tool for converting Adobe PhotoShop ABR and Corel Paint Shop Pro JBR brush files to the GIMP GBR format. Package: acetoneiso Description-md5: e08d195f1b4e97a80c19fd915b777b7f Description-zh_CN: 一个功能丰富的程序,用于挂载和管理 CD、DVD 镜像 AcetoneISO 使得您十分容易地在电脑上使用各种类型的 CD 和 DVD 镜像,就像使用真正的 CD 刻 录盘一样。通过该程序,您可以挂载和管理 CD、DVD 镜像。支持的镜像格式包括 ISO、BIN、NRG、 MDF 和 IMG。 Package: acheck Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a Description-zh_CN: 检查通常的本地化错误 acheck 是一个文本检查程序,设计用来帮助翻译者和复查者根据文件格式检查和修正通常的本地化错误.可能定 义规则来增加新的检查. . 如果你根据推荐安装了 Aspell 的 Perl 模块接口,则能引用 Aspell 来检查单词拼写. Package: acheck-rules Description-md5: 312e0176f18a51e42fb2de4e4eb3d6b3 Description-zh_CN: acheck 的基本规则 acheck 是一个文本检查程序,设计用来帮助翻译者和复查者根据文件格式检查和修正通常的本地化错误.可能定 义规则来增加新的检查. . 本软件包包含了 acheck 脚本要检查的基本规则。 Package: achilles Description-md5: f24de86dfab761c7d9e320c7d10cfa24 Description-zh_CN: Artificial life and evolution simulator Achilles 是一个使用 Hebbian 神经网络和 OpenGL/SDL 在一个简化环境中仿真生命 的生命与进化仿真器, 它是基于 Larry Yaeger 的 PolyWorld 的。 Package: acl2-doc Description-md5: 5c7f73fe4a8d5c6db72b616db6a620bc Description-zh_CN: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models. . 该软件包包含了 ACL2 的文档。 Package: acorn-fdisk Description-md5: 9bb94a8ada79548177ccfe57ec6f8b3c Description-zh_CN: partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines Acorn-fdisk允许你在运行Acorn系统的电脑上编辑磁盘分区。它可以识别RISC操作系统下使用的多种分区格式,包括Filecore、ICS- IDE、EESOX和Powertec。 Package: acpi Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae Description-zh_CN: 显示 ACPI 设备的信息 试图将“老” apm 命令的功能复制到 ACPI 系统,包括电池和热传感器信息。不支持 ACPI 挂起,仅显示 ACPI 设备的相关信息。 Package: activity-log-manager Description-md5: 7d35a32d4ba1123a4581b898008fd386 Description-zh_CN: blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist Zeitgeist 是一个记录用户活动和事件的服务(打开过的文件、浏览的网站、 与其他人的对话等),可以为其他应用程序提供有用的信息。 . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . This package contains Activity Log Manager, a graphical user interface which lets you control what gets logged by Zeitgeist. It supports setting up blacklists according to several criteria (such as application or file types), temporarily stopping all logging as well as deleting recent events. Package: Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep 的个人地址管理程序 本软件包包含了一个用于 GNUstep 软件系统的个人地址管理器。它可以存放 所有个人联系信息、按组组织联系人、与诸如邮件客户端等软件集成在一起, 以及通过网络共享地址信息。 Package: adjtimex Description-md5: 1b80fcb84c71e0b80763c87170b3227b Description-zh_CN: 内核时间变量配置工具 This package provides a utility to manipulate the kernel time variables. For a machine connected to the Internet, or equipped with a precision oscillator or radio clock, the best way to keep the system clock accurate is using NTP (Network Time Protocol). However, for a standalone or intermittently connected machine, you may use adjtimex instead to at least correct for systematic drift. It can optionally adjust the system clock using the CMOS clock as a reference, and can log times for long-term estimation of drift rates. Package: adonthell Description-md5: f315195fa040e0f72c53e8a3c2cee9c4 Description-zh_CN: 2D 图形角色扮演游戏 这是一款受到古老的终端(如 SNES)下游戏的启发而开发的开源 2D 角色扮演游戏。 . 官方版本是 Waste's Edge,可以在软件包 adonthell-data 里找到。 Package: adonthell-data Description-md5: 6395bd0065d50a163898515ebb87388e Description-zh_CN: Adonthell 的数据文件 这是 Adonthell 0.3 的官方游戏。 . 您是 Silverhair 夫人的忠诚的仆人,来到一个遥远的位于 Waste's Edge 的贸易站,Silverhair 夫人正在那儿与矮小的商人 Bjarn Fingolson 协商谈判。但是发生在 Waste's Edge 的一切并不顺 利,您很快就会面临一系列威胁您的女主人的遭遇。而您则是唯一一个可以化险为夷的人... Package: adplay Description-md5: ca1ace79ff4381b414ffeb4fd4683073 Description-zh_CN: 基于控制台的 OPL2 音频播放器 AdPlay 是 AdPlug 的控制台前端。AdPlug 是免费、通用的 OPL2 音频播放库。 AdPlay/UNIX 支持 AdPlug 的文件格式的全部播放功能。尽管如此,对于大量的输出 设备来说,目前 Adplay 仅支持模拟的 OPL2 输出。 Package: adplug-utils Description-md5: 33daa2052c67f06329277d2f24c46fd1 Description-zh_CN: 免费的AdLib声音库(功能) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: advi Description-md5: 28ba481a238ab997c6af1b3efc24e7d7 Description-zh_CN: active DVI previewer and presenter Active-DVI 是 DVI 预览和播放器,使用面向对象的 Caml 写成,提供了一些播放视 觉效果,支持交互演示和及在展示中嵌入任意应用程序 (因此成为演示者的动态助手 :)。 . Active-DVI 暂时不支持 postscript 字体(更多信息请查看 README.Debian)。 . Active-DVI 还可以运行嵌入命令,在播放非信任 DVI 文件时,可能引起安全问题。 更多信息请认真阅读 README.Debian。 Package: advi-examples Description-md5: ae407edd46fb02e622b3d1ce1f60b8df Description-zh_CN: example presentations for Active-DVI (advi) Active-DVI 是 DVI 预览和播放器,使用面向对象的 Caml 写成,提供了一些播放视 觉效果,支持交互演示和及在展示中嵌入任意应用程序 (因此成为演示者的动态助手 :)。 . This package contains example presentations for Active-DVI. Package: adwaita-qt Description-md5: 2dcac42ee1ee4eeaecbdef44bb880176 Description-zh_CN: GNOME Adwaita 主题的 Qt 5 移植 Adwaita-Qt 提供了 Adwaida 主题的 Qt 5 移植,该主题为 GNOME 的默认样式。 . To use it, start your Qt applications with “-style Adwaita” parameter, or export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=Adwaita environment variable. For the dark version, use Adwaita-Dark instead of Adwaita. Package: aewm++-goodies Description-md5: 251b82684d48b221daf1037633230679 Description-zh_CN: 补足一个最小的窗体管理器的工具 These utilities were previously supplied with aewm++; they are intended to provide some of the typical desktop functionality that aewm++ itself does not include. This package provides: * aewm++_appbar: a small application launcher * aewm++_fspanel: a very small panel * aewm++_setrootimage: draws a gradient on the X root window * aewm++_xsession: keeps an X session alive Note that some of these were named differently in previous releases. Package: aft Description-md5: ff4835b187300146cdcd26e4be8dd4d7 Description-zh_CN: 自由格式文档准备系统 AFT 是一个文档准备系统。它基本上是自由格式,意即它没有插入式标记。AFT 源文档 看起来非常像普通 ASCII 文本。 . AFT 有一些规则用于结构化你的文档并且这些规则更多用于格式化你的文本而不是嵌入 命令。 . 现在,AFT 可产生相当好的(可网络连接的) HTML、XHTML、LaTeX、lout 和 RTF。事实 上,它可以被指示产生所有类型的输出(例如产生你自己的XML)。所有需要做的只是 编辑一个规则文件。你甚至可以制定你自己的 HTML 规则文件用于专门的输出。 Package: afterstep Description-md5: d34d45817d3b122e341c7841a63b70c5 Description-zh_CN: 拥有 NEXTSTEP 风格的窗体管理器 AfterStep 是一个基于 FVWM 的窗体管理器,它试图模仿 NEXTSTE P的风格并保持其 可配置能力。注意这个窗体管理器大量使用了颜色调色板。如果您只有 8 位色深显示, 它会打包运行,但您也许会改变其配置以使用更少的颜色。 . AfterStep 是 BowMan 窗体管理器项目的延续,但是改变了名称以反映它超越简单 的模仿而成为一个有价值的窗体管理器的愿望。 Package: afterstep-data Description-md5: 3697b2f757ada549aeb0717a85629d58 Description-zh_CN: data files for AfterStep window manager AfterStep 是一个基于 FVWM 的窗体管理器,它试图模仿 NEXTSTE P的风格并保持其 可配置能力。注意这个窗体管理器大量使用了颜色调色板。如果您只有 8 位色深显示, 它会打包运行,但您也许会改变其配置以使用更少的颜色。 . The package contains data and configuration files needed by AfterStep. Package: aiksaurus Description-md5: c494eb72c833031f7ce7b583043fb07b Description-zh_CN: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (utility) Aiksaurus 是一个适合于集成在文字处理,电子邮件和其它写作软件中的英语同义 词典。 . 本软件包包含 aiksaurus,即 Aiksaurus 的命令行前端。 Package: airstrike Description-md5: bd343ce010d39e17acb4bfa3e5a4b5d0 Description-zh_CN: 传统双翼飞机的 2D 空战游戏 Airstrike (飞机跑道)是一个类似传统的 IA 游戏 Biplanes 和 BIP 的 2D 空战游戏。它有 健壮的物理引擎,并且提供了一些原游戏没有的扩展功能。该游戏可由 1-2 人操作。 Package: airstrike-common Description-md5: bf5e9f248c4c7da18fc2f973c405a3e6 Description-zh_CN: 2d dogfight game - data files Airstrike(飞机跑道)是一个类似传统的 IA 游戏 Biplanes 和 BIP 的 2D 空战 游戏。它有健壮的物理引擎,并且提供了一些原游戏没有的扩展功能;现在该游戏 只提供 0-2 个玩家,以后将会提供网络联机游戏,以及更高级的计算机玩家。游 戏的图形界面使用 Povray raytracer 开发,很容易扩展与修改。 . This package contains the architecture-independent data files. Package: akregator Description-md5: 685ce24f3633b431b73038bd0f234211 Description-zh_CN: RSS/Atom 消息收集工具 Akregator 是一个新闻 feed 阅读工具。它能让您随时监测新闻站点、博客以及其它支持 RSS/Atom 的网站,而无需手动使用网络浏览器查看网站消息的更新。Akregator 的设计理念是简单实用而且功能 强大,能方便地阅读数百条新闻消息源。它还带有 Konqueror 浏览器的整合工具,以便于添加新闻消 息,还带有内建的浏览器,以便于阅读查看新闻。 . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: alacarte Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b Description-zh_CN: 方便的 GNOME 菜单编辑工具 Alacarte 是一个使用简单的 GNOME 菜单编辑器,可以用来添加和编辑新的条目 和菜单。它遵循 菜单规范,应该可以在任何使用该规范的桌 面环境中工作。 Package: alarm-clock-applet Description-md5: 3a3d8618d35c191f006c46f991ff45dc Description-zh_CN: alarm clock panel indicator Alarm Clock is a fully-featured alarm clock which resides in the notification area. It is easy to use yet powerful with support for multiple and repeatable alarms, as well as snoozing and a flexible notification system. . 支持两种提醒功能:闹钟以及秒表。 到时间时,可以用播放声音或者启动应用程序的方式来进行提醒。 Package: alien Description-md5: 250884c1c7113f08b8c335ac3cf22206 Description-zh_CN: 转化和安装 rpm 或其他软件包 Alien 允许你把 LSB、Red Hat、tampede 和 Slackware 软件包转化成可以使用 dpkg 安装的 Debian 软件包。 . 它也可以生成其他任何格式的软件包。 . 这是一个只适合于二进制软件包的工具。 Package: alienblaster Description-md5: da1f8f1a6453d62874036331e075d65f Description-zh_CN: 经典的 2D 射击游戏 您的目标很简单:阻止外星人的入侵,并把它们消灭! . Alien Blaster 是个经典的 2D 纵版卷轴射击游戏,其特点是多种武器、特殊物品、异形敌人 和大 BOSS。 . 它支持单人模式,也可以双人同机运行。 Package: alienblaster-data Description-md5: ba7f91b87a7940dd88d237ce23043f59 Description-zh_CN: Game data for Alien Blaster 您的目标很简单:阻止外星人的入侵,并把它们消灭! . Alien Blaster 是个经典的 2D 纵版卷轴射击游戏,其特点是多种武器、特殊物品、异形敌人 和大 BOSS。 . 它支持单人模式,也可以双人同机运行。 . This package provides the architecture-independant game media. Package: almanah Description-md5: 034aeb320a1186c1cafc6b4acaefdfb1 Description-zh_CN: 一个方便您管理个人日记的程序 Almanah 是一个方便您管理个人日记的小程序。 它拥有基本的编辑和链接功能,如: . - adding links to other content to diary entries - database encryption - search and printing support Package: alsa-oss Description-md5: 7e1413025cd44f9937186b01e353aed0 Description-zh_CN: OSS应用程序的ALSA包裹 这个软件包包括了一个程序加载器-aoss,它把为OSS编写好的应用程序打包进一个兼容的库中, 因此可以允许应用程序和ALSA一起工作。 . 如果一个应用程序为OSS而写,那么有两种方法可以使应用城西和ALSA协同工作。 第一种方法就是加载特殊的ALSA驱动来模拟OSS内核接口,这样就允许应用程序打开/dev/dsp0和其它的OSS驱动文件。 第二种方法就是把应用程序打包进由这个软件包提供的Libaoss库中, 打包器能使应用程序获得本地的ALSA设备文件,例如/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c,而不是OSS设备文件。 . 如果你打算使用ALSA的PCM插件层,推荐使用alsa-oss库,而不是使用OSS模拟驱动 . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. . OSS is the free version of the Open Sound System. Package: alsamixergui Description-md5: eed6350c7b7ae40f4c2d5c4e4c967d6a Description-zh_CN: 一个图形界面的 ALSA 声卡驱动混音器 alsamixergui 是一个基于 FLTK 的 ALSA 声卡驱动混音器混音器程序。它支持多种设备的多种声卡。 . alsamixergui 是 alsamixer 的一个前端,直接在 alsamixer 源码的基础上编写,保留了源码的 完整性,仅添加了少量的 ifdef 语句,以及对图形界面部分的一些调用。它在提供图形用户界面的同时 完全保留了与 alsamixer 严格一致的功能。 Package: amanda-common Description-md5: 9be314450886c6bdecdb2064ccfdb4bd Description-zh_CN: 高级马里兰自动网络磁盘归档程序(库) This package contains libraries required by the amanda client and server packages and includes the documentation. Package: amarok Description-md5: 8cb0abbd7a36a44af04429c5df99b014 Description-zh_CN: 基于KDE平台的简单易用型媒体播放软件 Amarok是一款拥有直观用户界面的优秀音乐播放软件。你不仅可以播放你所喜 爱的音乐,也可以更方便挖掘新音乐。Amarok基于Qt4/KDE4平台,完美结合在KDE桌 面系统中。 . Much work has been invested into integrating Amarok 2 with various Web services: - Ampache - Jamendo Service - - Librivox - MP3tunes - Magnatune - OPML Podcast Directory . Amarok comes with a lot of features including but not limited to: - Scripts - enhance your Amarok experience with community developed scripts. - Dynamic Playlists - create playlists that automatically update. - Context View - customize interface with the Plasma powered Context View. - PopUp Dropper - simplify drag&drop actions with revolutionary menu system. - Multiple Language Translations - Collection Management - organizing your music collection has never been easier with Amarok's powerful tagging, renaming, and sorting abilities. - Database Importing - import collections from Amarok 1.4 or iTunes. - Scriptable Services - integrate other web services into Amarok. Package: amarok-utils Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9 Description-zh_CN: 用于 Amarok 媒体播放器的工具 这个包包括专门用于 Amarok 媒体播放器的命令行工具, 但在没有安装 Amarok 的系统上可能也有用。它们不依赖于 KDE 库,轻量高效。 . Currently the package contains the following utilities: - amarokcollectionscanner - scans audio files, collects information from file tags and prints it in the structured XML format. - amarok_afttagger - a helper program which writes/removes custom tags to/from media files required for embedded "Amarok File Tracking". Package: amide Description-md5: 68635d5506489a7fdecefeeeeaf0a618 Description-zh_CN: 医学图像软件 AMIDE:(Amide 医学图像数据查看工具) AMIDE 是一个用于查看和分析医学图像数据集的工具。它的功能包括同时处理多种数据集。这些 数据集可以由多种文件格式导入,或由图像聚合、3D 部位绘图分析、立体透视以及刚体校准导入。 . Amide imports most clinical DICOM files (using the DCMTK library). Package: amphetamine Description-md5: 84628a9130481aaae590448a13c3a80e Description-zh_CN: 带有独特视觉效果的冒险游戏 Amphetamine 是一个刺激的冒险游戏,提供了一些独特的视觉效果,如彩色光、烟雾和光晕。您需要 使用武器击败 11 个怪物。 Package: amphetamine-data Description-md5: 0e43c7567c8534fbf1630b85ea8f4701 Description-zh_CN: data files for the game "Amphetamine" This package contains data files used by the game "Amphetamine". . Amphetamine 是一个刺激的冒险游戏,提供了一些独特的视觉效果,如彩色光、烟雾和光晕。您需要 使用武器击败 11 个怪物。 Package: ample Description-md5: 07df7d683a482f82af8164fe6a9459ce Description-zh_CN: simple MP3 server easy to use Ample(An MP3 LEnder)是 C 语言编写的简单 MP3 服务器。不支持混音、广播展示 等。 Ample 仅希望成为支持在 XMMS,WinAmp 和 媒体播放器使用“打开位置”进行 MP3 远程播放的简单程序。 Package: ams Description-md5: ec9619dfb2ce2790837d2121ab75fbd3 Description-zh_CN: ALSA的实时模块化合成器 AlsaModularSynth is a realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor. It features: * MIDI controlled modular software synthesis. * Realtime effect processing with capture from e.g. "Line In" or "Mic In". * Full control of all synthesis and effect parameters via MIDI. * Integrated LADSPA Browser with search capability. * JACK Support. Package: amule Description-md5: 5c464e6adf41c7373294617a696146d0 Description-zh_CN: eD2k 和 Kad 客户端,类似 eMule aMule 是一个点对点文件共享程序,用于连接 eDonkey 和 Kad 网络。 它拥有丰富的功能,许多 eMule 有的功能它都有,比如: . * online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure identification, and IP filter support * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network * checks against aggressive clients * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE * translations to many languages . 一个运行于后台的 aMule 程序无需图形界面,它可以从 amule-daemon 软件包获得,许多实用小工具可以从 amule-utils 和 amule-utils-gui 软件包获得,包括 ed2k 链接处理程序。 Package: amule-common Description-md5: aa97dc31848cd80e35cd00e92da4b1fa Description-zh_CN: aMule 的通用文件 此软件包包含有 aMule 的本地化文件、网络服务器模板及用户界面皮肤。 您很可能不需要单独安装此软件包,而应安装 amule、amule- daemon 或 amule-utils-gui。 Package: an Description-md5: c3a81b8c3754d57849b4791d04d63fde Description-zh_CN: 非常快的回文生成器 Generates anagrams for a phrase supplied by the user, the words used in the anagram are taken from a specified dictionary which should contain one word per line (default:/usr/share/dict/words). It understands accented characters and should work with any alphabetic language. Package: analitza-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-zh_CN: Analitza 的通用文件 Analitza 是一个解析与操作数学表达式的库。该库现应用于 KAlgebra 与 Cantor, 也可用于其他程序。 . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: android-libaapt Description-md5: 6766f9d7dc04ef81ed3bf2af26ae59f6 Description-zh_CN: Android Asset Packaging Tool - Shared library The Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) takes your application resource files, such as the AndroidManifest.xml file and the XML files for your Activities, and compiles them. An is also produced so you can reference your resources from your Java code. This tool allows you to view, create, and update Zip-compatible archives (zip, jar, apk). It can also compile resources into binary assets. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: android-libandroidfw-dev Description-md5: e6f58464d4ebdf1df4179fa3b085ae9c Description-zh_CN: Android utility library - Development files Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. In the Google builds of the Android SDK, this library is statically linked, but in the Debian packaging, it is a private shared library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libbacktrace-dev Description-md5: 1f078e9628df401b2f7fbe46f9340d78 Description-zh_CN: Android backtrace library - Development files Android backtrace library produce symbolic backtraces for making debugging easier. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libbase-dev Description-md5: 5400b9d81a8ba7cc90d4f188ed3a76b8 Description-zh_CN: Android base library - Development files This library provides APIs for basic tasks like handling files, Unicode strings, logging, memory allocation, integer parsing, etc.. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libboringssl-dev Description-md5: 6c3c7635ba7c1cd4c13747e9410ce82d Description-zh_CN: Google's internal fork of OpenSSL for the Android SDK - devel The Android SDK builds against a static version of BoringSSL, Google's internal fork of OpenSSL. This package should never be used for anything but Android SDK packages that already depend on it. . BoringSSL arose because Google used OpenSSL for many years in various ways and, over time, built up a large number of patches that were maintained while tracking upstream OpenSSL. As Google’s product portfolio became more complex, more copies of OpenSSL sprung up and the effort involved in maintaining all these patches in multiple places was growing steadily. . This is the Android AOSP fork of BoringSSL which is designed to be used by Android and its SDK. BoringSSL is only ever statically linked into apps, and pinned to a commit version. Upstream has no official releases of BoringSSL on its own, so it must be included separately for each project that uses it. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libcutils-dev Description-md5: 8dbc8f2a1febc7395868e7a5f0621a49 Description-zh_CN: Android utils library for C - Development files This library provides common functionalities for android related tools. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libetc1-dev Description-md5: a3f10417a5046e2c8f597092dbabc7dd Description-zh_CN: ETC1 compression library - Development files Ericsson Texture Compression (ETC) is a lossy texture compression technique developed in collaboration with Ericsson Research in early 2005. libETC1 provides the encoding and decoding of ETC1 compression algorithm. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: android-libext4-utils-dev Description-md5: c9dd8ab15915d2dffdf901341f2d6392 Description-zh_CN: Android ext4 utility library - Development files Android ext4 filesystem utility library header files, which is only used by fastboot currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libfec-dev Description-md5: 769c7699f95e1c89a73892a0c88bf5c0 Description-zh_CN: Android libfec library - Development files Android libfec library, which read files or partitions with error- correcting codes appended to them. Uses verity metadata to speed up I/O and improve error correction effectiveness. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-liblog-dev Description-md5: 5ad1bb25d167e070f3b3738d5d6501f5 Description-zh_CN: Android NDK logger interfaces - Development files liblog represents an interface to the volatile Android Logging system for NDK (Native) applications and libraries. Interfaces for either writing or reading logs. The log buffers are divided up in Main, System, Radio and Events sub-logs. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libnativehelper-dev Description-md5: d55b54cc58037dbd12b6783140da5a68 Description-zh_CN: Support functions for Android's class libraries - Development files libnativehelper is a collection of JNI related utilities used in Android. . There are several header and binary libraries here and not all of the functionality fits together well. The header libraries are mostly C++ based. The binary libraries are entirely written in C with no C++ dependencies. This is by design as the code here can be distributed in multiple ways, including mainline modules, so keeping the size down benefits everyone with smaller downloads and a stable ABI. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libselinux-dev Description-md5: 66acedb5654da0817b7b9859e626d34c Description-zh_CN: Security-Enhanced Linux for Android - Development files This library provides an API for SELinux applications to get and set process and file security contexts and to obtain security policy decisions. . This library is an AOSP fork of libselinux, adding features specifically for Android and is intended for Android libraries only. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: android-libsepol-dev Description-md5: 43b33600f044f6dfc4a2a38db002fd2a Description-zh_CN: Security-Policy Linux for Android - Development files This library provides an API for setting, checking sepolicy. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: android-libsparse-dev Description-md5: b99b0d0490ab2905c5577e6068f1839d Description-zh_CN: Library for sparse files - Development files This library provides APIs for creating, manipulating and destroying sparse files. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libunwind-dev Description-md5: 8ef384bc008e0649ef4905e21aec542b Description-zh_CN: libunwind for Android - Development files This library is the AOSP fork of libunwind. It is used by libbacktrace. . This package is only available on x86, ARM and MIPS because the AOSP modifications only apply on these platforms. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: android-libutils-dev Description-md5: f37768d78bf5e25e5cf20a8d5e5dbd1f Description-zh_CN: Android Utility Function Library - Development files This library provides miscellaneous utility functions. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-libziparchive-dev Description-md5: 217dfecadef26031dff8fa80a1788d9e Description-zh_CN: Library for ZIP archives - Development files This library provides APIs for creating and manipulating ZIP archives. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: android-platform-tools-base Description-md5: e724a4ad8dddb3177d0b6564f765b557 Description-zh_CN: 开发安卓系统应用程序的基本工具 本包包含开发和编译安卓应用程序的各种工具,例如: . * Draw 9-patch: Allows you to easily create a NinePatch graphic using a WYSIWYG editor. It also previews stretched versions of the image, and highlights the area in which content is allowed. . * screenshot2: Takes a screenshot from a remote Android device. . 需要安装 default-jre 或其他的非无界面的 JRE 以便运行“draw9patch”。尽管如 此,draw9patch 会因 bug #798794 而无法运 行。 Package: animals Description-md5: f30d1c2cac6eb8923ffa7c171b0f6951 Description-zh_CN: 使用二叉树 DB 的传统的猜动物人工智能引擎 你随意想一种动物,然后这个包就去猜出它... 当它猜错的时候, 你就教它你说的 动物。 . To be more flexible and help educational aspect this game does not contain an initial database. This also allows it to be used for non animals like guessing of tools or locations. Package: anki Description-md5: 6be929a54b8551bbabe9503440075d3f Description-zh_CN: 可扩展的记忆训练程序 Anki 是一个帮助您训练记忆力(如外文单词、短语)的程序,让训练变得尽可能容易、快速、有效率。 为此,它会追踪您记忆事物的方式,以此为依据来优化安排您的复习时间。 . 除了文本之外,它还支持在卡片上显示声音、图像和 TeX 片段。它可以将卡片上的信息同步到服务器, 因此您可以在其它电脑、网络设备或手机上复习您想复习的内容,只要它们能够安装 Anki。您还可以下载 由其它用户提供的完整的卡片信息。 . Anki 可以通过插件来扩展功能,您可以从菜单中下载、安装插件。相对于 Anki 本身用于学习所有知识 而言,插件往往带有针对特定领域的更加特殊的功能,例如快速学习英文和日文:内建词典查阅、报告遗漏 的字,等等。 Package: antigravitaattori Description-md5: b70e0c6a337822cf5bb35a1f19f899f6 Description-zh_CN: 多人操作的飞碟竞赛游戏 这是一个多人操作的飞碟竞赛游戏,基于 Assembly 2006 比赛制作。该游戏 最多可支持 4 个玩家操作,情节刺激而有趣,并带有惊人的 3D 效果。 Package: anyremote-data Description-md5: e7e87e05635c0637126d4e22f3375fc0 Description-zh_CN: architecture independent files for anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or Wi-Fi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: apbs Description-md5: 2babbf799be2526f2121cce538f5aa47 Description-zh_CN: 自适应泊松玻尔兹曼求解程序 APBS 是一个求解泊松-玻尔兹曼方程(PBE)的数值算法软件包,使用最流行的连续模型来 描述盐或者水溶剂中溶质分子间的静电相互作用。连续静电学在生物分子模拟领域中扮演 许多重要角色,包括: . * simulation of diffusional processes to determine ligand-protein and protein-protein binding kinetics, * implicit solvent molecular dynamics of biomolecules , * solvation and binding energy calculations to determine ligand-protein and protein-protein equilibrium binding constants and aid in rational drug design, * and biomolecular titration studies. . APBS 旨在高效地评估各种不同长度尺度分子的模拟中的静电特性,这使得对于包括几十 直至成千上万的原子的分子的研究成为可能。 . This package contains the apbs program and utilities. Package: apbs-doc Description-md5: 963a28a17c99038982957e8783eb1201 Description-zh_CN: 自适应泊松玻尔兹曼求解程序 APBS 是一个求解泊松-玻尔兹曼方程(PBE)的数值算法软件包,使用最流行的连续模型来 描述盐或者水溶剂中溶质分子间的静电相互作用。连续静电学在生物分子模拟领域中扮演 许多重要角色,包括: . * simulation of diffusional processes to determine ligand-protein and protein-protein binding kinetics, * implicit solvent molecular dynamics of biomolecules , * solvation and binding energy calculations to determine ligand-protein and protein-protein equilibrium binding constants and aid in rational drug design, * and biomolecular titration studies. . APBS 旨在高效地评估各种不同长度尺度分子的模拟中的静电特性,这使得对于包括几十 直至成千上万的原子的分子的研究成为可能。 . This package contains the apbs documentation. Package: apertium Description-md5: 45f2d36e1c35dfe9a925f418d6b95167 Description-zh_CN: 浅转移机器翻译引擎 Apertium 是一个开源的浅转移机器翻译引擎,它最初的目标是翻译联系较 紧密的语言对。 . 它使用有限状态置换器来处理词组,使用隐马尔可夫模型处理词性判别,使用 基于有限状态的分块进行结构转换。 . 这个系统很大程度上基于阿利坎特大学(Universitat d'Alacant)的 Transducens group 已经开发的成果,例如 interNOSTRUM(西班牙语- 加泰罗尼亚语,和 Traductor Universia(西班牙语-葡萄牙语,。 . 只需要提供格式正确的相应语言数据,就可以使用 Apertium 为多种相似的 语言对构建机器翻译系统。 Package: apertium-dev Description-md5: 788dfc1c9e13fb4174f202b4c2387d73 Description-zh_CN: Development tools and library for Apertium Apertium 是一个开源的浅转移机器翻译引擎,它最初的目标是翻译联系较 紧密的语言对。 . This package contains development files for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine translation engine. Package: aplus-fsf Description-md5: 553a1401429147544eda6fd62028da59 Description-zh_CN: A+ 编程语言运行环境 A+ 是一种强大且高效的编程语言。它遵从 GNU GPL 发布。它实现了许多函数及运算 符,一个现代化的图形用户界面,并带有很多控件,可以自动同步控件与变量,非同步 地执行与变量和事件关联的函数,动态加载用户编译的子程序,还有很多其他功能。执行 程序是由一个非常高效的解释器进行的。A+ 在 Morgan Stanley 创造的。主要用于需要 强大计算能力的商业环境中,许多重要的 A+ 程序曾许多年满足了真实世界开发者的 要求。由于是由解释性语言想会写成,A+ 程序应该是可移植的。 . 此软件包包含了运行 A+ 程序所需的可执行文件与库。A+ 开发环境由 aplus-fsf-dev 包提供。 Package: aplus-fsf-dev Description-md5: 2b29868efe57b57613d5a1dbe35a518b Description-zh_CN: A+ programming language development environment A+ 是一种强大且高效的编程语言。它遵从 GNU GPL 发布。它实现了许多函数及运算 符,一个现代化的图形用户界面,并带有很多控件,可以自动同步控件与变量,非同步 地执行与变量和事件关联的函数,动态加载用户编译的子程序,还有很多其他功能。执行 程序是由一个非常高效的解释器进行的。A+ 在 Morgan Stanley 创造的。主要用于需要 强大计算能力的商业环境中,许多重要的 A+ 程序曾许多年满足了真实世界开发者的 要求。由于是由解释性语言想会写成,A+ 程序应该是可移植的。 . This is a metapackage that provides a complete A+ development environment. The A+ run-time environment is provided by the aplus-fsf package. Package: aplus-fsf-el Description-md5: 274af0c3d6fe47ed9d9d49b69bb42e18 Description-zh_CN: A+ 开发的 XEmacs lisp 此软件包包含了开发 A+ 程序所需的 XEmacs lisp 。它配置键绑定,设置字体,并绑定一 些功能键。完全的 A+ 开发环境由 aplus- fsf-dev 包提供。 . 从 XEmacs 加载 A+ ,可打开一个扩展名为 .apl、.a 或 .+ 的文件,或使用 'M-x a-mode' 命令。按下 F4 可开启 A+ 解释器。 . 如果在 XEmacs 中键入一个特殊的 A+ 字符时有问题,请参看 /usr/share/doc/README.Debian.gz。 Package: apng2gif Description-md5: 6822f873e4f9ce2936f34c1d1d777d4e Description-zh_CN: 转换 APNG 图像到动画 GIF 格式的工具 这个软件包提供了一个命令行工具,用来把 动画 PNG 图片转换为 动画 GIF 格式。 . 动画可移植网络图片 Animated Portable Network Graphics(APNG)文件格式是对可移植网络图片 Portable Network Graphics(PNG)规范的一个扩展。它允许动画 PNG 文件按动画 GIF 文件相似的方式工作,同时保留了对非动画 PNG 文件的向后兼容性,并增加支持 8 位透明色和 24 位图像。 Package: apngasm Description-md5: a2cd7dae598fb2c63e41d88ea81ee6b4 Description-zh_CN: assemble APNG animation from PNG/TGA image sequence Tools to create APNG file from individual PNG files with user given delay. . 动画可移植网络图片 Animated Portable Network Graphics(APNG)文件格式是对可移植网络图片 Portable Network Graphics(PNG)规范的一个扩展。它允许动画 PNG 文件按动画 GIF 文件相似的方式工作,同时保留了对非动画 PNG 文件的向后兼容性,并增加支持 8 位透明色和 24 位图像。 Package: apngdis Description-md5: 2ecd3ba8606cfcc87c7949765be3efb2 Description-zh_CN: deconstruct APNG file into a sequence of PNG frames Extract individual PNG files from animated PNG. . 动画可移植网络图片 Animated Portable Network Graphics(APNG)文件格式是对可移植网络图片 Portable Network Graphics(PNG)规范的一个扩展。它允许动画 PNG 文件按动画 GIF 文件相似的方式工作,同时保留了对非动画 PNG 文件的向后兼容性,并增加支持 8 位透明色和 24 位图像。 Package: apngopt Description-md5: 0590037ac8fa3d78f5961bd97c856a08 Description-zh_CN: optimize APNG animated images Optimize APNG files by reducing their file size. . 动画可移植网络图片 Animated Portable Network Graphics(APNG)文件格式是对可移植网络图片 Portable Network Graphics(PNG)规范的一个扩展。它允许动画 PNG 文件按动画 GIF 文件相似的方式工作,同时保留了对非动画 PNG 文件的向后兼容性,并增加支持 8 位透明色和 24 位图像。 Package: approx Description-md5: 2f5350f98dbadffdaa97201d17cbf419 Description-zh_CN: Debian 仓库文件的缓存代理服务器 Approx 是一个用于 Debian 软件包文件的 HTTP 代理服务器。 它根据需求从远程仓库获取文件并缓存以供本地使用。 . 如果您需要为大量局域网中的机器安装或升级 .deb 软件包,使用 Approx 将帮助您节省时间和网络带宽。 不管局域网中有多少台客户端要安装,每个文件都只从远程网站上下载一次。 Approx 缓存通常需要几 GB 的磁盘空间。 . Approx 也简化了客户端机器的管理: 更换镜像服务器时只需在 approx 的配置文件中进行改动,而不修改客户端的 /etc/apt/sources.list 文件。 . Approx 可以用于替代 apt-proxy,且不需要修改客户端的 /etc/apt/sources.list 文件,它也是 apt-cache 的一个替代品。 Package: apt-clone Description-md5: 3b7312fdf94d9d4feb2e22a6ca187600 Description-zh_CN: 创建系统状态捆绑的脚本 本软件包可被用于克隆或恢复基于 apt 的系统上的软件包。它会保存或回复软件包、sources.list、密钥环和软件包的自动安装状态。它也可以使用 dpkg-repack 保存或恢复已不可下载的软件包。 Package: apt-file Description-md5: 3f3f4d44b9836ed93b55a8c90dcc3665 Description-zh_CN: 搜索 Debian 软件包中的文件(命令行接口) apt-file 是一个搜索 APT 软件包系统中软件包内所包含文件的命令行工具。您可以 搜索某个文件由哪个软件包提供,或是不需安装或获取软件包便能列出软件包所含文件。 Package: apt-mirror Description-md5: cf7ee1d4e4f7c65e0e14c5bc8da53c06 Description-zh_CN: APT 源镜像工具 这是一个小巧实用的工具,它可以帮助您镜像整个或部分 Debian GNU/Linux 发行版仓库,也可以用于何其它 apt 源。 . Main features: * It uses a config similar to apts * It's fully pool comply * It supports multithreaded downloading * It supports multiple architectures at the same time * It can automatically remove unneeded files * It works well on overloaded channel to internet * It never produces an inconsistent mirror including while mirroring * It works on all POSIX compliant systems with perl and wget Package: apt-move Description-md5: 822a3c3c140c24f028e4e1f35062786a Description-zh_CN: maintain Debian packages in a package pool apt-move 用于将一组 Debian 软件包文件按照 Debian 官方文档库的结构组织起来。 它可以用于辅助管理 apt-get 程序的文件缓存,也可以管理任意的一组 Debian 软件 包文件。 . Running apt-move periodically will assist in managing the resulting partial mirror by optionally removing obsolete packages, and creating valid local Packages.gz files. It can also build a partial or complete local mirror of a Debian binary distribution (including an ``installed- packages only'' mirror). Package: apt-offline Description-md5: 7487fa218999d3466bc1f427d657de2f Description-zh_CN: 离线 APT 包管理器 apt-offline 为一离线 APT 包管理器。 . apt-offline 可未连接网络的情况下完整地更新与升级 基于 APT 的发行版而不被 APT 系统所察觉。 . apt-offline 可用于在某一机器(未联网)上生成签名。 该签名包含所有 APT 数据系统所需的下载信息。该签名 文件可用于另一台联网机器上(Debian box 非必需,甚 至可运行于 windows 系统上)下载更新。 下载的数据将会包含所有更新,其格式为 APT 系统支持 的,该数据可由 apt-offline 用来更新未联网机器。 . apt-offline 还可以获取缺陷报告,并使其在离线状态 下可用。 Package: apt-offline-gui Description-md5: c320d4ba3db03ee58760227c3cc84884 Description-zh_CN: offline APT package manager - GUI apt-offline 为一离线 APT 包管理器。 . apt-offline 可未连接网络的情况下完整地更新与升级 基于 APT 的发行版而不被 APT 系统所察觉。 . apt-offline 可用于在某一机器(未联网)上生成签名。 该签名包含所有 APT 数据系统所需的下载信息。该签名 文件可用于另一台联网机器上(Debian box 非必需,甚 至可运行于 windows 系统上)下载更新。 下载的数据将会包含所有更新,其格式为 APT 系统支持 的,该数据可由 apt-offline 用来更新未联网机器。 . apt-offline 还可以获取缺陷报告,并使其在离线状态 下可用。 . This package contains the graphical user interface to apt-offline. Package: apt-show-source Description-md5: d4cedf9c62e14ae2d9a9387616ae8fa2 Description-zh_CN: 显示源代码软件包信息 本程序从 APT 列表和 dpkg 状态文件中提取源代码软件包的信号,然后将 版本号不同于已安装版本的软件列出。如果您的 sources.list 列表中的 deb-src 项指向不稳定版本,而 deb 项指向稳定版本,那么本程序将会 非常有用。 Package: apt-show-versions Description-md5: f3e90eaeb26db6c7571b38a0b4ce5b90 Description-zh_CN: 列出发行版中可用的软件包版本 apt-show-versions 从 dpkg 状态文件和 APT 列表中提取可用的软件包版本和 相关的发行版信息,然后列出在指定发行版中可供升级的软件包版本。 . 如果您同时使用稳定版和测试版中的软件包,那么本工具将会非常有用,它可以 为您列出哪些软件可以升级到新的测试版本。 Package: apt-src Description-md5: c1c2aad38a3b3f83fa8835588c7f14b5 Description-zh_CN: 管理 Debian 源程序包 apt-src 是用于下载、安装、升级和追踪 Debian 源程序包的命令行接口。它使得源 程序包的管理与用 apt 管理二进制包非常类似,并被用作向 debian 增加源程序依赖 的测试台。 . 该程序可以由一般用户或 root 用户运行。如果您需要一个方便的办法来持续升级软 件包,而又保留您在本地所做的修改,用 apt-src 就是一个很好的办法。 Package: apt-venv Description-md5: 998def5b4f6b78bf45ded0d7b7dbad36 Description-zh_CN: apt 虚拟环境 apt-venv 在用户家目录中创建一个虚拟环境,强制 apt 以某些自定义选项进行运行。 . 一个简单的使用场景是在不同的 Debian 和 Ubuntu 发行中搜集软件包的信息而无需连接互联网,只需在虚拟环境中调用 apt-cache 命令即可。 Package: aptitude Description-md5: 6077c8b6794c43d6b34dfc9169fe4ee5 Description-zh_CN: 基于终端的软件包管理器 aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . aptitude 还是个 Y2K 兼容,轻便,自清洁以及友好的程序。 Package: aptitude-common Description-md5: 0ebb2713369d2bbfc7c859cc8eb8ae8a Description-zh_CN: architecture independent files for the aptitude package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the data files and translations used by aptitude. Package: aptitude-doc-cs Description-md5: 932ff8810da50569ec3e41432b684d97 Description-zh_CN: 一款基于终端的包管理器 aptitude 的捷克语手册 aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . 本包包含 aptitude 用户手册的捷克语版(HTML格式)。 Package: aptitude-doc-en Description-md5: 2d2da927067ef4b395df37dd2ad5ed3f Description-zh_CN: English manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the English version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-es Description-md5: 932df7cf457fc2f3fe2e8dc860b84561 Description-zh_CN: Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Spanish version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-fi Description-md5: 8df27fc79564fcd48eebaddf0a7acda5 Description-zh_CN: Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Finnish version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-fr Description-md5: ae91626aed826890c80dbdf82abd2bce Description-zh_CN: French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the French version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-it Description-md5: 1c8949b4fe5988a83d1ba2b7cbb3c4a8 Description-zh_CN: Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Italian version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-ja Description-md5: 4cfad5a009b39ce6a8f9399bd0bd89fd Description-zh_CN: Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Japanese version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-nl Description-md5: 5d87a5e8291d4c825db40e789abca584 Description-zh_CN: Dutch manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Dutch version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-ru Description-md5: e18505c34cf14692eaece2043f053f5d Description-zh_CN: Russian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude 是一个功能丰富的包管理器,包括:使用类似 mutt 的语法灵活地 检索软件包,类似 dselect 的持续用户操作,获取并显示大多数软件包的 Debian changelog 的功能,一个类似 apt-get 的命令行模式。 . This package contains the Russian version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: apwal Description-md5: 3bd9900ae20213f0f300ca4f6bcc1aeb Description-zh_CN: 一种图标式的,透明的浮动程序启动器 Apwal 是一种简单的图标式程序启动器,它包含两个部分:程序启动器本身和配置编辑器。 . 在启动之后, Apwal 会将图标显示在鼠标指针处。用左键单击图标运行所选的程序,用右键单击打开 Apwal 编辑器。 . Apwal 编辑器是一个简单易用的图形化 Apwal 配置程序。其中的图标选择窗口显示在您的系统里可供选用的图标, 您也可以使用若干的过滤器来简化搜索过程(根据扩展名、大小、文件名等等)。 Package: aqemu Description-md5: 415b54bfca1541a0f6457dacd4dd48c7 Description-zh_CN: QEMU 和 KVM 的 Qt5 前端 aqemu 是用来管理 QEMU 和 KVM 虚拟机的 Qt5 图形界面。它界面友好,能够 设置 QEMU 和 KVM 的大部分选项。 Package: arandr Description-md5: b7610151651b884d14113aa8df4fa9db Description-zh_CN: XRandR 的一个简单的可视化前端 ARandR is a visual front end for XRandR, which provides full control over the relative positioning and rotation of monitors, as well as saving and loading to/from shell scripts. Package: aranym Description-md5: 83eb6a8171294d3549df9c6a3d08cfd3 Description-zh_CN: 在任何计算机上运行 Atari 一个虚拟机,用于运行 Atari 32位操作系统和应用程序 Package: archmbox Description-md5: eea6dea2fee3bdbad0ef441aa95fcaa0 Description-zh_CN: simple email archiver written in perl archmbox 是电子邮件归档程序,用 perl 写成;解析一个或多个邮箱,选择一些或全 部消息然后针对选择的消息执行特定的动作。 目前 archmbox 支持 mbox 和 mailbox 格式。 . 消息的选择基于日期规则;可以选择绝对日期或相对日期。可以用针对邮件头的正则 表达式简化选择规则。所有归档的消息保存在一个新邮箱中,在原文件名之后添加 .archived 后缀(这是默认的,可以修改);归档邮箱可以保存为 gz 或 bz2 压缩格式。 Package: aria2 Description-md5: 484d84bf21fb2a39bcbd4904b4ce5556 Description-zh_CN: 高速下载工具 Aria2 is a command line download client with resuming and segmented downloading. Supported protocols are HTTP/HTTPS/ SFTP/FTP/BitTorrent and it also supports Metalink. Package: aribas Description-md5: 77c3b742edd36fe9a727451a0230f75f Description-zh_CN: arithmetic 解释器 ARIBAS 是一个用于大整数和多精度浮点数算术的交互式解释器。它的语法 与 Pascal 或 Modula-2 类似, 但也有一些来自于诸如 C、Lisp、Oberon 这些语言的特性。 Package: ario Description-md5: 2d1cc546089294272f7d7d68b6840b16 Description-zh_CN: 音乐播放器守护进程(MPD)的 GTK+ 客户端 Ario 是一个功能全面的 MPD (音乐播放器守护进程)客户端。其媒体库浏览界面 的设计借鉴了 Rhythmbox,但它致力于更轻快。它使用 GTK2、avahi 来检测 MPD 服务器,使用 curl 下载远程文件(如封面图片和歌词)。它还提供了多种插 件来实现 audioscrobbler/ 订阅或多媒体键支持等功能。 Package: ario-common Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe Description-zh_CN: GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) (Common files) Ario 是一个功能全面的 MPD (音乐播放器守护进程)客户端。其媒体库浏览界面 的设计借鉴了 Rhythmbox,但它致力于更轻快。它使用 GTK2、avahi 来检测 MPD 服务器,使用 curl 下载远程文件(如封面图片和歌词)。它还提供了多种插 件来实现 audioscrobbler/ 订阅或多媒体键支持等功能。 . This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files. Package: arj Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555 Description-zh_CN: .arj 文件归档工具 该软件包是 arj 文件归档工具的开源版本。与 ARJ Software, Inc. 提供的原始 ARJ 文件压缩工具相比,这个版本尽量保持了所有的特性,并保证最大的兼容。 Package: ark Description-md5: 2826617260d5fe4c63c9795973445730 Description-zh_CN: 归档工具 Ark 可以管理多种压缩格式,包括 tar、gzip、bzip2、rar、zip 和 CD 镜像。 Ark 可以用来查看、解压缩、创建和修改压缩文件。 . 这个包是 KDE 工具程序的一部分。 Package: arptables Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66 Description-zh_CN: ARP 表维护管理 Arptables 用于设置、维护和检查 Linux 内核中的 ARP 规则表。它与 iptables 类似,但操作在 ARP 层,而非 IP 层。 Package: arpwatch Description-md5: 753ca5b7573526eab8dbf15e803ec534 Description-zh_CN: 以太网/FDDI 主机活动监视器 Arpwatch 维护一个网络上见到的以太网 MAC 地址和与其相对应的 IP 地址 的数据库。如果有什么变化发生,比如新的主机或活动、反复切换、旧地址的 改变和再次使用,它会自动发送电子邮件通知管理员。 . If you want to maintain a list authorized MAC addresses manually, take a look at the arpalert package which may fit your needs better. Package: artikulate Description-md5: 5a33d49ace77c3f03cd02b2a136832d7 Description-zh_CN: 语言学习程序 Artikulate 是一个语言学习程序,能够帮助提升各种语言的发音技巧。它包含于 KDE 教育项目中。 . 本包包含 Artikulate 的主程序。 Package: ascd Description-md5: 12cc18a92e011784339ff4b558d7c4f3 Description-zh_CN: CD 播放器和混音器 AScd 是一个小巧的 CD 播放器和混音器,可以“停靠”在 AfterStep 和 WindowMaker 窗口管理器上。 Package: ascdc Description-md5: c5463788465df827b5231baeaea298e1 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep CD 换盘器 ascdc 是一个小巧的 CD 换盘器。它具有与 AfterStep 窗口管理器一致的外观感觉, 非常适于在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 模块中运行。 Package: ascii Description-md5: 3ef70a26e3b90455a20524f77be30845 Description-zh_CN: 交互式 ASCII 同义字表 ascii 工具可以用于在美国信息交换标准码(ASCII)字符表和其它多种字节表示方法 之间进行转换。它支持很多种表示法,如十六进制、二进制、八进制、电报码、 ISO/ECMA 码、专用名字、XML 实体名以及其它方法。在命令行给定上述任何一种,它 会尝试将其它各种方法的表示显示出来。如果没有给定任何参数,它将显示一个方便 小巧的 ASCII 字符表。 Package: asciidoc Description-md5: 3f2b6503cff7a07a4c1aad6227b68e53 Description-zh_CN: 用于书写文档的高可配置性的文本格式 AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This metapackage provides a fully functional asciidoc environment working with dblatex for historical purposes. Package: asciidoc-base Description-md5: 473cd9e340c8c61980b7ab4d4f96cffe Description-zh_CN: Minimal version of asciidoc not suitable for pdf AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This package provides binary files for the package. Be careful, you won't be able to build pdf files without the dblatex or fop dependencies. See asciidoc-dblatex or asciidoc-fop metapackages for this. Package: asciidoc-common Description-md5: 65d469b6ae15624ce9b665e30fb8b357 Description-zh_CN: Basic data and configuration files for asciidoc AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This package provides basic data and configuration files for the package. Package: asciidoc-dblatex Description-md5: accff847e35b2035ea899d17c1a8a720 Description-zh_CN: Asciidoc package including dblatex dependencies AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This package helps you to get all the required dependencies and files to build pdf files using dblatex. Package: asciidoc-fop Description-md5: ee4126bffdd243c003ea7d43f1fc911d Description-zh_CN: Asciidoc package including fop dependencies AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This metapackage helps you to get all the required dependencies to build pdf files using fop. Package: asciidoc-tests Description-md5: 7db2892cd686c94649d6c968ec959973 Description-zh_CN: Test framework for asciidoc AsciiDoc 是一个用户书写文章、书籍、手册和 UNIX 用户手册的文本文档格式。使用 asciidoc 命令可以把 AsciiDoc 文件可以转换为 HTML (包含或不包含样式表)、 DocBook (文章、书籍和 refentry 文档)和 LinuxDoc 格式。AsciiDoc 也可以用于 建设和维护网站。 . 用户在书写 AsciiDoc 文档时,与书写一般的文本文档是一样的,不需要标记标签或 者奇怪的格式符号。AsciiDoc 文件被设计直接用于浏览、编辑和打印,或者转换为其 它的表示格式。 . This package provides the testasciidoc binary and the test engine files. Package: asciijump Description-md5: abd2c676ba854a9bafea6f52ce0bdafe Description-zh_CN: 一个小巧、有趣的 ASCII 字符游戏:空中跳跃 这是一个非常有趣的多人游戏,您可以和朋友一起玩或者直接与电脑对战。有两种模式:比赛和练习。 您可以选择一些山峰:珠穆朗玛或者芬兰。 Package: asclock Description-md5: 6e08da0a0fa5135228fd3714706286f1 Description-zh_CN: clock designed with the NeXTStep look 这时个显示时间 (数字的, 12 或 24 小时格式) 和日期的小程序。它提供了三种 可选方案: 一套用于低色彩数的系统,一套是 "真正的" NeXTStep 色彩, 而的三种 则介于两者之间。 Package: asclock-themes Description-md5: def29687338f3b5a590534994af92079 Description-zh_CN: 一个时钟小程序的主题文件 本软件包为不同的 AScolck 包提供不同的主题, 其中有一个经典主题, 模仿了最初 的 ASclock 程序。 Package: asmail Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep 邮件监视程序 asmail 是一个类似 xbiff 的邮件监视小程序。它拥有 AfterStep 窗口管理器 的观感, 是在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 中运行的理想选择。 Package: asmixer Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep 混音器 asmixer 是一个小的混音器。它拥有 AfterStep 窗口管理器的观感, 是运行在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 模块中的理想选择。 Package: asmon Description-md5: ab8009ab6aad6c87b4a70ed29923f792 Description-zh_CN: Afterstep 与 WindowMaker 系统资源监视器可停靠程序 Asmon 是一个用于显示 CPU 参数、内存、交换空间以及 X 的内存使用的 wharfable/ 可停靠程序。它还可以显示平均负载、内存、交换分区、X 内存占用的具体数值。 Asmon 本身只消耗很少的 CPU 时间。 Package: aspell-da Description-md5: 134cdf52e5c12b0ea5eb000429f9c460 Description-zh_CN: 丹麦语大辞典 (DSDO) - aspell 丹麦语大辞典(The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary, DSDO)是一个自由的 丹麦语拼写检查字典,由 Skaane Sjaelland Linux 用户小组(SSLUG)发布。 这本辞典与众不同的地方就在于它的辞典内容是由校对者投票决定的。编写小组并没有 校对字典中的内容,而是引导校对者并跟踪字典的整体状态。 . 这是用于 aspell 进行丹麦语文本的拼写检查与修正的丹麦语字典。 Package: aspell-el Description-md5: 586966efae08561adecfd3c4604e76ff Description-zh_CN: GNU Aspell 程序的希腊语字典 本软件包包含了用于 GNU Aspell 拼写检查程序的希腊语字典文件。 Package: aspell-it Description-md5: c8e955edc72544390fe0c90afc035014 Description-zh_CN: Italian dictionary for GNU Aspell 这个包所包含的所有文件,是让 GNU Aspell 语法检查支持意大利语所必须的。 Package: aspell-lt Description-md5: 6c51f0dac54c00ecc9a5713716c74849 Description-zh_CN: aspell 程序的立陶宛语字典 本软件包包含了 GNU Aspell 拼写检查程序的立陶宛语字典文件。 Package: aspell-pt-br Description-md5: 55b41a6753b5fa4dabde20215af57ddd Description-zh_CN: 用于 GNU Aspell 的巴西葡萄牙语字典 本软件包包含用于向 GNU Aspell 拼写检查器添加巴西葡萄牙语支持的所有文件。 Package: aspell-sk Description-md5: 14f7501c7ff44455ed3313df9f996f57 Description-zh_CN: GNU Aspell 程序的斯洛伐克语字典 本软件包包含了 GNU Aspell 拼写检查程序的斯洛伐克语字典文件。 . This package is built from the Slovak dictionary for hunspell. Package: aspell-sv Description-md5: 6f4d41b7918c88c9bcd9204bd025a8d9 Description-zh_CN: Swedish dictionary for GNU aspell 这是 aspell 用于检查及改正瑞典语文本拼写的瑞典语词典。 Package: aspell-uk Description-md5: eb69186d8a83bbf88f1ee5f22a559f1e Description-zh_CN: 用于 GNU Aspell 的乌克兰语词典 这个安装包中包含了 GNU Aspell 拼写检查工具的对乌克兰语支持所需要的文件。 Package: assistant-qt6 Description-md5: 1607002f07f112f880ffc57f15542f6e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Assistant Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Assistant is a tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format. Package: at Description-md5: 97e204a9f4ad8c681dbd54ec7c505251 Description-zh_CN: 延迟执行作业程序和批处理程序 At 和 batch 从标准输入设备读取 shell 命令并把这些命令储存起来, 然后在将来的某一个时刻执行它们。 . Use at to run the job at a specified time batch to run the job when system load levels permit Package: atanks Description-md5: e17e65ae97c964a6c5e41e7dbebed8c0 Description-zh_CN: 坦克大战游戏 原子坦克大战是多玩家游戏,在保护自己的同时,尽量消灭其它坦克。通过摧毁其它 坦克挣钱,挣到的钱可以用来购买更高级的武器。 . 这个游戏和焦土或蠕虫系列游戏有点像。 Package: atanks-data Description-md5: 2ba28ec557882b1919101487ae24cb1e Description-zh_CN: data files for Atomic tanks 原子坦克大战是多玩家游戏,在保护自己的同时,尽量消灭其它坦克。通过摧毁其它 坦克挣钱,挣到的钱可以用来购买更高级的武器。 . 这个游戏和焦土或蠕虫系列游戏有点像。 . This package holds the data files needed for Atomic tanks. Package: athena-jot Description-md5: 29052e935eaf37d159857d428a990876 Description-zh_CN: 打印递增、递减、随机或冗余数据,每行一个 athena jot - 简称为 jot - 打印递增、递减、随机或冗余数据,通常是数字,每行一个 . 本程序是 Shell 脚本中非常有用的 C 语言小程序。 Package: atlc Description-md5: 5e8c27d7da8a2933f83139e519b5c1e2 Description-zh_CN: 任意传输线计算器 atlc 是一个用于分析设计拥有任意的交叉和任意数量绝缘层的电气传输线与方 向性耦合器计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件。 . 分析中,它用于找到物理维度未知的电气传输线或耦合器的特性。设计时, 它用于确定如何实现有特定参数的传输线或耦合器。 . atlc 用于业余无线电爱好者、专业 RF 工程师、学生以及学术使用。 . 关于 atlc 的更多信息可以访问: Package: atomix Description-md5: 855f8eac25c9eeab5e70e051ceb71fe8 Description-zh_CN: 使用独立原子拼接成分子的解谜游戏 Atomix 是为 GNOME 桌面环境设计的教育游戏。在游戏中,玩家需要使用原子构建 分子,范围从简单的无机分子直到极其复杂的有机分子。 . 游戏的开始几关比较容易,但是每一关都会提高难度,所以每过一关都要花费 好几分钟甚至更长时间。 Package: atomix-data Description-md5: 4bd5135dbcb97472226c3e5912739c35 Description-zh_CN: puzzle game for building molecules out of separate atoms -- data Atomix 是为 GNOME 桌面环境设计的教育游戏。在游戏中,玩家需要使用原子构建 分子,范围从简单的无机分子直到极其复杂的有机分子。 . 游戏的开始几关比较容易,但是每一关都会提高难度,所以每过一关都要花费 好几分钟甚至更长时间。 . This package contains the architecture independent files like levels and graphics for atomix. Package: atool Description-md5: f28cbc5b8e583a5706f54626132972bc Description-zh_CN: tool for managing file archives of various types . <其他提供的命令有apack(创建归档),als(列出归档中的文件)和acat(提取文件到标准输出).> Package: atril-common Description-md5: d73b172ae81d45ad13a6cdf04991e477 Description-zh_CN: MATE document viewer (common files) Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI, EPUB, ComicBook and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: audacious Description-md5: 2448b9b8910f8d08dd29bbbac89d54cd Description-zh_CN: 一个轻巧、快速的音乐播放器,支持多种格式 Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . 此软件包包含了核心播放器程序以及本地化翻译。 Package: audacious-dev Description-md5: 28920a2526440e360b5883b63d424f31 Description-zh_CN: audacious development files Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package contains the development libraries and header files required for developing components for audacious. . Please note that this package no longer contains libaudacious, as libaudacious was dropped in Audacious 1.4. Package: audacious-plugins Description-md5: a3b29e78b259c7b8df48cede64a27258 Description-zh_CN: Base plugins for audacious Audacious 是 beep-media-player 的一个分支,支持 Winamp 皮肤 及许多编码/解码器。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Many module formats and much more! . 此外,Audacious 可以通过插件来进行扩展功能,包含了其它许多有用的功能如 LIRC 支持。 . This package contains the plugins for Audacious. * Audio CD reading * MPEG support (mp3) * Ogg Vorbis support * Windows Media support (WMA) * AAC support * FLAC support * ALAC support * WAVE support * ALSA output * OSS output * Disk writer output * And many more! Package: audacious-plugins-data Description-md5: 1719d6de393b2f9bb46167b11f37780c Description-zh_CN: Data files for Audacious plugins Audacious 是 beep-media-player 的一个分支,支持 Winamp 皮肤 及许多编码/解码器。 . This package contains internationalized messages and skins for Audacious plugins. Package: audacity Description-md5: f3049c5343ef448931624eb10a0c6627 Description-zh_CN: 快速、跨平台的音频编辑器 Audacity 是一个针对 Linux/Unix、 MacOS 及 Windows 平台的多音轨音频编辑器。 它是为方便用户录制、播放和编辑数字音频而设计的。Audacity 带有数码特效和频谱分析 工具。操作便捷并支持无限次撤消和重做。 . 它支持的文件格式包括 Ogg、Vorbis、MP2、MP3、WAV、AIFF 和 AU 等。 Package: audacity-data Description-md5: 33567c6e9f3ccd4163a600c05ed3f802 Description-zh_CN: fast, cross-platform audio editor (data) Audacity 是一个针对 Linux/Unix、 MacOS 及 Windows 平台的多音轨音频编辑器。 它是为方便用户录制、播放和编辑数字音频而设计的。Audacity 带有数码特效和频谱分析 工具。操作便捷并支持无限次撤消和重做。 . This package contains the architecture-independent data files. Package: ava Description-md5: 90adfdea5b1ef0fa63f8e0ec8acb58da Description-zh_CN: Futuristic test runner 🚀 Even though JavaScript is single-threaded, IO in Node.js can happen in parallel due to its async nature. AVA takes advantage of this and runs your tests concurrently, which is especially beneficial for IO heavy tests. In addition, test files are run in parallel as separate processes, giving you even better performance and an isolated environment for each test file. . Switching from Mocha to AVA in Pageres brought the test time down from 31 to 11 seconds. Having tests run concurrently forces you to write atomic tests, meaning tests don't depend on global state or the state of other tests, which is a great thing! . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: avahi-autoipd Description-md5: acd046468650e18ecf72b9fbe41992f1 Description-zh_CN: Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。 . This tool implements IPv4LL, "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses" (IETF RFC3927), a protocol for automatic IP address configuration from the link-local range without the need for a central server. It is primarily intended to be used in ad-hoc networks which lack a DHCP server. Package: avahi-discover Description-md5: bd2a23e6143f793e37bb138e29fb30b9 Description-zh_CN: avahi 用于搜寻服务的用户界面程序 Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。 . 该软件包包含了一个用户界面用于搜寻可用的服务。 Package: avahi-dnsconfd Description-md5: 116a8cc3e8edfd55e1444b8100a0bf7f Description-zh_CN: Avahi DNS configuration tool Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。 . This tool listens on the network for announced DNS servers and passes them to resolvconf so it can use them. This is very useful on autoconfigured IPv6 networks. Package: avahi-ui-utils Description-md5: 6a2d4e446eb92bf74181ccf3974335d5 Description-zh_CN: Avahi GTK+ utilities Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。 . This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers. Package: avogadro Description-md5: f18c3f1991d48f1decf97743ceaac81f Description-zh_CN: 分子图像生成和建模系统 Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . Features include: * Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization * Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches * Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces * Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra * Support for crystallographic unit cells * Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry packages * Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting . Avogadro 可以读取 PDB、 XYZ、 CML、 CIF、 Molden 等文件格式,以及 Gaussian、GAMESS 和 MOLPRO 的输出。 Package: baloo-kf5-dev Description-md5: 40419eee45005eb5f8a28370059a1e92 Description-zh_CN: framework for searching and managing metadata devel files A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: barcode Description-md5: 826d05e8f5923a7ea80116ce9004c1d2 Description-zh_CN: 条形码生成工具 GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, SVG, or PCL. Package: basic256 Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c Description-zh_CN: 为儿童设计的学习 BASIC 语言的环境 BASIC-256 是一个易用的 BASIC 语言版本,专为儿童学习基础编程而设计。它使用 传统的控制结构如 gosub、for/next 和 goto 语句,能清楚地让孩子们看见程序流程 控制的走向。它有一个内建的图形模式,能让孩子们在几分钟内学会在屏幕上画图。它还 带有一个详细、容易学习的教程,通过一些有趣的练习来介绍编程概念。 Package: basket Description-md5: 14a1fc33d1a245a0d50a677c880ec822 Description-zh_CN: multi-purpose note-taking application 该软件提供了足够多的区块;各种对象(如文本、URL 和图像)可以拖拽到区块里。 . 您可以编辑、复制、拖拽对象,以便于按照您的需求来安排它们。此外,Basket 允许您将所有您 想要的对象放在一个地方,便于做笔记... Package: basket-data Description-md5: b56152e5aeebbdec4421595fe44043f0 Description-zh_CN: data files for BasKet Notepads 该软件提供了足够多的区块;各种对象(如文本、URL 和图像)可以拖拽到区块里。 . 您可以编辑、复制、拖拽对象,以便于按照您的需求来安排它们。此外,Basket 允许您将所有您 想要的对象放在一个地方,便于做笔记... . This package contains arch independent data for Basket. Package: battery-stats Description-md5: 8cbb7a257c05896f1de94937ef758e1a Description-zh_CN: 收集笔记本电池电量的信息 该软件包提供了一个守护进程 battery-stats-collector,用于周期性地收集笔记本电池电量的信息。 . It also provides a binary called battery-graph, which can be used to generate qplot graphs about the battery charge/discharge patterns over time. . 提示:这些功能需要启用 APM 或 ACPI,并能在您的内核下有效工作。 Package: bibletime Description-md5: afed2027ab606da31c78854102bb44ce Description-zh_CN: 基于 Qt 的圣经学习工具 BibleTime 是一个免费、易用的圣经学习工具。 它使用 Qt 和 SWORD 软件库。 BibleTime 能够十分方便地处理数字化的文本(圣经原文、注释和字典),还提供了更强大的功 能用于处理 SWORD 格式的数据(搜索文本、写自己的注释、保存、打印等等)。 Package: bidiv Description-md5: f54f3bcc32e78628e0970771051a6373 Description-zh_CN: 双向书写语言查看器 - 显示希伯来文/阿拉伯文的命令行工具 bidiv 是一个用于把输入的逻辑顺序希伯来文 (logical-Hebrew) 输出为视觉顺序希伯 来文的工具。这对于阅读希伯来文邮件, 查看希伯来文文本等非常有用。bidiv 是为 希伯来文而写的,不过阿拉伯文或其他双向书写 (BiDi) 语言应该也同样适用。 Package: biglybt Description-md5: fbbc804e606e1490aaa2e7cf7ef18b28 Description-zh_CN: BT 客户端 BiglyBT is a feature filled, open source, ad-free, BitTorrent client used to transfer files via the BitTorrent protocol. BiglyBT is the continuation of the Vuze/Azureus project first created in 2003, and is being actively developed by the original coders. Package: bind9utils Description-md5: 8681b0dabeb2a3fde42fdbb1f21451d2 Description-zh_CN: Transitional package for bind9-utils 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: bioperl Description-md5: 499a31b1d7a9f73ed26eb29f5425ebf8 Description-zh_CN: 用于处理计算分子生物学的 Perl 工具 Bioperl 项目致力于将各种生物信息学的处理工具收集起来,汇集成一系列符合 CPAN 标准格式、有良好文档支持又免费可用的 Perl 模块。现在它不仅已被社区广泛接 受,还用于许多高通量项目,如 Ensembl。 . 本包包含的某些可执行文件需要推荐安装的软件包才能运行。如需了解详细的情况, 包括各个单独 Perl 模块的信息,请查阅 README.Debian 文件。 . 建议安装的软件包提供增强的 man 手册页。 Package: bird Description-md5: abde59d9329fee5542ca525a035ae764 Description-zh_CN: 互联网路由守护程序 BIRD 是一个互联网路由守护程序,它完整支持所有主要的路由协议。它允许使用强大的路由过滤 语法和易于使用的配置接口来重新配置网络。 . 本包支持 OSPF,RIP 和 BGP 的 IPv4 以及 IPv6 版本。 Package: bird-bgp Description-md5: 9a398c8a7897c141caab0a921567ba13 Description-zh_CN: Internet Routing Daemon [transitional package] BIRD 是一个互联网路由守护程序,它完整支持所有主要的路由协议。它允许使用强大的路由过滤 语法和易于使用的配置接口来重新配置网络。 . This package is transitional and can be safely removed. Package: bird-doc Description-md5: 1ced61660e9937b21315d53a620aa063 Description-zh_CN: Internet Routing Daemon - documentation BIRD 是一个互联网路由守护程序,它完整支持所有主要的路由协议。它允许使用强大的路由过滤 语法和易于使用的配置接口来重新配置网络。 . This package provides the user and developer documentation. Package: bird2 Description-md5: 874644189b6bd30d36505beb812c9640 Description-zh_CN: 互联网路由守护程序 BIRD 是一个互联网路由守护程序,它完整支持所有主要的路由协议。它允许使用强大的路由过滤 语法和易于使用的配置接口来重新配置网络。 . BIRD supports IPv4 and IPv6 versions of OSPF, RIP, BGP and Babel routing protocols. It also supports supplementary protocols like BFD, RPKI-Router and IPv6 router advertisements. Package: bird2-doc Description-md5: 1ced61660e9937b21315d53a620aa063 Description-zh_CN: Internet Routing Daemon - documentation BIRD 是一个互联网路由守护程序,它完整支持所有主要的路由协议。它允许使用强大的路由过滤 语法和易于使用的配置接口来重新配置网络。 . This package provides the user and developer documentation. Package: bkchem Description-md5: c22af3466e5c7c500d53dc9f5e106335 Description-zh_CN: 化学结构编辑器 BKchem 是一个免费的化学绘图程序,用 Python 编写。 . Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-,, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export) Package: bleachbit Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea Description-zh_CN: 清除系统中不需要的文件 BleachBit 能够清除不必要的文件,从而释放磁盘空间、保护隐私、移除垃圾内容。它能够移除缓存、 Internet 历史、临时文件、cookies 以及损坏的快捷方式。 . 它能帮助如下软件清理垃圾:Adobe Reader、Bash、Beagle、Epiphany、Firefox、Flash、 GIMP、Google Earth、Java、KDE、、Opera、RealPlayer、rpmbuild、 Second Life Viewer、VIM、XChat,以及更多的软件。 . 除了删除垃圾文件之外,BleachBit 还能清空空余的磁盘空间(通过隐藏已删除的文件、提高图像压缩 度来实现)、整理 Firefox 数据库(在不删除数据的前提下提高性能)、以及安全地清除专有文件。 Package: blender Description-md5: 90b4f36fda45432800e6a278de5b06b4 Description-zh_CN: 快速、灵活的 3D 建模与渲染软件 Blender是一款集建模、动画、渲染、后期制作、交互式创作与回放(游戏)于一体的3D套件。Blender拥有其独特的用户界面,该界面完全基于Ope nGL实现,并以速度为核心设计理念。Python绑定可用于脚本编程;对于流行的文件格式如3D Studio和Wavefront Obj的导入导出功能 ,社区已通过脚本实现了这些功能。使用Blender常见的产出包括静态图像、动画、用于游戏或其他第三方引擎的模型,以及以独立二进制形式呈现的交互式内容 。 Package: blender-data Description-md5: cf40bbb7bd8bb0c71e9c32489ca7949e Description-zh_CN: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer - data package Blender是一款集建模、动画、渲染、后期制作、交互式创作与回放(游戏)于一体的3D套件。Blender拥有其独特的用户界面,该界面完全基于Ope nGL实现,并以速度为核心设计理念。Python绑定可用于脚本编程;对于流行的文件格式如3D Studio和Wavefront Obj的导入导出功能 ,社区已通过脚本实现了这些功能。使用Blender常见的产出包括静态图像、动画、用于游戏或其他第三方引擎的模型,以及以独立二进制形式呈现的交互式内容 。 . This package contains documentation, libraries and images for blender. Package: blender-ogrexml-1.9 Description-md5: dc7e48c58746c7e7db56faa3286d79ee Description-zh_CN: OGRE 的 Blender 导出工具 OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . 此软件包包含 OGRE 的 Blender 导出工具。 Package: blender-ogrexml-next Description-md5: 620c7cdef2972ed0ff7d5b6ef2613713 Description-zh_CN: Blender Exporter for OGRE-Next OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the Blender exporter for OGRE-Next. Package: blinken Description-md5: 15b854d36619b85d1beb335cd5aaf853 Description-zh_CN: Simon 电子记忆游戏的 KDE 版本 Blinken 基于一个诞生于 1978 年的电子游戏,挑战玩家记忆逐渐变长的序列的能力。游戏 界面上有 4 个不同颜色的按钮,且各有各自独特的声音。这些按钮会随机发光,玩家必须记住 它们的发光次序。如果玩家成功记住了它们的发光次序,将进入下一环节,需要记忆的发光数量 会增加 1。 . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: blockout2 Description-md5: 288f5c5b4d9fbe67dd5636ad0e032803 Description-zh_CN: 类似俄罗斯方块的游戏 BlockOut II 是对1989年由加州梦公司编辑发行的原版DOS游戏《BlockOut》的一个免费 改编版本。BlockOut II 在保留了原游戏所有特色的基础上,进行了一些图形效果上的 改进。得分计算规则也与原作几乎保持一致。BlockOut II 是由一位热衷于该游戏的玩 家专为同样热衷于此的玩家们设计的。BlockOut II 是一个开源项目,同时支持Windows 和Linux操作系统。 Package: bls-standalone Description-md5: 38eb0188098db41fc418b4a965fca88b Description-zh_CN: 独立的构建日志扫描工具 本软件包包含了一个独立的 build-log-scanner 工具,它来自。 . 它包含了扫描引擎和(希望不要过于过时的)规则以及一个帮助脚本来更好地检查和读取结果。 Package: bluefish Description-md5: 2cf908ef001fcc791aee8e7b4a506e74 Description-zh_CN: 一款先进的 Gtk+ 文本编辑器,用于网页和软件开发 Bluefish 是一款强大的编辑器,面向程序员和网页开发者,具有编写网页、脚本和代 码的诸多选项。Bluefish 支持诸多编码语言与标记语言,具有众多特性,如 . - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking - Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel . 但它仍保持轻量级、快捷。 . 为了校验 CSS/HTML/XML 文档,你需要 csstidy, tidy, weblint 或 xmllint。为了 预览作品,您需要一个网页浏览器以便能够查看命令行中指定的本地文件。对于 PHP 或 Python,bluefish 支持 php- codesniffer 和 pylint。不推荐但仍支持的工具有 make, perl, php5-cli 和 java-compiler。 Package: bluefish-data Description-md5: 4744152c48109732f057dcf29596e9f9 Description-zh_CN: advanced Gtk+ text editor (data) Bluefish 是一款强大的编辑器,面向程序员和网页开发者,具有编写网页、脚本和代 码的诸多选项。Bluefish 支持诸多编码语言与标记语言,具有众多特性,如 . - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking - Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel . 但它仍保持轻量级、快捷。 . This package contains the architecture independent data for the application and its plugins. Package: bluefish-plugins Description-md5: 9db3336111a7f802e64070e6f20a41f6 Description-zh_CN: advanced Gtk+ text editor (plugins) Bluefish 是一款强大的编辑器,面向程序员和网页开发者,具有编写网页、脚本和代 码的诸多选项。Bluefish 支持诸多编码语言与标记语言,具有众多特性,如 . - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking - Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel . 但它仍保持轻量级、快捷。 . This package contains the plugins. You will need it for the HTML dialogs, snippets, charmaps etc. So it's basically necessary. Package: blueman Description-md5: 0d53e070801b0cf7f6808bfd0b84a60f Description-zh_CN: Graphical bluetooth manager Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。 Package: blur-effect Description-md5: ac9a7876e629366b5cae5b14b93a6085 Description-zh_CN: Offscreen Image Blurring utility Blur-effect is an offscreen image blurring utility, based on efficient Gaussian blur with linear sampling. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: bmake Description-md5: 04fe1b256f4b44d75c60c782dc07956b Description-zh_CN: NetBSD make bmake 是设计用来简化对其它程序的维护的程序。其输入是一个指明特定文件依赖哪些程序和其它文件的列表。它也包含了用来构建 Makefile 依赖列表的 mkdep 程序。 . bmake 是 NetBSD make 工具的一个移植。 Package: bmon Description-md5: 3288eb0a673978e478042369c7927d3f Description-zh_CN: 便携式带宽监视器和网速估计工具 bmon 是一个命令行的带宽监视器,支持各种输出方式,包括一个交互式的界面、轻量级的 HTML 输出格 式以及简单的 ASCII 输出格式。 . 它通过网络多播或单播收集统计信息,生成各个节点的统计报告。 Package: boinc-manager Description-md5: 18cdf3bcfd01c25a71225cc0291571cd Description-zh_CN: BOINC 核心客户端的图形化控制器和监视器 BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。 . This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available. . 如果志愿者想要积极参与 BOINC 项目,必须给每台贡献的机器安装 boinc-client 软件包,而 BOINC 管理器则不是必需的。 Package: bomber Description-md5: f7eb190e86fa42fdcccfd1f7656447b4 Description-zh_CN: arcade spaceship game Bomber is a game where you fly a spaceship and attempt to bomb the buildings below you. Each pass the spaceship makes, it gets lower and lower. If you've not destroyed a building in your path, you will crash into it. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: bootgen-xlnx Description-md5: db884766fbb0af653ae84909ccef976a Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package. It can be safely removed. Package: bovo Description-md5: b441d750dee643b64630cf13767fc54f Description-zh_CN: 五子棋游戏 Bovo 即五子棋游戏,两个玩家轮流在棋盘上放棋子,首先将棋子在同一条线上连为五个的获胜。 . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: brag Description-md5: 275712ce34651d926c15ff5db6e2ff55 Description-zh_CN: 下载并集合 Usenet 分段(multipart)二進制附件 Brag collects and assembles multipart binary attachments from newsgroups. This is a robust command-line tool, well suited to run as a cron job. * Collects and downloads multipart binary attachments * Supported encodings: uuencode, MIME base64 and yenc * Filters messages using accept/reject patterns * Optionally saves message subjects * Supports NNTP authentication * Supports non-default NNTP ports * Can combine parts from different newsgroups or even different servers * Bulletproof: Restarts from the last successful operation. Package: breeze Description-md5: 0b28191283a36d70b27c0f1d8a6acf4f Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma theme (Metapackage) 这是 KDE Plasma 桌面的默认主题。 . This package includes wallpapers, icons, cursors, KWin style and Qt widget style for the Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: breeze-cursor-theme Description-md5: fd333615564829066d9a0b89cd826db2 Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma cursor theme This is the default cursor theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: breeze-dev Description-md5: 860a0bca43dd1541eb65535a817c0f48 Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma theme (development files) 这是 KDE Plasma 桌面的默认主题。 . This package includes development files. . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: bsdgames Description-md5: 9c27134c3428500325f0723210a3cb35 Description-zh_CN: 经典文本unix游戏汇集 这个软件包是一些unix系统上数十年间受欢迎的文本游戏和娱乐程序的汇集。 . It includes these programs: adventure, arithmetic, atc, backgammon, battlestar, caesar, canfield, cribbage, dab, go-fish, gomoku, hack, hangman, pom, primes, quiz, robots, sail, snake, tetris, trek, worm, wtf, wump Package: budgie-trash-applet Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: bvi Description-md5: 82e028998d9812c24a56e1a511b425cd Description-zh_CN: 二进制文件编辑器 bvi 是一个针对二进制文件的面向显示的编辑器,基于 vi 文本编辑器。如果您熟悉 vi,那么直接启动编辑器开始编辑吧!如果您从未听说过 vi,那么 bvi 可能不是 您的最佳选择。 Package: ca-certificates-mono Description-md5: db6d1aed783549f6b47ea9980a42a837 Description-zh_CN: Common CA certificates (Mono keystore) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package uses the hooks of the ca-certificates package to update the Mono keystore. Package: cairo-dock Description-md5: 63a3307dafbeacabf261326477a626ed Description-zh_CN: Metapackage for cairo-dock Cairo-dock 与 OS X 系统的启动器很像,且带有更多选择。它使用 cairo 展示精美的图形, 使用 Glitz 实现硬件加速。它的各个部分皆可进行自定义, 还可用作任务栏。您可以很方便地 把小工具添加到上面。 . This is metapackage that provides the components necessary for running Cairo-dock. This installs a cairo-dock-core application and cairo-dock- plugins package easily. . And Cairo-dock installs cairo-dock-core and plugins and makes sense as Cairo-dock. Package: cairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in Description-md5: 43711c46dab1ed0c61857d7c5a1f2d42 Description-zh_CN: Alsamixer plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you control the sound volume from the dock. This works with the Alsa sound driver. Package: cairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in Description-md5: dfe327dc246c8299528338a9f0269663 Description-zh_CN: Animated icons plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides many different animations for your icons. Package: cairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in Description-md5: 3f952acb18313959c049b9f6877d8fe8 Description-zh_CN: Cairo-Penguin plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds a lively Penguin in your dock. Tux images are taken from Pingus, some other characters are available or can be added easily. Package: cairo-dock-clipper-plug-in Description-md5: 19203b5032af87d4cd96a6c84f0854ac Description-zh_CN: Clipper plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in keeps a trace of the clipboard and mouse selection, so that you can recall them quickly. It's a clone of the well-know Klipper. This supports clipboard and mouse selection, predefined actions, and persistent items. Package: cairo-dock-clock-plug-in Description-md5: 4771e1f9f3e3da065be112902e206924 Description-zh_CN: Clock plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in displays time and date in your dock. Two views are available : numeric and analogic, based on Cairo-Clock. This is compatible with the Cairo-Clock's themes, and you can detach itself to be a perfect clone of Cairo-Clock. And this supports alarms, and a basic calendar, and allows you to set time and date. Package: cairo-dock-core Description-md5: 5ba8c52bdaa881c94217f5cd8474a65d Description-zh_CN: 一个轻巧、养眼的 Linux 桌面启动器 Cairo-dock 与 OS X 系统的启动器很像,且带有更多选择。它使用 cairo 展示精美的图形, 使用 Glitz 实现硬件加速。它的各个部分皆可进行自定义, 还可用作任务栏。您可以很方便地 把小工具添加到上面。 . 这个软件包提供 Cairo-dock-core 应用程序。 Package: cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-python Description-md5: b8ab12d0344cc6cb89b81f15bcca9bc0 Description-zh_CN: library of D-Bus interface for Python of Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This package provides library of Cairo-Dock D-Bus interface for Python. Package: cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-ruby Description-md5: 21011c70a305838c00f1bc3235771095 Description-zh_CN: library of D-Bus interface for ruby of Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This package provides library of Cairo-Dock D-Bus interface for ruby. Package: cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-vala Description-md5: fa0d29acb4b7e2748c67e0f0d2c321fa Description-zh_CN: library of D-Bus interface for vala of Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This package provides library of Cairo-Dock D-Bus interface for vala. Package: cairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in Description-md5: 14ca59cbf6127379890f944bf95a76dc Description-zh_CN: Desklet rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in renders your desktop. Package: cairo-dock-dev Description-md5: 626ee26f66d4ae89babfa02227afed3c Description-zh_CN: Cairo-dock development file Cairo-dock 与 OS X 系统的启动器很像,且带有更多选择。它使用 cairo 展示精美的图形, 使用 Glitz 实现硬件加速。它的各个部分皆可进行自定义, 还可用作任务栏。您可以很方便地 把小工具添加到上面。 . This package provides Cairo-dock development file. Package: cairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in Description-md5: 6fb30186ac7a07ee5450da50fe50e99b Description-zh_CN: Dialog rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides some dialog decorators for dialog bubbles. Package: cairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in Description-md5: e9814e32df09924f6376f62ff587de9f Description-zh_CN: Dnd2share plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you share files easily. Drag-and-drop a file on the icon to upload it to one of the available hosting sites. This supports many sites, like DropBox, Imageshack, pastebin, etc. The user can upload text, image, video, and files. Package: cairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in Description-md5: 65a87ce95c6116616d516b16ea80e449 Description-zh_CN: Drop indicator plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in displays an animated indicator when you drop something in the dock. Package: cairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in Description-md5: 1865186071932c53eec809e10ab30339 Description-zh_CN: Dustbin plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in manages the dustbin. Users can delete files and unmount disks by drag and dropping them on the icon. This can warn users if they use too much space. Package: cairo-dock-folders-plug-in Description-md5: 1d0df90d54c66066a4f3339378a6ca6f Description-zh_CN: Folders plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides that applet imports folders inside the Dock. User can have as many instances of this applet as user want, each one with a different folder. Package: cairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in Description-md5: 20eabd39bfb6a01e11a98ffa512bc9a3 Description-zh_CN: GMenu plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . Displays the common Applications menu and the Recently used files. This is compatible with any XDG compliant menu (GNOME, Xfce, KDE, ...). Package: cairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in Description-md5: 5d30414c870311ba59ebe62041c770ac Description-zh_CN: GNOME integration plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides functions for a better integration into the GNOME environment. This is auto-activated, so you don't need to activate it. This is designed for the GNOME version >= 2.22. Package: cairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in Description-md5: c91575ef4eabab9d677a0dad4ec66967 Description-zh_CN: Icon effect plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds many special effects to your icons. Package: cairo-dock-illusion-plug-in Description-md5: 46e725f5ea7920c610247384bba6b337 Description-zh_CN: Illusion plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides animations for appearance and disappearance of icons. Package: cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in Description-md5: c9085103a3c71f2209be52e213dfb4a2 Description-zh_CN: Implus plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides the function which an icon dances according to music. It will analyse the signal given by PulseAudio. Package: cairo-dock-kde-integration-plug-in Description-md5: c2f9182574fb64d863ef891ae6385aff Description-zh_CN: KDE integration plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides functions for a better integration into the KDE environment. This is auto-activated, so you don't need to activate it. It is designed for KDE4. Package: cairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in Description-md5: f6c4f49bffd979023aecf5adbb64dab2 Description-zh_CN: Keyboard indicator plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you control the keyboard layout. This can also display the current num and caps lock. Package: cairo-dock-logout-plug-in Description-md5: e5641922ffa639d0c24625192759a635 Description-zh_CN: Logout plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . A very simple plug-in that adds an icon to log out from your session. Package: cairo-dock-mail-plug-in Description-md5: 5ba45fba8e16e22c254873c94b28d74f Description-zh_CN: Mail plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in is very useful to warn you when you get new e-mails. This can check in any kind of mailbox (yahoo, gmail, etc). Package: cairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in Description-md5: 804e63817a93fb038ea87e285c8fa1a6 Description-zh_CN: Messaging menu plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This provide a menu that notices you about new messages from Mail or Chat applications. It handles Evolution, Pidgin, Empathy, etc. Package: cairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in Description-md5: b15dbe01f3f2d47c0e6e243835fa514f Description-zh_CN: Motion blur plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds a motion blur effect on docks. Package: cairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in Description-md5: 4193318578fc6499e2455020762c4aeb Description-zh_CN: Music player plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you control any music player. The User can drag and drop songs on the icon to put them in the queue (depends on the player). Package: cairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in Description-md5: 439446ca314965d74f9c14e94b000661 Description-zh_CN: Netspeed plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in shows you the bit rate of your internet connection and some stats about it. Package: cairo-dock-plug-in-data Description-md5: 7ea601287032cb9c06278f2506649c2b Description-zh_CN: Cairo-dock - 插件数据文件 Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . 这个软件包提供了插件的数据文件。 Package: cairo-dock-plug-ins Description-md5: f727111a9ddea727bef0438039fedc19 Description-zh_CN: Cairo-dock - All plug-ins Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This is a metapackage depending on all available cairo-dock plug-ins to make installation easier. Package: cairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in Description-md5: 51bfbc3ef4cde600a0b942c7d6d81e70 Description-zh_CN: Powermanager plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in controls the powermanager for your laptop's battery. It works with ACPI and DBus. Package: cairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in Description-md5: f024335c4022e08090b728396952f253 Description-zh_CN: Quick browser plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you browse a folder and its sub-folders very quickly. Package: cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in Description-md5: 0e31669f93cb372bc909e139a4d064a3 Description-zh_CN: Recent events plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in remembers you last actions to help you working faster. Package: cairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in Description-md5: 68148b011e46183d9ef5e68e9bdc5eef Description-zh_CN: Remote control plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you control dock from the keyboard, or even a remote controller. Package: cairo-dock-rendering-plug-in Description-md5: 8e77d3651768062a648bac3423149614 Description-zh_CN: Rendering plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds different views to your dock. Any dock or sub-dock can be displayed with the view of your choice. Currently, 3D-plane, Caroussel, Parabolic, Rainbow, Slide, and Curve views are provided. Package: cairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in Description-md5: 4c374cd8ff86f26612455f420999031b Description-zh_CN: RSS Reader plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in is an RSS/Atom feed reader. You can instantiate it as many times as you want. Package: cairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in Description-md5: 4c44929d65d7a9935695017745e6cf46 Description-zh_CN: Shortcuts plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in lets you access quickly all of your shortcuts. This can manage disks, network points, and Nautilus bookmarks. Package: cairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in Description-md5: 82322c9f6a8bad89b3190680bcb2b214 Description-zh_CN: Show desktop plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds an icon to show your desktop, and also the desklets, the Widget Layer, or all the desktops at once. Package: cairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in Description-md5: b40c5f9bd53ac569958ae135a6eae529 Description-zh_CN: Showmouse plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in draws some animation around the cursor when it's inside a dock/desklet. Package: cairo-dock-slider-plug-in Description-md5: c37c7071619821924a62dae2597565ba Description-zh_CN: Slider plug-in Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in is a basic image slider. Users just have to select a directory and a display effect and you're done. Package: cairo-dock-stack-plug-in Description-md5: 97a7be56471df3f285e09409eeb16415 Description-zh_CN: Stack plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in allows you to build a stack of files, just like the Stacks applet of MacOS X. Package: cairo-dock-switcher-plug-in Description-md5: 0e167051751c2de56c96be23d493e769 Description-zh_CN: Switcher plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in allows you to interact with your workspaces. This has 2 modes : compact on one icon and expanded with a sub-dock. Package: cairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in Description-md5: 4eef51a33bcf1b66ae5b8f2477035005 Description-zh_CN: System Monitor plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in shows you the CPU load, RAM usage, graphic card temperature, etc. The user can instantiate this applet several times to show different values each time. Package: cairo-dock-systray-plug-in Description-md5: 8d4cc218de588ec4d43800eb53551713 Description-zh_CN: Systray plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in adds the system tray to your dock. Package: cairo-dock-terminal-plug-in Description-md5: 35897ee03b992187ceae7816b7fc3ada Description-zh_CN: Terminal plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in add a terminal to cairo-dock. The user can drag'n'drop files or text and select an action. Package: cairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in Description-md5: b2417ca3dda723d45515e1cc59ce771d Description-zh_CN: Tomboy plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in controls Gnote or TomBoy's notes directly in the dock. User can search inside notes and display their content on the icons. Package: cairo-dock-toons-plug-in Description-md5: dcf4ce3dc1eaf810071129f49f7fe229 Description-zh_CN: Toons plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in displays a toon that will look at user's mouse. Package: cairo-dock-weather-plug-in Description-md5: f61a01eb0f8b0c2f0de698259d00dc73 Description-zh_CN: Weather plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in displays weather into your dock. Data are provided by, users can find the location in the config panel. Package: cairo-dock-wifi-plug-in Description-md5: c261a4968732ef1fff1d9775e7d1dc3c Description-zh_CN: Wifi plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in shows you the signal strength of the first active Wi-Fi connection. Package: cairo-dock-xfce-integration-plug-in Description-md5: 10449755bca1c05f6c6e207c44c78622 Description-zh_CN: Xfce integration plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in provides functions for a better integration into the Xfce environment. This is auto-activated, so you don't need to activate it. Package: cairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in Description-md5: 508425800134a014251e77a1fc4143ef Description-zh_CN: Xgamma plug-in for Cairo-dock Cairo-dock 的官方插件和小程序的合集。 . This plug-in setup the luminosity of your screen directly from your dock. User can also define a luminosity value that will be applied automatically on startup. Package: caja Description-md5: 2d27e6d6f085ec92e7532bd116bd9d0a Description-zh_CN: MATE 桌面的文件管理器 Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 Package: caja-actions-common Description-md5: 758b048f9789c041842d8d69495ea295 Description-zh_CN: Caja extension to create custom actions (common files) Caja-actions is an extension for Caja file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through the Caja file manager popup menu of selected files. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: caja-common Description-md5: e845fd1d469dd58a087ffd0d047163d0 Description-zh_CN: file manager for the MATE desktop (common files) Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: caja-extensions-common Description-md5: 0bcf84cc2108acbef07608f05dce7bb2 Description-zh_CN: Caja extensions (common files) Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . This package contains the architecture independent files for various available Caja extensions. Package: caja-image-converter Description-md5: 856c002fb178bbe956f8abd065daed28 Description-zh_CN: Caja extension to mass resize or rotate images Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . This package adds a "Resize Images..." menu item to the context menu of all images. This opens a dialog where you set the desired image size and file name. A click on "Resize" finally resizes the image(s) using ImageMagick's convert tool. Package: caja-mediainfo Description-md5: 355b9a1c0c7c817785826fbd0c7dc3b3 Description-zh_CN: View media information from the Caja file properties tab Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . With this extension, you can view media information from the Caja file properties tab. Package: caja-nextcloud Description-md5: c1987c87a19ca3f5c8e3572a905ba186 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud integration for Caja Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . Caja Nextcloud is an extension that integrates the Nextcloud web service with your MATE Desktop. Package: caja-open-terminal Description-md5: bcdb7a5709bf14f070db5f2d1cbf536b Description-zh_CN: Caja plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . caja-open-terminal is a proof-of-concept Caja extension which allows you to open a terminal in arbitrary local folders. Package: caja-sendto Description-md5: 2901b4d306ca9fdcceed1844d3bfe329 Description-zh_CN: integrates email clients and Pidgin into the Caja file manager Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . The Caja Send To extension provides the Caja file manager with a context menu component for quickly sending files to given email addresses, contacts on a Pidgin or Gajim instant messaging list, through Thunderbird/Icedove, or through Claws Mail. . Caja Send To also provides the option of compressing the files (tar.bz2, tar.gz, or zip) before sending. Package: caja-share Description-md5: 240c2e7c47f684dbfdfdfde342ba808d Description-zh_CN: Allows one to quickly share a folder from the Caja file manager Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . The Caja share extension allows you to quickly share a folder from the Caja file manager without requiring root access. It uses Samba, so your folders can be accessed by any operating system. Package: caja-wallpaper Description-md5: 30e6cd3abf4cc06cfd6795d943e67838 Description-zh_CN: 从文件夹内快速设置壁纸 Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . Caja 壁纸(Caja Wallpaper)能让你直接从文件浏览器文件夹内快速地设置壁纸。 Package: caja-xattr-tags Description-md5: 9e5a461ff28c6f4e97cb0c53c4b96451 Description-zh_CN: Allows one to view extended attributes Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。本软件包为 Caja 文件管理器添加扩展的功能。 . Caja xattr tags extension allows you to view file and folder extended attributes. Package: calc Description-md5: cad8b492c602c5c8d64252ee4b37d9ba Description-zh_CN: Arbitrary precision calculator Calc 是一个任意精度算术运算系统,它使用一种类 C 语言。 Calc 可以被用作一个 计算器,一个算法原型生成器,和一个数学研究工具。更重要的是, Calc 还附带了 大量内置的数学与程序函数。 . Calc is built on top of the library libcalc that represents numeric values as fractions reduced to their lowest terms. This library can also be used to add arbitrary precision capabilities to your own programs and is available in the Debian package `calc-dev'. Package: calc-common Description-md5: 7397d4d425a516694a6b90bd99df8bcd Description-zh_CN: 任意精度计算器 (公用文件) Calc 是一个任意精度算术运算系统,它使用一种类 C 语言。 Calc 可以被用作一个 计算器,一个算法原型生成器,和一个数学研究工具。更重要的是, Calc 还附带了 大量内置的数学与程序函数。 . This package contains architecture independent files required by the main package `calc'. Package: calibre Description-md5: 186d9ede4fee8b62a65e3debb2c12a1e Description-zh_CN: powerful and easy to use e-book manager Calibre is a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, e-book viewer and editor, and e-book reader sync features. . Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-book collection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in several formats. It also supports conversion to and from a dozen different e-book formats. . Calibre supports almost every single e-Reader (e.g., Kindle, Kobo, Nook) and is compatible with more devices with every update. Calibre can transfer your e-books from one device to another in seconds, wirelessly or with a cable. It will send the best file format for your device converting it if needed, automatically. . Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into a e-book and upload to a connected device. . Calibre 还拥有一个内置的阅读器,支持所有主要的电子书格式。 Package: calligra Description-md5: 5b2385e3ba6a90ac8a81e5c2cbf9a89e Description-zh_CN: 可扩展的生产和创造组件 Calligra 办公套件(原名 KOffice)为一系列辅助您完成工作的应用程序集。它 包括办公应用,如文字处理器,电子表格,幻灯演示程序,数据库应用程序等, 以及栅格和矢量图形工具。 . 本元包提供了 Calligra 办公套件的所有组件。 Package: cantor Description-md5: b6206700c97d395d6c4cbb313b01d339 Description-zh_CN: interface for mathematical applications Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-kalgebra Description-md5: ba531ee14b7e36e41a4623f04928c4c9 Description-zh_CN: KAlgebra backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using KAlgebra ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-lua Description-md5: b3f632c467ccd8c4c5c36fe6b5db2657 Description-zh_CN: Lua backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Lua language ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-maxima Description-md5: f6ae06ebc930de49c27db235585f4e1a Description-zh_CN: Maxima backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Maxima Computer Algebra System ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-octave Description-md5: 5151317e4655857a3bfbeb52846533ae Description-zh_CN: Octave backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the GNU Octave language for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-python3 Description-md5: 5859020cfbc1e49e53997056f3b2944a Description-zh_CN: Python3 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python3 language ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-qalculate Description-md5: 31c54ecdd183e63b8b691b850c067238 Description-zh_CN: Qalculate! backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Qalculate! calculator ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-r Description-md5: f273670a825e4363322b9d1005c95d3d Description-zh_CN: R backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the R Project for Statistical Computing ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-sage Description-md5: 8f1f433be9e842741a390ce6825af0ad Description-zh_CN: Sage backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Sage Mathematics Software ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: cantor-backend-scilab Description-md5: 87f7e53c9057cfe3dd32cf3773a8ac88 Description-zh_CN: Scilab backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Scilab scientific software package for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: caribou Description-md5: 1393efd26539e44d081130ca63d0858e Description-zh_CN: 带有扫描模式的可配置屏幕键盘 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 Package: caribou-antler Description-md5: 1393efd26539e44d081130ca63d0858e Description-zh_CN: 带有扫描模式的可配置屏幕键盘 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 Package: carla Description-md5: 343c0a9226972cd649b2a5b9d987fd10 Description-zh_CN: audio plugin host Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC and full OSC control. Currently supports LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ sounds banks. . 该软件包包含了它的主程序。 Package: carla-dev Description-md5: e8b2138ae084b977d4a7befaa6f3beba Description-zh_CN: audio plugin host - development libraries Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC and full OSC control. Currently supports LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ sounds banks. . 本软件包包含了开发库文件。 Package: ccache Description-md5: ee6cfd684c9def102ca8cd664767a949 Description-zh_CN: 用于快速重编译 C/C++ 代码的编译器缓存 Ccache 是一个编译器缓存工具。它可以以缓存先前的编译内容并在相同的编译再次发生时进行探测的方式加速重编译。 Package: cdtool Description-md5: 958b66f86ad886922b8d6bb1322a4481 Description-zh_CN: 基于文本的音频 CD 播放器和光驱控制命令 cdtool 包含 cdplay、cdplay、cdstop、cdpause 和其他一些用程序,它们可用于从 命令行播放音频 CD 和控制光驱。它们不但执行起来快捷,而且是可脚本化的。 . cdown 读取音轨并从某个 CDDB 数据库查询当前光盘信息。cdctrl 是一个命令行工 具,它让用户以交互方式或者通过脚本来控制光驱。cdir 使用一个与 workman 兼容 的数据库来跟踪不同光盘中的内容。 Package: celluloid Description-md5: 36039aaa9324deae871f44000a6a65b0 Description-zh_CN: mpv 的简单 GTK+ 前端 GNOME MPV 是 mpv 的一个简单 GTK+ 前端。GNOME MPV 和 mpv 经由 libmpv 导出的 客户端 API 进行交互,从而使用 mpv 提供的强大播放功能。 Package: certbot Description-md5: deb7e404ce1b150b59379c3f9a73ac1a Description-zh_CN: 使用 Let's Encrypt 自动配置 HTTPS Certbot、Let's Encrypt 以及 ACME(Automated Certificate Management Environment,自动证书管理环境)协议的目标是让您能建立一个 HTTPS 服务器并自动 获取浏览器信任的证书,不需要任何人工干预。该程序在网页服务器上运行一个证书管理 代理程序以达到上述目标。 . 本代理程序可以用来: . - Automatically prove to the Let's Encrypt CA that you control the website - Obtain a browser-trusted certificate and set it up on your web server - Keep track of when your certificate is going to expire, and renew it - Help you revoke the certificate if that ever becomes necessary. . 本软件包提供其主程序,包括独立工作程序以及人工验证交互程序。 Package: cervisia Description-md5: 24aa55ccfc4c9ef6342e9d331b63080e Description-zh_CN: 图形化的 CVS 客户端 Cervisia 是 CVS 版本控制系统客户端的图形化前端。 . 除了基本的和高级的 CVS 操作之外,它还提供了友好的图形界面用于查看、编辑、操作 CVS 目录或工作 目录中的文件。它包含了许多有用的工具以方便 CVS 的使用,例如日志浏览器、冲突处理工具以及变更日 志编辑器等,能够检查格式错误。 . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: chai Description-md5: 8c1690565f2cb6e8137d1fc0a4726b49 Description-zh_CN: assertion library for Node.js Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for Node.js and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework. This library is test framework agnostic. . Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests . BDD of Behavior-Driven Development is an extension of test-driven development that makes use of a simple, domain-specific scripting language (DSL). These DSLs convert structured natural language statements into executable tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: changeo Description-md5: f7df938dee11ca49f4c4cdf5a450df24 Description-zh_CN: Repertoire clonal assignment toolkit (Python 3) Change-O is a collection of tools for processing the output of V(D)J alignment tools, assigning clonal clusters to immunoglobulin (Ig) sequences, and reconstructing germline sequences. . Dramatic improvements in high-throughput sequencing technologies now enable large-scale characterization of Ig repertoires, defined as the collection of trans-membrane antigen-receptor proteins located on the surface of B cells and T cells. Change-O is a suite of utilities to facilitate advanced analysis of Ig and TCR sequences following germline segment assignment. Change-O handles output from IMGT/HighV-QUEST and IgBLAST, and provides a wide variety of clustering methods for assigning clonal groups to Ig sequences. Record sorting, grouping, and various database manipulation operations are also included. . 本软件包将安装用于 Python 3 的库。 Package: Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d Description-zh_CN: GNUstep 的字符映射表 这是一个使用 GNUstep 开发环境 ( 开发的字符映射表,目的是为 了帮助 GNUstep 成为一个桌面环境。 . 该软件包为用户提供字体选择功能,使您可以容易的看到某种字体提供的所有符号。 Package: chase Description-md5: 2f0129cda6030977f4ac0694e97f61fb Description-zh_CN: 追踪符号连接并列出所指向的目标文件 Chase 用于追踪符号连接所指向的真实文件--只要你愿意,它就可以顺藤摸瓜,直到 找到真实存在的文件。如果追踪成功,结果就保证是一个真正的文件,而不是另一个 符号连接。 Package: cheese Description-md5: d43e2962bb9e2e6472e35b9746fa32d9 Description-zh_CN: 一个使用摄像头拍摄录像或照片的工具 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 Package: cheese-common Description-md5: bd8017d577dcb034b7c3327cc79fe310 Description-zh_CN: Common files for the Cheese tool to take pictures and videos 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the common files and translations. Package: chemtool Description-md5: b024ce1fbf60f9454170cdff7154f986 Description-zh_CN: 绘制化学分子结构的程序 Chemtool 是一个适用于 X11 的 2D 化学分子结构编辑器,使用 GTK+ 用户界面。 它支持多种化学键类型、多种化学格式的文本、弯曲箭头等。 . Drawings can be exported to MOL and PDB format, SVG or XFig format for further annotation, as a PiCTeX drawing, as a bitmap or as Postscript files (several of these through XFig's companion program fig2dev). . 该软件包还包含了一个辅助程序 cht,可以从 chemtool 绘图文件中计算 化学式和(实际)分子量。Cht 可以通过 Chemtool 或者通过控制台来调用。 Package: choqok Description-md5: bbc96ef6f2db31b2a8b47c49ee309e26 Description-zh_CN: KDE 下的微博客户端 Choqok 是 KDE 环境下一个快速、高效、简洁易用的微博客户端。 目前它支持 和 微博服务。 . Other notable features include: * Support for user + friends time-lines. * Support for @Reply time-lines. * Support for sending and receiving direct messages. * integration. * The ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously. * Support for search APIs for all services. * KWallet integration. * Support for automatic shortening urls with more than 30 characters. * Support for configuring status lists appearance. Package: chrpath Description-md5: a999fc68ae2f1aed25b996deccacd83d Description-zh_CN: 编辑 ELF 二进制文件中 rpath 的工具 chrpath 可用于修改应用程序中的 rpath(即应用程序应到哪里寻找软件库的路径)。它(暂时)不支持在没有 rpath 时添加一个 rpath。 Package: cinnamon-l10n Description-md5: 08faa0fc53da3f89ab345a76d740ea09 Description-zh_CN: Cinnamon 桌面的翻译文件 The package contains the translation files for all the Cinnamon packages. Translations for the Cinnamon project are managed via: Package: clamtk Description-md5: 8942c2da6c02354b285054fb8219c530 Description-zh_CN: ClamAV 的图形前端 ClamTk 是 Clam 杀毒程序的图形前端。 . 它设计为针对 Linux 系统的易用、轻量级、按需式 的杀毒扫描器。 . Context menu support for KDE's Plasma Desktop (Dolphin file manager) and Nemo and Thunar sendto is included. Context menu support for GNOME (Nautilus file manager), but due to additional dependencies required, it is in a separate package: clamtk-gnome. Package: clamtk-gnome Description-md5: fda80a0170042c568962b1893e1d98d4 Description-zh_CN: GNOME (Nautilus) MenuProvider extension for ClamTk ClamTk 是 Clam 杀毒程序的图形前端。 . This package contains a nautilus plugin to allow right click support for easy virus scanning with ClamTk and thus ClamAV in GNOME. Package: clamz Description-md5: 2ddf5c23e13f44e0cd518e37876b295b Description-zh_CN: 一个命令行程序,用于从 Amazon 下载 MP3 音乐 Clamz 可以作为 Amazon 官方 MP3 下载工具的替代品,而后者不是开源软件。 Clamz 可以下载您从 Amazon 上购买的单独的歌曲或整个专辑。 Package: clang Description-md5: e5fe16b3a59bdef5e6636c681fbc6bc8 Description-zh_CN: C、C++ 和 Objective-C 编译器(基于 LLVM),clang 二进制文件 Clang 项目是一个用于 LLVM 编译器的 C、C++、Objective C 和 Objective C++ 前 端。它的目标是提供 GNU 编译器集合(GCC)的替代品。 . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . 这个依赖包提供默认的 clang 编译器。 Package: clang-14 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-14-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-14-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-15 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-15-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-15-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-16 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-16-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-16-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-17 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-17-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-17-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-18 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-18-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-18-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-19 Description-md5: c364160e44345420df0f2e97b3082b69 Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 Package: clang-19-doc Description-md5: 6bf5242bfe6f159fd907beb982f2315f Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: clang-19-examples Description-md5: c2fd51cc2d722b8e5b1c1549d931bc06 Description-zh_CN: Clang examples Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang examples. Package: clang-tools Description-md5: 4ddd2ed56dfd485dbe82eff1ef361738 Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools Clang 项目是一个用于 LLVM 编译器的 C、C++、Objective C 和 Objective C++ 前 端。它的目标是提供 GNU 编译器集合(GCC)的替代品。 . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This is a dependency package providing the clang tools package. Package: clang-tools-14 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clang-tools-15 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clang-tools-16 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clang-tools-17 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clang-tools-18 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clang-tools-19 Description-md5: da24a5a87f39211c1ff10f03f06e0a3c Description-zh_CN: clang-based tools for C/C++ developments Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains some clang-based tools like scan-build, clang-cl, etc. Package: clangd Description-md5: 3b7cb01eb87cc13d9033aca5bf9d0f1d Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 . 这个依赖包提供 clangd。 Package: clangd-14 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: clangd-15 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: clangd-16 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: clangd-17 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: clangd-18 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: clangd-19 Description-md5: 9ae9ea58c7af3228199dd96c36ecd0bb Description-zh_CN: 向编辑器提供类似 IDE 的功能的语言服务器 clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: - code completion - compile errors - go-to-definition - and more. . clangd 是一个实现了语言服务器协议的语言服务器;通过插件,它可以与许多编辑器 一起使用。 Package: claws-mail Description-md5: 5ca896e9df0156098e01f8da88fdd407 Description-zh_CN: Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK based email client Claws Mail 是一个功能全面而强大的电子邮件客户端,以前叫 Sylpheed-Claws 。它也可以 通过加载插件扩展来提供附加功能,如其它储存格式、消息订阅、日程管理、邮件过滤等等。 Package: claws-mail-doc Description-md5: 5908123576c87afa2da6cc4147785777 Description-zh_CN: Claws Mail 邮件程序的用户手册 本软件包提供了 Claws Mail 的用户手册。该手册有文本格式和 HTML 格式用于阅读, 也有 PostScript 和 PDF 格式用于打印。 Package: claws-mail-extra-plugins Description-md5: 5be0713364e2ea1b54026a74529533cc Description-zh_CN: 适用于 Claws Mail 的附加插件 这是一个元软件包,用于安装适用于 Claws Mai 邮件程序的所有上游站点可获得的附加插件。 . Historically these were plugins shipped in a separate tarball but nowadays they are included in Claws Mail sources. . 更详细的信息可以查看各个插件软件包的描述。 Package: claws-mail-feeds-reader Description-md5: cd0f79d2ef1c9e1bc12cdb61bf6907a0 Description-zh_CN: Feeds (RSS/Atom/RDF) reader plugin for Claws Mail 该 RSSyl 插件提供了适用于 Claws Mail 邮件程序的消息订阅功能。 . Supported feed formats are: • RSS 1.0 (Resource Description Framework) • RSS 2.0 • Atom (RFC 4287) . Has also per-feed customization features, transforming Claws Mail into a powerful lightweight feeds reader. Package: claws-mail-i18n Description-md5: c260b84bb0144f68c9ec6679901e405c Description-zh_CN: Claws Mail 的区域数据(国际化支持) This package provides support for additional languages to the Claws Mail mailer. Currently available locales are: ca (Catalan) cs (Czech) da (Danish) de (German) en_GB (British English) es (Spanish) fi (Finnish) fr (French) he (Hebrew) hu (Hungarian) id_ID (Indonesian) it (Italian) ja (Japanese) nb (Norwegian Bokmål) nl (Dutch) pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) pl (Polish) ro (Romanian) ru (Russian) sk (Slovak) sv (Swedish) tr (Turkish) zh_TW (Traditional Chinese) Package: claws-mail-plugins Description-md5: aea89c1eacea28211295db1a94b6b8c8 Description-zh_CN: 为 Claws Mail 邮件程序安装的插件 This is a metapackage to install core plugin packages provided by the Claws Mail sources. Historically these were the only plugins provided along with Claws Mail itself. . 要安装更多插件,请查看 claws-mail-extra-plugins 软件包。 Package: claws-mail-tools Description-md5: 38d2e1956f817d4610778a5eac021743 Description-zh_CN: Claws Mail 邮件程序的辅助和应用脚本 这是一些由各种程序语言所编写的脚本,用于解决用户在使用 Claws Mail 过程中 发现的问题,如:邮箱迁移、地址簿转换,等等。 . 查看 README 文件以获知更多详情和包含的脚本。 Package: clementine Description-md5: e194c11c413c82b36dbde39650ae34e9 Description-zh_CN: 现代音乐播放器和曲库管理器 Clementine 是一款跨平台的音乐播放器,专注于提供一套搜索与播放音乐的快速而好用的界面。 . Summary of included features : - Search and play your local music library. - Listen to internet radio from,, IntergalacticFM, SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo, Digitally Imported,,, Icecast and Subsonic servers. - Search and play songs you've uploaded to SeaFile, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. - Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists. - Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX. - CUE sheet support. - Play audio CDs. - Visualisations from projectM. - Lyrics and artist biographies and photos. - Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC. - Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music. - Fetch missing tags from MusicBrainz. - Discover and download Podcasts. - Download missing album cover art from - Native desktop notifications using libnotify. - Remote control using an Android device, a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line. - Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player. - Queue manager. Package: cli-common Description-md5: c868d733992b0f798d46399562a779bf Description-zh_CN: 全部 CLI 包的通用文件 在需要 CLI(通用语言基础结构)运行环境时,需要安 装本包。 . It covers useful integration and information for CLI implementations in Debian GNU/Linux, including: * The CLI policy describes how CLI packages should behave and integrate. * A FAQ for package maintainers of CLI/.NET applications. * Integration for CLRs (Common Language Runtime): + Installing libraries into existing GACs (Global Assembly Cache) Package: clusterssh Description-md5: 08bbb1a9bb2e2b74d88867b64ad9a6a0 Description-zh_CN: 同时管理多个 ssh 或 rsh 登陆 ClusterSSH (cssh、crsh、ctel) 能够让您在一个窗口内控制多个 ssh、rsh 或 telnet 会话。您还可以配置主机集群从而在一个会话中方便地与单独的终端窗口互动、发出指令等。 Package: cmake-extras Description-md5: 465a216c1db639cf227162be3f5d25cc Description-zh_CN: 额外的 CMake 实用工具模块 用于 Ubuntu 开发的 CMake 模块。在 Debian 中,此软件包可以帮助将来源于 Ubuntu 的软件移植到 Debian。 . 包含的 CMake 模块: . - copyright testing - coverage testing - building gtest - doxygen documentation - code formatting - GDbus, GMock and GSettings modules - intltool helpers - QML plugin helper - and several more... Package: cmake-vala Description-md5: a4fa1b9a996772a07320201a1558f89e Description-zh_CN: CMake utility modules needed for building Vala Panel (and related projects) CMake modules which are used for Vala Panel development. . 包含的 CMake 模块: . - various Find modules (e.g. BAMF, GTK+, PEAS, WNCK, X11) - various GLib helpers - various modules for Git based versioning - FindVala and ValaPrecompile modules - and others Package: cmatrix Description-md5: 9af1f58e4b6301a6583f036c780c6ae6 Description-zh_CN: 模拟《黑客帝国》的屏幕显示 Screen saver for the terminal based in the movie "The Matrix". It works in terminals of all dimensions and have the following features: * Support terminal resize. * Screen saver mode: any key closes it. * Selectable color. * Change text scroll rate. Package: cobra Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: codeblocks Description-md5: 085a469fb5f38916d82842e097c6fda4 Description-zh_CN: Code::Blocks 集成开发环境(IDE) Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash) Package: codeblocks-common Description-md5: e1583e4d79ede6b548b2149d9200bf8b Description-zh_CN: Code::Blocks 集成开发环境的通用文件 Code::Blocks 是一个跨平台的集成开发环境(IDE)。 它基于一个允许无限扩展的自行开发插件框架。它的大 部分功能已由插件提供。 . 本包包含 Code::Blocks 的架构独立文件。 Package: coinor-libcbc3.1 Description-md5: b4d3283ed0e3235b24f8eec60fa098c1 Description-zh_CN: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (shared libraries) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: coinor-libcoinutils3v5 Description-md5: 4d8ca20299f01641634a39467c4d9488 Description-zh_CN: COIN-OR collection of utility classes (shared libraries) CoinUtils (COIN-OR Utilities) is a collection of classes and functions that are generally useful to more than one COIN-OR project. These include classes for vectors, matrices, mps file reading, and functions for floating-point comparisons. . The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR, or simply COIN) project is an initiative to spur the development of open source software for the operations research community. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: coinor-libsymphony3 Description-md5: 366d6d4a97ad87929e56360898d68ee9 Description-zh_CN: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (shared libraries) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: compiz Description-md5: f8949ff691855a5244d51aa54ee72f8f Description-zh_CN: OpenGL 窗口和合成管理器 Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . 该宏包提供了运行 compiz 所必需的组件,包括 compiz 的核心程序、一系列标准插件、 一个使用 Gtk 工具集的窗口装饰器、一些用于将 compiz 整合到 GNOME 桌面环境所必 需的文件。 Package: compiz-core Description-md5: 96330190075d58bc036c352e8a3a72fa Description-zh_CN: OpenGL 窗口和合成管理器 Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . Compiz 将一个窗口管理器与一个混合管理器结合起来,使用 OpenGL 作渲染。窗口管理器 能允许您设置在多种应用程序和对话框窗口显示在屏幕上的样子。混合管理器允许您将窗口与 其它图像结合起来,创建混合图像。通过以上这些功能,Compiz 将得到十分震撼的效果。 Package: compiz-dev Description-md5: 867507a9b714c75e96d3438264bda095 Description-zh_CN: OpenGL window and compositing manager - development files Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . This package contains the headers and libraries needed to compile compiz plugins. Package: compiz-gnome Description-md5: f487b7706c4305676403c9a70567359c Description-zh_CN: OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorator Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . This package contains files needed to integrate compiz with the GNOME desktop environment. Package: compiz-mate Description-md5: 09595fdf4d423fb538a04789c4e2fbf3 Description-zh_CN: OpenGL window and compositing manager - MATE integration Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . This package contains files needed to integrate compiz with the MATE desktop environment. Package: compiz-plugins Description-md5: 5f988b4273a894361f576aa14d53e19b Description-zh_CN: OpenGL window and compositing manager - plugins Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . This package contains the plugins that come with compiz but not officially supported. Package: compiz-plugins-default Description-md5: 169e3bd9eb5bb71160bf028bbbfc8b44 Description-zh_CN: OpenGL window and compositing manager - default plugins Compiz 带来了使 Linux 桌面更加易用、功能更强大的各种视觉效果,使具有特殊需要的 用户更容易使用系统。 . This package contains the default set of core Compiz plugins. Package: compiz-plugins-extra Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main-default Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: compiz-plugins-main-dev Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package ensures a clean upgrade path, and can be safely removed after the upgrade. Package: congruity Description-md5: c29a0ce2e03fcbeb6eb05515170938cc Description-zh_CN: 用于控制罗技万能遥控器(Logitech Harmony)的图形界面程序 Congruity 是一个图形化的程序,使用 Python 编写,通过调谐网络控制罗技万能遥控器。 . 它提供了一个简洁的途径和清爽的图形界面用于快速配置罗技遥控器,这一切是通过载入 EZHex 文件来完成的。 Package: console-cyrillic Description-md5: 4e0e20b1fb56a3473aaf9b2fb89bc492 Description-zh_CN: Cyrillic fonts and keyboard layouts for Linux console 本软件包提供 Linux 控制台的 Cyrillic(斯拉夫语)支持,并有很多可定制 的特性: . 1) 支持多种字符集:utf-8、cp1251、ibm866、iso-8859-5、koi8-r、koi8-u、 mac- cyrillic、mik、pt154 与 rk1048。 . 2) 多种键盘映射:一个白俄罗斯语的,两个保加利亚语的,一个马其顿语的, 一个蒙古语的,两个俄语的,一个塞尔维亚语的,两个乌克兰语的。 . 3) 很多用于屏幕显示的字体。 . 4) 应用程序:cyr、displayfont、dumppsf、makeacm、mkvgafont、raw2psf。 . 5) 两个用于 Dosemu 的字体。 Package: conspy Description-md5: 4d006635ba9b97b07aecab22c2859756 Description-zh_CN: Linux 虚拟控制台的远程控制 Conspy 可以帮助(远程)用户查看 Linux 虚拟控制台上显示的内容,并向其发送键盘输入。它类似 VNC,但 VNC 控制 GUI 而 conspy 控制文本模式的虚拟控制台。与 VNC 不同,conspy 在使用之前不需要在服务器上预先安装。 Package: convertall Description-md5: e91e95bbaa508185e73f6085c5add29d Description-zh_CN: 非常灵活的单位转换工具 使用 ConvertAll,您可以将存储在数据库中的任何单位转换为其他相应的单位。例如,您可以转换 10 英寸、米制- 英镑、立方海里,都可以。单位甚至都不需要有实际意义。 Package: cowsay Description-md5: c312f9ae79aed8150f991fcfa3df1a03 Description-zh_CN: 可配置的奶牛说话程序 Cowsay(或者 cowthink)会将你输入的文本变成使 用 ASCII 字符拼成的高兴奶牛图案,并打上你所 输入文字的对话框(或想法)气泡。如果你不喜欢奶 牛,还有其它 ASCII 艺术可将奶牛替换为其它 生物(Tux、BSD 小恶魔、龙以及一系列动物,有火 鸡,也有吞了大象的蛇) Package: cowsay-off Description-md5: 0231fc8cf59e81c9f9517177748c80d4 Description-zh_CN: configurable talking cow (offensive cows) Cowsay(或者 cowthink)会将你输入的文本变成使 用 ASCII 字符拼成的高兴奶牛图案,并打上你所 输入文字的对话框(或想法)气泡。如果你不喜欢奶 牛,还有其它 ASCII 艺术可将奶牛替换为其它 生物(Tux、BSD 小恶魔、龙以及一系列动物,有火 鸡,也有吞了大象的蛇) . This package contains cows which some may consider to be offensive. Please do not install this package if you or your users are easily offended. Package: cpp-11 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 Package: cpp-11-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture. Package: cpp-11-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 076120de648561ca5beac0eef8858b16 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for alpha architecture. Package: cpp-11-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 87845c9df59b46f5fe32b9d07e7b59b0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for arc architecture. Package: cpp-11-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture. Package: cpp-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture. Package: cpp-11-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cf43d9e869927f49e123729742e957d5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for hppa architecture. Package: cpp-11-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: cd50f31a75f6f3bffa6b4dd5b997c354 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for i386 architecture. Package: cpp-11-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: bdc9df6c23fbce734bc35f21a171839b Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for m68k architecture. Package: cpp-11-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 299c60fdd7647eab4ada137d47c25168 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips architecture. Package: cpp-11-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 64eeeaa44acc99c1667d4babb452b4db Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-11-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: eb4de33ac76eea3494e88bf1c79c39c1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-11-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c95bb5adf90e96e990e2c593b4cab34 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-11-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5a390525a8dae05ee8dd8e96785d0c8d Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsr6 architecture. Package: cpp-11-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c7ecf2f0ff5ced90e45a8b7a0122f7f Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsr6el architecture. Package: cpp-11-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 48cda71a731bc4e40d67521f4660a172 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64r6 architecture. Package: cpp-11-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: fdb23c158405fe981cbaa0853bda99b2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64r6el architecture. Package: cpp-11-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture. Package: cpp-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e7612f4f4bd7c93bf2a00e5be4834720 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-11-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c8dfbf0de7afc39cf0815e138362016 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64el architecture. Package: cpp-11-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7c05d3f784017915130504df9d83f910 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for riscv64 architecture. Package: cpp-11-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture. Package: cpp-11-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b55564492082f2f88360dd27ad158811 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-11-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 07f289f252ed1a98465636e2f5006177 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for sparc64 architecture. Package: cpp-11-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 437be6b3dee2182088475a4e923197f2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for x32 architecture. Package: cpp-12 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 Package: cpp-12-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture. Package: cpp-12-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 076120de648561ca5beac0eef8858b16 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for alpha architecture. Package: cpp-12-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 87845c9df59b46f5fe32b9d07e7b59b0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for arc architecture. Package: cpp-12-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture. Package: cpp-12-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture. Package: cpp-12-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cf43d9e869927f49e123729742e957d5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for hppa architecture. Package: cpp-12-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: cd50f31a75f6f3bffa6b4dd5b997c354 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for i386 architecture. Package: cpp-12-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: bdc9df6c23fbce734bc35f21a171839b Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for m68k architecture. Package: cpp-12-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 299c60fdd7647eab4ada137d47c25168 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips architecture. Package: cpp-12-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 64eeeaa44acc99c1667d4babb452b4db Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-12-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: eb4de33ac76eea3494e88bf1c79c39c1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-12-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c95bb5adf90e96e990e2c593b4cab34 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-12-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5a390525a8dae05ee8dd8e96785d0c8d Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsr6 architecture. Package: cpp-12-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c7ecf2f0ff5ced90e45a8b7a0122f7f Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsr6el architecture. Package: cpp-12-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 48cda71a731bc4e40d67521f4660a172 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64r6 architecture. Package: cpp-12-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: fdb23c158405fe981cbaa0853bda99b2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64r6el architecture. Package: cpp-12-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture. Package: cpp-12-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e7612f4f4bd7c93bf2a00e5be4834720 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-12-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c8dfbf0de7afc39cf0815e138362016 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64el architecture. Package: cpp-12-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7c05d3f784017915130504df9d83f910 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for riscv64 architecture. Package: cpp-12-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture. Package: cpp-12-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b55564492082f2f88360dd27ad158811 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-12-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 07f289f252ed1a98465636e2f5006177 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for sparc64 architecture. Package: cpp-12-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 437be6b3dee2182088475a4e923197f2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 . This package contains preprocessor configured for x32 architecture. Package: cpp-13 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个软件包是从 GCC 中分离出来的,为了给那些需要预处理器而不需要编译器的人提 供方便。 Package: cpp-13-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 60cdf4bb445be15901cb015feeb990b7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for aarch64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for aarch64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 42753505c5b300fa399f59e48a898e42 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for alpha-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for alpha-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 432441ea7fcfee1ae77a233af0c7d142 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for arc-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for arc-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: eb97e523c6dd147a226d2dac15df15a6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for arm-linux-gnueabi 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ed68a0d5b068e9ec1abe470407d0cbf5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for arm-linux-gnueabihf 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for arm-linux-gnueabihf architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-for-build Description-md5: 4d867f66a5170c25af70c1bda2672d33 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for the build architecture 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for the build architecture but not the compiler. . This is a dependency package. Package: cpp-13-for-host Description-md5: bdce3f8f67a0382ae150b074db5ebb6f Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for the host architecture 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for the host architecture but not the compiler. . When using this package, tools must be invoked with an architecture prefix. . This is a dependency package. Package: cpp-13-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: acd2edf874388f37d51695327e4c0a5b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for hppa-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for hppa-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: b8282273c17bed5005498d3acc86c9d4 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for i686-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for i686-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9e3bb583d1fcd098be3adacad10aafdd Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for loongarch64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 14059c20a18de43b77c04dda7a60d772 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for m68k-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for m68k-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7c2a687a23f1e513ee0b2b338d3982b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 28b9f14bc8e40a44983e33ac1dde6182 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f42b6705f9d04ccb745b7a1ad83af902 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 034b1780ad0adaf28712df5c0b1ca525 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsel-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 74ac8588c5daef7b89ef801117a8e65b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5e4776c6a960c1eba378c6346694c237 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 3b34e9ed74ef5a713bebb087e23353c0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0b3d03eef6b52ab23bbfe3799f362dc9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1bc17e836ac369f167de0dc882685c13 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for powerpc-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1a9ec75094ee73c2df113786fdde488c Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for powerpc64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2c7bd4237665c7473651107af2193fed Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for powerpc64le-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for powerpc64le-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: c37f823d16cc21e0b1020888979e0de5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for riscv64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for riscv64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 15322c927af928619270877121b482b0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for s390x-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for s390x-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: dec22b7c31fb4745dbdbad3ba258cf85 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for sh4-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for sh4-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 441cc9c9331254855c9c3b44a6e8092f Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for sparc64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-x86-64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 43b850052510e8ce407b526ada2b0877 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for x86_64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for x86_64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-13-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 10834c0b4d3e7f0531d1d366ba8ff909 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for x86_64-linux-gnux32 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 42753505c5b300fa399f59e48a898e42 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for alpha-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for alpha-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 432441ea7fcfee1ae77a233af0c7d142 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for arc-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for arc-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: eb97e523c6dd147a226d2dac15df15a6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for arm-linux-gnueabi 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: acd2edf874388f37d51695327e4c0a5b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for hppa-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for hppa-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9e3bb583d1fcd098be3adacad10aafdd Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for loongarch64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 14059c20a18de43b77c04dda7a60d772 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for m68k-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for m68k-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7c2a687a23f1e513ee0b2b338d3982b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 28b9f14bc8e40a44983e33ac1dde6182 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f42b6705f9d04ccb745b7a1ad83af902 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 034b1780ad0adaf28712df5c0b1ca525 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsel-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 74ac8588c5daef7b89ef801117a8e65b Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5e4776c6a960c1eba378c6346694c237 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 3b34e9ed74ef5a713bebb087e23353c0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0b3d03eef6b52ab23bbfe3799f362dc9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1bc17e836ac369f167de0dc882685c13 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for powerpc-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1a9ec75094ee73c2df113786fdde488c Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for powerpc64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: dec22b7c31fb4745dbdbad3ba258cf85 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for sh4-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for sh4-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 441cc9c9331254855c9c3b44a6e8092f Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for sparc64-linux-gnu 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpp-14-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 10834c0b4d3e7f0531d1d366ba8ff909 Description-zh_CN: GNU C preprocessor for x86_64-linux-gnux32 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor configured for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture but not the compiler. Package: cpufrequtils Description-md5: 52dad6bb1cd00cd7cfe3ebb7d3ae3f80 Description-zh_CN: 对应 Linux 内核 cpufreq 特性的工具 This package contains two utilities for inspecting and setting the CPU frequency through both the sysfs and procfs CPUFreq kernel interfaces. . By default, it also enables CPUFreq at boot time if the correct CPU driver is found. Package: critterding Description-md5: 314acba8b8dd3bdfb8adb939891ece5f Description-zh_CN: 人工生命进化演示 Critterding 是一个三维的“培养皿”一般的宇宙,其中会展示人工生命的进化过程。 生命会以一个完全随机的大脑和身体开始,自发地演化成具有较好生存技能的生命。 Package: cruft Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: ctn-dev Description-md5: 80103a6ba13e86427f1bcd78c2b7ec21 Description-zh_CN: 中央测试节点的开发文件,是 DICOM 的一个实现 DICOM 是一种图像存储、注释和网络传播的标准。在医药图像方面应用非常广泛。 . 这个软件包内有利用 CTN 库创建程序所需要的头文件和静态链接库。 Package: ctsim Description-md5: 995cbd5291954c3060930315b4577e07 Description-zh_CN: 计算机断层摄影模拟器 CTSim 提供了一个交互式的计算机断层摄影模拟器。计算机断层摄影是一种通过分析物体在 X 射 线透射下吸收情况来估计物体内部结构的技术。 . CTSim 既带有命令行工具也带有图形用户界面。 CTSim 有一个富于教育性的回溯模式,可以查看数据收集以及重建过程。 Package: cupp3 Description-md5: 15945cd3ceb943c44f84304bd76ebd4d Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 CUPP (Common User Passwords Profiler) is a wordlist generator tool that can generate wordlists from information such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money or password. . A weak password might be very short or only use alphanumeric characters, making decryption simple. A weak password can also be one that is easily guessed by someone profiling the user, such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money or password. From a social engineering you can obtain information to use with the CUPP, this way the tool can create a very effective dictionary for brute force attacks or dictionary attacks. . That is why CUPP has born, and it can be used in situations like security penetration tests or forensic crime investigations. . 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: cutecom Description-md5: c874930f4b12019295a3bcaa99e74ea1 Description-zh_CN: 图形界面的串口调试终端,类似于 minicom Cutecom is a graphical serial terminal, like minicom. It is aimed mainly at hardware developers or other people who need a terminal to talk to their devices. It features lineoriented interface instead of character- oriented, xmodem, ymodem, zmodem support (requires the lrzsz package) and hexadecimal input and output among other things. It is written using the Qt library originally by Trolltech ( Package: cvsservice Description-md5: 723db9ea6ebe6426ab2ec6ff91dc1c3e Description-zh_CN: D-Bus service for accessing CVS repositories This package provides a D-Bus service for browsing and manipulating remote CVS repositories. Applications may make use of it directly from C++, or access the service over D-Bus. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: d-feet Description-md5: 0229f8b6d6e70b3ecb56893e27dfb02b Description-zh_CN: D-Bus 对象浏览器、查看器和调试工具 d-feet is a D-Bus debugger that allow you to: * View names on the session and system bus * View exported objects, interfaces, methods and signals * View the full command line of services on the bus * Execute methods with parameters on the bus and see their return values Package: danmaq Description-md5: 54b4bdcf7f1aa27c959de2f431b759cb Description-zh_CN: 用于在任何屏幕上播放弹幕的小型客户端 Qt 程序 DanmaQ 是一个桌面弹幕客户端。它可以用来显示弹幕字符串。 . “danmaku”(“弹幕”),该词汇最初来自日本,此处指代一种互联网即时评论手段。它 从日本兴起并在东亚文化圈中流行了起来。在本场景下,人们可以编写评论并将它们 发送到一个弹幕服务器上。服务器将会把评论推送到与其连接的弹幕客户端上,这些 评论会在客户端上实时显示。评论文字会从屏幕上带着艺术效果飞过。 . 本软件包提供了一个使用 Qt5 实现的弹幕客户端程序。 Package: dante-client Description-md5: 3dda083094c90b44bebc6ecc9da32d8c Description-zh_CN: 防火墙背后用户使用的 SOCKS 包装层 Dante 是一款会话层防火墙和代理。只需要运行 Dante 的服务器能访问外网,它就能提供 便捷、安全的网络连接,访问多种类型的主机。 . 本软件包提供“socksify”客户端程序,能让任意程序将您的网络请求通过 SOCKS 服务器 (v4 或 v5)转发。 Package: dante-server Description-md5: 00072cb7e925ba8110ef47af279dbfff Description-zh_CN: SOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon (danted) Dante 是一款会话层防火墙和代理。只需要运行 Dante 的服务器能访问外网,它就能提供 便捷、安全的网络连接,访问多种类型的主机。 . This package provides the socks proxy daemon (danted). The server part of Dante allows socks clients to connect through it to the network. Package: darkstat Description-md5: e9b7531a9de659a7aa562b3efdd154ef Description-zh_CN: 网络通信分析器 It is a packet sniffer which runs as a background process and serves its statistics to a web browser: - input and output IP traffic by machines, ports and protocols, - last minute, hourly, daily and monthly global input and output graphics. . It is known to be smaller (in terms of memory footprint) and stabler than ntop. Package: dbus-tests Description-md5: 21d8962af3ce2eb690155b3d6c1a7f1b Description-zh_CN: 简单的进程间消息系统(测试基础设施) D-Bus 是一个消息总线,用户在应用程序间发送消息。从概念上说,在复杂性方面, 它介于原始套接字和 CORBA 之间。 . 此软件包提供了 D-Bus 的自动和手动测试,以及 dbus-test-tool 实用工具。它还提供了 D-Bus 软件库和可执行文件在编译时附带额外调试信息以及日志记录功能的副本。 . 参阅 dbus 软件包描述以获取更多有关 D-Bus 的总体信息。 Package: dconf-editor Description-md5: 8594999c9f75808f25b87fd50f2307f1 Description-zh_CN: 简单的配置存储系统 - 图形界面编辑器 DConf 是一个低层的键值对数据库,被设计用于存储桌面环境设置。 . 该软件包包含一个图形界面编辑器,用于修改存储在 dconf 中的设置。 Package: dde-calendar Description-md5: 34c7b025c0ad09863b43637e3f76e77d Description-zh_CN: 深度日历 深度日历是一个深度公司开发的易用日历工具,其主要功能包括显示当前日期、节 气、农历和世界假日。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: dde-qt5integration Description-md5: 5828468500f3e19d7d74912d8070b2b2 Description-zh_CN: Qt5 theme integration for Deepin application Deepin's qt5integration provides library plugins used by Deepin application and Deepin Desktop Environment. It implements many extra features on top of stock Qt, include hijacking window decoration / shadow painting, better support for cursors under HiDPI, retrieval of full list of windows under current workspace, support for window of arbitrary shape with anti-aliasing and so on, to make Qt5 application and Deepin Desktop Environment more user-friendly. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: debcargo Description-md5: f2f7a9e991939d8ab97f55a64774c1dd Description-zh_CN: 从 Cargo crate 创建 Debian 软件包 This package contains the following binaries built from the Rust crate "debcargo": - debcargo Package: debconf-kde-data Description-md5: 82edb4baee2615f86a4dbcbbefebab5c Description-zh_CN: Debconf KDE data files Debconf KDE 为一个图形用户界面库,用于在基于 Qt 的应用程序中内置 Debconf 前端。 Debconf 为一个用于 Debian 软件包的配置管理系统,可以在安装时与用户交互并向 用户提出问题。 本库用 C++ 编写。Apper 和 Muon 用了本库以将 Debconf 对话框嵌入其中。 . This package contains the data files needed by the Debconf KDE library Package: debconf-kde-helper Description-md5: 3a4ff114eecf9feaf76f8d75f57d810b Description-zh_CN: Debconf 的 KDE 图形用户界面前端工具 Debconf KDE 为一个图形用户界面库,用于在基于 Qt 的应用程序中内置 Debconf 前端。 Debconf 为一个用于 Debian 软件包的配置管理系统,可以在安装时与用户交互并向 用户提出问题。 本库用 C++ 编写。Apper 和 Muon 用了本库以将 Debconf 对话框嵌入其中。 . 本包包含一个小型的独立工具,用于在没有链接 Debconf KDE 库的情况下显示 KDE Debconf 对话框。 Package: debconf-utils Description-md5: 6ee047164ccc84b6b919790585947b39 Description-zh_CN: debconf 实用程序 本软件包包含了 debconf 开发者所使用的一些小型实用程序。 Package: debian-archive-keyring Description-md5: 42ad5bca25566776e87c49efcb80168f Description-zh_CN: Debian 档案文件的 GnuPG 存档密钥 Debian 项目对其发布的文件进行数字签名,这个软件包包含用于此目的的存档密钥。 . In Ubuntu, those keys are disabled by default. Package: debian-cd Description-md5: b59e667c433931c5a543938040ae0cb0 Description-zh_CN: 构建(官方)Debian 光盘套装的工具 Debian-cd 是用以构建光盘套装的官方工具,支持 potato 及其以后的版本。它曾称为 YACS(Yet Another CD Script 的缩写)。 . Its goal is to facilitate the creation of customized Debian CD sets. Package: debian-faq Description-md5: a72402ead5344f31157c839591abcfda Description-zh_CN: Debian 常见问题(FAQ) 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . 此文档可以在 找到,也可以在 Debian 文件服务器 及其镜像上找到。 . 此文档以 HTML、PDF 和无格式文本提供。 . 如果您对 Debian 比较陌生,并且想要不通过网络直接从本地系统阅读文档,请安装该软件包。 Package: debian-faq-de Description-md5: 8cee729d3f80b18e704a8cf6085e0367 Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in German 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in German of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-fr Description-md5: a4a6915dc94227ba5391c5ab60ad7cd7 Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in French 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in French of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-it Description-md5: b3cd35f40e62c18002ab21ff069465bb Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Italian 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Italian of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-ja Description-md5: 21e3cdcb98d64b2b811d7ca4b05213ff Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Japanese 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Japanese of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-ko Description-md5: 25b1130220bef5c810ea4c2c43f1a883 Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Korean 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Korean of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-nl Description-md5: 07c211662367a3833e74d5e9ae0efaae Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Dutch 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Dutch of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-pt Description-md5: cbe934b39c34f2f5b63273f4e382453b Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Portuguese 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Portuguese of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-ru Description-md5: afc5d4b81a21bb8bf53949f85c943cd9 Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Russian 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Russian of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-faq-zh-cn Description-md5: 87cc9406cf7311dc6bc68e7f2ddc5e3b Description-zh_CN: Debian Frequently Asked Questions, in Simplified Chinese 在这个包你将找到 Debian GNU/Linux 的 FAQ,这里给出了频繁被问到的问题(以及它们的回答), 都是关于 Debian 发行(Debian GNU/Linux 和其他)和 Debian 项目的。某些回答呈现了类 Unix 操作系统的一些知识。无论如何,都假定已有知识尽可能少:一般初学者问题的答案将尽量简单。 . The document is supplied in HTML, PDF and plain text. . This is the translation in Simplified Chinese of the original English FAQ (available in the package debian-faq.) Package: debian-history Description-md5: 63856983223a9b702f0d8321f8a1583b Description-zh_CN: Debian 计划的简短历史 随着 Debian 社区的不断发展,旧时的事情逐渐远去,我们需要合适地记录下这个项 目的来源,以及它的内容和目标。 . The package includes the original document (in English) as well as the translations in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Lithuanian. Package: debian-installer-launcher Description-md5: c92003f4c389c9cdd9f5024d1317af19 Description-zh_CN: Debian 安装器的桌面启动器 这是 Debian 安装器镜像中的桌面启动器。它主要用于 Debian Live 系统。 . 您大概没有必要将这个软件包安装在一个非 live 环境的系统上。当然,安装了也不 会产生副作用。 Package: debian-kernel-handbook Description-md5: d2ace2401cdb0f2dd8472494b68d4750 Description-zh_CN: Debian Linux 内核软件包及其开发的参考手册 本包可作为以下工作的参考手册: . * Working on the linux package * Building custom kernels and modules * Working with initramfs images * Kernel team policies Package: debian-keyring Description-md5: 1e1072221bc0fe22d182506b88b6513a Description-zh_CN: Debian 开发者和维护者的 GnuPG 公钥 Debian 计划要求开发者在发布与自己软件包相关的公告时使用 GnuPG 进行数字签 名,以此避免伪造信息影响。该软件包包含了 GnuPG 的密钥环、Debian 开发者(包 括可上传软件包和不可上传软件包的开发者)的公钥以及 Debian 维护者的公钥。 . 请注意,尽管该软件包为方便起见予以提供,这并不意味着该软件包总是和最新的修 改保持一致;权威的密钥环信息来源如下所示,可以使用 rsync 获取: . . 最后,如下的 Git 仓库通常提供了最新的权威公共数据: . Package: debian-reference Description-md5: e702bcb166c66b0e2476c35f9dfd9742 Description-zh_CN: 用于安装所有 Debian 参考手册翻译文档的元软件包 Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . 如您配置系统安装所有“推荐”的软件,则该软件包会同时安装所有翻译的版本。 Package: debian-reference-common Description-md5: 460c503d2327aad2d0be2670a1c794d6 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, common files Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . This only provides menu functionality and other common files. Package: debian-reference-de Description-md5: c404f71b822e4ebc58fd1b14ea5be949 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, German translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The German translation. Package: debian-reference-en Description-md5: ad8881a4fef7535e97da05ae79b9f222 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, English original Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The English original version. Package: debian-reference-es Description-md5: 6e8b3f941b8cff99339c1443e19d653e Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Spanish translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Spanish translation. Package: debian-reference-fr Description-md5: 08983b3cdddba1406ac5a0d4c9cb3ad1 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, French translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The French translation. Package: debian-reference-id Description-md5: 4faea5b5b5ce480918ddf0e66c5449ce Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Indonesian translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Indonesian translation. Package: debian-reference-it Description-md5: 0fe220973d4cb3f1ecabf2b3d2441ab9 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Italian translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Italian translation. Package: debian-reference-ja Description-md5: fe8633b39047eddb22a5b5fff3017d54 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Japanese translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Japanese translation. Package: debian-reference-pt Description-md5: 0402b1c626a39acab30d8f63f9e98d07 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Portuguese translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Portuguese (Portugal) translation. Package: debian-reference-pt-br Description-md5: e7467cea4dcb53a65e7325a207286d29 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Portuguese (Brazil) translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Portuguese (Brazil) translation. Package: debian-reference-zh-cn Description-md5: 8454b784a1946f42b82b827ef0011337 Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Simplified) translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Chinese (Simplified) translation. Package: debian-reference-zh-tw Description-md5: 3b7febd8bb227cee50df8c1331326d3b Description-zh_CN: Debian system administration guide, Chinese (Traditional) translation Debian 参考手册旨在为大家提供一本安装后用户指南,帮助大家了解 Debian 系统。 它涵盖了系统管理的许多方面,并为非开发者提供了一些 shell 命令实例。 . The Chinese (Traditional) translation. Package: debian-security-support Description-md5: 12ffce3ff2b1f544b0063de409234b9b Description-zh_CN: Debian 安全支持覆盖检查器 对某些 Debian 软件包来说,在整个发行版发布周期内为所有使用情况提供完整的安 全支持是不可行的。 . 本软件包提供了一个程序,可以用来辨别已安装的软件包中哪些的安全支持有限或者 已提早结束,并对系统管理员发出警告。 . 含有新版检查列表的本软件包的更新将会经由标准的和/或延长的安全支持更新来提供。 Package: debmake-doc Description-md5: 674e1ef45cfea2d730c618fd79a95532 Description-zh_CN: Debian 维护者指南 本教程文档面向普通 Debian 用户和未来的开发者,描述了使用 debmake 命令构建 Debian 软件包的方法。 . It is focused on the modern packaging style and comes with many simple examples. * POSIX shell script packaging * Python3 script packaging * C with Makefile/Autotools/CMake * multiple binary package with shared library etc. . 本软件包可看作 maint-guide 的继承者。 Package: debsecan Description-md5: 02c585842f4cdb670bd20e06b66ecc85 Description-zh_CN: Debian 安全分析工具 debsecan 工具可以对一台特定 Debian 机器生成一份影响该系统的漏洞列表。 debscan 在需要扫描的主机上运行,并从 Internet 下载漏洞信息。当新的漏洞被发现或存在安全更新 时,它能发送邮件通知相关人员。 Package: debsums Description-md5: 3f8408683d3013b2e3df83e24b0d5d81 Description-zh_CN: 使用 MD5 校验和验证已安装软件包文件的工具 debsums 可以使用已安装软件包文件或给定 .deb 归档的 MD5 校验和验证已安装软件包的完整性。 Package: deepin-calculator Description-md5: 73c6be31938bd29aeedca1fcc064ee85 Description-zh_CN: Calculator for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) An easy to use calculator for ordinary users. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-deb-installer Description-md5: 1e09b0821abe3ddb876df1d24b2b4cc6 Description-zh_CN: Deepin Package Manager Deepin Package Manager is a management tool for deb package, and is developed for users to easily install customized applications that are not categorized in Deepin Store. With an easy-to-use interface as well as functions like batch installation, version detection and auto-completion of dependencies, you can quickly get the software installed on deepin once you get the right deb package. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-gettext-tools Description-md5: 602c444e58921c0bee709ebd3ed1b228 Description-zh_CN: Deepin Internationalization utilities This package provides various tools used by Deepin software to extract translatable string and manage i18n works as a supplement to regular gettext tools. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-icon-theme Description-md5: 61bb3039dd3e1139991b39bb4af5d649 Description-zh_CN: Icon Theme for Deepin software and Deepin Desktop Environment Deepin Icon Theme is the default icon theme for DDE, based on Papirus icon theme. This package contains: * Deepin Icon Theme * Sea Icon Theme * Deepin Cursor Theme . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-image-viewer Description-md5: a87cb90fecf4e422c2ee29d7e5323375 Description-zh_CN: Image Viewer for Deepin Desktop Environment Deepin Image Viewer is an image viewer and manager elaborately produced by Deepin Technology. It is fashion and smooth, supports multiple image formats, user can view any kind of image. The image management in Deepin Image Viewer, allows user to rank images in Timeline by date, add image to "My favorites" or different albums. All images can be arranged in perfect order by Deepin Image Viewer. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-menu Description-md5: a4e07ac060d7068a873af10d821c2022 Description-zh_CN: Deepin menu service Deepin Menu is the unified menu service for Deepin Desktop Environment. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-movie Description-md5: 3c8252ec4159903bc555877ad967a892 Description-zh_CN: Deepin movie player Deepin Movie provides an intuitive easy to use operation interface and rich complete shortcuts. You can complete all play operations by keyboard, which will make you thoroughly get rid of the constraint of mouse click. Video files in various formats can be played through Deepin Movie, and you can use the streaming function to easily enjoy online video resources. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-music Description-md5: 882a422ed6fc8efeb62eaf719f4743da Description-zh_CN: music player with brilliant and tweakful UI Deepin-UI based, GStreamer front-end, with features likes search music by pinyin, quanpin, colorful lyrics supports, and more powerful functions you will found. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-notifications Description-md5: d21f3b4e463ba3dca5ae9cfeaf72c133 Description-zh_CN: System notifications for Deepin Desktop Environment Deepin notification is a notfiy app for Deepin Desktop Environment. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-picker Description-md5: 1f028734b67f6b44733e1100a6fef61f Description-zh_CN: Color picker tool for deepin Deepin Picker is a fast screen color picking tool developed by Deepin Technology. The RGB, RGBA, HEX, CMYK and HSV code can be obtained according color picked and auto saved to the clipboard. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-screen-recorder Description-md5: 2c631f6cf32bf3082c952e1efc3e962a Description-zh_CN: Simple recorder tools for deepin Deepin Screen Recorder is a screen recorder tool, it supports to save the recorded screens as gif or mp4 format. It can select the recorded window automatically or manually by selecting the area. Users just need to start and stop the recording process, and the file will auto save to the desktop. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-shortcut-viewer Description-md5: 95bb167dbb9b841326b7998267c9962a Description-zh_CN: Pop-up shortcut viewer for Deepin applications Deepin-shortcut-viewer is a standalone binary that helps Deepin applications pop up their shortcut information on screen in a unified appearance. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-sound-theme Description-md5: 5617334f8b00959171f231683163a7e9 Description-zh_CN: Deepin sound theme for DDE This package provides WAV sound themes applied to system sound effects for Deepin Desktop Environment. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: deepin-terminal Description-md5: dc1cdb3d8e6282c0fa5574ba7fbaf351 Description-zh_CN: Deepin terminal emulator application Deepin Terminal is an advanced terminal emulator with workspace, multiple windows, remote management, quake mode and other features. It sharpens your focus in the world of command line. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: default-d-compiler Description-md5: bbbd93771830b7fd3186d8c877db5ddf Description-zh_CN: 默认 D 语言编译器(元包) 这是用于在对应架构的 Debian 系统上安装默认 D 语言编译器的元包。 . Packages building D libraries or using them should depend on this. Package: designer-qt6 Description-md5: df46dfd1ea0aa8d594bee91fe16e2306 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Designer Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. Package: designer-qt6-plugins Description-md5: 0f0a4d12f9833d96ff16609bbdf74454 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Designer - plugins Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. . This package contains various plugins to be used with the Qt Designer. Package: desktop-base Description-md5: 803a1cfa10c4fe42fa50462e9b011bfb Description-zh_CN: Debian 桌面的通用文件 本软件包包含了用于 Debian 桌面安装的各类杂项文件。当前版本中,它提供了 Debian 相关的艺术设计和主题、包含链接到 Debian 相关材料的 .desktop 文件(适合放置于用户桌面的相关材料)以及其它可用桌面环境(如 GNOME 和 KDE)的通用文件。 Package: desmume Description-md5: 3c38f4d8b701e8921ce8a7f5eb1a7aee Description-zh_CN: 任天堂 DS 模拟器 DeSmuME 是一个任天堂 DS 模拟器,可运行家用机游戏和商业游戏。 . This package includes only the command line user interface desmume-cli. Package: developers-reference Description-md5: 46a1f3b266aa382d0fc176e8790ca727 Description-zh_CN: Debian 开发者指南和信息 This package contains the Debian Developer's Reference, a set of guidelines and best practices which has been established by and for the community of Debian developers and maintainers. If you are not maintaining Debian packages, you probably do not need this package. . 内容目录: . * 1. Scope of This Document * 2. Applying to Become a Member * 3. Debian Developer's Duties * 4. Resources for Debian Members * 5. Managing Packages * 6. Best Packaging Practices * 7. Beyond Packaging * 8. Internationalization and Translations * 1. Overview of Debian Maintainer Tools . This package contains the English version of the Developer's Reference. The French, German, Italian, Russian and Japanese translations are available in developers-reference-fr, developers-reference-de, developers- reference-it, developers-reference-ru and developers-reference-ja. Package: dgit Description-md5: 559081434127c75cd5fadde790e2eb02 Description-zh_CN: Debian 归档的 git 互操作工具 dgit(以及其配套基础设施)使得用户可以将 Debian 归档视为 git 仓库进行操作。 . dgit push 从 git 提交构建上传内容。 . dgit clone 和 dgit fetch 从上传中构建 git 提交。 Package: dh-python Description-md5: cedc6d65bf2b3f4d8daff30004b84b8d Description-zh_CN: 用于打包 Python 库和应用程序的 Debian 帮助工具 This package contains: * pybuild - invokes various build systems for requested Python versions in order to build modules and extensions * dh_python3 - calculates Python 3.X dependencies for Debian packages, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. Package: dh-user-session-migration Description-md5: ab82ae559651aeaae860144d8e53cd6e Description-zh_CN: 对 user-session-migration 支持的 debhelper 扩展 本软件包提供了对已安装的软件包进行用户会话迁移操作的 debhelper 扩展。 Package: dia Description-md5: 018aa331acc6ffa4e440b38dd58114c1 Description-zh_CN: 图表编辑器 Dia是图表,曲线图,海图等图形表格的编辑器。它支持UML静态结构图表(类图), 实体关系图,网络图表以及其它更多图表。图表可以导出为postscript和其它格式。 Package: dia-common Description-md5: 9d12e6044f35c45f65fe82a12fc94b0c Description-zh_CN: Diagram editor (common files) Dia是图表,曲线图,海图等图形表格的编辑器。它支持UML静态结构图表(类图), 实体关系图,网络图表以及其它更多图表。图表可以导出为postscript和其它格式。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: dia-shapes Description-md5: e4ff2c34ed790b4779293eedadc78bc3 Description-zh_CN: Diagram editor (additional shapes) Dia是图表,曲线图,海图等图形表格的编辑器。它支持UML静态结构图表(类图), 实体关系图,网络图表以及其它更多图表。图表可以导出为postscript和其它格式。 . This package provides additional shapes for Dia. Included shapes are - Automata - AUTOSAR - Building site - Central data processing - CH-1 notation - Chemistry lab - Circuit 2 - CMOS - Digital - EPC - Electric 2 - Electrical - Electronic - Gradient - Living Systems Theory - Optics - Racks - Renewable Energy - Scenegraph - Value Stream Mapping Package: dialign Description-md5: c167148e4fcfc2b9286f16796115d6a0 Description-zh_CN: 分段多重序列比对 DIALIGN2 是一个进行蛋白质或 DNA 序列多重比对 的命令行工具。它从序列相似段 的无空位(gap free)对构建比对。用于比对的记分 系统是 DIALIGN 与其他全局或局部比对方法 的基本区别。注意:DIALIGN 不使用任何类型的间隔 惩罚(gap penalty)。 Package: dialign-tx Description-md5: e9901419309c237beb8746a4cbe9d039 Description-zh_CN: 分段多重序列比对 DIALIGN-TX is a command line tool to perform multiple alignment of protein or DNA sequences. It is a complete reimplementation of the segment-base approach including several new improvements and heuristics that significantly enhance the quality of the output alignments compared to DIALIGN 2.2 and DIALIGN-T. For pairwise alignment, DIALIGN-TX uses a fragment-chaining algorithm that favours chains of low-scoring local alignments over isolated high-scoring fragments. For multiple alignment, DIALIGN-TX uses an improved greedy procedure that is less sensitive to spurious local sequence similarities. Package: diffpdf Description-md5: 1ae07bf3d536852dd5ae20b7e5bbab0d Description-zh_CN: 比较两个 PDF 文件的文字或者外观 DiffPDF 是一个用于比较两个 PDF 文件的工具。 默认情况下它将逐页比较文字,但也支持比较页面之间的外观(例如可以辨认出图表或段落格式的改变)。 它也能对特定的页面或页面范围进行比较。例如,有两个用于比较的 PDF 文件,一个文件的页码是 1 -12,另一个是 1-13,因为后者多插入了一页(第 4 页)。因此,您可以指定它们比较的页面范围: 第一个文件比较 1-12 页,第二个文件比较 1-3、5-13 页。这样, DiffPDF 软件会按照下列配对 比较:(1, 1)、(2, 2)、(3, 3)、(4, 5)、(5, 6),等等,最后是 (12, 13)。 Package: diffuse Description-md5: 1c33e882865d2f8f6b3fb1c9c30b5bf5 Description-zh_CN: 用于合并和比较文本文件的图形界面工具 Diffuse 是一个用于合并和比较文本文件的图形界面工具。它能够对任意数量的文本文件进行两两比较, 还能让用户人工调整文本行的匹配、文件内容编辑等。Diffuse 还能够从 bazaar、CVS、darcs、git、 mercurial、monotone、Subversion 以及 GNU Revision Control System (RCS) 等版本 控制系统的目录中获取文件的修订版本进行比较、合并。 Package: ding Description-md5: 734dd76ffe73e797e20644d666b63bbc Description-zh_CN: Unix 下使用的图形界面字典查找程序 (TK) This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End to [ae]grep, (hun|a|i)spell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing . This package needs tre-agrep(1), agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. (tre-)agrep is preferable, because it supports fault tolerant searching. . 需要安装一些字典单词列表,同一行包含用某种分隔符分开的两种语言的单词或词组。 默认的配置使用 德-英 辞典,可以在 trans-de-en 中找到。 可以使用其他翻译 只要每行是两个单词的列表就行。 Package: dkopp Description-md5: 36b075c2cf65b2800085f34054cd6f22 Description-zh_CN: 备份文件到 DVD,支持完整备份或增量备份 Dkopp 是一个备份程序,能把磁盘文件复制、备份到 DVD 光盘或蓝盘(BD)。它支持完整备份或 增量备份,可进行完整或增量光碟核查。您可以使用一个 GUI 图形界面来浏览、选择(或取消选择) 要备份的文件、目录。备份作业可以保存下来便于再次使用。它会自动识别、处理磁盘上新建的、删 除的或更新的文件,无需您手工重新编辑备份作业。“增量备份”可以对已经进行过完整备份的 DVD/BD 光盘上的文件进行更新。此外,该程序还提供恢复功能:文件可以恢复到磁盘上相同或其他的位置。 大型备份工作可以使用多张 DVD 来完成。 Package: dnscap-dev Description-md5: 3f83a419854159f1cf6e938fb755b456 Description-zh_CN: Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic (development) dnscap is a network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic. It produces binary data in pcap(3) format. This utility is similar to tcpdump(1), but has a number of features tailored to DNS transactions and protocol options. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: dnsutils Description-md5: 021458b353ece6dd7b5cbef232419073 Description-zh_CN: Transitional package for bind9-dnsutils 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: doas Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: doc-debian Description-md5: 169f4de7b5c458ff7ffd0eff507c042a Description-zh_CN: Debian 计划文档和其他文档 Debian 计划是由那些致力于共同创建自由操作系统的人组成的组织。 . In this package, you will find: * Debian Linux Manifesto, * Constitution for the Debian Project, * Debian Social Contract, * Debian Free Software Guidelines. . Additionally provided are: * Debian Bug Tracking System documentation, and * Introduction to the Debian mailing lists. . 所有这些文档都可以在 及其镜像上取得。 Package: dolfin-bin Description-md5: 8319156332b1455d0d2d298062600604 Description-zh_CN: Executable scripts for DOLFIN DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . This package contains executable scripts for DOLFIN. Package: dolfin-doc Description-md5: 6d80f35b15cb807f29f485694db24fae Description-zh_CN: Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . This package contains documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN. Package: dolphin Description-md5: 886780d7b214152321908d6e0eee95d3 Description-zh_CN: 文件管理器 Dolphin is KDE's file manager that lets you navigate and browse the contents of your hard drives, USB sticks, SD cards, and more. Creating, moving, or deleting files and folders is simple and fast. . Features include: Customisable sidebars "Breadcrumb" navigation View properties remembered for each folder Split views Integrated terminal Network transparency Undo/redo functionality Ratings, comments, and tags Package: dolphin-nextcloud Description-md5: dfaf233805cd565efb312a3460a9ade5 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud integration for Dolphin Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . Dolphin Nextcloud is an extension that integrates the Nextcloud web service with your Plasma Desktop (KDE). Package: dolphin-plugins Description-md5: 78cf68c7dd83b108480629c95fb4c220 Description-zh_CN: plugins for Dolphin This package contains plugins for Dolphin that enhance its functionalities. . There are plugins that offer integration with the following version control systems: . * Bzr * Git * Mercurial * Subversion . Also, there are plugins to offer integration with the following services: . * Dropbox . Miscellaneous plugins: . * Mount ISO . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: dopewars-data Description-md5: 7f37ebdd23637d987ce1321cf97907e7 Description-zh_CN: drug-dealing game set in streets of New York City - data files UNIX rewrite of the MS-DOS program of the same name, which in turn was inspired by John E. Dell's "Drug Wars" game. You have one month to buy and sell drugs on the streets of New York, the aim being first to pay off your debt to the loan shark and then to make a fortune. And if you have to shoot a few cops in the process, well... The game includes TCP networking allowing you to meet (and shoot) other human drug dealers. . 本包包含适用于各架构的数据文件。 Package: dosbox Description-md5: bf24db8d2283b937c9ed1ed4eb441903 Description-zh_CN: x86 模拟器,模拟 DOS 界面、Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA 图形和音频 DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games on platforms that don't support it. . 它能够模拟以下音频:PC Speaker、Creative CMS/Gameblaster、Tandy 3 voice、Adlib、 Sound Blaster Pro/16、Disney Soundsource 和 Gravis Ultrasound,以及 MPU-401。 Package: dosbox-debug Description-md5: a94697946a3df15cea4a3d53c7c7e046 Description-zh_CN: x86 emulator with DOS - debugger DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games on platforms that don't support it. . 它能够模拟以下音频:PC Speaker、Creative CMS/Gameblaster、Tandy 3 voice、Adlib、 Sound Blaster Pro/16、Disney Soundsource 和 Gravis Ultrasound,以及 MPU-401。 . This package contains the DOSBox debugger. Package: dragonplayer Description-md5: 8e6e9720a749b1da382423928372bacc Description-zh_CN: 简单的视频播放器 一个理念与众不同的视频播放器:简单、整洁的界面。 . Features: - Plays DVDs, VCDs, all video formats supported by the Phonon backend in use. - Bundled with a simple web-page KPart. - Starts quickly. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: dvbstream Description-md5: a221b1b5f74e354c506ff9080834de45 Description-zh_CN: 通过局域网广播 DVB 传输流 DVBstream 建立在位于 的 ts-rtp 软件包之上。 在局域网上通过 rtp 协议广播 DVB 传输流(的子集)。 Package: dvdisaster Description-md5: 1c9a2632539347f46a8493e12ea69c19 Description-zh_CN: 一款预防 CD/DVD 光盘老化或刮痕所带来的数据损失的工具 dvdisaster 针对 CD/DVD 光盘老化或刮痕而带来的数据损失现象提供了一个保护措施。它能够创建 “错误修复数据”,用于恢复老化/受损的光盘上无法读取的区域数据。 Package: dvdisaster-doc Description-md5: 559fd90a21ef8c80b77c726fc625617a Description-zh_CN: data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media (documentation) dvdisaster 针对 CD/DVD 光盘老化或刮痕而带来的数据损失现象提供了一个保护措施。它能够创建 “错误修复数据”,用于恢复老化/受损的光盘上无法读取的区域数据。 . This package contains the documentation. Package: dvi2ps Description-md5: 99abab39fd1818e7a4cbd076142bec0f Description-zh_CN: 用于 NTT JTex、MulTeX 和 ASCII pTeX 的 TeX DVI 驱动 dvi2ps 是另一个将 DVI 文件转换为 PostScript 文件的工具。 dvi2ps 可以处理 NTT JTeX、MulTeX 和 ASCII pTeX 的 dvi 文件。 Package: e2tools Description-md5: fa4bd219f2f78fd4d8ec7ea1b7d20ac9 Description-zh_CN: 操作 ext2/ext3 文件系统文件的工具 E2tools 是一个简单的工具集,用于读、写和操作 ext2/ext3 文件系统里面的文件。 . 这些工具的目的是在不需要挂载 ext2/ext3 文件系统的情况下,从用户空间层进行操作,因此这些工具能够直接被普通用户使用。 . 工具包括:e2cp、e2mv、e2rm、e2mkdir、e2ln、e2ls 和 e2tail。 Package: earlyoom Description-md5: af2528669e45f838534ad3de7a75b3d4 Description-zh_CN: Early OOM 守护程序 Earlyoom 是一个用户空间内存耗尽处理程序(OOM-killer),它可以避免系统进入因 内存交换而造成的停止响应状态。这通常会在交换空间较大而内存资源紧张的情况下 发生。该程序会定期检查可用的内存和交换空间余量,当它们都低于某个预先配置的 值时,程序便会杀掉用量最大的进程。 Package: easychem Description-md5: 976da91a146f701051618bed9cd3da69 Description-zh_CN: 绘制高质量分子与二维化学式 EasyChem 是一个帮助您创建高质量分子图形及二维化学式的软件,能够将其导出为 PDF,PS,LaTex 及 fig 格式。 . EasyChem 原初的开发目的是为化学图书创建图表,而现在则经常在商业和非商业的化 学相关图书中使用该用途。 Package: efte Description-md5: 35d816f7c62701edb651fd7fd514a924 Description-zh_CN: 一款高级的轻量级可配置式编辑器 eFTE 是一个高级的程序员编辑器,目标是轻巧而可定制性强。 它支持用户自定义程序语言、菜单系统以 及快捷键绑定,此外还有许多默认设置。 . eFTE 来源于发布于 1995 年的 FTE 编辑器,目前是一个新项目,正在尝试加入许多新功能以适应程序 员文本编辑器的要求。 Package: eiciel Description-md5: 27a943906d111be0fe96b750e96c3159 Description-zh_CN: 用于编辑 POSIX ACL(访问控制列表)和扩展用户属性的图形界面编辑器 这是一个图形界面的工具,可以在 GNOME 环境下编辑管理 POSIX ACL(访问控制列表)和扩展用户属性。 它与 Nautilus 文件管理器可以完美地结合在一起,但也可以作为一个独立的应用程序。 Package: electric Description-md5: a6c312c9e8daf2c1686037aa441a7057 Description-zh_CN: 电路图设计软件 Electric 是一个功能强大的电路图设计软件,支持多种格式的电路图设计,包括数字和模拟电路、 IC排版、逻辑模拟、编程逻辑(FPGAs)等等。 Package: elinks Description-md5: 66ee559746b6122c8f9322ccc27fd1f6 Description-zh_CN: 高级的文本模式网页浏览器 Elinks 是一个功能丰富的文本模式网页浏览器,可视为改进的 Lynx 和 Links。它最值得一提的功能 有: . * Lots of protocols (local files, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 etc.) * Internationalized domain names * Persistent cookies, HTTP authentication and proxy authentication * Tabbed browsing, good looking menus and dialogs, and key-binding manager * History browsing and typeahead searches * Forms history and completion, and history in commonly used input dialogs * CSS support and support for browser scripting (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * Tables and frames rendering, and configurable color support * Compressed and background (non-blocking) downloads, and download resuming . This package is based on elinks fork, since original elinks seems to be no longer maintained. Package: elinks-data Description-md5: b12fd0ea4ccdeeebd88e81a5321ce4cc Description-zh_CN: advanced text-mode WWW browser - data files Elinks 是一个功能丰富的文本模式网页浏览器,可视为改进的 Lynx 和 Links。它最值得一提的功能 有: . * Lots of protocols (local files, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 etc.) * Internationalized domain names * Persistent cookies, HTTP authentication and proxy authentication * Tabbed browsing, good looking menus and dialogs, and key-binding manager * History browsing and typeahead searches * Forms history and completion, and history in commonly used input dialogs * CSS support and support for browser scripting (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * Tables and frames rendering, and configurable color support * Compressed and background (non-blocking) downloads, and download resuming . This package contains the data files that are necessary to use ELinks. Package: elinks-doc Description-md5: 51de3db0ddd45c8875ca36ea5debfd21 Description-zh_CN: advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation Elinks 是一个功能丰富的文本模式网页浏览器,可视为改进的 Lynx 和 Links。它最值得一提的功能 有: . * Lots of protocols (local files, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 etc.) * Internationalized domain names * Persistent cookies, HTTP authentication and proxy authentication * Tabbed browsing, good looking menus and dialogs, and key-binding manager * History browsing and typeahead searches * Forms history and completion, and history in commonly used input dialogs * CSS support and support for browser scripting (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * Tables and frames rendering, and configurable color support * Compressed and background (non-blocking) downloads, and download resuming . This package contains the documentation and manuals for ELinks. Package: elpa-acl2 Description-md5: 785e47d860f1b215d53efbb4f2bef1fc Description-zh_CN: Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models. . 该软件包包含了 ACL2 的 emacs 界面。 Package: email-reminder Description-md5: 6c7c762521636392c9555f9431302a3a Description-zh_CN: 通过电子邮件发送事件提醒 Email-reminder 事件提醒工具,允许用户定义想要通过电子邮件提醒他们的事情,例如生日、周年或十 周年纪念日。提醒消息可以在事件当天发送以及/或者提前几天发送。 . This package includes the cron job that checks for events and send reminders once a daily. . 如果您需要在晚上关机,请安装 anacron 软件包,否则消息可能无法正常发送。 Package: emboss-explorer Description-md5: 69ac8116a4fb61d1250e6572c9186bdf Description-zh_CN: 一个基于 web 的图形界面程序,用于访问 EMBOSS EMBOSS 浏览器是一个基于 web 的图形界面程序,用于访问 EMBOSS 生物信息学工具集。它使用 Perl 编写。 . 如果您使用 Apache HTTP 服务器,则在使用 EMBOSS 浏览器之前需要重启 Apache。对于其它的 HTTP 服务器,需要自己做一些配置。 Package: empire-hub Description-md5: da0baae69903b39d0327e3d1b150a357 Description-zh_CN: Empire 协议复用器 本包允许多个客户端同时使用同一个连接连向一个 Empire 服务器。 Package: enca Description-md5: 2f9c7fe9acb67b4a62500c271d337572 Description-zh_CN: 很简单的字符集分析器 - 二进制包 Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser. It detects the character set and the encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings using either a built-in converter or external libraries and tools like libiconv, librecode, or cstocs. . 目前支持白俄罗斯语、保加利亚语、克罗地亚语、捷克语、爱沙尼亚语、匈牙利语、 拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、波兰语、俄语、斯洛文尼亚语、斯洛伐克语、乌克兰语和汉 语等多字节编码的语言。 Package: engrampa-common Description-md5: fdfde1c8a9a6e7067950f078f1f16898 Description-zh_CN: archive manager for MATE (common files) Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to: . * Create and modify archives. * View the content of an archive. * View a file contained in an archive. * Extract files from the archive. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: enlightenment Description-md5: 926a07692618e3a130115633d1d6025d Description-zh_CN: X11 window manager based on EFL Enlightenment 是一个 X11 的高级窗口管理器。其都有的特性包括:一个完整的动画背景, 窗口周围漂亮的投影,和其底层极为干净、高度优化的 API 集合。 . This package contains the core files for Enlightenment. Package: enlightenment-data Description-md5: 02f94c9cb548fcf19688c4805c933045 Description-zh_CN: X11 window manager based on EFL - run time data files Enlightenment 是一个 X11 的高级窗口管理器。其都有的特性包括:一个完整的动画背景, 窗口周围漂亮的投影,和其底层极为干净、高度优化的 API 集合。 . These are the architecture independent runtime support files for the Enlightenment Window Manager. Package: enlightenment-dev Description-md5: 0c72d8e306ac8da7916403448e533285 Description-zh_CN: Enlightenment 的头文件、静态库和文档 Enlightenment 是一个 X11 的高级窗口管理器。其都有的特性包括:一个完整的动画背景, 窗口周围漂亮的投影,和其底层极为干净、高度优化的 API 集合。 . 此软件包包括 Enlightenment 的头文件、静态库和文档。 Package: eog-plugins Description-md5: 1b719a0436b067960e96d7ff53d40a45 Description-zh_CN: set of plugins for GNOME Image Viewer eog-plugins contain a set of plugins for eog, the GNOME Image Viewer. . 各个插件已经拆分成为单独的软件包;安装本元软件包会安装所有插件,但您也可以 独立安装各个插件。 Package: eom-common Description-md5: c848fbc723088e675f454caa830ef9a2 Description-zh_CN: Eye of MATE graphics viewer program (common files) eom or the Eye of MATE is a simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: epiphany Description-md5: 23567009d86366006897fa1e76cf272a Description-zh_CN: Boulder Dash 游戏的克隆版 Epiphany 是一个 Boulder Dash 游戏的跨平台克隆版。在此游戏中,玩家需要收集散 落在各层中值钱的矿物,同时避免撞上大石头甚至是炸弹。 . Boulder Dash 是 Commodore 64 平台上最成功的游戏之一。 Package: epiphany-browser Description-md5: 767a0ee0cafbd123a7d0ad923e60350d Description-zh_CN: 直观的 GNOME 网络浏览器 Epiphany 是一个为非技术性用户设计的简洁强大的 GNOME 网络浏览器。它的原则是: 简洁、符合标准。 . Simplicity is achieved by a well designed user interface and reliance on external applications for performing external tasks (such as reading email). Simplicity does not mean less features; Epiphany has everything a modern web browser is expected to have. . Epiphany 使用 WebKitGTK+ 渲染引擎以保证与 HTML 标准的一致性(这与 Apple Safari 和 Google Chrome 的实现相同)。在用户界面上 Epiphany 严格按照 GNOME 人机接口指导(HIG)设计,与 GNOME 桌面环境紧密整合。 Package: epiphany-browser-data Description-md5: 602cd9c52c5ffccb213ecf3dec85b99d Description-zh_CN: Data files for the GNOME web browser Epiphany 是一个为非技术性用户设计的简洁强大的 GNOME 网络浏览器。它的原则是: 简洁、符合标准。 . This package contains the common files, artwork and translations for Epiphany. Package: eric Description-md5: d8f7e1fd7028e5ce234755d0bc6db8d8 Description-zh_CN: 功能强大的 Python IDE eric is a full featured Python IDE written in PyQt using the QScintilla editor widget. Some highlights * Any number of editors with configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, auto indenting and brace highlighting. * Integrated Project Management facility to organize your projects. The project browser shows all source files, all forms and all translations each on its own tab. The source browser has built in class browsing capabilities. * Integrated and full featured debuggers for Python and Ruby. * Interactive shells for Python and Ruby. * An explorer window for walking through your directory structure with built in class browsing capabilities for Python files. * Variable windows that display local and global variables in the current scope while debugging a program. * An integrated interface to the Python Module "unittest". * An integrated help viewer to display HTML help files. Alternatively you can choose to use Qt-Assistant to view help files. * Display of the UI in different languages. * The capability to start Qt-Designer and Qt-Linguist from within eric5. * The ability to compile Qt-Designer forms, to produce Qt-Linguist files and release them from within the IDE. Package: etherape Description-md5: 4dd46dd38c9e87a20d132cba1725b4c8 Description-zh_CN: 图形界面的网络监视工具 EtherApe 是一个图形界面的网络监视工具,基于 etherman。它能够以图形的方式显示网络状态,如用 大小变化的圆圈来显示活动的主机、宽度变化的线条来显示主机之间的网络流量。 . 它支持链接层、TCP/IP 协议,支持显示 Ethernet、FDDI、Token Ring、ISDN、PPP 和 SLIP 等 设备。它可以筛选要显示的流量,可以从文件中读取数据,也可以从网络直接获取数据。 Package: etherape-data Description-md5: f30eacbe021d76cfe8872e502811cc8c Description-zh_CN: graphical network monitor (data files) EtherApe 是一个图形界面的网络监视工具,基于 etherman。它能够以图形的方式显示网络状态,如用 大小变化的圆圈来显示活动的主机、宽度变化的线条来显示主机之间的网络流量。 . 它支持链接层、TCP/IP 协议,支持显示 Ethernet、FDDI、Token Ring、ISDN、PPP 和 SLIP 等 设备。它可以筛选要显示的流量,可以从文件中读取数据,也可以从网络直接获取数据。 . This package contains the data files for etherape. Package: euler Description-md5: 38d4558134e90707e088adc315fbab95 Description-zh_CN: 交互式数学编程环境 Euler 是一个功能强大的带有编程语言的数值计算环境。它能够处理实数、复数以及区间、矢量和矩阵。 它还能绘制 2D/3D 图形。 . Euler features among other things: * real, complex and interval scalars and matrices * a programming language, with local variables, default values for parameters, variable parameter number, passing of functions * two and three dimensional graphs * marker plots * density and contour plots * animations * numerical integration and differentiation * statistical functions and tests * differential equations * interval methods with guaranteed inclusions * function minimizers (Brent, Nelder-Mean) * simplex algorithm * interpolation and approximation * finding roots of polynomials * fast Fourier transform (FFT) * an exact scalar product using a long accumulator * PostScript graphics export . 该软件包包含了主程序,Euler 的文档位于软件包 euler-doc 中。 Package: euler-doc Description-md5: f6a72a7d7210d66a193399ccb5e050fe Description-zh_CN: documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler Euler 是一个功能强大的带有编程语言的数值计算环境。它能够处理实数、复数以及区间、矢量和矩阵。 它还能绘制 2D/3D 图形。 . This package contains documentation for Euler. Package: evilwm Description-md5: a02c2ade8efeb54e129766cda3362957 Description-zh_CN: 用于 X11 的极小化窗口管理器 evilwm 基于 Decklin Foster 的 aewm。它是一款极小化的作品,省略了非必需的组件,如窗口装饰和图标。但它可用性极好,且提供了 较好的键盘控制功能来实现重定位、切换最大化、窗口拖曳、边缘吸附支持和虚拟桌面。 Package: evolution Description-md5: 91491c7b9cec72bd791625b7538ddba3 Description-zh_CN: groupware 的邮件客户端和日程管理软件套装 Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . 一些附加的功能包括:与 Exchange 和 Groupwise 服务器整合、新闻组客户端、 LDAP 支持和网络日历。 . The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-pluginm Package: evolution-common Description-md5: 63a9c80d6efb5e50b74aae7ebcc8bf5c Description-zh_CN: architecture independent files for Evolution Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package contains the architecture independent files needed by the evolution package. Package: evolution-dev Description-md5: e8841388a6199690879d253b06445273 Description-zh_CN: development library files for Evolution Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package contains header and static library files for developing Evolution components. Package: evolution-plugin-bogofilter Description-md5: ea7228ccd6349df7257c61f0ee7152e5 Description-zh_CN: standard plugins for Evolution (bogofilter) Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package includes the bogofilter spam filter module for Evolution. Package: evolution-plugin-pstimport Description-md5: 235e34cceea2b696a02434f108471df1 Description-zh_CN: standard plugins for Evolution (pstimport) Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package includes a plugin for Evolution that enables importing Microsoft Outlook messages from a PST file. Package: evolution-plugin-spamassassin Description-md5: 2f0f85442a14a2c0f09e25029136c49d Description-zh_CN: standard plugins for Evolution (spamassassin) Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package includes the spamassasin spam filter module for Evolution. Package: evolution-plugins Description-md5: fb67f1a5710947230f19a78f407e2ee7 Description-zh_CN: standard plugins for Evolution Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package includes plugins for evolution. The plugins belong to the set of "standard" plugins, which are useful, but not necessary for a functioning application. . The following standard plugins are included. - attachment-reminder - bbdb - dbx-import - email-custom-header - face - mailing-list-actions - mail-notification - mail-to-task - prefer-plain - save-calendar - sender-validator - templates Package: evolution-plugins-experimental Description-md5: d7002a313af115cfa4e69a3a6c08f948 Description-zh_CN: experimental plugins for Evolution Evolution 是一个集成邮件,日历,通讯录,提醒和备忘录工具的软件套装。 . This package includes plugins for Evolution. The plugins belong to the set of "experimental" plugins, which are unsupported, have undergone little testing, and might cause problems to the rest of Evolution. Use with care. . The following plugins are included. - external-editor - contacts-map Package: exfalso Description-md5: fcc2776342ffcd06e76d0d3544249a2e Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 音频文件标签编辑器 Ex Falso 能够显示和编辑音频文件元数据标签。支持的音频格式有:MP3、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC、 Musepack (MPC)、WavPack 和 MOD/XM/IT。 . A command-line counterpart, Operon, is also distributed as part of this package. . Notable features include: * Freeform tag editing for most supported formats, including ID3v2 * Multiple values for tag keys * Flexible rename-by-tags and tag-by-filename patterns * Extensible using simple Python-based plugins * Edit multiple files in several formats at once Package: fastdnaml Description-md5: 54169e83396b506e0827efa278465930 Description-zh_CN: 构建 DNA 序列系统发育树的工具 fastDNAml 源于 3.3 版的 DNAML(作者为 Joseph Felsenstein,是 PHYLIP 软件包的一部分) 程序。在使用此程序时用户可以参阅 DNAML 程序的文档。 . fastDNAml 与 DNAML 所解决的问题是一样的,但它运算速度更快、占用内存更少,故可支持更庞大的 进化树或者/以及更多次的 bootstrap 检验。 大部分 fastDNAml 事实上是 PHYLIP 3.3 版 DNAML 程序的改写,由原先的 PASCAL 语言改写为 C 语言。 . 不过该项目的主页目前已不可访问,可能以后不会有更新。 Package: fbautostart Description-md5: 52ac194b61a2fa64e56adfb49b2edad8 Description-zh_CN: XDG compliant autostarting app for Fluxbox The fbautostart app was designed to have little to no overhead, while still maintaining the needed functionality of launching applications according to the XDG spec. . 此软件包带有 GNOME 和 KDE 支持。 Package: fbi Description-md5: 75d3355ebe00d0a91b591363b1bb7a26 Description-zh_CN: Linux 帧缓冲图像查看器 这是使用 Linux 帧缓冲设备的一个图像查看器。它内建对各类常见图像文件格式的支 持。对未知的文件,它会尝试使用来自 ImageMagick 软件包的 convert 工具作为外 部转换器来转换图像格式。 它同时包含了 fbgs,一个 Postscript 和 PDF 查看器。 Package: fbreader Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c Description-zh_CN: 电子书阅读器 FBReader 是一个电子书阅读器。 . Main features: * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker, palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip, bzip2 archives (you can have several books in one archive) * supports a structured view of your e-book collection * automatically determines encodings * automatically generates a table of contents * keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all open books between runs * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included) * searching and downloading books from and * partial CSS support for epub files Package: fbterm Description-md5: e70d5cd58a75b890572e92dbed274675 Description-zh_CN: 基于 framebuffer 的 Linux 终端模拟器 FbTerm 是一款使用帧缓冲设备的 Linux 终端模拟器。 . Features include: * mostly as fast as terminal of Linux kernel while accelerated scrolling is enabled on framebuffer device * select font with fontconfig and draw text with freetype2, same as Qt/Gtk+ based GUI apps * dynamicly create/destroy up to 10 windows initially running default shell * record scrollback history for every window * auto-detect current locale and convert text encoding, support double width scripts like Chinese, Japanese etc * switch between configurable additional text encoding with hot keys on the fly * copy/past selected text between windows with mouse when gpm server is running Package: fcitx Description-md5: eb148ca7ce16b2d84d02264d801fd140 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx 小企鹅输入法 Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . 这个元软件包为大多数桌面用户安装推荐的组件组合。 Package: fcitx-config-common Description-md5: 5551f0dbf18b55aee63b6383b17da4f8 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx 图形化配置工具 - 通用文件 Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It is an ideal choice for the vast majority. Many of its features make users of Unix-like platforms have a fully modern input experience for the first time. It has also greatly lower the threshold for developers, making the development of extended functions much easier than ever before. . 这个软件包提供了图形配置工具所需的通用文件。 Package: fcitx-config-gtk Description-md5: 65b9f05283b29f092b0dfabecf4e13b5 Description-zh_CN: graphic Fcitx configuration tool Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It is an ideal choice for the vast majority. Many of its features make users of Unix-like platforms have a fully modern input experience for the first time. It has also greatly lower the threshold for developers, making the development of extended functions much easier than ever before. . This package provides a graphical configuration tool. Package: fcitx-frontend-fbterm Description-md5: 12277ca691e98d9f53e8b96510dd40d8 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - FbTerm frontend Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides the FbTerm frontend, which is recommended for users who does not use X. Package: fcitx-frontend-qt5 Description-md5: 91c0b0047102974e18f3e144ae30b137 Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Qt5 IM Module frontend Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package provides the Qt5 IM Module frontend, which is necessary for Fcitx users who would like to use Qt5 applications. Package: fcitx-frontend-qt6 Description-md5: 48794ceb225794d1941682fcb13f7e63 Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Qt6 IM Module frontend Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package provides the Qt6 IM Module frontend, which is necessary for Fcitx users who would like to use Qt6 applications. Package: fcitx-hangul Description-md5: b11e3a5ac70091d7dbe54b823c094a88 Description-zh_CN: Korean Hangul Wrapper for Fcitx Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It is an ideal choice for the vast majority. Many of its features make users of Unix-like platforms have a fully modern input experience for the first time. It has also greatly lower the threshold for developers, making the development of extended functions much easier than ever before. . This package provides the hangul module, which uses libhangul, the Hangul keyboard input library. Package: fcitx-kkc Description-md5: 880ff60c4246cc551da9f11a3490b2f9 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx wrapper for libkkc IM engine fcitx-kkc 是 libkkc 输入法引擎用于 Fcitx 的一个封装。 . libkkc 提供了从日文假名字符串到假名和汉字混合字符串的转换。 . This package provides fcitx module for libkkc. Package: fcitx-kkc-dev Description-md5: 40e92728216a417b34ea957aa09ab186 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx 对 libkkc 的封装 - 库开发文件 fcitx-kkc 是 libkkc 输入法引擎用于 Fcitx 的一个封装。 . libkkc 提供了从日文假名字符串到假名和汉字混合字符串的转换。 . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 Package: fcitx-libs-dev Description-md5: 7208b7351d39fb1f95d5beab3481a564 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - library development files Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 Package: fcitx-m17n Description-md5: 607d4ff4a0aa501e6c8a76b2bb9e618a Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - m17n module Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It is an ideal choice for the vast majority. Many of its features make users of Unix-like platforms have a fully modern input experience for the first time. It has also greatly lower the threshold for developers, making the development of extended functions much easier than ever before. . This package provides the m17n module, which uses libm17n, a multilingual text processing library for the C language. Package: fcitx-module-quickphrase-editor5 Description-md5: 6c4b1333a8f2cb102dc5dad116a0e5ed Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick Phrase editor module Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package provides the Quick Phrase Editor module for configuration tools including fcitx-config-gtk and kde-config-fcitx. It is specific to fcitx4. Package: fcitx-mozc Description-md5: cc0f91c7fed6f08bdb82d8e08a339167 Description-zh_CN: Mozc engine for fcitx - Client of the Mozc input method Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . fcitx-mozc provides client part of the Mozc input method. Package: fcitx-qw Description-md5: 7e9f9d35e216ca0fc94c14f01ea4314b Description-zh_CN: Fcitx 小企鹅输入法 - 区位码输入法 Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . 本软件包提供区位码输入法。 Package: fcitx-rime Description-md5: b43004c578ac1ed0e11c36084967d340 Description-zh_CN: RIME 引擎的 Fcitx 包装 fcitx-rime 是 RIME 引擎在 Fcitx 下的一个包装。 . RIME 是一个轻量级、可扩展的输入法引擎,它支持多种输入模式,包括基于字形的 输入法、基于罗马化方案的输入法以及各类中文方言的拼音方案。 Package: fcitx-sunpinyin Description-md5: 7daba1fb9c0cdb53feeffb78faf7b549 Description-zh_CN: Sunpinyin 输入法引擎的 Fcitx 封装 fcitx-sunpinyin 是一个 Sunpinyin 输入法引擎的封装。 . Sunpinyin 是一种基于统计语言模型(SLM)的简体中文输入法引擎, 支持整句输入。 Package: fcitx-table-amharic Description-md5: ce4ebd7b3ce823ee22cab69fb7bfd865 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Amharic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Amharic table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-arabic Description-md5: 84d4d10e937f1b325b561d3b76cfd575 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Arabic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Arabic table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-array30 Description-md5: 71f523078f1e4be28da78a73c0a7250b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Array30 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Array30 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-array30-big Description-md5: fc0f2695d9de5d3edd95af0d1c6af8b1 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Array30-Big table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Array30-Big table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-boshiamy Description-md5: 3eb3edd27b57bb077402b348b46de4c0 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Boshiamy table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Boshiamy table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cangjie-big Description-md5: 913733282479b5453d8ceff79ef64b5a Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie-Big table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cangjie-Big table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cangjie3 Description-md5: 5e340f2e4e754ab54dbded0265d981c0 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie3 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cangjie3 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cangjie5 Description-md5: cff2123550aed1202e2d460c723912de Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cangjie5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cangjie5 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cantonese Description-md5: b7a905db45f283694b9245787f207ec7 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cantonese table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cantonese table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cantonhk Description-md5: be2ccf2ae4185c70cc29dda00e18e931 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cantonhk table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cantonhk table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-cns11643 Description-md5: 9ae7e156c50fadfcb55ce4370341ae3c Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Cns11643 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Cns11643 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-compose Description-md5: be001d3f00c95cca72ef77590912947b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Compose table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Compose table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-easy-big Description-md5: a330f92f714f9a22dfa13534d07558b6 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Easy-Big table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Easy-Big table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-emoji Description-md5: bfb93b1248edf837dbc02301df655ff1 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Emoji table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Emoji table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-ipa-x-sampa Description-md5: 9a5a3dd259ae8e24fb82f934b21fbb9e Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - IPA-X-SAMPA table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides IPA-X-SAMPA table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-jyutping Description-md5: a30af0da30b4975ec66991cf087d2757 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Jyutping table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Jyutping table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-latex Description-md5: ef584ec4eba98afe0a9d60531897029f Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - LaTeX table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides LaTeX table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-malayalam-phonetic Description-md5: 16d0ad248b31702ff0b6405b1f2a48e2 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Malayalam phonetic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Malayalam phonetic table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-quick-classic Description-md5: 0e83062b24f9f191fc6eecf87bff66da Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick-Classic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Quick-Classic table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-quick3 Description-md5: cdae993497b58a05075545e819dc34d2 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick3 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Quick3 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-quick5 Description-md5: e559d6e07bb3524a8e6a609a447cf942 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Quick5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Quick5 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-rustrad Description-md5: 63c59fe9c4479b03e78a0eb6c1fc63e0 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Rustrad table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Rustrad table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-scj6 Description-md5: 8d3142982578b3bd34dfae1b1e55f3ee Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Scj6 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Scj6 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-stroke5 Description-md5: 071330b78c056e12a8b57fd4b9bcad57 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Stroke5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Stroke5 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-t9 Description-md5: c669cbae9322d3919bc82166302b658b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - T9 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides T9 table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-tamil-remington Description-md5: 46927a6bdb1ed9499a222f96ed8048df Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Tamil Remington table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Tamil Remington table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-thai Description-md5: 2b8a907f75ebbe9721c5b2d566386ed6 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Thai table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Thai table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-translit Description-md5: 30ae97e9aa57e4b878d170f074b2f5cc Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Translit table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Translit table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-translit-ua Description-md5: fca533b7cfb7b90f9d3facc2e04e7ac1 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Ukrainian Translit table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Ukrainian Translit table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-viqr Description-md5: 05f59093c84535e28af83428e12b4fc8 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Viqr table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Viqr table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-wu Description-md5: 314212df97d35149f8086c2af1d63088 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Wu table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Wu table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-wubi-large Description-md5: 68cc2334f90d8cba39ccb2890d8d281d Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Wubi-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Wubi-Large table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-yawerty Description-md5: b90ccfed4ddc5f4416988b7590fd5a52 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Yawerty table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Yawerty table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-zhengma Description-md5: 216ddfa919b0fd5f7b6badbb355b07b5 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Zhengma table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Zhengma table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-table-zhengma-large Description-md5: 5d667a6c3a483101462e70b15ef35fe7 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Zhengma-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . This package provides Zhengma-Large table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx-ui-light Description-md5: b405f150d6f8c29f950f661fd0f96ca0 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx 轻量的基于 xlibs 和 xft 的界面 fcitx-ui-light 是一个非常轻量的 Fcitx 界面,只使用 xlibs 和 xft。 它直接继承于 Fcitx 3.x 系列的界面代码。 . 次界面应该可以在所有的最小依赖的 X11 环境下工作, 因此可以扩展到更多没有 Cairo,Pango 或 QT 可用的环境。 Package: fcitx-ui-qimpanel Description-md5: 3ead0198c4b22e636279a4dec7c056ff Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework - Qt IMPanel user interface Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . This package provides the Qt IMPanel user interface developed by Ubuntu Kylin Team. Package: fcitx-unikey Description-md5: 2179ba73a1cd09cfb8c1319fb07b4c15 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx wrapper for Unikey engine Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It is an ideal choice for the vast majority. Many of its features make users of Unix-like platforms have a fully modern input experience for the first time. It has also greatly lower the threshold for developers, making the development of extended functions much easier than ever before. . This package provides the wrapper for Unikey engine, which is an input method for Vietnamese. Package: fcitx5 Description-md5: 59968c4b78e126723a4c757d401dfb7a Description-zh_CN: 下一代 Fcitx 输入法框架 Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . 本软件包提供核心 fcitx5 框架文件。 Package: fcitx5-bamboo Description-md5: 82a2281d3a3c45ef29201c41cb028486 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx5 的 Bamboo(越南语输入法)引擎支持 本软件包提供了 Fcitx5 的 Bamboo(越南语输入法)引擎支持,基于 的代码。 Package: fcitx5-chinese-addons Description-md5: 7a9912999b6f481a1036452b6fd1ee66 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx5 的中文相关插件(元软件包) fcitx5-chinese-addons 软件包为中文 fcitx5 用户提供了中文特有的拼音和码表输入法支持。 . 此软件包是一个元软件包,它依赖所有由 fcitx5-chinese-addons 项目提供的插件。用户应当考虑安装该包以获取 fcitx5 中文支持的最佳体验。 Package: fcitx5-chinese-addons-bin Description-md5: a1861a3dd1e84eeca046355aac32f4cd Description-zh_CN: Chinese-related addon for fcitx5 (binary tools) fcitx5-chinese-addons 软件包为中文 fcitx5 用户提供了中文特有的拼音和码表输入法支持。 . This package provides binary tools provided by fcitx5-chinese-addons. Package: fcitx5-chinese-addons-data Description-md5: 09bfa4b4d427a02fdfeeac6b0ea3f530 Description-zh_CN: Chinese-related addon for fcitx5 (shared data files) fcitx5-chinese-addons 软件包为中文 fcitx5 用户提供了中文特有的拼音和码表输入法支持。 . This package provides architecture-independent shared data files used by fcitx5-chinese-addons. Package: fcitx5-data Description-md5: ca24ac6dfe869b8d58681d802b3db6ce Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (common data files) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides architecture-independent data files. Package: fcitx5-frontend-all Description-md5: 8420db4734ef1d0be9229aabb6b5782a Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (IM Module Metapackage) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package depends on Input Method Modules (IM Modules) utilized by popular GUI libraries for better GUI input integration, currently include GTK3, GTK4, Qt5 and Qt6. Package: fcitx5-frontend-fbterm Description-md5: 742a1fd75a46e748f6fcac39303d6c3f Description-zh_CN: FbTerm frontend for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the FbTerm frontend, which is recommended for users who do not use X. Package: fcitx5-frontend-gtk2 Description-md5: d456524d226845759ce49596d7991082 Description-zh_CN: GTK2 IM Module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the im module of fcitx5. Users of GTK2-based applications are highly recommended to have this package installed for better input method support. Package: fcitx5-frontend-gtk3 Description-md5: abb7f0de22f956428363df53879f232b Description-zh_CN: GTK3 IM Module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the im module of fcitx5. Users of GTK3-based applications are highly recommended to have this package installed for better input method support. Package: fcitx5-frontend-gtk4 Description-md5: d92b7fb017fef2ac5fa6900099915185 Description-zh_CN: GTK4 IM Module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the im module of fcitx5. Users of GTK4-based applications are highly recommended to have this package installed for better input method support. Package: fcitx5-frontend-qt5 Description-md5: 96e43f680ce6d0afd2ba1dcf0e2f1647 Description-zh_CN: Qt5 IM module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Qt5 IM Module for fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-frontend-qt6 Description-md5: c5af83218da151feccc24163dc872465 Description-zh_CN: Qt6 IM module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Qt6 IM Module for fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-frontend-tmux Description-md5: e29d65bcdf0609243f1c29be90b84a4f Description-zh_CN: Tmux fcitx5 client Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package can help to make tmux a fcitx client. It allows you to type with input method without using graphical display server. For example, you can type with Fcitx under TTY. Package: fcitx5-kkc Description-md5: 27e5dd5326a25c6408bc3bfcb213204f Description-zh_CN: Fcitx5 wrapper for libkkc IM engine fcitx5-kkc is a wrapper of libkkc IM engine for Fcitx 5. . libkkc 提供了从日文假名字符串到假名和汉字混合字符串的转换。 Package: fcitx5-m17n Description-md5: 752fc3d55fa8735f41e13a56d1292918 Description-zh_CN: m17n support module for Fcitx5 Input Method Framework Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . This package provides the m17n module for Fcitx5, which uses libm17n, a multilingual text processing library for the C language. Package: fcitx5-module-chttrans Description-md5: 9bb42d27fe3ef2c3c6f2222c084635a0 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (chttrans module) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the chttrans module. Package: fcitx5-module-cloudpinyin Description-md5: 446bd5e69b34d74a63fb896a43719e7c Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (cloudpinyin module) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the cloudpinyin module. It is used to enhance the input experience of Chinese pinyin users. Package: fcitx5-module-cloudpinyin-dev Description-md5: ca85c1ca73a4e43fcee7bd1a02fb0f6e Description-zh_CN: Development files for fcitx5 cloudpinyin module Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for the cloudpinyin module of fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-module-fullwidth Description-md5: 81be67a6b9d6edd017008977970ad047 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (fullwidth module) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the fullwidth module. It enhances the input experience of full-width characters. Package: fcitx5-module-lua Description-md5: 2b69b49518287de541e0e68792e4fc65 Description-zh_CN: Lua support for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Lua support for Fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-module-lua-common Description-md5: fe9387a499834f3099090d280a51bbef Description-zh_CN: Lua support for fcitx5 (common files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the architecture-independent files for fcitx5 Lua module. Package: fcitx5-module-lua-dev Description-md5: bbef26ab75ba65a8e7f8b593b5b53b96 Description-zh_CN: Lua support for fcitx5 (development files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the development files for fcitx5 Lua module. Package: fcitx5-module-pinyinhelper Description-md5: ca394ad0a942f498951bbda4942fd4a7 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (pinyinhelper module) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the pinyinhelper module. It is used to enhance the input experience of Chinese pinyin users. Package: fcitx5-module-pinyinhelper-dev Description-md5: a541ce679a61b3c7893401a9ea5e45c8 Description-zh_CN: Development files for fcitx5 pinyinhelper module Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for the pinyinhelper module of fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-module-punctuation Description-md5: 2d9d867c9890bf6020b4e925f53d36ce Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (punctuation module) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the punctuation module. It provides the capability to easily input punctuations. Package: fcitx5-module-punctuation-dev Description-md5: 63e43c74e8796377f68fb84655cf5371 Description-zh_CN: Development files for fcitx5 punctuation module Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for the punctuation module of fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-modules Description-md5: 2895cac742fd359e51715588e78108a9 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core modules) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides core modules for fcitx5 and depends on all input modules. Package: fcitx5-modules-dev Description-md5: 36ecc43cc8632f4c0a009da660b01de9 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (input modules dev files) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for fcitx5 input modules. Package: fcitx5-mozc Description-md5: 513f0ba596c268d92ac11f491c899024 Description-zh_CN: Mozc engine for fcitx5 - Client of the Mozc input method This is the mozc engine for fcitx version 5. Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . 它通过直观的图形配置工具和可定制的皮肤和映射表提供了优美、现代的体验。 它是高度可定制和扩展的,带有 GTK+ 2/3 和 Qt4 输入法模块,支持基于 Fbterm、纯 Xlib、GTK+ 或 KDE 的用户界面,API 也非常友好。 . fcitx5-mozc provides client part of the Mozc input method. Package: fcitx5-pinyin Description-md5: e85629ecd31038086b241dbf6894beff Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (builtin pinyin support) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the builtin pinyin input method. It provides the default pinyin input method for Chinese users. Its associated GUI tools can be found in the separate fcitx5-pinyin-gui package. Package: fcitx5-pinyin-gui Description-md5: 04330047407bff7b2ad3e1205901d92a Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (builtin pinyin GUI tools) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the GUI tools for the builtin pinyin input method. Currently, it includes the following components: . * customphraseeditor * pinyindictmanager Package: fcitx5-quwei Description-md5: 91a15313e6bfce0fa227022a508aba01 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (Qu Wei input method) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Qu Wei ("区位") input method compatible with fcitx5. Package: fcitx5-rime Description-md5: e84cfe61c22cd318703de45b2123080b Description-zh_CN: Rime input method support for fcitx5 This package provides a wrapper of RIME engine for Fcitx5. . RIME 是一个轻量级、可扩展的输入法引擎,它支持多种输入模式,包括基于字形的 输入法、基于罗马化方案的输入法以及各类中文方言的拼音方案。 Package: fcitx5-table Description-md5: c645ae2a1b936f887abacac75a92b3ac Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (builtin table support) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the table engine for fcitx5. With this engine, Fcitx5 is able to support a large number of table-based input methods such as Wubi, ZhengMa, etc. Package: fcitx5-table-amharic Description-md5: be6f792c115823d735094149e9cb58ce Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Amharic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Amharic table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-arabic Description-md5: d7ae764be7fc6b4a18e579b9321fc990 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Arabic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Arabic table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-array30 Description-md5: 0af02e3c6eb4632156734d4a103e3429 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Array30 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Array30 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-array30-large Description-md5: 92af5198d02784d4bebdfa3bf012315c Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Array30-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Array30-Large table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-boshiamy Description-md5: eb5e355428621572d351e03e648b9eb1 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Boshiamy table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Boshiamy table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cangjie-large Description-md5: 0f5a7d302c9d97722392df2d859aa5b8 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cangjie-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cangjie-Large table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cangjie3 Description-md5: 3a42cea6387d1937f0851bd9af05c825 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cangjie3 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cangjie3 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cangjie5 Description-md5: 0fea0e6ecd2ef7a0a82e1e14eca005f4 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cangjie5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cangjie5 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cantonese Description-md5: cd49de8ef2c6d4c9890a59bc2b9f16f9 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cantonese table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cantonese table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cantonhk Description-md5: 62a2e15e107f13bf4e91dcb97d6169a2 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cantonhk table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cantonhk table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-cns11643 Description-md5: b4f9a21bb39ac5f6dd9e1595971adc13 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Cns11643 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Cns11643 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-compose Description-md5: e05c8a26c914eb4d015c665d3818e687 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Compose table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Compose table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-easy-large Description-md5: 22a57e384919eac19a92cb3af0e4630e Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Easy-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Easy-Large table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-emoji Description-md5: d2fc95e9b560de2f646b9bdf629c6c1b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Emoji table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Emoji table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-extra Description-md5: 3285dc0d2d761cb52156d0fd86023f3a Description-zh_CN: Additional table based input method for Fcitx 5 Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This metapackage recommends all additional table based input methods provided by fcitx5-table-extra project. Package: fcitx5-table-ipa-x-sampa Description-md5: 6704aae1cdcd739562fd9ec6da37841a Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - IPA-X-SAMPA table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides IPA-X-SAMPA table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-jyutping Description-md5: cc103e2806f97d6a24ef8db1afbce28d Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Jyutping table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Jyutping table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-latex Description-md5: 76b9a12d257bf319ccf82c55662189bc Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - LaTeX table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides LaTeX table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-malayalam-phonetic Description-md5: 1485255924d4780b5977c52b8d5245f9 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Malayalam phonetic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Malayalam phonetic table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-other Description-md5: e95688f8e96067d0c80637be3be97b7e Description-zh_CN: Additional table based input method for Fcitx 5 Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This metapackage recommends all additional table based input methods provided by fcitx5-table-other project. Package: fcitx5-table-quick-classic Description-md5: 4d6ec07e84ffba79ee12a9f69e630bd7 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Quick-Classic table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Quick-Classic table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-quick3 Description-md5: c4e0b33073400774ba313d5258b25131 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Quick3 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Quick3 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-quick5 Description-md5: 0734b86dbf5b959d53bf5e06f90a7777 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Quick5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Quick5 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-rustrad Description-md5: 012c26df8acb6727c27cb942522ab008 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Rustrad table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Rustrad table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-scj6 Description-md5: 8447ad96616b64f1a29fced918362ef2 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Scj6 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Scj6 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-stroke5 Description-md5: 9852d9931bb4d8f66630a5069a05e21f Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Stroke5 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Stroke5 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-t9 Description-md5: ec56bf793c4e184e520417de02b1a41b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - T9 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides T9 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-tamil-remington Description-md5: 4705c14be3bf68a5a71bbe066616535e Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Tamil Remington table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Tamil Remington table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-thai Description-md5: 53ec3f4609ead1ffdc4b8434c57f0aca Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Thai table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Thai table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-translit Description-md5: 87e3c8c62784f380cb8a5309eb95d0f0 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Translit table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Translit table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-translit-ua Description-md5: 1749551aac8ee09fc9fdd916c3871f4b Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Ukrainian Translit table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Ukrainian Translit table used by the Fcitx table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-viqr Description-md5: 85886a43fd61d4f7fd107f4e891909bf Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Viqr table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Viqr table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-wu Description-md5: 0375adb82464d63602d05674a3b2e67f Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Wu table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Wu table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-wubi-large Description-md5: 90ca7ef68f50fdf1120e7409d48db8b8 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Wubi-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Wubi-Large table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-wubi98 Description-md5: b456c184c7c0ef0f735139b322fa36a8 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Wubi98 table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Wubi98 table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-wubi98-pinyin Description-md5: 3f0b9d32ddd0e49b058c000010cbc4c4 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Wubi98-Pinyin table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Wubi98-Pinyin table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-wubi98-single Description-md5: 21df06925b595976208a509c33df7b13 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Wubi98-Single table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Wubi98-Single table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-yawerty Description-md5: 29343ab976ab2c7ce3e578dcdef112c1 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Yawerty table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Yawerty table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-zhengma Description-md5: 1eaf560341e2630823a8f57e0030878c Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Zhengma table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Zhengma table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-zhengma-large Description-md5: ae4d76f3896e2ac9ad1fa0f0b3c21855 Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Zhengma-Large table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Zhengma-Large table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-table-zhengma-pinyin Description-md5: 94e6d4d6658408fc8ae97a14dc77b30e Description-zh_CN: Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Zhengma-Pinyin table Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ and Qt IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer-friendly API. . This package provides Zhengma-Pinyin table used by the Fcitx5 table engine. Package: fcitx5-zhuyin Description-md5: c2058db80180fc3035838e60f1eb9ca2 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx5 的 libzhuyin 封装 本软件包提供了 Fcitx5 输入法框架的 libzhuyin 封装。 Package: ffmpegthumbs Description-md5: d10a9a3ae792f8e16e85968fe0168029 Description-zh_CN: video thumbnail generator using ffmpeg FFMpegThumbs is a video thumbnail generator for KDE file managers like Dolphin and Konqueror. It enables them to show preview images of video files using FFMpeg. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: ffproxy Description-md5: bd7d52d35d22cfcda7b0683939b89244 Description-zh_CN: 含 ipv6 支持、轻量级且可自定义的 http(s) 代理服务器 ffproxy is a filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server. - It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. - Custom header entries can be filtered and added. - It can even drop its privileges and be chrooted. - Logging to syslog() is supported. - It can use another auxiliary proxy server. - HTTP accelerator feature (acting as front-end to a HTTP server) is included. - It allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing (and vice versa). Package: filezilla Description-md5: a0bbb4b0aab81562be7ff869142e4396 Description-zh_CN: 功能齐全的图形化FTP/FTPS/SFTP客户端 FileZilla 是一款功能齐全、图形界面简单易用的 FTP 客户端软件。 . 软件使用 C++ 和 wxWidgets 库编写。 . FileZilla includes the following features: * Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) * IPv6 support * Available in more than 40 languages * Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB * Easy to use Site Manager and transfer queue * Bookmarks * Drag & drop support (in application) * Speed limits * Filename filters * Directory comparison * Network configuration wizard * Remote file editing * Keep-alive * HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP Proxy support * Logging to file * Synchronized directory browsing * Remote file search * Tabbed interface to connect to multiple servers Package: filezilla-common Description-md5: d44562efedd6e3c2dc2b5163ccd22578 Description-zh_CN: Architecture independent files for filezilla FileZilla 是一款功能齐全、图形界面简单易用的 FTP 客户端软件。 . 软件使用 C++ 和 wxWidgets 库编写。 . See the filezilla package description for a fuller list of features. . This package contains architecture independent files such as images and translations. Package: finger Description-md5: fa4c81e598394f7d5057f3373fde86f6 Description-zh_CN: 用户信息查找程序 finger 可以显示有关系统用户的信息。 Package: fish Description-md5: 4a81d010b32d85ddb0d5779f50958db5 Description-zh_CN: 友好的交互式 shell Fish 是一个致力于交互式使用的 shell。其功能专注于用户友好和可发现性。其语法 很简单,但和其它 shell 语言不兼容。 Package: fish-common Description-md5: 23925307316b053dab237c939b0ef97c Description-zh_CN: friendly interactive shell (architecture-independent files) Fish 是一个致力于交互式使用的 shell。其功能专注于用户友好和可发现性。其语法 很简单,但和其它 shell 语言不兼容。 . This package contains the common fish files shared by all architectures. Package: flameshot Description-md5: d66868c2aa0ae1c1f518d150155a434b Description-zh_CN: 强大又易用的屏幕截图软件 Flameshot 是一款强大又易用的屏幕截图软件。 其主要功能包括可自定义的外观、应用内截图编辑、D-Bus 接口、实验性的 GNOME/KDE Wayland 支持、与 Imgur 的集成以及图形界面和命令行的接口。 Package: flatbuffers-compiler Description-md5: 1fe9f4642375519445c493c002519897 Description-zh_CN: 高效的跨平台序列化库 - 编译器 FlatBuffer 是一款高效的跨平台序列化库,可用于 C++、C#、C、Go、Java、JavaScript、TypeScript、PHP 和 Python 中。它最初由 Google 创建,以用于游戏开发和其它性能关键的应用程序中。 . 本软件包包含了 flat buffer 编译器,它可以将包含了具体定义的 .proto 文件翻译为所支持语言的绑定。 Package: flatbuffers-compiler-dev Description-md5: 3e47e6ac7fb1d34567a0b7178dfa1394 Description-zh_CN: efficient cross platform serialization library - cmake files FlatBuffer 是一款高效的跨平台序列化库,可用于 C++、C#、C、Go、Java、JavaScript、TypeScript、PHP 和 Python 中。它最初由 Google 创建,以用于游戏开发和其它性能关键的应用程序中。 . This package contains the development cmake files needed to use flatbuffer-compiler in a cross compiling environment. Package: floppyd Description-md5: f60e3cff71356b58d676dbb4c9155a5c Description-zh_CN: 远程访问软盘驱动器的守护进程 Floppyd 是用于授权远程计算机上客户端访问软盘驱动器的服务器,类似  授权远程客户端访问显示的 X 服务器。 Package: flowblade Description-md5: 3148d236b0b7901dea894d3442ef040d Description-zh_CN: 非线性视频编辑器 Flowblade Movie Editor is designed to provide a fast, precise and as- simple-as-possible editing experience. . Flowblade employs film style editing paradigm in which clips are usually automatically placed tightly after the previous clip - or between two existing clips - when they are inserted on the timeline. Edits are fine- tuned by trimming in and out points of clips, or by cutting and deleting parts of clips. Film style editing is faster for creating programs with mostly straight cuts and audio splits, but may be slower when programs contain complex composites unless correct work flow is followed. Package: fluxbox Description-md5: 13990cdf4dc1b2dc117250b7023f2e58 Description-zh_CN: 高度可配置,低资源占用的 X11 窗口管理器 基本类似于 blackbox,也即由此演化而来,但增加了一些特性,例如 pwm 风格的窗口标签,可配置的按键绑定,工具栏以及一个图标栏。还有一些基于 blackbox 的外观修整。 . 此软件包带有 GNOME 和 KDE 支持。 Package: fontforge Description-md5: 4ebffb1f6ab9a1d49bd81ce04ad8a0a7 Description-zh_CN: 字体编辑器 FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files. Package: fontforge-common Description-md5: e73b7c59e225efcf676e067828964164 Description-zh_CN: font editor (common files) FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . This package contains common arch-independent files. Package: fontforge-doc Description-md5: 7868a482203deceed3b189850e2f641f Description-zh_CN: documentation for fontforge FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . This package contains the documentation for fontforge. Package: fontforge-extras Description-md5: 8738f3ed9343c0aff3df53bd1f3d510d Description-zh_CN: font editor - extra programs FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . This package also provides these programs and utilities: acorn2sfd dewoff woff findtable pcl2ttf pfadecrypt rmligamarks showttf stripttc ttf2eps Package: fontforge-nox Description-md5: 2e1916689377673a003f63bcc14e3f2f Description-zh_CN: font editor - non-X version FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . This package also provides these programs and utilities: fontimage - produce a font thumbnail image; fontlint - checks the font for certain common errors; sfddiff - compare two font files. . This package contains a version of FontForge compiled with support for scripting but no GUI, and not require the graphics library. Package: fonts-bpg-georgian Description-md5: ad67e8d83ae24347c088ff5f7f0551f5 Description-zh_CN: BPG格鲁吉亚文字 This package provides a collection of three Georgian fonts, provided by BPG-InfoTech. Package: fonts-liberation2 Description-md5: 74a5a1b3efb1f5edb2a85796fe9d9b08 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package is a dummy package. It can be safely removed. Package: fonts-lxgw-wenkai Description-md5: b8ce030230c5e58cce60f74cb6881c36 Description-zh_CN: 中文字体“LXGW WenKai”(“霞鹜文楷“) 霞鹜文楷是一款衍生自 Fontworks Klee One 字体的开源中文字体。LXGW 是中文拼音“Luo Xia Gu Wu”的缩写。 . 提供以下字体文件: . * LXGWWenKai-Bold.ttf * LXGWWenKai-Light.ttf * LXGWWenKai-Regular.ttf * LXGWWenKaiMono-Bold.ttf * LXGWWenKaiMono-Light.ttf * LXGWWenKaiMono-Regular.ttf Package: fonts-lxgw-wenkai-doc Description-md5: 7db029b62f7813230a64dfe515951855 Description-zh_CN: Chinese font "LXGW WenKai" docs package 霞鹜文楷是一款衍生自 Fontworks Klee One 字体的开源中文字体。LXGW 是中文拼音“Luo Xia Gu Wu”的缩写。 . This package include docs of fonts-lxgw-wenkai. Package: fonts-noto Description-md5: cfe7a09aeca6eaded3e9ac0cfeeb007f Description-zh_CN: 装入全部 Noto 字体的元包 Noto 是一个字体家族集合,它们在不同的语言文字之间有和谐的显示效果。 . 如果您想要全部 Noto 字体,请使用本包。 . “Noto”的名称是“No Tofu”(无豆腐块)的缩写,体现了致力于覆盖所有使用中的 Unicode 文本的目标(当前完整覆盖或部分覆盖了 65 种)。 . Tofu(豆腐)是日语中对 unicode 替换字符 "�" (U+FFFD) 的称呼。 它常常作为未分配或未知字符的替代而显示。 Package: fonts-noto-extra Description-md5: 16f1214b16c5869e2dbbd0445385c328 Description-zh_CN: "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (extra) Noto 是一个字体家族集合,它们在不同的语言文字之间有和谐的显示效果。 . This package contains extra weights for these Noto font families: . * Noto Kufi Arabic Black * Noto Kufi Arabic Extra Bold * Noto Kufi Arabic Extra Light * Noto Kufi Arabic Light * Noto Kufi Arabic Medium * Noto Kufi Arabic Semi Bold * Noto Kufi Arabic Thin * Noto Looped Lao Black * Noto Looped Lao Cond Blk * Noto Looped Lao Cond Bold * Noto Looped Lao Cond ExBd * Noto Looped Lao Cond ExLt * Noto Looped Lao Cond Lt * Noto Looped Lao Cond Med * Noto Looped Lao Cond SmBd * Noto Looped Lao Cond Thin * Noto Looped Lao Condensed * Noto Looped Lao ExCd Blk * Noto Looped Lao ExCd Bold * Noto Looped Lao ExCd ExBd * Noto Looped Lao ExCd ExLt * Noto Looped Lao ExCd Lt * Noto Looped Lao ExCd Med * Noto Looped Lao ExCd SmBd * Noto Looped Lao ExCd Thin * Noto Looped Lao ExtLight * Noto Looped Lao ExtraBold * Noto Looped Lao ExtraCond * Noto Looped Lao Light * Noto Looped Lao Medium * Noto Looped Lao SemiBold * Noto Looped Lao SemiCond * Noto Looped Lao SmCd Blk * Noto Looped Lao SmCd Bold * Noto Looped Lao SmCd ExBd * Noto Looped Lao SmCd ExtLt * Noto Looped Lao SmCd Lt * Noto Looped Lao SmCd Med * Noto Looped Lao SmCd SmBd * Noto Looped Lao SmCd Thin * Noto Looped Lao Thin * Noto Looped Thai Black * Noto Looped Thai Cond Blk * Noto Looped Thai Cond Bold * Noto Looped Thai Cond ExBd * Noto Looped Thai Cond ExLt * Noto Looped Thai Cond Lt * Noto Looped Thai Cond Med * Noto Looped Thai Cond SmBd * Noto Looped Thai Cond Thin * Noto Looped Thai Condensed * Noto Looped Thai ExCd Blk * Noto Looped Thai ExCd Bold * Noto Looped Thai ExCd ExBd * Noto Looped Thai ExCd ExLt * Noto Looped Thai ExCd Lt * Noto Looped Thai ExCd Med * Noto Looped Thai ExCd SmBd * Noto Looped Thai ExCd Thin * Noto Looped Thai ExtLight * Noto Looped Thai ExtraBold * Noto Looped Thai ExtraCond * Noto Looped Thai Light * Noto Looped Thai Medium * Noto Looped Thai SemiBold * Noto Looped Thai SemiCond * Noto Looped Thai SmCd Blk * Noto Looped Thai SmCd Bold * Noto Looped Thai SmCd ExBd * Noto Looped Thai SmCd ExLt * Noto Looped Thai SmCd Lt * Noto Looped Thai SmCd Med * Noto Looped Thai SmCd SmBd * Noto Looped Thai SmCd Thin * Noto Looped Thai Thin * Noto Naskh Arabic Medium * Noto Naskh Arabic Semi Bold * Noto Sans Arabic Blk * Noto Sans Arabic Cond * Noto Sans Arabic Cond Blk * Noto Sans Arabic Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Arabic Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Arabic Cond Light * Noto Sans Arabic Cond Med * Noto Sans Arabic Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Arabic Cond Thin * Noto Sans Arabic ExtBd * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Arabic ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Arabic ExtLt * Noto Sans Arabic Light * Noto Sans Arabic Med * Noto Sans Arabic SemBd * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond Light * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond Med * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Arabic SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Arabic Thin * Noto Sans Armenian Black * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed Black * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed Light * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Armenian Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraBold * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Armenian ExtraLight * Noto Sans Armenian Light * Noto Sans Armenian Medium * Noto Sans Armenian SemiBold * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Armenian SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Armenian Thin * Noto Sans Balinese Medium * Noto Sans Balinese SemiBold * Noto Sans Bamum Medium * Noto Sans Bamum SemiBold * Noto Sans Bengali Black * Noto Sans Bengali Condensed * Noto Sans Bengali ExtraBold * Noto Sans Bengali ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Bengali ExtraLight * Noto Sans Bengali Light * Noto Sans Bengali Medium * Noto Sans Bengali SemiBold * Noto Sans Bengali SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Bengali Thin * Noto Sans Black * Noto Sans CanAborig Bk * Noto Sans CanAborig Lt * Noto Sans CanAborig Md * Noto Sans CanAborig SmBd * Noto Sans CanAborig Th * Noto Sans CanAborig XBd * Noto Sans CanAborig XLt * Noto Sans Cham Blk * Noto Sans Cham ExtBd * Noto Sans Cham ExtLt * Noto Sans Cham Light * Noto Sans Cham Med * Noto Sans Cham SemBd * Noto Sans Cham Thin * Noto Sans Cherokee Blk * Noto Sans Cherokee ExtBd * Noto Sans Cherokee ExtLt * Noto Sans Cherokee Light * Noto Sans Cherokee Med * Noto Sans Cherokee SemBd * Noto Sans Cherokee Thin * Noto Sans Condensed * Noto Sans Condensed Black * Noto Sans Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Condensed Light * Noto Sans Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari Black * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari Light * Noto Sans Devanagari Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari Thin * Noto Sans Display Black * Noto Sans Display Condensed * Noto Sans Display Condensed Black * Noto Sans Display Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Display Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Display Condensed Light * Noto Sans Display Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Display Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Display Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Display ExtraBold * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Display ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Display ExtraLight * Noto Sans Display Light * Noto Sans Display Medium * Noto Sans Display SemiBold * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Display SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Display Thin * Noto Sans Ethiopic Blk * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond Blk * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond Light * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond Med * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic Cond Thin * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Ethiopic ExtLt * Noto Sans Ethiopic Light * Noto Sans Ethiopic Med * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond Light * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond Med * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Ethiopic SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Ethiopic Thin * Noto Sans ExtraBold * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans ExtraLight * Noto Sans Georgian Blk * Noto Sans Georgian Cond * Noto Sans Georgian Cond Blk * Noto Sans Georgian Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Georgian Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Georgian Cond Light * Noto Sans Georgian Cond Med * Noto Sans Georgian Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Georgian Cond Thin * Noto Sans Georgian ExtBd * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Georgian ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Georgian ExtLt * Noto Sans Georgian Light * Noto Sans Georgian Med * Noto Sans Georgian SemBd * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond Light * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond Med * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Georgian SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Georgian Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati Black * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati Light * Noto Sans Gujarati Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi Thin * Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya Medium * Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya SemiBold * Noto Sans Hebrew Blk * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond Blk * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond Light * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond Med * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Hebrew Cond Thin * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtBd * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Hebrew ExtLt * Noto Sans Hebrew Light * Noto Sans Hebrew Med * Noto Sans Hebrew SemBd * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond Light * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond Med * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Hebrew SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Hebrew Thin * Noto Sans Kannada Black * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada Light * Noto Sans Kannada Medium * Noto Sans Kannada SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada Thin * Noto Sans Kayah Li Medium * Noto Sans Kayah Li SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer Black * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer Light * Noto Sans Khmer Medium * Noto Sans Khmer SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer Thin * Noto Sans Lao Blk * Noto Sans Lao Cond * Noto Sans Lao Cond Blk * Noto Sans Lao Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao Cond Light * Noto Sans Lao Cond Med * Noto Sans Lao Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao Cond Thin * Noto Sans Lao ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Lao ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao Light * Noto Sans Lao Med * Noto Sans Lao SemBd * Noto Sans Lao SemCond * Noto Sans Lao SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Lao SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao SemCond Light * Noto Sans Lao SemCond Med * Noto Sans Lao SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Lao Thin * Noto Sans Light * Noto Sans Lisu Medium * Noto Sans Lisu Semi Bold * Noto Sans Malayalam Black * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam Light * Noto Sans Malayalam Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam Thin * Noto Sans Medefaidrin Medium * Noto Sans Medefaidrin SemiBold * Noto Sans Medium * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek Black * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek ExtraBold * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek ExtraLight * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek Light * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek Medium * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek SemiBold * Noto Sans MeeteiMayek Thin * Noto Sans Mono Black * Noto Sans Mono Condensed * Noto Sans Mono Condensed Black * Noto Sans Mono Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Mono Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Mono Condensed Light * Noto Sans Mono Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Mono Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Mono Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Mono ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight * Noto Sans Mono Light * Noto Sans Mono Medium * Noto Sans Mono SemiBold * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Mono SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Mono Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar Blk * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond Blk * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond Light * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond Med * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Myanmar Cond Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtBd * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar ExtLt * Noto Sans Myanmar Light * Noto Sans Myanmar Med * Noto Sans Myanmar SemBd * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond Light * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond Med * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Myanmar SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar Thin * Noto Sans Ol Chiki Medium * Noto Sans Ol Chiki SemiBold * Noto Sans Oriya Blk * Noto Sans Oriya Cond * Noto Sans Oriya Cond Blk * Noto Sans Oriya Cond Bold * Noto Sans Oriya Cond Thin * Noto Sans Oriya ExtCond * Noto Sans Oriya ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Oriya ExtCond Bold * Noto Sans Oriya ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Oriya Thin * Noto Sans SemiBold * Noto Sans SemiCondensed * Noto Sans SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala Black * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala Light * Noto Sans Sinhala Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala Thin * Noto Sans Sora Sompeng Medium * Noto Sans Sora Sompeng Semi Bold * Noto Sans Sundanese * Noto Sans Symbols Black * Noto Sans Symbols ExtraBold * Noto Sans Symbols ExtraLight * Noto Sans Symbols Light * Noto Sans Symbols Medium * Noto Sans Symbols SemiBold * Noto Sans Symbols Thin * Noto Sans Syriac Black * Noto Sans Syriac Thin * Noto Sans Tai Tham Medium * Noto Sans Tai Tham SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil Black * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil Light * Noto Sans Tamil Medium * Noto Sans Tamil SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil Thin * Noto Sans Telugu Black * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu Light * Noto Sans Telugu Medium * Noto Sans Telugu SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu Thin * Noto Sans Thaana Black * Noto Sans Thaana ExtraBold * Noto Sans Thaana ExtraLight * Noto Sans Thaana Light * Noto Sans Thaana Medium * Noto Sans Thaana SemiBold * Noto Sans Thaana Thin * Noto Sans Thai Blk * Noto Sans Thai Cond * Noto Sans Thai Cond Blk * Noto Sans Thai Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai Cond Light * Noto Sans Thai Cond Med * Noto Sans Thai Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai Cond Thin * Noto Sans Thai ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Thai ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai Light * Noto Sans Thai Med * Noto Sans Thai SemBd * Noto Sans Thai SemCond * Noto Sans Thai SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Thai SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai SemCond Light * Noto Sans Thai SemCond Med * Noto Sans Thai SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Thai Thin * Noto Sans Thin * Noto Serif Armenian Black * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed Black * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed Light * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Armenian Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraBold * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Armenian ExtraLight * Noto Serif Armenian Light * Noto Serif Armenian Medium * Noto Serif Armenian SemiBold * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Armenian SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Armenian Thin * Noto Serif Bengali Black * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed Black * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed Light * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Bengali Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraBold * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Bengali ExtraLight * Noto Serif Bengali Light * Noto Serif Bengali Medium * Noto Serif Bengali SemiBold * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Bengali SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Bengali Thin * Noto Serif Black * Noto Serif Condensed * Noto Serif Condensed Black * Noto Serif Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Condensed Light * Noto Serif Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Devanagari Black * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed Black * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed Light * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Devanagari Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraBold * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Devanagari ExtraLight * Noto Serif Devanagari Light * Noto Serif Devanagari Medium * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiBold * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Devanagari SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Devanagari Thin * Noto Serif Display Black * Noto Serif Display Condensed * Noto Serif Display Condensed Black * Noto Serif Display Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Display Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Display Condensed Light * Noto Serif Display Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Display Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Display Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Display ExtraBold * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Display ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Display ExtraLight * Noto Serif Display Light * Noto Serif Display Medium * Noto Serif Display SemiBold * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Display SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Display Thin * Noto Serif Ethiopic Bk * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn Bk * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn Lt * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn Md * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn SmBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn Th * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn XBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic Cn XLt * Noto Serif Ethiopic Lt * Noto Serif Ethiopic Md * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn Bk * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn Lt * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn Md * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn SmBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn Th * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn XBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic SmCn XLt * Noto Serif Ethiopic Th * Noto Serif Ethiopic XBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn Bk * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn Lt * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn Md * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn SmBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn Th * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn XBd * Noto Serif Ethiopic XCn XLt * Noto Serif Ethiopic XLt * Noto Serif ExtraBold * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif ExtraLight * Noto Serif Georgian Bk * Noto Serif Georgian Cn * Noto Serif Georgian Cn Bk * Noto Serif Georgian Cn Lt * Noto Serif Georgian Cn Md * Noto Serif Georgian Cn SmBd * Noto Serif Georgian Cn Th * Noto Serif Georgian Cn XBd * Noto Serif Georgian Cn XLt * Noto Serif Georgian Lt * Noto Serif Georgian Md * Noto Serif Georgian SmBd * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn Bk * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn Lt * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn Md * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn SmBd * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn Th * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn XBd * Noto Serif Georgian SmCn XLt * Noto Serif Georgian Th * Noto Serif Georgian XBd * Noto Serif Georgian XCn * Noto Serif Georgian XCn Bk * Noto Serif Georgian XCn Lt * Noto Serif Georgian XCn Md * Noto Serif Georgian XCn SmBd * Noto Serif Georgian XCn Th * Noto Serif Georgian XCn XBd * Noto Serif Georgian XCn XLt * Noto Serif Georgian XLt * Noto Serif Gujarati Black * Noto Serif Gujarati ExtraBold * Noto Serif Gujarati ExtraLight * Noto Serif Gujarati Light * Noto Serif Gujarati Medium * Noto Serif Gujarati SemiBold * Noto Serif Gujarati Thin * Noto Serif Gurmukhi Black * Noto Serif Gurmukhi ExtraBold * Noto Serif Gurmukhi ExtraLight * Noto Serif Gurmukhi Light * Noto Serif Gurmukhi Medium * Noto Serif Gurmukhi SemiBold * Noto Serif Gurmukhi Thin * Noto Serif Hebrew Blk * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond Blk * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond ExtBd * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond ExtLt * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond Light * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond Med * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond SemBd * Noto Serif Hebrew Cond Thin * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtBd * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond Blk * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond Light * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond Med * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond SemBd * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtCond Thin * Noto Serif Hebrew ExtLt * Noto Serif Hebrew Light * Noto Serif Hebrew Med * Noto Serif Hebrew SemBd * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond Blk * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond Light * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond Med * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond SemBd * Noto Serif Hebrew SemCond Thin * Noto Serif Hebrew Thin * Noto Serif Hmong Nyiakeng Medium * Noto Serif Hmong Nyiakeng SemiBold * Noto Serif Kannada Black * Noto Serif Kannada ExtraBold * Noto Serif Kannada ExtraLight * Noto Serif Kannada Light * Noto Serif Kannada Medium * Noto Serif Kannada SemiBold * Noto Serif Kannada Thin * Noto Serif Khmer Black * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed Black * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed Light * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Khmer Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraBold * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Khmer ExtraLight * Noto Serif Khmer Light * Noto Serif Khmer Medium * Noto Serif Khmer SemiBold * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Khmer SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Khmer Thin * Noto Serif Lao Blk * Noto Serif Lao Cond * Noto Serif Lao Cond Blk * Noto Serif Lao Cond ExtBd * Noto Serif Lao Cond ExtLt * Noto Serif Lao Cond Light * Noto Serif Lao Cond Med * Noto Serif Lao Cond SemBd * Noto Serif Lao Cond Thin * Noto Serif Lao ExtBd * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond Blk * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond Light * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond Med * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond SemBd * Noto Serif Lao ExtCond Thin * Noto Serif Lao ExtLt * Noto Serif Lao Light * Noto Serif Lao Med * Noto Serif Lao SemBd * Noto Serif Lao SemCond * Noto Serif Lao SemCond Blk * Noto Serif Lao SemCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Lao SemCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Lao SemCond Light * Noto Serif Lao SemCond Med * Noto Serif Lao SemCond SemBd * Noto Serif Lao SemCond Thin * Noto Serif Lao Thin * Noto Serif Light * Noto Serif Malayalam Black * Noto Serif Malayalam ExtraBold * Noto Serif Malayalam ExtraLight * Noto Serif Malayalam Light * Noto Serif Malayalam Medium * Noto Serif Malayalam SemiBold * Noto Serif Malayalam Thin * Noto Serif Medium * Noto Serif Myanmar Blk * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond Blk * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond ExtBd * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond ExtLt * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond Med * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond SemBd * Noto Serif Myanmar Cond Thin * Noto Serif Myanmar Condensed * Noto Serif Myanmar Condensed Bold * Noto Serif Myanmar Condensed Light * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtBd * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond Blk * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond Light * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond Med * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond SemBd * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtCond Thin * Noto Serif Myanmar ExtLt * Noto Serif Myanmar Light * Noto Serif Myanmar Med * Noto Serif Myanmar SemBd * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond Blk * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond Light * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond Med * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond SemBd * Noto Serif Myanmar SemCond Thin * Noto Serif Myanmar Thin * Noto Serif SemiBold * Noto Serif SemiCondensed * Noto Serif SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Sinhala Black * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed Black * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed Light * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Sinhala Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraBold * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Sinhala ExtraLight * Noto Serif Sinhala Light * Noto Serif Sinhala Medium * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiBold * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Sinhala SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Sinhala Thin * Noto Serif Tamil Black * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed Black * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed Light * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed Medium * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Tamil Condensed Thin * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraBold * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Tamil ExtraLight * Noto Serif Tamil Light * Noto Serif Tamil Medium * Noto Serif Tamil SemiBold * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed Black * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed Light * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Serif Tamil SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Serif Tamil Thin * Noto Serif Telugu Black * Noto Serif Telugu ExtraBold * Noto Serif Telugu ExtraLight * Noto Serif Telugu Light * Noto Serif Telugu Medium * Noto Serif Telugu SemiBold * Noto Serif Telugu Thin * Noto Serif Thai Blk * Noto Serif Thai Cond * Noto Serif Thai Cond Blk * Noto Serif Thai Cond ExtBd * Noto Serif Thai Cond ExtLt * Noto Serif Thai Cond Light * Noto Serif Thai Cond Med * Noto Serif Thai Cond SemBd * Noto Serif Thai Cond Thin * Noto Serif Thai ExtBd * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond Blk * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond Light * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond Med * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond SemBd * Noto Serif Thai ExtCond Thin * Noto Serif Thai ExtLt * Noto Serif Thai Light * Noto Serif Thai Med * Noto Serif Thai SemBd * Noto Serif Thai SemCond * Noto Serif Thai SemCond Blk * Noto Serif Thai SemCond ExtBd * Noto Serif Thai SemCond ExtLt * Noto Serif Thai SemCond Light * Noto Serif Thai SemCond Med * Noto Serif Thai SemCond SemBd * Noto Serif Thai SemCond Thin * Noto Serif Thai Thin * Noto Serif Thin * Noto Serif Tibetan Black * Noto Serif Tibetan ExtraBold * Noto Serif Tibetan ExtraLight * Noto Serif Tibetan Light * Noto Serif Tibetan Medium * Noto Serif Tibetan SemiBold * Noto Serif Tibetan Thin * Noto Serif Yezidi Medium * Noto Serif Yezidi SemiBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Black * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed Black * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed ExtraBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed ExtraLight * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed Light * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed Medium * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed SemiBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Condensed Thin * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed Black * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed Light * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed Medium * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed SemiBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraCondensed Thin * NotoSerifTamilSlanted ExtraLight * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Light * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Medium * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed Black * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed ExtraBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed ExtraLight * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed Light * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed Medium * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed SemiBold * NotoSerifTamilSlanted SemiCondensed Thin * NotoSerifTamilSlanted Thinmisc:Depends= . “Noto”的名称是“No Tofu”(无豆腐块)的缩写,体现了致力于覆盖所有使用中的 Unicode 文本的目标(当前完整覆盖或部分覆盖了 65 种)。 . Tofu(豆腐)是日语中对 unicode 替换字符 "�" (U+FFFD) 的称呼。 它常常作为未分配或未知字符的替代而显示。 Package: fonts-noto-hinted Description-md5: 02b9d1b35bdd1cebc2331acfe39aa4ae Description-zh_CN: 用于引入一部分 Noto 字体的已废弃的元软件包 这是一个已废弃的元软件包,可用来安装一部分 Noto 字体! . 注意!这个软件包已经被废弃。 请使用其它名称为 fonts-noto-* 的软件包进行代替。 Package: fonts-noto-ui-extra Description-md5: 6a9dc2b61f5f88baee13dad830a835a8 Description-zh_CN: "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (UI extra) Noto 是一个字体家族集合,它们在不同的语言文字之间有和谐的显示效果。 . This package contains extra weights for these Noto UI font families: . * Noto Looped Lao UI Black * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond Blk * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond Bold * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond ExBd * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond ExLt * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond Lt * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond Med * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond SmBd * Noto Looped Lao UI Cond Thin * Noto Looped Lao UI Condensed * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd Blk * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd Bold * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd ExBd * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd ExLt * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd Lt * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd Med * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd SmBd * Noto Looped Lao UI ExCd Thin * Noto Looped Lao UI ExtLight * Noto Looped Lao UI ExtraBold * Noto Looped Lao UI ExtraCond * Noto Looped Lao UI Light * Noto Looped Lao UI Medium * Noto Looped Lao UI SemiBold * Noto Looped Lao UI SemiCond * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd Blk * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd Bold * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd ExBd * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd ExtLt * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd Lt * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd Med * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd SmBd * Noto Looped Lao UI SmCd Thin * Noto Looped Lao UI Thin * Noto Looped Thai UI Black * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond Blk * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond Bold * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond ExBd * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond ExLt * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond Lt * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond Med * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond SmBd * Noto Looped Thai UI Cond Thin * Noto Looped Thai UI Condensed * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd Blk * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd Bold * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd ExBd * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd ExLt * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd Lt * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd Med * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd SmBd * Noto Looped Thai UI ExCd Thin * Noto Looped Thai UI ExtLight * Noto Looped Thai UI ExtraBold * Noto Looped Thai UI ExtraCond * Noto Looped Thai UI Light * Noto Looped Thai UI Medium * Noto Looped Thai UI SemiBold * Noto Looped Thai UI SemiCond * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd Blk * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd Bold * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd ExBd * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd ExLt * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd Lt * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd Med * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd SmBd * Noto Looped Thai UI SmCd Thin * Noto Looped Thai UI Thin * Noto Naskh Arabic UI Medium * Noto Naskh Arabic UI Semi Bold * Noto Sans Arabic UI Bk * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn Bk * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn Lt * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn Md * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn SmBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn Th * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn XBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI Cn XLt * Noto Sans Arabic UI Lt * Noto Sans Arabic UI Md * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn Bk * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn Lt * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn Md * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn SmBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn Th * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn XBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI SmCn XLt * Noto Sans Arabic UI Th * Noto Sans Arabic UI XBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn Bk * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn Lt * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn Md * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn SmBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn Th * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn XBd * Noto Sans Arabic UI XCn XLt * Noto Sans Arabic UI XLt * Noto Sans Bengali UI Black * Noto Sans Bengali UI Condensed * Noto Sans Bengali UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Bengali UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Bengali UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Bengali UI Light * Noto Sans Bengali UI Medium * Noto Sans Bengali UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Bengali UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Bengali UI Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Black * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Light * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Devanagari UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Devanagari UI Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Black * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Light * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gujarati UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gujarati UI Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI Thin * Noto Sans Kannada UI Black * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada UI Light * Noto Sans Kannada UI Medium * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Kannada UI Thin * Noto Sans Khmer UI Black * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer UI Light * Noto Sans Khmer UI Medium * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Khmer UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Khmer UI Thin * Noto Sans Lao UI Blk * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond Blk * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond Light * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond Med * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao UI Cond Thin * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Lao UI ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao UI Light * Noto Sans Lao UI Med * Noto Sans Lao UI SemBd * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond Light * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond Med * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Lao UI SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Lao UI Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Black * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Light * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Malayalam UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Malayalam UI Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Black * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Light * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Medium * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Myanmar UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Myanmar UI Thin * Noto Sans Oriya UI Blk * Noto Sans Oriya UI Cond * Noto Sans Oriya UI Cond Blk * Noto Sans Oriya UI Cond Bold * Noto Sans Oriya UI Cond Thin * Noto Sans Oriya UI ExtCond * Noto Sans Oriya UI ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Oriya UI ExtCond Bold * Noto Sans Oriya UI ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Oriya UI Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Black * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Light * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Sinhala UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Sinhala UI Thin * Noto Sans Tamil UI Black * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil UI Light * Noto Sans Tamil UI Medium * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Tamil UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Tamil UI Thin * Noto Sans Telugu UI Black * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI Condensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu UI ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu UI Light * Noto Sans Telugu UI Medium * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed Black * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed Light * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed Medium * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed SemiBold * Noto Sans Telugu UI SemiCondensed Thin * Noto Sans Telugu UI Thin * Noto Sans Thai UI Blk * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond Blk * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond Light * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond Med * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai UI Cond Thin * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond Blk * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond Light * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond Med * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtCond Thin * Noto Sans Thai UI ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai UI Light * Noto Sans Thai UI Med * Noto Sans Thai UI SemBd * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond Blk * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond ExtBd * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond ExtLt * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond Light * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond Med * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond SemBd * Noto Sans Thai UI SemCond Thin * Noto Sans Thai UI Thinmisc:Depends= . Noto UI fonts are for text display in UI elements (e.g. buttons, menus) that have a height limit. . The name "Noto" is short for "No Tofu", describing the aim of covering all living Unicode scripts. . Tofu(豆腐)是日语中对 unicode 替换字符 "�" (U+FFFD) 的称呼。 它常常作为未分配或未知字符的替代而显示。 Package: fonts-noto-unhinted Description-md5: 358044e41f2fcac87b7e067ccab5314e Description-zh_CN: "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (unhinted) Noto 是一个字体家族集合,它们在不同的语言文字之间有和谐的显示效果。 . This package contains Noto font families which lacks hinting: . [ currently this package is empty: all Noto families has hinting ] . “Noto”的名称是“No Tofu”(无豆腐块)的缩写,体现了致力于覆盖所有使用中的 Unicode 文本的目标(当前完整覆盖或部分覆盖了 65 种)。 . Tofu(豆腐)是日语中对 unicode 替换字符 "�" (U+FFFD) 的称呼。 它常常作为未分配或未知字符的替代而显示。 Package: fonts-terminus-otb Description-md5: 3ea98cbf0d8fe059c8730c44cc94882e Description-zh_CN: Terminus - fast reading fixed-width OpenType bitmap fonts 这些是适用于终端,编辑器等的等宽字体。如果你必须在显示器前工作很长时候 (如超过八小时),你会发现使用这些字体能降低你的眼疲痨。 . This package contains normal, bold and oblique fonts in the following sizes: 6x12, 8x14, 8x16, 10x20, 11x22, 12x24, 14x28 and 16x32. Package: fortunes-zh Description-md5: acae5325eb4f2e38e4dd8fc603a6b9cb Description-zh_CN: Fortune 的中文数据文件 该软件包包含了 fortune 里面的中文文件数据,使用 UTF-8 编码。 . cookies included in this package: * tang300: 300 Tang Poems * song100: 100 Song Poems * chinese: Misc Chinese Collection Package: fossil Description-md5: 21b5c8af5ad471c6f1c111bbfb3ccfe7 Description-zh_CN: 自带 Wiki、网页界面、服务器和工单数据库的分布式版本控制系统 Fossil 是一款易用的分布式版本控制系统,支持通过 HTTP CGI 或内建 HTTP 服务器 访问和管理。它还自带了 Wiki、文件浏览和工单系统等。 Package: fqterm Description-md5: eace309401fa273e8b9768c658824588 Description-zh_CN: 使用 Qt 编写的 BBS 客户端 FQTerm 是在中国使用最广泛的 BBS 客户端之一。它支持 Telnet/SSH1/SSH2 协议, 可以处理 ANSI 控制字符序列。它可被用于登入 BBS 站点和 *NIX 主机。 . 几乎所有大中华范围内的 BBS 站点都使用 BIG5 或 GBK 编码。所以 FQTerm 只支持 这两种编码和 ASCII 编码。 Package: fuse Description-md5: e1c60869f8386b61887a67fd20371379 Description-zh_CN: Filesystem in Userspace (transitional package) 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: fusion-icon Description-md5: ced6b819abcd5881dda1ccdd5c1e5159 Description-zh_CN: 启动和管理 Compiz 的托盘图标 OpenCompositing 项目提供 3D 桌面视觉效果,能够帮助提升 X 桌面系统的可用性和美观性,以及提升生产效率。 . 本软件包提供一个托盘图标,它能帮助用户简单地启用、禁用和重启 Compiz,以及提供修改当前正在使用的窗口管理器和/或窗口装饰器的功能。 Package: fvwm Description-md5: 50cb43691819694c8a5a0f6835f2bc86 Description-zh_CN: F(?) 虚拟桌面管理器 FVWM 是一款强大的、与 ICCCM2 兼容的 X 窗口系统多虚拟桌面窗口管理器。FVWM 要求的 内存相对较少。 . 本2.6版本包含一些新特性,如 EWMH(Extended Window Manager Hints,扩展窗口管 理器提示)规范支持,国际化,增强窗口装饰代码(不再闪烁),双向亚洲文本支 持,FreeType 字体支持(反锯齿),图像渲染,基于 Perl 的模块库,PNG 图像支 持,侧标题,等等。 Package: fvwm3 Description-md5: 5bfae36b498c66382b04923a7bc011d5 Description-zh_CN: F(?) 虚拟桌面管理器 FVWM3 is a powerful ICCCM2 compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager for the X Window System. FVWM3 is the successor to FVWM 2.x, which was originally (a looooong time ago!) derived from TWM. FVWM3 is intended to have a small memory footprint but a rich feature set, be extremely customizable and extendible, and have a high degree of Motif MWM compatibility. Package: g++-11 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ 编译器 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 Package: g++-11-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: a7f8482a0c83b82b8aaf4e0cb957d5d0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: g++-11-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: c0bc62cb25b56097db947d9f27d6e7a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for alpha architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: g++-11-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4c6151b9337f741c7c366f7ecde21bc8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for arc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arc architecture. Package: g++-11-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5046662fa8830ee3b7e41bd1fb621aa8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for armel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: g++-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 466636539965b105eeffa2a5b48e2850 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: g++-11-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 400423dfeca689996725f7a1e6baa2d7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for hppa architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: g++-11-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: afff2dc72e2284224d811d1b7d6a3051 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for i386 architecture. Package: g++-11-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7ddb89c61f3eaef3ccfc87c6339568e1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for m68k architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: g++-11-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: e230f2df7a8b7b03010a200ed0aae05a Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: g++-11-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 9606db375e8c22b84abbadfcf1166d7a Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: g++-11-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: dfb5e6af734c0f14e9923330c988cbfb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: g++-11-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0deb158ff6df6c399b2420d149aec82d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: g++-11-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 48f77e64bde1d8bbb67f4db2cb860830 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsr6 architecture. Package: g++-11-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: c0470ff0c0a96aca4ab8f77ccd6438f5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsr6el architecture. Package: g++-11-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f48105f87f101613b15f1296f2e88e60 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64r6 architecture. Package: g++-11-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 074f65b03802d0f712936bf38941d9d6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64r6el architecture. Package: g++-11-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1b477be30862e6844809da2c63f23bde Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1a14ea5c44a1b00e7ce244533431ce6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e975a9f2674f872a0122d765bf2dce46 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 6a525f086691aa79b492acb926b45201 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7eb41eebe27c031222436d32ac893474 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7bd6135b12f3b14a1b6fec92a55773d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: a20d01381807fbebfca4180d8cf84858 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7a0cd15a959fcf5a0b08064a559e6bcf Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5f0ee3cba997ff80d446b3b8402a0258 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ce976239962eb02dc6cc11004274270f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 00e742f4472bbb037b93ad698bf36caa Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66228665f9926c448f8cc0efd590015e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 2cb052e946be1564825b901c0f5ab14c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-11-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: b6993fa4a5bfc950233d89bb6922d796 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: g++-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8773af1a015cc0fff329800b1c8eb18b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-11-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9d3a342fa9bb1664c1a3228fb97d3eae Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: g++-11-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c417007b0cbe0fdbdbd2d7eb5e639b2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for riscv64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for riscv64 architecture. Package: g++-11-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6504513b0451939eb03345282ca3aacc Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: g++-11-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0f5474e825fb350a71fabbb1c3dfc2cc Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for sh4 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: g++-11-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ca69794eaa79de76832bd3e72334574 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-11-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 056b1050ba2a52d3ec4a46a6f4ee9140 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for x32 architecture. Package: g++-12 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ 编译器 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 Package: g++-12-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: a7f8482a0c83b82b8aaf4e0cb957d5d0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: g++-12-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: c0bc62cb25b56097db947d9f27d6e7a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for alpha architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: g++-12-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4c6151b9337f741c7c366f7ecde21bc8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for arc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arc architecture. Package: g++-12-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5046662fa8830ee3b7e41bd1fb621aa8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for armel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: g++-12-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 466636539965b105eeffa2a5b48e2850 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: g++-12-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 400423dfeca689996725f7a1e6baa2d7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for hppa architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: g++-12-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: afff2dc72e2284224d811d1b7d6a3051 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for i386 architecture. Package: g++-12-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7ddb89c61f3eaef3ccfc87c6339568e1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for m68k architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: g++-12-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: e230f2df7a8b7b03010a200ed0aae05a Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: g++-12-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 9606db375e8c22b84abbadfcf1166d7a Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: g++-12-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: dfb5e6af734c0f14e9923330c988cbfb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: g++-12-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0deb158ff6df6c399b2420d149aec82d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: g++-12-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 48f77e64bde1d8bbb67f4db2cb860830 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsr6 architecture. Package: g++-12-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: c0470ff0c0a96aca4ab8f77ccd6438f5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsr6el architecture. Package: g++-12-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f48105f87f101613b15f1296f2e88e60 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64r6 architecture. Package: g++-12-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 074f65b03802d0f712936bf38941d9d6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64r6el architecture. Package: g++-12-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1b477be30862e6844809da2c63f23bde Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1a14ea5c44a1b00e7ce244533431ce6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e975a9f2674f872a0122d765bf2dce46 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 6a525f086691aa79b492acb926b45201 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7eb41eebe27c031222436d32ac893474 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7bd6135b12f3b14a1b6fec92a55773d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: a20d01381807fbebfca4180d8cf84858 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7a0cd15a959fcf5a0b08064a559e6bcf Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5f0ee3cba997ff80d446b3b8402a0258 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ce976239962eb02dc6cc11004274270f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 00e742f4472bbb037b93ad698bf36caa Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66228665f9926c448f8cc0efd590015e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 2cb052e946be1564825b901c0f5ab14c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-12-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: b6993fa4a5bfc950233d89bb6922d796 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: g++-12-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8773af1a015cc0fff329800b1c8eb18b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-12-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9d3a342fa9bb1664c1a3228fb97d3eae Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: g++-12-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c417007b0cbe0fdbdbd2d7eb5e639b2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for riscv64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for riscv64 architecture. Package: g++-12-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6504513b0451939eb03345282ca3aacc Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: g++-12-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0f5474e825fb350a71fabbb1c3dfc2cc Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for sh4 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: g++-12-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ca69794eaa79de76832bd3e72334574 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-12-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 056b1050ba2a52d3ec4a46a6f4ee9140 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for x32 architecture. Package: g++-13 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ 编译器 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 Package: g++-13-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b996f012975000f1ea76fd985d3446d1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for aarch64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for aarch64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2932ecfbf875987adb785a93f1e9504c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for alpha-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: e14e856b76e6c130b49053d2b58a37eb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for arc-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arc-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 4295d48c3de87ed13720997a550f5ddb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture. Package: g++-13-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 8217684381d0545df03fa8d52efefabb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for arm-linux-gnueabihf architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm-linux-gnueabihf architecture. Package: g++-13-for-build Description-md5: 6b662a2a3907f28ed9a0e2ac6a55d3ea Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the build architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arch_gnu architecture. . This is a dependency package. Package: g++-13-for-host Description-md5: 9390f1b2980c545f669a0b8b8d5b11e0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the host architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for the host architecture. . When using this package, tools must be invoked with an architecture prefix. . This is a dependency package. Package: g++-13-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 18267b1bfb244fadd9254c5eef389381 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for hppa-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 88bdc3f5d96144f5748dae6f61c62299 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for i686-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for i686-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 36c59c1ac7f031282a6d22c16f6ee607 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: c54664c51957dcedc707e0713caa3cc9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for m68k-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 460f0a8e964f063d2b7d18419aedb245 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 241a32f781db3fcdecbd37b433948177 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-13-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: c5015c092558b75cb4754501509be3ae Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-13-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d9902fa43b1a1001cbb436e2c963828b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8bc69097aa20e5456d880028ee7252f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1e99e810942071a52cff62e76fdfffe Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 3c6cb1510e2ccede76ff737bdf9f5ec8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-13-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7728548a9b42e35679913d2cdf2b28a7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-13-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1b477be30862e6844809da2c63f23bde Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1a14ea5c44a1b00e7ce244533431ce6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e975a9f2674f872a0122d765bf2dce46 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 6a525f086691aa79b492acb926b45201 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7eb41eebe27c031222436d32ac893474 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7bd6135b12f3b14a1b6fec92a55773d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: a20d01381807fbebfca4180d8cf84858 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7a0cd15a959fcf5a0b08064a559e6bcf Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5f0ee3cba997ff80d446b3b8402a0258 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ce976239962eb02dc6cc11004274270f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 00e742f4472bbb037b93ad698bf36caa Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66228665f9926c448f8cc0efd590015e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 2cb052e946be1564825b901c0f5ab14c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-13-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: a6a01c5b6174aae806d940f3ce2cf093 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 557ddc209c9ffc0ee91f14ba077f4ec5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0be28451d4d61c7a7c7261ee29e52e35 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for powerpc64le-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc64le-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: c05debccc4cda53b165f1d0fab684249 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for riscv64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for riscv64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: fafd9d967c83a64a002649a8dd459c79 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for s390x-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1369316a1da3e0f60d597714dc79d09b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for sh4-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d43dfc98f70770fe2d3808f84e84d2f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-x86-64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f28641d421c551d47a5e989009efe119 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for x86_64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for x86_64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-13-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: fd335f1a1944e156a3560646eef5d172 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture. Package: g++-14-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2932ecfbf875987adb785a93f1e9504c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for alpha-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: e14e856b76e6c130b49053d2b58a37eb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for arc-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arc-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 4295d48c3de87ed13720997a550f5ddb Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm-linux-gnueabi architecture. Package: g++-14-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 18267b1bfb244fadd9254c5eef389381 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for hppa-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 36c59c1ac7f031282a6d22c16f6ee607 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for loongarch64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: c54664c51957dcedc707e0713caa3cc9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for m68k-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 460f0a8e964f063d2b7d18419aedb245 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 241a32f781db3fcdecbd37b433948177 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-14-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: c5015c092558b75cb4754501509be3ae Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-14-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d9902fa43b1a1001cbb436e2c963828b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8bc69097aa20e5456d880028ee7252f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1e99e810942071a52cff62e76fdfffe Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 3c6cb1510e2ccede76ff737bdf9f5ec8 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-14-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7728548a9b42e35679913d2cdf2b28a7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 architecture. Package: g++-14-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1b477be30862e6844809da2c63f23bde Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1a14ea5c44a1b00e7ce244533431ce6 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e975a9f2674f872a0122d765bf2dce46 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 6a525f086691aa79b492acb926b45201 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7eb41eebe27c031222436d32ac893474 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: f7bd6135b12f3b14a1b6fec92a55773d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: a20d01381807fbebfca4180d8cf84858 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 7a0cd15a959fcf5a0b08064a559e6bcf Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5f0ee3cba997ff80d446b3b8402a0258 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ce976239962eb02dc6cc11004274270f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 00e742f4472bbb037b93ad698bf36caa Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66228665f9926c448f8cc0efd590015e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 2cb052e946be1564825b901c0f5ab14c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-14-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: a6a01c5b6174aae806d940f3ce2cf093 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 557ddc209c9ffc0ee91f14ba077f4ec5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1369316a1da3e0f60d597714dc79d09b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for sh4-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d43dfc98f70770fe2d3808f84e84d2f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64-linux-gnu architecture. Package: g++-14-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: fd335f1a1944e156a3560646eef5d172 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for x86_64-linux-gnux32 architecture. Package: g++-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 63455f6f87778fa475c4784e9a7d06d1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the alpha architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: g++-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 41d6ad1e5053fe4295b6334913ccff6c Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the arc architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the arc architecture. Package: g++-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 05df4fea4d3956fb12eda5f6640a9368 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the armel architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: g++-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 905a8313956ffa9b5f950bb5b7d1877e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the hppa architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: g++-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b1ba94c363ffa2b76ae0b943f073ee63 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the loong64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the loong64 architecture. Package: g++-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: db3172d6c0f5b027c5611f948d711fbc Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the m68k architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: g++-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7d0f5a2fd60fad3c51072d2ce11a6d33 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: g++-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 781a7c262ab4284bf910c04dfdbfe58b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: g++-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: a926829d443670257a23b76629c17678 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: g++-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: a78509f9da485fd866d51fcfdb80a191 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: g++-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: c80754ff6fbd109f98795a98a2a03564 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: g++-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: e25c74ef7acdeeade436873720a2695b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: g++-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 448dfb10e3333fbcdd6a22dee7c10c3f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: g++-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 27e46bc2c27621328eeff80121ed2706 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: g++-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 21d062243171427488240851c399824b Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the i386 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the i386 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4500c93654c87411789a52ddac7f25e7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cf9010cf4f93dc94ac432e8911adee0d Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f5c55516384cc7459f3887503eafb0af Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8e79848fc2d9c5a3cb72658e63a467b9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: f2a173e17dc839e26ae12d64acd51756 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: e599652f0dca841f89ace356925c0614 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 4f54d78ca038c080270319d0b84ba254 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d7c8f9e18117276aebf77f2dbe05e028 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: g++-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4fc6dc02333543ee6db964e755540b56 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: g++-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b8cb59982684379a36c19e6abe4f591f Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66ae43da9a032d1752d97ec3b62d296e Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: dbb207d5c6757c026380fba16058c9ce Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: g++-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f9aeda628b0db2328f1e8a1d68ba71ce Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: g++-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3a3c7919ff09612e0528b8e93af74355 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: c3fee81ad277f72de39cc9578b38e026 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the sh4 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: g++-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2fd5de3ec4816eb88005bbefa7b13a03 Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ca674cd5b7ed6d5bdcc6aac8d37327aa Description-zh_CN: GNU C++ compiler for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU C++ 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C++ 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: gajim Description-md5: f8af1272b3830104f81a829f08d6afb3 Description-zh_CN: GTK+-based Jabber client Gajim 是一个 Jabber 客户端,功能有:聊天、群聊,支持 TLS、GPG、SSL、多账户、头像、 文件传输、语音/视频聊天、D-Bus、表情图标。 Package: galternatives Description-md5: e2b6c21c44fe667505646d7a6160ea36 Description-zh_CN: 一个图形界面配置工具,用于配置可选系统 这是一个图形界面配置工具,用于帮助系统管理员选择哪些程序需要设置默认命令。 . 这是 update-alternatives(包含于 dpkg) 程序的一个图形前端。 Package: gambas3 Description-md5: 3e324decba1c260695be5debdf5ecd7b Description-zh_CN: Gambas 语言的可视化开发环境 Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!). With Gambas, you can quickly design your program GUI, access MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, pilot KDE applications with DCOP, translate your program into many languages, and so on... . This package doesn't include anything: it is a metapackage to install the IDE and all the available Gambas components except deprecated ones, as well as components that are not available on every platform. Package: gamgi Description-md5: 67835a000d04a5124b61b19079f1fa37 Description-zh_CN: 分子建模工具(GAMGI) GAMGI 是一个用于建立、查看和分析原子结构的图形界面工具。 该程序的目的是:为科学界提供一个研究、演示原子结构的图形软件,为学校老师教学物质 的结构提供一个工具。 Package: gamine Description-md5: 03d8be163375b08e650a6b987a3dc08a Description-zh_CN: Interactive game for young children Gamine 是一个适合 2 岁左右的还不会使用键盘的小孩子玩的游戏。 . 小孩只需要拿鼠标在屏幕上画出彩色的点、线即可。 Package: ganyremote Description-md5: cb7bb8b68527d536d19659cede32b9c6 Description-zh_CN: 蓝牙远程控制工具 anyRemote 的 GTK+ 前端 gAnyRemote 软件包是 anyRemote( 的 GTK+ 图 形前端。它的用途是通过蓝牙、红外、Wi-Fi 网络或 TCP/IP 连接来远程控制 Linux 计算机。 Package: garlic Description-md5: 9a8e5d3dc375d53b824110c22a526364 Description-zh_CN: visualization program for biomolecules Garlic 是为研究膜蛋白设计的,也可以用于观察研究其它蛋白质以及一些生物结构。该版本的 garlic 可以识别 2.1 版 PDB 格式文件。Garlic 还可以用于分析蛋白序列。 . 它只依赖于 X 库,无需其它库。 . Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane. - Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel, Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string. Package: gaupol Description-md5: cc7a23011862f3776d478085982806b9 Description-zh_CN: 字幕编辑器,用于剪辑文本字幕文件 文本字幕常用于 DivX 视频中。 Gaupol 字幕编辑器支持多种字幕文件格式,还提供了字幕纠错、 时间校对等功能。Gaupol 的用户界面设计具有注意批量处理文件和方便翻译的特性。 . Supported formats are: * Advanced Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * MicroDVD (.sub) * MPL2 (.txt) * SubRip (.srt) * Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * SubViewer2 (.sub) * TMPlayer (.txt) . VobSubs 格式(用于 DVD 的字幕,基于图像)目前还无法支持。 Package: gausssum Description-md5: a0468ecb791a7b7a78ab3eb0fb7e2534 Description-zh_CN: 化学工具,解析和显示 Gaussian、GAMESS 等输出结果 GaussSum 可以分析 ADF、GAMESS、GAMESS-UK、Gaussian、Jaguar 和 PC-GAMESS 的输出, 提取和计算有用的信息。 . GaussSum 使用 GNUPlot 来显示结构优化过程、态密度谱图、UV-Vis谱图、IR/Raman谱图、原子 电荷密度变化图。它还能显示包含某一关键词的所有行,以及更多有用的功能。 Package: gbemol Description-md5: 29e4d94b1f184fa10bc7f4e13b81ebba Description-zh_CN: MPD(音乐播放器守护程序)的图形前端 gbemol 能让您用上界面友好的 MPD。它的功能包括音乐库浏览、具有两种模式的播放列表 (lines 和 columns)、支持显示音乐专辑封面(目前只支持 APIC标签)、可以驻留在系统托盘、提供歌曲、 专辑及艺术家信息等。 . MPD(音乐播放器守护程序)是一个服务器程序,允许用户远程访问以播放音频文件、流媒体以及管理 播放列表。该守护程序通过一个客户端来控制,而且客户端与 MPD无需运行在同一台电脑上。 Package: gcc-11 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 编译器 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-11-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6605467979c7b4a27b8a1c6ed7aabd06 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: gcc-11-aarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 88aca54a1627a3fd7711d3f9d7ac5f33 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for alpha architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: gcc-11-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: e63874c34830170f86f617327742ad3e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for arc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for arc architecture. Package: gcc-11-arc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 6d4f736a5f9df9e4e9a88a6f23fb803f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for armel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: gcc-11-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 81e320f4fe3cb20f4878142f5988397e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: gcc-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cef7613d51735832c53f1b1325a89812 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: gcc-11-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-11-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: e08cbb27b980ce408f7cf6b470382377 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for i386 architecture. Package: gcc-11-i686-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 593d004b0e996a576ee189070dfc0bcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for m68k architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: gcc-11-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: be6d2cc3e9b8c1d0308b373005b63a10 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: gcc-11-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad8b0dd5eb608c299c86040d36ffd88e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-11-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cca731d17203fa2912fe9c3749d8d7c3 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-11-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1ed845ccbb41e0438f6d587cf734705e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-11-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: fdc8a83a68b1c6cf719040dd928ffb1c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsr6 architecture. Package: gcc-11-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8bb57d57871d799af6f8ede51702ad43 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsr6el architecture. Package: gcc-11-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 37280f5f5f1a2bac28b43466c7bf16e5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64r6 architecture. Package: gcc-11-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 24eb3234afc7c305b6afe67eb54cae9f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64r6el architecture. Package: gcc-11-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f1710ddb22efe64f00eb522d643b878 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 352bce4d6af0ef3e2260adabe2ff173d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0ca7032ee3e71a85bdbed44c6b99bc87 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f4cfcd14632c3b026966af8e9ac60b0a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d3e65e9a4d8569516c54407d74e93560 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc2f903f4b7148f2e04662815719a85c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8b7ebc685cd7f591c8ed78fae9e06285 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f75ec31d220e018a7619e3f92623e417 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 22c98144720069ea253e0cf6d91a5dcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f8bcf0982eb50ed5e013710e4fba34f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6b4f4449535347d777e4be09c0f60a83 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 64868a8c5f326ebc1205d38ac2f1c47b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce32998e15b35da4bb9d55103c9869ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-11-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45b8bb0736af15d214f67dae5a33875a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-11-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5576cbb75735e5752bbbd9f1338288a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 02948f686f57b7661fd57acbd2976475 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: gcc-11-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0d14114bfdde50833447e5afa7c0bea2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for riscv64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for riscv64 architecture. Package: gcc-11-riscv64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7061b5561490b87818d8a46702f2fd78 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: gcc-11-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 539edebbf17a1829a278772b09e95d80 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for sh4 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-11-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4c65ae04634ee085bae81d947ec77b16 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-11-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-11-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce9301ad842c3273341fa161f1a958ae Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for x32 architecture. Package: gcc-11-x86-64-linux-gnux32-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 编译器 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-12-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6605467979c7b4a27b8a1c6ed7aabd06 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: gcc-12-aarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 88aca54a1627a3fd7711d3f9d7ac5f33 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for alpha architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: gcc-12-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: e63874c34830170f86f617327742ad3e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for arc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for arc architecture. Package: gcc-12-arc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 6d4f736a5f9df9e4e9a88a6f23fb803f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for armel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: gcc-12-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 81e320f4fe3cb20f4878142f5988397e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: gcc-12-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cef7613d51735832c53f1b1325a89812 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: gcc-12-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-12-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: e08cbb27b980ce408f7cf6b470382377 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for i386 architecture. Package: gcc-12-i686-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 593d004b0e996a576ee189070dfc0bcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for m68k architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: gcc-12-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: be6d2cc3e9b8c1d0308b373005b63a10 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: gcc-12-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad8b0dd5eb608c299c86040d36ffd88e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-12-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cca731d17203fa2912fe9c3749d8d7c3 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-12-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1ed845ccbb41e0438f6d587cf734705e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-12-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: fdc8a83a68b1c6cf719040dd928ffb1c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsr6 architecture. Package: gcc-12-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8bb57d57871d799af6f8ede51702ad43 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsr6el architecture. Package: gcc-12-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 37280f5f5f1a2bac28b43466c7bf16e5 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64r6 architecture. Package: gcc-12-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 24eb3234afc7c305b6afe67eb54cae9f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64r6el architecture. Package: gcc-12-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f1710ddb22efe64f00eb522d643b878 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 352bce4d6af0ef3e2260adabe2ff173d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0ca7032ee3e71a85bdbed44c6b99bc87 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f4cfcd14632c3b026966af8e9ac60b0a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d3e65e9a4d8569516c54407d74e93560 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc2f903f4b7148f2e04662815719a85c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8b7ebc685cd7f591c8ed78fae9e06285 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f75ec31d220e018a7619e3f92623e417 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 22c98144720069ea253e0cf6d91a5dcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f8bcf0982eb50ed5e013710e4fba34f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6b4f4449535347d777e4be09c0f60a83 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 64868a8c5f326ebc1205d38ac2f1c47b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce32998e15b35da4bb9d55103c9869ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-12-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45b8bb0736af15d214f67dae5a33875a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-12-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5576cbb75735e5752bbbd9f1338288a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-12-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 02948f686f57b7661fd57acbd2976475 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: gcc-12-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0d14114bfdde50833447e5afa7c0bea2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for riscv64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for riscv64 architecture. Package: gcc-12-riscv64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7061b5561490b87818d8a46702f2fd78 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: gcc-12-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 539edebbf17a1829a278772b09e95d80 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for sh4 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-12-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4c65ae04634ee085bae81d947ec77b16 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-12-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-12-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce9301ad842c3273341fa161f1a958ae Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This package contains C cross-compiler for x32 architecture. Package: gcc-12-x86-64-linux-gnux32-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 编译器 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-13-aarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-arc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-for-build Description-md5: 1231e8563c440c0230388f9db0660a3c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the build architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package. Package: gcc-13-for-host Description-md5: 2f6f77eeb03535ba77299cfe1a0ef756 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the host architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . When using this package, tools must be invoked with an architecture prefix. . This is a dependency package. Package: gcc-13-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-13-i686-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-loongarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f1710ddb22efe64f00eb522d643b878 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 352bce4d6af0ef3e2260adabe2ff173d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0ca7032ee3e71a85bdbed44c6b99bc87 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f4cfcd14632c3b026966af8e9ac60b0a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d3e65e9a4d8569516c54407d74e93560 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc2f903f4b7148f2e04662815719a85c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8b7ebc685cd7f591c8ed78fae9e06285 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f75ec31d220e018a7619e3f92623e417 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 22c98144720069ea253e0cf6d91a5dcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f8bcf0982eb50ed5e013710e4fba34f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6b4f4449535347d777e4be09c0f60a83 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 64868a8c5f326ebc1205d38ac2f1c47b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce32998e15b35da4bb9d55103c9869ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-13-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-riscv64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-13-x86-64-linux-gnux32-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-arc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 Package: gcc-14-loongarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f1710ddb22efe64f00eb522d643b878 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for i386 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 352bce4d6af0ef3e2260adabe2ff173d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0ca7032ee3e71a85bdbed44c6b99bc87 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f4cfcd14632c3b026966af8e9ac60b0a Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d3e65e9a4d8569516c54407d74e93560 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc2f903f4b7148f2e04662815719a85c Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8b7ebc685cd7f591c8ed78fae9e06285 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsr6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f75ec31d220e018a7619e3f92623e417 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 22c98144720069ea253e0cf6d91a5dcb Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8f8bcf0982eb50ed5e013710e4fba34f Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for powerpc architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6b4f4449535347d777e4be09c0f60a83 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for ppc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 64868a8c5f326ebc1205d38ac2f1c47b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for sparc64 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: ce32998e15b35da4bb9d55103c9869ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for x32 architecture) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-14-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-14-x86-64-linux-gnux32-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-zh_CN: GCC,GNU 编译器套装(基本软件包) 这个包包含了 GNU 编译器套装(GCC)中所有语言和库的公共文件。 Package: gcc-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0250fe7da8f99f3dd8036156b9b7d8b9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the alpha architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gcc-arc-linux-gnu Description-md5: bd78ed8ae013f17fd47269e20b3a2bf4 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the arc architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the arc architecture. Package: gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 2110a2ee344f1a65d3401a41cc0d42a7 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the armel architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gcc-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9b4cc0d6ef3204d23b1dfbb24fbea4a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the hppa architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: gcc-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7507773089a56145bb979560f068e036 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64-linux-gnu) 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the hppa64 architecture. Package: gcc-loongarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f4bdddb1020f56c26ee6661aac88fce0 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the loong64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the loong64 architecture. Package: gcc-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 62b0578005db4ff12f60b4093fece105 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the m68k architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: gcc-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: c1649e66b611f7e490e4187f67900cf1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gcc-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 10a3aee250947d2b88ff880085b70f93 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: bf957c91207d05b289c20c7079f38391 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 89d5822bf9c4a0f274590d1e6da9bf9b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c6715034714e250586ffcff8e12f811 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: gcc-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 86d24c98b9152741e198261a18f6fcbe Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: gcc-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ccbee6bf549895b4a8fdbe171c6c374d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: gcc-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 9da9bb886c4c5d5dae08f21c44aba879 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 87162302fcdfe23fcf402bcdae36f6e9 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the i386 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the i386 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: c1649e66b611f7e490e4187f67900cf1 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 10a3aee250947d2b88ff880085b70f93 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: bf957c91207d05b289c20c7079f38391 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 89d5822bf9c4a0f274590d1e6da9bf9b Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c6715034714e250586ffcff8e12f811 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 86d24c98b9152741e198261a18f6fcbe Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ccbee6bf549895b4a8fdbe171c6c374d Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 9da9bb886c4c5d5dae08f21c44aba879 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04c912445b670b2ab129b21d4a47762 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3f3a4a778f1fff5d21b07b98acde1dd2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8a8521de32d5effc17c6a89a9ab1b005 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: b4211c1f0ee569d26c5442d9627cb0ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04c912445b670b2ab129b21d4a47762 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3f3a4a778f1fff5d21b07b98acde1dd2 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 890c6dc590c651e561e51c27cd990372 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the sh4 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8a8521de32d5effc17c6a89a9ab1b005 Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: b4211c1f0ee569d26c5442d9627cb0ed Description-zh_CN: GNU C compiler for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU C 编译器,一个高度精炼和优化的 C 编译器。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: gccgo Description-md5: 9d336d49adc1ff59921be0a9229b7c40 Description-zh_CN: Go 语言编译器,基于 GCC 后端 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . 这是提供默认 GNU Go 编译器的依赖包。 Package: gccgo-11 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-11-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-12-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-13 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-14 Description-md5: 58c2a4ce4d3fe6815f7a6ee86b4db16d Description-zh_CN: GNU Go compiler 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 Package: gccgo-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 49ffa3c97d58d095ce1a2cad8bc0e665 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the arm64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the arm64 architecture. Package: gccgo-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7f25fc7b39e552a8ff1428c96d8a596a Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the alpha architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gccgo-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 724a2cc4146b8fca0618b8695a620cd4 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the armel architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gccgo-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: aef6da534a688c20fe679734aecba741 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the armhf architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gccgo-for-build Description-md5: 4940991dfa7e5d9bb6ae203dbd82ff9a Description-zh_CN: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend for the build architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . 这是提供默认 GNU Go 编译器的依赖包。 . Tools used via this metapackage must be used without an architecture prefix. Package: gccgo-for-host Description-md5: a27a82fffec972a8bd282c7602995be2 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend for the host architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . 这是提供默认 GNU Go 编译器的依赖包。 . Tools used via this metapackage must be used with an architecture prefix. Package: gccgo-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: f2f28293a5aeb4b9bababfb8a408b8cc Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the i386 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the i386 architecture. Package: gccgo-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: e0549694c80d0430ed6a82a95e2fa792 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gccgo-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1e9feb6f71fa2b19b0f860c08835d471 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gccgo-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 71391cfdde82fb8bef82e92e7cbea123 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gccgo-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc62f1f370e2df6a0895a0e421854c3d Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gccgo-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2f5e8125bed4007d74ea36319e316845 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: gccgo-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9a4f863ef6fb22fa1f30d0fada112951 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: gccgo-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f62a351ccd60fbc307f0bbca3b55e39f Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: gccgo-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1beaa848f2c648eb613148a64e06b566 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib Description-md5: 471dd036e567b77f4b0772d851db6d8d Description-zh_CN: Go compiler, based on the GCC backend (multilib files) 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . A dependency package on architectures with multilib support; the package contains dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gccgo-multilib-i686-linux-gnu Description-md5: f2f28293a5aeb4b9bababfb8a408b8cc Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the i386 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the i386 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: e0549694c80d0430ed6a82a95e2fa792 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1e9feb6f71fa2b19b0f860c08835d471 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 71391cfdde82fb8bef82e92e7cbea123 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: bc62f1f370e2df6a0895a0e421854c3d Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsel architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2f5e8125bed4007d74ea36319e316845 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsr6 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsr6 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9a4f863ef6fb22fa1f30d0fada112951 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mipsr6el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mipsr6el architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f62a351ccd60fbc307f0bbca3b55e39f Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64r6 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64r6 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1beaa848f2c648eb613148a64e06b566 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the mips64r6el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the mips64r6el architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: dc62e8a42fffd8f66a460ae857201552 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 22d86fd138603b3887d783b53160f0c9 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e795261a9580712a94c24d634e2ac50a Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gccgo-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 29423891180a50868fee8ad6af6dafef Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: gccgo-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: dc62e8a42fffd8f66a460ae857201552 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the powerpc architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gccgo-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 22d86fd138603b3887d783b53160f0c9 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the ppc64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gccgo-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3bd9f09f65dbd3aa881890a8da6701e3 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the ppc64el architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the ppc64el architecture. Package: gccgo-riscv64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0d3cc71e786849332bd811c9803dd673 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the riscv64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the riscv64 architecture. Package: gccgo-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dc2e2488b9da8f7067ca11682396532 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the s390x architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gccgo-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e795261a9580712a94c24d634e2ac50a Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the sparc64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gccgo-x86-64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f1bf5b0ea5710b5b4434e3101c58fa90 Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the amd64 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the amd64 architecture. Package: gccgo-x86-64-linux-gnux32 Description-md5: 29423891180a50868fee8ad6af6dafef Description-zh_CN: Go compiler (based on GCC) for the x32 architecture 这是 GNU Go 编译器,能够在 gcc 编译器支持的平台上编译 Go 语言。 它使用 gcc 后端来生成优化的代码。 . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Go cross-compiler for the x32 architecture. Package: gcdmaster Description-md5: 2bb2f2974c89bd2b608f9966e5c0254a Description-zh_CN: GNOME 音乐 CD 编辑和刻录程序 GNOME CD 大师是 cdrdao 的一个图形前端,用于创建、刻录音乐 CD。 . Features: * Easy to use graphical interface * Multiple project support * Playing of Audio CD images * Easy dump of CDs to disk * CD to CD copy * Composition of new Audio CDs from wav files * Graphical insertion of Track Marks (to divide live recordings) * Easy CD-TEXT modification Package: gcrystal Description-md5: 8c9307f621a93786ff7055f00efca985 Description-zh_CN: 轻量级的晶体结构观察器 GNOME Crystal是一个轻量级的晶体结构观察器.它基于GNONE化学实用工具,可以使用 OpenGL显示晶体的各种微观结构。 Package: gdbm-l10n Description-md5: aa2a52be54900dc162c147abda843d34 Description-zh_CN: GNU dbm database routines (translation files) GNU dbm(也就是 gdbm)是一个使用了可扩展 hashing 技术,包含数据库功能的库。 其工作方式与标准的 UNIX dbm 功能相当类似。 . "gdbm" 的基本用法是在一个数据文件中存储键值对,以此提供一个持久版本的“字典” 抽象数据类型(对 perl 编程人员来说被称为 "hash")。 本软件包提供了消息的翻译文件,源字符串来源于“gdbtool”软件包的库例程和程序。 Package: gdbmtool Description-md5: b1f4f9a5e4f9a937cd5719411d673cf6 Description-zh_CN: GNU dbm database routines (command line tools) GNU dbm(也就是 gdbm)是一个使用了可扩展 hashing 技术,包含数据库功能的库。 其工作方式与标准的 UNIX dbm 功能相当类似。 . The basic use of 'gdbm' is to store key/data pairs in a data file, thus providing a persistent version of the 'dictionary' Abstract Data Type ('hash' to perl programmers). This package includes following command line tools: . * gdbm_dump -- dump database content into system-independant format * gdbm_load -- recreate database from dump, created by gdbm_dump * gdbmtool -- view and modify an existing database or to create a new one. Package: gdebi Description-md5: b35bbc94cd7094a087497e1d8ae3d6da Description-zh_CN: simple tool to view and install deb files - GNOME GUI gdebi 允许您安装本地的 deb 包并解决和安装其依赖软件包。 apt 和它功能相同,但只用来安装远程(http、ftp)的包。 . The package is also scanned via lintian before the install and its possible to inspect the control and data members of the packages. . 这个包中含有图形用户界面。 Package: gdebi-core Description-md5: be54e484aff287af04dab9e4a2dae2d9 Description-zh_CN: simple tool to install deb files gdebi 允许您安装本地的 deb 包并解决和安装其依赖软件包。 apt 和它功能相同,但只用来安装远程(http、ftp)的包。 . It can also resolve build-depends of local debian/control files. . This package contains the libraries and command-line utility. Package: gdis Description-md5: 6e1876488f4b33174a7e154365c1bae9 Description-zh_CN: 分子、晶体结构查看器 一个基于 GTK+ 的程序,用于显示和操作孤立分子、周期系统和晶体环境。目前仍在 开发中,但已经有相当的功能了。主要功能有: . * Support for several file types (CIF, BIOSYM, XYZ, XTL, MARVIN, and GULP) * A simple molecular creation and manipulation tool * A dialogue for creating starting configurations for molecular dynamics simulations * Assorted tools for visualization (geometry information, region highlighting, etc.) * Animation of BIOSYM files (also rendered animations, see below) . GDIS 还能通过安装其它一些软件包实现下列额外功能: . * Model rendering (courtesy of POVRay) * Energy minimization (courtesy of GULP) * Morphology calculation (courtesy of cdd) * Space group processing (courtesy of SgInfo) * View the Periodic Table (courtesy of GPeriodic) * Load additional filetypes, such as PDB (courtesy of Babel) Package: gdmap Description-md5: 93ea5aa6327beb3d9ae9f37897f90dbd Description-zh_CN: 可视化磁盘占用空间 GdMap 让您以可视化的方式查看磁盘占用空间,形象而一目了然。您是否曾经在诧异为什么磁盘那么快 就没空间了呢?或者是哪个目录、文件占了那么多空间?有了 GdMap,您就再也不用为此发愁了! GdMap 使用树状图来显示一个目录或者整块磁盘中各个子目录结构所占用的空间情况。所有信息都显示 在一张图上,简洁明了。 Package: gdpc Description-md5: 7e42947cfd96e1e6bdd6abed40a7dc3e Description-zh_CN: 分子动力学模拟与可视化 gpdc 是一个图形工具,用于可视化分子动力学模拟的输出数据。您只需输入标准的 xyz 格式数据或其它格式数据,就能得到逐帧的 JPG 或 PNG 格式的图片。 Package: gdpc-examples Description-md5: 0e62d6b7e58c857e227ae358511dc3a2 Description-zh_CN: example files for the gdpc program gpdc 是一个图形工具,用于可视化分子动力学模拟的输出数据。您只需输入标准的 xyz 格式数据或其它格式数据,就能得到逐帧的 JPG 或 PNG 格式的图片。 . This package contains examples to be used by the gdpc program. Package: geany Description-md5: c0d5bdfd9932e3c9874301db29cfafa1 Description-zh_CN: 轻快的集成开发环境 Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It is using only the GTK3 toolkit and therefore you need only the GTK3 runtime libraries to run Geany. . The basic features of Geany are: - syntax highlighting - code completion - auto completion of constructs like if, for and while, XML and HTML - call tips - folding - many supported filetypes like C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal - symbol lists - embedded terminal emulation Package: geany-plugins Description-md5: 175bac6ab6c326ef6021cb24f34557dc Description-zh_CN: Geany 的一套插件 这是一个能够安装一整套 Geany 插件的元软件包。 . Geany 是一套快速轻巧的集成开发环境 Package: gedit-plugins Description-md5: 1922fa3a3c23f3a92a2bf66fd1cff3ea Description-zh_CN: gedit 的插件集合 gedit-plugins contain a set of plugins for gedit. . 各个插件已经拆分成为单独的软件包;安装本元软件包会安装所有插件,但您也可以 独立安装各个插件。 Package: geekcode Description-md5: 4242d920bf7da11ddb9922bdca14d2c2 Description-zh_CN: 生成 geekcode 的程序 该程序用于生成 geekcode。 如果您想了解更多信息或了解您是否需要 geekcode,请访问。 Package: geeqie Description-md5: d54bfbbaf76572caf1fcc02be235dc50 Description-zh_CN: 使用 GTK+ 的图像查看器 Geeqie 是一个图像文件浏览器,只需简单地点击图像文件即可查看图像。它包含查看缩略图、缩放、 筛选等功能以及支持外部编辑器。 Package: geeqie-common Description-md5: 5c92b3de58f07d9b507f898e80fbd0a5 Description-zh_CN: data files for Geeqie Geeqie 是一个图像文件浏览器,只需简单地点击图像文件即可查看图像。它包含查看缩略图、缩放、 筛选等功能以及支持外部编辑器。 . This package contains data files for Geeqie such as documentation or locales. Package: gelemental Description-md5: 468fd0349dc4ca2dab37e28198d6a2b0 Description-zh_CN: 查看元素周期表 gElemental 是一个基于 GTK+ 的元素周期表查看器,提供各种化学元素的详细信息。 . 它会显示一个表格视图,各种元素根据各自的性质以不同颜色显示;还显示一个可排序的列表视图和元素 性质对话框,能显示许多信息,如元素发现历史、热力学参数、电化学性质、结晶学性质等。 . 该软件包包含了它的主程序。 Package: geogebra Description-md5: 4052b3c2eb5b3b676ccc0050e499fd3b Description-zh_CN: 动态数学软件,类似于几何画板 GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly. . Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...). . GeoGebra 的文件可以以多种格式导出,也可以作为交互式的小工具放到网页中。 Package: geogebra-gnome Description-md5: 019e1eead091a2430cabce888355afb9 Description-zh_CN: GNOME integration layer for GeoGebra GeoGebra 是一个动态几何数学软件,可以构建点、向量、线段、直线、圆锥曲线,并可以动态改变。 此外,您还可以直接输入方程、坐标等。 . 它能够支持许多几何元件以及其它计算工具(导数、曲率计算,...)。 . GeoGebra 的文件可以以多种格式导出,也可以作为交互式的小工具放到网页中。 . This package contains the GNOME thumbnailer for the GeoGebra file format. Package: geoip-bin Description-md5: e058df40dc45f1ddd083b2822302409e Description-zh_CN: IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library GeoIP 是一款 C 语言库,它能让用户找到任何 IP 地址或域名的来源国家。它使用基于文件的数据库。 . 该数据库只包含 IP 块和国家信息分别作为键值。它应当比反向 DNS 查找更加完整准确。 . This package contains the command line utilities to resolve the IP numbers using the GeoIP library. Package: geoip-database Description-md5: 3bfa5b4c9f973261799fb4d9355f3b6c Description-zh_CN: IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library (country database) GeoIP 是一款 C 语言库,它能让用户找到任何 IP 地址或域名的来源国家。它使用基于文件的数据库。 . 该数据库只包含 IP 块和国家信息分别作为键值。它应当比反向 DNS 查找更加完整准确。 . This package contains the free GeoLiteCountry database. Package: gftp Description-md5: f3f8443e8fa994889b0ea7a2ec06e4de Description-zh_CN: X/GTK+ and console FTP client (metapackage) gFTP is a multithreaded FTP client, available in two versions: * version for X, written using GLib and GTK+ * version for the console, using only GLib . 这是一个便捷升级安装包,只是依赖了相关的软件包,并无实际数据。 Package: ghex Description-md5: 67cf246af8ab12639e8fc0d8c020bd11 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 的十六进制文件编辑器 GHex 程序能够以十六进制(hex)和 ascii 两种方式查看和编辑 文件。可以很方便地编辑保存的游戏文件。 Package: giflib-tools Description-md5: 645bb21a0301cc3a134940ed1ef35284 Description-zh_CN: library for GIF images (utilities) GIFLIB is a package of portable tools and library routines for working with GIF images. . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: gigolo Description-md5: febd62208284054635976501942ff045 Description-zh_CN: 一个图形前端,使用 GIO/GVfs 连接到远程文件系统 Gigolo 是一个用于管理使用 GIO/GVfs 连接到远程文件系统的图形前端。您可以使用它快速连接/挂载 远程文件系统、管理远程文件系统书签等。 Package: gimp Description-md5: 0c13253910a0a1bd77c64d38c07351a0 Description-zh_CN: GNU 图像处理程序 GIMP 是一款先进的图像编辑软件。您可以使用它来编辑、完善、修饰 图像与扫描影像,创建绘图,制作自己的图片。它拥有一个具有专业处 理工具和滤镜的庞大集合,与 Photoshop 中的类似。众多的精细控制 设定和特点,如图层、通道、蒙版、和脚本,可使您完全掌控你的图片。 . 支持诸多图像文件格式,包括 JPEG,Photoshop (.psd),与Paint Shop Pro (.psp) 文件。它也可以用于扫描与打印图片。 . 要远程打开文件(如通过 HTTP),需安装 gvfs-backends 软件包。 . 要在 GIMP 中使用 MIDI 设备(如 音乐键盘)作为输入控制器,安装 libasound2 并阅读 /usr/share/doc/gimp/README.MIDI 中的说明。 Package: gimp-data Description-md5: f70d84aecd044d27d27535082275ce75 Description-zh_CN: GIMP 的数据文件 此软件包为 GIMP 提供了各平台通用的数据文件。 Package: gimp-gmic Description-md5: 8b208fa23bef640155b429d4dd2f2c1b Description-zh_CN: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - GIMP Plugin G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . This package contains the GIMP plugin. Package: gimp-gutenprint Description-md5: 86cd87bea6547c9da804d9b56bb0344f Description-zh_CN: GIMP 的打印插件 This package includes the Gutenprint Print plugin for the GIMP. . Gutenprint is the print facility for the GIMP, and in addition a suite of drivers that may be used with common UNIX spooling systems using GhostScript or CUPS. These drivers provide printing quality for UNIX/Linux on a par with proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in many cases, and can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks. Gutenprint was formerly known as Gimp-Print. Package: gimp-help-ca Description-md5: e865a8137a5d865877a6ca815ce981bf Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Catalan) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Catalan. Package: gimp-help-cs Description-md5: 9cab0f73c695e7d342bc15247a8fe34a Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Czech) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Czech. Package: gimp-help-da Description-md5: f7a51df256b980cd7bfa6e35f3700b20 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Danish) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Danish. Package: gimp-help-de Description-md5: c2f5a03af9efa144296c9c42f7c63d19 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (German) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in German. Package: gimp-help-el Description-md5: efb99fc50c416e092f47286937e2d024 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Greek) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Greek. Package: gimp-help-en Description-md5: 44a9ca52b03dfcc2c9c4595709a17943 Description-zh_CN: GIMP 帮助文档(英文版) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . 本包包含 GIMP 的英文版帮助文档。 Package: gimp-help-en-gb Description-md5: 0e213b1598f8e63f00d535467571e75f Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (British English) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in British English. Package: gimp-help-es Description-md5: 8de727556a253519c345cb654483a3da Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Spanish) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Spanish. Package: gimp-help-fa Description-md5: ac04f1d7db56dbf4e23b50fe379eade6 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Farsi) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Farsi. Package: gimp-help-fi Description-md5: a30c217577455ee4534e74c2ee336c24 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Finnish) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Finnish. Package: gimp-help-fr Description-md5: d56fa51bce3855e6068629e20ce6278b Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (French) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in French. Package: gimp-help-hr Description-md5: 26f1eea1c0efee9084e759734b9c4a02 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Croatian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Croatian. Package: gimp-help-hu Description-md5: f072d07581451ad0ab8609be03a65519 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Hungarian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Hungarian. Package: gimp-help-it Description-md5: 0cc37908ae6e1669de9a5a8f41a62095 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Italian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Italian. Package: gimp-help-ja Description-md5: 583a3263c9523ab19e60143ba82a9793 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Japanese) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Japanese. Package: gimp-help-ko Description-md5: e91196af2a2dea242371d6453abb7ff0 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Korean) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Korean. Package: gimp-help-lt Description-md5: 774cd79875203213bd70b1fe6f8e76d1 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Lithuanian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Lithuanian. Package: gimp-help-nl Description-md5: 21a6a448fddd7bf5a39aa142a86a4b19 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Dutch) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Dutch. Package: gimp-help-nn Description-md5: 77bfe274a90f6b7f8c1326bcd0b85342 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Norwegian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Norwegian. Package: gimp-help-pt Description-md5: f0e3268f1cfe352a55c2a59c2c828cb2 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Portuguese) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Portuguese. Package: gimp-help-pt-br Description-md5: 489c259a46dd8d38383c659940b475e2 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Brazilian Portuguese) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Brazilian Portuguese. Package: gimp-help-ro Description-md5: 22de1773626a057d6d8e8b9584c5d262 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Romanian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Romanian. Package: gimp-help-ru Description-md5: e7ac773da975d41de40cfe41fc7fd0e8 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Russian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Russian. Package: gimp-help-sl Description-md5: bab42b753dba4eeca45bb5362395e9bd Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Slovenian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Slovenian. Package: gimp-help-sv Description-md5: 8f04b34bd98f7e7f37a59c0a5f429049 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Swedish) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Swedish. Package: gimp-help-uk Description-md5: 24426f1fe707de6ca63c11ec5062595f Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Ukrainian) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Ukrainian. Package: gimp-help-zh-cn Description-md5: df0c07111742dedb62e310f4bd86ac96 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for the GIMP (Simplified Chinese) 本包包含 GIMP 的文档文件,可通过内部的 GIMP 帮助浏览器或外部网络浏览器查看。 . This package contains the documentation for the GIMP in Simplified Chinese. Package: gimp-plugin-registry Description-md5: bd36c6aef355bf739bbf27b6b5d24988 Description-zh_CN: GIMP 可选插件仓库 The package contains the following plugins: . * DBP (1.1.9): David's Batch Processor A simple batch processing plugin for The Gimp - it allows the user to automatically perform operations (such as resize) on a collection of image files. * add-filmgrain (2.8): Add Film Grain Helps adding realistic film grain to BW images. * btn4ws ( btn4ws Generates a series of buttons in three states (passive, active, pressed) with various selectable effects on them, as well as XHTML, CSS and JavaScript code for using the buttons. * bw-simulation (1.1): Black and White Film Simulation Converts the selected layer into Black and White using the channel mixer. Tries to produce results resembling tonal qualities of film. * cmyk-tiff-2-pdf (20090321): CMYK Tiff 2 PDF for Gimp This plugin completes the prepress workflow of using Separate+ to generate CMYK Tiff images by allowing you to convert the saved CMYK Tiff image into a PDF file. * contact-sheet (2.16): Contact Sheet Generates a contact sheet(s) for a directory of images. * diana-holga2 (c): Diana-Holga2 Diana/Holga Toys Cameras effect simulator. * elsamuko: El Samuko GIMP Scripts: * Antique Photo Border Script: This script simulates a yellowed and slightly jagged border like these of old photographies. * Che Guevara Script: This script generates a poster like the famous Che Guevara one from Jim Fitzpatrick. * Cyanotype Script: This script simulates the Cyanotype printing process. * Difference Layer Script This script generates two difference layers from the two layers on the top. It's similar to GIMP's built-in Grain Extract/Merge function, but the tonal range is bigger. Now you can apply further editing and "switch on/off" the adjustment by switching the visibility of the subtractive and the additive layer. Also you can change the modification intensity by changing the intensity of these two layers. * Erosion Sharpen: Sharpens the image with erosion and dilation. * Escape Line Script: This script creates escaping lines from any point. It's similar in function to the built-in Line-Nova Script, but much more flexible. So you can chose the center, the thickness, the angle, the length, the offset and the randomness. * Film Grain Script: This is yet another script which simulates the typical film grain of high ISO pictures. * First Photo Border Script: This script simulates the cut-off of the first picture of a film roll of cheap cameras like Lomo. * Lomo Script with Old Style Colors This script simulates the Lomo effect. * Movie 300 Script: This script simulates the color style of the movie "300". * National Geographic Script: This script simulates a high quality (portrait) photo like these from the National Geographic. * Obama "HOPE" Script: This script generates a poster like the famous Obama "HOPE" one from Shepard Fairey. * Rainy Landscape Script: This script changes a dry landscape to a wet one. * Photochrom Script: This script simulates a photochrom image, a lithographic printing process from the 1890's. * Sprocket Hole Script: This script simulates complete exposed 35mm film strips with frame numbers, lettering, overexposed sprocketholes and DX film edge barcodes. * Sunny Landscape Script: This script changes a rainy landscape to a sunny one. * Technicolor 2 Color Script: This script simulates the 2 Color Technicolor effect. * Technicolor 3 Color Script: This script simulates the 3 Color Technicolor effect. * Vintage Look Script: This script simulates a 70s vintage look. * exposure-blend (1.3b): Exposure Blend Prompt for 3 images in a bracketed exposure series (e.g. 0,-2,+2 EV) and blend these into a contrast enhanced image. * ez-perspective: EZ Perspective: Specialized tool for easily correcting or changing perspective. * fix-ca (3.0.2): Fix-CA Corrects chromatic aberration in photos * gimp-fx-foundry (r111): GIMP FX Foundry Probably the largest script collection available for The GIMP. * gimp-mask: GIMP-Mask: Do and undo several popular image masking (that is, censoring) methods (CP, FL, Q0, MEKO). * hdroberts-tone-adjust (May 24, 2010): Warming and Cooling Filters Warm or cool an image using one of several methods: Wratten, Roy's Warm, Brauer's Warm, Pasty Cadaveric Look * layer-effects (4/12/2012): Layer-Effects This is a series of scripts that implement various layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Satin, Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay, Pattern Overlay, Stroke * lqr (0.7.1): Liquid Rescale Content-aware rescaling. Keeps the features of the image while rescaling along a single direction. * openraster (20110529-1d32622): OpenRaster load/save handler OpenRaster is an effort by the Create project[1] to offer a standardized and open interchange format for raster-based applications. This plugin allows one to load and save files in the OpenRaster format. * planet-render (1-2): Planet Render Creates a planet. Color, size and sun orientation can be set. * resynthesizer (2.0.3): Resynthesizer Gimp plugin for texture synthesis This gimp plugin takes samples of textures, and synthesizes larger textures from them. It can be used to extend textures (including making tileable textures), remove objects from textures, and make themed images. * safe-for-web (0.29.0): Save for Web Allows to experiment with various popular web format options. It shows an automatically updated preview and file size statistics. * separate+ (0.5.8): Separate+ Separate+ is a plug-in that generates color separations from an RGB image, proofs CMYK colors on the monitor and exports the CMYK TIFF file. * smart-seperate-sharpen (2.8): Smart Seperate Sharpening This script implements a new version of smart sharpening (redux) combined with separate sharpen to give better results. You can find more about Smart Sharpening at * streak (0.6): Streak-Camera simulation A streak camera images an object through a slit - thus getting a "one dimensional image". This image is propagated along the second dimension of the image plane at a constant speed. The result is a picture of the time dependency of the object. * traditional-orton: Traditional Orton: This is an effect invented by Michael Orton in the 1990s, which consists of taking two copies of an image, one blurred, and one sharp, and mixing them to produce an image with a dreamy quality. It is especially well suited to landscape and flower photography. * wavelet-denoise (0.3.1): Wavelet Denoise The wavelet denoise plugin is a tool to selectively reduce noise in individual channels of an image with optional RGB<->YCbCr conversion. It has a user interface to adjust the amount of denoising applied. The wavelet nature of the algorithm makes the processing quite fast. Package: gir1.2-caja-2.0 Description-md5: d2d03b886d3ddf07dc0cfb9d52676537 Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for Caja Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . This package contains introspection data for Caja. . It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-caribou-1.0 Description-md5: 97d5c7ddb72f0e3b66d546ba93287aa5 Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection for the Caribou library 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . This package contains introspection data for the libcaribou library. It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-cheese-3.0 Description-md5: 6bb6f1733150d36f15c99ff4d977005b Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - gir bindings 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-fcitxg-1.0 Description-md5: b5bdbc76868abb1a9d7d03e47f4cceca Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package contains introspection data for Fcitx5. It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 Description-md5: 8dab6f0721a81295bbb56dd6445f5f5b Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 Description-md5: 86caaabae9e614dcf85cc74d17bd9192 Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: gir1.2-lunardate-3.0 Description-md5: ec8b0abda3ce2311c80e7d8cd6ce9ea8 Description-zh_CN: GObject Introspection for lunar-date Lunar-date 是一个基于 GObject 的中国农历库,它能够在中国农历和阳历之间进行转换。 . This package contains GObject Introspection for lunar-date. Package: gir1.2-matepanelapplet-4.0 Description-md5: 12a2ed6912010aa913dd6a3692ce50ac Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for MATE panel MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 . This package contains introspection data for MATE panel. . It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-pluma-1.0 Description-md5: a6863cbddd2436d69fc13e9a0d103e7d Description-zh_CN: GObject introspection data for Pluma Pluma 是一个支持大多数标准编辑器功能的文本编辑器, 扩展了简单的文本编辑器中不常见的功能。 Pluma是一个图形应用程序支持在一个窗口中编辑多个 文本文件(有时称为标签或MDI)。 . Pluma 通过在编辑文件中使用Unicode UTF-8编码全面支持国际文本。 其核心功能集包括突出显示源代码,自动缩进和打印预览支持。 . Pluma 也可以通过其插件系统进行扩展,包括支持 拼写检查,比较文件,查看CVSChangeLogs,调整缩进级别等。 . This package contains introspection data for Pluma. . It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0 Description-md5: e07de075982fe4c2c956f1abc07f3db2 Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - GObject introspection data Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package can be used by languages supporting the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: git-all Description-md5: 7eb276543374432338c2d9bf7a76e9b6 Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (all subpackages) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This is a dummy package which brings in all subpackages. Package: git-cvs Description-md5: 5c201c3115375a8b8f735f8e7775526c Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (cvs interoperability) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package provides the git cvsimport, cvsexportcommit, and cvsserver tools, which allow Git to read from and write to CVS repositories and offer access over CVS protocol to Git repositories. . The git cvsimport tool can incrementally import from a repository that is being actively developed and only requires remote access over CVS protocol. Unfortunately, in many situations the import leads to incorrect results. For reliable, one-shot imports, cvs2git from the cvs2svn package or parsecvs may be a better fit. Package: git-daemon-run Description-md5: f22f55ff44557b91f4d1ad32ba7df1be Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a runit service for running git-daemon permanently. This configuration is simpler and more reliable than git-daemon-sysvinit, at a cost of being less familiar for administrators accustomed to sysvinit. Package: git-daemon-sysvinit Description-md5: b9035bef841508be61c9ba878690987d Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a sysvinit service for running git-daemon permanently. Unlike git-daemon-run, this package provides the usual sysvinit service management commands ("service git-daemon start/stop") for git-daemon. Package: git-email Description-md5: 5e0c38a8609078b06fbbe0e8e9e432b4 Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (email add-on) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package provides the git-send-email program for sending series of patch emails. Package: git-gui Description-md5: 699969d903b4df59976ab85a9e250838 Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package provides the git graphical user interface. . If aspell is installed, it can check the spelling of commit messages as the user types. . If meld is installed, it can be used for displaying diffs and for interactive merge conflict resolution. Package: git-mediawiki Description-md5: 68f824126adee99ee64bf2b96e49bb2c Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (MediaWiki remote helper) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package provides the mediawiki remote helper, which allows Git to read from and write to a wiki such as Wikipedia as though it were a remote Git repository, and a 'git mw' command that can show a preview of how wiki markup will be rendered before pushing. Package: git-svn Description-md5: fe9279673cf6573640700aabf410ef25 Description-zh_CN: 快速、可缩放的分布式版本控制系统(svn 协作工具) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . 此软件包提供了与 Subversion 协作的工具,可以导入 SVN 开发历史信息。 Package: gitg Description-md5: c1ee196f3ae343517446c3cde4ed71ec Description-zh_CN: git 仓库查看器 gitg 是一款快速的 git 仓库浏览器。 它目前支持: . * Loading large repositories very fast * Show/browse repository history * Show highlighted revision diff * Browse file tree of a revision and export by drag and drop * Search in the revision history on subject, author or hash * Switch between history view of branches easily * Commit view providing per hunk stage/unstage and commit Package: gitk Description-md5: 09d5ab78b8aa2f432bbf841a62bb9abc Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (revision tree visualizer) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package provides the gitk program, a tcl/tk revision tree visualizer. Package: gitweb Description-md5: 2140d89702ec1cd621b41c71a95a910a Description-zh_CN: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface) Git 是一个流行的版本控制系统,从设计之初便注重速度和效率,使之适用 于非常大型的项目。很多著名的开源项目都选用了它,其中最值得一提的便是 Linux 内核。 . Git 是一种分布式源代码管理工具。每个 Git 工作目录都带有完整的仓库, 携带着完整的历史版本信息,而不依赖于网络操作和中央服务器。 . This package configures a web interface for browsing git repositories. . If apache2 is installed, the web interface is automatically made available at http://localhost/gitweb. Other servers that support CGI or mod_perl are supported through manual configuration. . If libcgi-fast-perl is installed, gitweb can also be run over FastCGI (and served by nginx, for example). Package: giza-dev Description-md5: aa6a91728e861cb48d8455b30499ddec Description-zh_CN: Lightweight scientific plotting library (development files) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a mostly compatible, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: glewlwyd-common Description-md5: 97e8bfd9907f646e63f7cde3603e5000 Description-zh_CN: Experimental Single-Sign-On server - common files Experimental Single Sign On server, OAuth2, Openid Connect, multiple factor authentication with, HOTP/TOTP, FIDO2, TLS Certificates, etc. extensible via plugins. . It's recommended not to use Glewlwyd in production, more likely to test OAuth2/OpenID behavior, MFA connections, or IdP in general. You can also explore its functionalities and help yourself with its source code for other implementations. . If you intend to use it in production, it's highly recommended to follow the documentation and enable only the features you will use. Authentication processus supported: - OAuth2 - OpenID Connect . Allows users to authenticate via multiple factors: - Password - One-time password (TOTP/HOTP) - Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices) - One-time password sent via e-mail - TLS Certificate - External OAuth2/OIDC providers . Users and clients can be stored and managed from various backends: - Database - LDAP service - HTTP Backend service providing Basic Authentication . Allows users to register a new account with the possibility to confirm their e-mail address or not. During the registration process, the new user may be expected to register their passwords, as well as other authentication factors: - One-time password (TOTP/HOTP) - Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices) - TLS Certificate - External OAuth2/OIDC providers . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: glibc-source Description-md5: 1892ef83f2f36db0d236ccc041158b32 Description-zh_CN: GNU C 库:源代码 本软件包包含构建 glibc 所需的源代码和补丁。 Package: glyphspkg Description-md5: a559682f13aea3c1a31d012e03712999 Description-zh_CN: 从 .glyphspackage 到 .glyphs 文件的转换工具 本软件包提供了将 GlyphsApp 软件包转换为单一文件的实用工具。该功能常常为一些开源字体构建工具所使用,例如 fontmake 和 fonttools。 Package: gmanedit Description-md5: 12e2d21eb66c81a368e0fc3fcddc7a08 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 软件手册(manpage)编辑器 Gtk+ 软件手册编辑器(Gmanedit)是一款编辑软件手册的工具,使用 GTK+,运行在 X 上。 . Gmanedit 能够让您编辑 Linux/Unix 系统上的软件手册。 . 它像大多数 HTML 编辑器一样,但更加简单。您需要知道手册的格式。 Package: gmic Description-md5: 93a8cff2a45238493290117e4f75696c Description-zh_CN: GREYC 的图像计算魔法 G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . 本软件包包含了独立的 gmic 二进制文件。 Package: gmic-zart Description-md5: 269f12f758a31e56ab9c725ab54ac459 Description-zh_CN: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - ZArt G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . This package contains ZArt, a program whose purpose is to demonstrate the possibilities of the G'MIC image processing language by offering the choice of several manipulations on a video stream acquired from a webcam. In other words, ZArt is a GUI for G'MIC real-time manipulations on the output of a webcam. Package: gmsh Description-md5: ec9c5a42a6097cc4bf803c56d0463756 Description-zh_CN: 三维有限元网格生成器 Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . 欲知更多详情,请参考 Gmsh 的帮助手册。 Package: gmsh-doc Description-md5: ffe6fece0443158074b37b450e33efdb Description-zh_CN: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator documentation Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . 欲知更多详情,请参考 Gmsh 的帮助手册。 . The package contains documentation and examples. Package: gmtp Description-md5: 88d669b7b00d6b9d0d7ede03f4fa1524 Description-zh_CN: simple file transfer program for MTP based devices gMTP 是 libmtp 的一个简单、轻量级的图形前端,用于管理存储在 MTP 音乐播放器上的 文件,包括那些带有大容量存储设备的播放器(如手机)。 . 它不提供诸如播放列表管理等复杂功能,只是为了方便文件传输,让您通过使用图形界面来进行 文件上传、下载、删除等操作。 Package: gnome Description-md5: 984c5028c0ccad6f8854b311229d0985 Description-zh_CN: 完整 GNOME 桌面环境,以及额外的组件 这是 GNOME 桌面环境,一个直观的、吸引人的桌面,包含附加组件。 . 该元软件包依赖 GNOME 桌面环境的标准发行内容,以及完整的插件和其它将 GNOME 与 Debian 结合起来的应用程序,从而提供最佳的工作环境。 Package: gnome-2048 Description-md5: a3d300be73ca94aa6e50c3d3dded85c1 Description-zh_CN: 滑块解谜游戏 GNOME 2048 是 Gabriele Cirulli 的 2048 解谜游戏的克隆,其原型是 Veewo Studio 的 1024。 . 使用键盘上的四个方向键移动滑块。两个相同数字的滑块接触时会结合成为一个单独的滑块,且 两者的数字会相加。 Package: gnome-activity-journal Description-md5: 84a0a7729820bb29b3794dc08bda032f Description-zh_CN: Zeitgeist 的图形用户界面 Zeitgeist 是一个记录用户活动和事件的服务(打开过的文件、浏览的网站、 与其他人的对话等),可以为其他应用程序提供有用的信息。 . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . 这个包中含有 GNOME 活动日志,一个显示您活动日志的图形用户界面。 Package: gnome-backgrounds Description-md5: bbd107a68b59c707d044b0ede730b33a Description-zh_CN: 与 GNOME 桌面共同提供的壁纸集 这是为 GNOME 用户提供的桌面壁纸集合。 Package: gnome-cards-data Description-md5: 1f8504d0f05c243dbfe3b777245653d9 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 纸牌游戏的数据文件 这个包中含有 GNOME 牌类游戏使用的牌叠图案。提供了几套主题。 Package: gnome-commander Description-md5: 5f78484c536c8371c962cfd4ed1ea8fb Description-zh_CN: GNOME 桌面好用而快速的文件管理器 GNOME Commander 是 GNOME 桌面环境中一个快速而强大的图形 界面文件管理器。它有一个“双面板”界面,和 Norton Commander 及 Midnight Commander 的经典界面一样。 Package: gnome-commander-data Description-md5: 1847ee028828952d1ace39f9a9228ac6 Description-zh_CN: Data files for GNOME Commander GNOME Commander 是 GNOME 桌面环境中一个快速而强大的图形 界面文件管理器。它有一个“双面板”界面,和 Norton Commander 及 Midnight Commander 的经典界面一样。 . This package contains the data files for gnome-commander. Package: gnome-devel Description-md5: 4b80f7ee218a9bd537ce4990cb1bc0fd Description-zh_CN: GNOME 桌面环境 -- 开发工具 这里提供 GNOME 桌面环境(一个符合直觉又吸引人的桌面环境)的开发工具。 . 该元软件包依赖用于开发 GNOME 上新程序的一系列推荐的应用程序。 Package: gnome-games Description-md5: 2443e597e8cb9da0c471d6ba50ef9a22 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 桌面环境的游戏软件 这些是来自于 GNOME 官方发布版本的游戏软件。它们拥有 GNOME 桌面 的感官体验,但也可以在其它桌面环境中使用。 . 游戏现已拆分成单个的软件包,这个元软件包可以帮助您一起按装所有默认 的游戏。 Package: gnome-gmail Description-md5: 756757bc115aefb0dc3662303ac935c3 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package, supporting the transition to viagee. It can be removed. Package: gnome-maps Description-md5: d2e6b5504bdde5755eb5c696cfa41232 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 地图应用程序 地图(Maps)是 GNOME 的一款地图应用程序,它可以帮助您使用不同的缩放等级浏览 地图、搜索位置等等。 Package: gnome-nettool Description-md5: 70ef0cad85618a46c304e6c36022b8a5 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 的网络信息工具 GNOME Nettool is a network information tool which provides user interfaces for some of the most common command line network tools including: * ifconfig * ping * netstat * traceroute * port scanning * DNS lookup * finger * whois Package: gnome-paint Description-md5: d398baa20c68f3bf9eaaf772659cff80 Description-zh_CN: 简单易用的 GNOME 画图程序 gnome-paint 的设计灵感来自于 MS Paint,并为 GNOME 桌面环境开发。 使用它可以用非 常简单的方式操作图像。gnome- paint 具有非常友好的 用户界面,很容易上手。 Package: gnome-panel-data Description-md5: 4d22afebe43465b1d6a8181e72da10e1 Description-zh_CN: common files for GNOME Panel GNOME Flashback continues the traditional desktop interface which was used in GNOME 2.x, but using modern GNOME technologies. . 本软件包包含 GNOME Panel 需要的一些文件(图形图像、 .desktop 文件以及国际化文件)。 Package: gnome-screensaver Description-md5: d09624e05d8fa56cf527148f90f44c88 Description-zh_CN: Screensaver and screen lock formerly used in GNOME gnome-screensaver is a simple screen saver and screen lock, used in older versions of the GNOME desktop environment. . 设计为支持,但不是仅支持: . * the ability to lock down configuration settings * translation into other languages * user switching . This package is not necessary in the GNOME desktop environment, because GNOME Shell contains its own screen lock implementation. It can be used with alternative desktop environments. Package: gnome-usage Description-md5: 5dd651bdb1c960d799efa56ba7416e73 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 的简单系统监控应用 本应用程序由 GNOME 提供,可帮助用户监控系统资源,如内存、CPU 和磁盘空间。 Package: gnome-user-share Description-md5: 5a7a9c3f62b13d278e2025fc1a5eb150 Description-zh_CN: 基于 WebDAV 的用户级别的文件分享 gnome-user-share 是一款小工具,可以帮助用户简单地在用户级别经由 WebDAV 实现文件分享。所分享的文件经由 Avahi 在网络中可见。 Package: gnome-video-effects Description-md5: 088c511f0c1b12d7b9e121f4a5927dac Description-zh_CN: Collection of GStreamer effects 此软件包提供了一系列可用于 GNOME 的 GStreamer 特效。 Package: gnome-video-effects-dev Description-md5: bd0ba71689bb3aca69740a3295e8a94f Description-zh_CN: Development files for gnome-video-effects 此软件包提供了一系列可用于 GNOME 的 GStreamer 特效。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: gnome-video-effects-extra Description-md5: 3d25bd9ca3c8b6450c6f23dc91adf5a0 Description-zh_CN: GNOME Video Effects - extra plugins 此软件包提供了一系列可用于 GNOME 的 GStreamer 特效。 . This package requires the "bad" gstreamer plugins. Package: gnome-video-effects-frei0r Description-md5: ade1dc2778037f273d539451c01e009b Description-zh_CN: GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins 此软件包提供了一系列可用于 GNOME 的 GStreamer 特效。 . This package requires the frei0r plugins collection. Package: gnome-weather Description-md5: 3b239cf1695fdb131ae446370425998b Description-zh_CN: 访问当前天气状况和天气预测信息 Weather(“天气”)是 GNOME 的一个小程序,可以帮助用户监控世界上任何一个城市 的当前天气状态,以及使用各个互联网服务所提供的信息获取天气预报。 Package: gnote Description-md5: 7d8e1d6e363a6e9deaaf777262bb05a8 Description-zh_CN: Gnote 是一个简单易用的桌面笔记应用程序。它可以帮助您组织笔记, 轻松地把笔记用 Wiki 的风格互连接在一起。 . 这是一个用 C++ 语言编写的 Tomboy 克隆,消耗资源较少。 Package: gnu-which Description-md5: 2dca05b7465576026d6447b1a887d353 Description-zh_CN: 显示命令的完整路径的实用程序 本软件包提供了 which 命令的 GNU 实现。此工具提供了显示所给定命令的完整路径的功能。 Package: gnucash Description-md5: fa2e405424f41b8ff614fae4e74e6af4 Description-zh_CN: 个人和小企业的财务会计软件 GnuCash 为中小企业和个人提供了会计功能。它可以跟踪多个账户资金, 维持运行和协调平衡。同时拥有客户、供应商和员工三种操作模式。它有 图形用户界面,支持复式簿记、层次结构的账户、费用账户(类别),并可 以导入 Quicken 的 QIF 文件和 OFX 文件。 Package: gnucash-common Description-md5: 8951a93a2ca048368bbf6f1eea45ac8c Description-zh_CN: common files for the financial-accounting software Gnucash GnuCash 为中小企业和个人提供了会计功能。它可以跟踪多个账户资金, 维持运行和协调平衡。同时拥有客户、供应商和员工三种操作模式。它有 图形用户界面,支持复式簿记、层次结构的账户、费用账户(类别),并可 以导入 Quicken 的 QIF 文件和 OFX 文件。 . This package contains the architecture independent parts of Gnucash. It should not be installed directly, but is pulled in automatically by the dependencies of the Gnucash package. Package: gnumed-client Description-md5: 6cc82a042190bb497f847ec008443b9e Description-zh_CN: 医疗管理系统 - 客户端 This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. It does not currently provide functionality for stock keeping. Clinical features are well-tested by real doctors in the field. . GNUmed 开发小组尽力保证处方记录存储的安全性,但您仍然需要采取一些适当的备份 措施。而且千万别忘记检测一下备份数据能否正常恢复。 . 千万记得保护好自己的数据!GNUmed 本身不承担任何法律保证。 . 该软件包包含了 wxpython 客户端。 Package: gnumed-common Description-md5: 6ebd23a6d370faa2d7114b720e28c691 Description-zh_CN: medical practice management - common files This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. Currently it is not fully featured. The features provided are, however, tested, in use, and considered stable. This package does NOT yet provide functionality for billing and stock keeping. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do test your backup and disaster recovery procedures, too ! . 千万记得保护好自己的数据!GNUmed 本身不承担任何法律保证。 . This package contains the files which are common to client and server. Package: gnumed-doc Description-md5: 4aa14856f3d55f30d5a6a8bc3fec4003 Description-zh_CN: medical practice management - Documentation This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. Currently it is not fully featured. The features provided are, however, tested, in use, and considered stable. This package does NOT yet provide functionality for billing and stock keeping. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do test your backup and disaster recovery procedures, too ! . 千万记得保护好自己的数据!GNUmed 本身不承担任何法律保证。 . This package contains the documentation for users. Package: gnumed-server Description-md5: 6b105eb03a84d12565345f40d5335620 Description-zh_CN: medical practice management - server 这是 GNUmed 医疗电子管理系统,旨在让医生为他们的病人保存处方记录。目前尚不 支持保存付款、采购等记录。该软件已经过相关领域多个医生测试使用。 . GNUmed 开发小组尽力保证处方记录存储的安全性,但您仍然需要采取一些适当的备份 措施。而且千万别忘记检测一下备份数据能否正常恢复。 . 千万记得保护好自己的数据!GNUmed 本身不承担任何法律保证。 . This package contains the PostgreSQL server part. . Note: The package does currently _NOT_ build the GNUmed database but just installs the needed SQL files. Please see README.Debian. Package: gnumeric Description-md5: 752f01da7bfef3ea92285a393109bd9c Description-zh_CN: 为 GNOME 设计的电子表格 - 主程序 Gnumeric 是一个电子表格程序,与其他电子表格互相兼容。它包含支持常用电子表格 格式的插件。 . 可以导入、导出下列格式: - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls); - Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls); - OASIS XML, XML,StarOffice (.sxc); - 逗号分隔文本 (.csv); - 数据交换格式 (.dif); - Applix version 4 (.as)。 . 此外,还可以导入下列格式: - GNU Oleo (.oleo); - Linear and integer program expression format (.mps); - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wks, .wk1); - MS MultiPlan SYLK (.sylk); - WordPerfect family "Plan Perfect" (.pln); - Quattro Pro (tm); - XSpread or SC; - XBase (.dbf)。 . Gnumeric 也能导出到 LaTeX 2e (.tex)、TROFF (.me) 和 HTML 格式。 . Gnumeric 易于使用,特别是对于已经熟悉 Excel 操作的用户。 . Gnumeric 是一个 GNOME 应用程序。GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) 是一系列用户友好的应用程序和桌面工具,用于配合 X 窗口系统 下的窗口管理器。 Package: gnumeric-common Description-md5: 3749931255266b5bbbc512b3833e7c03 Description-zh_CN: spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files Gnumeric 是一个电子表格程序,与其他电子表格互相兼容。它包含支持常用电子表格 格式的插件。 . This package contains architecture-independent data files needed by gnumeric. Package: gnumeric-doc Description-md5: 1a2c472dd4a01f8bf6179550d830e0b6 Description-zh_CN: spreadsheet application for GNOME - documentation Gnumeric 是一个电子表格程序,与其他电子表格互相兼容。它包含支持常用电子表格 格式的插件。 . This package provides the user manual in GNOME Help (DocBook XML) format. Package: gnumeric-plugins-extra Description-md5: 9fe96eb847d4f753e7268d4a75f69445 Description-zh_CN: spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins Gnumeric 是一个电子表格程序,与其他电子表格互相兼容。它包含支持常用电子表格 格式的插件。 . Some plugins shipped with gnumeric require additional packages to those required by the main gnumeric program. These plugins are therefore packaged separately. . This includes: - Perl plugin; - Python plugin; - Python plugin loader; - additional Python functions; - GNOME glossary. Package: gnunet-fuse Description-md5: 251009f739720eecd8e6c5d1521c348e Description-zh_CN: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (fuse filesystem client) GNUnet 是一个基于点对点网络(peer-to-peer)的一种网络架构,确保安全性。该网络中的所有点对点 信息都是经过认证并且可信任的。该网络框架提供了一个传输层,目前可以支持将数据包封装为 UDP、 TCP 或 SMTP 协议。 . This package contains the fuse filesystem client. In order use GNUnet, you also need gnunet either on your server or on your local machine. Package: gnupg-agent Description-md5: 4676770831dd43b5b80c96a103cfd422 Description-zh_CN: GNU 隐私卫士 - 加密代理(过渡虚包) GnuPG 为一款用于安全通信与数据存储的 GNU 工具。它可用于加密数据和创建数字签名。 它包含一个先进的密钥管理组件,并遵循拟议的 OpenPGP 因特网标准,即 RFC4880。 . 这是一个过渡虚包;请使用 gpg-agent 来替代它。 Package: gnupg2 Description-md5: b00f9e73860378b7bce07e0ad3dd2e88 Description-zh_CN: GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (dummy transitional package) GnuPG 为一款用于安全通信与数据存储的 GNU 工具。它可用于加密数据和创建数字签名。 它包含一个先进的密钥管理组件,并遵循拟议的 OpenPGP 因特网标准,即 RFC4880。 . This is a dummy transitional package that provides symlinks from gpg2 to gpg. Package: gnusim8085 Description-md5: 082639db4944b0bd0ba6579cbc066bcf Description-zh_CN: Intel 8085 处理器的模拟、汇编和调试工具 GNUSim8085 is a graphical simulator, assembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 microprocessor. The application has following features. - A simple editor component with syntax highlighting. - A keypad to input assembly language instructions with appropriate arguments. - Easy view of register contents. - Easy view of flag contents. - Decimal <–> Hexadecimal converter. - View of stack, memory and I/O contents. - Support for breakpoints for program debugging. - Stepwise program execution. - One click conversion of assembly program to opcode listing. - Printing support. - UI translated in various languages. Package: golang-dlib-dev Description-md5: 0fc431b7daac67b29d132681e42b7ef2 Description-zh_CN: Go bindings for Deepin Desktop Environment (development files) go-dlib is a set of go bindings for D-Bus, glib, gdkpixbuf, pulse and more. . This package provides set of golang bindings and libraries for DDE development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-gir-generator Description-md5: 32d5eb5b2452209843306c79749d1aaf Description-zh_CN: Generate library binding code which support gir for golang This tool can generate library binding code which support gir for golang. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-gir-gio-2.0-dev Description-md5: b1dc0b937f11d88ce999a847068e3f70 Description-zh_CN: gio-2.0 go bindings (library) gio-2.0 Go bindings for Deepin Desktop Environment development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-gir-glib-2.0-dev Description-md5: c1f68faa8fa3f0fd78567126277ac46f Description-zh_CN: glib-2.0 go bindings (library) glib-2.0 Go bindings for Deepin Desktop Environment development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-gir-gobject-2.0-dev Description-md5: a91252058c8af4467230c186a44260a5 Description-zh_CN: gobject-2.0 go bindings (library) gobject-2.0 Go bindings for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-gir-gudev-1.0-dev Description-md5: a9dd306015c5e1ab18aabf784c7785a8 Description-zh_CN: gudev-1.0 go bindings (library) Go bindings for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl-dev Description-md5: d93653103a370e9baa617cabec0be98d Description-zh_CN: CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. CFSSL can be used to build custom TLS PKI tools as well as create and manipulate traditional certificate structures using code or on the command line. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober-dev Description-md5: 3eb672f4ef0f8bb3cb78bbf05f747aa3 Description-zh_CN: Software-based two-man rule style (development files) Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server. The two-man rule is a control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security by requiring the presence of two authorized people at all times. In the case of Red October the two-man rule is implemented by encrypting data in such as way as to require two authorised key-holds to decrypt it. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-crowdsecurity-crowdsec-dev Description-md5: f39599b1fe6022842887edc50e752f6b Description-zh_CN: lightweight and collaborative security engine - library CrowdSec is a lightweight security engine, able to detect and remedy aggressive network behavior. It can leverage and also enrich a global community-wide IP reputation database, to help fight online cybersec aggressions in a collaborative manner. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers-dev Description-md5: 4cbcd8f1a2bfffc05fd1f36cc79da761 Description-zh_CN: native stores to safeguard Docker credentials - library The docker-credential-helpers package is a suite of programs to use the built-in OS native stores to keep Docker credentials safe. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice-dev Description-md5: 556931a23b4e283391e746d74e0e1a5e Description-zh_CN: Go package for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-googleapis-gnostic-dev Description-md5: 1ae774d48c2fcf90270ae90773ab3ccd Description-zh_CN: compiler for OpenAPI specification - library Protocol Buffers ( provide a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. gnostic's Protocol Buffer models for the OpenAPI Specification can be used to generate code that includes data structures with explicit fields for the elements of an OpenAPI description. This makes it possible for developers to work with OpenAPI descriptions in type-safe ways, which is particularly useful in strongly-typed languages like Go and Swift. . gnostic reads OpenAPI descriptions into these generated data structures, reports errors, resolves internal dependencies, and writes the results in a binary form that can be used in any language that is supported by the Protocol Buffer tools. A plugin interface simplifies integration with API tools written in a variety of different languages, and when necessary, Protocol Buffer OpenAPI descriptions can be reexported as JSON or YAML. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway-dev Description-md5: 04f664d8727c156a70e30ad4a7baa35b Description-zh_CN: gRPC to JSON proxy generator for Golang -- sources Grpc-gateway is a protoc plugin that reads gRPC service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. The server is generated according to custom options in your gRPC definition and helps you to provide your APIs in both gRPC and RESTful style at the same time. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory-dev Description-md5: 0d28e2a59373511371ed35312f303601 Description-zh_CN: Go binding code for automatically generating DBus services (library) Convenient go binding code for automatically generating DBus services. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: golang-github-mailru-easyjson-dev Description-md5: 68db427114ecf2279779fe0234b669c6 Description-zh_CN: Fast JSON serializer for golang - development files easyjson allows (un-)marshaling of JSON golang structs without the use of reflection by generating marshaller code. . One of the aims of the library is to keep generated code simple enough so that it can be easily optimized or fixed. Another goal is to provide users with ability to customize the generated code not available in 'encoding/json', such as generating snake_case names or enabling 'omitempty' behavior by default. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth-dev Description-md5: bb38c1b42791cd43f1ceef15fb43d940 Description-zh_CN: Golang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces (library) This package contains a Go bluetooth API for Linux-based Bluez DBus interface. . High level features supported: - Client code generation from bluez documentation - Shell wrappers for rfkill, btmgmt, hciconfig, hcitool - An hci socket basic API (inspired by go-ble/ble - Expose bluetooth service from go code [unstable] - Pairing and authentication support (via agent) - Beaconing send & receive (iBeacon and Eddystone) - Mesh API support (since v5.53) . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-dev Description-md5: c171d94d1dde96176dd8594210e6bedd Description-zh_CN: BDD Testing Framework for Go (development files) Ginkgo is a BDD-style Golang testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2-dev Description-md5: c171d94d1dde96176dd8594210e6bedd Description-zh_CN: BDD Testing Framework for Go (development files) Ginkgo is a BDD-style Golang testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests. It is best paired with the Gomega matcher library but is designed to be matcher-agnostic. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-opencontainers-runtime-tools-dev Description-md5: 0d44d881f0746f61613a668e4538b54a Description-zh_CN: OCI Runtime Tools oci-runtime-tool is a collection of tools for working with the OCI runtime specification ( . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: golang-github-rootless-containers-rootlesskit-dev Description-md5: 9cd70fb7a254ee879a921b55b4a9b45d Description-zh_CN: Linux-native "fake root" for rootless containers (library) The purpose of RootlessKit is to run Docker and Kubernetes as an unprivileged user (known as "Rootless mode"), so as to protect the real root on the host from potential container-breakout attacks. . RootlessKit creates user_namespaces(7) and mount_namespaces(7), and executes newuidmap(1)/newgidmap(1) along with subuid(5) and subgid(5). . RootlessKit also supports isolating network_namespaces(7) with userspace NAT using "slirp". . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-github-soundcloud-go-runit-dev Description-md5: ffb8cc9628c07004c4b2706af78ea103 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package can be safely removed once nothing depends on it anymore. Package: golang-github-ubuntu-core-snappy-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: golang-golang-x-tools-dev Description-md5: 848b14f59fde001d69fac7c7123ed46c Description-zh_CN: supplementary Go tools (development files) This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go programming language. . Some of the tools, godoc and vet for example, used to be included in the golang-go package. Others, including the Go oracle and the test coverage tool, can be fetched with "go get". . Packages include a type-checker for Go and an implementation of the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) representation for Go programs. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: golang-goprotobuf-dev Description-md5: 635a93bcd1440d16621693fe064c2aa9 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 这是一个过渡哑软件包,可以被安全地移除。 Package: golang-truststore Description-md5: 098b53cb5345c79e9d43a7c3970e37d5 Description-zh_CN: Transitional package 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: goldendict Description-md5: a3db47f95a46ce347f6266cf13d9b48c Description-zh_CN: 多功能字典查询程序 Features: * Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with all formatting, colors, images and links. * Support of multiple dictionary file formats, namely: - Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources - StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries - Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files - ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files, together with abbreviations. The files can be optionally compressed with dictzip. Dictionary resources can be packed together into a .zip file. - ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives. Those can be indexed separately, or be referred to from .dsl files. * Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary, or any other MediaWiki-based sites to perform lookups in. * Ability to use arbitrary websites as dictionaries via templated Url patterns. * Hunspell-based morphology system, used for word stemming and spelling suggestions. * Ability to index arbitrary directories with audio files for pronunciation lookups. * Full Unicode case, diacritics, punctuation and whitespace folding. This means the ability to type in words without any accents, correct case, punctuation or spaces (e.g. typing 'Grussen' would yield 'grüßen' in German dictionaries). * Scan popup functionality. A small window pops up with the translation of a word chosen from another application. * Support for global hotkeys. You can spawn the program window at any point, or directly translate a word from the clipboard. * Tabbed browsing in a modern Qt 5 interface. Package: gopchop Description-md5: c19dbf02bbcc6e158a2b0e33aa0bc583 Description-zh_CN: 快速、无损的视频剪切编辑器,用于编辑 MPEG2 视频文件 gopchop 可以用于剪切、合并 MPEG2 视频流。它使用了一种剪切媒体流的特殊技术,无需 重新编码,因此处理速度快,而且不会造成视频质量损失。 但是,剪切点仅限于 I 帧或画面组(GOP)边界。由于这些帧在视频中频繁出现,所以通常情 况下问题不大。 . 该软件的经典用途在于人工编辑录制的电视节目。 . 另外一个应用是分割来自双层 DVD 的 .VOB 文件,这样就可以把数据录制到单层的 DVD 中。 Package: gosa Description-md5: 4a7ee28a97fa11eaf00760da179126be Description-zh_CN: Web Based LDAP Administration Program Provided is access to posix, shadow, samba, proxy, fax, pureftp and kerberos accounts. It is able to manage the postfix/cyrus server combination and can write user adapted sieve scripts. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-desktop Description-md5: 8d92c8487563d9f98be0cc19928d2b72 Description-zh_CN: GOsa² 的桌面整合 该软件包包含了一个适用于您的桌面环境的 GOsa² 菜单。 . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-dev Description-md5: 18889d0d533749f024a74af5fe6d68e4 Description-zh_CN: GOsa² development utilities This package contains a couple of tools to generate online help, extract localizations and howto's for developing Gosa² plugins. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-help-de Description-md5: 4d1734810c5512007b88d471ed33fe2d Description-zh_CN: German online help for GOsa² This package includes the German online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-help-en Description-md5: 9f3e430a2eace59402cad5a8b28a61ca Description-zh_CN: English online help for GOsa This package includes the English online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-help-fr Description-md5: d7b7e4e67411c31d95d240b805d5cdea Description-zh_CN: French online help for GOsa² This package includes the French online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-help-nl Description-md5: e6b720a7872a366715688d34465861de Description-zh_CN: Dutch online help for GOsa This package includes the Dutch online documentation for GOsa² . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-dhcp-schema Description-md5: 3c379be6058ada4ff6756cc9ba8fe91c Description-zh_CN: LDAP dhcp schema for GOsa² systems plugin This package includes the LDAP schema needed by the GOsa² systems plugin (for storing DHCP information in LDAP). . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-dns-schema Description-md5: 76b12943e85bb22e5be5df285f630e70 Description-zh_CN: LDAP dns schema for GOsa² systems plugin This package includes the LDAP schema needed by the GOsa² systems plugin (for storing DNS information in LDAP). . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-ldapmanager Description-md5: 2de53dba9521aea3cd27593bdcf65328 Description-zh_CN: ldapmanager plugin for GOsa² Sudo management plugin. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-mailaddress Description-md5: c0686a2a7a3a33abe7aea3a9b213255e Description-zh_CN: Simple plugin to manage user mail addresses in GOsa² This plugin is a very light-weighted version of the GOsa² mail plugin. Whereas gosa-plugin-mail can be used to manage a complete mail server farm, this tiny plugin only provides means to modify the user's mail address via a text field. . This plugin is useful for people that need to maintain users' email addresses via GOsa², but do not run their own mailserver(s). . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-netgroups Description-md5: 16b875a6742fc06f91a02dc551492669 Description-zh_CN: NIS netgroups plugin for GOsa² Manage LDAP-based NIS netgroups with GOsa². . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-pwreset Description-md5: 1c366548f33bbd5aaca9bcb94fda8088 Description-zh_CN: Password Management Add-On for GOsa² Password management and reset tool for GOsa². Administratively mass-reset user passwords based on various approaches. New passwords can be auto- generated or uploaded in CSV format. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-rolemanagement Description-md5: f7505bb7b8acb8a883776abb71f68d28 Description-zh_CN: rolemanagement plugin for GOsa² Role Management plugin. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-sudo Description-md5: 0e9b694b79f882d0f0a90b5e6034224a Description-zh_CN: sudo plugin for GOsa² Sudo management plugin. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-sudo-schema Description-md5: ee59a6e11cca193f87aba7ef7509a66b Description-zh_CN: LDAP schema for GOsa² sudo plugin This package includes the LDAP schema needed by the GOsa sudo plugin. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-plugins-systems Description-md5: 9a306a2ddb6c2028d3f8f9bef0c2acfc Description-zh_CN: systems plugin for GOsa² Systems management base plugin. . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gosa-schema Description-md5: 1b1277eea75f00d2d7cf1f5c7f7eb2b2 Description-zh_CN: LDAP schema for GOsa This package includes the basics LDAP schemas needed by GOsa². . GOsa² 是系统管理和终端用户网络界面的结合,用于处理基于 LDAP 的设置。 Package: gourmet Description-md5: be6a169e83fb5a14cbdf34432b3aaacd Description-zh_CN: transitionnal package to install gourmand 这是一个过渡哑软件包,可以被安全地移除。 Package: gpa Description-md5: 26adcfaaa5e11731dba864e1e68a291d Description-zh_CN: GNU 隐私助理 GNU 隐私助理(GPA)是 GnuPG 的一个图形前端,可用于加密、解密、文件签名、管理公钥、私钥等。 Package: gperiodic Description-md5: 9d0fa910facd65c1d1b6bc1be521fcfa Description-zh_CN: 小型的元素周期表程序 GPeriodic 是一个小型的基于 X/GTK+ 的元素周期表程序,用于浏览化学 元素周期表,并且可以查看每种元素的详细信息。 目前表里列了 118 种元素。 Package: gpg-wks-server Description-md5: e2eb43281beac2769941e9e1f37dd8a2 Description-zh_CN: GNU privacy guard - Web Key Service server GnuPG 为一款用于安全通信与数据存储的 GNU 工具。它可用于加密数据和创建数字签名。 它包含一个先进的密钥管理组件,并遵循拟议的 OpenPGP 因特网标准,即 RFC4880。 . This package provides the GnuPG server for the Web Key Service protocol. . A Web Key Service is a service that allows users to upload keys per mail to be verified over https as described in . For more information see: Package: gpicview Description-md5: 56b6d6ca77ade2581b6c6827342d56bb Description-zh_CN: 轻巧的图像查看器 GPicView 是一个以 GTK+ 2 开发的轻巧图像查看器,具有下列功能: . * Extremely lightweight and fast with low memory usage * Very suitable for default image viewer of desktop system * Simple and intuitive interface * Minimal lib dependency: Only pure GTK+ is used * Desktop independent: Doesn't require any specific desktop environment Package: gpscorrelate Description-md5: 02f7325cdd3d3a8a10b05bc8ff4c7718 Description-zh_CN: 批量更新照片的 GPS 信息(命令行工具) gpscorrelate 用于更新数码照片中与 GPS 信息(如纬度、经度、海拔)相关的 EXIF (可交换 图像文件)栏目。这种更新操作称为“关联”。 . 您所需要输入的数据是一系列 JPEG 图片和要关联的 GPS 数据(以 GPX 格式编码)。 . 如果在拍摄照片的时候(1 秒内)就已经能够获取对应的 GPS 数据,则 GPS 数据会直接存入对应的 EXIF 栏。否则,您得使用拍摄之前或之后的 GPS 数据来补充。 . 我们已经同时提供了一个命令行工具(gpscorrelate)和一个 GTK+ 的图形界面工具 (gpscorrelate-gui)。 . 该软件包包含的是命令行工具和 HTML 格式的文档。 Package: gpscorrelate-gui Description-md5: bd7ccfdc3e3dfe79dbbba2b186ea0ae8 Description-zh_CN: correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (GUI) gpscorrelate 用于更新数码照片中与 GPS 信息(如纬度、经度、海拔)相关的 EXIF (可交换 图像文件)栏目。这种更新操作称为“关联”。 . 您所需要输入的数据是一系列 JPEG 图片和要关联的 GPS 数据(以 GPX 格式编码)。 . 如果在拍摄照片的时候(1 秒内)就已经能够获取对应的 GPS 数据,则 GPS 数据会直接存入对应的 EXIF 栏。否则,您得使用拍摄之前或之后的 GPS 数据来补充。 . 我们已经同时提供了一个命令行工具(gpscorrelate)和一个 GTK+ 的图形界面工具 (gpscorrelate-gui)。 . This package contains the GTK+ graphical user interface. Package: gpxviewer Description-md5: 08f439a1a9aa6d765f7dd1aba373e0a8 Description-zh_CN: 查看 GPX 格式的路径 This application allows the user to load a GPS trace, in the GPX file format, and read it in a presentable way. You are shown a few statistics, such as the duration or maximum speed. You are also shown the trace on an OpenStreetMap map, where you can scroll around and zoom. Package: gr-limesdr Description-md5: 0990c87b70a40e459c7060873e8903ef Description-zh_CN: LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio LimeSDR is a low cost, open source software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard. . Currently this plugin supports LimeSDR-USB and LimeSDR-Mini boards. . The gr-limesdr blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface LimeSDR devices through liblimesuite. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: granatier Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a Description-zh_CN: Bomberman clone Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: grcov Description-md5: 51f6e1d2c2c4d056a30132817a299058 Description-zh_CN: 收集并汇总多个源文件的代码覆盖信息 This package contains the following binaries built from the Rust crate "grcov": - grcov Package: grdesktop Description-md5: 11fe1404ccd7f3abd972c97948f49006 Description-zh_CN: rdesktop 客户端的 GNOME 前端,用于远程连接 grdesktop 是远程桌面客户端(rdesktop)的 GNOME 前端。 . 它可以保存多个连接及其设置,还可以浏览网络上的主机以寻找可用的终端服务器。 Package: greenbone-feed-sync Description-md5: 7862b12a40ed135ac157453a2b62a882 Description-zh_CN: New script for syncing the Greenbone Community Feed (Python 3) This package contains a script for syncing the Greenbone Community Feed. . 本软件包将安装用于 Python 3 的库。 Package: gretl Description-md5: 794e28c78e36c7b7cd146f72657cb173 Description-zh_CN: GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件 GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件(gretl)是一个主要用于计量经济学分析的软件包, 由一个共享函数库、一个命令行客户端程序和一个 GTK+ 图形前端。 . 该软件包提供了 GTK+ 图形前端和命令行客户端。 Package: gretl-common Description-md5: ff96d7a4a8ecc0d9dc4d3a5fc7a9276e Description-zh_CN: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- scripts package GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件(gretl)是一个主要用于计量经济学分析的软件包, 由一个共享函数库、一个命令行客户端程序和一个 GTK+ 图形前端。 . This package provides scripts (included in the gretl sources) which are used by the main gretl program. Package: gretl-doc Description-md5: 12446f8f1d87b3da9e7f7f2362aac9e3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件(gretl)是一个主要用于计量经济学分析的软件包, 由一个共享函数库、一个命令行客户端程序和一个 GTK+ 图形前端。 . This package provides documentation and examples included in the gretl sources. Package: grilo-plugins-0.3 Description-md5: f7cd8564e177035853c74b50022251cc Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to grilo-plugins-0.3-base and grilo-plugins-0.3-extra. It can safely be removed. Package: grim Description-md5: 58ff81024c1e940fd1ba2e303bfc9286 Description-zh_CN: 获取 Wayland 桌面屏幕截图的命令行工具 grim 是一款获取 Wayland 桌面屏幕截图的命令行工具。现在它需要对 screencopy 协议的支持才能正常工作。对 xdg-output 协议的支持是可选的,但它能改进分数缩放的支持。grim 会以 PNG 格式写入图片文件或使用标准输出。 Package: gringotts Description-md5: a7a36dcc9d48e26aac0cbc1afea0d55f Description-zh_CN: 电子保险柜 - 存放密码数据等 Gringotts 可用来存放、管理一些隐私数据(密码、信用卡号、PIN 码,等)。操作方便, 安全性好。 Package: grisbi Description-md5: 2e2b9189a66757c2dd5b8cfb21577554 Description-zh_CN: 个人理财程序 Grisbi 是一个个人理财程序,能够处理多个账户、多种货币、多用户。它能够根据收入支出、 预算、三方以及其它信息来管理您的钱财,适应私人账户和关联账户。 . Grisbi 能够导入来自 QIF、OFX 和 Gnucash 格式的账户文件,并可以通过 LaTeX 打印 报表或通过 HTML 导出报表。 Package: grisbi-common Description-md5: f95430f0ac4869224285853fad4936c4 Description-zh_CN: shared files for the finance management program Grisbi Grisbi 是一个个人理财程序,能够处理多个账户、多种货币、多用户。它能够根据收入支出、 预算、三方以及其它信息来管理您的钱财,适应私人账户和关联账户。 . This package contains architecture-independent files (icons, documentation and translations). Package: grpn Description-md5: cd7b42d66945678c4d4342c14501f6c9 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 逆波兰表示法计算器 grpn 是一个使用了 GTK+ 工具集的 RPN(逆波兰表示法) 计算器。它能用于 实数和复数计算,有 4 种不同的角度模式,支持基本数学函数以及对数函数、 三角函数等等。它的能力仅受内存大小限制。 Package: gsfonts-x11 Description-md5: f27c023743dc428094e4f611d95582fe Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包(gsfonts-x11 -> fonts-urw-base35) 本软件包是一个哑包,用于进行 gsfonts-x11 到 fonts-urw-base35 的过渡。本软件包可以被安全地移除。 Package: gstreamer1.0-opencv Description-md5: c7e225953a0291993c213186484f1f36 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer OpenCV plugins GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains the OpenCV plugins. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Description-md5: 96aaaad9b842ce9ddb51b002cc05eca0 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-apps Description-md5: 516bac0b97ebdd36b52398c50e974c16 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer helper programs from the "bad" set GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains helper programs from the "bad" set, a set of plug- ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-rtp Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Description-md5: c036226562f55540aad2e51fbde63d54 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer 插件,来自“ugly”系列 GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . 该软件包包含了来自于“ugly”系列的插件,即代码质量好但是可能会出现发行专利问题的插件, 可用于支持 mp3、sid、mpeg、mpeg2、AC-3 和未加密的 DVD。 Package: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio Description-md5: 504e4012c06b50368aaaaef3d4829462 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio (transitional package) GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package used to contain the GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio, a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems. . This is a transitional package. Package: gstreamer1.0-python3-plugin-loader Description-md5: 95096b7522782c3f7600444ec56c34a6 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer Loader for Python Plugin (Python 3) GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains the Python 3 version of the Python plugin loader, which allows GStreamer plugins to be written in Python. Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Description-md5: 6fd76fa62a56dd4ac66dadd0e99cbe61 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for Qt5. Package: gstreamer1.0-qt6 Description-md5: 3bdeb2efa50924da8de4655a8b9287cb Description-zh_CN: GStreamer plugin for Qt6 GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for Qt6. Package: gstreamer1.0-rtsp Description-md5: 324c293cb019895b9491331ce49fd119 Description-zh_CN: RTSP plugin for GStreamer GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for RTSP. Package: gthumb Description-md5: 3f6830e69f57dd7b815a1c7022d6e9ce Description-zh_CN: 浏览并查看图像 gThumb 是一个高级图像查看和浏览器。它有许多有用的功能,例如: 从文件系统浏览文件、放映幻灯片、图像分组、创建网络专辑、从相机导入 文件、刻录图像 CD,文件批量处理,和包括旋转和色彩调节在内的快速处 理功能。 . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. Package: gthumb-data Description-md5: 27b86b080e857e9ca2a0a372423eda5e Description-zh_CN: image viewer and browser - arch-independent files gThumb 是一个高级图像查看和浏览器。它有许多有用的功能,例如: 从文件系统浏览文件、放映幻灯片、图像分组、创建网络专辑、从相机导入 文件、刻录图像 CD,文件批量处理,和包括旋转和色彩调节在内的快速处 理功能。 . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. . This package contains the architecture-independent files needed by gthumb. Package: gthumb-dev Description-md5: 89444e8ff88a9f480bd9ecb468c893ab Description-zh_CN: image viewer and browser - development files gThumb 是一个高级图像查看和浏览器。它有许多有用的功能,例如: 从文件系统浏览文件、放映幻灯片、图像分组、创建网络专辑、从相机导入 文件、刻录图像 CD,文件批量处理,和包括旋转和色彩调节在内的快速处 理功能。 . It's designed for GNOME desktop environment and uses its platform. For camera import feature, the gPhoto2 library is used. . This package contains the files needed to develop third-party extensions. Package: gtk-chtheme Description-md5: dc8afeebd61b9bcfd00882b3c3a38157 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 2.0 主题转换、预览工具 一个基于 “GTK 主题转换”的程序,旨在方便您选择、预览主题。该软件可以展示出安装在该系统上的 主题供您选择,并可以实时预览。 . 该应用只适用于 GTK+ 2.x 主题。对于 GTK+ 1.x 的主题,要使用 gtk-theme-switch 软件。 Package: gtkam Description-md5: 485603a8eee7d40e8bd537c724dfa142 Description-zh_CN: 从数码相机上浏览和下载照片 GTKam 是一个基于 GTK+ 的图形程序,可用于从数码相机上浏览和下载照片、影片等。 Package: gtkam-gimp Description-md5: 515b4e4facaa08a41f996a814d4e2375 Description-zh_CN: gtkam gimp plugin to open digital camera pictures GTKam 是一个基于 GTK+ 的图形程序,可用于从数码相机上浏览和下载照片、影片等。 . GTKam-gimp is a plug-in for GIMP that allows you to open pictures on a digital camera within GIMP. Package: gtkhash Description-md5: 68639c6ef844c34871b3bc6c1a76e790 Description-zh_CN: 用于计算校验和的 GTK+ 实用程序 GtkHash is a small GTK+ utility which allows users to compute message digests or checksums using the mhash library. Currently supported hash functions include MD5, MD6, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, TIGER and WHIRLPOOL. Package: gtkterm Description-md5: 3d7a91c3750e2b60a35853abca3cf8ec Description-zh_CN: simple GTK+ serial port terminal gtkterm 是一个简单的 GTK+ 终端,可用于和串口通信。 . 它的功能有: . * Serial port terminal window * Serial port setup (speed, parity, bits, stopbits, flow control) * Using the termios API * Possible to send a file (only RAW data, no protocol) * End of line delay while sending a file * Special character wait before next line while sending a file * Possible to toggle control lines manually (DTR, CTS) * Also reads the state of control lines (RTS, CD, DSR, RI) . Author: Julien Schmitt Package: guake Description-md5: dea59684bb9d39df8af8a54964b9acc8 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 桌面环境下的下拉式终端 Guake 是 GNOME 桌面环境下的下拉式终端,您只需按一个键就可以唤出它,再按一下就可以隐藏 它。它支持热键设置、标签、背景透明,等。 Package: gufw Description-md5: 6ba71ac631b02c0d683f78355db5e633 Description-zh_CN: ufw 系统防火墙配置工具 Gufw 为您提供了一种简单直观的方式来管理 Linux 防火墙。 它支持常见的任务,例如允许和拦截预先配置的、常用的 p2p 端口或单独的端口,以及许多别的规则。 Package: gulp Description-md5: ff891d30cbe4acdc69f2e10219e9e3da Description-zh_CN: streaming build system to automate painful or time-consuming tasks gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Platform-agnostic - Integrations are built into all major IDEs and people are using gulp with PHP, .NET, Node.js, Java, and other platforms. Strong Ecosystem - Use npm modules to do anything you want + over 2000 curated plugins for streaming file transformations Simple - By providing only a minimal API surface, gulp is easy to learn and simple to use . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: guvcview Description-md5: 5024a12bbce2ca7e5b27f501da68c2c6 Description-zh_CN: 基于 GTK+ 的摄像头视频录制工具 guvcview 是一个简单的 GTK+ 程序,可以从摄像头录制、查看视频,只要您的摄像头支持 UVC 驱动。 Package: gv Description-md5: 7ff4c134e7c6b4a98c92d2ff2d1218ec Description-zh_CN: 在 X 环境下查看 PostScript 和 PDF 文件 gv 是 X Window 下的 PostScript 和 PDF 文件查看器,它使用 ghostscript 解 释器,基于经典的 X 前端,替代了 gs 和 ghostview。 Package: gwakeonlan Description-md5: aff2b61cabd9d9508ebee85f483cc0ca Description-zh_CN: 使用网络唤醒功能来唤醒您的计算机 gWakeOnLan 是一个使用网络唤醒功能来唤醒您的已关机的计算机的 GTK+ 程序。它支持本地模式和网络 模式。 . 需要唤醒的计算机原来应该处于关机状态,并启用了网络唤醒功能。 Package: gwenview Description-md5: bd0ae087e915d16cc0dd13c978d49d83 Description-zh_CN: KDE 的图像查看器 Gwenview是一个图像浏览器,用于浏览和显示的图片集合。它能够 全屏幻灯片浏览图像,还可以进行如旋转和裁剪的简单调整。 . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: gworldclock Description-md5: 58e5b2915af6a0f84659e20d43e95da6 Description-zh_CN: 世界时钟,查看其它时区的时间和日期 该 GTK+ 程序可以显示任意一个指定时区的时间和日期。它也提供一个“rendezvous”功能,可以将各个 时区的时间与某个时间同步,而无视当前时间。这样您就可以方便地处理跨时区会议等问题。 . 时区可以手工输入(TZ 格式),也可以从列表 /usr/share/zoneinfo/ 里面选取。时区列 表的格式与 shell 脚本 tzwatch 的格式相同。 Package: gwyddion Description-md5: 9b76d20e9f53c7546ac0d0807f0e18ce Description-zh_CN: 扫描探针显微镜数据可视化和分析 Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like * Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), * Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), * Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), * Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM) and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis. . 该软件包包含了主程序以及一些模块,还带有 GNOME(以及 Xfce)缩略图生成工具用于为 Gwyddion 已 知的格式创建缩略图。 Package: hardinfo Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: harp Description-md5: e95aeab644f4ff2a8d73fc78179ca78f Description-zh_CN: Data harmonization toolset for Earth Observation formats HARP是一套用于摄取、处理以及跨比较卫星或模型数据与相关数据的工具集。该工具集由一组命令行工具、一个C语言分析函数库以及Python导入/导出接口 组成。HARP的主要目标是协助跨比较数据集。通过适当串联调用HARP命令行工具,可以预处理卫星、模型及/或相关数据,以确保需要比较的两个数据集最终拥 有相同的时空网格、相同的数据格式/结构以及相同的物理单位。 . This package provides the HARP binary utilities. Package: hdate-applet Description-md5: b4df14b42a2c061b16c262d188c49798 Description-zh_CN: 希伯来日历小程序 A GNOME desktop applet providing an Hebrew calendar that gives the user easy access to the Jewish calendar (including Hebrew date, parasha, sunset and sunrise times, holydays and moon phase). Package: hexchat Description-md5: 3bfe3ea667431d0fee42197cdaa40f2c Description-zh_CN: 为 X 设计,基于 X-Chat 2 的 IRC 客户端 HexChat is a graphical IRC client with a GTK+ GUI. Features include Python, Perl and Lua scripting support, a plugin API, multiple server/channel windows, spell checking, multiple authentication methods including SASL, and customizable notifications. For more information on IRC, see Package: homebank Description-md5: 5ebad0a03a9b1f70802f7bd53a61999b Description-zh_CN: 管理您的家庭个人账户 HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your personal accounting. It has a lot of features such as easy analysis with graphical charts (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), useful reports ("Where your money goes", "Trend Time Report" ), multi-accounts support, budget management, reminder, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files, visual status of operations. It is based on GTK2. Package: hplip-gui Description-md5: 0e8b9881942aaafee62df05b01b6d0d0 Description-zh_CN: 惠普(HP) Linux 打印和成像工具 - 图形界面程序(基于 Qt) The HP Linux Printing and Imaging System provides full support for printing on most HP SFP (single function peripheral) inkjets and many LaserJets, and for scanning, sending faxes and for photo-card access on most HP MFP (multi-function peripheral) printers. . 该软件包包含了与 HPLIP 相应的图形界面设置工具:HP 工具箱、HP 传真,... . Note that all GUI utilities are based on the Qt GUI environment. There are currently no equivalent utilities based on GTK+. Package: hspell Description-md5: 6e2183beb70f135a179470834714c7d7 Description-zh_CN: 希伯来语的拼写检查器和词法分析器 Hspell is a spellchecker for Hebrew. It checks nikkud-less writing (Ktiv Male) and follows the rules set by the Academy of Hebrew Language. . This package provides a command-line tool as well as a static library. Package: htcondor Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-annex-ec2 Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-dev Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-doc Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-test Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: htcondor-upgrade-checks Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: i2pd Description-md5: 8bfe5025581b8fad540264ef12684425 Description-zh_CN: 全功能的 I2P 客户端 C++ 实现 I2P(不可见互联网协议)是一个通用的匿名网络层。所有经由 I2P 的通信都是匿名且端到端加密的,参与者不会披露他们的真实 IP 地址。 Package: ibrazilian Description-md5: f09cb090d148d38b6107d9ecf74d355b Description-zh_CN: 用于ispell的巴西葡萄牙语字典 这是一个用于ispell的巴西葡萄牙语字典,由Ricardo Ueda Karpischek 整理。 . 当前的状态已经能够很好的用于日常需要。本字典正在使用结构化方式进行开发。 动词由一个特殊的软件动词结合器处理。名称被分到语义类中以简化词汇表的完整 和修订。 Package: ibus-anthy Description-md5: 505c94c7454cb60018e66638b33fc6c0 Description-zh_CN: anthy engine for IBus IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . IBus-Anthy is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-anthy-dev Description-md5: d793c72f518cddd1e2e82e8f23664b53 Description-zh_CN: anthy engine for IBus (development files) IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . IBus-Anthy is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. . This package provides ibus-anthy development files. Package: ibus-array Description-md5: 69c56e5944d27d130af1d98c59051851 Description-zh_CN: Array 30 input engine for iBus IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . ibus-array is an IM Engine for Traditional Chinese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-clutter Description-md5: deea38aac42040667a6e48f66dfa799c Description-zh_CN: ibus input method framework for clutter IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . ibus-clutter is the clutter client of ibus, it provides a clutter-immodule for ibus. Package: ibus-kkc Description-md5: 226d2b7968f84e65c3b87e2709ca027d Description-zh_CN: Japanese Kana Kanji input engine for IBus IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . ibus-kkc is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-pinyin Description-md5: c12dfc1dad0e79391a2c854df6b8fd17 Description-zh_CN: IBus 汉语拼音引擎 ibus-pinyin 是一个基于 IBus 的中文输入法引擎。 . 想了解更多有关拼音输入法的信息,请访问 . 本软件包包含拼音输入法。 . This pinyin input method is deprecated; new users should switch to ibus- libpinyin, which is a contemporary implementation of pinyin input method. Package: ibus-skk Description-md5: c4f9ca6ffcc82b8661b9301e1cb479ec Description-zh_CN: SKK engine for IBus IBus 是一个智能的输入法工具。它是一个为 Linux 操作系统设计的新的 输入框架。它提供了功能完整、界面友好的输入法用户界面。它也能帮助开发 者更容易地开发输入法。 . IBus-SKK is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-sunpinyin Description-md5: 09535412ce7ac7a2dbc02de8607f3f55 Description-zh_CN: sunpinyin engine for ibus Sunpinyin 是一种基于统计语言模型(SLM)的简体中文输入法引擎, 支持整句输入。 . This package contains the sunpinyin engine for ibus. Package: icatalan Description-md5: 5315763f04d3913721dd006d2a490e55 Description-zh_CN: 供 ispell 使用的加泰隆语字典 这是供 ispell 使用的加泰隆语字典,由 Joan Moratinos 将其它来源的数据 组合而成。 Package: idanish Description-md5: 557e4ff5a992d3c54918390299d00957 Description-zh_CN: The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - ispell 丹麦语大辞典(The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary, DSDO)是一个自由的 丹麦语拼写检查字典,由 Skaane Sjaelland Linux 用户小组(SSLUG)发布。 这本辞典与众不同的地方就在于它的辞典内容是由校对者投票决定的。编写小组并没有 校对字典中的内容,而是引导校对者并跟踪字典的整体状态。 . This is the Danish dictionary, to be used with ispell to check and correct spelling in Danish texts. Package: ifrench-gut Description-md5: f5f8babd2cb0e1009e62b96174a4c38a Description-zh_CN: French dictionary for ispell (GUTenberg version) 这是一个法语字典,用于ispell程序,3.1.20以及更新版本。 . 这是GUTenberg版本。 Package: ifupdown Description-md5: 442edbd184a6e1febc9b203604eb38f4 Description-zh_CN: 配置网络接口的高层次工具 这个包提供 ifup 和 ifdown,它们可以用来根据 /etc/network/interfaces 文件 中的接口定义配置和取消配置网络接口。 Package: iitalian Description-md5: 08c4a3a932e158c32d9e8eae8ce435aa Description-zh_CN: Italian dictionary for ispell 这是一个用于ispell的意大利语字典。 它包含超过185,000个意大利单词。 Package: ilithuanian Description-md5: 234999fd9d308a0b956a37e56a9ca06a Description-zh_CN: ispell 的立陶宛语字典 本软件包包含立陶宛语字典,ispell 使用它来检查和改正立陶宛语文本的拼写。 Package: inetutils-telnetd Description-md5: b4d98d011a88706592d378a4d185b214 Description-zh_CN: telnet server The telnetd program is a server which supports the DARPA telnet interactive communication protocol. . 本实现提供了对 Kerberos 的支持,可以用于认证和加密。 Package: inform-mode Description-md5: f7549c089c7655a15919b48309c9b906 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a dummy package for the transition to ‘elpa-inform-mode’. . This package can be safely removed. Package: inkscape Description-md5: fd78d7e3f908aaaa647abcf642a7ea9f Description-zh_CN: 矢量图绘制程序 Inkscape 是一款插画编辑器,包含了绘制专业品质的电脑艺术所需的一切功能。 你可以用它绘制图表和插画、技术图纸、网页图形、剪贴画、图标和徽章。有一组实践教程 可以教你结合不同类型和风格的线条、形状与文本绘制出理想的图形。 . 一系列强大的矢量图形编辑工具开箱即用,对路径、渐变、图层、透明和文本编排支持优异。 用途广泛的滤镜库能画出逼真的效果,还有插件能处理位图、条形码、印刷标记等各类杂务。 . 程序支持大多数常见的矢量格式,包括 PDF、Adobe Illustrator 和 AutoCAD 文件, 而且它对 SVG 网络图形标准有无与伦比的支持。 . Between the suggested packages: * dia: to export Dia shapes; * libsvg-perl: to import .txt files (txt2svg extension); * python3-packaging: used by the Optimized SVG extension; * python3-uniconvertor: enables several import/export extensions; * pstoedit: to work with eps files; * ruby: there are several extensions written in ruby; Package: inkscape-tutorials Description-md5: a99694ba2d7d4264d8d9771ae593ad53 Description-zh_CN: vector-based drawing program - tutorials Inkscape 是一款插画编辑器,包含了绘制专业品质的电脑艺术所需的一切功能。 你可以用它绘制图表和插画、技术图纸、网页图形、剪贴画、图标和徽章。有一组实践教程 可以教你结合不同类型和风格的线条、形状与文本绘制出理想的图形。 . This package contains the tutorials, accessible from the Help > Tutorials menu. Package: ipolish Description-md5: d8a91824feb037cd42b2839bd508012d Description-zh_CN: Polish dictionary for ispell 这是波兰语字典,用于ispell程序,版本3.1.04或更高。本字典包含大约 200,000个词根,扩展到2,500,000个单词。 Package: iptux Description-md5: 0e2a14a870a45f416a44fd78dff4cf71 Description-zh_CN: Linux 下的局域网通讯工具 iptux 是一个 Linux 平台下的的“IP Messenger”客户端。 . It can: - auto-detect other clients on the intranet. - send message to other clients. - send file to other clients. . 它(应当)兼容于飞鸽传书(Feige)和飞秋(FeiQ)这些中国软件,也和原有的列在 下的日本“IP Messenger”客户端兼容,包括 Debian 下原有的 g2ipmsg 和 xipmsg。 Package: irussian Description-md5: 6a3cbcbf9d5d1bc54115f15fa74d0b26 Description-zh_CN: Ispell 用的俄文词典 本词典含有 Ispell 拼写检查器能够使用的俄文单词列表。 . 该词典涵盖了 122,200 个词根,并能由此生成 1,168,000 个以上的派生词,而且包含 对字母 :E(yo) 的支持。 Package: isc-dhcp-client Description-md5: f420f2f086bd0ea993e6112c376e0d1f Description-zh_CN: 自动获取 IP 地址的动态主机配置协议(DHCP) 客户端 这是因特网软件联盟(Internet Software Consortium)的 DHCP 客户端。 . 动态主机配置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP)是一种类似 BOOTP 的协议(实际上,dhcpd 包含了很多 bootpd 的功能)。它将 IP 地址“租”给 客户机,并自动为其设置网络配置。如果你的机器依赖于 DHCP,请安装这个或其他 DHCP 客户端——如果设备是大型网络中的一个工作站、或者一台笔记本电脑、或者连接 到有线电视电缆调制解调器(cable modem),尤其可能要使用 DHCP。 译注:ADSL 一般都需要 DHCP。 . 额外文档在 isc-dhcp-common 包中。 . ISC 已决定停止维护 iscp-dhcp 的客户端和 relay 部分的代码,它们将会在 4.4.3 的发布版本中被移除,并只保留服务器部件。请考虑开始使用 isc-dhcp-client (dhclient) 的替代品。 . 用户可以在 ISC 的官方声明中找到更多的信息: Package: isc-dhcp-client-ddns Description-md5: b50603a1b35d2890c76eeaa6a2333d69 Description-zh_CN: Dynamic DNS (DDNS) enabled DHCP client This a Dynamic DNS enabled version of the DHCP client. . 动态主机配置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP)是一种类似 BOOTP 的协议(实际上,dhcpd 包含了很多 bootpd 的功能)。它将 IP 地址“租”给 客户机,并自动为其设置网络配置。如果你的机器依赖于 DHCP,请安装这个或其他 DHCP 客户端——如果设备是大型网络中的一个工作站、或者一台笔记本电脑、或者连接 到有线电视电缆调制解调器(cable modem),尤其可能要使用 DHCP。 译注:ADSL 一般都需要 DHCP。 . 额外文档在 isc-dhcp-common 包中。 Package: isc-dhcp-common Description-md5: 2790388f06e46625f3fdfcb787daeb31 Description-zh_CN: 与所有 isc-dhcp 软件包相关的通用手册页 本包包含与各种 isc-dhcp 软件包相关的通用手册页。 . dhcp-options 手册页描述的是 dhcpd 和 dhclient 的可用选项。dhcp-eval 手册页 描述的是条件表达式的求值。 Package: isc-dhcp-relay Description-md5: b1b47eedfefee57c31c11700552655ee Description-zh_CN: ISC DHCP relay daemon This is the Internet Software Consortium's DHCP relay. . Installing this package will make the machine a DHCP relay, which requires a reachable DHCP or BOOTP server in order to function. . 额外文档在 isc-dhcp-common 包中。 . ISC has decided to stop maintaining the client and relay parts of isc- dhcp, and they will be removed after the 4.4.3 release, keeping only the server component. Please, consider using an alternative for isc-dhcp-relay (dhcrelay). . 用户可以在 ISC 的官方声明中找到更多的信息: Package: isympy-common Description-md5: 8dca72c1473ef125ca39b93b95331424 Description-zh_CN: Python shell for SymPy SymPy是Python的符号数学(处理)库。它旨在提供全功能的计算机代数系统(CAS) 的同时尽可能保持代码简单,以便于理解和扩展。SymPy完全用Python编写,除了可选 的测绘支持外不需要任何外部库。 . This support package contains the common isympy Python script, a wrapper for SymPy which can be invoked with python3. . Install the isympy3 package to ensure all required dependencies are loaded. Package: isympy3 Description-md5: b89dce2a128334c4ebeefb9d19414645 Description-zh_CN: Python3 shell for SymPy SymPy是Python的符号数学(处理)库。它旨在提供全功能的计算机代数系统(CAS) 的同时尽可能保持代码简单,以便于理解和扩展。SymPy完全用Python编写,除了可选 的测绘支持外不需要任何外部库。 . This package contains a Python 3 shell (IPython shell if you have the ipython3 package installed) wrapper for SymPy. Package: itools Description-md5: 9cbecfadd58d657324e1b06e94ab8253 Description-zh_CN: 伊斯兰日历和祷告时间工具 The itools is a collection of command line tools that mimics the development of the underlying ITL library (libitl) and is meant to always give the end-user simple means to access its functions. The available tools are: . * ical: Display a Hijri calendar. * idate: Multi method Hijri/Gregorian date converter. * ipraytime: Prayer times and Qibla calculator and schedule table generator. * ireminder: Prayer time reminder Perl script. . 本软件包是伊斯兰工具和库项目的一部分. Package: itstool Description-md5: 9f2ec5e942fbd453418d12d2a39ade84 Description-zh_CN: 使用 PO 文件翻译 XML 文档的工具 ITS Tool 能帮助您使用 PO 文件翻译 XML 文档,应用 W3C 国际化标签集(ITS)的规则以确定翻译哪些内容,以及如何将其分割并形成 PO 文件消息。 . ITS Tool 设计为应用标准 ITS 规则使得 XML 文档能够经由 PO 文件得到翻译,同时实现了 ITS Tool 特有的扩展规则。 ITS 也提供了符合工业标准的方法,可供作者覆盖并指定其文档中的翻译信息,如特定的元素是否应当得到翻译。 Package: java2html Description-md5: 10691822e2739e5157313b4b7257fded Description-zh_CN: 高亮 Java 和 C++ 源代码以用于 WWW 展示 java2html 可以对你的源代码进行高亮以适合 WWW 展示。它也可以用作 CGI 脚本并探测客户端浏览器是否支持压缩数据以节省带宽。 Package: jest Description-md5: a07da493155d5af2e96f27b19e5d30c3 Description-zh_CN: Delightful JavaScript Testing Some features of this testing framework are: * Easy Setup: Jest is a complete and easy to set up JavaScript testing solution. In fact, Jest works out of the box for any React project. * Instant Feedback: Failed tests run first. Fast interactive mode can switch between running all tests or only test files related to changed files. * Snapshot Testing: Jest can capture snapshots of React trees or other serializable values to simplify UI testing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: jison Description-md5: ca80e9733f7a4135a6a0601fdc5b7594 Description-zh_CN: parser generator with Bison's API Jison generates bottom-up parsers in JavaScript. Its API is similar to Bison's, hence the name. It supports many of Bison's major features, plus some of its own. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: jmeter Description-md5: a28a94459bd61f4922252964bb5fa181 Description-zh_CN: Load testing and performance measurement application (main application) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . 该软件包包含了它的主程序。 Package: juk Description-md5: 79abb73f33494c5f81d84ee96a4badd4 Description-zh_CN: music jukebox / music player JuK is a powerful music player capable of managing a large music collection. . Some of JuK's features include: * Music collection, playlists, and smart playlists * Tag editing support, including the ability to edit multiple files at once * Tag-based music file organization and renaming * CD burning support using k3b * Album art using Google Image Search . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: junior-internet Description-md5: ce5f524af34a9ba0dd0dfa3e86aa5fbc Description-zh_CN: Debian Jr. 互联网工具 对小朋友们来说, 很大一部分网络工具都用不到. 大多数用户都觉得 Iceweasel 网页浏览器就已经满足他们的需求了. 但是随着小朋友对网络的不断熟悉与熟练使用, 你可能会想给小孩子们的系统里装进更多的网络客户端软件. Package: junior-writing Description-md5: 470f9ccf87cd8da167bdafdb6b1bf21c Description-zh_CN: Debian Jr. 写作软件 This metapackage will install tools for your budding young writer. It includes a text editor, spell-checker, dictionary client, word processor, and educational writing software. Package: k3b Description-md5: 85a2ae552f4eb3a4b28b33d4b2ba0363 Description-zh_CN: 成熟的 CD/DVD 刻录软件 K3b is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application. It supports a variety of project types as well as copying of optical media, burning of different types of images, and ripping Audio CDs, Video CDs, and Video DVDs. Its convenient user interface is targeted at all audiences, trying to be as simple as possible for novice users, while also providing all features an advanced user might need. Package: k3b-data Description-md5: a2459f96b8b6a7609c11713d34f611c3 Description-zh_CN: 成熟的 CD/DVD 刻录软件 - 数据文件 K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . 本包包含适用于各架构的数据文件。 Package: k3b-extrathemes Description-md5: bb2e32a30a950937f14827efcaec94e4 Description-zh_CN: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - extra themes K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . This package contains additional themes for K3b. Package: k3b-i18n Description-md5: 5fb8fb0100bddccb8852d63a9309b9f4 Description-zh_CN: Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - localizations files K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . This package contains translations files. Package: kajongg Description-md5: fb414308a1b578b0a589e7e8fce92f1d Description-zh_CN: classical Mah Jongg game This is the classical Mah Jongg for four players. If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application kmahjongg. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kalarm Description-md5: 147e1354e4cd2bf0a956054925c7204c Description-zh_CN: 信息提示、命令执行和电邮收发的定时调度程序 KAlarm 提供了一个图形界面来安排个人的定时事件,如弹出提示信息、执行 命令和发送电子邮件。该软件提供了一个用来配置周期性事件范围的选项。 . 弹出提示可以显示为简单的文本消息,也可以是一个文本或图像文件的内容。 它可以有选 择地进行语音提示或播放声音文件。你可以选择它的外观并设置 定时器。本软件还提供模板设置功能。例如,您可以设置模板将本软件作为泡 茶计时器使用,等等。 Package: kalgebra Description-md5: 3839e1dbb198fa22a1952a06364f0c27 Description-zh_CN: algebraic graphing calculator KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kalgebra-common Description-md5: 05e8b587fee89b27c5fbe3cf789c85c8 Description-zh_CN: contains files common for kalgebra and kalgebramobile KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language and it contains files needed for both full and mobile versions. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kalgebramobile Description-md5: b8e44274db8c55312477e9004b0a4adf Description-zh_CN: algebraic graphing calculator for small touch based interfaces KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. This is the version for small touch based interfaces . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kalzium Description-md5: 67d773ea4e03fd7ca0c86204051e26c8 Description-zh_CN: periodic table and chemistry tools Kalzium is a full-featured chemistry application, including a Periodic Table of Elements, chemical reference, chemical equation solver, and 3D molecule viewer. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kalzium-data Description-md5: 9c6c7933ca013eda471dbd3ad78d1d8e Description-zh_CN: data files for Kalzium This package contains architecture-independent data files for Kalzium, the KDE periodic table application. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kamera Description-md5: 65aef3b5650e85639fcaecf31cf6c5ea Description-zh_CN: digital camera support for KDE applications This package allows any KDE application to access and manipulate pictures on a digital camera. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: kamoso Description-md5: 8211867cb78e15e620c3f85f8cd648a3 Description-zh_CN: 一个使用摄像头拍摄录像或照片的工具 Kamoso 是一款对摄像头提供简单操作的工具,可进行拍摄图像或录制视频,并可以添 加特效以使摄像头的使用变得更加有趣和有用。 Package: kapman Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b Description-zh_CN: Pac-Man clone Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you, but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life for each 10,000 points. When you have eaten all the pills and energizers of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds increase. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kapptemplate Description-md5: bb6acc0d9611f4a00f6cbb6982de45c7 Description-zh_CN: application template generator KAppTemplate is a shell script that will create the necessary framework to develop several types of applications, including applications based on the KDE development platform. . It generates the build-system configuration and provides example code for a simple application. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kas Description-md5: 1871ce25af7ddcf9bf9691806e068967 Description-zh_CN: Setup tool for bitbake based projects This tool provides an easy mechanism to setup bitbake based projects. kas is using a project configuration file and does the download and configuration phase . 本软件包将安装用于 Python 3 的库。 Package: kate-data Description-md5: 9cc10e9ab24f92570b1e4c14c048fb69 Description-zh_CN: Kate 文本编辑器的共享数据文件 本包包含 Kate 编辑器所需的架构无关的公用数据文件。 Package: katex Description-md5: 395d20a4ab708e66509b82d1e3f2a397 Description-zh_CN: Fast math typesetting for the web (command line interface) KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web. . KaTeX supports all major browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge, and IE 9 - IE 11. . This package provides a command line interface for KaTeX, which can be used to render TeX to HTML. By default, CLI will take the input from standard input. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: katomic Description-md5: c9c644628319d8086ad12b5fc03eb370 Description-zh_CN: atomix puzzle game KAtomic is a puzzle game in which the player slides atoms around the board to assemble a molecule. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kblackbox Description-md5: 4de8b1d57649213f0f71702357fab729 Description-zh_CN: Black Box puzzle game KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on an grid of boxes, where the player shoots rays into the grid to deduce the positions of hidden objects. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kblocks Description-md5: 9e688237d7d76557776ea028205cfa20 Description-zh_CN: falling blocks game KBlocks is a single player falling blocks puzzle game, a Tetris-like replacement for KSirtet. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kbounce Description-md5: df0e749a9563ae02a5eed508f8558420 Description-zh_CN: Jezzball arcade game KBounce is a game where the player builds walls to confine a number of bouncing balls. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kbreakout Description-md5: 0981e70bbeb150eac27aeb06843f7278 Description-zh_CN: ball and paddle game kbreakout is a game similar to the classics breakout and xboing, featuring a number of added graphical enhancements and effects. You control a paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy bricks at the top by bouncing balls against them. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kbruch Description-md5: 2b96a4ef0de8a316ebf8e0a2bb1fc180 Description-zh_CN: fraction learning aid for KDE KBruch is an aid for learning how to calculate with fractions. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kcachegrind Description-md5: 4b04636e1d2e5397cf2634cf35707d11 Description-zh_CN: visualisation tool for the Valgrind profiler KCachegrind is a visualisation tool for the profiling data generated by calltree, a memory profiling tool for valgrind. Any executable can be profiled using calltree without being recompiled, including multi-threaded applications, shared libraries, and plugins. . For visualising the output from profiling tools other than Valgrind, several converters can be found in the kcachegrind-converters package. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kcachegrind-converters Description-md5: 9c89d8d0b71041fb64d59306deca9806 Description-zh_CN: format converters for KCachegrind profiler visualisation tool This is a collection of scripts for converting the output from several different profiling tools into a format that KCachegrind can display. . KCachegrind is a visualisation tool for the profiling data generated by calltree, a memory profiling tool for valgrind. Executables can be profiled using calltree without being recompiled, including multi-threaded applications, shared libraries, and plugin architectures. . The included scripts are: . * dprof2calltree: converts the tmon.out output of Perl's Devel::DProf package * memprof2calltree: converts the memory profiles of memprof * op2calltree: converts the OProfile's output of "opreport -gdf" (v 0.8) * pprof2calltree: converts the pprof output from APD . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kcharselect Description-md5: e506cbd8befd6637870c979fcdc9ab3a Description-zh_CN: special character utility KCharSelect is a utility for finding special characters which are not available on the keyboard. It can search for characters by Unicode number, display characters in any font, and copy characters to the clipboard so they can be pasted into documents. . 这个包是 KDE 工具组件的一部分。 Package: kchmviewer Description-md5: 7ca16d9580fc5de3f84374e0e3bb798a Description-zh_CN: KDE 的 CHM 帮助文件查看器 KchmViewer 是一个使用 C++ 编写的 CHM 帮助文件查看器。与大多数现有 Unix 下的 CHM 阅读器不同,它仅使用 Qt 库编写,因而不依赖于 KDE 或 GNOME。但是它可以被编译为完全支持 KDE,包括 KDE 小工具和 KIO/KHTML 支持。 . KchmViewer 的主要优点是非英语语言支持。与其他类似程序不同,多数情况下 本软件可以正确检测帮助文件的编码、显示非英语(如汉、俄、韩、日)帮助文件 中的表格并对此类文件的内容进行检索。不过对汉语,韩语,俄语和日语等帮助 文件的搜索 支持仍然在开发当中。 . 本程序完全安全无害。它不以任何方式支持 JavaScript,并可以选择在打开外部 网页或切换到另一个帮助文件之前发出警告。本程序可以恰当的显示每一个目录 项的图像。 . KchmViewer 拥有完整的 CHM 文件索引支持,包括多索引条目、交叉链接、父子 条目和永久书签的支持。它能够正确检测并显示任何有效的 chm 文件的编码信息。 Package: kcolorchooser Description-md5: ca21cbab5c251321a8a39106095f6d32 Description-zh_CN: color chooser and palette editor KColorChooser is a color palette tool, used to mix colors and create custom color palettes. Using the dropper, it can obtain the color of any pixel on the screen. . A number of common color palettes are included, such as the standard Web colors and the Oxygen color scheme. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: kde-cli-tools Description-md5: ec416f18a4737b8b6cc6e006a745596f Description-zh_CN: tools to use KDE services from the command line These command line tools enable you to use KDE services such as kioslaves, kdesu, QtSVG, kcontrol modules, KDE trader and start applications from the command line. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 Package: kde-cli-tools-data Description-md5: f4fd4613a60dec4dc609bfe3c66e0aca Description-zh_CN: tools to use kioslaves from the command line These command line tools enable you to use KDE services such as kioslaves, kdesu, QtSVG, kcontrol modules, KDE trader and start applications from the command line. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 . This package contains the data files Package: kde-config-cddb Description-md5: 57d2710bd3d8b5f8ee4800c30aa6a38e Description-zh_CN: CDDB retrieval configuration This package contains a configuration module for tweaking CDDB retrieval settings for applications using the libkcddb library from the KDE Multimedia Platform. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: kde-config-fcitx Description-md5: 9dd97040af881048a59954f72cf6afc6 Description-zh_CN: 小企鹅输入法的 KDE 配置模块 这是“系统设置”中用于配置小企鹅输入法 (FCITX) 的一个模块。 . 它与 fcitx-config-gtk 具有相同的功能设置,与 KDE 集成效果更好。 Package: kde-spectacle Description-md5: 95ca0633f14406ddec3aadca4f76a65b Description-zh_CN: Screenshot capture utility Spectacle 捕获屏幕上的图像。它可以捕获整个屏幕、一个特定的区域、一个单独的 窗口或窗口的一个部分。 Package: kde-style-breeze Description-md5: 20c52eb5b3cb5345027f447533e5f9c2 Description-zh_CN: 用于 Qt 和 KDE 软件的组件风格 这是 KDE Plasma 桌面的默认组件风格。 . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: kde-style-oxygen-qt5 Description-md5: e3275296573d7a605c375dcddc629a60 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . 本包包含 Qt 5 组件主题。 Package: kde-style-oxygen-qt6 Description-md5: 20b932e0a9e746ae01883e50975a8fba Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the Qt 6 widget theme. Package: kde-zeroconf Description-md5: b20dc98160f5661050652e288f0963a5 Description-zh_CN: zeroconf plugins and kio slaves for KDE Zeroconf is an implementation of IPv4 link-local addresses (RFC3927) which can be used for ad-hoc networks. Addresses are allocated from the range semi-randomly. . Keywords: avahi, dnssd. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kdeedu-data Description-md5: 35ae641c83860283ba500339fa4e167c Description-zh_CN: data files for KDE education applications This package contains the architecture-independent data files for the KDE education applications. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kdeedu-kvtml-data Description-md5: b346231aeecb8f226137f916998bd3f9 Description-zh_CN: KVTML files for KDE-Edu programs This package contains KVTML files for several KDE-Edu applications, such as KAnagram, KHangman, and KWordQuiz. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kdegames-card-data-kf5 Description-md5: 65704adac43b29d2c0e233997b68e54e Description-zh_CN: card decks for KDE games This package contains a collection of playing card themes for KDE card games. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5 Description-md5: 24263f9fa6d3bd8da727df261f92612f Description-zh_CN: tilesets and backgrounds for Mahjongg games This package contains a collection of tilesets and backgrounds for KMahjongg, KShisen and Kajongg. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers Description-md5: fecacf09cc1907dac81fafb8d7987281 Description-zh_CN: graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE SC These plugins allow KDE software to create thumbnails for several advanced graphic file formats (PS, RAW). . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: kdenetwork-filesharing Description-md5: bf43bae244c8c6dc943545b5ac9bedbc Description-zh_CN: network filesharing configuration module This package provides a way to configure network file-sharing using Samba in the properties dialogue of the file manager. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kdenlive Description-md5: 4e8f8c02918f6de02fc8e354d08ec99c Description-zh_CN: 非线性视频编辑器 Kdenlive is a non-linear video editing suite, which supports DV, HDV and many more formats. Its main features are: * Guides and marker for organizing timelines * Copy and paste support for clips, effects and transitions * Real time changes * FireWire and Video4Linux capture * Screen grabbing * Exporting to any by FFMPEG supported format Package: kdepim Description-md5: 13df2537eaec012b9e735cdc8dac9d49 Description-zh_CN: KDE 官方发行的个人信息管理程序 KDE ( K 桌面环境)是一个为 Unix 工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面 环境。它结合了易用性、现代功能以及 Unix 操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage includes a collection of Personal Information Management (PIM) desktop applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdepim-addons Description-md5: d8f289f91688d93a9ada54d9d00a30ef Description-zh_CN: Addons for KDE PIM applications KDE ( K 桌面环境)是一个为 Unix 工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面 环境。它结合了易用性、现代功能以及 Unix 操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This package includes a collection of extensions for the Personal Information Management (PIM) desktop applications provided with the official release of KDE Applications. Package: kdesdk-scripts Description-md5: 2cc964ea24e19e46e4dc31dad33506f0 Description-zh_CN: scripts and data files for development This package contains scripts and data files to facilitate development of KDE software. Also included are scripts which are not specific to KDE, such as helper scripts for working with Subversion and CVS repositories. . In addition to these scripts, this package provides: - gdb macros for Qt programming - Vim and EMACS helper files for Qt/KDE programming - bash and zsh completion rules for KDE applications - Valgrind error suppressions for KDE applications . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kdesdk-thumbnailers Description-md5: 542b314bd0e401d9d0d30fa1905cc30a Description-zh_CN: kdesdk file format thumbnailers for KDE It contains a plugin to allow KDE software to create thumbnails for Gettext translations files (po). . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kdevelop-php-l10n Description-md5: f971132c0aa8a203d997d29254b4f874 Description-zh_CN: KDevelop PHP 插件的本地化文件 KDevelop-PHP 插件是 KDE 桌面中 KDevelop 集成开发环境的 PHP 语言插件。 . 本包包含 KDevelop PHP 插件的本地化内容。 Package: kdewebdev Description-md5: 1335f2383a57d68af5cf35cc2f4e09ee Description-zh_CN: KDE 官方发布的网络开发应用 本元包包含了 KDE 官方发布包含的网络开发应用集合。 Package: kdialog Description-md5: bf00f508dd05e4ce091a121e7964e87d Description-zh_CN: 显示对话框的工具 kdialog 可以提供从 shell 脚本显示对话框的功能。其语法很大程度上受到“dialog”命令的启发(后者用于显示文本模式的对话框)。 Package: kdiamond Description-md5: a7a7c9895d468dee49b6d55654cc85d7 Description-zh_CN: three-in-a-row game KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled. It features unlimited fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty levels with varying number of diamond colors and board sizes. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kf6-breeze-icon-theme Description-md5: b27cf25da90c087dd26fc5669c7e518c Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma icon theme This is the default icon theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: kf6-breeze-icon-theme-rcc Description-md5: 3811481a3e1b0055945ce8c8cb072a6f Description-zh_CN: RCC resources for the breeze icon theme Breeze is the default icon theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. This package contains the icons in RCC format. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: kfind Description-md5: 074402052ebee6202b43f3882728df7c Description-zh_CN: KDE 的文件搜索实用工具 KFind 可作为独立的搜索工具使用,如由 KRunner 或从你的菜单中启动。它也集成到了 Konqueror 中作为“工具”菜单中的“查找文件”功能。它能帮助你使用文件名、类型或内容查找文件。 Package: kfloppy Description-md5: 0e3cddb000fedbfb30c9e1d251e0346a Description-zh_CN: floppy formatter Kfloppy is a utility for formatting floppy disks. . 这个包是 KDE 工具程序的一部分。 Package: kfourinline Description-md5: 04930c4bdd44e4bfc231be2688c1cb82 Description-zh_CN: Connect Four game KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a grid, the winner being the first to place four pieces in a line. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kgeography Description-md5: ab96915329fb5430070bb65ac11089d2 Description-zh_CN: geography learning aid for KDE KGeography is an aid for learning about world geography. You can use it to explore a map, show information about regions and features, and play quiz games to test your geography knowledge. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kgeography-data Description-md5: a26284dc4f2086494f9ea360b04b5078 Description-zh_CN: data files for KGeography This package contains architecture-independent data files for the KGeography geography learning tool, including maps, capitals, and flags. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kget Description-md5: 7738895dc8ec87ede010b479a0dda8c2 Description-zh_CN: 下载管理器 KGet 是一种支持 Metalink 和 BitTorrent 链接的高级下载管理器。 本软件中的下载项目使用列表管理,用户可以将任务暂停、放入队列或推迟 到以后再进行下载。 . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kgoldrunner Description-md5: 33626a4b0e5279fceb3606df145ea2da Description-zh_CN: Lode Runner arcade game KGoldrunner is a fast-paced platform game where the player must navigate a maze while collecting gold nuggets and avoiding enemies. A variety of level packs are included, as well as an editor to create new levels. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kgx Description-md5: 1622066c9d4b10dc3352819e075d3639 Description-zh_CN: Simple terminal emulator (transitional package) 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: khangman Description-md5: 883df9cd292189211b45eea83e206893 Description-zh_CN: Hangman word puzzle KHangMan is the well-known Hangman game, aimed towards children aged 6 and above. . It picks a random word which the player must reveal by guessing if it contains certain letters. As the player guesses letters, the word is gradually revealed, but 10 wrong guesses will end the game. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kig Description-md5: 6a035f5ea4965efa48268a92ec5c6b16 Description-zh_CN: interactive geometry tool Kig is an application for interactive geometric construction, allowing students to draw and explore mathematical figures and concepts using the computer. . Kig supports macros and is scriptable using Python. It can import and export files in various formats, including SVG, Cabri, Dr. Geo, KGeo, KSeg, and XFig. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kigo Description-md5: b46b9d581240396c44b4b3ea053aded7 Description-zh_CN: go game Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games). . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kile Description-md5: 1e21a143c02848058a223dd9bc6c539f Description-zh_CN: KDE 的 LaTeX 集成环境 Kile 是一个用户友好的 LaTeX 源代码编辑器和 KDE 的 TeX Shell。 . 这个源码编辑器是为 .tex 和 .bib 而设计的多格式文本编辑器。它提供了 菜单和自动完成,用来辅助插入标记和生成代码。结构化的文档视图方便在源 文件中导航。 . TeX Shell 集成了处理 TeX 文件所需的各种工具。它能帮助编译 LaTeX 文件、查看 DVI 和 PostScript 文件,也能处理一些其他的常见任务。 . Kile 可以支持由几个小文件组成的大型项目。 Package: kile-doc Description-md5: de9b31cbff23f1b50b03d293f8b251ba Description-zh_CN: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (documentation) Kile 是一个用户友好的 LaTeX 源代码编辑器和 KDE 的 TeX Shell。 . 这个源码编辑器是为 .tex 和 .bib 而设计的多格式文本编辑器。它提供了 菜单和自动完成,用来辅助插入标记和生成代码。结构化的文档视图方便在源 文件中导航。 . This package contains the documentation for Kile. Package: kile-l10n Description-md5: ea722b15e0ad5095d0d311f0d303e14b Description-zh_CN: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (localization) Kile 是一个用户友好的 LaTeX 源代码编辑器和 KDE 的 TeX Shell。 . 这个源码编辑器是为 .tex 和 .bib 而设计的多格式文本编辑器。它提供了 菜单和自动完成,用来辅助插入标记和生成代码。结构化的文档视图方便在源 文件中导航。 . This package contains the translations for Kile. Package: killbots Description-md5: 3ef2c99318ecfb1d9e5d3d2dfe41edb1 Description-zh_CN: port of the classic BSD console game robots killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. The robots are numerous and their sole objective is to destroy you. Fortunately for you, their creator has focused on quantity rather than quality and as a result the robots are severely lacking in intelligence. Your superior wit and a fancy teleportation device are your only weapons against the never-ending stream of mindless automatons. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kio Description-md5: 490a3eb47a821487838a8cfb9f8418ab Description-zh_CN: 资源和网络访问抽象 KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 Package: kio-audiocd Description-md5: e9ab40373b04e5938ad81ef6c5496aec Description-zh_CN: transparent audio CD access for applications using the KDE Platform This package includes the audiocd KIO plugin, which allows applications using the KDE Platform to read audio from CDs and automatically convert it into other formats. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: kio-audiocd-dev Description-md5: ae68fc564df5ac9344e9c7142ad8785c Description-zh_CN: development files for the audio CD KIO plugin This package contains development files for building plugins for the audio CD KIO plugin. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: kio-extras Description-md5: 0a957097b1ffee446f10e068cdfe3355 Description-zh_CN: Extra functionality for kioslaves A kioslave is a plugin designed to be intimately familiar with a certain protocol, so that a standardized interface can be used to get at data from any number of places. A few examples are the http and ftp kioslaves, which using nearly identical methods will retrieve data from an http or ftp server respectively. . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: kio-perldoc Description-md5: 6992b7778fa554e505ee10e49afb090c Description-zh_CN: Perl documentation KIO slave This package includes the perldoc KIO plugin, which can be used to browse the Perl documentation within Konqueror. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kio-sieve Description-md5: 6e7ea7d76dd6a2dca03e1430c524dc2c Description-zh_CN: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . This package contains the kio slave for ksieve . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: kio6 Description-md5: 490a3eb47a821487838a8cfb9f8418ab Description-zh_CN: 资源和网络访问抽象 KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 Package: kirigami2-dev Description-md5: b910e85804091d253182bf6ccdb51afc Description-zh_CN: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: kiriki Description-md5: 909ab174f5d87189fa9d56e23d3c13f9 Description-zh_CN: Yahtzee dice game Kiriki is a dice game for up to six players, where each player rolls five dice to make combinations with the highest score. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kiten Description-md5: adb422fc02eb8cae6c36e0b48c08fa67 Description-zh_CN: Japanese reference and study aid for KDE Kiten is a collection of Japanese reference tools and study aids for KDE, including a Japanese/English dictionary, Kanji dictionary, and Kanji quiz. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kjots Description-md5: a28f2a97617e027ae6e65bd89ba46557 Description-zh_CN: 笔记工具 Kjots 是一个使用页面组整理笔记的实用工具。 . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: kjumpingcube Description-md5: 3d24124215f3df7b039c8e1cf3c2105d Description-zh_CN: simple tactical game KJumpingcube is a simple tactical game for one or two players, played on a grid of numbered squares. Each turn, players compete for control of the board by capturing or adding to one square. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: klettres Description-md5: 78ccf87b022629ab130806107e8090a1 Description-zh_CN: foreign alphabet tutor for KDE KLettres is an aid for learning how to read and pronounce the alphabet of a foreign language. . Seven languages are currently available: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian and Slovak. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: klettres-data Description-md5: de3963ca2a75ca8b88c681b5626efdf7 Description-zh_CN: data files for KLettres foreign alphabet tutor This package contains architecture-independent data files for KLettres, the foreign alphabet tutor for KDE. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: klickety Description-md5: 76a3acd28264e1e614c740d4ee925092 Description-zh_CN: SameGame puzzle game Klickety is a puzzle game where the player removes groups of colored marbles to clear the board. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: klines Description-md5: a63b56e6f3908159d302a9513ea2e0f3 Description-zh_CN: color lines game KLines is a single-player game where the player removes colored balls from the board by arranging them into lines of five or more. However, every time the player moves a ball, three more balls are added to the board. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kmahjongg Description-md5: 12f781dcbd48844eb36d5526820d3e10 Description-zh_CN: mahjongg solitaire game KMahjongg is a solitaire game where the player removes matching Mahjongg tiles to clear the board. A variety of tile layouts are included, as well as an editor to create new layouts. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kmail Description-md5: 06986fdec87702a4386c5bfc37a5a063 Description-zh_CN: 功能齐全的图形化电子邮件客户端 KMail supports multiple accounts, mail filtering and email encryption. The program let you configure your workflow and it has good integration into KDE (Plasma Desktop) but is also useable with other Desktop Environments. Package: kmenuedit Description-md5: 12bafba27a1d36d24d639d2ecde64ce5 Description-zh_CN: XDG menu editor This package provides a menu editor which may be used to edit the KDE Plasma workspaces menu or any other XDG menu. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: kmines Description-md5: f4aac15b7955ee792cb50cfd41f5349b Description-zh_CN: minesweeper game KMines is a game where the player finds hidden mines without setting them off. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kmix Description-md5: c2f995bbd12865838605a7d5c1050b03 Description-zh_CN: volume control and mixer KMix is an audio device mixer, used to adjust volume, select recording inputs, and set other hardware options. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: kmplayer Description-md5: 01e56946ed4b5eeb6fbdd3f6170b569a Description-zh_CN: KDE 媒体播放器 KMPlayer 是一个简单的 MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon 前端。 . 一些功能: * 播放 DVD/VCD 电影 (来自文件、url网址或影碟机设备) * 内嵌入 konqueror 浏览器(在 konqueror 中播放电影) * 内嵌入 khtml (在 html 页面中播放电影) * 使用 mencoder (mplayer 软件包的一部分) 录制电影。 * No video during recording, but you can always open a new window and play it * 使用 ffserver/ffmpeg 播放广播、媒体流 * 要观看电视,您需要 v4lctl (xawtv 软件包的一部分) Package: kmplot Description-md5: 89122cf790f7456ae9d01a49d14e6d04 Description-zh_CN: mathematical function plotter for KDE KmPlot is a powerful mathematical plotter KDE, capable of plotting multiple functions simultaneously and combining them into new functions. . Cartesian, parametric, and differential functions are supported, as well as functions using polar coordinates. Plots are printed with high precision at the correct aspect ratio. . KmPlot also provides numerical and visual features such as filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis, finding maxima and minima, changing function parameters dynamically, and plotting derivatives and integral functions. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: knavalbattle Description-md5: e05a96c085fd880357c694dbfe578365 Description-zh_CN: battleship board game KNavalbattle is an implementation of the Battleship game, where two players take turns firing at the opponent's ships by guessing their coordinates. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: knetwalk Description-md5: 931a61d4f665efef9e18e201538ce5de Description-zh_CN: wire puzzle game KNetwalk is a puzzle game where the player arranges sections of wire to connect all the computers on the board. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: knotes Description-md5: c6ddecf29df554ba7bb42ac17c229743 Description-zh_CN: 便签程序 KNotes 是一个写便笺的程序。便签在退出程序时自动保存,并在打开软件的 时候显示。该软件支持打印和发送您的笔记。 Package: kolf Description-md5: ad1691e3fb92933dae4c507d210567d6 Description-zh_CN: miniature golf game Kolf is a miniature golf game for one to ten players. A variety of courses are included, as well as an editor to create new courses. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kollision Description-md5: b9cf0fbc55ba66358c7e751aab29d489 Description-zh_CN: simple ball dodging game In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a closed space environment filled with small red balls, which move about chaotically. Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your blue one, because the moment you do the game will be over. The longer you can stay in game the higher will your score be. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kolourpaint Description-md5: ac26f3b7021598dc7d2e4dc8d0814b4d Description-zh_CN: simple image editor and drawing application KolourPaint is a simple drawing and image editing application for KDE. It aims to be easy to use, providing a level of functionality targeted towards the average user. It is ideal for common tasks such as drawing simple graphics and touching-up photos. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: kompare Description-md5: 69bf0f67fe774e695a6dd64599c06072 Description-zh_CN: file difference viewer Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch files. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: konq-plugins Description-md5: 6ef4213296669a674bad452501d6e65c Description-zh_CN: plugins for Konqueror, the KDE file/web/document browser This package contains a variety of useful plugins for Konqueror, the file manager, web browser and document viewer for KDE. Many of these plugins will appear in Konqueror's Tools menu. . Web navigation plugins: - Akregator feed icon: allows one to add a feed to Akregator from Konqueror - Auto Refresh: refresh a webpage at a given rate - Bookmarklets: enables the use of bookmarklets, bookmarks containing JavaScript code - Document Relations: displays the document relations of a document - DOM Tree Viewer: view the DOM tree of the current page - KHTML Settings: fast way to change the JavaScript/images/cookies settings - Microformat Icon: displays an icon in the statusbar if the page contains a microformat - Search Bar: launches web searches from the Konqueror's toolbar - Translate: language translation for the current page using Babelfish - UserAgent Changer: quick switch of the UserAgent used for the current site - Website Validators: CSS and HTML validation tools - Web Archiver: creates archives of websites - Crash manager: restores your opened tabs if Konqueror crashes (disabled by default as Konqueror has this feature builtin) . File management plugins: - Image Gallery: an easy way to generate a HTML image gallery - File Size View (kpart): a proportional view of directories and files based on file size - Transform Image (service menu): rotate and flip images - Convert To (service menu): convert and image to another format - Directory Filter (dolphin): filter directory views . 此软件包是 KDE 基础应用程序模块的一部分。 Package: konqueror Description-md5: 380ac71ee28aebaea27c8d3f2b37b14e Description-zh_CN: 高级文件管理器、网页浏览器和文档查看器 Konqueror 是 KDE 的网页浏览器和高级文件管理器。 . Konqueror 是符合标准的网页浏览器,它支持 HTML 4.01、Java、JavaScript、CSS3 和诸如 Flash 这样的 Netscape 插件。 . 它也支持本地 UNIX 文件系统上的高级文件管理,具有灵活的视图、网络透明化功能 和集成的文件查看功能。 . 它体现了许多 KDE 的技术成果,如从使用 KIO 访问远程文件到使用 KParts 对象界 面来集成组件,使它成为可高度定制的应用程序。 . 此软件包是 KDE 基础应用程序模块的一部分。 Package: konquest Description-md5: 9cb33ee92d33c48cbe195b7e25dd76c6 Description-zh_CN: simple turn-based strategy game Konquest is a game of galactic conquest for KDE, where rival empires vie to conquer planets and crush all opposition. The game can be played with up to nine empires, commanded either by the computer or by puny earthlings. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: konsole Description-md5: b9f8e7c204b64c4afaac8166104064ed Description-zh_CN: KDE终端模拟器 Konsole 是一个建立在 KDE 平台上的终端模拟器。它可以在单窗口内使用可分离标签 打开多个终端会话。 . Konsole 支持多种强大的终端功能,如色彩方案定制、会话保存和输出监控。 Package: konsole-kpart Description-md5: 1b7ffab15964a6cf07c7118f81832fab Description-zh_CN: Konsole plugin for Qt applications Konsole 是一个建立在 KDE 平台上的终端模拟器。它可以在单窗口内使用可分离标签 打开多个终端会话。 . Konsole 支持多种强大的终端功能,如色彩方案定制、会话保存和输出监控。 . This package provides the kpart needed by other apps to embed konsole in them. Package: konversation Description-md5: 529965a53c80f878568781c6a205d5f5 Description-zh_CN: 用户友好的 IRC 客户端 Konversation 是一个 IRC 客户端。它易于使用,适合新手。不过,有经验的 用户也会很喜欢它的许多功能: . * Standard IRC features * Easy to use graphical interface * Multiple server and channel tabs in a single window * IRC color support * Pattern-based message highlighting and OnScreen Display * Multiple identities for different servers * Multi-language scripting support (with DCOP) * Customizable command aliases * NickServ-aware log-on (for registered nicknames) * Smart logging * Traditional or enhanced-shell-style nick completion * DCC file transfer with resume support Package: konversation-data Description-md5: 7369d26a3107009420b36ca948e10205 Description-zh_CN: Konversation 的数据文件 Konversation 是一个 IRC 协议的客户端。此软件包提供了 Konversation 的数据文件,仅在安装 konversation 软件包后才能发挥作用。 Package: konwert Description-md5: 926256ae6d5bc4067982801086f63ea3 Description-zh_CN: 可对文件或终端输入输出进行字符集转换的工具 `konwert' is yet another charset converter. Some particular features are: * one-to-many conversions * context-dependent conversions * approximations of some unavailable characters * (as a result) ability to transcript e.g. Russian Cyrillic into Polish phonetic equivalent . ‘filterm’可以把过滤器应用到终端输入输出上,以进行即时的字符集转换, 以及定制的输入法。 Package: kopete Description-md5: f29c4be5334f698cbcf8dee885f6295b Description-zh_CN: instant messaging and chat application Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kopete-data Description-md5: 296b439b71cd6d7ba10575d4aaa48c2d Description-zh_CN: data files for Kopete Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . This package contains the data files. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kpart5-kompare Description-md5: b3b2b5ac918d5f65066d74abb85c6381 Description-zh_CN: file difference viewer - kpart Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch files. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kpartloader Description-md5: 2547d789aa1b42e8729eaf160e012011 Description-zh_CN: test tool for KParts KPartloader is a very simple application to test loading of a KPart. KPartloader is called with a simple argument to tell which KPart to load. . KParts is a KDE core technology to embed components of one application into other applications. This application is used for testing such components during development. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kpat Description-md5: 0dfa399c1fd2c35355e1ecce56ecd684 Description-zh_CN: solitaire card games KPatience is a collection of fourteen solitaire card games, including Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kquickcharts-dev Description-md5: e0ed614269d9ec219da5700136aa6967 Description-zh_CN: Quick Charts - development files A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (gpu-accelerated). . It supports three different chart types: pie, line and bar, which can be fed from multiple types of data sources. There is also support for axis labels, an axis grid and a legend. Additionally, there is a submodule that contains some convenience items. . The pie and line charts are rendered using a technique called signed distance fields, which allows efficient GPU-accelerated rendering of 2D shapes without loss of quality. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: kquickimageeditor-dev Description-md5: 3d987076675ae650dca4fa80e38096a8 Description-zh_CN: Image editing components - devel files A QtQuick plugin providing Image editing components. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: krdc Description-md5: e82ce72c0d3257ff348f6399e7a2ce67 Description-zh_CN: Remote Desktop Connection client The KDE Remote Desktop Connection client can view and control a desktop session running on another system. It can connect to Windows Terminal Servers using RDP and many other platforms using VNC/RFB. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: kreversi Description-md5: 0c024ee5ac64447ec865fb7458331a80 Description-zh_CN: reversi board game KReversi is a board game where two players place pieces on the board to flip the opponent's pieces. When neither player can flip any more pieces, the player with the most pieces on the board wins the game. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: krfb Description-md5: 8c8d162f74b4548f90dcb0fb7f900216 Description-zh_CN: Desktop Sharing utility KDE Desktop Sharing is a manager for easily sharing a desktop session with another system. The desktop session can be viewed or controlled remotely by any VNC or RFB client, such as the KDE Remote Desktop Connection client. . KDE Desktop Sharing can restrict access to only users who are explicitly invited, and will ask for confirmation when a user attempts to connect. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: krita-gmic Description-md5: 1754018e8439765f326f62d0395b1c9a Description-zh_CN: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - Helper Tool for Krita G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . This package contains the helper tool for the QMic plugin of Krita. Package: kruler Description-md5: a02f9b40453e33bc787a496e2436df1a Description-zh_CN: screen ruler KRuler is a tool for measuring the size, in pixels, of items on the screen. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: ksh Description-md5: 06393e8659520938d8bc004bad6e834f Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package for ksh, it can be safely removed. Package: kshisen Description-md5: 9c1db254f9a44c17506de6a40898a284 Description-zh_CN: Shisen-Sho solitaire game KShisen is a Shisen-Sho game where the player removes adjascent pairs of Mahjongg tiles to clear the board. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kshutdown Description-md5: fc7b6d7fd762ccfdcdbea5b09e94c55b Description-zh_CN: 高级 KDE 关机工具 它有 4 个主要的命令: . - Shut Down (logout and halt the system), - Reboot (logout and reboot the system), - Lock Screen (lock the screen using a screen saver), - Logout (end the session and logout the user). . 其特点是时间设置和延迟选项、命令行支持、向导和声音等功能。 Package: ksirk Description-md5: 8141ecb02d12130fc7839a5fb2f71719 Description-zh_CN: Risk strategy game KsirK is a strategy game inspired by the well known game Risk. It is a multi-player network-enabled game with an AI. The goal of the game is simply to conquer the World. It is done by attacking your neighbours with your armies. At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the players. Each country contains one army represented by an infantryman. Each player has some armies to distribute to his countries. On each turn, each player can attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one or more countries. At the end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed to the players in function of the number of countries they own. The winner is the player that conquered all the world. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: ksnakeduel Description-md5: de93105f6fbcea79d40614ca8ed1d556 Description-zh_CN: snake race game The object of the game is to avoid running into walls, your own tail, and that of your opponent, while at the same time you have to try to get your opponent to run into them. . It also includes kdesnake, a special mode of the game where you can play the classical snake action game. In snake you steer a snake which has to eat food. While eating, the snake grows. But once a player collides with the other snake or the wall, the game is lost. This becomes, of course, more and more difficult the longer the snakes grow. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: ksnip Description-md5: 49443c87b016e21274d40601166bb61a Description-zh_CN: 基于 Qt 的跨平台屏幕截图工具 Ksnip 是一款基于 Qt 的跨平台屏幕截图工具,它同时提供了许多可应用在截图上的标注功能。该工具提供了传统的用户界面,以及实验性的 GNOME/KDE Wayland 支持。 Package: kspaceduel Description-md5: ae9bc9656023c22a3c82a8269d5169f3 Description-zh_CN: SpaceWar! arcade game KSpaceduel is a space battle game for one or two players, where two ships fly around a star in a struggle to be the only survivor. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: ksquares Description-md5: cb92e2cb2b7ef2c58dd9423eb344f064 Description-zh_CN: Dots and Boxes game KSquares is a game where two players take turns connecting dots on a grid to complete the most squares. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: ksshaskpass Description-md5: 5a5fcda815c7ea67693439fb55de3daf Description-zh_CN: 交互提示用户添加 SSH 密码的程序 A front-end for ssh-add which stores the password of the ssh-key in KWallet. Package: ksudoku Description-md5: c8082165a67fde52b6db310845e3f0c1 Description-zh_CN: Sudoku puzzle game and solver KSudoku is a Sudoku game and solver, supporting a range of 2D and 3D Sudoku variants. In addition to playing Sudoku, it can print Sudoku puzzle sheets and find the solution to any Sudoku puzzle. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kteatime Description-md5: 98a702199f60361475509c4b6548d1a0 Description-zh_CN: utility for making a fine cup of tea KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have to guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply select the type of tea you have, and it will alert you when the tea is ready to drink. . 该软件包是 KDE 玩具组件的一部分。 Package: ktimer Description-md5: 60b8177a86eb0f422ac7bc24710edccb Description-zh_CN: countdown timer KTimer is a countdown timer for running commands after a delay. The countdown can be paused or set to loop continuously. . 这个包是 KDE 工具程序的一部分。 Package: ktorrent Description-md5: c46c4f39be5f1aa633d6a86ac4312a30 Description-zh_CN: 基于 KDE 平台的 BitTorrent 客户端 This package contains KTorrent, a BitTorrent peer-to-peer network client, that is based on the KDE platform. Obviously, KTorrent supports such basic features as downloading, uploading and seeding files on the BitTorrent network. However, lots of other additional features and intuitive GUI should make KTorrent a good choice for everyone. Some features are available as plugins hence you should make sure you have the ones you need enabled. - Support for HTTP and UDP trackers, trackerless DHT (mainline) and webseeds. - Alternative UI support including Web interface. - Torrent grouping, speed capping, various download prioritization capabilities on both torrent and file level as well as bandwidth scheduling. - Support for fetching torrent files from many sources including any local file or remote URL, RSS feeds (with filtering) or actively monitored directory etc. - Integrated and customizable torrent search on the Web. - Various security features like IP blocking and protocol encryption. - Disk space preallocation to reduce fragmentation. - uTorrent compatible peer exchange. - Autoconfiguration for LANs like Zeroconf extension and port forwarding via uPnP. - Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface. - SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 proxy, IPv6 support. - Lots of other useful built-in features and plugins. Package: ktouch Description-md5: e0dabda6f93764af247bd5a078631141 Description-zh_CN: touch typing tutor for KDE KTouch is an aid for learning how to type with speed and accuracy. It provides a sample text to type and indicates which fingers should be used for each key. . A collection of lessons are included for a wide range of different languages and keyboard layouts, and typing statistics are used to dynamically adjust the level of difficulty. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: ktouch-data Description-md5: 518bdd78b79c451482b199699bb01b7a Description-zh_CN: data files for ktouch This package contains the architecture-independent data files for ktouch. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: ktuberling Description-md5: 06ec0534e1c42543256f87a2b0bd66d8 Description-zh_CN: stamp drawing toy KTuberling is a drawing toy for small children with several activites. . * Give the potato a funny face, clothes, and other goodies * Build a small town, complete with school, zoo, and fire department * Create a fantastic moonscape with spaceships and aliens . KTuberling can speak the name of each the object in several languages, to assist in learning basic vocabulary. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: ktuberling-data Description-md5: 32ec740d968f9c7b37fcadb8ad83bbb5 Description-zh_CN: stamp drawing toy - data files KTuberling is a drawing toy for small children with several activites. . This package contains the data files for KTuberling. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kturtle Description-md5: c784cfa622cd2563eec31f7b10a24a19 Description-zh_CN: educational programming environment KTurtle is an educational programming environment which uses the TurtleScript programming language (inspired by Logo) to make programming as easy and accessible as possible. . The user issues TurtleScript language commands to control the "turtle", which draws on the canvas, making KTurtle suitable for teaching elementary mathematics, geometry and programming. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kubrick Description-md5: b8c3a08868b46ba491c7f17db5d26147 Description-zh_CN: game based on Rubik's Cube Kubrick is a game based on Rubik's Cube and using OpenGL 3-D graphics libraries. . Kubrick handles cubes, "bricks" and "mats" from 2x2x1 up to 6x6x6. It has several built-in puzzles of graded difficulty, as well as demos of solving moves and pretty patterns. The game has unlimited undo, redo, save and reload capabilities. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: kuiviewer Description-md5: 807085628f906bc6dc5f3254fd12cd61 Description-zh_CN: viewer for Qt Designer user interface files KUIViewer is a utility to display and check user interface (.ui) files created in Qt Designer. The interfaces can be shown in a variety of different widget styles to ensure that they display correctly in any environment. . The Qt Designer itself is in the package qttools5-dev-tools. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: kupfer Description-md5: 1a4ed3635aa0b57717a7748cfe163e27 Description-zh_CN: 快速轻量级的桌面启动器 Kupfer是一个类似 Quicksilver 和Gnome Do 的桌面应用程序启动器。 它可以搜索和浏览您的文件,并快速的按需启动应用程序和对象。 . Kupfer is written in Python 3 and has a flexible architecture based on plugins to extend its features. Package: kvirc Description-md5: 781975de1f5b4ac23d4c5bc7a732099b Description-zh_CN: 基于 KDE 的下一代具有模块支持的 IRC 客户端 一个具有高度可配置的图形界面、支持多标签页的 IRC 客户端,内置脚本语言、 IRC DCC 和拖放文件浏览支持等。KVIrc 使用 KDE widget 集合,可以使用 自己的脚本语言扩展功能并与 KDE 集成、支持自定义插件。 . 如果你正在寻找一个简单朴素的 IRC 客户端,KVIrc 可能是错误的选择, 因为它相当大。但如果你想要一个高度可定制的客户端,您不会后悔安装它。 Package: kvirc-modules Description-md5: 72d51bc496328aea5cf7f96c0499dc22 Description-zh_CN: KVIrc (IRC client) modules 一个具有高度可配置的图形界面、支持多标签页的 IRC 客户端,内置脚本语言、 IRC DCC 和拖放文件浏览支持等。KVIrc 使用 KDE widget 集合,可以使用 自己的脚本语言扩展功能并与 KDE 集成、支持自定义插件。 . This package contains all modules for KVIrc. Package: kwalletmanager Description-md5: 9ddb800fd8f7d7f40b24b46cbaeb9a76 Description-zh_CN: secure password wallet manager The KDE Wallet system provides a secure way to store passwords and other secret information, allowing the user to remember only a single KDE Wallet password instead of numerous different passwords and credentials. . KWallet Manager is a utility for viewing and editing information stored in the KDE Wallet. . 这个包是 KDE 工具程序的一部分。 Package: kwayland-integration Description-md5: 7120a025ba32d5f9b8a58bf02bdf9f8c Description-zh_CN: kwayland 运行环境集成插件 用于 kidletime 和 kwindowsystem 的 Wayland 运行环境集成插件。 . 包含 kwayland-integration 的开发文件。 Package: kwin-common Description-md5: d812e38ecc0856bb858fffec17c3f257 Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager, common files KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: kwin-data Description-md5: 1d697d510504cce76cd18beb1fe47f23 Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager data files KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . This package contains the data files Package: kwin-decoration-oxygen Description-md5: 0f2d780b285372a292d82d4eff036ae0 Description-zh_CN: KWin decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the KWin decoration and settings modules. Package: kwin-dev Description-md5: e981f5e39df0aa1878605e91238fad93 Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager - devel files KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: kwin-style-breeze Description-md5: d0bd051e2c95001d08acfa36e9baec89 Description-zh_CN: KWin Breeze Style This is the Breeze window manager style for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: kwin-wayland Description-md5: b83f16835b8ae0495f08abf775776e22 Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager, Wayland version KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . 本包提供了 wayland 版,其开发仍在持续进行中,现以预览版发行。 不要预期其像 X11 版那样稳定。 Package: kwin-x11 Description-md5: b49a23f2e017f3c5499b70ce757a376c Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager, X11 version KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: kwordquiz Description-md5: 8de3141277665fbdc3c76e07e5c74e4b Description-zh_CN: flashcard learning program KWordQuiz is a general purpose flashcard program, typically used for vocabulary training. . KWordQuiz can open vocabulary data in various formats, including the kvtml format used by KDE programs such as Parley, the WQL format used by WordQuiz for Windows, the xml.gz format used by Pauker, and CSV text. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: kwrited Description-md5: 646fab32affac22cf882b20b23ca557f Description-zh_CN: Read and write console output to X Kwrited captures console output (e.g. broadcast messages) and prints it in a X window. . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: kylin-display-switch Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: latexmk Description-md5: 1dbea00873b647bd06d3ece16654c29b Description-zh_CN: 用于正确多次运行 LaTeX 的 Perl 脚本 Latexmk runs LaTeX the correct number of times to resolve cross references, etc; it also runs auxiliary programs (bibtex, makeindex if necessary, and dvips and/or a previewer as requested). It has a number of other useful capabilities, for example to start a previewer and then run LaTeX whenever the source files are updated, so that the previewer gives an up-to-date view of the document. Package: lazarus Description-md5: 63a9081bae2cfd279084d3e379894588 Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - SDK dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the metapackage pulling in all the packages needed to have a typical Lazarus installation. Package: lazarus-3.0 Description-md5: eab70494f2b90d8292f6320dd8ffe05b Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - suite Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This metapackage pulls in all the packages needed to have a typical Lazarus installation. Package: lazarus-doc Description-md5: b9dee34a1c67a3034684e25b7c6237e8 Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - documentation dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package pulling in the documentation for the Lazarus IDE and components. It can be viewed separately with any HTML browser or accessed from the IDE's integrated help (pressing on any LCL identifier will browse the help for that identifier). Package: lazarus-doc-3.0 Description-md5: e546d69af43c24bb169145380b556944 Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - documentation Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains documentation for the Lazarus IDE and components. It can be viewed separately with any HTML browser or accessed from the IDE's integrated help (pressing on any LCL identifier will browse the help of that identifier). Package: lazarus-ide Description-md5: 4fc61ba1769b870f20efeaf94b44d59a Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always pulls in the latest available version of one of the flavors of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-3.0 Description-md5: 04866f25221b59cf05889cb6ac0bee5f Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - common IDE files Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the common files required to run Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-gtk2 Description-md5: 1a53a046b597ada876fb6930530658ad Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - Last GTK+ version dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the GTK+ version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-gtk2-3.0 Description-md5: bd11236c0f0ee57747407838e1a041be Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - GTK+ version Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the GTK+ version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-ide-qt5 Description-md5: eee266d7a7f87f073dcd126e3e9fe1a1 Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - Last Qt version dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the placeholder package for the Qt version of the Lazarus IDE, which currently just depends on the GTK+ version. Package: lazarus-ide-qt5-3.0 Description-md5: 31c630f0cf351151920a8bf03005d9ad Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - Qt version Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the Qt version of the Lazarus IDE. Package: lazarus-src Description-md5: 66bfe9ca701b51d3a01db34d9f65357b Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - LCL source code dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the IDE code necessary for the IDE code tool to work properly (retrieving declarations and navigating in code). Package: lazarus-src-3.0 Description-md5: 3c60b74bcc494e73a73fe341396d14c5 Description-zh_CN: IDE for Free Pascal - LCL source code Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the latest version of the source code necessary for the IDE code tool to work properly (retrieving declarations and navigating in code). Package: lcl Description-md5: 9fa9d19dabee20559c8407a4dc0f8063 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - LCL dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the metapackage installing the full LCL and components. Package: lcl-3.0 Description-md5: ed553dce946b2c8cea18660e7a5a026b Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - LCL suite Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This metapackage installs the full LCL and components. Package: lcl-gtk2 Description-md5: 70d057e297ac15ed834b6ec23bba1de3 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - GTK+ backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing GTK+ applications. Package: lcl-gtk2-3.0 Description-md5: b31cd4edb187bdbfa0a8bd82bb8cf39b Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - GTK+ backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing GTK+ applications. Package: lcl-nogui Description-md5: 802731e5bbe0fabc4c235a52c0557361 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - no GUI backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing non-graphical applications and command line tools. Package: lcl-nogui-3.0 Description-md5: 136aef8bf11add299dc57b015daa3159 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - no GUI backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing non-graphical applications and command line tools. Package: lcl-qt5 Description-md5: 45bbed94f357172a0466ba087d994d6a Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - Qt backend dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing the part of the LCL for developing Qt applications. Package: lcl-qt5-3.0 Description-md5: 501da21b7f0739beccee0035cd640f21 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - Qt backend Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains the part of the LCL for developing Qt applications. Package: lcl-units Description-md5: fdd6c1796157b68ff72aa661f317c613 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - backend independent components dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package containing common components. Package: lcl-units-3.0 Description-md5: d36c62f9221b269486b6fe951606d11f Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - backend independent components Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains common components of the LCL. Package: lcl-utils Description-md5: 3fb88ca72fab0f5a98d9da0d5b30ca66 Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - command line build tools dependency package Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This dependency package always depends on the latest available version of the package pulling in the command line tools to ease building LCL applications. Package: lcl-utils-3.0 Description-md5: c9b936c149c8b0d15267201698364a3c Description-zh_CN: Lazarus Components Library - command line build tools Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. . Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. . 与 Java 的“一次编写,到处运行”的口号不同,Lazarus 和 Free Pascal 的目标 是“一次编写,随处编译 ”。因为在上述所有平台上,同样准确且拥有相同功能的编译器 都可以完美地运行。这使您无需任何的重编码工作,就能在不同的生产平台上创造出相同 的产品。 . 总之,Lazarus 是一个使用 Free Pascal 工具集的,支持所有的 Pascal 语言 工具组件的自由应用程序开发工具。 . This package contains command line tools to ease building LCL based applications. Package: lib2geom1.2.0t64 Description-md5: 59df32d7ca736f20480217b53a32e7ae Description-zh_CN: robust computational geometry framework -- shared library 2Geom is a C++ 2D geometry library geared towards robust processing of computational geometry data associated with vector graphics. The primary design consideration is ease of use and clarity. It is dual-licensed under LGPL 2.1 and MPL 1.1. . The library is descended from a set of geometric routines present in Inkscape, a vector graphics editor based around the Scalable Vector Graphics format, the most widespread vector graphics interchange format on the Web and a W3C Recommendation. Due to this legacy, not all parts of the API form a coherent whole (yet). . Rendering is outside the scope of this library, and it is assumed something like libcairo or similar is employed for this. 2geom concentrates on higher level algorithms and geometric computations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: lib32atomic1-amd64-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32atomic1-x32-cross Description-md5: 4b9cd7e59833a54167ec848b4c3d9e48 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (32bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gcc-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (32 bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib32gomp1-amd64-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-mips64-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32gomp1-x32-cross Description-md5: e631a6bc5701a04082ff06d4907faecf Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (32bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: a39814a7b481eba9451c5a674a3ee774 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: c5957f6fc510d3c23449a1788b577395 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 45d135f3eb790ec58aba07e62982d0a4 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: f522eb0378021b204060848ca71a323b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: a39814a7b481eba9451c5a674a3ee774 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: c5957f6fc510d3c23449a1788b577395 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 45d135f3eb790ec58aba07e62982d0a4 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: f522eb0378021b204060848ca71a323b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: a39814a7b481eba9451c5a674a3ee774 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: c5957f6fc510d3c23449a1788b577395 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 45d135f3eb790ec58aba07e62982d0a4 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: f522eb0378021b204060848ca71a323b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: a39814a7b481eba9451c5a674a3ee774 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: c5957f6fc510d3c23449a1788b577395 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 45d135f3eb790ec58aba07e62982d0a4 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: f522eb0378021b204060848ca71a323b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-amd64-cross Description-md5: 1b5e6395f9e7f7813dfd2dc28c813319 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: 26ef041dcd5376c600f1e848ffb811bf Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0180a2994314dc6d2114c3e21d5fed4b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: adfebc8876523eecb7d5d644a3235e5c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 1953c0f3d0175e04d3b98dfa1cf3bec1 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 2c9085c5f49471b6573f07e929023d93 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-sparc64-cross Description-md5: eebb7a339a97fa825bdb468feb6ff708 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-x32-cross Description-md5: 019c8e157e6258089ae9490f206e6b4d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib3mf-dev Description-md5: b07f430956085fc425b9520162f657ec Description-zh_CN: Lib3MF is a C++ implementation of the 3D Manufacturing Format (development) As 3MF shall become an universal 3D Printing standard, its quick adoption is very important. This library shall lower all barriers of adoption to any possible user, let it be software providers, hardware providers, service providers or middleware tools. The specification can be downloaded at . Its aim is to offer an open source way to integrate 3MF reading and writing capabilities, as well as conversion and validation tools for input and output data. The 3MF Library shall provide a clean and easy-to-use API to speed up the development and keep integration costs at a minimum. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: lib64atomic1-i386-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-mips-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64atomic1-x32-cross Description-md5: dcde910e366c584abcb0cd438bd4f06e Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (64bit) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gcc-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (64bit development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: lib64gomp1-i386-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-mips-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64gomp1-x32-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (64bit) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-i386-cross Description-md5: 7173b9ff28be040d07627366f651d84f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (i386) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: 09708095748653601cdb35d8cbe81707 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 88610cc78f4014089307cad3f269c231 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsel) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 602f5d5c57a0899738bc74632f973bb7 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 08f29253d8edc5c643d684cd00549797 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6el) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 0417103feacf9e975ae71c41d6df7569 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (powerpc) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-x32-cross Description-md5: 7b9946c174ea010304d854c7f7c97071 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32) (64bit) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: liba52-0.7.4-dev Description-md5: a008e9348ef0391e0dd7eac39d37af19 Description-zh_CN: library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (development) liba52 is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and DVD. It is also known as AC-3. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaa-bin Description-md5: aceb0e45b1024860e2efa4f03f15d19a Description-zh_CN: 使用aalib的示例程序 AAlib 是一个可移植的 ASCII 字符艺术绘图库。其内部工作原理类似一个绘图显示 库,但其输出被渲染为强大的、平台独立的 ASCII 字符图像。 . 本软件包包含一些使用aalib的示例程序。 Package: libabigail-dev Description-md5: e5be201b6d254fa6dfc675ac3066a175 Description-zh_CN: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (development files) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libabigail4 Description-md5: d2eee0fd9ff716cd0684053bf99fb5a3 Description-zh_CN: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (runtime) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libabiword-3.0 Description-md5: 2574ef9e41c920826760e47a0ed6956c Description-zh_CN: efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- shared library Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。 . This package contains the shared library, enabling other applications to integrate AbiWord functionality. Package: libabiword-dev Description-md5: 920d78a20ddaa977e87f549ec91b6c92 Description-zh_CN: efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration -- development files Abiword 是一款功能完善的高效文字处理软件,能胜任各种文字处理任务,并且可通过 各种插件进行扩展。 . This package contains development files for software linking against libabiword-3.0. Package: libad9361-dev Description-md5: df8fb4cd9e7c43d5c4b886b9a6b0793b Description-zh_CN: Development files specific to the Analog Devices AD9361 This library contains a few functions useful to configure and use the Analog Devices AD9361 Agile Transceiver. . The device combines an RF front end with a flexible mixed-signal baseband section and integrated frequency synthesizers. The AD9361 operates in the 70 MHz to 6.0 GHz range, covering most licensed and unlicensed bands. Channel bandwidths from less than 200 kHz to 56 MHz are supported. This library provides hardware support for Software Defined Radio aplications. . Using libiio allows use with both locally attached devices and hardware available over a network link. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libadacgi-dev Description-md5: 3e57052a5c95ecb8e66883f8360c0349 Description-zh_CN: Ada CGI interface: development 这是 David A. Wheeler 的 Ada 95 与通用网关接口(CGI)进行交互的接口程序。可以 更容易的创建由 HTTP 服务器使用标准 CGI 接口调用的 Ada 程序。 . Install this package if you want to write programs that use AdaCGI. Package: libadacgi5 Description-md5: da0ee1d23ca5c3bd75ce2a44d7695b9a Description-zh_CN: Ada CGI interface: shared library 这是 David A. Wheeler 的 Ada 95 与通用网关接口(CGI)进行交互的接口程序。可以 更容易的创建由 HTTP 服务器使用标准 CGI 接口调用的 Ada 程序。 . This package contains the runtime shared library. Package: libaddresses-dev Description-md5: 77ec4e73f6401222a2f61deee02f233b Description-zh_CN: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (development files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaddresses0 Description-md5: 3c47c879b1008db892e8c063bfce221c Description-zh_CN: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (library files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libaddressview-dev Description-md5: 5fdf286b3ece00e2582e9440c0e4adfe Description-zh_CN: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (development files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaddressview0 Description-md5: b4dd3ab05d5585ecc1e315b7d953872d Description-zh_CN: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (library files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libadns1t64 Description-md5: 2d4806e0537386505c70d730ab8e8791 Description-zh_CN: Asynchronous-capable DNS client library adns is a resolver library for C (and C++) programs. In contrast with the existing interfaces, gethostbyname et al and libresolv, it can be used in an asynchronous, non-blocking manner, and has a convenient interface which doesn't require the application to handle any DNS data formats. Many queries can be handled simultaneously. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libadolc2t64 Description-md5: 612313b21da223f936ccfc1c37b180c3 Description-zh_CN: ADOLC automatic differentiation system, runtime libs The ADOLC system automatically calculates exact derivatives of a C/C++ function. It uses C++ overloading to record arithmetic operations, which it plays back later in various ways to calculate the requested values. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libadplug-dev Description-md5: 5e5a249b161a7cfdfd94f8ab462cfad7 Description-zh_CN: free AdLib sound library (development) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libadwaitaqt-dev Description-md5: 704ce419f8870c14a56573149a06799f Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 port of GNOME’s Adwaita theme — development files Adwaita-Qt 提供了 Adwaida 主题的 Qt 5 移植,该主题为 GNOME 的默认样式。 . This package contains the development files for building applications with the public library of Adwaita-Qt. Package: libadwaitaqt1 Description-md5: 55bffda473a1e82767c59c621d6444ca Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 port of GNOME’s Adwaita theme — public library Adwaita-Qt 提供了 Adwaida 主题的 Qt 5 移植,该主题为 GNOME 的默认样式。 . This package contains the public library of Adwaita-Qt that provides Adwaita-specific colors. Package: libadwaitaqtpriv1 Description-md5: 96ad9a31348dda7b97f0fa2f8c2bb048 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 port of GNOME’s Adwaita theme — private library Adwaita-Qt 提供了 Adwaida 主题的 Qt 5 移植,该主题为 GNOME 的默认样式。 . This package contains the private library of Adwaita-Qt. Package: libafflib-dev Description-md5: 2ae8d5a3d0348fefeaffd2ebe22e5364 Description-zh_CN: Advanced Forensics Format Library (development files) The Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) is on-disk format for storing computer forensic information. Critical features of AFF include: . - AFF allows you to store both computer forensic data and associated metadata in one or more files. - AFF allows files to be digital signed, to provide for chain-of-custody and long-term file integrity. - AFF allows for forensic disk images to stored encrypted and decrypted on-the-fly for processing. This allows disk images containing privacy sensitive material to be stored on the Internet. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libaften-dev Description-md5: 7ce409ebeb11e75d213a53fae4574c3e Description-zh_CN: audio AC3 encoder - development files Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaften0 Description-md5: 7dec1029e6e37a968d519646a46fc3fb Description-zh_CN: audio AC3 encoder - runtime files Aften is an audio encoder which generates compressed audio streams based on ATSC A/52 specification. This type of audio is also known as AC-3 or Dolby® Digital and is one of the audio codecs used in DVD-Video content. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libafterstep1t64 Description-md5: aaa29f714fcfa5fc5a73052c11dac9d0 Description-zh_CN: shared libraries for the AfterStep window manager AfterStep 是一个基于 FVWM 的窗体管理器,它试图模仿 NEXTSTE P的风格并保持其 可配置能力。注意这个窗体管理器大量使用了颜色调色板。如果您只有 8 位色深显示, 它会打包运行,但您也许会改变其配置以使用更少的颜色。 . This package contains runtime libraries needed by AfterStep. Package: libahven-dev Description-md5: 6e54401a37b269c5decb82e27a009a12 Description-zh_CN: Unit test library for Ada (development) Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language. It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit. Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should work with any Ada 95 compiler. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a Description-md5: 547746dab61779644273faa87b90dbb6 Description-zh_CN: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (development) Aiksaurus 是一个适合于集成在文字处理,电子邮件和其它写作软件中的英语同义 词典。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-data Description-md5: 5e419cb8b87fa0717be6e39b76c3acd5 Description-zh_CN: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (data) Aiksaurus 是一个适合于集成在文字处理,电子邮件和其它写作软件中的英语同义 词典。 . This package contains thesaurus data. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-dev Description-md5: 8fb88e76f401b43d4bf6041431214605 Description-zh_CN: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (development files) Aiksaurus 是一个适合于集成在文字处理,电子邮件和其它写作软件中的英语同义 词典。 . This package contains files needed for development with Aiksaurus. Package: libairspy0 Description-md5: a5f4eb4607ecf1df83db7ed5f4f089a6 Description-zh_CN: Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - library Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth. 12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB) It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libairspyhf1 Description-md5: d64d6ed88b5469a7443750cc3ed0ed9f Description-zh_CN: HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - library Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive 9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libalberta-dev Description-md5: b25cba8f2ea2f2773152673b759fae8d Description-zh_CN: adaptive finite element library (development files) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libalberta4t64 Description-md5: afb017f8092816903f5edbc4a5573a11 Description-zh_CN: adaptive finite element library (library) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libalog-dev Description-md5: 155502ea897a8a46402540435adc9fc7 Description-zh_CN: Logging framework for Ada (development) Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. Alog provides file-based and syslog logging facilities and log-level support. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libamd-comgr-dev Description-md5: d5a216a4827796bee1a6050c23346184 Description-zh_CN: ROCm code object manager - development package The Code Object Manager is a shared library which provides operations for creating and inspecting LLVM code objects. See the documentation in the header file /usr/include/amd_comgr/amd_comgr.h . . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libamplsolver0 Description-md5: 93d1c5061cfc3f15e16737a589cf63ec Description-zh_CN: library of routines that help solvers work with AMPL Library of routines that help solvers work with AMPL. AMPL is a language and system for formulating, solving, and helping understand mathematical programming problems (of minimizing or maximizing a function subject to constraints). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libanalitza-dev Description-md5: f86a1a12d9304114642eaf951ce52eaa Description-zh_CN: development files for Analitza Analitza 是一个解析与操作数学表达式的库。该库现应用于 KAlgebra 与 Cantor, 也可用于其他程序。 . This package contains the development files, used to build applications that use Analitza. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libanalitza8 Description-md5: 92ad86650a4e6fad5ca6fbc6be591399 Description-zh_CN: library to work with mathematical expressions This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libanalitzagui8 Description-md5: 02f734e9dfb655fed0eb2d6024454a29 Description-zh_CN: library to work with mathematical expressions - GUI routines This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to the graphical user interface. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libanalitzaplot8 Description-md5: 8850b8c7b9a0aaa910de370924d8aa53 Description-zh_CN: library to work with mathematical expressions - plotting bits This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to plotting. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libanalitzawidgets8 Description-md5: b0a7e75633fd35963404b7c26a88930b Description-zh_CN: library to work with mathematical expressions - widgets This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides several UI components based on QWidget and QML. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libanet-dev Description-md5: 65411c893c2c78e6f5cd08645e82ca96 Description-zh_CN: Ada networking library (development) Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library provides a BSD socket implementation with a high level of abstraction and an extendable socket type hierarchy. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libaoflagger0 Description-md5: ca2a06f67e7f2d04e69f8a92aaeb2680 Description-zh_CN: Find RFI in radio astronomical observations (shared lib) The AOFlagger is a tool that can find and remove radio-frequency interference (RFI) in radio astronomical observations. The code has been highly optimized for speed and accuracy. It is used by default for the LOFAR radio telescope and thus is in productional stage. The software can run in a fully automated way, but a graphical interface is provided to analyse results and tweak the strategy. The preferred input file format is the Casa Measurement Set (MS) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libapbs-dev Description-md5: 99fddf8ba6c3ebcd3c50caf758147e53 Description-zh_CN: 自适应泊松玻尔兹曼求解程序 APBS is a software package for the numerical solution of the Poisson- Boltzmann equation (PBE), one of the most popular continuum models for describing electrostatic interactions between molecular solutes in salty, aqueous media. . This package contains the development headers to build against libapbs_* shared libraries. Package: libapbs3t64 Description-md5: 90f597bcf1c87921eed5cea0ddc1b150 Description-zh_CN: 自适应泊松玻尔兹曼求解程序 APBS is a software package for the numerical solution of the Poisson- Boltzmann equation (PBE), one of the most popular continuum models for describing electrostatic interactions between molecular solutes in salty, aqueous media. . This package contains the libapbs_* shared libraries. Package: libapertium3 Description-md5: 4770d1d0d21411c1a6c67f51a30e6da9 Description-zh_CN: Shared library for Apertium Apertium 是一个开源的浅转移机器翻译引擎,它最初的目标是翻译联系较 紧密的语言对。 . This package contains shared library for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine translation engine. Package: libaperture-0-0 Description-md5: 4fb1c0a98258c49b0b93f41d0f876713 Description-zh_CN: Camera library for GTK3 libaperture provides GTK widgets and GObjects to ease developing camera applications for mobile phones. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libaribb24-0t64 Description-md5: 4ef1a0a387d15d7ab5a0d1f67d434673 Description-zh_CN: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (runtime files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libaribb24-dev Description-md5: 9052414d5b4da028b0db65f2b593aa48 Description-zh_CN: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (development files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libarpack2t64 Description-md5: 2930973bf6f522d792538129ee506be1 Description-zh_CN: Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Important Features: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libasl-dev Description-md5: 3dbba1fa390ebb8d35b8fd46d42aaf2c Description-zh_CN: development files for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libasl0t64 Description-md5: 341b2c5823fad0564a102df1a4e6e401 Description-zh_CN: multiphysics simulation software The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libassa-3.5-5t64 Description-md5: 9a1b78f42b6cf798680a6bd5126606f4 Description-zh_CN: object-oriented C++ networking library libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor, Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C. Schmidt. . libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and various CORBA implementations . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libassuan-mingw-w64-dev Description-md5: 3c0fb6ba4db884e067355fca6fe292f9 Description-zh_CN: 用于 GnuPU 组件的 IPC 库 -- Windows 移植 Libassuan 是实现了“Assuan 协议”的一个小型软件库。该协议用于较新的 GnuPG 组件之间的跨进程通信。它同时提供了服务端和客户端的函数。 . 本软件包包含了 libassuan 的头文件和静态库。 . 这是 Windows 版的 libassuan。它可为跨平台构建的针对 Windows 平台的程序所使用,例如 Debian 安装器(Debian- Installer)的 win32-loader 组件。 Package: libastro-dev Description-md5: 8d12113d2c4a765844a7516371018b51 Description-zh_CN: development files for the Marble astrononmy library Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Marble astronomy library . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libastro1 Description-md5: 657b13f68cade242bc2a621ea4a8e9b9 Description-zh_CN: Marble astronomy library Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains shared libraries for astronomy support in marble. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libastrometry0t64 Description-md5: dd36773275e2c7f43405ef4cc3dd45c3 Description-zh_CN: Astrometry plate solver (shared lib) The astrometry engine will take any image and return the astrometry world coordinate system (WCS), a standards-based description of the transformation between image coordinates and sky coordinates. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libastyle3 Description-md5: 1220a0e9cf0c7a35ba3d0af0efa91bfc Description-zh_CN: Shared library for Artistic Style Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libatomic1-alpha-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-amd64-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-arc-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-armel-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-hppa-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-i386-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-loong64-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-m68k-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mips-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-sh4-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libatomic1-x32-cross Description-md5: 16938852526fc26bdbcb46c18435ed08 Description-zh_CN: 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libaudclient-dev Description-md5: 211a21010813b8a6cbf8c90ece170759 Description-zh_CN: audacious D-Bus remote control library (development files) Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package contains a development files and headers for the library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudclient2 Description-md5: 488da341a8b78e8ee3ae675361df3578 Description-zh_CN: audacious D-Bus remote control library Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package contains a library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudcore5t64 Description-md5: 2a0caa32f6a6478ded9a174f96a8e23b Description-zh_CN: audacious core engine library Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package contains a library which provides core functionality of Audacious. Package: libaudgui5t64 Description-md5: 53d8716a3af88c9d5a9cf67a787e0129 Description-zh_CN: audacious media player (libaudgui shared library) Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package provides the libaudgui shared library. Package: libaudio-xmmsclient-perl Description-md5: deba57b5a877f94f945b73949e63f289 Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - Perl client library XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains the Perl library Audio::Xmmsclient that allows you to write XMMS2 clients. It's a language binding of libxmmsclient0. Package: libaudqt2t64 Description-md5: 89ae58032cd62179e935cf6a722f7d1d Description-zh_CN: audacious media player (libaudqt shared library) Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package provides the libaudqt shared library. Package: libaudtag3t64 Description-md5: e742e2a22c1ee90c0e844a39496eab95 Description-zh_CN: audacious media player (libaudtag shared library) Audacious 是 beep-media-player 派生出的播放器,支持 Winamp 皮肤和 多种编码。 . 默认安装完成后,支持下列几种格式: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC 和 AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows 媒体 (WMA) * WAVE . 另外,Audacious 可以通过插件扩展功能,并拥有其它有用的特性,如 LIRC 支持。对许多其它编解码器的支持也可以通过插件加入。 . This package provides the libaudtag shared library. Package: libauthselect3 Description-md5: 076e3cc7b6329174e67d00dc1bda7b3f Description-zh_CN: Utility library used by the authselect tool Common library files for authselect. This package is used by the authselect command line tool and any other potential front-ends. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libavcodec-dev Description-md5: 2a62521830e42037d8140eba51f0355c Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavcodec61 Description-md5: b6405aed870af39811ea887203c50393 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libavdevice-dev Description-md5: 6c9d2502d27e23767fd8617f89f334a0 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavdevice61 Description-md5: ad40bf128a0d66f1d4aa3d3f40dd7bff Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libavfilter-dev Description-md5: 392f1c1f35e2c5ba69524b054062af62 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library containing media filters - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavfilter10 Description-md5: d830215e6285a7d6c06650a8f1d8ce9e Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library containing media filters - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libavformat-dev Description-md5: c3d0b37350451cbc0772c02383988a7b Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavformat61 Description-md5: a477ad30c384813e506c2b5a98d770cc Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libavif-bin Description-md5: 0f4b365b99d39d3f43ebbd20df686113 Description-zh_CN: 处理 .avif 文件的库(工具) 该软件库致力于提供友好的、可移植的 AV1 图像文件格式的实现,它遵循 的描述。 . This package provides several utilities provided by the library: - avifdec - avifenc Package: libavif-dev Description-md5: b1d22dff81f4ee171a43797e58d12b09 Description-zh_CN: Library for handling .avif files (development files) 该软件库致力于提供友好的、可移植的 AV1 图像文件格式的实现,它遵循 的描述。 . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libavif-gdk-pixbuf Description-md5: f36f87f28222252e5c3f302048fcad62 Description-zh_CN: Library for handling .avif files (GDK pixbuf plugin) 该软件库致力于提供友好的、可移植的 AV1 图像文件格式的实现,它遵循 的描述。 . This package provides the GDK pixbuf plugin for the library. Package: libavif16 Description-md5: d22f72017806938e40e05275100da9fd Description-zh_CN: Library for handling .avif files 该软件库致力于提供友好的、可移植的 AV1 图像文件格式的实现,它遵循 的描述。 . This package provides the shared library files. Package: libavl-dev Description-md5: bf8775a607f5f885f9037fdae2cee40f Description-zh_CN: AVL tree manipulation library - development This library consists of a set of functions to manipulate AVL trees. AVL trees are very efficient balanced binary trees, similar to red-black trees. The functions in this library can handle any kind of payload and search key type. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libavro-dev Description-md5: f8d71c2fd50ab8faf333739fdd5b25c4 Description-zh_CN: Apache Avro C static library and headers (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavro23 Description-md5: 016e88bf4690d11c7ed1a5b2ffd84fc0 Description-zh_CN: Apache Avro C shared library (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libavutil-dev Description-md5: c444efda200ddbd71346c9a1d2e036cd Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libavutil59 Description-md5: 770a5e363265c4557c507feffc8f58d8 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libaxc-dev Description-md5: c9236a1df86c2cae9bc636c1354dda15 Description-zh_CN: development headers for libaxc Client library for libsignal-c, implementing the needed database and crypto interfaces using SQLite and gcrypt. Initially, the library's name was libaxolotl, hence the name. . Additionally it provides utility functions for common use cases like encrypting and decrypting, ultimately making direct use of libsignal unnecessary. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libayatana-common0 Description-md5: 207b562f4b6fb8bd97c07d262a958263 Description-zh_CN: Ayatana System Indicators' common API functions (shared library) This package contains common API functions used by Ayatana System Indicators. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbabl-dev Description-md5: 8222faeeaa3c6abb27290df29be5d457 Description-zh_CN: Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library (development files) Babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbash Description-md5: 55d65dce15ce757c43e51fc60fd12e3f Description-zh_CN: bash 类动态共享链接库 libbash 是管理包含可能想要重复使用的函数的 bash 脚本的工具。它提供了定义脚本间的依赖关系的机制和脚本加载的基础设施。 Package: libbash-doc Description-md5: 3e89704a46294e25d8b593aaf3149b81 Description-zh_CN: bash dynamic-like shared libraries - documentation libbash 是管理包含可能想要重复使用的函数的 bash 脚本的工具。它提供了定义脚本间的依赖关系的机制和脚本加载的基础设施。 . This package contains user and developer docs libbash Package: libbcg729-dev Description-md5: 6e6cbc9c62ca04950b5f0c114b685819 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the ITU G.729 compatible audio codec Bcg729 is an open source implementation of the ITU G729 Annex A speech codec. Written in C 99, the library is fully portable. It runs on many platforms, including ARM and x86. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbctoolbox1t64 Description-md5: d2a2a4548c275301e88c65913ade0d15 Description-zh_CN: Helper library for software by Belledonne Communications (shared library) The package provides a C/C++ utility library used by Linphone and other software by Belledonne Communications. The library offers platform independent implementations of cryptographic functions, exception handling, logging modules, file access, unit tests and data structures like lists and maps. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbelcard1 Description-md5: 9227dc75e88ed2df8f5d2e1f1c4ba702 Description-zh_CN: VCard standard format manipulation library Belcard is a C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbellesip-dev Description-md5: 37d5bbd16fbf264a57045f7b895cee12 Description-zh_CN: SIP stack from the Linphone team (development files) Belle-Sip is a new SIP stack (RFC3261) developed by the Linphone team. . Belle-Sip supports multiple transports at the same time, has a dual IPv6 and IPv4 stack, is fully asynchronous and implements the +sip.instance and alias parameters. It also handles network disconnections better, offers a privacy API and supports rich presence. . SIP/TLS is handled by mbed TLS (by way of bctoolbox), not OpenSSL. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbelr1 Description-md5: 40849cbdf228736e76df7c2715e506fc Description-zh_CN: language recognition library by Belledonne Communications Belr is Belledonne Communications' language recognition library. It aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardized at IETF. . It is based on finite state machine theory and heavily relies on recursivity from an implementation standpoint. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbemenu-dev Description-md5: 94d05a5dfb0a26a42bce5cef73a1d8eb Description-zh_CN: Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (development files) bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbemenu0 Description-md5: 5cae953cfc2f08db58d3818d30df7976 Description-zh_CN: Dynamic menu inspired by dmenu (runtime library) bemenu is a dynamic menu for tty (using ncurses), X11 and/or Wayland, inspired by dmenu. It reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input. When the user selects an item and presses Return, their choice is printed to standard output and bemenu terminates. Entering text will narrow the items to those matching the tokens in the input. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libbenchmark-dev Description-md5: a020454cbd7e8fa0e5f9ea8c10cbcf8e Description-zh_CN: Microbenchmark support library, development files Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbenchmark1.8.3 Description-md5: ff992efc40623f1296489b28e55ca328 Description-zh_CN: Microbenchmark support library, shared library Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbfb0-dev Description-md5: e2ac8a2fe4d2a9602f2723c4c9b440c2 Description-zh_CN: bfb protocol library - development files This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25, S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled as BenQ Mobile. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbfb0t64 Description-md5: c07b3a7765e509edf5098a0839e2a316 Description-zh_CN: bfb protocol library This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25, S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled as BenQ Mobile. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libbfio-dev Description-md5: 7566ad449e9e5b1c5575864911b634fd Description-zh_CN: Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbfio Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbfio1 Description-md5: 19b81aad66ce4aaea6a712eb4cb018d2 Description-zh_CN: Library to provide basic input/output abstraction Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbiblesync-dev Description-md5: 06cd35417a2175af3fc284165739b61b Description-zh_CN: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation (development files) This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbiblesync1.1 Description-md5: 88dd75844648485055f94eb097eadcf7 Description-zh_CN: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbinio-dev Description-md5: 7616273c241a8df14ef29d600f584646 Description-zh_CN: Binary I/O stream class library (development files) The binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libbmusb6 Description-md5: 3ea26a387a58a2317b1bd70b9c379d39 Description-zh_CN: userspace driver for Blackmagic USB3 video capture cards bmusb is a userspace driver for Blackmagic's USB3 series of video capture and playback cards (although only the capture part is currently supported), in particular the Intensity Shuttle (HDMI) and UltraStudio SDI cards. These are not currently served by Blackmagic's own Linux drivers. . bmusb is not API- or ABI-compatible with Blackmagic's drivers. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libboinc-app-dev Description-md5: 057d1fce9d5300455ed2575988820b1a Description-zh_CN: development files to build applications for BOINC projects BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。 . This package contains header files that are needed to develop and compile applications which utilizes the BOINC infrastructure. The package also provides static libraries. These are needed for the development of scientific applications that work seamlessly across many Linux distributions and different releases of the same. Package: libboinc-app7t64 Description-md5: c61445098356f24f852e0a3c9ef219e7 Description-zh_CN: libraries for BOINC's scientific applications BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。 . This package contains dynamic libraries that are needed for applications which utilizes the BOINC infrastructure and the boinc-client itself. Package: libboinc7t64 Description-md5: 11081d0d4ad203dafbfd2b8fc5e1425b Description-zh_CN: libraries of BOINC the client depends on BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。 . The environment offers a series of libraries that both the user-run client and the client-invoked scientific applications depend on. With the number of cores per machine growing, and with scientific apps commonly started for every core, it is essential to have memory shared as much as possible between binaries of all projects. Package: libbrasero-media3-1 Description-md5: 24b5258efe5b1e76dca7a3f333ac5af7 Description-zh_CN: CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - runtime Libbrasero is a simple library to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libburner-media3-1 Description-md5: 3cbe52a11557eda116724ae3d01a81b5 Description-zh_CN: CD/DVD burning library for UKUI - runtime Libburner is a simple library to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbuteosyncml5-1 Description-md5: a663d3fcf202745e0c152190a78ecad2 Description-zh_CN: SyncML library with a Qt-like API The Buteo SyncML stack was written in C++ and has a Qt like API. It provides a SyncML stack which can be used to create SyncML based applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libbzrtp-dev Description-md5: 638a8d07389b34632ca2d93b91668de3 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the Bzrtp key exchange library Bzrtp is an open source implementation of the ZRTP key exchange protocol. The library is written in C and C++. It is fully portable and can be executed on many platforms including ARM and x86. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libca-dev Description-md5: 2a0e028124fe69be1986c2d975a256be Description-zh_CN: EPICS channel access client library (headers) EPICS is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System. This is the EPICS library exposing channel access primitives for clients. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libcaja-extension-dev Description-md5: a80ffbfa9b1d018b217fb2f97f2bfff9 Description-zh_CN: libraries for Caja components (development files) Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . This package contains the development files for the libraries needed by Caja's extensions. Package: libcaja-extension-doc Description-md5: e79a836ca4e5c4babe0c1af6e4ea3576 Description-zh_CN: libraries for Caja components (API documentation files) Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . This package contains the API documentation for the libraries needed by Caja's extensions. Package: libcaja-extension1 Description-md5: 0f35c3d74c9f8f2fc4264c69a262623e Description-zh_CN: libraries for Caja components Caja 是 MATE 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现 浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关联的应用程序。它 同时负责处理 MATE 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和 远程文件系统。 . This package contains a few runtime libraries needed by Caja's extensions. Package: libcamlpdf-ocaml Description-md5: b1123d823b45af0b9540099e96d907cf Description-zh_CN: library for reading, writing and manipulating PDF files and data (runtime) CamlPDF consists of a set of low level modules for representing, reading and writing the basic structure of PDF, together with an initial attempt at a higher level API. . 这个软件包包含运行库。 Package: libcantor-dev Description-md5: 37a765183e44cf699270ddb0baa23a77 Description-zh_CN: interface for mathematical applications - development files Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the development headers for Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libcantorlibs28 Description-md5: 3649d53b6b2153c47d85357503b08026 Description-zh_CN: interface for mathematical applications - shared library Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the shared library for Cantor. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libcaribou-common Description-md5: a94f0f1467cc887917fdde2955e3444f Description-zh_CN: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode - common files 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . This package contains support files for libcaribou Package: libcaribou-dev Description-md5: 899a5ccda9290f163f84ed4ec6e856e5 Description-zh_CN: Configurable on screen keyboard - library (development) 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . This package contains the development files for libcaribou library. Package: libcaribou-gtk-module Description-md5: 627a888bf80537e68736ce65dc6d6c32 Description-zh_CN: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode (GTK+ 2.0 module) 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . This package contains the GTK+ 2.0 module library. Package: libcaribou-gtk3-module Description-md5: 770686abc3640114778c8bb79a609e03 Description-zh_CN: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode (GTK+ 3.0 module) 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . This package contains the GTK+ 3.0 module library. Package: libcaribou0 Description-md5: 1a867b08863f4e45fd5c44b32c69b60b Description-zh_CN: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode - library 便于键盘导航和指针用户使用的输入辅助技术。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcbf1t64 Description-md5: 937ebd00a45aaf1184ed439556e0f525 Description-zh_CN: shared library supporting CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcctz-dev Description-md5: 1859f70bee054524a2d0d51254068925 Description-zh_CN: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, development files CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcctz2 Description-md5: 22c65166488d2dee1983e2d22b8a12a1 Description-zh_CN: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, shared library CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcdaudio-dev Description-md5: 1679573fd1ddf42d2d7c514523c338ca Description-zh_CN: library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs (development) This library provides functions for controlling an audio CD: starting, stopping, ejecting, etc. It also provides an interface to the CDDB and CD Index servers. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcds-dev Description-md5: 06f110a7cf42d9ff75ce1a12154fe23f Description-zh_CN: Concurrent Data Structures (CDS) library - development The Concurrent Data Structures (CDS) library is a collection of concurrent containers that don't require external (manual) synchronization for shared access, and safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms like Hazard Pointer and user-space RCU that is used as an epoch-based SMR. . CDS is mostly header-only template library. Only SMR core implementation is segregated to .so/.dll file. . The library contains the implementations of the following containers: . - lock-free stack with optional elimination support - several algo for lock-free queue, including classic Michael & Scott algorithm and its derivatives, the flat combining queue, the segmented queue. - several implementation of unordered set/map - lock-free and fine-grained lock-based - flat-combining technique - lock-free skip-list - lock-free FeldmanHashMap/Set Multi-Level Array Hash with thread-safe bidirectional iterator support Bronson's et al algorithm for fine-grained lock-based AVL tree . Generally, each container has an intrusive and non-intrusive (STL-like) version belonging to cds::intrusive and cds::container namespace respectively. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libceres4t64 Description-md5: 2e7c678437f129720d0e6636750922c8 Description-zh_CN: nonlinear least squares minimizer (shared library) Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. . Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems. - Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. - General unconstrained optimization problems. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcgroup-dev Description-md5: 00bc9a9892f83a5eff72f96844aa1068 Description-zh_CN: control and monitor control groups (development) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcgroup3 Description-md5: 91f51cf74160eb9398561ff90bcc52f8 Description-zh_CN: control and monitor control groups (library) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcharls-dev Description-md5: 6cc1704433851fe1c0588bd63fbdfaf5 Description-zh_CN: Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard (development libraries) CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression . JPEG-LS (ISO-14495-1/ITU-T.87) is a standard derived from the Hewlett Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG LS has low complexity (meaning fast compression) and high compression ratios, similar to JPEG 2000. JPEG-LS is more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly the two different techniques result in vastly different performance characteristics. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcheese-dev Description-md5: 97bf1923e096fe62cf8744df6670dd07 Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base dev 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the base development headers. Package: libcheese-doc Description-md5: e7e5a84dea3e28141102c32189f08a96 Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - documentation 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the API documentation. Package: libcheese-gtk-dev Description-md5: e13b89c841b34de912019e4e459cd320 Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets dev 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the GTK+ development headers. Package: libcheese-gtk25 Description-md5: 8bb60b9097c6aeb14d65a7555ae93d33 Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the GTK+ shared library. Package: libcheese8 Description-md5: e56ab6b768d752b78de0633ed49e3dc4 Description-zh_CN: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base library 一款支持用网络摄像头拍照和摄像的应用程序。它使给自己、亲友、宠物等等 拍照和录像变得简单。您可以用它来添加好玩的特效、微调图像设置;它还有 连拍、延时拍照功能。 . This package contains the base shared library. Package: libchipmunk-dev Description-md5: 98c55bab8322f5300577e74b05ec2dc9 Description-zh_CN: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library (development files) Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcif-dev Description-md5: 219530ab94cad396036702cd132cbeba Description-zh_CN: CIF API CIF-parsing and manipulation library - development files The CIF API provides a standard C interface for reading, writing, and manipulating Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs). It is targeted in particular at CIF 2.0, but it provides support for CIF 1.1 and earlier as well. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcif1 Description-md5: 837302fb14170aa70ea82569c7d1df87 Description-zh_CN: CIF API CIF-parsing and manipulation library - shared library The CIF API provides a standard C interface for reading, writing, and manipulating Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs). It is targeted in particular at CIF 2.0, but it provides support for CIF 1.1 and earlier as well. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcifti-dev Description-md5: c94d1b476c4d9fe786b502058376b70a Description-zh_CN: development files for CiftiLib CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libcinnamon-menu-3-0 Description-md5: 1f139eed2d744b6e3d51e3d7f7061671 Description-zh_CN: Cinnamon implementation of the freedesktop menu specification The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcjson1 Description-md5: b70ec1dac01c769ddace4c75bd4ef426 Description-zh_CN: Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C cJSON is a ultralightweight json parse. . It aims to be the dumbest possible parser that you can get your job done with. . It's a single file of C, and a single header file. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libck-dev Description-md5: 8e8ec05cd2e7cd3ab81fc0dda2ea574c Description-zh_CN: Concurrency Kit (development) The Concurrency Kit library implements concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures for the research, design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclang-14-dev Description-md5: 3a988afa6f5c509e28d022ca8d2643e4 Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-14. Package: libclang-15-dev Description-md5: e36d08060140464d291042b94e0b1096 Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-15. Package: libclang-16-dev Description-md5: fd87f4b955aacfb98d5a260d532303ea Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-16. Package: libclang-17-dev Description-md5: 6610a455f274f6950183a3829f91231d Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-17. Package: libclang-18-dev Description-md5: 96c5b47e666f63fe785f241b617bfbb9 Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-18. Package: libclang-19-dev Description-md5: ae144ace7105bacb6cceb4728ea7abf2 Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-19. Package: libclang-common-14-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-common-15-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-common-16-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-common-17-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-common-18-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-common-19-dev Description-md5: c70051d53e23270c29353f55183e81aa Description-zh_CN: Clang library - Common development package Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang generic headers. Package: libclang-cpp-dev Description-md5: f7218d303382245359abcabb39989527 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the clang library Clang 项目是一个用于 LLVM 编译器的 C、C++、Objective C 和 Objective C++ 前 端。它的目标是提供 GNU 编译器集合(GCC)的替代品。 . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This is a dependency package providing the default Clang C++ library. Package: libclang-cpp14-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-cpp14t64 Description-md5: 8acc7c5b41666c14f1ef5e79310225e6 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. Package: libclang-cpp15-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-cpp15t64 Description-md5: 8acc7c5b41666c14f1ef5e79310225e6 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. Package: libclang-cpp16-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-cpp16t64 Description-md5: 8acc7c5b41666c14f1ef5e79310225e6 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. Package: libclang-cpp17-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-cpp17t64 Description-md5: 8acc7c5b41666c14f1ef5e79310225e6 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. Package: libclang-cpp18-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-cpp19 Description-md5: 8acc7c5b41666c14f1ef5e79310225e6 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. Package: libclang-cpp19-dev Description-md5: f5afea2f6b71ba0705e995aaab21eef9 Description-zh_CN: C++ interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang C++ library. . The C++ Interface to Clang provides an API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already- parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang- based development tools. . This package contains symlinks without a version number, which needed by linker at build time. Package: libclang-dev Description-md5: 43006e729c657afd63c436b78df919e0 Description-zh_CN: clang library - Development package Clang 项目是一个用于 LLVM 编译器的 C、C++、Objective C 和 Objective C++ 前 端。它的目标是提供 GNU 编译器集合(GCC)的替代品。 . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This is a dependency package providing the default libclang libraries and headers. Package: libclang1 Description-md5: 5f22ced7ed5c72e12f64d024bcfd161c Description-zh_CN: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) Clang 项目是一个用于 LLVM 编译器的 C、C++、Objective C 和 Objective C++ 前 端。它的目标是提供 GNU 编译器集合(GCC)的替代品。 . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This is a dependency package providing the default clang libraries. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-14t64 Description-md5: 6fbabc5fd121a4ff6b254de59627b6de Description-zh_CN: C interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang library. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-15t64 Description-md5: 6fbabc5fd121a4ff6b254de59627b6de Description-zh_CN: C interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang library. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-16t64 Description-md5: 6fbabc5fd121a4ff6b254de59627b6de Description-zh_CN: C interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang library. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-17t64 Description-md5: 6fbabc5fd121a4ff6b254de59627b6de Description-zh_CN: C interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang library. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-19 Description-md5: 6fbabc5fd121a4ff6b254de59627b6de Description-zh_CN: C interface to the Clang library Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang 实现了 ISO C++ 1998、11、14 和 17 标准的全部内容,并支持 C++20 的大部分 内 容。 . This package contains the Clang library. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclblas-dev Description-md5: 00f4d1a64a85fec5c7e4f69308ec363e Description-zh_CN: development files for clBLAS This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libcleri-dev Description-md5: 5dd663feaa3ebef681a81e7536382d96 Description-zh_CN: language parser library - development files Libcleri is a powerful tool to build languages. From a built language, libcleri can automatically create parse trees, which are data structures representing how a grammar matches input. It also provides feedback in case the input does not match the language. This can be useful for auto- completion, suggestions or error handling. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclfft-dev Description-md5: db93c1d801542a556a61eafb22afb75e Description-zh_CN: development files for clFFT The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libcloudflare-ddns-dev Description-md5: bcb38649f247efbf84f3f7c149540629 Description-zh_CN: dynamically update a DNS record using Cloudflare - development files cloudflare-ddns is a oneshot program: you run it, it updates the DNS record, and it terminates. This uses Cloudflare's API, so to run the tool you'll need an API token and the Zone ID of the DNS zone that you want to update. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcloudflare-ddns2 Description-md5: c563b701c208ebcac42a98293cdf7a09 Description-zh_CN: dynamically update a DNS record using Cloudflare - runtime library cloudflare-ddns is a oneshot program: you run it, it updates the DNS record, and it terminates. This uses Cloudflare's API, so to run the tool you'll need an API token and the Zone ID of the DNS zone that you want to update. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcloudproviders-dev Description-md5: 23f6fd2d428a71fbd30126a50523c2c0 Description-zh_CN: cloud provider library - development files libcloudproviders is a glib based library that makes it easier to implement a cloud provider server or client. . libcloudproviders also provides a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose their services. Clients such as file managers and desktop environments can then provide integrated access to the cloud providers services. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclutter-1.0-dev Description-md5: d2f107ca493c4c999db05729a9a06672 Description-zh_CN: Open GL based interactive canvas library (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclutter-gst-3.0-dev Description-md5: 226f3bbc8ad7bee2e20aa688dabd66d8 Description-zh_CN: Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev Description-md5: e9e6bec0e5d64d1155b64afd7e289839 Description-zh_CN: Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (development files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-dev Description-md5: 24fa9592ecad42c20640222f67cafb39 Description-zh_CN: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (dev. files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcm256cc-dev Description-md5: 9d7d1230c8a567a9eb3e6b59f216eb8c Description-zh_CN: Fast GF(256) Cauchy MDS Block Erasure Codec in C++ (headers) cm256cc is a simple library for erasure codes. From given data it generates redundant data that can be used to recover the originals. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libcmark0.30.2 Description-md5: d7f8ff62ddee259bf6993bbe822783a6 Description-zh_CN: CommonMark parsing and rendering library cmark is the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. . cmark parses almost as fast as sundown and hoedown (but safer and less buggy), about 3 times faster than discount, and about 100 times faster than kramdown and pandoc. Memory consumption is on par with sundown and about 10 times less than pandoc. . cmark outputs HTML, groff man, LaTeX, CommonMark, and a custom XML format. . Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libcmtspeechdata0t64 Description-md5: ab1b77342d609182065a449fbdd0732a Description-zh_CN: modem speech data handling library libcmtspeechdata is the userspace side for Nokia's CMT Speech Data SSI protocol. The library provides an application interface for implementing the speech data path for cellular voice calls. IT does not contain any functionality for setting up and managing the call signaling path. . The library will access the hardware using /dev/cmt_speech. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcollectdclient1t64 Description-md5: d7728be60ea0a78c5c3ec23914fc235c Description-zh_CN: client library for collectd's control interface libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration with other applications such as monitoring solutions. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcolpack0t64 Description-md5: ce8c41393ac4ac3098ecef1288137ee9 Description-zh_CN: Specialized graph vertex coloring library, shared library ColPack is a package comprising of implementation of algorithms for specialized vertex coloring problems that arise in sparse derivative computation. It is written in an object-oriented fashion heavily using the Standard Template Library (STL). It is designed to be simple, modular, extenable and efficient. Its primary application has been for use in automatic differentiation. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libcom-dev Description-md5: e42292d4b9d8a828f0d2394cd38d88fa Description-zh_CN: EPICS common library (headers) EPICS is the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System. Common library used by all other EPICS building blocks. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libcontactcache-qt5-dev Description-md5: c0c4589c124fc29b0a3093d0834f0e36 Description-zh_CN: Development files for libcontactcache-qt5 This library acts as a middle layer between the QtPIM QtContacts SQLite engine and client components and provides a data cache. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libcootapi-dev Description-md5: 001d949ff94b63c93a82d3ba9bd4f3d3 Description-zh_CN: development files for libcoot Coot is an interactive program for fitting atomic models to crystallographic electron density maps. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcork-dev Description-md5: b2722278e02478286ee8860eaebfb5d0 Description-zh_CN: simple, easily embeddable, cross-platform C library (development files) It falls roughly into the same category as glib or APR in the C world; the STL, POCO, or QtCore in the C++ world; or the standard libraries of any decent dynamic language. . So if libcork has all of these comparables, why a new library? Well, none of the C++ options are really applicable here. And none of the C options work, because one of the main goals is to have the library be highly modular, and useful in resource-constrained systems. You’ll hopefully see how this fits into an interesting niche of its own. . 本软件包提供库的 C 语言头文件。 Package: libcoverart-dev Description-md5: 80497e46a694262184de4ab729fdd78d Description-zh_CN: library to access the Cover Art Archive (development files) The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcoverartcc1v5 Description-md5: 5d59323f82da02a6fd971486323f228d Description-zh_CN: library to access the Cover Art Archive The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcpp-hocon0.3.0t64 Description-md5: f6edb9663eb6d95a1fe1de85e4545479 Description-zh_CN: C++ port of the TypesafeConfig library -- shared libraries cpp-hocon is a port of the TypsafeConfig library to C++. It provides support for the HOCON configuration file format. HOCON aims to keep the semantics (tree structure; set of types; encoding/escaping) from JSON, but make it more convenient as a human-editable config file format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcppdb-dev Description-md5: 0573fa71daea8d9e93749efac010165a Description-zh_CN: SQL Connectivity Library (development files) CppDB is an SQL connectivity library that is designed to provide platform and Database independent connectivity API similarly to what JDBC, ODBC and other connectivity libraries do. . This library is developed as part of CppCMS Project - the C++ Web Development Framework. . CppDB was designed with following goals in the mind: - Performance is the primary goal - make fastest possible SQL connectivity as possible - Transparent connection pooling support - Transparent prepared statements caching - Dynamic DB modules loading and optional static linking - Full and high priority support of FOSS RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 - Support as many RDBMSs as possible via cppdb-odbc bridge - Simplicity in use - Locale safety - Support of both explicit verbose API and brief and nice syntactic sugar . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcpu-ocaml Description-md5: d41dd9dab854a0e7b6b0331e944312c2 Description-zh_CN: Pin current process to given core number (runtime) This library can also get the number of CPU cores online. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libcpu-ocaml-dev Description-md5: da95c568ae6066a59b0a35ae8b5921de Description-zh_CN: Pin current process to given core number (development) This library can also get the number of CPU cores online. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcpucycles1 Description-md5: e66c380e270b28389593229143c7e013 Description-zh_CN: library for counting CPU cycles libcpucycles provides a simple API to access hardware precise timers to understand and improve software performance. . libcpucycles understands machine-level cycle counters for most architectures. libcpucycles also understands common OS-level mechanisms, which give varying levels of accuracy. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcreg1t64 Description-md5: aa6d84ed2adc84221eeba6cd2a653684 Description-zh_CN: llibrary to access Windows 9x/Me Registry files libcreg is a library to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File (CREG) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcsv3 Description-md5: a13b55cfd52ca635e7300676cab0b75b Description-zh_CN: CSV parser and writer library The CSV library provides a flexible, intuitive interface for parsing and writing CSV data. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcubature-dev Description-md5: d1357bf7e7840989640bea911af52ffe Description-zh_CN: Multi-dimensional adaptive integration (cubature) in C This is a simple C package for adaptive multidimensional integration (cubature) of vector-valued integrands over hypercubes. Of course, it can handle scalar integrands as the special case where f is a one-dimensional vector: the dimensionalities of f and x are independent. The integrand can be evaluated for an array of points at once to enable easy parallelization. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcubature0 Description-md5: 2b9230a2145379f7d32c0e37c16f5e08 Description-zh_CN: Multi-dimensional adaptive integration (cubature) in C (shared lib) This is a simple C package for adaptive multidimensional integration (cubature) of vector-valued integrands over hypercubes. Of course, it can handle scalar integrands as the special case where f is a one-dimensional vector: the dimensionalities of f and x are independent. The integrand can be evaluated for an array of points at once to enable easy parallelization. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcubeb-dev Description-md5: ad92d651759de0fffc00bee499649ca0 Description-zh_CN: cross platform audio library - development files cubeb is a cross platform audio library most notable for its use as the audio backend within Gecko, Mozilla's browser engine. It supports multiple audio backends and allows enumeration of audio devices and opening audio streams with control over latency, sample rate and more. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcubeb0 Description-md5: 2f0f8adae4aaa7bcc41e952829ed05c2 Description-zh_CN: cross platform audio library cubeb is a cross platform audio library most notable for its use as the audio backend within Gecko, Mozilla's browser engine. It supports multiple audio backends and allows enumeration of audio devices and opening audio streams with control over latency, sample rate and more. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcvd-dev Description-md5: ad32a75a9f095bf131100209d0a9c76b Description-zh_CN: C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing - devel files libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis is on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing function. The library is designed in a loosely-coupled manner, so that parts can be used easily in isolation if the whole library is not required. The video grabbing module provides a simple, uniform interface for videos from a variety of sources (live and recorded) and allows easy access to the raw pixel data. Likewise, the image loading/saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images. The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting SSE. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libcvd2 Description-md5: cca0e18db672c85f1d8b2adaf362f068 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing - shared library libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis is on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing function. The library is designed in a loosely-coupled manner, so that parts can be used easily in isolation if the whole library is not required. The video grabbing module provides a simple, uniform interface for videos from a variety of sources (live and recorded) and allows easy access to the raw pixel data. Likewise, the image loading/saving module provides simple, uniform interfaces for loading and saving images from bitmaps to 64 bit per channel RGBA images. The image processing routines can be applied easily to images and video, and accelerated versions exist for platforms supporting SSE. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libcwidget-dev Description-md5: d5195ade0a17480093dcedac51daaa4e Description-zh_CN: high-level terminal interface library for C++ (development files) libcwidget 是一个模仿 GTK+ 和 QT 的现代用户界面库,它使用 curses 作为显 示层,包含为终端环境定制的组件。 . This package contains files that are needed to write or compile software that uses libcwidget. . WARNING: this is a newly created library whose development is closely tied to the development of aptitude. Its API may be incomplete and is likely to change considerably version-over-version! You may want to avoid cwidget for stable projects. Package: libcwidget-doc Description-md5: c6b9ff80fc177d60deb9717229781d19 Description-zh_CN: high-level terminal interface library for C++ (documentation) libcwidget 是一个模仿 GTK+ 和 QT 的现代用户界面库,它使用 curses 作为显 示层,包含为终端环境定制的组件。 . This package contains documentation for libcwidget, in HTML format. Package: libcwidget4 Description-md5: 25817f3f038c1f33b9d63aafe32c6d75 Description-zh_CN: 高级终端界面 C++ 库 (运行时库) libcwidget 是一个模仿 GTK+ 和 QT 的现代用户界面库,它使用 curses 作为显 示层,包含为终端环境定制的组件。 . 这个包含有运行基于 libcwidget 的程序所需的文件。 Package: libcxx-serial1 Description-md5: acb10d3101a2f53dc56121c2c50c125a Description-zh_CN: Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++ (runtime) A cross-platform library for interfacing with rs-232 serial like ports written in C++. It provides a modern C++ interface with a workflow designed to look and feel like PySerial, but with the speed and control provided by C++. . The upstream package name is serial. The Debian package is named cxx- serial to avoid a name conflict. . Serial is a class that provides the basic interface common to serial libraries (open, close, read, write, etc..) and requires no extra dependencies. It also provides tight control over timeouts and control over handshaking lines. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libdaq2t64 Description-md5: 5da3c6fd4e43716890fdc58b8ecf75f9 Description-zh_CN: Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - shared library DAQ is a library that introduces an abstraction layer to PCAP functions facilitation operation in a variety of hardware and software interfaces. . It was written for Snort but it may be useful to other packet processing applicatons. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdawgdic-dev Description-md5: a297222ddbc5f20a232a989473a5c5f8 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for DAWG dictionaries dawgdic is a C++ library for building and accessing dictionaries implemented with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdazzle-1.0-dev Description-md5: b48c71bec47ce72850cd350fa332840b Description-zh_CN: feature-filled library for GTK+ and GObject - development files libdazzle provides additional features for GTK+ and GObject. A wide range of components from utilities for GIO, widgets for GTK+, an animation framework, state machines, paneling and high-performance counters are included. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdb1-compat Description-md5: d001f03b619821355f101baa08503f8c Description-zh_CN: Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.1 compatibility] libdb 是在 Berkeley 开发的一个用来操作数据库文件的函数库。 . It supports three kinds of file formats: * btree. A representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure. * hashed. An extensible, dynamic hashing scheme. * UNIX file oriented. A byte stream file with fixed or variable length records. . 该函数库是用来保持与旧有的、用 glibc 2.0 或 2.1 编译的应用程序的兼容性。不提供对应的开发包。开发新的应用程序时不要链接此函数库! Package: libdbus-java Description-md5: d000cc99d2cea03dd7e07a376855eb65 Description-zh_CN: simple interprocess messaging system (Java implementation) D-Bus 是一个消息总线,用户在应用程序间发送消息。从概念上说,在复杂性方面, 它介于原始套接字和 CORBA 之间。 . This package provides an implementation of D-Bus in Java (Library). . See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general. Package: libdbusada-dev Description-md5: e534de497c9d30099021803caf28f768 Description-zh_CN: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdbusada0.6.1 Description-md5: 76b6bead0c97d33ddc02d70b881bbf42 Description-zh_CN: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system (runtime) The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdbuskit0 Description-md5: 5869e325ba660772d286def5e85c79fb Description-zh_CN: GNUstep framework that interfaces with D-Bus (runtime library) The DBusKit framework offers tight integration of D-Bus services into Objective-C applications. It handles all low-level details of communication with D-Bus daemons and the services connected to them and exposes an interface similar to Distributed Objects to make it easy for Objective-C programmers to access D-Bus services. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libdbusmenu-lxqt0 Description-md5: daa06854f271ded94e0c6e39cc60ddaf Description-zh_CN: Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This library provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol. . The DBusMenu protocol makes it possible for applications to export and import their menus over DBus. . This package provides the libdbusmenu-lxqt2 shared library. Package: libdbusmenu-lxqt0-dev Description-md5: bfaa9baa99bfaa3234a4308682bc56dd Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for LXQt desktop environment (dev) LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This library provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol. . The DBusMenu protocol makes it possible for applications to export and import their menus over DBus. . This package contain the development files. Package: libdbustest1 Description-md5: 7b56c1f53e354c79274870518d081b3c Description-zh_CN: Runs tests under a new DBus session (shared library) A simple little executable for running a couple of programs under a new DBus session. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libdca-utils Description-md5: f53fd659c33381ef4506c158999fa4b0 Description-zh_CN: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (utilities) libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: libdca0 Description-md5: 3cbddecdb76379cb54b631a152b6f454 Description-zh_CN: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libddccontrol-dev Description-md5: 73cb190571d55a4ec0b6822fcea3a7de Description-zh_CN: development files for ddccontrol DDCcontrol is a tool used to control monitor parameters, like brightness and contrast, without using the OSD (On Screen Display) and the buttons in front of the monitor. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdde-network-utils-dev Description-md5: 75d4ac7871a9f7519c4b017cbb048936 Description-zh_CN: DDE network utilities library (development files) dde-network-utils contains network utilities library for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdde-network-utils1 Description-md5: 43b579930d5840bde1e91db39d89f504 Description-zh_CN: Dbus network intermediate layer of DDE dde-network-utils contains network utilities library for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdds0 Description-md5: 2e4ab36b3bcae4d88795f19fdfc6fcbd Description-zh_CN: bridge double dummy solver - shared library dds is a double dummy solver for Bridge. It computes the optimal line of play for a deal, with all hands open (both sides dummy). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libde265-examples Description-md5: dc909b8ac26774d5fca6b1438e2d9dec Description-zh_CN: Open H.265 video codec implementation - examples libde265 是 H.265 视频编码的开源实现。它以纯 C 语言从头编写以确保简洁和效率。其简单的 API 使其容易集成进其它软件中。 . Sample applications using libde265 are provided by this package. Package: libdeal.ii-9.5.1 Description-md5: 0c8668bb5606f7acd1d570172d38f180 Description-zh_CN: Finite Element Differential Equations Analysis Library deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libdeal.ii-dev Description-md5: 5a369645e90c8f66b985eb03e4c7a0db Description-zh_CN: Differential Equations Analysis Library - development files deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdebconf-kde-dev Description-md5: fe6bdc3b07598081248c038c3584076b Description-zh_CN: Development headers for the Debconf KDE library Debconf KDE 为一个图形用户界面库,用于在基于 Qt 的应用程序中内置 Debconf 前端。 Debconf 为一个用于 Debian 软件包的配置管理系统,可以在安装时与用户交互并向 用户提出问题。 本库用 C++ 编写。Apper 和 Muon 用了本库以将 Debconf 对话框嵌入其中。 . This package contains the development headers for the Debconf KDE library Package: libdebconf-kde1 Description-md5: 6d709e53d007cf6cd8cd4f6125992e4f Description-zh_CN: Debconf KDE GUI library Debconf KDE 为一个图形用户界面库,用于在基于 Qt 的应用程序中内置 Debconf 前端。 Debconf 为一个用于 Debian 软件包的配置管理系统,可以在安装时与用户交互并向 用户提出问题。 本库用 C++ 编写。Apper 和 Muon 用了本库以将 Debconf 对话框嵌入其中。 . This package contains the Debconf KDE library Package: libdevhelp-dev Description-md5: 7b49d3b0b0dd45d57e9ee7c132199c03 Description-zh_CN: Library providing documentation browser functionality (development) This library provides embedable widgets from the Devhelp program to be integrated in tools like the Anjuta IDE for browsing API reference documentation. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdevil-dev Description-md5: c9fd4a7519ab820246d2102717804209 Description-zh_CN: Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's toolkit which can load, save and convert a wide variety of image formats. It also offers basic manipulation and filtering capabilities. . DevIL presents a simple programming interface similar to OpenGL's, which is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of the images is left to the developer. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdfp-dev Description-md5: 24189fadff2ad4cba63d09ae22a9434b Description-zh_CN: decimal floating point library (runtime) The "Decimal Floating Point C Library" is an implementation of ISO/IEC Technical report "ISO/IEC TR 24732" which describes the C-Language library routines necessary to provide the C library runtime support for decimal floating point data types introduced in IEEE 754-2008, namely _Decimal32, _Decimal64, and _Decimal128. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdframeworkdbus-dev Description-md5: b9f8c7c443aedea29ad24c3a7d244cf5 Description-zh_CN: Qt DBus interface library for Deepin software (development files) Libdframeworkdbus provides Qt DBus interface for various Deepin software. It centralizes DBus-related code into single library for Deepin software written in Qt and get itself generated from handwritten XML DBus interface descriptions. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package provides development header files for libdframeworkdbus. Package: libdframeworkdbus2 Description-md5: 87fd2292d3c7e6dbe335f6983d692ef3 Description-zh_CN: Qt DBus interface library for Deepin software (shared library) Libdframeworkdbus provides Qt DBus interface for various Deepin software. It centralizes DBus-related code into single library for Deepin software written in Qt and get itself generated from handwritten XML DBus interface descriptions. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdfx-dev Description-md5: 12b89f0d398d77c8bb6e1461952243a3 Description-zh_CN: library to configure Programmable Logic on Xilinx FPGAs - development files libdfx provides a lightweight userspace library offering APIs for applications to configure payloads running on the Programmable Logic part of Xilinx FPGAs. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdialog15 Description-md5: aac51d0d8c66fc6d7aecce23901f9f77 Description-zh_CN: Displays user-friendly dialog boxes -- shared library The dialog application provides a method of displaying several different types of dialog boxes from shell scripts. This allows a developer of a script to interact with the user in a much friendlier manner. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdico2t64 Description-md5: eaaf55d14ffda8e0d48423b9a7314451 Description-zh_CN: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (shared library) GNU Dico is an implementation of the DICT protocol as defined in RFC 2229. It is fully modular: the daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, and knows nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdigidoc-dev Description-md5: 1c9db0e916a5e10894d4f94a44a06553 Description-zh_CN: DigiDoc digital signature development files DigiDoc is an XML file format for documents with digital signatures in use by the Estonian ID card infrastructure. This library allows for creation and reading of DigiDoc files. . This library implements a subset of the XAdES digital signature standard on top of Estonian-specific .ddoc container format. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdisasm-dev Description-md5: 0f0b6d103853173da7ee76a95313e2f4 Description-zh_CN: disassembler library for x86 code (development files) Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard disassembler. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdislocker0-dev Description-md5: d568b9036ff05d749a1fd118799d6f82 Description-zh_CN: read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes (development files) Dislocker has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under a Linux system. The driver used to read volumes encrypted in Windows system versions of the Vista to 10 and BitLocker-To-Go encrypted partitions, that's USB/FAT32 partitions. . The software works with driver composed of a library, with multiple binaries using this library. Decrypting the partition, you have to give it a mount point where, once keys are decrypted, a file named dislocker-file appears. This file is a virtual NTFS partition, so you can mount it as any NTFS partition and then read from or write to it. Writing to the NTFS virtual file will change the underlying BitLocker partition content. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdistlib-java-doc Description-md5: 1b93fc18024a550ac885e9b7c781c84a Description-zh_CN: Java library of statistical distribution functions (documentation) This is a library written in Java, providing probability density function, cumulative distribution function, quantiles and random variate generation for several common statistical distributions. . 本软件包提供了软件库的文档。 Package: libdistorm3-dev Description-md5: 63370da20cc5d7d6e0f6c293cd934326 Description-zh_CN: powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (development files) diStorm3 is a binary stream disassembler library project. . With diStorm3, no more parsing strings is needed. diStorm3 is really a decomposer, which means it takes an instruction and returns a binary structure which describes it rather than static text. This is great for advanced binary code analysis. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dev Description-md5: 9807af0385045a5238b50424f0acce03 Description-zh_CN: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (development files) dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna- server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task management and an IPC abstraction API. . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdmlc-dev Description-md5: c33edb6a80399f1e3a41a423e91a168d Description-zh_CN: Distributed Machine Learning Common Codebase (dev) DMLC-Core is the backbone library to support all DMLC projects, offers the bricks to build efficient and scalable distributed machine learning libraries. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdmr-dev Description-md5: 1e51654244aa61c328d13fd7d3ed3297 Description-zh_CN: Deepin movie player - widget library (development files) Deepin Movie provides an intuitive easy to use operation interface and rich complete shortcuts. You can complete all play operations by keyboard, which will make you thoroughly get rid of the constraint of mouse click. Video files in various formats can be played through Deepin Movie, and you can use the streaming function to easily enjoy online video resources. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains the header files for the widget library. Package: libdmr0.1 Description-md5: 35ee971a9070e4f2351927007354b6e2 Description-zh_CN: Deepin movie player - widget library Deepin Movie provides an intuitive easy to use operation interface and rich complete shortcuts. You can complete all play operations by keyboard, which will make you thoroughly get rid of the constraint of mouse click. Video files in various formats can be played through Deepin Movie, and you can use the streaming function to easily enjoy online video resources. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains the widget library. Package: libdnswire-dev Description-md5: ba8cab2f7c153d0bae4582bb9afd25ed Description-zh_CN: DNS encapsulations and transporting (development) dnswire is a C library for encoding/decoding different DNS encapsulations and transporting them over different protocols. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdocopt-dev Description-md5: 3b951919bd25cd6fa2c3424528691856 Description-zh_CN: development files for docopt.cpp With docopt, the option parser is generated based on the program's docstring. docopt parses the usage pattern ("Usage: ...") and option descriptions (lines starting with dash "-") and ensures that the program invocation matches the usage pattern. It parses options, arguments and commands based on that. The basic idea is that a good help message has all necessary information in it to make a parser. . This is a port of the docopt Python module to C++ with a focus on maintaining full feature parity (and code structure) as the original. The differences from the Python port are: . - The addition of a docopt_parse function, which does not terminate the program on error a docopt::value type to hold the various value types that can be parsed. . - Because C++ is statically-typed and Python is not, some changes were made to the interfaces of the internal parse tree types. . - Because std::regex does not have an equivalent to Python's regex.split, some of the regex's had to be restructured and additional loops used. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdolfin-dev Description-md5: 3d79ecc23d1ab64df6bd61a89fc7d93e Description-zh_CN: Shared links and development files for DOLFIN DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . 本包包含开发文件。 . This is the legacy version of DOLFIN, you may want to install the next- generation libdolfinx-dev (DOLFIN-X) instead. Package: libdolfin-dev-common Description-md5: 102fedefc8f65414f2ef972f4bdbee89 Description-zh_CN: Common header files for DOLFIN DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . This package contains the common development header files. . This is the legacy version of DOLFIN, you may want to install the next- generation libdolfinx-dev (DOLFIN-X) instead. Package: libdolfin2019.2t64 Description-md5: 36b945ea393f2c4a8fe500c27fbbb1a7 Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for DOLFIN DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libdolfin64-2019.2t64 Description-md5: 9b05d589a0e6b372aaec1d227313cf71 Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for DOLFIN (64-bit indexing) DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . This package contains the shared libraries for DOLFIN built against 64-bit PETSc (64-bit indexing). Package: libdolfin64-dev Description-md5: c32a0d365a083bb480ef0d2cb6a101a6 Description-zh_CN: Shared links and dev files for DOLFIN (64-bit indexing) DOLFIN 是 FEniCS 项目(针对微分方程的自动求解)的 Python 和 C++ 接口,该项目 对常微分方程和偏微分方程提供一致的问题求解环境(PSE,Problem Solving Environment)。主要特点包括:简单一致直观的面向对象的 API;各种变化形式的 自动有效评估;线性系统的自动有效整合;支持有限元的常规类型。 . This package contains the development files for DOLFIN built against 64-bit PETSc (64-bit indexing). . This is the legacy version of DOLFIN, you may want to install the next- generation libdolfinx-dev (DOLFIN-X) instead. Package: libdolphinvcs-dev Description-md5: 0c2725163913bb53a6b02e03f558e699 Description-zh_CN: library to show version control in Dolphin - development files This library enables developers to expand Dolphin with the ability to show version control status in directories that are version controlled. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdovi-dev Description-md5: 56d1cfdef6dbd24e2a30a373f6509a6b Description-zh_CN: read and write Dolby Vision metadata (development files) Dolby Vision is a format for high dynamic range (HDR) video. The libdovi library provides functonality to read and write Dolby Vision metadata. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdovi3 Description-md5: b45d18877b74d0eda1d9e92583084d2e Description-zh_CN: read and write Dolby Vision metadata (shared library) Dolby Vision is a format for high dynamic range (HDR) video. The libdovi library provides functonality to read and write Dolby Vision metadata. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdrpm0 Description-md5: 34224c1221e68badabb1b85b952797d1 Description-zh_CN: library for handling deltarpm packages The libdrpm package provides a library for making, reading and applying deltarpms, compatible with the original deltarpm packages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdrumstick-dev Description-md5: f4ece13090fa9e628f1eddcb0279a620 Description-zh_CN: Qt6/C++ wrapper for ALSA Sequencer (development files) This library is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface, using Qt6 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. Complementary classes for RMI and WRK file processing are also included. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdsdcc-dev Description-md5: b6fc8b4e8eec8b2dc20496ef934f722f Description-zh_CN: Digital Speech Decoder (DSD) (headers) DSDcc is a digital speech decoder. Supported formats: . * DMR/MOTOTRBO: ETSI two slot TDMA standard. MOTOTRBO is a popular implementation of this standard. * D-Star: developed and promoted by Icom for Amateur Radio customers. * dPMR: ETSI narrowband FDMA standard. This is somehow similar to NXDN 2400 Baud rate mode. * Yaesu System Fusion (abbreviated YSF): developed and promoted by Yaesu for Amateur Radio customers partly inspired by gr-ysf. Voice full rate with SerialDV is not supported. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libdsocksd0t64 Description-md5: d1115b2ae9e797f60805929af09e766b Description-zh_CN: SOCKS library preloaded in user applications Dante 是一款会话层防火墙和代理。只需要运行 Dante 的服务器能访问外网,它就能提供 便捷、安全的网络连接,访问多种类型的主机。 . This package provides the Dante library that will be preloaded by the socksify tool. Package: libdssialsacompat-dev Description-md5: 63e7ef55df157e128da533b9e742e192 Description-zh_CN: DSSI ALSA compatibility library (development files) libdssialsacompat is simply an extraction from and repackaging of the code from alsa-lib, necessary to support DSSI on non-ALSA systems. . libdssialsacompat is intended to provide the snd_seq_event_t declarations and handling code necessary to compile and use DSSI on non-ALSA systems. It aims to allows compiling DSSI code with as little change as possible, while not presenting itself in such a way as to fool other autoconf- enabled code into thinking a system has ALSA. . This library does NOT provide any sort of emulation of the ALSA audio, MIDI, or sequencer devices. The only part of ALSA that is required by the DSSI specification is the snd_seq_event_t definition and handling, and that is all libdssialsacompat is intended to replace. Other ALSA code should be ported to native facilities. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libdtkcommon Description-md5: a20a1fc0a8425173ed0fab166ff8fc3e Description-zh_CN: DTK common files dtkcommon contains a collection of common files (schemas, configs) for settings shared by dtk libraries. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdtkcommon-dev Description-md5: c82fdd6432ad287a6587eae99500e462 Description-zh_CN: DTK common dev files dtkcommon contains a collection of common files (schemas, configs) for settings shared by dtk libraries. . This package provides public build-related files. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdtkcore-dev Description-md5: d42691c2630431f59fe1fddfceb9665f Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Core library (development files) DtkCore is a base library for Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains the header files and static libraries of DtkCore. Package: libdtkcore5 Description-md5: 2d19e9c4f645cbb2110c8ebcef0fcfdd Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Core library DtkCore is a base library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libdtkcore5-bin Description-md5: b352d5da70e89a0d6c6022e44e737a1c Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Core library (utilities) DtkCore is a base devel library for Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains various command-line utilities used by Deepin Tool Kit and other Deepin software. Some tools were originally provided by DtkSettings. Package: libdtkgui-dev Description-md5: c3b10b82bc193c3039bacacdcfc338f2 Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Gui library (development files) DtkGui provides the base devel library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdtkgui5 Description-md5: 562da207ac4323507d8c18af32125128 Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Gui library DtkGui provides the base devel library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . This package provides the shared library files. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdtkgui5-bin Description-md5: a9c2a98611715ca681805702745340fd Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Gui utilities DtkGui provides the base devel library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . This package provides the utilities of DtkGui. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libdtkwidget-dev Description-md5: bc42ec1614329895d363e14d1e0317e3 Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Widget library (development files) DtkWidget is the Deepin graphical user interface library for deepin desktop development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains the header files and static libraries which are needed for developing Deepin application. Package: libdtkwidget5 Description-md5: 1645e3b1fbb7ee00d6ba6a76f4c1c93d Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Widget library DtkWidget is the Deepin graphical user interface library for deepin desktop development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libdtkwidget5-bin Description-md5: f32aad41bc7e5b6e48729485c440104a Description-zh_CN: Deepin Tool Kit Widget library utilities DtkWidget is the Deepin graphical user interface library for deepin desktop development. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 . This package contains the utilities which are needed for developing Deepin applications. Package: libdumbnet1 Description-md5: a919b0efb8533e559a5321cb77fd29e1 Description-zh_CN: dumb, portable networking library -- shared library libdumbnet provides a simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines, including * network address manipulation * kernel arp(4) cache and route(4) table lookup and manipulation * network firewalling (IP filter, ipfw, ipchains, pdf, ...) * network interface lookup and manipulation * raw IP packet and Ethernet frame transmission . libdumbnet is known as libdnet in other distributions, but was renamed in Debian in favour of the older DECnet library 'libdnet'. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libdumbtts-dev Description-md5: 8946984073c7d13b53ac399e778ff9de Description-zh_CN: Helper library for dumb speech synthesizers - dev files This library is used between the Ivona synthesizer and speech-dispatcher. On the other side, it should be as flexible as it can be to generate output texts for every other synthesizer. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdune-functions-dev Description-md5: 3deacdcb722cbfc9d21f7fbb4d727070 Description-zh_CN: toolbox for solving PDEs -- interface for functions (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-functions provides an interface for global finite element functions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdune-grid-glue-dev Description-md5: 5a74c74d9339484f14f7ee1862b40ef4 Description-zh_CN: toolbox for solving PDEs -- compute couplings between grids (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-grid-glue provides infrastructure for the coupling of two unrelated DUNE grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping, conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not required to be of the same type, and they may even be of different dimensions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdune-uggrid-dev Description-md5: 4cc3595f160bf1d2aba339076078ab0d Description-zh_CN: software framework for finite element methods (development files) UG is a flexible software tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations on unstructured meshes, with a focus on multigrid methods. It has a very powerful grid manager, which supports two- and three-dimensional grids with mixed element types. The grids can be adaptively refinement using either classic red/green-refinement, or pure red refinement with hanging nodes. All this is fully parallelized and can run on large distributed machines. . The version in this package has been built with the necessary flags for use with the Dune software system. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdvdnav-dev Description-md5: b7551787c11bf7c45f395189a08987ad Description-zh_CN: DVD navigation library (development) libdvdnav is a DVD navigation library, which provides an interface to the advanced features of DVDs, like menus and navigation. It contains the VM and other parts useful for writing DVD players. It's based on Ogle, but was modified to be used by xine and mplayer. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdvdread-dev Description-md5: b03b977078718f41f1e29f7c3710abc5 Description-zh_CN: library for reading DVDs (development) libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS authentication and descrambling. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdynarmic-dev Description-md5: 440504e11cc760481e9557a18a0744e4 Description-zh_CN: ARM dynamic recompiler - development Dynarmic is a dynamic recompiler for the ARMv6K, ARMv7A architecture, with partial ARMv8 support. . In the pursuit of speed, some behavior not commonly depended upon is elided. Therefore this emulator does not match spec. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libdynarmic6.5 Description-md5: 33759730ee4848839a83aadebe5c2c2b Description-zh_CN: ARM dynamic recompiler Dynarmic is a dynamic recompiler for the ARMv6K, ARMv7A architecture, with partial ARMv8 support. . In the pursuit of speed, some behavior not commonly depended upon is elided. Therefore this emulator does not match spec. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libeac-dev Description-md5: 6b71db6aff267f8adfdfa669256f75db Description-zh_CN: cryptographic library for EAC version 2 (development) OpenPACE implements Extended Access Control (EAC) version 2 as specified in BSI TR-03110. OpenPACE comprises support for the following protocols: . * Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) * Terminal Authentication (TA) * Chip Authentication (CA) . OpenPACE also supports Card Verifiable Certificates (CV Certificates) and signing requests as well as easy to use wrappers for using the established secure channels. . OpenPACE supports all variants of PACE (DH/ECDH, GM/IM), TA (RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5/RSASSA-PSS/ECDSA), CA (DH/ECDH) and all standardised domain parameters (GFP/ECP). . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libebur128-1 Description-md5: 6e3a4a5f7dace48f5ca9ea19e9a28f5e Description-zh_CN: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libebur128-dev Description-md5: c10becc3937fbaf6a351e2058b0f60b0 Description-zh_CN: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard (development files) The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libecl-dev Description-md5: 6731236e7dcdde296046b485ca7e9935 Description-zh_CN: Embeddable Common-Lisp: development files ECL stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp. The ECL project is an effort to modernize Giuseppe Attardi's ECL environment to produce an implementation of the Common-Lisp language which complies to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language. . The current ECL implementation features: * A bytecodes compiler and interpreter. * A translator to C. * A UFFI-compatible interface to C code. * A dynamic loader. * The possibility to build standalone executables and DLLs. * The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS). * Conditions and restarts for handling errors. * Sockets as ordinary streams. * The GNU Multiprecision library for fast bignum operations. * A simple conservative mark & sweep garbage collector. * The Boehm-Weiser garbage collector. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libecl21.2t64 Description-md5: e16c3c22fb80012cb6587fcb5c5ed00a Description-zh_CN: Embeddable Common-Lisp: shared library ECL stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp. The ECL project is an effort to modernize Giuseppe Attardi's ECL environment to produce an implementation of the Common-Lisp language which complies to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language. . The current ECL implementation features: * A bytecodes compiler and interpreter. * A translator to C. * A UFFI-compatible interface to C code. * A dynamic loader. * The possibility to build standalone executables and DLLs. * The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS). * Conditions and restarts for handling errors. * Sockets as ordinary streams. * The GNU Multiprecision library for fast bignum operations. * A simple conservative mark & sweep garbage collector. * The Boehm-Weiser garbage collector. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libecryptfs-dev Description-md5: 4a3b3152a4800ff5cff7d99e69043456 Description-zh_CN: ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (development) eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libedlib1 Description-md5: ec1245b7696c3a8fa39b95d367f54fc7 Description-zh_CN: library for sequence alignment using edit distance A lightweight and super fast C/C++ library for sequence alignment using edit distance. . Calculating edit distance of two strings is as simple as: . edlibAlign("hello", 5, "world!", 6, edlibDefaultAlignConfig()).editDistance; Features . * Calculates edit distance (Levehnstein distance). * It can find optimal alignment path (instructions how to transform first sequence into the second sequence). * It can find just the start and/or end locations of alignment path - can be useful when speed is more important than having exact alignment path. * Supports multiple alignment methods: global(NW), prefix(SHW) and infix(HW), each of them useful for different scenarios. * You can extend character equality definition, enabling you to e.g. have wildcard characters, to have case insensitive alignment or to work with degenerate nucleotides. * It can easily handle small or very large sequences, even when finding alignment path, while consuming very little memory. * Super fast thanks to Myers's bit-vector algorithm. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libee-dev Description-md5: b8877d87aca7e27e85c6fa37e7ed4fa0 Description-zh_CN: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libee0t64 Description-md5: 6b8e7c622d835e6d4cce9b1d9562ad40 Description-zh_CN: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libelemental-dev Description-md5: 3a8b975004531eb09d3e41ad91717afe Description-zh_CN: Periodic Table viewer (development files) gElemental 是一个基于 GTK+ 的元素周期表查看器,提供各种化学元素的详细信息。 . 它会显示一个表格视图,各种元素根据各自的性质以不同颜色显示;还显示一个可排序的列表视图和元素 性质对话框,能显示许多信息,如元素发现历史、热力学参数、电化学性质、结晶学性质等。 . This package contains the development libraries and headers. Package: libelemental-doc Description-md5: dac32fe97d203a74a396a2a407c48124 Description-zh_CN: Periodic Table viewer (API documentation) gElemental 是一个基于 GTK+ 的元素周期表查看器,提供各种化学元素的详细信息。 . 它会显示一个表格视图,各种元素根据各自的性质以不同颜色显示;还显示一个可排序的列表视图和元素 性质对话框,能显示许多信息,如元素发现历史、热力学参数、电化学性质、结晶学性质等。 . This package contains the API documentation. Package: libelemental0t64 Description-md5: 6c096a121ce242d690e031f3054d6f89 Description-zh_CN: Periodic Table viewer (data and shared library) gElemental 是一个基于 GTK+ 的元素周期表查看器,提供各种化学元素的详细信息。 . 它会显示一个表格视图,各种元素根据各自的性质以不同颜色显示;还显示一个可排序的列表视图和元素 性质对话框,能显示许多信息,如元素发现历史、热力学参数、电化学性质、结晶学性质等。 . This package contains the shared library and the data set. Package: libemf2svg-dev Description-md5: f47a07bd32b32d851c10733d79c6a2b7 Description-zh_CN: Enhanced Metafile to SVG conversion library (development files) By themselves, EMF/EMF+ files are rare in the wild. However, they are frequently embedded inside other Microsoft file formats. This project could be used to handle EMF blobs in any Microsoft formats. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libemf2svg1 Description-md5: 0235e92cbdae3150966478ba996e0ac6 Description-zh_CN: Enhanced Metafile to SVG conversion library (shared library) By themselves, EMF/EMF+ files are rare in the wild. However, they are frequently embedded inside other Microsoft file formats. This project could be used to handle EMF blobs in any Microsoft formats. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libenet-dev Description-md5: d58eb807f5e56adb8a00725b091853af Description-zh_CN: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - headers ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liberfa1 Description-md5: 801be880791437c69626051e4b0c175e Description-zh_CN: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). . It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been obtained from the SOFA board. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libesedb1t64 Description-md5: d8bb55d63029328c253f8eae8ea33cca Description-zh_CN: Extensible Storage Engine DB access library libesedb is a library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format. The ESE database format is used in may different applications like Windows Search, Windows Mail, Exchange, Active Directory, etc.. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libevd-0.2-0t64 Description-md5: 27a44130bd5dc46ddf67aa07ab79d5c5 Description-zh_CN: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Shared libraries EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application development. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libevd-0.2-dev Description-md5: a577ad15374685ee2f57d023e15e4ee1 Description-zh_CN: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Development files EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libevdi0-dev Description-md5: 3299a99a67748f4a151a62ea0c08903f Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: libevhtp0t64 Description-md5: 773845cdcfca85a28f16868f2c680ffa Description-zh_CN: Libevent based HTTP API Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that with the following features: . + design as a fully functional HTTP server + HTTP parser able to process data with a low memory footprint + use of regular expressions for routing + out-of-the box HTTPS server . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libevt1t64 Description-md5: cc122b748e37e5ff0ae4970e42bc426f Description-zh_CN: Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library libevt is a library to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libevtx1t64 Description-md5: 9a63fa5ede078195dbbfb5a15696ef03 Description-zh_CN: Windows XML Event Log format access library libevtx is a library to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libewf-dev Description-md5: 449544984548f9f0e22b92d318dcc0eb Description-zh_CN: support for Expert Witness Compression format (development) Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase (EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and FTK Imager. The libewf is useful for forensics investigations. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libexif-gtk-dev Description-md5: bc9409c3bda163ada9a32766e0bdd482 Description-zh_CN: Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags (development files) Most digital cameras produce EXIF files, which are JPEG files with extra tags that contain information about the image. The EXIF library allows you to parse an EXIF file and read the data from those tags. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libexplain-dev Description-md5: e02d622f2b3b87e1c645a1235c59dfad Description-zh_CN: library of system-call-specific strerror repl - development files This package provides a library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors. The library is not quite a drop-in replacement for strerror, but it comes close, with each system call having a dedicated libexplain function. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libextractor-dev Description-md5: e1a21ba194bb73e3905cd5fbfce88fb4 Description-zh_CN: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (development) GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libeztrace-dev Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc Description-zh_CN: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libeztrace0 Description-md5: 72d91f068e85b3fa50d696af4c3a4224 Description-zh_CN: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - runtime libraries EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfabric1 Description-md5: 23efe94450e753061e8395ccfd5a60a0 Description-zh_CN: libfabric communication library Libfabric is a communication library that exports interfaces for fabric services to applications. Libfabric is the core component of the Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI) framework. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libfann2 Description-md5: ab1aecd841f644a4cda85a0d90671d9b Description-zh_CN: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libfarmhash0 Description-md5: 81f990ecca152408561cae38110178e5 Description-zh_CN: FarmHash, a family of hash functions (shared library) FarmHash provides hash functions for strings and other data. The functions mix the input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfathom-dev Description-md5: 912e7bc5291036286d44a1a1a2116a0f Description-zh_CN: Library for probing Syzygy tablebases (development files) Fathom is a stand-alone Syzygy tablebase probing tool. . The aims of Fathom are: - To make it easy to integrate the Syzygy tablebases into existing chess engines. - To make it easy to create stand-alone applications that use the Syzygy tablebases. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfaudio-dev Description-md5: e1aa8fad3c5d4085884bbe480265a0c1 Description-zh_CN: XAudio sound processing reimplementation - development files FAudio is a sound processing library that aims to support fully accurate DirectX audio capabilities including XAudio2, X3DAudio, XAPO, and XACT3. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libfcft4t64 Description-md5: 15a6e28fb72093884f8bf998194a29c0 Description-zh_CN: font loading and glyph rasterization library fcft is a small font loading and glyph rasterization library built on-top of FontConfig, FreeType2 and pixman. . It can load and cache fonts from a fontconfig-formatted name string, e.g. Monospace:size=12, optionally with user configured fallback fonts. . After a font has been loaded, you can rasterize glyphs. When doing so, the primary font is first considered. If it does not have the requested glyph, the user configured fallback fonts (if any) are considered. If none of the user configured fallback fonts has the requested glyph, the FontConfig generated list of fallback fonts are checked. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libfcitx-qt5-1 Description-md5: ebfd86e9ba887136d73a90a0b8298488 Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - D-Bus client libraries for Qt5 Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package contains the following libraries: * libFcitxQt5DBusAddons - D-Bus Addons library for Qt5 * libFcitxQt5WidgetsAddons - Widgets Addons library for Qt5 Package: libfcitx-qt5-data Description-md5: f19b0e574cb6d04f7e3cb8b0b3d4c8e5 Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - data files for Qt5 integration Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package contains data files for fcitx Qt5 integration library and Qt5 frontend. Package: libfcitx-qt5-dev Description-md5: 92e28240b785597369b277d49b86b236 Description-zh_CN: Free Chinese Input Toy of X - Devel files for libfcitx-qt5 Fcitx 是一个带有扩展支持的输入法框架,提供了在程序中使用多种映射系统 输入不同语言字符的接口。 . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt 4/5 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . This package provides the development files of fcitx-qt5. Package: libfcitx5-qt-data Description-md5: 6d3158349c1ddd90f95d75902e7ebbea Description-zh_CN: Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 (data files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the shared data files for fcitx5-qt. Package: libfcitx5-qt-dev Description-md5: 6a909e1bb3c5452a698545fa2dabf76e Description-zh_CN: Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 (development files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the development files for fcitx5-qt. Package: libfcitx5-qt1 Description-md5: 12b1bd85124c08eeced49c6f651ab9b3 Description-zh_CN: Qt library and IM module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Qt5 support for fcitx5. Package: libfcitx5-qt6-1 Description-md5: d142dc5c963b7dcc18f83ad7615f5ccd Description-zh_CN: Qt6 library and IM module for fcitx5 Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the Qt6 support for fcitx5. Package: libfcitx5-qt6-dev Description-md5: cd3ea082437709f8bcbd05f9ca432528 Description-zh_CN: Qt6 library and IM module for fcitx5 (development files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the development files for fcitx5-qt (qt6). Package: libfcitx5config-dev Description-md5: 7dd86eba0c0eff9d692f38ef3f850368 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (config library dev files) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for fcitx5 config libraries. Package: libfcitx5config6 Description-md5: 30910bfd91b437c2949fdf92adaad9a1 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (config library) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides fcitx5 config libraries. Package: libfcitx5core-dev Description-md5: 63d5a06b8d87b83e44118dba0113f1a5 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core library dev files) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for fcitx5 core libraries. Package: libfcitx5core7 Description-md5: 3a4e5f0dbe0725b172ac1e67476f715b Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (core library) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides fcitx5 core libraries. Package: libfcitx5gclient-dev Description-md5: 5952cbb7e6e7f83e7ff61dc7686b8425 Description-zh_CN: GLib-based D-Bus client library for fcitx5 (development files) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the development files for GLib-based D-Bus client library of fcitx5. Package: libfcitx5gclient2 Description-md5: 11a9848d647e5a0bda3cda7285eb52dd Description-zh_CN: GLib-based D-Bus client library for fcitx5 (library) Fcitx5 is the next generation of fcitx input method framework. It provides pleasant and modern input experience with intuitive graphical configuration tools. The framework is highly extensible with support for GTK+ and Qt toolkits, DBus interfaces, a large variety of desktop environments and a developer-friendly API. . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides the GLib-based D-Bus client library of fcitx5. Package: libfcitx5utils-dev Description-md5: acaf3419b64aa7341bd68955b9fa2b94 Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (utils library dev files) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides development files for fcitx5 utils libraries. Package: libfcitx5utils2 Description-md5: 2de0ff473c8868a7773863afd103db4f Description-zh_CN: Fcitx Input Method Framework v5 (utils library) Fcitx5 是下一代 fcitx 输入法框架。它提供了优雅而现代的输入法体验和直观的图形配置工具。框架本身高度可扩展,并提供了对 GTK+ 和 Qt 工具箱的支持、D-Bus 接口、对各种桌面环境的支持和对开发者友好的 API。 . 新功能包括对 Wayland 和 Xorg 的同时支持,以及模拟 IBus 输入法框架的能力,以便于为不同的 Linux 发行版和桌面环境提供更好的兼容性支持。 . This package provides fcitx5 utils libraries. Package: libfcml0t64 Description-md5: 4dead02b2434c37c94f39b5311eb2b0d Description-zh_CN: machine code manipulation library FCML, the Free Code Manipulation Library, is a general-purpose machine code manipulation library for i386 and amd64 architectures. It includes an assembler and disassembler, instruction renderers and parsers, and supports Intel and AT&T (gas) syntax. . It supports most recent instruction set extensions, including MMX, 3D-Now!, SSE including 4.2 and 4A, AVX and AVX2, AES-NI, TBM, BMI1 and BMI2, HLE, ADX, CLMUL, RDRAND, RDSEED, FMA, FMA4, LWP, SVM, XOP, VMX and SMX. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libfduserdata0 Description-md5: 424a66423977b6a9afb1d24c48d8d386 Description-zh_CN: associate file descriptors with user defined data (library) This small library permits one to associate user defined data to file descriptors. This library is thread safe. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libffms2-5 Description-md5: d90fad1dfb5722483bc12a160c84c14e Description-zh_CN: Cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library A cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library, and some additional content for things ffmpeg doesn't handle well. A more friendly API and an easy way to say "open and decompress this, I don't care how". . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfield3d-dev Description-md5: 56d4ad5ba11815908e113f831d546428 Description-zh_CN: development files for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfield3d1.7t64 Description-md5: e97de019bb689caa4919f436eb9be0d2 Description-zh_CN: library for storing voxel data on disk and in memory Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libfilezilla45 Description-md5: 1fdecc8e602cd137efabe2d0a8469850 Description-zh_CN: build high-performing platform-independent programs (runtime lib) Free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: . - A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient - Timers for periodic events - A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources - Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfixposix4t64 Description-md5: 7afa76517aff6ad9069d6df3756787f7 Description-zh_CN: Replacement for inconsistent parts of POSIX (runtime) The purpose of libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX whose behaviour is inconsistent across *NIX flavours. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libflatbuffers-dev Description-md5: 17428d99c2925903b9b2449d73353eec Description-zh_CN: efficient cross platform serialization library - development files FlatBuffer 是一款高效的跨平台序列化库,可用于 C++、C#、C、Go、Java、JavaScript、TypeScript、PHP 和 Python 中。它最初由 Google 创建,以用于游戏开发和其它性能关键的应用程序中。 . This package contains the development headers and static libraries needed for writing C++ applications. Package: libflatbuffers23.5.26 Description-md5: 0cdf8644148ce7dd2ed83b91317562e8 Description-zh_CN: efficient cross platform serialization library - shared library FlatBuffer 是一款高效的跨平台序列化库,可用于 C++、C#、C、Go、Java、JavaScript、TypeScript、PHP 和 Python 中。它最初由 Google 创建,以用于游戏开发和其它性能关键的应用程序中。 . This package contains the runtime library needed for C++ applications. Package: libflightcrew0t64 Description-md5: 4c1c6d0d20e71f9048e88c6709b09a4d Description-zh_CN: C++ library for epub validation FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfluidsynth-dev Description-md5: de826b558da2db2978953232479abd0f Description-zh_CN: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (development files) Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont (sf2 and sf3) specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in real-time to the sound output device. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfluidsynth3 Description-md5: 14e0cd0618b8e41b072bf1535bde2e64 Description-zh_CN: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (runtime library) Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont (sf2 and sf3) specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in real-time to the sound output device. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libfmt9 Description-md5: bf00d7b126b81746ed9bbb189e83fcc1 Description-zh_CN: fast type-safe C++ formatting library -- library This library provides fast, type-safe, small, C++11-aware replacement of (s)printf and related machinery. In some cases it's noticeably faster than boost::format, boost::lexical_cast and even sprintf itself. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfontforge4 Description-md5: 7fc0a418741746f51de0b0dac55807fe Description-zh_CN: font editor - runtime library FontForge 是一个字体编辑器。它可以创建、编辑、转换各种格式的字体,包括 OpenType、TrueType、UFO、CID- keyed、Multiple Master 以及其他格式。 . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libforge-dev Description-md5: b659e0105266543402b63eb5e1a5c88b Description-zh_CN: development files for forge A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libfpath-ocaml Description-md5: d284ab9197a876e0ed0fbf83caf962f0 Description-zh_CN: OCaml library for handling file system paths (runtime) Fpath is an OCaml module for handling file system paths with POSIX or Windows conventions. Fpath processes paths without accessing the file system and is independent from any system library. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libfpath-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bcfbc234daf38f737b180b38b42a9917 Description-zh_CN: OCaml library for handling file system paths (development) Fpath is an OCaml module for handling file system paths with POSIX or Windows conventions. Fpath processes paths without accessing the file system and is independent from any system library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfreesrp0 Description-md5: 96e93ec8ca9e86d7b8c2a0ef7374ef8e Description-zh_CN: Software defined radio support for FreeSRP hardware (library) The FreeSRP has a tuning range from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, uses a 12-bit ADC with a sampling rate of up to 61.44 MSPS, and has a maximum analog filter bandwidth of 56 MHz. It is a full-duplex radio (can transmit & receive at the same time). The main chip in the unit is the fairly expensive (~$150 USD) AD9364 integrated RF transceiver chip and it also comes with a Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA. Furthermore the hardware and code is entirely open source. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfreexl1 Description-md5: 933db35fb093e1c49a0667dc2454586f Description-zh_CN: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfrobby0 Description-md5: 3ca9e69ea7c6890936644cb0722bb3aa Description-zh_CN: Computations with monomial ideals (shared library) Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. . The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfsapfs1t64 Description-md5: b1d8ec52a173a8a14a50d3fcd4c6752b Description-zh_CN: APFS access library libfsapfs is a library to access the Apple File System (APFS). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfsext1t64 Description-md5: d04558416d30d21597e1a58fdb33a6b4 Description-zh_CN: library to access the Extended File System libfsext is a library to access the Extended File System. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfshfs1t64 Description-md5: f728c327c229f89c39816e0aa244040f Description-zh_CN: library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System libfshfs is a library to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System (HFS). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfsntfs1t64 Description-md5: a03d823cd13c0f81ddbc134c6112e6a5 Description-zh_CN: NTFS access library NTFS is the primary file system for Microsoft Windows versions that are based on Windows NT. libfsntfs provides a library and tools to access NTFS volumes. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfstrm0 Description-md5: 0b881b64d42a12542cf87b29496674e4 Description-zh_CN: Frame Streams (fstrm) library Frame Streams is a light weight, binary clean protocol that allows for the transport of arbitrarily encoded data payload sequences with minimal framing overhead -- just four bytes per data frame. Frame Streams does not specify an encoding format for data frames and can be used with any data serialization format that produces byte sequences, such as Protocol Buffers, XML, JSON, MessagePack, YAML, etc. Frame Streams can be used as both a streaming transport over a reliable byte stream socket (TCP sockets, TLS connections, AF_UNIX sockets, etc.) for data in motion as well as a file format for data at rest. A "Content Type" header identifies the type of payload being carried over an individual Frame Stream and allows cooperating programs to determine how to interpret a given sequence of data payloads. . This is the "fstrm" implementation of Frame Streams in C. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfsxfs1t64 Description-md5: a48d4e6b8a3d1875ca7ac64ff4a9624e Description-zh_CN: llibrary to access the SGI X File System libfsxfs is a library to access the SGI X File System (XFS). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfuntools-dev Description-md5: 8cc6e961a2de57b5fdbadce52575690d Description-zh_CN: Minimal buy-in FITS library (development files) Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using index files. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfuse-dev Description-md5: da11b1a71c864509638e23fbce6723a3 Description-zh_CN: Filesystem in Userspace (development) Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. It also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libfuse2t64 Description-md5: 2838d8f82765d1fc4d4e07819a7b8d25 Description-zh_CN: Filesystem in Userspace (library) Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. It also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfvde1t64 Description-md5: 2c2bf3b2bfd9b538cc93095c86012d12 Description-zh_CN: FileVault Drive Encryption access library The FVDE format is used by Mac OS X, as of Lion, to encrypt data on a storage media volume. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfwnt1t64 Description-md5: b791047c9edd966d6d0a3c9626e8756f Description-zh_CN: Windows NT data type library libfwnt is a library for Windows NT data types. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libfwsi1t64 Description-md5: 96bd0b8127a8afdf2614493b558879a1 Description-zh_CN: Windows Shell Item format access library libfwsi is a library to access the Windows Shell Item format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libga-dev Description-md5: 068452fa5f56c21bf7baf4e52f87cbbd Description-zh_CN: C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and genetic operators. The documentation includes an extensive overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as well as examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgadu-dev Description-md5: 7454e7182cbd41e16f7277a4bf5c5301 Description-zh_CN: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - development files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgadu3t64 Description-md5: 7cdb0d0cd15a89035e2409916fe49705 Description-zh_CN: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - runtime files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgap9 Description-md5: ad322df65796770aebe73429e6ce3763 Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, compiler and development files GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgaviotatb-dev Description-md5: d6e64dd6174817b51fcd2b8f76ae0ffa Description-zh_CN: Gaviota chess endgame tablebase probing library Gaviota is a chess engine. Gaviota generates and uses its own Endgame Tablebases (EGTBs) with its own format. It contains "distance to mate" information, which is how many moves are needed to mate the opponent, or to be mated. The Gaviota Tablebases can be probed from your own program (engine or interface) using this library. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgcab-1.0-0 Description-md5: 1cb7533ba55c00aa0e1d0d303ec95735 Description-zh_CN: Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library libgcab provides functions to manipulate cabinet (.cab) files, both for reading and writing their contents. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgcab-dev Description-md5: 265ca387ee5a29fd11f20382cf75d667 Description-zh_CN: Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation library - development files libgcab provides functions to manipulate cabinet (.cab) files, both for reading and writing their contents. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgcc-11-dev Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-loong64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-loong64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgcc-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-zh_CN: GCC 支持库(开发文件) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libgdal35 Description-md5: bd1887dd27736e16667e84bf0102d226 Description-zh_CN: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data. . GDAL supports many popular data formats, including commonly used ones (GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG and more) as well as the ones used in GIS and remote sensing software packages (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI Geomatics). Also supported many remote sensing and scientific data distribution formats such as HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS. . OGR library supports popular vector formats like ESRI Shapefile, TIGER data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML and more. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgdf0t64 Description-md5: e4ca2a8c0e46d697df49bda42e5266f7 Description-zh_CN: IO library for the GDF (general dataformat for biosignals) GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgdl-3-5 Description-md5: 84a9c34bf316b28aef89b67ed246f770 Description-zh_CN: GNOME DevTool libraries Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgdl-3-dev Description-md5: ce119d74699a3b086207952e30bab8f3 Description-zh_CN: GNOME DevTool libraries - development files Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgdome2-0 Description-md5: 547f42027c78f5ef55a5c37ab82d507b Description-zh_CN: DOM level2 library for accessing XML files gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be used stand-alone. . DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a DOM interface. . libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgegl-dev Description-md5: 890e309150112e034f776771436ca2a5 Description-zh_CN: Generic Graphics Library (development files) GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. . GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies and a simple well defined API. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgeners1 Description-md5: d1e02e086cce868e03d0796e30b63534 Description-zh_CN: generic serialization library for C++ (shared library) The Generic Serialization library is designed to address the problem of C++ object persistence in situations where the most typical data access pattern is "write once read many" (WORM). "Geners" is a set of tools and conventions which allows its users to develop C++ classes that can be converted to and from a storable stream of bytes in a well-organized and type-safe manner. Serialization of STL containers is supported, including the ones added in the C++11 standard. Independent versioning of each class definition is allowed. . Among others, compared to the boost serialization package, Geners archives provide random access to stored objects and can be used to create and serialize very large archive-based objects. Yet, only binary archives are implemented, and implementing non-intrusive serialization is less transparent. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgensio6t64 Description-md5: 9cdbd584bba4079c70bbc69eb544548f Description-zh_CN: abstract stream I/O (runtime files) This library (pronounced gen'-see-oh) is used to abstract stream I/O like serial port, TCP, telnet, UDP, SSL, IPMI SOL etc and offers a framework for giving a consistent view of various stream (and packet) I/O types. You create a gensio object (or a gensio), and you can use that gensio without having to know too much about what is going on underneath. You can stack gensio on top of another one to add protocol funcionality. For instance, you can create a TCP gensio, stack SSL on top of that, and stack Telnet on top of that. It supports a number of network I/O and serial ports. Gensio can be used for sending and receiving ports, and it also supports establishing encrypted and authenticated connections. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgeoip-dev Description-md5: afee88869c565d97ba7d87e66323e47c Description-zh_CN: GeoIP 库的开发文件 GeoIP 是一款 C 语言库,它能让用户找到任何 IP 地址或域名的来源国家。它使用基于文件的数据库。 . 该数据库只包含 IP 块和国家信息分别作为键值。它应当比反向 DNS 查找更加完整准确。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgeoip1t64 Description-md5: cc64f48b3eca4b1690c3b7284f2bd5fd Description-zh_CN: non-DNS IP-to-country resolver library GeoIP 是一款 C 语言库,它能让用户找到任何 IP 地址或域名的来源国家。它使用基于文件的数据库。 . 该数据库只包含 IP 块和国家信息分别作为键值。它应当比反向 DNS 查找更加完整准确。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgeonames0 Description-md5: ef391a6eaac0155ed3db91f9fc03886a Description-zh_CN: Parse and query the geonames database dump A library for parsing and querying a local copy of the database. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgetdata8 Description-md5: 05f8b2517ad37a6b2adf62db8be01ea8 Description-zh_CN: library to read/write dirfile data The GetData Project is the reference implementation of the Dirfile Standards, a filesystem-based, column-oriented database format for time- ordered binary data. The Dirfile database format is designed to provide a fast, simple format for storing and reading data. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgetfem++-dev Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libgetfem5++ Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libgg2 Description-md5: bcfd61a702b30747804850342d720bb2 Description-zh_CN: Computing gaussians on a grid gau2grid is a python-generated C library for vectorized computation of grid to gaussian collocation matrices. The core of gau2grid is generating the collocation matrices between a real space grid and a gaussian basis set expanded to a given angular momenta. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libghc-filemanip-dev Description-md5: e291b3e965bc767f0ca36956ddeb63ce Description-zh_CN: expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell FileManip is a Haskell library for working with files and directories. Includes code for pattern matching, finding files, modifying file contents, and more. . 本包包含开发文件。 . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-tldr-dev Description-md5: f78a2f1aad436245738b861a20f0a23e Description-zh_CN: Haskell tldr 客户端 Haskell tldr 客户端提供更新并查看 tldr 页面的功能支持。 . TLDR 页面是社区驱动的,对著名的 man 手册页进行简化并提供实用例子的项目。另 请查看 . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-tldr-doc Description-md5: aa01eaecabe9d0150f06e29916635ce2 Description-zh_CN: Haskell tldr client; documentation Haskell tldr 客户端提供更新并查看 tldr 页面的功能支持。 . TLDR 页面是社区驱动的,对著名的 man 手册页进行简化并提供实用例子的项目。另 请查看 . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-tldr-prof Description-md5: df7e526f1facc37904ec65b98cb219bd Description-zh_CN: Haskell tldr client; profiling libraries Haskell tldr 客户端提供更新并查看 tldr 页面的功能支持。 . TLDR 页面是社区驱动的,对著名的 man 手册页进行简化并提供实用例子的项目。另 请查看 . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libgiftiio0 Description-md5: 6f491ee0b7909a7861cfc23304fdc57f Description-zh_CN: IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format GIFTI is an XML-based file format for cortical surface data. This reference IO implementation is developed by the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgio-qt-dev Description-md5: d0c544bb9b1970ba000af26bcef11d65 Description-zh_CN: Gio wrapper for Qt (development files) Gio-qt provides Gio wrapper for Qt. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libgio-qt-doc Description-md5: 3c5591d2eb3287d5bb9fd511789561f3 Description-zh_CN: Gio wrapper for Qt (documentation files) Gio-qt provides Gio wrapper for Qt. . This package provides the library documentation files. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libgio-qt0 Description-md5: 05459d054dcf5d34838e98078497a778 Description-zh_CN: Gio wrapper for Qt (Qt5 library) Gio-qt provides Gio wrapper for Qt. . This package provides the libgio-qt library files for Qt5. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libgio-qt6-0 Description-md5: 1149a1f2634385d1e35b9811318e20a9 Description-zh_CN: Gio wrapper for Qt (Qt6 library) Gio-qt provides Gio wrapper for Qt. . This package provides the libgio-qt library files for Qt6. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libgirara-dev Description-md5: 0094c63fb07e41c8014c0b1505ebecdd Description-zh_CN: library for minimalistic user interfaces (development files) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgirara-gtk3-4 Description-md5: 3485db33edd41388927cc0fbabc9bca6 Description-zh_CN: library for minimalistic user interfaces (shared libraries) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgit2-fixtures Description-md5: a94423c77c15a4ed597658212c81d603 Description-zh_CN: low-level Git library - test suite examples libgit2 是一个 Git 版本控制系统核心方法的可移 植纯 C 语言实现,提供为 一个带有稳固 API 的可重入、可链接的库。 . This package provides the test examples of the library, which can be useful for other pieces of software relying on libgit2, for testing purposes. Package: libgiza0 Description-md5: 26336d1a829393c58994ed28fa9acfbd Description-zh_CN: Lightweight scientific plotting library (shared library) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a mostly compatible, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgl4es-dev Description-md5: 81aabaaa6b98fceb54107df00e85bfb0 Description-zh_CN: GL4ES - OpenGL for GLES Hardware -- development files This is a headers provide OpenGL 2.x functionality for GLES2.0 accelerated Hardware (and of course also support OpenGL 1.5 function, so metimes better than when using GLES 1.1 backend) There is also support for GLES 1.1 Hardware, emulating OpenGL 1.5, and some OpenGL 2.x + extensions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgl4es0 Description-md5: e3e97044fcf7a4d8a91c6cf49705955e Description-zh_CN: GL4ES - OpenGL for GLES Hardware -- runtime library This is a library provide OpenGL 2.x functionality for GLES2.0 accelerated Hardware (and of course also support OpenGL 1.5 function, so metimes better than when using GLES 1.1 backend) There is also support for GLES 1.1 Hardware, emulating OpenGL 1.5, and some OpenGL 2.x + extensions. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libglbinding-dev Description-md5: e575c08f170bdd00b18552b79aab111a Description-zh_CN: development files for glbinding glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libglc-dev Description-md5: 69f963ba2f28864e1e4ef8ba9bbbf649 Description-zh_CN: Implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application programming interface (API). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libglfw3-wayland Description-md5: d99a9d5d856fd5c725818e55c1801394 Description-zh_CN: portable library for OpenGL, window and input (transitional package) GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts and managing input and events. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop. . 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libglib-testing-0-dev Description-md5: 75798903fc70656e006c82749f31cf03 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the libglib-testing library libglib-testing is a test library providing test harnesses and mock classes which complement the classes provided by GLib. It is intended to be used by any project which uses GLib and which wants to write internal unit tests. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libglobjects-dev Description-md5: c3d78ec41eeacfaf1ae6782261871a0d Description-zh_CN: development files for globjects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libglusterfs-dev Description-md5: 572e6b5c5824230e05799660f98c8cb5 Description-zh_CN: Development files for GlusterFS libraries GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several petabytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is one of the most sophisticated file system in terms of features and extensibility. It borrows a powerful concept called Translators from GNU Hurd kernel. Much of the code in GlusterFS is in userspace and easily manageable. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgmic-dev Description-md5: 4804366e56f7ce6281f558af3635f4e1 Description-zh_CN: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - development files G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . This package contains the development files for libgmic. Package: libgmic1 Description-md5: 4d6263ec41facfa9c6de9e783f002c1b Description-zh_CN: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - shared library G'MIC 是一个开源且全功能的图像处理框架,提供了数个不同的用户界面以供通用图 像数据集的转换、操作、过滤和可视化,范围从 ld 标量信号到多频谱容量图像的 3d+t 序列。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgmm++-dev Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libgmobile0 Description-md5: b3c30f21dc58046f0947668392347bba Description-zh_CN: Mobile related helpers - shared library gmobile is a library containing mobile related helpers for glib based projects. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgmsh-dev Description-md5: 14114da3fa0b899eded25d95ae9b1ea9 Description-zh_CN: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator development files Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . 欲知更多详情,请参考 Gmsh 的帮助手册。 . The package contains development files. Package: libgmsh-private-headers-dev Description-md5: 95201f665680ea87e2117cb8ebbb0d52 Description-zh_CN: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator development files Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . 欲知更多详情,请参考 Gmsh 的帮助手册。 . The package contains development private headers. Package: libgmsh4.12t64 Description-md5: 8c8acd23a2e0bcc020fb194e64086e7d Description-zh_CN: Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator shared library Gmsh is a 3D finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user- friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. The specification of any input to these modules is done either interactively using the graphical user interface or in ASCII text files using Gmsh's own scripting language. . 欲知更多详情,请参考 Gmsh 的帮助手册。 . The package contains a shared library. Package: libgnomekbd-dev Description-md5: 353cd231a62082c6784b7cd9c5727a8c Description-zh_CN: GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - development files libgnomekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications. . libgnomekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libgnomekbd operations. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgnomekbd8 Description-md5: af3a5d9e866a2d8042968d3f6510a8a8 Description-zh_CN: GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared library libgnomekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications. . libgnomekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libgnomekbd operations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgnucap0 Description-md5: 823e95bd390c2734c7213fd705910f51 Description-zh_CN: GNU Circuit Analysis package, the library Gnucap is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, Fourier analysis, and ac analysis linearized at an operating point. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgnunet-dev Description-md5: 2459432c02967212752d1dd0c12c9916 Description-zh_CN: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (development) GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgnunet0.20t64 Description-md5: ce73bfb56071e7da326841d0542537f7 Description-zh_CN: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (libraries) GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgnuradio-hpsdr1.0.0 Description-md5: 0b550515bae63a80b0b5f6de34b16b49 Description-zh_CN: gnuradio library for OpenHPSDR protocol 1 Hardware supported includes OpenHPSDR Hermes / Metis and Red Pitaya using the OpenHpsdr protocol. . The modules are compatible with version 3.8 of gnuradio and versions of Hermes firmware 1.8 through 3.2. (known as OpenHPSDR protocol 1). It is not compatible with the new OpenHPSDR protocol 2. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgnuradio-limesdr3.0.2 Description-md5: c8895ebaefd5833b9a886b76e55de934 Description-zh_CN: LimeSDR blocks for GnuRadio (runtime library) LimeSDR is a low cost, open source software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard. . Currently this plugin supports LimeSDR-USB and LimeSDR-Mini boards. . The gr-limesdr blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface LimeSDR devices through liblimesuite. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgnuradio-osmosdr0.2.0t64 Description-md5: 40c3a4d110ae193958f314775fa66656 Description-zh_CN: Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project - library The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source mobile communications. This library provides hardware support for a variety of radio hardware in the form of gnuradio blocks. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgnuradio-satellites5.5.0 Description-md5: 6dead797c65cee5e03cb685bbdbaa04b Description-zh_CN: library of satellite telemetry signal decoders This GNU Radio out-of-tree module can be used to decode frames transmitted from most Amateur satellites in orbit, performing demodulation, forward error correction, etc. Decoded frames can be saved to a file or displayed in hex format. For some satellites the telemetry format definition is included in gr-satellites, so the decoded telemetry frames can be printed out as human-readable values such as bus voltages and currents. Additionally, some satellites transmit files such as JPEG images. gr- satellites can be used to reassemble these files and even display the images in real-time as they are being received. . It supports most popular protocols, such as AX.25, the GOMspace NanoCom U482C and AX100 modems, an important part of the CCSDS stack, the AO-40 protocol used in the FUNcube satellites, and several ad-hoc protocols used in other satellites. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgomp1-alpha-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-amd64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-arc-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-armel-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-hppa-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-i386-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-loong64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-m68k-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mips-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-sh4-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgomp1-x32-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP(GOMP)支持库 GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-9 Description-md5: 39afc66e1c1493f9db63f7fe962dc4ce Description-zh_CN: Canvas widget for GTK+ - shared library GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-dev Description-md5: e53394682bf2c8fc22bd82ced16f48ea Description-zh_CN: Canvas widget for GTK+ - development files GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgooglepinyin0-dev Description-md5: 2ab057e9fe20c53c5d2c9aa57af97037 Description-zh_CN: Pinyin engine fork from Google Pinyin on Android - development files libgooglepinyin is a fork of Google Pinyin on Android, it features to have excellent input experience and uses little resource. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 Package: libgovirt-dev Description-md5: 73b4ea3152f8edc1fe413c0ec92de227 Description-zh_CN: GObject-based library to access oVirt REST API (dev files) libgovirt is a library that allows applications to use oVirt REST API to list VMs managed by an oVirt instance, and to get the connection parameters needed to make a SPICE/VNC connection to them. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgranite-7-7 Description-md5: 2d3c29e3d0904ade95c5a289ca8e9be0 Description-zh_CN: extension of GTK4 libraries Granite-7 is an extension of GTK4. Among other things, it provides complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgranite6 Description-md5: fdacb6a14abd15188f48215825ba078f Description-zh_CN: extension of GTK+ libraries Granite is an extension of GTK+. Among other things, it provides complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgraphblas-dev Description-md5: f9b41ccfeacbe62f61fc8f4097e9e044 Description-zh_CN: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra - development files SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libgraphblas7 Description-md5: 29115a491501e6254e13732c79695bbc Description-zh_CN: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra - shared library SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS is a complete implementation of the GraphBLAS standard, which defines a set of sparse matrix operations on an extended algebra of semirings using an almost unlimited variety of operators and types. When applied to sparse adjacency matrices, these algebraic operations are equivalent to computations on graphs. GraphBLAS provides a powerful and expressive framework for creating graph algorithms based on the elegant mathematics of sparse matrix operations on a semiring. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgretl1-dev Description-md5: 3c577cc7339db4dc97447db5388dd863 Description-zh_CN: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- development package GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件(gretl)是一个主要用于计量经济学分析的软件包, 由一个共享函数库、一个命令行客户端程序和一个 GTK+ 图形前端。 . This package provides the static library and header files. Package: libgretl1t64 Description-md5: 280aca5449828146a212cd203161d06d Description-zh_CN: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- library package GNU 回归分析、计量经济学和时间序列软件(gretl)是一个主要用于计量经济学分析的软件包, 由一个共享函数库、一个命令行客户端程序和一个 GTK+ 图形前端。 . This package provides the shared library. Package: libgridsite6t64 Description-md5: c22400a0e0e2f7446b5a67098e64777b Description-zh_CN: Run time libraries for mod_gridsite and gridsite-clients GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and formatting the content of the website. Over the past years it has grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S) protocol operations. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libgsettings-qt-dev Description-md5: 99c6074a59abc1162e6b9eb4b06e9479 Description-zh_CN: 用于从 Qt 访问 GSettings 的库(开发文件) libgsettings-qt 提供 GSettings 的 Qt 绑定。GSettings 是用作应用程序设置的一 个高级 API。该库可以用于从 Qt 程序中访问 GSettings。 . 本软件包包含使用本 GSettings Qt 库构建应用程序时所需的开发文件。 Package: libgsettings-qt1 Description-md5: 1410ca8d3dba4ef115e9efc051b06e55 Description-zh_CN: library to access GSettings from Qt (shared libraries) libgsettings-qt 提供 GSettings 的 Qt 绑定。GSettings 是用作应用程序设置的一 个高级 API。该库可以用于从 Qt 程序中访问 GSettings。 . This package contains shared library files for libgsettings-qt. Package: libgstreamer-opencv1.0-0 Description-md5: dafe2f24cb1bdb14d6d6b274151c793e Description-zh_CN: GStreamer OpenCV libraries GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains shared GStreamer libraries for OpenCV. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 Description-md5: dbdd7ec6aeb78f2810dfd938e41a97bc Description-zh_CN: GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains shared GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev Description-md5: 3cf8ed7e757b9244dc8826f7bf3f2b29 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use. . This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable. Package: libgstreamermm-1.0-1 Description-md5: ad37ec58f9a0110006382cb8b8d16e36 Description-zh_CN: C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries) GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 Description-md5: 0ea9e7419c3c2010a3995c527c7eb8c9 Description-zh_CN: GStreamer RTSP Server (shared library) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains the shared library for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev Description-md5: 7ce729f941b78969393e0b9114c91c2d Description-zh_CN: GStreamer RTSP Server (development files) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer 是一系列流媒体解码器。 使用了该插件的程序可以进行与多媒体相关的许多操作, 从实时声音处理到播放视频文件。 它是基于插件架构的,也就是说您可以通过安装各种类型的 插件以支持额外的数据类型或处理能力。 . This package contains development files for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgtg0 Description-md5: ea60e1713b3175548217f54740436f92 Description-zh_CN: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - shared library The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces in Paje or OTF formats. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgtk4-layer-shell0 Description-md5: 67c26e969aaaeaa322fe09944d6b9790 Description-zh_CN: wayland layer shell protocol library (GTK4) -- shared library A library for using the Layer Shell Wayland protocol with GTK4. With this library you can build desktop shell components such as panels, notifications and wallpapers. It's compatible with C, C++ and any language that supports GObject introspection files (Python, Vala, etc). . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgtkhex-4-1 Description-md5: f81f777084af4f0e366139989583957c Description-zh_CN: GNOME Hex editor for files (shared library) GHex 程序能够以十六进制(hex)和 ascii 两种方式查看和编辑 文件。可以很方便地编辑保存的游戏文件。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgtkhex-4-dev Description-md5: c5000b405b171c424c6a09b37604a269 Description-zh_CN: GNOME Hex editor for files (development headers) GHex 程序能够以十六进制(hex)和 ascii 两种方式查看和编辑 文件。可以很方便地编辑保存的游戏文件。 . This package contains the development headers. Package: libgtksheet-4.0-4 Description-md5: c4ce8d3885ccc20e961b4e3c9d1e9327 Description-zh_CN: Gtk spreadsheet widget (shared C library) A spreadsheet widget for Gtk (an Excel-like table). gtksheet is a useful widget set complementary to GTK+ for creating graphical interfaces for the X Window System. It is split out of the old gtkextra library of the gtk2 era and ported to gtk3. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgtkspellmm-3.0-0v5 Description-md5: 81539545f5e9aeab583bf910f4573e5c Description-zh_CN: C++ wrapper library for GtkSpell (shared libraries) GtkSpellmm provides C++ bindings for the GtkSpell spell-checking library. GtkSpell provides LibreOffice-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgts-0.7-5t64 Description-md5: 6074afcc54a3906f2372b3e142a15afd Description-zh_CN: library to deal with 3D computational surface meshes The GNU Triangulated Surface Library is intended to provide a simple and efficient library to scientists dealing with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libgucharmap-2-90-7 Description-md5: 23d03262b30ea8c75f637ac989fdc205 Description-zh_CN: Unicode browser widget library (shared library) The libgucharmap library contains a Unicode browser widget; it is most prominently used by the "gucharmap" program. See the package of the same name for more information. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgupnp-igd-1.6-dev Description-md5: cc9838aa22efa61400a06c1c8a99867f Description-zh_CN: library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping - development files A GObject-based API for controlling UPnP Internet Gateway Devices port mapping. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libguvcview-2.2 Description-md5: a54cca276b3412f2e182aff47eca90cc Description-zh_CN: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - runtime guvcview 是一个简单的 GTK+ 程序,可以从摄像头录制、查看视频,只要您的摄像头支持 UVC 驱动。 . This package includes the shared library. Package: libguvcview-dev Description-md5: 2446392d37ac70c7c1cf6c5f634e32a8 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - development files guvcview 是一个简单的 GTK+ 程序,可以从摄像头录制、查看视频,只要您的摄像头支持 UVC 驱动。 . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libgvnc-1.0-0 Description-md5: 06fa496658789fbfc6514726e1dffdb5 Description-zh_CN: VNC GObject wrapper (runtime libraries) It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . The core library is written in C and a bindings for other languages are available via GObject introspection. The networking layer supports connections over both IPv4 and IPv6. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libgxr-0.15-0t64 Description-md5: 00f2b40591c990b81f3d9d7d5aa054df Description-zh_CN: glib wrapper for OpenXR APIs A glib wrapper and utilities for the OpenXR APIs. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libh3-1 Description-md5: 6f12b05d677fe7e0b3695c607f846aef Description-zh_CN: Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system - library H3 is a geospatial indexing system using a hexagonal grid that can be (approximately) subdivided into finer and finer hexagonal grids, combining the benefits of a hexagonal grid with S2's hierarchical subdivisions. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libhackrf0 Description-md5: 53e308db8215eca080042034a183f6c2 Description-zh_CN: Software defined radio peripheral - runtime library HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libharminv-dev Description-md5: e8231970eb21d4a30a7fa4e8b8eaba79 Description-zh_CN: Library for using harminv, development version Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion, given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libharp-dev Description-md5: 0517e1d6492e1d3b11372995551d575e Description-zh_CN: Data harmonisation toolset for Earth Observation formats HARP是一套用于摄取、处理以及跨比较卫星或模型数据与相关数据的工具集。该工具集由一组命令行工具、一个C语言分析函数库以及Python导入/导出接口 组成。HARP的主要目标是协助跨比较数据集。通过适当串联调用HARP命令行工具,可以预处理卫星、模型及/或相关数据,以确保需要比较的两个数据集最终拥 有相同的时空网格、相同的数据格式/结构以及相同的物理单位。 . This package provides static libs and development files for HARP. Package: libharp13 Description-md5: a4accf4bb901ff9a56f93d1c0d561447 Description-zh_CN: Data harmonisation toolset for Earth Observation formats HARP是一套用于摄取、处理以及跨比较卫星或模型数据与相关数据的工具集。该工具集由一组命令行工具、一个C语言分析函数库以及Python导入/导出接口 组成。HARP的主要目标是协助跨比较数据集。通过适当串联调用HARP命令行工具,可以预处理卫星、模型及/或相关数据,以确保需要比较的两个数据集最终拥 有相同的时空网格、相同的数据格式/结构以及相同的物理单位。 . This package provides the HARP shared library. Package: libhavege-dev Description-md5: c49a598f854a87b074e2d7bc5a4f89dd Description-zh_CN: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - development files libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libhavege2 Description-md5: 791597097dfee31e0e57febdd3a0f02e Description-zh_CN: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - shared library libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libhdcpsdk0 Description-md5: 9aa7f791ade49712fecb58256815f513 Description-zh_CN: Intel unified HDCP implementation -- shared library The Intel(R) unified HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a user space implementation to prevent copying of digital audio & video content across digital display interfaces. It provides Linux user space implementation to enable the HDCP1.4 and HDCP2.2 protection for external digital display interfaces (HDMI/DP). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libhmat-oss-dev Description-md5: a8fb10062af22402a93e27b0ddf94ec7 Description-zh_CN: hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (development files) This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices. . The implementation uses lower-upper (LU) decompositions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libhmat-oss4 Description-md5: 58f77ec149c43d0c297e9a1cf6015c83 Description-zh_CN: hierarchical matrix C/C++ library (shared library) This library allows one to compute hierarchical matrices, which are tools from numerical mathematics used to approximate non-sparse matrices. . The implementation uses lower-upper (LU) decompositions. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libhoel-dev Description-md5: d709efd0c0344a26504e41537c796069 Description-zh_CN: database abstraction library written in C - development Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3, MariaDB/Mysql and PostgreSQL databases. Uses a json-based language with jansson to execute simples queries based on one table. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libhsakmt-dev Description-md5: 7206aef6339b557669fd61b2c4ccb72f Description-zh_CN: Thunk library for AMD KFD (dev) This package includes the user-mode API interfaces used to interact with the ROCk driver. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libhypre-2.31.0 Description-md5: 478cf6be96dbcdf76f616926e4ebdedb Description-zh_CN: High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - Shared Library Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution of large systems of linear equations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libhyprutils-dev Description-md5: 557eaafe94d734ce6ea2114b5166cd78 Description-zh_CN: Utilities used across the Hyprland ecosystem (development files) Hyprutils is a small C++ library for utilities used across the Hyprland window manager ecosystem. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libiddawc-dev Description-md5: b3c1cdf9d5526a9209c054d0979eb43a Description-zh_CN: OAuth2 and OIDC client library - development Handles the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication process flow from the client side. . - Generates requests based on input parameters - Parses response - Validates response values . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libifcplusplus Description-md5: 2f92afb1917cc5557a6f277a43e79bfd Description-zh_CN: Reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format - runtime libraries IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. . Features: - easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers - parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's . Additionally, there's a simple IFC viewer application, using Qt and OpenSceneGraph. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libigraph-examples Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libiio-dev Description-md5: 344b99c2ce753b186e5cf93c375f916d Description-zh_CN: libiio development files Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libiio0 Description-md5: e824a09773dd29a067dcdf839bc28038 Description-zh_CN: Library for interfacing with IIO devices Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libimejyutping-dev Description-md5: 5b7db921aef28fbd8f75929692c0d4cd Description-zh_CN: Fcitx5 libime implementation of jyutping input method (dev) This software provides a library that makes use of libime to implement jyutping (粵拼) input method. It also includes an engine for fcitx 5. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 Package: libimgui-dev Description-md5: c101c300066a33d172024b336314e1a6 Description-zh_CN: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline enabled application. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic and self-contained (no external dependencies). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libimmer-dev Description-md5: 0598416f2feb712f382efc56defdf3dd Description-zh_CN: persistent and immutable data structures -- development files immer is a library of persistent and immutable data structures written in C++. These enable whole new kinds of architectures for interactive and concurrent programs of striking simplicity, correctness, and performance. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libimobiledevice-glue-dev Description-md5: 462ca698ee895ff42ea9e61a4e42117a Description-zh_CN: Common library used by the libimobiledevice project (dev) This library contains common code used by the libraries and tools around the libimobiledevice project. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libinchi1 Description-md5: cef798f2652ac1c78d9dc07ceceef413 Description-zh_CN: International Chemical Identifier (InChI) algorithm (library) The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is an Open Source chemical structure representation algorithm. . InChIs are text strings comprising different layers and sublayers of information separated by slashes (/). Each InChI strings starts with the InChI version number followed by the main layer. This main layer contains sublayers for chemical formula, atom connections and hydrogen atoms. Depending on the structure of the molecule the main layer may be followed by additional layers e. g. for charge, stereochemical and/or isotop information. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libinput-pad-dev Description-md5: 875298fcf34ddde81e23f6ed99cd11d2 Description-zh_CN: On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse - dev The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libinstpatch-1.0-2 Description-md5: cb67bc56a835c994c24e2bbedbd6eab3 Description-zh_CN: MIDI instrument editing library libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved. . More information can be found on the Project Swami website . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libint1 Description-md5: 743a7c2856769633e13b13722aa189e8 Description-zh_CN: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libint2-2t64 Description-md5: 3637789ddd04b5e1841a69e403831ed9 Description-zh_CN: Computation Chemistry Integral Evaluation Library The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libiodbc2-dev Description-md5: d130ba790976d31df335175ab1a2c1f8 Description-zh_CN: iODBC Driver Manager (development files) The iODBC (intrinsic Open Database Connectivity) driver manager is compatible with the ODBC 2.x and 3.x specification and performs all the jobs of a ODBC driver manager (i.e. driver loading, parameters and function sequence checking, driver's function invoking, etc). Any ODBC driver working with ODBC 2.0 and 3.x driver manager will also work with iODBC driver manager and vice versa. . Applications (using ODBC function calls) linked with iODBC driver manager will be able to simultaneously access different types of data sources within one process through suitable iODBC drivers. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libipmctl5 Description-md5: 242ddab7856025a627d251c38305dc04 Description-zh_CN: library for managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules This package provides an API for the following functionality: * Discover PMMs on the platform. * Provision the platform memory configuration. * View and update the firmware on PMMs. * Configure data-at-rest security on PMMs. * Monitor PMM health. * Track performance of PMMs. * Debug and troubleshoot PMMs . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libircclient-dev Description-md5: adce96ca325ffac2fa2cdee1e1995034 Description-zh_CN: development files for libircclient libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client- server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: . * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Good documentation and examples available. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libisal2 Description-md5: db59909f70c412a803a10087d9506bd6 Description-zh_CN: Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library - shared library Collection of low-level functions used in storage applications. Contains fast erasure codes that implement a general Reed-Solomon type encoding for blocks of data that helps protect against erasure of whole blocks. The general ISA-L library contains an expanded set of functions used for data protection, hashing, encryption, etc. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libismrmrd-dev Description-md5: ddf945cd3a75bcf364e523bd7139c5d4 Description-zh_CN: development files for ISMRMRD The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libitl-gobject0 Description-md5: 7f20b16bee412587c2f31cd14d148abb Description-zh_CN: GObject bindings for libitl - shared library This library is a GObject bindings library for libitl (Islamic tools & library project), libitl allows applications to convert between Hijri/Gregorian dates and compute Muslim prayer times and Qibla direction based on multiple methods of calculation. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libjack0 Description-md5: f4743a9e2f04ed05673483cd1fe0eb38 Description-zh_CN: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries) JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-bin Description-md5: 063e995389abd53361e2fa870999c7ca Description-zh_CN: WebKitGTK JavaScript command-line interpreter (transitional dummy package) 这是一个过渡哑软件包,可以被安全地移除。 Package: libjbig2enc0t64 Description-md5: 22b4c4b719b3767d63ffd2351fe55789 Description-zh_CN: encoder for JBIG2 - libraries jbig2enc is an encoder for JBIG2. . JBIG2 encodes bi-level (1 bpp) images using a number of clever tricks to get better compression than G4. This encoder can: * Generate JBIG2 files, or fragments for embedding in PDFs * Generic region encoding * Perform symbol extraction, classification and text region coding * Perform refinement coding and, * Compress multipage documents . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libjni-inchi-jni Description-md5: dc0207a1cf25ebbff3fa721107fe0a1c Description-zh_CN: Java Native Interface wrapper for InChI (shared library) JNI-InChI provides JNI (Java Native Interface) wrappers for the InChI (International Chemical Identifier) C library distributed by IUPAC. All of the features from the InChI libarary are supported: . * Standard and Non-Standard InChI generation from structures with 3D, 2D, or no coordinates * Structure generation (without coordinates) from InChI * InChIKey generation * Check InChI / InChIKey * InChI-to-InChI conversion * AuxInfo to InChI input * Access to the full range of options supported by InChI * Full support for InChI's handling of stereochemistry . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libjpeg9 Description-md5: 4ca10faa4517c5d362c9d51d75d7a85c Description-zh_CN: Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library is a library for handling JPEG files. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libjs-chart.js Description-md5: 4e95d30af446c412820ed337e6f11469 Description-zh_CN: Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element (Browser) Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers. . This library allows you to visualize your data in 8 different ways; each of them animated and customisable. It has great rendering performance across all modern browsers (IE9+). And it redraws charts on window resize for perfect scale granularity. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: libjs-headjs Description-md5: e9359f538ae50017fc1b7bfd1b6c6445 Description-zh_CN: javascript libraryt for resource loading headjs is a javascript library that has the following features: * Speed up your apps: Load JS & CSS asynchronously and in parallel, but execute them in order * Load one asset if a condition is met, else fallback and load a different one * Manage script dependencies, and execute callbacks once they are loaded * Cross-browser compatible <> let you code against different resolutions & devices * Fix quirks in specific browsers by quickly applying dedicated CSS/JS logic * Detect various browsers & their versions * Check if the client supports a certain Browser, HTML5, or CSS3 feature * Automatically generates JS and CSS classes for browsers & features that where detected * Automatically generates CSS classes, to know what page or section a user is viewing * Know if the user is in landscape or portrait mode * Or whether the client is using a mobile or desktop device * Get old browsers to support HTML5 elements like nav, sidebar, header, footer . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: libjs-pdf Description-md5: b04cde13a406b23e4312d68e3c294855 Description-zh_CN: 使用 HTML5 构建的可移植文档格式(PDF)查看器 PDF.js 是一个通用的、基于 web 标准的平台,用于解析和渲染 PDF 文档。 . 本软件包提供可用于某些 web 应用程序的查看器。 Package: libjsonparser-dev Description-md5: 189af4078eef6f9b3d4125dc6102bdbf Description-zh_CN: Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C - development headers It's a very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C. Features include: * BSD licensed with no dependencies (i.e. just drop the C file into your project) * Never recurses or allocates more memory than it needs * Very simple API with operator sugar for C++ . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libjsonrpc-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 941a74821cd01d3dcd9f4aaee0bf1eb8 Description-zh_CN: JSON-RPC library for GLib - development files JSONRPC-GLib is a library for communicating as both a JSON-RPC client and server. Additionally, it supports upgrating connections to use GVariant for less runtime overhead. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libjuh-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-zh_CN: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libjurt-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-zh_CN: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libjwt-dev Description-md5: 0707b8fe292474ac27ca00fdc72f0344 Description-zh_CN: C library to handle JWT (JSON Web Token) - development libjwt is a library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT). . JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libjwt-gnutls-dev Description-md5: 7907575df46fe1cc06f351eb21e556cf Description-zh_CN: Development files for libjwt - GnuTLS flavour libjwt is a library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT). GnuTLS flavour. . JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. . 本包包含开发文件。 . SSL support is provided by GnuTLS. Package: libk3b-data Description-md5: a8b4b45e210e1e2d2b18e03a21f1f2b1 Description-zh_CN: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . This package contains libraries data files. Package: libk3b-dev Description-md5: b663aaf627cae2c6b6207dc67ad6ae8b Description-zh_CN: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - development files K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . This package contains development files. Package: libk3b-extracodecs Description-md5: 3a841361001b55a9161baa4919cfc2f2 Description-zh_CN: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - extra decoders K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . This package contains runtime libraries for the MP3 and FFMPEG decoder plugin. Package: libk3b8 Description-md5: c402b6a06ec159e5313882f6465aa501 Description-zh_CN: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files K3b 提供了一个使人感到舒适的用户界面,您可以在其中执行大部分的 CD/DVD 刻录任务。有经验的用户可以参与刻录过程的所有步骤,而初学者则可以舒服地 使用自动合理并允许您迅速上手的默认设置。 . 这个软件包包含运行库。 Package: libkaccounts2 Description-md5: 2b13251d340d1962dccddc315cc81a95 Description-zh_CN: System to administer web accounts - shared library Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkchart-dev Description-md5: 5984b75ea32e16776bd1a44415f1c433 Description-zh_CN: library for creating business charts (development files) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkchart2 Description-md5: 0328e560cc613f354b78a9c65673fe06 Description-zh_CN: library for creating business charts (shared library) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkdb3-4abi1 Description-md5: 86baf8d611090a9a864e6b361112adfe Description-zh_CN: database connectivity and creation framework -- shared library KDb is a database connectivity and creation framework, consisted of a general-purpose C++ Qt library and set of plugins delivering support for various database vendors. . 本包包含共享库文件。 . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libkdcrawqt6-5 Description-md5: 4059d65a18f2fea278d6caf61339fcd4 Description-zh_CN: RAW picture decoding library qt6 Libkdcraw is a Qt6 interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW picture files. . This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkdecorations2-dev Description-md5: 94ead86761301d887d1872fe6452ba91 Description-zh_CN: library to create window decorations - development files KDecoration2 is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration frame. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkeduvocdocument-data Description-md5: 51ba1760ae26b2035b615916b94cfec4 Description-zh_CN: translations for KEduVocDocument This package contains development files for building software that uses the KEduVocDocument library . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libkeduvocdocument-dev Description-md5: 220fa3268ef4809b34d0dc63549db841 Description-zh_CN: development files for KEduVocDocument This package contains development files for building software that uses the KEduVocDocument library . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libkeduvocdocument5abi1 Description-md5: c9ab1266f73e2b5784389c0fd2aef2b9 Description-zh_CN: library for reading and writing vocabulary files This package contains a library for reading and writing vocabulary files. It supports different file formats. KVTML (version 2) is the default. This library is used by Parley, Kanagram, KHangMan and KWordQuiz. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5akonadi-dev Description-md5: 7e4a26d39047c8eee45c3e128b152cbf Description-zh_CN: development files for the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5akonadi-dev-bin Description-md5: 9af2a418771d90a792165c4d8bd44d88 Description-zh_CN: Additional development binaries for the Akonadi KDE PIM libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5akonadicalendar-dev Description-md5: 1a66f15ec9062a4af5011bd5403b8ab0 Description-zh_CN: akonadi-calendar - development files This library offers helper functions to integrate the use of Akonadi calendar items in applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5akonadicontact-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-zh_CN: Akonadi contacts access library - development files This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5akonadimime-dev Description-md5: 85a1710e8f3faac7b728c979a76463be Description-zh_CN: Akonadi MIME handling library This library provides MIME handling helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5akonadinotes-dev Description-md5: eee620b27ee63eb96f6184bebfb8a4d9 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi notes access library - development files This library provides notes manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5akonadisearch-dev Description-md5: 09afef3d87caf347e41cf4a1e39496e1 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi search library - development files Library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5archive-dev Description-md5: 3dafae3e3d7fde82558383c45239bdb4 Description-zh_CN: development files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5bluezqt-dev Description-md5: bd50a2b54b261df76061b6d07455051f Description-zh_CN: development files for bluez-qt This package provides all the necessary development headers for building software that uses the bluez-qt library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5calendarcore-dev Description-md5: 9dfb8ec81634d242b8899317d764e705 Description-zh_CN: development files for kcalcore This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5calendarutils-dev Description-md5: bdd38e28a782c8f1100791a9110f97b8 Description-zh_CN: kcalutils - development files This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5cddb-dev Description-md5: 7565ff08889778a2a6494cc12cbf6406 Description-zh_CN: CDDB library for KDE Platform (development) The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for KDE applications to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5cddb5 Description-md5: 0d8ee0e128313d9d3531e70c59020cf0 Description-zh_CN: CDDB library for KDE Platform (runtime) The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5compactdisc-dev Description-md5: 539d0306eed14eeb7d28116aa92fbcae Description-zh_CN: CD drive library for KDE Platform (development) The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs. . This package contains the development files for libKCompactDisc. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5compactdisc5 Description-md5: fd3a25429cb93cb1d7ca336f3ede63da Description-zh_CN: CD drive library for KDE Platform (runtime) The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs. . 这个软件包是 KDE 多媒体模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5config-dev Description-md5: aa8de003e187a24093cac03ccf62dae4 Description-zh_CN: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5contacteditor-data Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: libkf5contacteditor-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-zh_CN: Akonadi contacts access library - development files This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5contacts-dev Description-md5: d54e6efcc2b2c0b1723d5b7d0e6a26db Description-zh_CN: development files for kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5dav5 Description-md5: 17b9bbf5c29c770eeaeb965b40df1ae6 Description-zh_CN: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. Package: libkf5emoticons-bin Description-md5: e2a696bf68def69923103826b3f03690 Description-zh_CN: Support for emoticons and emoticons themes. This class can be used to retrieve, install, create emoticons theme. It can also be used to set the emoticon theme and the parse mode in the config file. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libkf5eventviews-dev Description-md5: 4cba94f0a755adb6631848ef4e7d8ca1 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM event handling - devel files This library provides an event creator for KDE PIM. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkf5filemetadata-dev Description-md5: fb635157731c647d00d7429c47d2d54e Description-zh_CN: library for extracting file metadata This library is for extracting file metadata. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5grantleetheme-dev Description-md5: 1dd606648e6bfbff5df3d2dc1ae2f5f5 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - devel files This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkf5gravatar-dev Description-md5: 4996ecad1f5e5bfa242c0a73a356696b Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM gravatar library, devel files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . This package contains the development files needed to build against the library. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5holidays-data Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5holidays-dev Description-md5: d505a6731a3b4a509aeadfd0b5d8823a Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library - development files This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5holidays5 Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5identitymanagement-dev Description-md5: 6f4327cbdd7bd68e78005178753048cf Description-zh_CN: library for managing user identities - development files This library provides an API for managing user identities. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5imap-dev Description-md5: 897f577924da2ddfcc1097c3f3f7916d Description-zh_CN: library for handling IMAP data - development files This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5itemmodels-dev Description-md5: c6837722d91b91a0c667384da2af03fb Description-zh_CN: additional item/view models for Qt Itemview A library which provides additional item/view models for Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5itemviews-dev Description-md5: a71197f2a0fdffeea21773d2856c3b10 Description-zh_CN: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5kdcraw5 Description-md5: 6388cc47ceebd62fbf174b0164753c36 Description-zh_CN: RAW picture decoding library Libkdcraw is a Qt interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW picture files. . This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf5kdegames-data Description-md5: c20b6ad06e7fa60c102577a8dbfa6e5d Description-zh_CN: shared library for KDE games - data files This package contains a shared library used by KDE games. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5kdegames-dev Description-md5: 8706a1fad1d9280a6ce624231dc1618a Description-zh_CN: development files for the KDE games library This package contains development files for building software that uses libraries from the KDE games module. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5kdegames7 Description-md5: 5d3e89955b5eb697625abb46b23f640b Description-zh_CN: shared library for KDE games This package contains a shared library used by KDE games. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5kdegamesprivate7 Description-md5: f654e24a2b4b2a3a4623157c2f05fea9 Description-zh_CN: private part of shared library for KDE games This package contains the private parts of the shared library used by KDE games. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5khtml-bin Description-md5: a5f41b96e47e6272b999c873c5a4c4d7 Description-zh_CN: HTML widget and component KHTML is a web rendering engine, based on the KParts technology and using KJS for JavaScript support. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libkf5kio-dev Description-md5: c0ff6b419f060f50b412bad2833dbd53 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (development files) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This package contains the development files for kio. Package: libkf5kio-doc Description-md5: 9e261e8f33096a98777ebdeba7586a27 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (documentation) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This package contains the QCH documentation files. Package: libkf5kiocore5 Description-md5: 0b5c7433e5c2ea2937fc33f605a13afd Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO core library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains the core classes. Package: libkf5kiofilewidgets5 Description-md5: cb19470acd45ad1a9b71eb10daa72e49 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO file widgets library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains some file dialog widgets. Package: libkf5kiogui5 Description-md5: 37f2c14c77b851264775ced201d170d7 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO gui library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains gui related jobs. Package: libkf5kiontlm5 Description-md5: 6899c76173e4750bac94a7990cc07cd8 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO NTLM library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library implements the NTLM authentication protocol Package: libkf5kiowidgets5 Description-md5: b90444db59103185b0624869451f2f70 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO widgets library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains some UI widgets. Package: libkf5kjs-dev Description-md5: a65be5effc7d5bb59bf1c50397554f7d Description-zh_CN: Support for JS scripting in Qt applications Addon library to Qt which adds JavaScript scripting support. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5kmahjongglib-dev Description-md5: cefc2ded176665344cf48857250eeb41 Description-zh_CN: development files for the KDE kmahjongg library This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE kmahjongg library. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5kmahjongglib5 Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811 Description-zh_CN: shared library for kmahjongg and kshisen This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and kshisen. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5konq-dev Description-md5: 2f226ba83e228f0b5364faf22a2db86e Description-zh_CN: development files for the Konqueror libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the Konqueror libraries. . 此软件包是 KDE 基础应用程序模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5konq6 Description-md5: b05ebb1e713fd062b30c38090c834466 Description-zh_CN: core libraries for Konqueror This package contains libraries used by several KDE 4 applications, particularly Konqueror. . 此软件包是 KDE 基础应用程序模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5kontactinterface-dev Description-md5: 5d4ec19cad08b4aa5cb9586cb7df8087 Description-zh_CN: Kontact interface library - development files This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5ksieve-dev Description-md5: 424238af468df6adbd0ec780aab1bd5d Description-zh_CN: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5ldap-dev Description-md5: 7389f56e2b83cda2cf6f3ae47b1e5ac0 Description-zh_CN: library for accessing LDAP - development files This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5libkdepim-dev Description-md5: ac38fed39cd5255b705265fa498abf78 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM library - development files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains headers, and the libraries needed to build some of the KDE PIM applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5libkleo-dev Description-md5: dd52c8a48af676c49c901e4f40f8c8f6 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM cryptographic library, devel files This package contains the development files for libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5mailimporter-dev Description-md5: 45dbd59590a730e7a4e3a1a6eea338e4 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mail importer library, devel files This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5mailtransport-dev Description-md5: bdb3121eb260a0cd727b888db9015957 Description-zh_CN: mail transport service library - development files Mailtransport is a library that provides the following functionality: . * Shared mail transport settings. * GUI elements to configure mail transport settings. * Job classes for mail sending. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5mbox-dev Description-md5: 970f113ba32e693d20fad06b7422aaaf Description-zh_CN: library for handling mbox mailboxes - development files This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5mediawiki5 Description-md5: 13505f835043f51bd0ce1da961983c06 Description-zh_CN: access to the API of MediaWiki sites - shared library libmediawiki is a C++/Qt library to interface MediaWiki websites: . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf5messageviewer-plugins Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5mime-dev Description-md5: 3e8d7b6fb7ba4938dc9cf77296922163 Description-zh_CN: library for handling MIME data - development files This library provides an API for handling MIME data. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support text in character sets other than US-ASCII, non-text attachments, multi-part message bodies, and header information in non- ASCII character sets. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5mimetreeparser-dev Description-md5: 65a8f57518ad25f45c9fb39a45d4f274 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library devel files This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5networkmanagerqt-dev Description-md5: 9dc2e22716afe1605fd2596a1d967dda Description-zh_CN: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - devel files. Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 . This package contains the development files Package: libkf5networkmanagerqt-doc Description-md5: 50da56d8681346bb60b42299344a7d98 Description-zh_CN: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - library (documentation) Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf5networkmanagerqt6 Description-md5: e102e38c8b2a8cc78661df1ac3bdf665 Description-zh_CN: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - library Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 Package: libkf5notifications-data Description-md5: ae40c99977a166371ab26ec181c81eaa Description-zh_CN: 桌面通知框架 KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . This package contains the translations. Package: libkf5notifications-dev Description-md5: 8f4590cf66374d3ef801268f8f093b97 Description-zh_CN: 桌面通知框架 KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . Contains debug symbols for KNotifications. Package: libkf5notifications-doc Description-md5: 4116d92d4cadea5ddc45d2a1aa960b9d Description-zh_CN: 桌面通知框架 KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf5notifications5 Description-md5: f95c090e891ee3efe7a9a2c0613f1ac4 Description-zh_CN: 桌面通知框架 KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 Package: libkf5package-dev Description-md5: 7af936f57f65556e8d58253e7b2bc3c5 Description-zh_CN: development files for kpackage KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5parts-plugins Description-md5: 80089dbc4845a1b31d767b8f50225431 Description-zh_CN: Document centric plugin system. Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libkf5people-dev Description-md5: 6b928a03f1b935cedcd08ca7a07df1a7 Description-zh_CN: development files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5pimcommon-dev Description-md5: db67b90eda72cee61ebcee919d1530ed Description-zh_CN: Common library for KDE PIM - devel files This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM components. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkf5pimtextedit-dev Description-md5: 58e8b09f35b68ac1bcb20d29b99dd846 Description-zh_CN: libkf5pimtextedit - development files KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5pulseaudioqt-dev Description-md5: 2be1238e2ab28630ea841b51cf79eba2 Description-zh_CN: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 5 - development files Qt 5 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5pulseaudioqt5 Description-md5: d1a7e97fac3c367c27daf125a683f63e Description-zh_CN: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 5 Qt 5 framework C++ bindings library for the Pulseaudio sound system. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev Description-md5: 5d76badf23f9f9f12c6e47b7a8b73ac9 Description-zh_CN: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5sane5 Description-md5: acb7108b6da4b4d9984cb1b4264a38a4 Description-zh_CN: scanner library (runtime) The KDE scanner library provides an API and widgets for using scanners and other imaging devices supported by SANE. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf5solid-dev Description-md5: 7dc236fc00f1a461c4a56518c3570fd4 Description-zh_CN: Qt library to query and control hardware Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5style-dev Description-md5: f3bbaacf1ceb1a2c63c81d66f4a17ec4 Description-zh_CN: KF5 cross-framework integration plugins - KStyle Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace. . libkf5style5 provides integration with KDE Plasma Workspace settings for Qt styles. . Derive your Qt style from KStyle to automatically inherit various settings from the KDE Plasma Workspace, providing a consistent user experience. For example, this will ensure a consistent single-click or double-click activation setting, and the use of standard themed icons. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkf5syndication-dev Description-md5: 9b8502053d14d77e372319fdf2e46545 Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - development files Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5syndication-doc Description-md5: 70c92266337c257e8088118b7a722efd Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - documentation Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf5syndication5abi1 Description-md5: cf4722888b15a8c2104d0011981f7441 Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf5threadweaver-dev Description-md5: 69b77987a208fe929a19330620550661 Description-zh_CN: ThreadWeaver library to help multithreaded programming in Qt ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5tnef-dev Description-md5: a95e1bed2254e08b66ef598466ac8c87 Description-zh_CN: library for handling TNEF data - development files Ktnef is a library for handling data in the TNEF format (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format, a proprietary format of e-mail attachment used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server). The API permits access to the actual attachments, the message properties (TNEF/MAPI), and allows one to view/extract message formatted text in Rich Text Format. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf5wallet-bin Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. Package: libkf5webengineviewer-dev Description-md5: 7cc7fc0645b0fea18e83b51f1ba41340 Description-zh_CN: KDE's Qt Web Engine Viewer devel files This library implements view on Qt Web Engine used by KDE PIM. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkf5xmlgui-bin Description-md5: e3c98746a983b523c22e4615e7ee9e64 Description-zh_CN: 用户可配置的主窗口 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libkf5xmlgui-data Description-md5: a417ed819fd0db2c25d7a63fa58bae62 Description-zh_CN: 用户可配置的主窗口 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . This package contains the data files. Package: libkf5xmlgui-dev Description-md5: 42e64d583d2b1dc4cc368b83ff56086c Description-zh_CN: 用户可配置的主窗口 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . Contains development files for kxmlgui. Package: libkf5xmlgui-doc Description-md5: eef6856bfb51ab08183a02a4127ab099 Description-zh_CN: User configurable main windows (documentation) 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf5xmlgui5 Description-md5: 693fc3c34b3a64ddefb47f07b5d7b364 Description-zh_CN: 用户可配置的主窗口 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 Package: libkf5xmlrpcclient-dev Description-md5: 1ebe29dd9650c80ce8d11480bb93235a Description-zh_CN: development files for kxmlrpcclient XML RPC client library. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6archive-dev Description-md5: dda7cc34875f4d23ae738cd6aca18359 Description-zh_CN: development files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6baloo-dev Description-md5: 571d9a4b4dc2b3f59b59abaa23323564 Description-zh_CN: framework for file search and metadata management - development files Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma. It focuses on speed and a very small memory footprint. It maintains an index of your files and optionally their contents which you can search. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6baloo6 Description-md5: 3cdff81041223d1872f5812129d200f2 Description-zh_CN: framework for file search and metadata management - shared library Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma. It focuses on speed and a very small memory footprint. It maintains an index of your files and optionally their contents which you can search. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf6bluezqt-dev Description-md5: bd50a2b54b261df76061b6d07455051f Description-zh_CN: development files for bluez-qt This package provides all the necessary development headers for building software that uses the bluez-qt library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6breezeicons-dev Description-md5: d9d51a6d123bcfa921bdaaebf4a1b0e9 Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma icon theme (development files) This is the default icon theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6breezeicons6 Description-md5: b27cf25da90c087dd26fc5669c7e518c Description-zh_CN: Default Plasma icon theme This is the default icon theme for the KDE Plasma 6 desktop. . 本包是 Breeze 主题模块的一部分。 Package: libkf6calendarcore-dev Description-md5: 3eed20b245c48b5903797b80a3860ca2 Description-zh_CN: development files for kcalendarcore This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6config-dev Description-md5: 6a5a81d65a001650e3c4b67ce80ca1e4 Description-zh_CN: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6contacts-dev Description-md5: d54e6efcc2b2c0b1723d5b7d0e6a26db Description-zh_CN: development files for kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6dav6 Description-md5: 0165acfb2704633683a679d12489bc8f Description-zh_CN: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. Package: libkf6filemetadata-dev Description-md5: fb635157731c647d00d7429c47d2d54e Description-zh_CN: library for extracting file metadata This library is for extracting file metadata. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6holidays-data Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf6holidays-dev Description-md5: d505a6731a3b4a509aeadfd0b5d8823a Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library - development files This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6holidays6 Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-zh_CN: holidays calculation library This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf6itemmodels-dev Description-md5: 8e2ba53c6dbe2f8fe96eb99735d57702 Description-zh_CN: additional item/view models for Qt Itemview A library which provides additional item/view models for Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6itemviews-dev Description-md5: 5e89faf8945661c1360c7b62f67b204f Description-zh_CN: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6kio-dev Description-md5: c0ff6b419f060f50b412bad2833dbd53 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (development files) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This package contains the development files for kio. Package: libkf6kio-doc Description-md5: 9e261e8f33096a98777ebdeba7586a27 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (documentation) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This package contains the QCH documentation files. Package: libkf6kiocore6 Description-md5: 0b5c7433e5c2ea2937fc33f605a13afd Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO core library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains the core classes. Package: libkf6kiofilewidgets6 Description-md5: cb19470acd45ad1a9b71eb10daa72e49 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO file widgets library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains some file dialog widgets. Package: libkf6kiogui6 Description-md5: 37f2c14c77b851264775ced201d170d7 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO gui library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains gui related jobs. Package: libkf6kiowidgets6 Description-md5: b90444db59103185b0624869451f2f70 Description-zh_CN: resource and network access abstraction (KIO widgets library) KDE 输入输出框架提供单独的 API 以操作文件,无论文件在本地还是在远程服务器 上。另外,KIO Slaves 提供对独立协议的支持。某些特别有用的例子如 http、ftp、 sftp、smb、nfs、ssh(fish)、man、tar 和 zip。 . This library contains some UI widgets. Package: libkf6networkmanagerqt-dev Description-md5: 6470cb9ef5f7beb6044842ad211c4384 Description-zh_CN: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - devel files Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . This package is part of the KDE Frameworks. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6notifications-data Description-md5: fc3c8635a7f5a64259e2105806ae9be7 Description-zh_CN: Framework for desktop notifications data KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . This package contains the translations. Package: libkf6notifications-dev Description-md5: 366f49397fb8918a246e1356a4fc1baa Description-zh_CN: Framework for desktop notifications development KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . Contains development files for KNotifications. Package: libkf6notifications-doc Description-md5: ad9f48974fa6349f26280d0fcfcc6df3 Description-zh_CN: Framework for desktop notifications docs KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf6notifications6 Description-md5: 7bf1fd2544d88e273c4c91ed60f881a0 Description-zh_CN: Framework for desktop notifications library KNotification 用于向用户通知一个事件。它支持反馈事件与持久事件。 Package: libkf6package-dev Description-md5: ec7ad9ac337541c68414c46b00f5e8a6 Description-zh_CN: development files for kpackage KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6people-dev Description-md5: c0bc6e6679c4d97a0d6be4604f264cc7 Description-zh_CN: development files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6pulseaudioqt-dev Description-md5: 4c826609d0556ce50b6d1f055fa75ef9 Description-zh_CN: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 6 - development files Qt 6 framework C++ bindings development files for the Pulseaudio sound system. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6pulseaudioqt5 Description-md5: c4f0ebe60ea1416f50b46453be0ad3ed Description-zh_CN: Pulseaudio bindings library for Qt 6 Qt 6 framework C++ bindings library for the Pulseaudio sound system. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkf6qqc2desktopstyle-dev Description-md5: edf4940cd0b7429183d7e4facd16d0be Description-zh_CN: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style - development files Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6solid-dev Description-md5: 44c53df484e3b7dc64a056c936a9b2d9 Description-zh_CN: Qt library to query and control hardware Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying operating system. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6statusnotifieritem-dev Description-md5: 182029818956a3c8969832b2d6eb4467 Description-zh_CN: Implementation of Status Notifier Items - development files KStatusNotifierItem provides a framework for status notifier items. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6style-dev Description-md5: 955ca4894bae727fe86789fa7cad99a8 Description-zh_CN: integration of Qt application with KDE workspaces - KF6Style development files Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace. . The library KF6Style provides integration with KDE Plasma Workspace settings for Qt styles. . Derive your Qt style from KStyle to automatically inherit various settings from the KDE Plasma Workspace, providing a consistent user experience. For example, this will ensure a consistent single-click or double-click activation setting, and the use of standard themed icons. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkf6syndication-dev Description-md5: 9b8502053d14d77e372319fdf2e46545 Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - development files Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6syndication-doc Description-md5: 70c92266337c257e8088118b7a722efd Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - documentation Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf6syndication6 Description-md5: cf4722888b15a8c2104d0011981f7441 Description-zh_CN: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkf6threadweaver-dev Description-md5: 4424420e87f1382e2bc9617bf8a9a42a Description-zh_CN: ThreadWeaver library to help multithreaded programming in Qt ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 6. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkf6xmlgui-data Description-md5: 26ddd8d18993364adc49db3f2c093dae Description-zh_CN: User configurable main windows 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . This package contains the data files. Package: libkf6xmlgui-dev Description-md5: 1c02212e8593db21f7263926098ade7a Description-zh_CN: User configurable main windows - development files 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . Contains development files for kxmlgui. Package: libkf6xmlgui-doc Description-md5: 397aec4770c8f2141028e63134952dfa Description-zh_CN: User configurable main windows - documentation 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 . This package contains the qch documentation files. Package: libkf6xmlgui6 Description-md5: b9f975d03426f7f347a68c62af228410 Description-zh_CN: User configurable main windows 基于动作(actions),使用 XML 设计应用程序用户界面的框架。 Package: libkfontinst6 Description-md5: 66b4ec4c7e71a8a971b4c2d1d8842f83 Description-zh_CN: Tools and widgets for the desktop library Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 Package: libkfontinstui6 Description-md5: 66b4ec4c7e71a8a971b4c2d1d8842f83 Description-zh_CN: Tools and widgets for the desktop library Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . 本包是 KDE Plasma 的一部分。 Package: libkgantt-dev Description-md5: 6f1182399691d8f41c32d779deb27dfc Description-zh_CN: library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkgantt2 Description-md5: 5672966bdfb082a5687c5da49bb612f3 Description-zh_CN: library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkibi-dev Description-md5: bb199bff69d79efc7f792e25609bf13b Description-zh_CN: library for byte prefixes (development files) This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkickpass-dev Description-md5: 1f46430054c8c3b6ee89ef8273af5d23 Description-zh_CN: library used by kickpass (development files) Kickpass is built around this shared library. libkickpass leverage libsodium to create safes. Safes are created using authenticated encryption with associated data. As of now libkickpass use chacha20 along with poly1305 to encrypt and authenticate the safe. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libkirigami-dev Description-md5: d1ee49bc6948c256355ad57eb42a7d45 Description-zh_CN: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use (development) Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkissfft-dev Description-md5: cdf4d60c2fc2c231ff6c7f5aa379fc1a Description-zh_CN: Mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library (development tools) There are many great fft libraries already around. Kiss FFT is not trying to be better than any of them. It only attempts to be a reasonably efficient, moderately useful FFT that can use fixed or floating data types and can be incorporated into someone's C program in a few minutes with trivial licensing. . 安装本软件包将仅提供开发所需的文件:头文件、软件库。 Package: libkomparediff2-5 Description-md5: a2b2c5e6ea84aa1ab038916ef6461972 Description-zh_CN: library to compare files and strings This package contains a library used to compare files and strings, and is used in Kompare and KDevelop. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: libkomparediff2-dev Description-md5: 5923ec7db50bfd01c96c3d698d42f7e1 Description-zh_CN: library to compare files and strings - development files This package contains a library used to compare files and strings, and is used in Kompare and KDevelop. . This package contains development headers for the kompare library. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: libkompareinterface-dev Description-md5: 8e83747b3f06f74f37ed634f69d89f77 Description-zh_CN: file difference viewer - kpart interface library development files Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch files. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: libkompareinterface5 Description-md5: 5e71ecdc9aeda9f21e1c39bcbea651dc Description-zh_CN: file difference viewer - kpart interface library Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch files. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: libkopeninghours-dev Description-md5: 3aa36412b696f4bcbc0edf67bddd653b Description-zh_CN: OSM opening hours expressions library (development files) A library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions. . OSM opening hours expressions are used to describe when a feature is open/available or closed. This format is not only used in OpenStreetMap itself, but in various other data sources or APIs needing such a description as well. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkopete-dev Description-md5: e2878b0f85b4b3d64485b6a8a92de6e1 Description-zh_CN: development files for the Kopete instant messaging and chat application Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . This package contains development files needed for building Kopete plugins. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: libkopete1 Description-md5: 3767122bf11e2b1b67397dba1809b6c9 Description-zh_CN: main Kopete library Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . This package contains main Kopete library which is used by Kopete and its plugins. . 这个包是 KDE 网络组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadiagentbase5 Description-md5: 6cb0d91384ee342f64ac4e4891caf006 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi agent base library This library contains classes to implement agents for the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadicontact-plugins Description-md5: e37a9957f2fcac1dd44cb526f5c16f80 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi contacts access library This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadicontact5 Description-md5: e37a9957f2fcac1dd44cb526f5c16f80 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi contacts access library This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadicore5 Description-md5: 7eaca65bf97daa5f493d62c080313159 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi core library This library contains Akonadi PIM data server core classes. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadimime5 Description-md5: 4e624534e40cf9790cf55069c0d61f2f Description-zh_CN: Akonadi MIME handling library This library provides MIME handling helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadinotes-data Description-md5: 08fce51dfe466ac3b67905a840652a4d Description-zh_CN: Akonadi notes access library - data files This library provides notes manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadinotes5 Description-md5: 8c6e61d76502884be9087f95fed497e3 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi notes access library This library provides notes manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadiwidgets5 Description-md5: 14a700b6cade167a55cbed0288970004 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi widgets library This library contains standard widgets for the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5akonadixml5 Description-md5: fedb7044a6b3771e661d0d2237c65b21 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi XML helper library This library provides XML helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5contacteditor5 Description-md5: 3bd9a6ec77c4bf1a019422af45285c60 Description-zh_CN: Akonadi contact editor library This library provides contacts manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5gravatar-data Description-md5: f8a08eb985388672ffe21e1138de2180 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM gravatar library - data files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5gravatar5 Description-md5: beb8ec156e8b90ca7cfdb6ac03039963 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM gravatar library This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5identitymanagement-data Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9 Description-zh_CN: library for managing user identities This library provides an API for managing user identities. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5identitymanagement5 Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9 Description-zh_CN: library for managing user identities This library provides an API for managing user identities. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5identitymanagementwidgets5 Description-md5: 2a7cc286b49fa6458cc776e68440bd0e Description-zh_CN: library for managing user identities widgets This library provides an API for managing user identities with widgets. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5kmanagesieve5 Description-md5: 41f348d1ad406a2453e30b07d2621e97 Description-zh_CN: Sieve remote script management support for kdepim, library This library implements a subset of the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). Among other basic operations, it provides an easy to use API for listing, retrieving, deleting, activating and uploading of scripts to the remote Sieve script server. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5ksieve-data Description-md5: 762e34857d8184eb948e9a561e902d5c Description-zh_CN: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, data files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 . This package provides the data files common to the kf5ksieve libraries. Package: libkpim5ksieve5 Description-md5: 9fc856526951c294fbc203c6acb2f202 Description-zh_CN: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, library This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5ksieveui5 Description-md5: 530a6c5f34077391676f0b0bed9a39b6 Description-zh_CN: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, GUI library This library implements GUI dialogs and elements which enable users to easily create, edit and manage their mail filters on the mail servers which support the Sieve language (RFC 3028) and the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5ldap-data Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff Description-zh_CN: library for accessing LDAP This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5ldap5 Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff Description-zh_CN: library for accessing LDAP This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5libkdepim-data Description-md5: 7fa517443f4722bf5c2a9c97b052cc2c Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM library - data files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains data files used by the library. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5libkdepim5 Description-md5: 09bd9184b30dc67a91370a903fd01622 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM library This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM applications use. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5libkleo-data Description-md5: 2f9f8e02d88fc32d05b80a363cde7960 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM cryptographic library, data files This package contains the data files used by libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5libkleo5 Description-md5: 134d5b675a775fa494c8a27dd857368f Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM cryptographic library This package contains libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mailimporter-data Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mailimporter5 Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mailimporterakonadi5 Description-md5: 96bc65d27c80727a70fa765bec02d454 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mail importer Akonadi library This package contains a library for importing mails into Akonadi applications. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mbox-data Description-md5: febe5c6e80fedbf1f282062563ad4d3e Description-zh_CN: library for handling mbox mailboxes This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mbox5 Description-md5: febe5c6e80fedbf1f282062563ad4d3e Description-zh_CN: library for handling mbox mailboxes This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5messagelist5t64 Description-md5: 49a0d7f2169e8c95462d34be5e96bbb2 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM messaging library, message list library This package contains the message list library. It provides a widget for the e-mail message lists with extensive filtering, grouping and useful features. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5messageviewer5t64 Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mime-data Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b Description-zh_CN: library for handling MIME data This library provides an API for handling MIME data. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support text in character sets other than US-ASCII, non-text attachments, multi-part message bodies, and header information in non- ASCII character sets. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mime5 Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b Description-zh_CN: library for handling MIME data This library provides an API for handling MIME data. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support text in character sets other than US-ASCII, non-text attachments, multi-part message bodies, and header information in non- ASCII character sets. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5mimetreeparser5t64 Description-md5: 2f9c1b63f48775da4a7b95e5ac02c214 Description-zh_CN: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5templateparser5t64 Description-md5: 724d02891f85b2429bcabdc216fcfc5e Description-zh_CN: KMail template parser library This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or forwarded messages. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpim5textedit-data Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde Description-zh_CN: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5textedit5 Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde Description-zh_CN: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . 本软件包是 KDE 开发平台 PIM 库模块的一部分。 Package: libkpim5webengineviewer5t64 Description-md5: 789a4260a037986d4c43799980a1b867 Description-zh_CN: WebEngineViewer library This library implements a WebEngineViewer. . 这个包是 KDE 个人信息助理组件的一部分。 Package: libkpimitinerary-dev Description-md5: 0ab6887b9204b218de8c4e0d7a22652a Description-zh_CN: library for Travel Reservation information - development files This library provides an API for Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkpimpkpass-dev Description-md5: 416f5fe817f4d8876cf3b0debce596f6 Description-zh_CN: library for Apple Wallet Pass reader - development files This library provides an API for Apple Wallet Pass reader. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkpimsmtp-dev Description-md5: 7fef7714067621530896c242058245cc Description-zh_CN: library for handling SMTP data This library provides an API for handling SMTP services. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail transmission. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkreport3-4 Description-md5: 2b54b06be8ebc3edfa560ab265de546a Description-zh_CN: report creation and generation framework -- shared library The KReport framework implements reporting functionality for creation of reports in MS Access style. They are also similar to SAP Crystal Reports and FileMaker reports. . Reports can be created interactively and programmatically. They can be previewed on screen, printed, and saved in a variety of formats such as HTML, PDF and OpenDocument. . Reports of this kind offer a way to view, format, and summarize the information. For example a simple report of contact phone numbers can be prepared, or a more complex report on sales for different products, regions, and periods of time. . A report is often filled with information from a database. There are many use cases: * The data can be displayed, summarized, sorted and grouped * Totals can be computed and displayed * Single or multiple records of data can be placed on a page * Details for individual data records can be placed in a layout * Labels can be created * The various report sections, such as title, header or footer, can be sized to suit * Reports can be generated on demand, thus eliminating saving them in files for further use . 本包包含共享库文件。 . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libksanecore1 Description-md5: e8905236e4f04898ebfc4e88e2afb36b Description-zh_CN: library providing logic to interface scanners KSaneCore is a library that provides a Qt interface for the SANE library for scanner hardware. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkseexpr-dev Description-md5: c4c9405a2ebe7495b26e0924d68c367d Description-zh_CN: development files for libreadstat library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libkshark2 Description-md5: 08f8fbe73b08d5e690a65c97cde941d7 Description-zh_CN: Library for accessing ftrace file system (shared library) Library for accessing ftrace file system and provides API for processing of tracing data. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkvazaar7 Description-md5: 4dfa85aad7f0ca86b9cd5b3158646b73 Description-zh_CN: HEVC encoder - shared library kvazaar is a HEVC encoder. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libkvilib5 Description-md5: 0c38b83a31212ebcf35e05de78797704 Description-zh_CN: KVIrc (IRC client) base library 一个具有高度可配置的图形界面、支持多标签页的 IRC 客户端,内置脚本语言、 IRC DCC 和拖放文件浏览支持等。KVIrc 使用 KDE widget 集合,可以使用 自己的脚本语言扩展功能并与 KDE 集成、支持自定义插件。 . This package contains the main library of KVIrc. Package: libkwin6 Description-md5: 02cae5c96f2a22c6b7bb14383d30abed Description-zh_CN: KDE window manager library KWin (按“kwi“单音节发音) 为KDE Plasma 桌面的窗口管理器。它可 让您完全掌控您的窗口,确保它们在您的任务中不妨碍您而是帮助您。 它负责绘制窗口装饰,窗口顶栏(带有(可配置的)按钮,如关闭、 最大化、最小化)。它同时还负责处理窗口放置及之间的切换。 . 本包是 KDE 基础工作区模块的一部分。 Package: libkyotocabinet16v5 Description-md5: 4ecfd98bdb4e15c82c1b0b272077ff49 Description-zh_CN: Straightforward implementation of DBM - shared library Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblabltk-ocaml Description-md5: 98b424bfb760d054aec723f15c667970 Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings to Tcl/Tk (runtime libraries) mlTk is a library for interfacing OCaml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk. . In addition to the basic interface with Tcl/Tk, this package contains * the "jpf" library, written by Jun P. Furuse; it contains a "file selector" and "balloon help" support; * the "frx" library, written by Francois Rouaix; * the "tkanim" library, which supports animated gif loading/display. . 这个软件包包含运行库。 Package: liblager-dev Description-md5: 8090bcd727ae6273b8b26921286f58a2 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for value-oriented design -- development files lager is a C++ library to assist value-oriented design by implementing the unidirectional data-flow architecture. It is heavily inspired by Elm and Redux, and enables composable designs by promoting the use of simple value types and testable application logic via pure functions. And you get time- travel for free! . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblaszip8 Description-md5: 747250a339d6d66f7c4ed700fa4fd7fb Description-zh_CN: Lossless LiDAR compression - shared library LASzip quickly turns bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files without information loss. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblaxjson-dev Description-md5: edca0d150aa8ffdf7efacf79c07e0139 Description-zh_CN: relaxed streaming JSON parser library (development files) Official JSON is almost human-readable and human-writable. Disabling a few of the strict rules makes it significantly more so. . This library is intended for parsing user input, such as a config file. It is not intended for serializing or deserializing, or as a format for computer-to- computer communication. . This relaxed streaming JSON parser allows: * unquoted keys * single quotes `'` * `//` and `/* */` style comments * extra commas `,` in arrays and objects . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblcas-dev Description-md5: 6fa888ff103c3aea31684ea02818624b Description-zh_CN: Local Centre Authorization Service development files LCAS makes binary ('yes' or 'no') authorization decisions at the site and resource level. In making this decision, it can use a variety of inputs: the 'grid' name of the user (the Subject Distinguished Name), any VO attributes the user has (like VOMS FQANs), the name of the executable the user intends to execute. It supports basic black and white list functionality, but also more complex VOMS-based expressions, based on the GACL language. . 本软件包包含了开发库文件。 Package: liblcm-dev Description-md5: 1f882d937c0e6f3f03e9f6c90c860dd6 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight Communications and Marshalling - Dev files LCM is a set of libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling, targeted at real-time systems where high-bandwidth and low latency are critical. It provides a publish/subscribe message passing model and automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code generation with bindings for applications in a variety of programming languages. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: liblcmaps-dev Description-md5: 725bd457bed333109c253421c99257e0 Description-zh_CN: LCMAPS development libraries The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509 proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local account based on the site local policy. . It is a highly configurable pluggable interface, and many plugins are available to tailor almost every need. Since this is middleware, it does not interact with the user directly; to use it in a program please see the lcmaps-*-interface packages. . 本软件包包含了开发库文件。 Package: liblensfun-dev Description-md5: b4fe2db5f17badc3f5039ae5edc6e3ea Description-zh_CN: Lens Correction library - Development files Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libleveldb-dev Description-md5: 65611e7de39f662c9fc62635dcbbb5bd Description-zh_CN: fast key-value storage library (development files) LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: liblibrecast-dev Description-md5: 6cfb6a48639040176cdc72ddeb74498e Description-zh_CN: librecast IPv6 multicast library (development) Librecast is a C library which supports IPv6 multicast networking. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libliftoff-dev Description-md5: 70611472cba028a22f4c46fd3d4ae94d Description-zh_CN: lightweight KMS plane library - development files libliftoff eases the use of KMS planes from userspace without standing in your way. Users create "virtual planes" called layers, set KMS properties on them, and libliftoff will pick planes for these layers if possible. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblilv-dev Description-md5: 253b207d03b320f290334ece7fc563a9 Description-zh_CN: library for simple use of LV2 plugins (development files) Lilv (formerly SLV2) is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities). . Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: liblinear4 Description-md5: 8be0b1ca2e45a87f4eaaf60dcb3c7370 Description-zh_CN: Library for Large Linear Classification LIBLINEAR is a library for learning linear classifiers for large scale applications. It supports Support Vector Machines (SVM) with L2 and L1 loss, logistic regression, multi class classification and also Linear Programming Machines (L1-regularized SVMs). Its computational complexity scales linearly with the number of training examples making it one of the fastest SVM solvers around. It also provides Python bindings. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: liblinenoise-ocaml Description-md5: 11daaea664ea6913985e5c08e7c8c935 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight readline alternative with OCaml (runtime) Self-contained OCaml bindings to linenoise, easy high level readline functionality in OCaml. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: liblinenoise-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 00b71b6d147ae8d8fee175052dde48c7 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight readline alternative with OCaml (development) Self-contained OCaml bindings to linenoise, easy high level readline functionality in OCaml. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblink-grammar5t64 Description-md5: a11da3adcce316ad119e709647d6e2de Description-zh_CN: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (libraries) In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblinphone++11t64 Description-md5: 98ebc1ec9987a78a224e1481495764a3 Description-zh_CN: Linphone's shared library part (supporting the SIP protocol) Linphone 是一个使用 SIP 协议的音视频网络电话客户端。它同时拥有 图形用户界面和控制台界面,包括了种类繁多的音频和视频编解码器,并提 供即时通讯功能。 . This package contains the C++ shared runtime libraries. Package: liblinphone-dev Description-md5: 54e56d8d20231f9cba88fa0cb632f312 Description-zh_CN: Linphone web phone's library - development files Linphone 是一个使用 SIP 协议的音视频网络电话客户端。它同时拥有 图形用户界面和控制台界面,包括了种类繁多的音频和视频编解码器,并提 供即时通讯功能。 . This package contains the files needed to use the linphone's library in your programs. Package: liblinphone11t64 Description-md5: 695832ba12a16225ea2d4aef9024cbaf Description-zh_CN: Linphone's shared library part (supporting the SIP protocol) Linphone 是一个使用 SIP 协议的音视频网络电话客户端。它同时拥有 图形用户界面和控制台界面,包括了种类繁多的音频和视频编解码器,并提 供即时通讯功能。 . This package contains the shared runtime libraries. Package: libliquid1 Description-md5: 6486af54628b5f0f55546e4f7d5b8967 Description-zh_CN: signal processing library for software defined radio liquid-dsp is a free and open-source digital signal processing (DSP) library designed specifically for software defined radios on embedded platforms. The aim is to provide a lightweight DSP library that does not rely on a myriad of external dependencies or proprietary and otherwise cumbersome frameworks. All signal processing elements are designed to be flexible, scalable, and dynamic, including filters, filter design, oscillators, modems, synchronizers, and complex mathematical operations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblitehtml-dev Description-md5: 856f0d3b0b126b7598d899e0dad647c4 Description-zh_CN: lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support (development files) litehtml is the lightweight HTML rendering engine with CSS2/CSS3 support. Note that litehtml itself does not draw any text, pictures or other graphics and that litehtml does not depend on any image/draw/font library. You are free to use any library to draw images, fonts and any other graphics. litehtml just parses HTML/CSS and places the HTML elements into the correct positions (renders HTML). . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: liblms7compact0 Description-md5: 39ffa815f513ef380c323dd0c3ddc5ab Description-zh_CN: Compact LMS7002 library suitable for MCU The LMS7002M is Lime's second-generation field programmable RF (FPRF) transceiver IC with extended functionality to cover a greater range of frequencies and applications. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblnk1t64 Description-md5: 85314865eac7cf483d7c93b144d957c3 Description-zh_CN: Windows Shortcut File format access library liblnk is a library to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblog4cxx-dev Description-md5: 715e50f335b5bd430bf8318c6a2bf2d9 Description-zh_CN: Logging library for C++ (development files) Log4cxx is the C++ port of log4j, a logging framework for JAVA. Log4cxx attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j configuration and output formats. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: liblognorm-dev Description-md5: 654a6e3655d22aa1048381f5e3b1ef99 Description-zh_CN: log normalizing library - development files Liblognorm 是一款事件和日志标准化库,它也可以进行实时处理。它提供了将事件标准化为一系列标准格式的功能。 . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblognorm-doc Description-md5: ef66e3082093e42dd51369f21dff4a95 Description-zh_CN: log normalizing library - developer documentation Liblognorm 是一款事件和日志标准化库,它也可以进行实时处理。它提供了将事件标准化为一系列标准格式的功能。 . This package contains the development documentation. Package: liblognorm-utils Description-md5: d40f2b157d33af44ae1862ce6df183c9 Description-zh_CN: log normalizing utilities Liblognorm 是一款事件和日志标准化库,它也可以进行实时处理。它提供了将事件标准化为一系列标准格式的功能。 . This package contains the lognormalizer tool. Package: liblognorm5 Description-md5: da67a845ae86bc40b52f7b465cdfaed7 Description-zh_CN: 日志标准化库 Liblognorm 是一款事件和日志标准化库,它也可以进行实时处理。它提供了将事件标准化为一系列标准格式的功能。 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblomiri-api-dev Description-md5: 1c8171052f6b32c34e7bc383ffee2b67 Description-zh_CN: API for Lomiri shell integration (development headers) Lomiri Operating Environment is a convergent work shell designed for use cases on phone, tablet or desktop devices. . Lomiri API Library for integrating with the Lomiri shell. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblomiri-api0 Description-md5: bff3a859ed4b5419ec0e545542f91ab4 Description-zh_CN: API for Lomiri shell integration (shared library) Lomiri Operating Environment is a convergent work shell designed for use cases on phone, tablet or desktop devices. . Lomiri API Library for integrating with the Lomiri shell. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblqr-1-0 Description-md5: caca505b25486b882b6fcc545521f19e Description-zh_CN: converts plain array images into multi-size representation The LiquidRescale (lqr) library provides a C/C++ API for performing non- uniform resizing of images by the seam-carving technique. . The library takes images in plain array format as input and converts them to a multi-size representation. . Following is a list of features: . * Areas in the image can be marked for preservation or discard * Once the image has been fully processed, the scaling can be done in real-time. In fact, the information can be saved and read out later without any further processing * The resizing is done with a single function which automatically performs all the necessary operations; it can also work in successive steps without wasting computational time * Possibility to tune the carving operation by letting the seams be less connected, or more rigid, or both * Can export and import the visibility map (the seams) * Other images can be attached and undergo the same carving process as the parent image * The automatic feature detection algorithm can be tuned by selecting among different energy gradient functions * Reports progress through a customizable interface * A signalling system permits one to cleanly handle errors . The library implements the algorithm described in the paper "Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing" by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir, which can be found at . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblqr-1-0-dev Description-md5: a79caf5f9e129f98c43a469f894d841d Description-zh_CN: converts plain array images into multi-size representation (developments files) The LiquidRescale (lqr) library provides a C/C++ API for performing non- uniform resizing of images by the seam-carving technique. . The library takes images in plain array format as input and converts them to a multi-size representation. . Following is a list of features: . * Areas in the image can be marked for preservation or discard * Once the image has been fully processed, the scaling can be done in real-time. In fact, the information can be saved and read out later without any further processing * The resizing is done with a single function which automatically performs all the necessary operations; it can also work in successive steps without wasting computational time * Possibility to tune the carving operation by letting the seams be less connected, or more rigid, or both * Can export and import the visibility map (the seams) * Other images can be attached and undergo the same carving process as the parent image * The automatic feature detection algorithm can be tuned by selecting among different energy gradient functions * Reports progress through a customizable interface * A signalling system permits one to cleanly handle errors . The library implements the algorithm described in the paper "Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing" by Shai Avidan and Ariel Shamir, which can be found at . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblrcalc1t64 Description-md5: 14aa2ad4875f6a3eadc4b1fa034a7c75 Description-zh_CN: library for calculating Littlewood-Richardson coefficients The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a package of C programs for computing Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, providing fast calculation of single LR coefficients, products of Schur functions, and skew Schur functions. Its interface uses the same notation as the SF package of John Stembridge, to make it easier to use both packages at the same time. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblua5.1-luacsnd Description-md5: d809d24f0a45014be52f8b6e4e5f85ed Description-zh_CN: Lua bindings for the Csound API (transitional package) 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: liblucene++0t64 Description-md5: d589a4bd4bc8ae15b105cb8e241bfcc2 Description-zh_CN: Shared library for Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libluksde1t64 Description-md5: 7761ec54caa764feb8741d2932656b9c Description-zh_CN: library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes libluksde is a library to access LUKS Disk Encryption volumes. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblunar-date-3.0-1 Description-md5: 2462165887bb9a6377af9cc4afd13a34 Description-zh_CN: Chinese Lunar library based on GObject Lunar-date 是一个基于 GObject 的中国农历库,它能够在中国农历和阳历之间进行转换。 . This package contains shared library and vala bindings. Package: liblunar-date-dev Description-md5: 1245bb8649d166ccb782818f9add6a0b Description-zh_CN: Chinese Lunar library based on GObject - develop files Lunar-date 是一个基于 GObject 的中国农历库,它能够在中国农历和阳历之间进行转换。 . This package contains develop files: * C headers * pkgconfig lunar-date-3.0.pc * gir-1.0 LunarDate-3.0.gir Package: liblunar-date-doc Description-md5: 5b5973708e312357d93d5625be2f111b Description-zh_CN: 基于 GObject 的中国农历库 - API 文档 Lunar-date 是一个基于 GObject 的中国农历库,它能够在中国农历和阳历之间进行转换。 . 这个软件包包含有 API 文档。 Package: liblwip-dev Description-md5: 83e8f83a2223ef39b614b5dc3de5fd5c Description-zh_CN: small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite - development files lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IPv4/IPv6 protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). . The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblwip0t64 Description-md5: 7a1d321ce7433276e56e6a396d612583 Description-zh_CN: small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite - shared library lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IPv4/IPv6 protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). . The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM usage while still having a full scale TCP. This making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tens of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblwt-log-ocaml Description-md5: bd007b69ca5fd9052a018c510d5256c9 Description-zh_CN: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (runtime) Lwt_log is a Lwt-friendly logging library. The library is split into two ocamlfind packages. The "basic" lwt_log includes Unix log destination support, such as files and syslog, and Lwt_daemon. lwt_log.core is the pure-OCaml part of lwt_log, suitable for targeting JavaScript in the browser, or elsewhere where Unix is not available. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: liblwt-log-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 319ff0c1a2833f92ed6387c90bb61690 Description-zh_CN: Lwt-friendly logging library (development) Lwt_log is a Lwt-friendly logging library. The library is split into two ocamlfind packages. The "basic" lwt_log includes Unix log destination support, such as files and syslog, and Lwt_daemon. lwt_log.core is the pure-OCaml part of lwt_log, suitable for targeting JavaScript in the browser, or elsewhere where Unix is not available. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liblxc1t64 Description-md5: 1e0f601ab32a2567bee52c30378f862a Description-zh_CN: Linux Containers userspace tools (library) Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux kernel. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liblxqt-globalkeys-ui2 Description-md5: 312affdb3c55103de523fe96b1e3a365 Description-zh_CN: daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts (ui files) 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序。 . This package contain the ui for LXQt globalkeys. Package: liblxqt-globalkeys-ui2-dev Description-md5: a25866eeca4543aa9d58fd833bfbf6ac Description-zh_CN: daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts (ui dev files) 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序。 . This package contain the ui development files. Package: liblxqt-globalkeys2 Description-md5: acc94226ed39dda478160762fa143cfd Description-zh_CN: daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts (shared libs) 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序。 . This package contain the shared libs for LXQt globalkeys. Package: liblxqt-globalkeys2-dev Description-md5: 9efffca638647ceeb2b0737caab3e5dc Description-zh_CN: daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts (dev files) 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序。 . This package contain the development files. Package: liblxqt2 Description-md5: bf3e7cd9a378b3284147d4b0e7a1697f Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for LXQt desktop environment (libs) LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This package contains the shared libraries needed by the LXQt desktop environment. Package: liblxqt2-dev Description-md5: 8175aaaa9c67f299c849c26ae002a0e3 Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for LXQt desktop environment (dev) LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This package contain the development files. Package: liblz-dev Description-md5: a084d46963a96b29cebe664999d6a5f6 Description-zh_CN: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (development) The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmagpie-0-dev Description-md5: 936d932c9887dec04d02f10eb9169970 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the magpie window manager magpie is a X11 window manager and compositor library. It contains functionality related to, among other things, window management, window compositing, focus tracking, workspace management, keybindings and monitor configuration. . Magpie is a soft-fork of GNOME mutter v43.x tailored for the requirements of the budgie-desktop. . Internally it uses a fork of Cogl, a hardware acceleration abstraction library used to simplify usage of OpenGL pipelines, as well as a fork of Clutter, a scene graph and user interface toolkit. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmapcache1t64 Description-md5: 4fc54d3ae76fdbcec473dad35147ef08 Description-zh_CN: tile caching server - shared library 本包包含共享库文件。 . MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching solution. Package: libmapserver2t64 Description-md5: b1a0e7b7cf78d706db342cfe372ebbfe Description-zh_CN: Shared library for MapServer 本包包含共享库文件。 . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: libmarble-dev Description-md5: 98d446a5b223b2b403ecbbf11613e987 Description-zh_CN: development files for the Marble globe widget library Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Marble globe widget library. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libmarblewidget-qt5-28 Description-md5: 2a9945efd67150389c70c7f1b8d76e97 Description-zh_CN: Marble globe widget library Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains shared libraries for the Marble globe widget. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: libmarco-dev Description-md5: 88b205f6c74893832a5b077c4bca9018 Description-zh_CN: library for Marco window manager (development files) Marco is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. It is developed mainly for the MATE Desktop. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmate-menu-dev Description-md5: 05611ad044fe143fff049c88b81bba0c Description-zh_CN: implementation of the freedesktop menu specs for MATE (development files) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmate-panel-applet-4-1 Description-md5: d8e7c9a5144be0cfbcc57d4b0056cc0e Description-zh_CN: library for MATE Panel applets MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 . This package contains the MATE Panel applet library. Package: libmate-panel-applet-dev Description-md5: 2f7b31123d0b0efe74df7a663424f723 Description-zh_CN: library for MATE Panel applets (development files) MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 . This package contains the development files of the MATE panel applet library. Package: libmate-panel-applet-doc Description-md5: 909324b489f7b1861fa1761741a87599 Description-zh_CN: library for MATE Panel applets (documentation files) MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 . This package contains the documentation files of the MATE panel applet library. Package: libmatekbd-dev Description-md5: e93ff714a09bcc1f566662d5ddbcdc7a Description-zh_CN: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (development files) libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmatekbd4 Description-md5: 9a1c8c8e2f16cc90311d6a8a0e172942 Description-zh_CN: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmatemixer-dev Description-md5: 7526072c404dcc017d8a08fd6825ab48 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (development files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmatemixer0 Description-md5: c57ac9885ede64f133c8d56c665bf7f8 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for MATE Desktop Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmateweather-common Description-md5: 9b1f8dc5a0ae5b5a23a35bcf93001f27 Description-zh_CN: MateWeather shared library (common files) libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: libmateweather-dev Description-md5: 044d4a59ee16ee9c8ff70692d143b78d Description-zh_CN: MateWeather shared library (development files) libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmateweather1t64 Description-md5: 018883b44fead614d635fdbc4535af89 Description-zh_CN: MateWeather shared library libmateweather is a library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmathic0v5 Description-md5: edf83d13ca7fcc48c0dd91f19ccc66be Description-zh_CN: C++ library for Groebner basis computation (runtime library) Mathic is a C++ library of fast data structures designed for use in Groebner basis computation. This includes data structures for ordering S-pairs, performing divisor queries and ordering polynomial terms during polynomial reduction. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libmathicgb0t64 Description-md5: 16d258a1c64b6d42cbc8dd32996526eb Description-zh_CN: Compute Groebner bases (runtime library) Mathicgb is a program for computing Groebner basis and signature Groebner bases. Mathicgb is based on the fast data structures from mathic. . The paper "Practical Groebner Basis Computation" describes the algorithms in Mathicgb from a high level. It was presented at ISSAC 2012 and is available at . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libmedialibrary0 Description-md5: 69cb6a71455a20746399ee1d22b00732 Description-zh_CN: library for managing media files in a media library (shared library) Medialibrary provides tools for media applications to manage their media libraries. It supports media discovery, metadata handling, and a database backend. The latter provides ways to easily search and browse the media library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmemkind0 Description-md5: ee4ae8e10d5f73748fafb84663b58044 Description-zh_CN: user-extensible heap manager for heterogeneous memory platforms The memkind library is a user extensible heap manager built on top of jemalloc which enables control of memory characteristics and a partitioning of the heap between kinds of memory. While arbitrary user control is possible, built-in characteristics include NUMA and page size. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libmemtailor0 Description-md5: 9a6736b1608b67887a364e9298fc3c59 Description-zh_CN: C++ library of special purpose memory allocators (shared library) Memtailor is a C++ library of special purpose memory allocators. It currently offers an arena allocator and a memory pool. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmenu-cache-dev Description-md5: 9176db60f0bc3d4cc5dea61f3800257e Description-zh_CN: LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (devel) Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the access to defined application menus. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmetacity-dev Description-md5: 2870632925f93a4879c6dd6207016ddb Description-zh_CN: development files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . 正如作者所说,Metacity 是一个“适合您这样的成年人的呆板窗口 管理器。很多窗口管理器就像棉花糖圈一样花哨,而 Metacity 像麦片一样朴素。” . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmetacity3 Description-md5: a636d9a504b8d22465fdf467b4819178 Description-zh_CN: library for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . 正如作者所说,Metacity 是一个“适合您这样的成年人的呆板窗口 管理器。很多窗口管理器就像棉花糖圈一样花哨,而 Metacity 像麦片一样朴素。” . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmfx1 Description-md5: 464136395447a9703a4fd31233e63687 Description-zh_CN: Intel Media SDK -- shared library Intel® Media SDK provides an API to access hardware-accelerated video decode, encode and filtering on Intel® platforms with integrated graphics. . Supported video encoders: HEVC, AVC, MPEG-2, JPEG Supported Video decoders: HEVC, AVC, VP8, MPEG-2, VC1, JPEG Supported video pre-processing filters: Color Conversion, Deinterlace, Denoise, Resize, Rotate, Composition . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmgl-dev Description-md5: 441e5bcf090e9cc82c7c471500af5e51 Description-zh_CN: library for scientific graphs (development files) A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmicrodns-dev Description-md5: cebbbf6d16d4838b4eb57e275e981e21 Description-zh_CN: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (development files) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmicrodns1 Description-md5: 7ff63dfd32843593c000687651e46e93 Description-zh_CN: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (shared library) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmicrohttpd-dev Description-md5: 086a03adbfa00b9ffca631a67418ab82 Description-zh_CN: library embedding HTTP server functionality (development) GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmicroprofile-dev Description-md5: d7beb45cc5f54ebe819becca0c8cbe0e Description-zh_CN: embeddable CPU/GPU profiler - development Microprofile is an embeddable CPU/GPU profiler with an in-app and HTML visualizers, written in C++. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmicroprofile4 Description-md5: 727cdeb4fd9a8129982598de97a56936 Description-zh_CN: embeddable CPU/GPU profiler Microprofile is an embeddable CPU/GPU profiler with an in-app and HTML visualizers, written in C++. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmimalloc-dev Description-md5: 40d14bc1bf6167cbbf5637bba27be327 Description-zh_CN: compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance (devel files) This is a general purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics. Initially developed by Daan Leijen for the run-time systems of the Koka and Lean languages. . It is a drop-in replacement for malloc and can be used in other programs without code changes. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmimetic-dev Description-md5: 68c15515a9d7bb98ff22d92473d63da4 Description-zh_CN: C++ MIME library (development) mimetic is a MIME library written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. . mimetic has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. . mimetic doesn't use exceptions but it heavily uses templates so a mostly standard compliant C++ compiler is required. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libmirisdr4 Description-md5: 1daf67ef471d1dfebd5e792abc6825a1 Description-zh_CN: Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (library) Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform . The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmjpegtools-dev Description-md5: 36202d3a50477c3c07aa5acf4beb6788 Description-zh_CN: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (development) The mjpeg programs are a set of tools that can do recording of videos and playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio and video under Linux. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmkcal-qt5-dev Description-md5: cd040ac05068733c23c6ee5a4210b066 Description-zh_CN: SQlite storage backend for KCalendarCore development files Extends KDE calendar core library and provides an SQlite backend. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmmb-dev Description-md5: 7ac0094cc444f665ecdd800d309d94fa Description-zh_CN: development files of MacroMoleculeBuilder MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing, homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmmb4.0t64 Description-md5: d4e2aa704070661228555b94f83240c4 Description-zh_CN: shared library of MacroMoleculeBuilder MacroMoleculeBuilder, previously known as RNABuilder, can be used for morphing, homology modeling, folding (e.g. using base pairing contacts), redesigning complexes, fitting to low-resolution density maps, predicting local rearrangements upon mutation, and many other applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmodbus-dev Description-md5: 319ed6ee1d4051d730fb32bd227a21ca Description-zh_CN: development files for the Modbus protocol library A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmodbus5 Description-md5: c6ad0aa78fc2b26d475235f37a7cbbff Description-zh_CN: library for the Modbus protocol A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmodulemd2 Description-md5: 133150da5ee076301387e98f7c0d6b1c Description-zh_CN: C Library for handling module metadata files The libmodulemd API provides an interface for handling metadata files describing the modular repositories introduced in the Fedora project and RedHat Enterprise Linux. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmono-2.0-1 Description-md5: ab1dbebe17d39cf9b85626eec8cc58c4 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library (Default version) Shared library for Mono, used for embedding/hosting of the JIT. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmono-2.0-dev Description-md5: 40549c7fb70e8b2f699f56eecd2d5ef6 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library - Development files (Default version) Header files and static libraries for libmono-2.0. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmono-accessibility4.0-cil Description-md5: 01e25690427b6fb0bf061c65ec1f199a Description-zh_CN: Mono Accessibility library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Accessibility library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-btls-interface4.0-cil Description-md5: b64ec819f7bd998586fc971bb0eef204 Description-zh_CN: Mono Mono.Btls.Interface library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Mono.Btls.Interface library for CLI 4.0, needed for using the new BTLS SSL engine. Package: libmono-cairo4.0-cil Description-md5: 3cad538bdd5017f4146b38389cb19d3c Description-zh_CN: Mono Cairo library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Cairo library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-cecil-private-cil Description-md5: d564873520a1b5990e4c4443e97c1984 Description-zh_CN: Mono.Cecil library Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the private Mono.Cecil library that allows one to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. Package: libmono-cil-dev Description-md5: b3ffc3f2c198d9bf41ba035ceb7c5c5e Description-zh_CN: Mono Base Class Libraries (BCL) - Development files This package contains development headers for the Mono Base Class Libraries. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmono-codecontracts4.0-cil Description-md5: 0f9bf7bad06cfb237e0947b1bdc3bef7 Description-zh_CN: Mono.CodeContracts library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.CodeContracts library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-compilerservices-symbolwriter4.0-cil Description-md5: 18b1e3a7c7cc618f86b8abed7427378c Description-zh_CN: Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-corlib4.5-cil Description-md5: b9348047abaa2f15655ede6d853a4c94 Description-zh_CN: Mono core library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Core Library (mscorlib.dll) of Mono for CLI 4.5, which is the glue between the BCL (Base Class Libraries) and the JIT. . You should install libmono-i18n-west4.0-cil if you are using ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9) or other common Western European code pages. US-ASCII, ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) and UTF-8 users don't need any extra I18N packages. Package: libmono-corlib4.5-dll Description-md5: 30510f9ce4b17a660056eff99e682d35 Description-zh_CN: Mono core library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Core Library (mscorlib.dll) of Mono for CLI 4.5, which is the glue between the BCL (Base Class Libraries) and the JIT. . This package contains only mscorlib.dll without a mono-runtime dependency to avoid a dependency cycle between the mono core components. For all other uses you should install libmono-corlib4.5-cil instead. Package: libmono-cscompmgd0.0-cil Description-md5: 85ebf14f16a0ed6e044f00dd7704e908 Description-zh_CN: Mono cscompmgd library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono cscompmgd library version 0.0, for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-csharp4.0c-cil Description-md5: d674a3b6e4a7b4a83ff74b492cecb43c Description-zh_CN: Mono.CSharp library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.CSharp library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-custommarshalers4.0-cil Description-md5: 1ef3fc5c461965be6e44da8d40fcf3aa Description-zh_CN: Mono CustomMarshalers library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the CustomMarshalers library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-data-tds4.0-cil Description-md5: 3692f0cb3febb7a4eaefe872d097f5b6 Description-zh_CN: Mono Data Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Data library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-db2-1.0-cil Description-md5: 3c28ae2d2103f915d76e9bbe31dec2bc Description-zh_CN: Mono DB2 library Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono DB2 library. Package: libmono-debugger-soft4.0a-cil Description-md5: b2b9fac809d6201b221707a5c359d5b6 Description-zh_CN: Mono Soft Debugger library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Soft Debugger library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-http4.0-cil Description-md5: 65a561fb620581a1190c638b7d41ec59 Description-zh_CN: Mono.Http library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Http library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n-cjk4.0-cil Description-md5: 8106d7f4f8f7ac7f375ae9a0d8510346 Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N.CJK library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the I18N.CJK library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n-mideast4.0-cil Description-md5: c04c9e411d7ece0c75314a03d75cf032 Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N.MidEast library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the I18N.MidEast library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n-other4.0-cil Description-md5: 8b53dbaa17e32844ec1ee3ceb9a6ffab Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N.Other library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the I18N.Other library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n-rare4.0-cil Description-md5: 4e36031c4da3969fa20f779345da4700 Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N.Rare library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the I18N.Rare library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n-west4.0-cil Description-md5: bbb1f3ed6bdf1f7980de1f5d24143fb1 Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N.West library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the I18N.West library for CLI 4.0, containing Central and Western European code pages such as ISO 8859-3 (Latin 3), ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9) and others. Package: libmono-i18n4.0-all Description-md5: 684c9eabe2a32a5e074d1d5380a6fddf Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N libraries metapackage (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package will install all I18N libraries for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-i18n4.0-cil Description-md5: 09cc8dcd1de793c67cfef1e6ef05d039 Description-zh_CN: Mono I18N base library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package also includes the base I18N library used by all I18N libraries. Package: libmono-ldap4.0-cil Description-md5: d9a2c83fc9264bc3e18041fc5c146d92 Description-zh_CN: Mono LDAP library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono LDAP library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-management4.0-cil Description-md5: caec665407fe914e55aec4c0bcb0e9de Description-zh_CN: Mono Management library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Management library for CLI 4.0, which provides attach functionality for the Mono runtime. It allows one to load code externally into a Mono process to debug or augment code live. Package: libmono-messaging-rabbitmq4.0-cil Description-md5: 55621d64556c992fdb784d67d974b47b Description-zh_CN: Mono Messaging RabbitMQ library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Messaging.RabbitMQ library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-messaging4.0-cil Description-md5: cb7410fa63ae6b8cc40e13af2fb1daa1 Description-zh_CN: Mono Messaging library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Messaging library for CLI 4.0, which provides messaging functionality using different implementations. At this time Mono does not provide a System.Messaging implementation. Package: libmono-microsoft-build-engine4.0-cil Description-md5: 1247f414de9e2e1efc48d56354c7a235 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Build.Engine library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Build.Engine library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-build-framework4.0-cil Description-md5: 521ef46eb4fff058ea953411bf6e7834 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Build.Framework library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Build.Framework library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-build-tasks-v4.0-4.0-cil Description-md5: d0c9af113a05fc7c9e5734e78dbd3aac Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0 library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0 library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-build-utilities-v4.0-4.0-cil Description-md5: dc4ca24f26da919a9e39d2717b00115a Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0 library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0 library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-build4.0-cil Description-md5: 97b7e9a521375d342b1a2a4b98b88d05 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Build library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Build library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-csharp4.0-cil Description-md5: 3a6ea56d61d663ae9e9136d99bc86e03 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.CSharp library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.CSharp library version 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-visualc10.0-cil Description-md5: 749143437420c731c2bca738530c7336 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.VisualC library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.VisualC library version 10.0, for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-microsoft-web-infrastructure1.0-cil Description-md5: cb233cf50954f57990a6629556218df9 Description-zh_CN: Mono Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure library version 1.0, for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-oracle4.0-cil Description-md5: 7a9aa9055753eb855953d2702e716ec1 Description-zh_CN: Mono Oracle library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Oracle library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-parallel4.0-cil Description-md5: ea043104b1d2835242422612c8f9888f Description-zh_CN: Mono.Parallel library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Parallel library for CLI 4.0 which ships some threading utility classes. Package: libmono-peapi4.0a-cil Description-md5: f348871ae4d227e0fec02055a78f296d Description-zh_CN: Mono PEAPI library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono PEAPI library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-posix4.0-cil Description-md5: ff788b5250a346c6b6a19c2694d5a435 Description-zh_CN: Mono.Posix library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Posix library for CLI 4.0 that binds many APIs found in glibc or intl. Package: libmono-profiler Description-md5: ea7923bb590dd0f96c9a33145568a361 Description-zh_CN: Mono profiler libraries Profiler libraries for Mono, used for profiling applications running on Mono. For details how to use them, please take a look at the mono manpage. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmono-rabbitmq4.0-cil Description-md5: 4053f71554e92f8366c253de467b6c7d Description-zh_CN: Mono RabbitMQ.Client library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the RabbitMQ.Client library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-relaxng4.0-cil Description-md5: f797ef231e2a4b9169f8655dd37de4d7 Description-zh_CN: Mono Relaxng library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Relaxng library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-security4.0-cil Description-md5: 1d62f62d6ff4829f9ec59087a3745678 Description-zh_CN: Mono Security library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Security library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-sharpzip4.84-cil Description-md5: dda1f56260ba57d30ddbff3bd080700e Description-zh_CN: Mono SharpZipLib library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono SharpZipLib library version 4.84, for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-simd4.0-cil Description-md5: 960d4c7486db3919eb931dc09c8515b7 Description-zh_CN: Mono SIMD (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.Simd library for CLI 4.0, which provides a number of classes that are hardware accelerated by mapping the classes and the actual operations to native SIMD instructions on a processor. Package: libmono-smdiagnostics0.0-cil Description-md5: 5e1b26624d57a26adfa815fb445ef57b Description-zh_CN: Mono SMDiagnostics Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the SMDiagnostics library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-sqlite4.0-cil Description-md5: 63658f1705fd06d82fb68709d2f2f974 Description-zh_CN: Mono Sqlite library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Sqlite library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-componentmodel-composition4.0-cil Description-md5: 89ec387d9cbb3fad6638bc0bdcfedad2 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ComponentModel.Composition library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.ComponentModel.Composition library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-componentmodel-dataannotations4.0-cil Description-md5: 12aca1b12cfb475a38b10fcc73c5adc7 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-configuration-install4.0-cil Description-md5: e909f36aad931871f9ede259b3012902 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Configuration.Install library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Configuration.Install library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-configuration4.0-cil Description-md5: 469753ae0d40212a01babae012f08e8a Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Configuration library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Configuration library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-core4.0-cil Description-md5: 079b833979f82b349b9c4a6442ee7ebe Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Core library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Core library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-data-datasetextensions4.0-cil Description-md5: fc5af1076aa2fee837e42300e2d524e9 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data.DataSetExtensions library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Data.DataSetExtensions library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-data-entity4.0-cil Description-md5: be0d47b3e07bb93d5aeab8dd54692d78 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data.Entity library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Data.Entity library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-data-linq4.0-cil Description-md5: a9c4f8e6b007e9d4b0896bfd91bd1e9d Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data.Linq Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Data.Linq library which implements LINQ to SQL. LINQ to SQL allows one to query relational databases using the language-integrated query (LINQ) extension of the C# programming language. Package: libmono-system-data-services-client4.0-cil Description-md5: 1d12433e18c72903465a2c6a5a3e8782 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data.Services.Client library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Data.Services.Client library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-data-services4.0-cil Description-md5: bc60ed731c6627be2dd10e4c262623f6 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data.Services library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Data.Services library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-data4.0-cil Description-md5: d275fa424da50595100b96e89c355f21 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Data library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Data library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-deployment4.0-cil Description-md5: ca884fbd20dae7c08b34ee4a054b0387 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Deployment library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Deployment library. Package: libmono-system-design4.0-cil Description-md5: e2b15383d3cc985f571f53e8f2f724d3 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Design Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Design library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-drawing-design4.0-cil Description-md5: a242f727948c05a384613bcc38e40bf2 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Drawing.Design (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Drawing.Design library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-drawing4.0-cil Description-md5: de6103336ff20c3962301af20fd206d7 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Drawing library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Drawing library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-dynamic4.0-cil Description-md5: bd26089fbb24907394dd3e69b4a7c33d Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Dynamic library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Dynamic library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-enterpriseservices4.0-cil Description-md5: 8d77270a093b520449a4e678e4dad811 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.EnterpriseServices library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.EnterpriseServices library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-identitymodel-selectors4.0-cil Description-md5: e7d8a141889c50ec194d6e4a75fad38f Description-zh_CN: Mono System.IdentityModel.Selectors Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.IdentityModel.Selectors library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-identitymodel4.0-cil Description-md5: 41e795a45e724dc21c6594f7f8cc23d1 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.IdentityModel Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.IdentityModel library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-io-compression-filesystem4.0-cil Description-md5: bc9ea852026cc901e0e77185a03fae5e Description-zh_CN: Mono System.IO.Compresion.FileSystem library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.IO.Compression.FileSystem library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-io-compression4.0-cil Description-md5: 182e1875730346e94596ec57aae6630b Description-zh_CN: Mono System.IO.Compression library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.IO.Compression library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-json-microsoft4.0-cil Description-md5: feeaf88c32dc05342abf4ff264bd28f0 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Json.Microsoft library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Json.Microsoft library for CLI 4.0 which provides serialization of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Package: libmono-system-json4.0-cil Description-md5: 0b5914f5bf8c7889de43931b947c5fbe Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Json library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Json library for CLI 4.0 which provides serialization of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Package: libmono-system-ldap-protocols4.0-cil Description-md5: f22af9cbb6c8f1daa9eeeeba086a00df Description-zh_CN: Mono System.DirectoryServices.Protocols library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.DirectoryServices.Protocols library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-ldap4.0-cil Description-md5: 89e35238b89ef34c4376190a265d1a7a Description-zh_CN: Mono System.DirectoryServices library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.DirectoryServices library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-management4.0-cil Description-md5: fb7779f23f7edc794220e3e3fb382d19 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Management library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Management library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-messaging4.0-cil Description-md5: c23fb451f91e0512b56ac658a4452eae Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Messaging library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Messaging library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-net-http-formatting4.0-cil Description-md5: 6ff24db9913d8dbcd84bcb312a85c1fb Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Net.Http.Formatting library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Net.Http.Formatting library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-net-http-webrequest4.0-cil Description-md5: d23a5a969ad99f2528f6f20bf7af1d0a Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Net.Http.WebRequest library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Net.Http.WebRequest library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-net-http4.0-cil Description-md5: 3ec76f2b58b6261dcce4c1bbd3c6bec2 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Net.Http library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Net.Http library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-net4.0-cil Description-md5: a78b7887c44a2788b4f26e7209b77705 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Net library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Net library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-numerics-vectors4.0-cil Description-md5: db45b94d48fcafdf2fd0c5004ab2fdc1 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Numerics.Vectors library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Numerics.Vectors library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-numerics4.0-cil Description-md5: 79c7c0610ecb45e074d8f3a64d150aa8 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Numerics library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Numerics library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-reactive-core2.2-cil Description-md5: cfdd3305626b0c07410f79fc424185c6 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Core Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Core library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-debugger2.2-cil Description-md5: 3405fcae681eb7c28dff82ed09995ed1 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Debugger Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Debugger library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-experimental2.2-cil Description-md5: 1355db046b4e2167bac2002535b1eb4a Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Experimental Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Experimental library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-interfaces2.2-cil Description-md5: a9fe74abf54ff2ae09917753c9061eb6 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Interfaces Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Interfaces library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-linq2.2-cil Description-md5: c40f458f1d727566957c5b8acde033a0 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Linq Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Linq library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-observable-aliases0.0-cil Description-md5: 49e508928c5e5aff7b9ac827fc0ca276 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Linq Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Observable.Aliases library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-platformservices2.2-cil Description-md5: 322009509c26a7c7b04c4e1ca2b82161 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.PlatformServices Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.PlatformServices library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-providers2.2-cil Description-md5: b0979f03c4c2ac7cc61b04ae225ba073 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Providers Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Providers library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-runtime-remoting2.2-cil Description-md5: f6ef8872f8e0ec23a456b2815424f21c Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Runtime.Remoting library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-windows-forms2.2-cil Description-md5: a523436653a4eaf34467f9f72ab11622 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Windows.Forms Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reactive.Windows.Forms library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reactive-windows-threading2.2-cil Description-md5: e959458cba93d66d5184e4b8255ec83c Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reactive.Windows.Threading Library (for CLI 4.5) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the library which is part of Reactive Extensions. Package: libmono-system-reflection-context4.0-cil Description-md5: 8ae9516316befe94b345372193fb4b12 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Reflection.Context library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Reflection.Context library. Package: libmono-system-runtime-caching4.0-cil Description-md5: eea4d8a6ab7a06844e37e38e3afd3ac1 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Runtime.Caching Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Runtime.Caching library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-runtime-durableinstancing4.0-cil Description-md5: 07668d407020d98267e6f13a0b6c03c8 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Runtime.DurableInstancing Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Runtime.DurableInstancing library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-runtime-serialization-formatters-soap4.0-cil Description-md5: 8992cf5587ba2f42ce4741a889ca93f1 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil Description-md5: ffb5ddef8df6850900866c0298e34b9d Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Runtime.Serialization Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Runtime.Serialization library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-runtime4.0-cil Description-md5: 20bd31e4da5dfefced9ed2aa90867b86 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Runtime library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Runtime library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-security4.0-cil Description-md5: 0de0138f9e1f5850367960a1ea4fb89b Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Security library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Security library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel-activation4.0-cil Description-md5: 369d0cfd7f336a6afd7e4153d24eb18b Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel.Activation Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel.Activation library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel-discovery4.0-cil Description-md5: a59d32badd3d07b7cfc65f67a22d7687 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel.Discovery Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel.Discovery library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel-internals0.0-cil Description-md5: 55d4aabba9dd85ed5d48bde549d30ed8 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel.Internals Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel.Internals library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel-routing4.0-cil Description-md5: f001ecc15f330dfbf75414ee56371bc9 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel.Routing Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel.Routing library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel-web4.0-cil Description-md5: 3d8c5480adc3521d9376558cb9d706cf Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel.Web Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel.Web library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-servicemodel4.0a-cil Description-md5: 4d848dcddcd260ebf7a4f0c8a3f036b4 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceModel Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.ServiceModel library which is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) libraries of Mono for CLI 4.0. The WFC stack is for building SOA-based applications. Its development is in early stages. Package: libmono-system-serviceprocess4.0-cil Description-md5: c10a35882a03c1de2c9395594d40b772 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.ServiceProcess library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.ServiceProcess library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-threading-tasks-dataflow4.0-cil Description-md5: e77d1e3eee76cebf27811fa68012f5fe Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-transactions4.0-cil Description-md5: f9364a553b7af50d6f9946805fa44814 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Transactions library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Transactions library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-abstractions4.0-cil Description-md5: 03ec665c776331f5b37ab7eed6cecdd7 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Abstractions library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Abstractions library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-applicationservices4.0-cil Description-md5: f3a3b4b7d61cbd379992c7bf5986e7e3 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.ApplicationServices library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.ApplicationServices library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-dynamicdata4.0-cil Description-md5: a18483df70ea217bf245be8762fb9656 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.DynamicData library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.DynamicData library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-extensions-design4.0-cil Description-md5: 6b16bd81d976bf77288d30d485a7e675 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Extensions.Design library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Extensions.Design library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-extensions4.0-cil Description-md5: 1f3d7abee274af3e8853e3a0a75d9421 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Extensions library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Extensions library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-http-selfhost4.0-cil Description-md5: a53fb6bd27292ed1b82ef4586655c5b3 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Http.SelfHost library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Http.SelfHost library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-http-webhost4.0-cil Description-md5: ad32a533df16b24de07ccd7ea83e9138 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Http.WebHost library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Http.WebHost library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-http4.0-cil Description-md5: 9d6b570be220a57eb672343efb313c28 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Http library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Http library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-mobile4.0-cil Description-md5: 78c446fb4e3ca2db4850ce9dc587f733 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Mobile library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Web.Mobile library. Package: libmono-system-web-mvc3.0-cil Description-md5: b0141d2156c9d6c4dcd2edc42fd87e19 Description-zh_CN: Mono ASP.NET MVC 3.0 Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Mvc 3.0 library for CLI 4.0. . The ASP.NET MVC framework is a web application framework that implements the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Package: libmono-system-web-razor2.0-cil Description-md5: 6d05dbe7d05fdbbb92a3a1438614c77d Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Razor (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Razor library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-regularexpressions4.0-cil Description-md5: 559f58029980a2f1bfeb8c890230c96b Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.RegularExpressions library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Web.RegularExpressions library. Package: libmono-system-web-routing4.0-cil Description-md5: f8c4cc1bef8f1d8f0bb6dcf58cc802ff Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Routing (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Routing library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-services4.0-cil Description-md5: 239a8493cd0df37ccec20bcc85176042 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.Services (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.Services library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-webpages-deployment2.0-cil Description-md5: b72890be0369bb83b282dd379607b6cb Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.WebPages.Deployment (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.WebPages.Deployment library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-webpages-razor2.0-cil Description-md5: b4c763bec5037099f14535cf16323480 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.WebPages.Razor (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.WebPages.Razor library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web-webpages2.0-cil Description-md5: 26ec2648eaa6798ff8130422ed75eb4b Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web.WebPages (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web.WebPages library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-web4.0-cil Description-md5: a1aee459b39706adf3d4f84b1da163ee Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Web library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Web library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-windows-forms-datavisualization4.0a-cil Description-md5: b335c0060781bdf70cc2795a530eef51 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-windows-forms4.0-cil Description-md5: 27cd7a56d703e2aee53f71bcb7409782 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Windows.Forms Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Windows.Forms library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-windows4.0-cil Description-md5: 4c44d0cff2eebbef87b9c05254dd83f3 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Windows library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Windows library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-workflow-activities4.0-cil Description-md5: 9b81890d14819ccce6d1709b0b811a93 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Workflow.Activities library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Workflow.Activities library. Package: libmono-system-workflow-componentmodel4.0-cil Description-md5: 9a71db8aeceb7bf1ba549132f8077a49 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Workflow.ComponentModel library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Workflow.ComponentModel library. Package: libmono-system-workflow-runtime4.0-cil Description-md5: 8a5f10ebb45d96738249647c6a11a8f8 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Workflow.Runtime library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the System.Workflow.Runtime library. Package: libmono-system-xaml4.0-cil Description-md5: 733cd5e627fabb4e931efc678dbca605 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Xaml Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Xaml library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil Description-md5: 5c37690477ab5977633f2bdaa3984e88 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Xml.Linq library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Xml.Linq library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-xml-serialization4.0-cil Description-md5: 537790e9aaf2d5755bd7d9b76edf57ae Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Xml.Serialization library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Xml.Serialization library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system-xml4.0-cil Description-md5: 7fff3f7341fbfda36ac6be079b1bd9e0 Description-zh_CN: Mono System.Xml library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono System.Xml library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-system4.0-cil Description-md5: 7da73ba1f9a0504ce08abe86bdea9596 Description-zh_CN: Mono System libraries (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the BCL (Base Class Libraries) of Mono for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-tasklets4.0-cil Description-md5: e68cdfd7ec973e65b9ad944c126520a3 Description-zh_CN: Mono Tasklets library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono Tasklets library for CLI 4.0. . The Mono.Tasklets library provides a continuation framework that allows for a number of high-level abstractions like co-routines and cooperative multi-threading to be implemented on top of it. Package: libmono-webbrowser4.0-cil Description-md5: 5a836904d4f0579b1bd932032f3c6bdc Description-zh_CN: Mono Web Browser library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains an empty implementation of the WebControl class - it will not render anything, but also should not crash applications which try to create a WebControl. Package: libmono-webmatrix-data4.0-cil Description-md5: 452e9d33bddfb5d96638707da28b9cd5 Description-zh_CN: Mono WebMatrix.Data Library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the WebMatrix.Data library for CLI 4.0. Package: libmono-windowsbase4.0-cil Description-md5: 89a28b534b3d998d48eeb1e5e2c8f31a Description-zh_CN: Mono WindowsBase library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the WindowsBase library for CLI 4.0 which provides the System.IO.Packaging namespace. Package: libmono-xbuild-tasks4.0-cil Description-md5: ebd43542948b924c755c3bdea7040be2 Description-zh_CN: Mono Mono.XBuild.Tasks library (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Mono.XBuild.Tasks library for CLI 4.0 which provides the Mono.XBuild.Tasks namespace. Package: libmonoboehm-2.0-1 Description-md5: ce0f2b97cfc799889408047098999cc8 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library (Boehm GC) Shared library for Mono, used for embedding/hosting of the JIT. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmonoboehm-2.0-1-dbg Description-md5: 2607171726a37a3c76b8d104a4bcedd4 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library, debugging symbols (Boehm GC) This package contains the debugging symbols of the Mono JIT library. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmonoboehm-2.0-dev Description-md5: af43ee4a1b703efca9250c987d486381 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library - Development files (Boehm GC) Header files and static libraries for libmonoboehm-2.0. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmonosgen-2.0-1 Description-md5: ca9b24575a07c5b8b0d40f68999605d1 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library (SGen GC) Shared library for Mono, used for embedding/hosting of the JIT. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmonosgen-2.0-1-dbg Description-md5: 68f58a69a75e6df10ffbba7e59366ce6 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library, debugging symbols (SGen GC) This package contains the debugging symbols of the Mono JIT library. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmonosgen-2.0-dev Description-md5: 77a08e6c81926eb0fee724b67503f444 Description-zh_CN: Mono JIT library - Development files (SGen GC) Header files and static libraries for libmonosgen-2.0. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: libmousepad-dev Description-md5: 540a021acaddf29cc595839dbb4bba98 Description-zh_CN: development files for libmousepad Mousepad 是基于 Leafpad 的 Xfce 的图形文本编辑器。 . This package contains the development files for libmousepad, library to be used for Mousepad plugins. Package: libmousepad0 Description-md5: 4d7aa79389a13ff2cad6e3e31150e147 Description-zh_CN: mousepad plugins library Mousepad 是基于 Leafpad 的 Xfce 的图形文本编辑器。 . This package contains the libmousepad library, used for Mousepad plugins. Package: libmpd-dev Description-md5: cbbcab803f9be956e62c0803dc2bba1b Description-zh_CN: 访问音乐播放器守护程序(MPD)的高级客户端软件库 LibMpd 是一款提供对音乐播放守护程序(mpd)进行高层次、基于回调的访问的软件库。 . This package contains the development libraries, headers and documentation. Package: libmpd1 Description-md5: f68285677e81099625f7602eb71ee49e Description-zh_CN: 访问音乐播放器守护程序(MPD)的高级客户端软件库 LibMpd 是一款提供对音乐播放守护程序(mpd)进行高层次、基于回调的访问的软件库。 . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmpdclient-dev Description-md5: aa72ed3bbb87ac52789de78f949a1781 Description-zh_CN: client library for the Music Player Daemon (development files) libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libmpdclient2t64 Description-md5: 78173fe783f2412444a570648f780872 Description-zh_CN: client library for the Music Player Daemon libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmpris-qt5-dev Description-md5: 6b066fbfa93914732b728f9bd4dbe2c9 Description-zh_CN: Qt MPRIS interface and adaptor (development files) qtmpris is a library which implement the MPRIS v.2 specification. . The MPRIS ( Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification ) is a standard D-Bus interface which aims to provide a common programmatic API for controlling media players. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmpv-dev Description-md5: 75dc37959dc839bda92d807f6bf8032d Description-zh_CN: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 (client library dev files) mpv 是一款基于 MPlayer 和 mplayer2 的影片播放器。它支持多种多样的视频格式、音视频 编码和字幕格式。 . This package provides development files for libmpv. Package: libmpv2 Description-md5: f53ab59815e161d1223f2ea17a8a58bd Description-zh_CN: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 (client library) mpv 是一款基于 MPlayer 和 mplayer2 的影片播放器。它支持多种多样的视频格式、音视频 编码和字幕格式。 . This package provides a client library that can be used to embed mpv in other applications. Package: libmrss0t64 Description-md5: 388c19f32b006fa0ccf750fb76a91a9a Description-zh_CN: C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmruby-dev Description-md5: 6bddf1a81d2ccb06577675e9dd117322 Description-zh_CN: lightweight implementation of the Ruby language (development files) mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying to the ISO standard. This can be linked and embedded within your application. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmsgpack-dev Description-md5: 635a93bcd1440d16621693fe064c2aa9 Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 这是一个过渡哑软件包,可以被安全地移除。 Package: libmshr2019.2 Description-md5: 98e1c2d6b1d51adfc8932768e0d1f845 Description-zh_CN: Shared libraries for mshr mshr generates simplicial DOLFIN meshes in 2D and 3D from geometries described by Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) or from surface files, utilizing CGAL and Tetgen as mesh generation backends. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libmsi-1.0-0 Description-md5: c3107717249ea3478ae89c661ff1bcd9 Description-zh_CN: Windows Installer file manipulation library libmsi provides functions to manipulate Windows Installer (.msi) files, both for reading and writing their contents and querying their databases. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libmsiecf1t64 Description-md5: 618c14c263bf713f588eb80e2b1b3176 Description-zh_CN: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library libmsiecf is a library to access the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Cache File (index.dat) files. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmsolve0 Description-md5: 77c644a57b7aa365a1d8d5aa5d8d2c76 Description-zh_CN: computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (shared library) msolve is an open source C library implementing computer algebra algorithms for solving polynomial systems (with rational coefficients or coefficients in a prime field). . Currently, with msolve, you can basically solve multivariate polynomial systems. This encompasses: . * the computation of Groebner bases * real root isolation of the solutions to polynomial systems * the computation of the dimension and the degree of the solution set * and many other things you can do using msolve. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmuffin-dev Description-md5: d928b101f71b9d4630ab309e6bd9ffa7 Description-zh_CN: window and compositing manager (development files) Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmuffin0t64 Description-md5: 1e178c92317a2bd556fb60b23ea5cef1 Description-zh_CN: window and compositing manager (shared library) Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmujoco-dev Description-md5: 9e914efff8ad7ed7c096a9182b7dd289 Description-zh_CN: Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator. MuJoCo stands for Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. It is a general purpose physics engine that aims to facilitate research and development in robotics, biomechanics, graphics and animation, machine learning, and other areas which demand fast and accurate simulation of articulated structures interacting with their environment. . MuJoCo has a C API and is intended for researchers and developers. The runtime simulation module is tuned to maximize performance and operates on low-level data structures that are preallocated by the built-in XML compiler. The library includes interactive visualization with a native GUI, rendered in OpenGL. MuJoCo further exposes a large number of utility functions for computing physics-related quantities. We also provide Python bindings and a plug-in for the Unity game engine. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmulticobex1-dev Description-md5: fc557dab11a648bd7bc0ae7a690c4a50 Description-zh_CN: multi-protocol cable OBEX library - development files This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmulticobex1t64 Description-md5: 3babf24a5b7263db42a893bdebe1a3d5 Description-zh_CN: multi-protocol cable OBEX library This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libmuparser-dev Description-md5: faf54a2506b453eacbe6f5a65f6f52e6 Description-zh_CN: fast mathematical expressions parse library (development) muParser is a high performance mathematical parser library, written in pure C++. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmuparserx4.0.11 Description-md5: f9600d06e7690140f675958918a85ff3 Description-zh_CN: mathematical expression parser library The evaluation of a mathematical expression is a standard task required in many applications. It can be solved by either using a standard math expression parser such as muparser or by embedding a scripting language such as Lua. There are however some limitations: Although muparser is pretty fast it will only work with scalar values and although Lua is very flexible it does neither support binary operators for arrays nor complex numbers. So if you need a math expression parser with support for arrays, matrices and strings muparserx may be able to help you. It was originally based on the original muparser engine but has since evolved into a standalone project with a completely new parsing engine. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmusicbrainz5-dev Description-md5: 26e3704f92ddc6e02a31ac849916b02c Description-zh_CN: Library to access the database (development files) MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libmusicbrainz5cc2v5 Description-md5: 3c5224bed9739024ea5815be8194f3a9 Description-zh_CN: Library to access the database MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmypaint-1.5-1 Description-md5: 067cae648726d4484ef91f7cfb45446a Description-zh_CN: brush library for mypaint MyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libmypaint-dev Description-md5: 7eb8ecd83685415681ee6bd4168f1cc6 Description-zh_CN: brush library for mypaint - development files MyPaint is a pressure- and tilt-sensitive painting program which works well with Wacom graphics tablets and other similar devices. It comes with a large brush collection including charcoal and ink to emulate real media, but the highly configurable brush engine allows you to experiment with your own brushes and with not-quite-natural painting. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libn32atomic1-mips-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32atomic1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 5addd5b55f79b05badc5d383cc456bc6 Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (n32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gcc-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (n32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libn32gomp1-mips-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32gomp1-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 5658b1146ba69da635efca3683f4a5e6 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (n32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 3b1ddd09d8c2abe01568fc4a9be41743 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: f4c6054a0fbe33168064ed142ee8b4e7 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: e259c0d5422b38ee9862140537ebca4c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 28c204c15f91a497ad91499cbf920253 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 3b1ddd09d8c2abe01568fc4a9be41743 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: f4c6054a0fbe33168064ed142ee8b4e7 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: e259c0d5422b38ee9862140537ebca4c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 28c204c15f91a497ad91499cbf920253 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 3b1ddd09d8c2abe01568fc4a9be41743 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: f4c6054a0fbe33168064ed142ee8b4e7 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: e259c0d5422b38ee9862140537ebca4c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 28c204c15f91a497ad91499cbf920253 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 3b1ddd09d8c2abe01568fc4a9be41743 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 73bf4770ffea230b41195ed574e8691e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0dd34ed8c25693e5cf78ddd488acc61e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 406d3a53901c263e938d913d3cc36958 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: c543e1ccaf1568ad186344f04b6c705d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: f4c6054a0fbe33168064ed142ee8b4e7 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: e259c0d5422b38ee9862140537ebca4c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 28c204c15f91a497ad91499cbf920253 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: 7f38395510354f79c1484dbe8592233e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: 5564fd4d0364c2f89d205d701d25caec Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 66c3f64757d6455a2c91e61a3addc743 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64el) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 151337b0b70867c05c55437d421238a8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64r6) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 646e0d001dc2c009a8dc895d0cb4e8a3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64r6el) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 8ac4361d8e776b0b81d001834537042a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsel) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: ad39b25427ea8f67e79ade13dc7ab8d3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: eca194d8f4729aa493ebe680021db6e9 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6el) (n32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libnabrit-dev Description-md5: 21d1e1d12a91f9e6b4b92e30a83dab6e Description-zh_CN: LV2 bridging helper library (development files) NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API- here to LV2 bridges. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libnbd-dev Description-md5: 177999def0eb7c9610d511b838c14b91 Description-zh_CN: Network Block Device client library -- development files NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol for accessing Block Devices (hard disks and disk-like things) over a Network. . This is the NBD client library in userspace, a simple library for writing NBD clients. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnbd0 Description-md5: da99f9821cdc8826ed7d870a6201d13b Description-zh_CN: Network Block Device client library -- shared library NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol for accessing Block Devices (hard disks and disk-like things) over a Network. . This is the NBD client library in userspace, a simple library for writing NBD clients. . The key features are: . * Synchronous and asynchronous APIs, both for ease of use and for writing non-blocking, multithreaded clients. . * High performance. . * Minimal dependencies for the basic library. . * Well-documented, stable API. . * Bindings in several programming languages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libncap44t64 Description-md5: ac503e38f51d2dce652990c7a73274ae Description-zh_CN: network capture library ncap is a network capture library like libpcap (on which it is based) and tcpdump. It produces binary data in its own ncap format, which can be stored in a dump file or transmitted over a UDP socket. Unlike libpcap, it discards data link headers and only supports IPv4 and IPv6 packets, but it can perform reassembly of IP datagrams. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libncrystal-dev Description-md5: e2da209c39e3e5f8164a946a421c8cb6 Description-zh_CN: Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (dev files) This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libncrystal1t64 Description-md5: b5ee1ef09f20c2a7dc684451e6343a7a Description-zh_CN: Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (library) This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libndpi4.2t64 Description-md5: 6e2821da8a7bf2aa3eeb62f5026f3a73 Description-zh_CN: extensible deep packet inspection library - shared library nDPI is a ntop-maintained superset of the popular OpenDPI library. Released under the LGPL license, its goal is to extend the original library by adding new protocols that are otherwise available only on the paid version of OpenDPI. . nDPI has also been modified to be suitable for traffic monitoring applications, by disabling specific features that slow down the DPI engine while being them un-necessary for network traffic monitoring. . With nDPI, it is possible to both detect known protocols on non-standard ports (e.g. detect http non ports other than 80), and also the opposite. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libnetclasses-dev Description-md5: 0975fdf5406762df471f8edcd72eca31 Description-zh_CN: Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep (devel) Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for redesigning applications to use it. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnextcloudsync-dev Description-md5: 82ea5fe280429dba7572f75ce99316c1 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization - development files Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package contains the library development files. Package: libnextcloudsync0t64 Description-md5: 1c95ec7efdb6cd473a548e7a1a6a0129 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization - libraries Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package provides the library for nextcloud-desktop. Package: libnghttp3-9 Description-md5: 122144adc62606797e67b0254dda32e4 Description-zh_CN: HTTP/3 library with QUIC and QPACK (library) nghttp3 implements HTTP/3 functions in C. For now it supports several HTTP actions like request, response and server push. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libnghttp3-dev Description-md5: d3cea917495264e2ca1a0de4160ad7c8 Description-zh_CN: HTTP/3 library with QUIC and QPACK (development) nghttp3 implements HTTP/3 functions in C. For now it supports several HTTP actions like request, response and server push. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnglib-6.2t64 Description-md5: 749dde83fc8c0f63e018605be247d718 Description-zh_CN: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator shared library NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libngtcp2-16 Description-md5: 56db2111df33e922517e5625b3bbfef6 Description-zh_CN: implementation of QUIC protocol (library) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libngtcp2-crypto-gnutls-dev Description-md5: 0bf11bc6aff855fcd041b3a424c4c274 Description-zh_CN: implementation of QUIC protocol (development) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libngtcp2-crypto-gnutls8 Description-md5: 56db2111df33e922517e5625b3bbfef6 Description-zh_CN: implementation of QUIC protocol (library) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libngtcp2-dev Description-md5: 0bf11bc6aff855fcd041b3a424c4c274 Description-zh_CN: implementation of QUIC protocol (development) ngtcp2 project is an effort to implement QUIC protocol which is now being discussed in IETF QUICWG for its standardization. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnifti-dev Description-md5: c71942977fcd7b3b2b737cc792b494a0 Description-zh_CN: IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format (obsolete) Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This is a transitional dummy package. It installs libnifti2-dev which should be used instead. Package: libnifti-doc Description-md5: 99231d2938c80d5fae677e20b580fbb1 Description-zh_CN: NIfTI 库应用程序接口文档 Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . 本包包含 NIfTI 库应用程序接口的参考文档。 Package: libnifti2-2 Description-md5: dc0a97051cebb3cedd65756709df30b8 Description-zh_CN: IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package contains the shared library of libnifti. Package: libnifti2-dev Description-md5: b80737ee05787aa1fae2b94937bcecb3 Description-zh_CN: IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format (development) Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package provides the header files and static libraries of libnifti2. Package: libnifticdf-dev Description-md5: d4e8de120a30873fc28f314efe86bed5 Description-zh_CN: NIfTI functions to compute cumulative distributions (development) Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package contains the header files and static libraries nifticdf that provides functions to compute cumulative distributions and their inverses. Package: libnifticdf2 Description-md5: 539c92acd7729092661ca348610742cb Description-zh_CN: NIfTI functions to compute cumulative distributions Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package contains the shared library nifticdf that provides functions to compute cumulative distributions and their inverses. Package: libniftiio-dev Description-md5: 4fe39c9de9eceaf25884f7241e8fe1c6 Description-zh_CN: development low-level IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format (niftiio) Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package provides the header files and static libraries of libniftiio. Package: libniftiio2t64 Description-md5: 9e57c34e3d737257f8578f65b169a407 Description-zh_CN: low-level IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format (niftiio) Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package contains the shared library of the low-level IO library niftiio. Package: libnjb5 Description-md5: 865edd41a29231bc3cd9f385ae6e95a8 Description-zh_CN: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) are not supported. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libnng1 Description-md5: f2e865e7a6e1d42209aa49e7e0aecb36 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight Messaging Library - shared library Lightweight, broker-less library, offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery. The API frees the programmer from worrying about details like connection management, retries, and other common considerations, so that they can focus on the application instead of the plumbing. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libnova-dev Description-md5: 126c47badf2d98da18365f95cc27ad82 Description-zh_CN: development files for libnova astronomical library libnova is a general purpose, double precision, Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnusoap-php Description-md5: b86862c06795350c24c58a76ee746bb2 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 This is a transitional package. It provides a symlink to new location of the nusoap library. It can safely be removed once checked that reverse dependencies use the library at its new location. Package: libnuspell-dev Description-md5: 8297ddee02233b536d2361494f6b3218 Description-zh_CN: spell checker (development) Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++. It is designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding. . Main features are: - Full unicode support backed by ICU - Backward compatibility with Hunspell dictionary file format - Twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compounds (for example, Hungarian, German and Dutch) - Support language specific features (for example, special casing of Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handle conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libnuspell5 Description-md5: 3021fd1d2880e64681b2514fad7c7140 Description-zh_CN: spell checker (shared library) Nuspell is a free and open source spell checker that is written in modern C++. It is designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding. . Main features are: - Full unicode support backed by ICU - Backward compatibility with Hunspell dictionary file format - Twofold affix stripping (for agglutinative languages, like Azeri, Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.) - Support complex compounds (for example, Hungarian, German and Dutch) - Support language specific features (for example, special casing of Azeri and Turkish dotted i, or German sharp s) - Handle conditional affixes, circumfixes, fogemorphemes, forbidden words, pseudoroots and homonyms. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libnxml0t64 Description-md5: 98a4e996c4c183c28a668167e60ef135 Description-zh_CN: C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234, 4321, 2143, 2312). . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: liboauth-dev Description-md5: 5df69f4fcc6724ea580ccea728759d0f Description-zh_CN: C library implementing OAuth Core 1.0a API (development files) OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authentication protocol that allows users to approve a client (such as a Twitter third-party app) to act on their behalf without sharing their password. liboauth provides basic functions to escape and encode parameters according to the OAuth Core 1.0a API, and offers high-level functions to sign requests or verify signatures. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liboauth0 Description-md5: 96ba9de36483859b32e6d2d29813b5ca Description-zh_CN: C library implementing OAuth Core 1.0a API (runtime) OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authentication protocol that allows users to approve a client (such as a Twitter third-party app) to act on their behalf without sharing their password. liboauth provides basic functions to escape and encode parameters according to the OAuth Core 1.0a API, and offers high-level functions to sign requests or verify signatures. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libobexftp0-dev Description-md5: 445e4aea9a4954325a2cc4bacf4c0c59 Description-zh_CN: object exchange file transfer library - development files OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libobexftp0t64 Description-md5: 3f630006616157ef1d82f6e3b75bdfd0 Description-zh_CN: object exchange file transfer library OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libobjcryst0 Description-md5: 4a81a813b9e68be4849cff61d9d70c3b Description-zh_CN: Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library for C++ libobjcryst expands the ObjCryst++ source to make it easier to use as a system shared lirbary but does not include GUI related files from ObjCryst++. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libobs-dev Description-md5: 225773aeb3e625b11d710d9b8c43c078 Description-zh_CN: recorder and streamer for live video content (development files) OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to various streaming sites. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libocas0 Description-md5: 04f2824e0277572b50b051dfb91c0e1b Description-zh_CN: OCAS solver for training linear SVM classifiers This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libocplib-endian-ocaml Description-md5: f3685f572c85ded0e532c2ceab8efe8e Description-zh_CN: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (runtime) Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays, based on primitives added in version 4.01. . The library implements three modules: * EndianString works directly on strings, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBytes works directly on bytes, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBigstring works on bigstrings (Bigarrays of chars), and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libocplib-endian-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4bc79cd531e25770b7d4767aa913caf3 Description-zh_CN: optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 (development) Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays, based on primitives added in version 4.01. . The library implements three modules: * EndianString works directly on strings, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBytes works directly on bytes, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * EndianBigstring works on bigstrings (Bigarrays of chars), and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libocsigenserver-ocaml Description-md5: 85d30e4e1955715ce7329b6590fb7564 Description-zh_CN: web server of the Ocsigen project (runtime libraries) The Ocsigen project is aimed at proposing clean and safe tools for developing and running client/server Web 2.0 applications. . Ocsigen Server is a full featured Web server. It implements most features of the HTTP protocol, and has a very powerful extension mechanism that make very easy to plug your own OCaml modules for generating pages. Many extensions are available, like a reverse proxy, content compression, access control, authentication, etc. . 这个软件包包含运行库。 Package: libodil-dev Description-md5: 60a3d1b088d03e7c5d9517e072327c9b Description-zh_CN: C++11 library for the DICOM standard (development files) Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libodil0t64 Description-md5: e2d4d5529d9b8f2f8199d67a281dfb8e Description-zh_CN: C++11 library for the DICOM standard Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Odil also provides conversion to and from DCMTK data structures. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libodoc-ocaml Description-md5: c335bf33ba137a409ce130f6b46f3777 Description-zh_CN: documentation generator for OCaml (runtime libraries) Odoc is a documentation generator for the OCaml programming language. It reads doc comments contained in OCaml source code, delimited with (** ... *), and produces HTML. . Odoc's main advantage over ocamldoc is an accurate cross-referencer, which handles the complexity of the OCaml module system. Odoc also offers a good opportunity to improve HTML output compared to ocamldoc. . Furthermore, odoc can be used by dune to generate documentation of OCaml projects using dune as a build-system. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libodoc-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 28311ef57783319966135be82ce8f6c9 Description-zh_CN: documentation generator for OCaml (development libraries) Odoc is a documentation generator for the OCaml programming language. It reads doc comments contained in OCaml source code, delimited with (** ... *), and produces HTML. . Odoc's main advantage over ocamldoc is an accurate cross-referencer, which handles the complexity of the OCaml module system. Odoc also offers a good opportunity to improve HTML output compared to ocamldoc. . Furthermore, odoc can be used by dune to generate documentation of OCaml projects using dune as a build-system. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libodsstream0 Description-md5: 60169ab21e2254cc02d9117a7310d2d3 Description-zh_CN: C++ library to read or write ODS files libodsstream provides a simple way to read and write Open Document Spreadsheet files. The hight memory efficiency comes from the fact that only streams are used for the read/write operations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libogre-1.12-dev Description-md5: c6016e4d1e7a57e4d04758e982fcc7c0 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the headers needed to develop with OGRE. Package: libogre-1.9-dev Description-md5: c6016e4d1e7a57e4d04758e982fcc7c0 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the headers needed to develop with OGRE. Package: libogre-1.9.0t64 Description-md5: ce83dd986432adba1100139c0d09fa07 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the library and plugins. Package: libogre-next-dev Description-md5: 6b9b323f4e3cf6b84b16ee7bcc34531d Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the headers needed to develop with OGRE-Next. Package: libogre1.12.10t64 Description-md5: ce83dd986432adba1100139c0d09fa07 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . This package contains the library and plugins. Package: libogrenexthlmspbs2.3.3 Description-md5: 9a146689dd733a91b6ec9d04f3e056db Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - hlmspbs OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenexthlmspbs. Package: libogrenexthlmsunlit2.3.3 Description-md5: 5ad4f52922b58b8513bff23019e7fb48 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - hlmsunlit OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenexthlmsunlit. Package: libogrenextmain2.3.3 Description-md5: cc8f56db235639971c1df14b2afcdce2 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - Main lib+plugins OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenextmain and the plugins and rendering systems. Package: libogrenextmeshlodgenerator2.3.3 Description-md5: 0bcabc519655504b59dfeaa04dd0e5ee Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - meshlodgenerator OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenextmeshlodgenerator. Package: libogrenextoverlay2.3.3 Description-md5: d95461831ba90bd881e268957eb17b84 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - overlay OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenextoverlay. Package: libogrenextplanarreflections2.3.3 Description-md5: efbf1e350b557939d86ee0b06917e3c4 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - planarreflections OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenextplanarreflections. Package: libogrenextsceneformat2.3.3 Description-md5: b54ac1700e17340aa36ce1c6de633bf4 Description-zh_CN: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine - sceneformat OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用 C++ 开发的面向场景的灵活的 3D 引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用具有硬件加速的 3D 图形 系统开发应用程序。这个库对系统底层库(如 Direct3D 和 OpenGL)的所有细节进行了抽象,提供了一 个基于各种对象和直观类的接口。 . The package name includes all the version number on it. The reason for that is that upstream does not guarantee ABI stability even on patches. For more information check the README.Debian file section 'ABI policy upstream'. . This package contains the library libogrenextsceneformat. Package: libois-dev Description-md5: e7f238c605de249f41ef35fc0bc18774 Description-zh_CN: Object Oriented Input System library (C++ development headers) Object Oriented Input System (OIS) is meant to be a cross platform, simple solution for using all kinds of Input Devices (KeyBoards, Mice, Joysticks, etc) and feedback devices (e.g. forcefeedback) . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libokular6core1 Description-md5: 43c22bdb4061c61963c0d307cf1a600a Description-zh_CN: libraries for the Okular document viewer This package contains libraries used by the Okular document viewer. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: libolecf1t64 Description-md5: a5330b1030a39c8b32613af8d0567b4c Description-zh_CN: OLE2 Compound File format access library libolecf is a library to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libomd-ocaml Description-md5: a1b504dc15b8e21a808c55d3333da3e9 Description-zh_CN: Markdown frontend in pure OCaml (runtime) This Markdown library is implemented using only pure OCaml (including I/O operations provided by the standard OCaml compiler distribution). OMD is meant to be as faithful as possible to the original Markdown. Additionally, OMD implements a few Github markdown features, an extension mechanism, and some other features. Note that the opam package installs both the OMD library and the command line tool `omd`. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libomd-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 81e5b143b9945b290e19dff351756d73 Description-zh_CN: Markdown frontend in pure OCaml (development) This Markdown library is implemented using only pure OCaml (including I/O operations provided by the standard OCaml compiler distribution). OMD is meant to be as faithful as possible to the original Markdown. Additionally, OMD implements a few Github markdown features, an extension mechanism, and some other features. Note that the opam package installs both the OMD library and the command line tool `omd`. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libomemo-c-dev Description-md5: 27747fc12916213184c47571a12470cb Description-zh_CN: OMEMO encryption library - development files This is a fork of libsignal-protocol-c, an implementation of Signal's ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging. The fork adds support for OMEMO as defined in XEP-0384 versions 0.3.0 and later. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libomemo-dev Description-md5: 759cc9c418f6bec773824eb63cb69b25 Description-zh_CN: Library implementing OMEMO (XEP-0384) (development headers) OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to- end encryption. It is based on Double Ratched and PEP. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libomemo0 Description-md5: 3a141df0ef663ba1a9b0e274e7578a43 Description-zh_CN: Library implementing OMEMO (XEP-0384) OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to- end encryption. It is based on Double Ratched and PEP. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libonnx-dev Description-md5: 665d15b57bf5a0586e4708b9d70c2818 Description-zh_CN: Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) (dev) Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is the first step toward an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Initially onnx focuses on the capabilities needed for inferencing (evaluation). . Caffe2, PyTorch, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Apache MXNet and other tools are developing ONNX support. Enabling interoperability between different frameworks and streamlining the path from research to production will increase the speed of innovation in the AI community. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liboobs-1-5 Description-md5: 46d753586494084fa55addf746c12fa1 Description-zh_CN: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - shared library Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liboobs-1-dev Description-md5: 9db16df14687e70477f29ac1737c7214 Description-zh_CN: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - dev files Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopam-0install-cudf-ocaml Description-md5: 5b5690c2657074fbb8b49db5e3831d89 Description-zh_CN: Opam solver using 0install backend using the CUDF interface (runtime) Opam's default solver is designed to maintain a set of packages over time, minimising disruption when installing new programs and finding a compromise solution across all packages. . In many situations (e.g. CI, local roots or duniverse builds) this is not necessary, and we can get a solution much faster by using a different algorithm. . This package uses 0install's solver algorithm with opam packages using the CUDF interface. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libopam-0install-cudf-ocaml-dev Description-md5: d245acfebcc924fa28c558f660534431 Description-zh_CN: Opam solver using 0install backend using the CUDF interface (dev) Opam's default solver is designed to maintain a set of packages over time, minimising disruption when installing new programs and finding a compromise solution across all packages. . In many situations (e.g. CI, local roots or duniverse builds) this is not necessary, and we can get a solution much faster by using a different algorithm. . This package uses 0install's solver algorithm with opam packages using the CUDF interface. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopamgt0 Description-md5: d0dd89464c0f3b0238a11a0a06a908b0 Description-zh_CN: Omni-Path fabric management API library libopamgt is the library necessary to build applications that interface with an Omni-Path fabric manager. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libopasadb1 Description-md5: edd3e8241c3dc9430a8b4619f2ea7dd9 Description-zh_CN: Omni-Path dsap API library libopasadb is a library for easy access to the Omni-Path shared memory SA cache exported by the ibacm distributed SA provider (dsap). . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libopenaptx0 Description-md5: 5fec29aeb61395a7313b8452e621d825 Description-zh_CN: Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX), shared libraries Support for aptX and aptX HD codec variants; they both operate on raw 24-bit signed stereo audio sample; at 6:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX; at 4:1 fixed compress ratio for aptX HD. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libopenbabel7 Description-md5: 9b073686beba43d7febfa498b6b90bf2 Description-zh_CN: Chemical toolbox library Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats Open Babel supports include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC and MPQC. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libopencryptoki-dev Description-md5: 5ccede4e52f23a23ec6f510afbb7738e Description-zh_CN: PKCS#11 implementation (development) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopendsp-dev Description-md5: 3d7d44a4598e46ea83126a973103a970 Description-zh_CN: OpenDSP signal processing library - development files OpenDSP is an open source signal processing library. It contains methods and routines for signal processing in imaging and radio astronomy. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopenh264-dev Description-md5: b30f15f79c44d28782ebe4c1a41c64a9 Description-zh_CN: OpenH264 Video Codec - development files OpenH264 is a codec library which supports H.264 encoding and decoding. It is suitable for use in real time applications such as WebRTC. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopenobex2-dev Description-md5: 4d31e157f562dcd3c965f79792a8e0a6 Description-zh_CN: OBEX protocol library - development files The Object Exchange protocol can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimised for ad-hoc wireless links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard). . OBEX is builtin in devices like PDA's like the Palm Pilot, and mobile phones like the Ericsson R320, Siemens S25, Siemens S45, Siemens ME45, Nokia NM207 and Nokia 9110 Communicator. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libopenscenegraph161 Description-md5: a75df68b0adcf71b7736ef2a388be345 Description-zh_CN: 3D scene graph, shared libs A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libopenshot-audio-dev Description-md5: 3fd7dc237b3e5ed2601c94a4040cf1bd Description-zh_CN: development files for the OpenShot audio library The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libopenshot-dev Description-md5: 93fddc73323bce69c0e452cdccaf4bfd Description-zh_CN: development files for the OpenShot video library OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libopenthreads21 Description-md5: 8d3858e711ae2275fd118fff05f23ee7 Description-zh_CN: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, shared libs This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the POSIX Threads standards. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libopenvlbi-dev Description-md5: d937a438b40dd8d8a65aa7760449b62e Description-zh_CN: OpenVLBI Correlator library - development files OpenVLBI is an open source library for astronomical interferometers. with OpenVLBI astronomers can join together more telescopes to observe celestial objects at great resolution. OpenVLBI can be used with radio antennas or optical sensors. A test and multi-contextual client/server applications are included into openvlbi-bin, and libopenvlbi contains the correlator library. An INDI client is included into openvlbi-bin which connects to one or more INDI servers that observe in realtime. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: liboping0 Description-md5: d2f37fbfb9564fb0ca5231e5a1530efc Description-zh_CN: C/C++ library to generate ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs liboping features pinging multiple hosts in parallel using IPv4 or IPv6 transparently. The interface is object oriented. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libopm-material-dev Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libopm-material-doc Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: liborcania-dev Description-md5: 6a6789fd530d0c38b3118edf5c3df136 Description-zh_CN: library for angharad programs, development files Potluck with different functions for different purposes that can be shared among C programs . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libortp-dev Description-md5: 491be54d6f8bf5d7d33c535279fda3c1 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the ortp RTP library This library implements RFC 3550 (RTP) and offers an easy to use API with high-level and low-level access. It is part of Linphone. . The main features are support for multiple profiles (AV profile RFC 3551 being the default one); an optional packet scheduler for synchronizing RTP recv and send; blocking or non-blocking IO for RTP sessions; multiplexed IO; some of RFC 4733 for telephone events over RTP. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libosd-dev Description-md5: c8e8c491e7abda9c09069de691efd6e4 Description-zh_CN: high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library - development OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosinfo-1.0-0 Description-md5: f876c13a2dc71fac563bc3ec3984a9df Description-zh_CN: Library for managing information about operating systems and hypervisors libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. . Via the GObject Introspection, the API is available in all common programming languages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libosmo-fl2k-dev Description-md5: 74b9d387cd65e5db102df25fe36b9ac7 Description-zh_CN: use a VGA USB adapter as DAC and SDR transmitter - development This software allows one to use USB 3.0 to VGA adapters based on the Fresco Logic FL2000 chip as general purpose DACs and SDR transmitter generating a continuous stream of samples by avoiding the HSYNC and VSYNC blanking intervals. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosmo-hnbap-dev Description-md5: 520bf0fb5c70706dc949b7d9f72adc48 Description-zh_CN: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (HNBAP), development HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosmo-ranap-dev Description-md5: ab5e814c5815ff53397df9ceffcd33c8 Description-zh_CN: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RANAP), development RANAP (an acronym for Radio Access Network Application Part) is a protocol specified by 3GPP in TS 25.413 and used in UMTS for signaling between the Core Network, which can be a MSC or SGSN, and the UTRAN. RANAP is carried over Iu-interface. . HNBAP is a control protocol found in Home Node B networks on the Iu-h interface. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosmo-rua-dev Description-md5: 0abce0e3033cd254f4841ea5833bc136 Description-zh_CN: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (RUA), development RUA is an acronym for RANAP User Adaption. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosmo-sabp-dev Description-md5: 74dba58136807a1fffbd614501c8735a Description-zh_CN: Osmocom code for the Iuh interface (SABP), development SABP is an acronym for Service Area Broadcast Protocol. . It permits user data (so-called SMS-CB data) to be broadcast by the network in a way that can be received by all phones in the coverage area of the given Service Area (group of cells) simultaneously. . Service Area Broadcast is the UMTS successor of the GSM Cell_Broadcast. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libosmosdr0 Description-md5: 7ca0e25e4381b1a49425468e74f6e817 Description-zh_CN: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (library) OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. . The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libossp-uuid16 Description-md5: 4e2b73242022da7d4b05222407c9042f Description-zh_CN: OSSP uuid ISO-C and C++ - shared library OSSP uuid is an ISO-C and Perl application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based) and version 4 (random number based). . UUIDs are 128 bit numbers which are intended to have a high likelihood of uniqueness over space and time and are computationally difficult to guess. They are globally unique identifiers which can be locally generated without contacting a global registration authority. UUIDs are intended as unique identifiers for both mass tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime and to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libostree-1-1 Description-md5: 7f070d279b2cc988d078b2a019548640 Description-zh_CN: content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries (library) libostree is a library for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees. It is like git in that it checksums individual files and has a content-addressed object store; unlike git, it "checks out" the files using hardlinks into an immutable directory tree. This can be used to provide atomic upgrades with rollback, history and parallel- installation, particularly useful on "fixed purpose" systems such as embedded devices. It is also used by the Flatpak application runtime system. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liboxygenstyle5-6 Description-md5: 73460f775b1e702119f6a57deb2ca1be Description-zh_CN: style library for the Oxygen desktop theme (Qt 5) Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the private library used by the widget theme and KWin style. Package: liboxygenstyle6-6 Description-md5: 6f3a7ff2ba698039757c1475d1b52521 Description-zh_CN: style library for the Oxygen desktop theme (Qt 6) Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the private library used by the widget theme and KWin style. Package: liboxygenstyleconfig5-6 Description-md5: 0158180362743b10ac902bc5b069b8a0 Description-zh_CN: style library configuration for the Oxygen desktop theme (Qt 5) Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the private library used to configure the widget theme and KWin style. Package: liboxygenstyleconfig6-6 Description-md5: e1465a44f7f4cd61c4dcc91bd35e98a6 Description-zh_CN: style library configuration for the Oxygen desktop theme (Qt 6) Oxygen 桌面主题用于 Plasma 和其他 KDE 软件。 . This package contains the private library used to configure the widget theme and KWin style. Package: libp4est-2.3 Description-md5: e80a50e228ca07830a64dd22d30e1642 Description-zh_CN: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - shared library The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libp4est-dev Description-md5: 1eb998be717d04c1faca5373d8c4b2f0 Description-zh_CN: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - development files The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpagmo9t64 Description-md5: 39743f3d32f4f018ddcbbdcba90a0645 Description-zh_CN: library for massively parallel optimisation (shared library) pagmo is a C++ scientific library built around the idea of providing an unified interface to optimization algorithms and to optimization problems and to make their deployment in massively parallel environments easy. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpaho-mqttpp-dev Description-md5: ee583be87c7a6ab11bba1740c7e2fc89 Description-zh_CN: Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ Client Library - development files This library enables C++11 applications to connect to an MQTT broker, publish messages to the broker, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpaho-mqttpp3-1 Description-md5: 783c4a3237d0e2c067f666154cf57387 Description-zh_CN: Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ Client Library - shared libraries This library enables C++11 applications to connect to an MQTT broker, publish messages to the broker, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpaps-dev Description-md5: 7cdbcedfb93e1f1acb2a762b9401db07 Description-zh_CN: Development files for libpaps paps 读取一个 UTF-8 编码的文件,生成相应的 PostScript 语言的表示。 通过 pango ft2 后端创建大纲曲线来进行表示。 . This package contains the development files that are necessary to develop applications using paps API. Package: libpaps0t64 Description-md5: 79b0a6a43d91c5d30d3b6d58039e1ec2 Description-zh_CN: UTF-8 to PostScript converter library using Pango paps 读取一个 UTF-8 编码的文件,生成相应的 PostScript 语言的表示。 通过 pango ft2 后端创建大纲曲线来进行表示。 . This package contains the library that implements paps' API. Package: libparany-ocaml Description-md5: fadb30b58e91535352223d616e17ecc0 Description-zh_CN: Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (runtime) Parallelize any kind of computation. Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (not distributed computing). Can process a very large file in parallel on a multicore computer; provided there is a way to cut your file into independent blocks (the "demux" function). Can process in parallel an infinite stream of elements. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libparany-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b4ecf775e854ff8ebcdec5c6008be8a8 Description-zh_CN: Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (development) Parallelize any kind of computation. Generalized map reduce for parallel computers (not distributed computing). Can process a very large file in parallel on a multicore computer; provided there is a way to cut your file into independent blocks (the "demux" function). Can process in parallel an infinite stream of elements. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libparpack2t64 Description-md5: bc61facdca0e5843df473acefb3f632d Description-zh_CN: Parallel subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Important Features: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . This package provides parpack: the MPI implementation of arpack. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpcre16-3 Description-md5: be8b8329f82082a417b66cc91e3d4008 Description-zh_CN: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 16 bit runtime files 这是一个支持如下正则表达式的函数库,其语法和语义尽可能接近 Perl 5 语言。 . This package contains the 16 bit runtime library. Package: libpcre3 Description-md5: 554ac784f7314cb2c59649814e330d34 Description-zh_CN: 与旧版 Perl 5 兼容的正则表达式库 - 运行文件 这是一个支持如下正则表达式的函数库,其语法和语义尽可能接近 Perl 5 语言。 . 新包应当使用新的 pcre2 包,已有的包应当迁移到 pcre2。 . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libpcre3-dbg Description-md5: 878217a56a99f11cfb622d848f557b35 Description-zh_CN: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - debug symbols 这是一个支持如下正则表达式的函数库,其语法和语义尽可能接近 Perl 5 语言。 . This package contains the debug symbols, Package: libpcre3-dev Description-md5: eebe4f9bfa07d216beb413924dacf563 Description-zh_CN: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files 这是一个支持如下正则表达式的函数库,其语法和语义尽可能接近 Perl 5 语言。 . 新包应当使用新的 pcre2 包,已有的包应当迁移到 pcre2。 . This package contains the development files, including headers, static libraries, and documentation. Package: libpcre32-3 Description-md5: 513dbc2885a757a7de02e0b075be9588 Description-zh_CN: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 32 bit runtime files 这是一个支持如下正则表达式的函数库,其语法和语义尽可能接近 Perl 5 语言。 . This package contains the 32 bit runtime library. Package: libpcscada-dev Description-md5: 7373678593c74fe493ca5bd4b299167c Description-zh_CN: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (development) PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to communicate with smart cards using the SCard API. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpeony-dev Description-md5: 7a8cbc28d9541666b5b833226ea366aa Description-zh_CN: libraries for Peony components (development files) Peony 是 UKUI 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关 联的应用程序。它同时负责处理 UKUI 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和远程文件系统。 . This package contains the development files for the libraries needed by Peony's extensions. Package: libpeony3t64 Description-md5: 3ea21947740e28573eeecf5d23f19ca2 Description-zh_CN: libraries for Peony components Peony 是 UKUI 桌面的官方文件管理器。它可以实现浏览文件夹、预览文件、载入关 联的应用程序。它同时负责处理 UKUI 桌面的图标。它可操作本地和远程文件系统。 . This package contains a few runtime libraries needed by Peony's extensions. Package: libperformance0.6 Description-md5: 305c48e9a7728aa2e9018ffc30dcd5c8 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep performance library (runtime library) The GNUstep performance library implements various classes intended to be used in high-performance libraries and applications. Available are classes for caching objects in memory for rapid access, managing FIFO queues, thread pools for performing methods which need to make use of a runloop for I/O and/or timers, for objects in parallel in other threads, linked list functionality, timing information, statistics about the number of events or the duration of operations, uniqued objects and more. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpersalys-dev Description-md5: 9eccf9a0a92fb4d27c16f30e64679731 Description-zh_CN: GUI for uncertainty treatment (development files) Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. The interface is available in French or in English. . Persalys allows one to: - create mathematical models: analytical, coupling with an external model (finite elements, ...), FMU; - analyse the variability of one's parameters thanks to many methods and visualisation tools; - statistically analyse one's measuring data, infer probability distributions or create metamodels. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpersalys0 Description-md5: f2f0de45f0d51d4a7bcaa36827144220 Description-zh_CN: GUI for uncertainty treatment (shared libraries) Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. The interface is available in French or in English. . Persalys allows one to: - create mathematical models: analytical, coupling with an external model (finite elements, ...), FMU; - analyse the variability of one's parameters thanks to many methods and visualisation tools; - statistically analyse one's measuring data, infer probability distributions or create metamodels. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libpff-dev Description-md5: 7c6799e13fd19c9b3ac50d16ac36f3b9 Description-zh_CN: library to access various ms outlook files formats (development) Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline Storage Table) files. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpfqueue-dev Description-md5: 951262b723c14a141f2f71824c1ca358 Description-zh_CN: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (development) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpfs2 Description-md5: 3f4fb3b66eeb1617b63ec44b7ac6de83 Description-zh_CN: C++ library to read and write pfs files PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools programs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpgm2asc0.52t64 Description-md5: a25a594f2c4ccb7e93a591e0a4720d9a Description-zh_CN: Command line OCR - shared library This is a multi-platform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program. . It can read pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm, some pcx and tga image files. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libphodav-3.0-dev Description-md5: 5ad2db8c16d269c859893e2ac42fc93b Description-zh_CN: WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (development files) phởdav is a WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libphpy1 Description-md5: 69ba5c748527074b13ead900f5367ce3 Description-zh_CN: phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels (shared library) Phonopy is an open source package for phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libplacebo-dev Description-md5: 8573a0e9eaebdc417a110d8bbb759598 Description-zh_CN: GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (development files) The library provides useful GPU-accelerated image processing primitives based on GLSL. It includes shader routines for decoding and transforming colors, tone mapping, dithering, and for various algorithms that sample from images, such as debanding and scaling. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libplacebo349 Description-md5: 6e6253382a0be31062c18fbf3b6b6b29 Description-zh_CN: GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives (shared library) The library provides useful GPU-accelerated image processing primitives based on GLSL. It includes shader routines for decoding and transforming colors, tone mapping, dithering, and for various algorithms that sample from images, such as debanding and scaling. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libplanarity-dev Description-md5: f28d30077e69f473f522fe3b08e90130 Description-zh_CN: Library of planarity-related graph algorithms (devel files) This library contains the reference implementation of the Edge Addition Planarity Algorithm, which is the best linear-time method to embed a planar graph and isolate planarity obstructions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libplasma5support6 Description-md5: 7c55a3b389c419735d0a06a3b8cd31de Description-zh_CN: support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6 - shared library Plasma5Support Framework providing migration aids for KF5 -> KF6 migrations. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libplayerctl-dev Description-md5: 9ec8d36255707e984445c1289509efc5 Description-zh_CN: utility to control media players via MPRIS (development files) Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Compatible players include audacious, cmus, mopidy, mpd, mpv, quod libet, rhythmbox, spotify, and vlc. . Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Playerctl also provides an introspectable library accessible in many popular scripting languages that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libplayerctl2 Description-md5: 6d436a3521eb4958e82fc09c5053a53b Description-zh_CN: utility to control media players via MPRIS (library) Playerctl is a command-line utility and library for controlling media players that implement the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification. Compatible players include audacious, cmus, mopidy, mpd, mpv, quod libet, rhythmbox, spotify, and vlc. . Playerctl makes it easy to bind player actions, such as play and pause, to media keys. Playerctl also provides an introspectable library accessible in many popular scripting languages that allows more detailed control like the ability to subscribe to media player events or get metadata such as artist and title for the playing track. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpomp-dev Description-md5: 462dac45625fb4a3c4bf1827c2a30113 Description-zh_CN: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpomp0 Description-md5: 0086375d9ce71a51b049c4eacc96e93d Description-zh_CN: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - shared library OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpomp2-dev Description-md5: 05d40f81c1245cde8f9dfdaf6a3e6f33 Description-zh_CN: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI2 is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . This is the successor of opari (1), with a completely reworked API . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpopplerkit-dev Description-md5: b0eeb9a84bc1a995bae5b9f772f8269e Description-zh_CN: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (development files) PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library. . Its features are: - Render PDF content. - Extract text from a PDF document. - Access a PDF document's outline. - Search in PDF documents. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpopplerkit0 Description-md5: 07702e6643fbfe38be725a27b99f1528 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (library files) PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library. . Its features are: - Render PDF content. - Extract text from a PDF document. - Access a PDF document's outline. - Search in PDF documents. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libportaudio2 Description-md5: a71bbbd00a98fe093b85cc97ff79e9ae Description-zh_CN: Portable audio I/O - shared library PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libportsmf-dev Description-md5: 9397c31b165890b13d8080d249f55866 Description-zh_CN: Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files) Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files. . Features: . - input and output of Standard MIDI Files - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks o track structure consisting of multiple events o events contain note and control data o extensible attribute-value property lists o tempo track and time signature representation - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpostproc-dev Description-md5: 6db719e99d6d383cd3dae3c2fe7581d0 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for post processing - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpostproc58 Description-md5: c6ed7c9917aafdc1ed5ecc1810e6f056 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for post processing - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libpowerman0-dev Description-md5: 78e6d7a42ba7b35667ffbb96bd3853c6 Description-zh_CN: Development files for Powerman - Centralized PDU management PowerMan is a tool for manipulating Power Distribution Units (PDUs) from a central location. It is suitable for remote operation in data centers or compute cluster environment. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpqtypes0t64 Description-md5: 51042daf917aa6b5210158e6c4e155bf Description-zh_CN: parameterized queries libpq extension - shared library libpqtypes is a libpq extension that offers a new way of handling parameterized queries and getting result field values. Both putting parameters and getting values use a printf/scanf style interface, with consistent specifiers for both. . * Full support for binary and text format. (parameter and result) * Full support for composites, arrays and composite arrays. (binary format only) * printf style interface to libpq's binary parameterized API. (PQputf) * scanf style interface for getting values: PQgetvalue extension. (PQgetf) * Ability to register user-defined types, aliases and data type sub-classes for use with printf style interfaces: ex. "%mytype". * Per-thread global error message. (PQgeterror) * Online docs as well as man pages. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpresage1v5 Description-md5: da65d13c0bcd366f8d981d4cdf6b2091 Description-zh_CN: intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next. The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most probable tokens. . Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpsm-infinipath1 Description-md5: f14abc291eb95080b3ab5e3c76a2cc89 Description-zh_CN: PSM Messaging library for Intel Truescale adapters The PSM Messaging API, or PSM API, is Intel's (formerly QLogic's) low- level, user-level communication interface for the Truescale family of products. PSM users can use mechanisms necessary to implement higher-level communication interfaces in parallel environments. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libpsurface-dev Description-md5: 316a40ae2f948cbae4a8d50e913a833d Description-zh_CN: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- development files Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . There are two main uses for psurface. When doing adaptive finite element simulations on grids with parametrized boundaries, psurface can store the parametrization. Boundary parametrizations are practically mappings from the coarse grid boundary to the actual boundary, and if that actual boundary is a triangulated surface then psurface can handle it. This is implemented, for example, in the dune-grid module of Dune. . Secondly, when doing domain decomposition methods with nonconforming interfaces, you need to relate the two interface grids to each other. Psurface can do this for you, even if your interfaces do not match geometrically. Such is the case, e.g., in contact problems. This second functionality is also available for 1d surfaces in 2d space. . The easiest way to use psurface for domain decomposition is to get the dune-grid-glue module and use it to drive psurface. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpsurface0t64 Description-md5: a3a8666696f210a2df80c060accf194b Description-zh_CN: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- shared library Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libpth-dev Description-md5: ad14fcee422f923d02639de74f138d92 Description-zh_CN: GNU Portable Threads (development) Pth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads run in the same address space of the server application, but each thread has its own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpthreadpool-dev Description-md5: a3741cc8a315ec15b9c38d4645a0e2ee Description-zh_CN: pthread-based thread pool for C/C++ (development) pthreadpool is a portable and efficient thread pool implementation. It provides similar functionality to #pragma omp parallel for, but with additional features. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libptl-dev Description-md5: 8c5b262a9f5b7d00d9b42f5645db1d0c Description-zh_CN: parallel tasking library - development files PTL is a lightweight C++11 multithreading tasking system featuring a thread-pool, task-groups, and a lock-free task queue. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libptmap-ocaml Description-md5: 6be128e739b415a773c3fdb1a9748a2b Description-zh_CN: Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees (Runtime library) OCaml implementation of an efficient maps over integers, from a paper by Chris Okasaki. . 这个软件包包含运行库。 Package: libpugl-dev Description-md5: 8001406c338d66c7afc444e74ff0f4d4 Description-zh_CN: portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces (headers) Pugl is a minimal portable API for OpenGL GUIs which supports embedding and is suitable for use in plugins, but can also be used for programs. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libpulse-ocaml Description-md5: 67dfe8157396c17e4c3a6e4e4188ce3b Description-zh_CN: OCaml interface to the PulseAudio sound server This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio 原名 Polypaudio,它是用于 POSIX 和 WIN32 系统的声音服务器。它可作为 ESD 声音服务器的一个直接替代,具有更好的延迟、混音和重采样的质量和更好的整体架构。 . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libpulse-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9e2259125ae5b278fbc09b72f345294d Description-zh_CN: OCaml interface to the pulseaudio library This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio 原名 Polypaudio,它是用于 POSIX 和 WIN32 系统的声音服务器。它可作为 ESD 声音服务器的一个直接替代,具有更好的延迟、混音和重采样的质量和更好的整体架构。 . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-pulseaudio. Package: libpulsedsp Description-md5: 4d14e4e65420d03adc0822289f18a007 Description-zh_CN: PulseAudio OSS pre-load library PulseAudio 原名 Polypaudio,它是用于 POSIX 和 WIN32 系统的声音服务器。它可作为 ESD 声音服务器的一个直接替代,具有更好的延迟、混音和重采样的质量和更好的整体架构。 . This package provides the pre-load library used to redirect applications using OSS through pulseaudio. Package: libpuzzle-dev Description-md5: 3cf50754184ea1b780fbcc5e579f28d0 Description-zh_CN: quick similar image finder - development files The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images (GIF, PNG, JPG), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored or slightly modified. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpyml-ocaml Description-md5: 75781ed5ab8d751c1b8d516d698185ca Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for Python (runtime) provides OCaml bindings for Python. This library subsumes the pycaml library. Bindings are split in three modules: * Py provides the initialization functions and some high-level bindings, with error handling and naming conventions closer to OCaml usages; * Pycaml provides a signature close to the old Pycaml module, so as to ease migration; * Pywrappers provides low-level bindings, which follow closely the conventions of the C bindings for Python. Submodules Pywrappers.Python2 and Pywrappers.Python3 contain version-specific bindings. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libpyml-ocaml-dev Description-md5: b9b2eeaf97518f7cba904432cb7a63a3 Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for Python (development) provides OCaml bindings for Python. This library subsumes the pycaml library. Bindings are split in three modules: * Py provides the initialization functions and some high-level bindings, with error handling and naming conventions closer to OCaml usages; * Pycaml provides a signature close to the old Pycaml module, so as to ease migration; * Pywrappers provides low-level bindings, which follow closely the conventions of the C bindings for Python. Submodules Pywrappers.Python2 and Pywrappers.Python3 contain version-specific bindings. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libpyside2-dev Description-md5: 3fd49dfef4a775c4bb740908d914d395 Description-zh_CN: Python bindings for Qt5 (development files) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package provides the development headers for the libpyside2 library. Package: libpyside2-py3-5.15t64 Description-md5: 8456aeaea18f36be3927a7fa18eee016 Description-zh_CN: Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (base files) pyside2 provides Python bindings for Qt 5.x framework. . Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Python3 base file used by all modules. Package: libpyside6-dev Description-md5: 6f39d1d6fbbde4789375173e2e664100 Description-zh_CN: Python bindings for Qt 6 (development files) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package provides the development headers for the libpyside6 library. Package: libpyside6-py3-6.6 Description-md5: 7b685c0cf1aa3b6d0ac27ac8e238f2fa Description-zh_CN: Python 3 bindings for Qt 6 (base files) pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework. . Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Python3 base file used by all modules. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt5-0 Description-md5: 7abeac7425a3b377ac1176d6f7d1e699 Description-zh_CN: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt5-dev Description-md5: 762347af976a8f9abb38d101828ff820 Description-zh_CN: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier -- development Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt6-0 Description-md5: 7abeac7425a3b377ac1176d6f7d1e699 Description-zh_CN: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqaccessibilityclient-qt6-dev Description-md5: 762347af976a8f9abb38d101828ff820 Description-zh_CN: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier -- development Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libqcow1t64 Description-md5: ad2e480029d6e2c25ba681d44b0d5b79 Description-zh_CN: QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library libqcow is a library to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqmath3d-dev Description-md5: e2a563cccbdc302c1b566e57f337da6e Description-zh_CN: Useful 3dmaths functions from Qt3d v1.0 Qt3d v1.0 is long-dead, but part of it remains useful. This library collects those math3d functions in standalone form. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libqmobipocket-dev Description-md5: e1efa022b8f642ab2ad167fd68c5b353 Description-zh_CN: development files for the QMobipocket library QMobipocket is a Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . This package contains the files necessary for development. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: libqmobipocket2 Description-md5: 1d3e6513038cecac30dd4ef9ad0e9310 Description-zh_CN: Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents QMobipocket is a Qt5 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: libqmobipocket6-2 Description-md5: 6e1f11472a4c1e45e95acde8d0643226 Description-zh_CN: Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents QMobipocket6 is a Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: libqmobipocket6-dev Description-md5: c4550682628d76716853670e1e2e7213 Description-zh_CN: development files for the QMobipocket6 library QMobipocket6 is a Qt6 library for reading Mobipocket documents. . This package contains the files necessary for development. . 这个包是 KDE 图形模块的一部分。 Package: libqqc2breezestyle-dev Description-md5: 3aef9cf21865351d89968cc8db978e54 Description-zh_CN: development files for Breeze inspired QQC2 Style This is a pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style. Unlike QQC2-Desktop-Style, it does not depend on Qt Widgets and the system QStyle. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libqrupdate1 Description-md5: 362cd8c45e0cb27993e05f8be51c697c Description-zh_CN: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is most notably used by Octave. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqt53danimation5 Description-md5: 5050ed32aab215826d624fdb5caafd57 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D animation module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Animation module. Package: libqt53dcore5 Description-md5: ee495a574921a5d1d1f90ea143d45ddc Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Core module. Package: libqt53dextras5 Description-md5: c7ee3f73a666eebfc6e61461f2184c11 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D extras Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D extras module. Package: libqt53dinput5 Description-md5: 1a557218f50ec9b60ace8e757d4e7f90 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Input module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Input module. Package: libqt53dlogic5 Description-md5: 80a3c2698ef0b31b111a85e5f9e9e070 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D logic module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Logic module. Package: libqt53dquick5 Description-md5: 92cddc09c5eb6302149a2a59faad487b Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Quick module. Package: libqt53dquickanimation5 Description-md5: 3da2672f34e164c92e131106cd66a27b Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick animation module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Animation module. Package: libqt53dquickextras5 Description-md5: 77128f5a97149574fd4abf61c3c8e997 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick extras Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Quick extras module. Package: libqt53dquickinput5 Description-md5: b72fdb2aa4706cfe8b64b600546af444 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick input Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Quick input module. Package: libqt53dquickrender5 Description-md5: 95d6b01f6d987adc09c14cfed1ef7298 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick Renderer module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Quick Renderer module. Package: libqt53dquickscene2d5 Description-md5: f50896d9ab3e2716932c24f8ec04f825 Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Quick scene module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 2D module. Package: libqt53drender5 Description-md5: f3866e0412da852779aa86dda563febb Description-zh_CN: Qt 3D Renderer module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 3D Renderer module. Package: libqt5bluetooth5 Description-md5: 5cadd27323ff460e7d13ee8ef4cc8850 Description-zh_CN: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Bluetooth part of the Qt Connectivity module. Package: libqt5bluetooth5-bin Description-md5: b3c02af40a23b56b4bf2c3c1a3ecb884 Description-zh_CN: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module helper binaries Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Bluetooth helper binaries. Package: libqt5concurrent5t64 Description-md5: e0df68f337531f2bfba6d9963eebfc16 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 concurrent module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtConcurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code. Package: libqt5contacts5a Description-md5: 2f48c07bace2d6691360fbae8783a306 Description-zh_CN: Qt PIM module, Contacts library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt PIM module's Contacts library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5core5t64 Description-md5: 75c9109eafc0c1da6d6b6ca7b292f133 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 核心模块 Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtCore 模块包含非图形用户界面的功能。 Package: libqt5ct-common-dev Description-md5: 3eadee1ca79e6dc8d7ef5aba954a4aae Description-zh_CN: development files for Qt5 Configuration Utility 该工具允许用户在桌面环境/窗口口管理器下配置 Qt5 的设置(主题、字体、图标 等)而无需 Qt 的集成。 . Qt5ct 将仅在除 Plasma 桌面意外的环境中生效。默认配置已禁止它在 Plasma 下运行。 . Qt5ct 可以使用 qt5 gtk 主题、KDE breeze 主题、fusion 主题、QtCurve 主题和其 它许多主题。每个风格都能以修改颜色方案的方式来进一步自定义。 . 本软件包包含了开发库文件。 Package: libqt5ct-common1.8 Description-md5: 8624ce0d312dd7fc70e797f557238693 Description-zh_CN: common library for Qt5 Configuration Utility 该工具允许用户在桌面环境/窗口口管理器下配置 Qt5 的设置(主题、字体、图标 等)而无需 Qt 的集成。 . Qt5ct 将仅在除 Plasma 桌面意外的环境中生效。默认配置已禁止它在 Plasma 下运行。 . Qt5ct 可以使用 qt5 gtk 主题、KDE breeze 主题、fusion 主题、QtCurve 主题和其 它许多主题。每个风格都能以修改颜色方案的方式来进一步自定义。 . This package contains the libqt5ct-common library files. Package: libqt5datavisualization5 Description-md5: aa5d7092ff3d5b729c96ae40bd0ac156 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Data Visualization module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of APIs to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. Package: libqt5datavisualization5-dev Description-md5: cdd98ae58ec93447bbdc3570f65bef0d Description-zh_CN: APIs for data visualization functionality - development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using the Qt Data Visualization library. Package: libqt5dbus5t64 Description-md5: 66ed2fe869611cd7a269446bd63f9400 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 D-Bus module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqt5designer5 Description-md5: 7ffa0bb5842adb966c1c5b7e69997c4a Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 designer module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtDesigner module provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt5designercomponents5 Description-md5: 7de8dd34c7de96d3b41df25cec62de7e Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Designer components module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package includes components for the Qt 5 Designer module. Package: libqt5feedback5 Description-md5: 7d98eb01d172caa82a3359049f18ad7e Description-zh_CN: Qt Feedback module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5gamepad5 Description-md5: c840362b43a598f14ab594c4d753ff46 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 gamepad module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains he gamepad module library. Package: libqt5gamepad5-dev Description-md5: 2dbd6e967ba8429d342acd5dc0835699 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 gamepad module - development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the development files for the gamepad module. Package: libqt5gui5-gles Description-md5: 03224169253711c70efe99c16927c87c Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 GUI module — OpenGL ES variant Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. . This package provides a version of Qt GUI library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5gui5t64 Description-md5: 9dadc5c1f0624a1be05b1ff4f1c6cd6d Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 GUI module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. Package: libqt5help5 Description-md5: dc0f2e17602f253ba78a2ab8bbb8d543 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 help module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtHelp module provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt5location5 Description-md5: faf8936a8aaae73be369efa5286a805a Description-zh_CN: Qt Location module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Location module. Package: libqt5location5-plugin-mapboxgl Description-md5: 00ad2798f5ea004513fbd3b05d520dff Description-zh_CN: Qt Location module - Mapbox GL plugin Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Mapbox GL plugin for Qt Location. Package: libqt5location5-plugins Description-md5: 5b7150af1f4ab09b41ff2138b17c5b41 Description-zh_CN: Qt Location module - geolocation plugins Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Location plugins: ESRI, Items Overlay, Mapbox, HERE/Nokia and Open Street Map. Package: libqt5multimedia5 Description-md5: 0fd4e386c6bde062c12b013340fc2cae Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5multimedia5-plugins Description-md5: 871e5673651571ab7438746185ff6654 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of plugins for supporting m3u, pulseaudio and GStreamer. Package: libqt5multimediagsttools5 Description-md5: 9a134dca24de2bf35c9ac74b753148dd Description-zh_CN: GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module. Package: libqt5multimediaquick5 Description-md5: 10cd066c6217162123930b6485245e89 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Multimedia Quick module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content with the Quick module. Package: libqt5multimediawidgets5 Description-md5: a85511daf2fe288583ce79f752671d86 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Multimedia Widgets module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of widgets to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5network5t64 Description-md5: 267676193dcb13e33a5c3f9c219b1838 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 network module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. It provides classes to make network programming easier and portable. Package: libqt5nfc5 Description-md5: dd537692b1adfade44d5f65724e44cc3 Description-zh_CN: Qt Connectivity NFC module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the NFC part of the Qt Connectivity module. Package: libqt5opengl5-dev Description-md5: 76f1fd5b0a241ef67384ff7dfbd93542 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 OpenGL library development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 5 applications using QtOpenGL library. Package: libqt5opengl5t64 Description-md5: 0966e72b3545e5c76ba7176064c64965 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 OpenGL module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. Package: libqt5organizer5a Description-md5: ed8d300fc6b3a1af43a5d3e844504189 Description-zh_CN: Qt PIM module, Organizer library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt PIM module's Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5positioning5 Description-md5: e4fae679fe1460e90893909931d9dc74 Description-zh_CN: Qt Positioning module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Positioning module. Package: libqt5positioning5-plugins Description-md5: 8e8ffe67e4c7e99862ec2c75f7616f13 Description-zh_CN: Qt Positioning module - position plugins Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Positioning plugins. Package: libqt5positioningquick5 Description-md5: 909d37bbf15e9b3d1e42c3b67d16253d Description-zh_CN: Qt Positioning module - Qt Quick module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contain the Qt Quick interface for the Qt Positioning module. Package: libqt5printsupport5t64 Description-md5: ad2a0dcae2a6addab1c4c4b7c64b6a4e Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 print support module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtPrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable. Package: libqt5publishsubscribe5t64 Description-md5: b3e50d9b59fd7e165b714f2920ab4f07 Description-zh_CN: Qt Systems module - publish subscribe Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Publish Subscribe part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5qml5 Description-md5: a738ffdd7112e97f1f00381ee382723b Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 QML module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. Package: libqt5qmlmodels5 Description-md5: bdc7e9b476499ec1ea13a9c5477ededf Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 QML Models library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt QML Models support library. Package: libqt5qmlworkerscript5 Description-md5: b3f2c36ce8517dffb933ee68f894f688 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 QML Worker Script library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt QML Worker Script support library. Package: libqt5quick5 Description-md5: b007eea137d3d44d7f8ffa1d25ab7526 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. Package: libqt5quick5-gles Description-md5: 70395f664bd188ac9751f21120d0d22c Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick library — OpenGL ES variant Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. . This package provides a version of Qt Quick library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5quickcontrols2-5 Description-md5: dc63dc18ef3dc5ab1ac25e9f4869da46 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library. Package: libqt5quickparticles5 Description-md5: 938aa93447dd78ea7f9aad01a0de0dc4 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick particles module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Particles support library. Package: libqt5quickparticles5-gles Description-md5: 4831f260b13683231de1e649d4262600 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick particles module — OpenGL ES variant Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package provides a version of the Qt Quick Particles support library built against OpenGL ES, for use on embedded/mobile devices. Package: libqt5quickshapes5 Description-md5: 92a5771fca0a1dad6f1ec898f473be2c Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick Shapes module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Shapes support library. Package: libqt5quicktemplates2-5 Description-md5: 0a1cdb4ffdd64f222b7f3c56f65e9476 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library. Package: libqt5quicktest5 Description-md5: 62d336fbf0430511d8db72f806e6fba5 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick Test library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Test library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5quickwidgets5 Description-md5: 361283124e954f5db8ff11d3fb23121e Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Quick Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Widgets library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5script5 Description-md5: d3c4a0e8070a26c56f291248544e83a5 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 script module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtScript module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Package: libqt5scripttools5 Description-md5: 0514b920233acecc79cd86b47fb195a3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 script tools module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtScriptTools module provides additional components for applications that use Qt Script. . This package contains the Qt Script debugger, a tool for debugging script execution in Qt applications that use Qt Script. Package: libqt5sensors5 Description-md5: 41282d0d6f2d4c83b25b30273ba0058c Description-zh_CN: Qt Sensors module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt Sensors module. Package: libqt5sensors5-dev Description-md5: dd848e0ce5cb3cf7836fc859c55e581f Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Sensors development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Sensors library. Package: libqt5serialport5 Description-md5: 495baaf3e432acf5b4e4136a5d0e645a Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 serial port support Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package includes the library to use serial ports from within Qt 5. Package: libqt5serialport5-dev Description-md5: ec6e5c3fc91d00795e2fd511b16872a7 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 serial port development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package includes the development headers for the serial port library. Package: libqt5serviceframework5t64 Description-md5: 36e51796b18106e33c0803efe6aef6f3 Description-zh_CN: Qt Systems module - service framework Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Service Framework part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5sql5t64 Description-md5: 0713fa3e9592ca24526ad333118f8889 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 SQL module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSql module helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. Package: libqt5svg5 Description-md5: 0e98bb6ccd1201f38567cb67caec74ad Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 SVG module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Package: libqt5svg5-dev Description-md5: aa60a505d0dba59e0a5d3f03ca43c3c7 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 SVG module development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtSvg library. Package: libqt5systeminfo5t64 Description-md5: a6d640a60aed9ec0f2f5dd8e987f72b4 Description-zh_CN: Qt Systems module - system info Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the System Info part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5test5t64 Description-md5: 439bbed1193cb169575d82d618b4c6c1 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 test module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtTest module provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. Package: libqt5versit5a Description-md5: d194430a054da7d8130a932e9b854f78 Description-zh_CN: Qt PIM module, Versit library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5versitorganizer5a Description-md5: 39cdd38dea099ca0a10ccc81648a08ba Description-zh_CN: Qt PIM module, Versit Organizer library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5waylandclient5 Description-md5: 7cc850804bc09f5b0e1e0cee60caf34a Description-zh_CN: QtWayland client library QtWayland 为一 Qt 5 模块,封装了 Wayland 的 功能。 . This package contains the QtWayland client library. Package: libqt5waylandclient5-dev Description-md5: d0866fd115050f0a9d8f14bb2d65c442 Description-zh_CN: QtWayland client development files QtWayland 为一 Qt 5 模块,封装了 Wayland 的 功能。 . This package contains the development files for QtWayland client library. Package: libqt5waylandcompositor5 Description-md5: 56edadfc07488e0d9aca516c2084a0c4 Description-zh_CN: QtWayland compositor library QtWayland 为一 Qt 5 模块,封装了 Wayland 的 功能。 . This package contains the QtWayland compositor library. Package: libqt5waylandcompositor5-dev Description-md5: 7a8c591fbcb20080de7d0f632545e691 Description-zh_CN: QtWayland compositor development files QtWayland 为一 Qt 5 模块,封装了 Wayland 的 功能。 . This package contains the development files for QtWayland compositor library. Package: libqt5webengine5 Description-md5: 69d0d176121854ca8e3b3dcc1257f6c2 Description-zh_CN: 用于 Qt 的网络内容引擎库 QtWebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the QtWebEngine library. Package: libqt5webkit5 Description-md5: b6887c4796db0313f1e533c538960454 Description-zh_CN: 用于 Qt 的网络内容引擎库 QtWebkit 提供一个网页浏览器引擎,它可以使得万维网内容简单地集成到您的 Qt 应 用程序中。 . 本软件包包含 QtWebkit 库。 Package: libqt5webkit5-dev Description-md5: 67401855782c9d9d20cf3924364c73f3 Description-zh_CN: Web content engine library for Qt - development files QtWebkit 提供一个网页浏览器引擎,它可以使得万维网内容简单地集成到您的 Qt 应 用程序中。 . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 5 applications using QtWebKit library. Package: libqt5websockets5 Description-md5: b84696a3848a9bbf8128e1a90e113caa Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Web Sockets module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a Qt library that implements WebSockets, both client and server. Package: libqt5websockets5-dev Description-md5: 2f8b2b13fe269de8796213253310c05e Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 Web Sockets module - development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: libqt5widgets5t64 Description-md5: d3e73eff3b63455d65d61db3b685f693 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 widgets module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtWidgets module extends QtGui with C++ widget functionality. Package: libqt5x11extras5 Description-md5: 2574e8fb23c97454c12c4db6cefe9fa2 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 X11 额外功能 Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . 本软件包提供了在 Qt 5 内访问 X11 功能的库。 Package: libqt5x11extras5-dev Description-md5: 983dd8be836bae64e10eefe9a7ac8668 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 X11 extras development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package includes the development headers for the X11 extras library. Package: libqt5xml5t64 Description-md5: c3b1596533c67529df54c353807c6cae Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 XML module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtXml module provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5 Description-md5: d15f85c7e8471f230227f226e1113d01 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 XML patterns module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev Description-md5: 854381d5c52ed80e7e72ec7e04934402 Description-zh_CN: Qt 5 XML patterns development files Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtXmlPatterns library. Package: libqt63danimation6 Description-md5: 971a546fcf02967ab31d5304e6ef9af9 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Animation library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 6 Animation library. Package: libqt63dcore6 Description-md5: c5161ef1d7c5239b98ce48521bc15ce8 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Core library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Core library. Package: libqt63dextras6 Description-md5: 5a752ae5155942a121ef32ba0e12ff3e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D extras library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D extras library. Package: libqt63dinput6 Description-md5: c498735a1bda09ce9031a379df754fed Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Input library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Input library. Package: libqt63dlogic6 Description-md5: 6c9d2f30615ea38150efb74aaa0f6966 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Logic library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Logic library. Package: libqt63dquick6 Description-md5: 80b1c5d7aa3bfa51d3c5ebf60656b5b3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Quick library. Package: libqt63dquickextras6 Description-md5: 084fa17c5c743745533c78fd4a3ace43 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Quick extras library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Quick extras library. Package: libqt63dquickscene2d6 Description-md5: 6d00ac99554e035a9806ed9c9291c6e9 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Quick Scene 2D library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Scene 2D library. Package: libqt63drender6 Description-md5: a830b0874790994d910e7ceca50dfb63 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 3D Renderer library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 3D Renderer library. Package: libqt6bluetooth6 Description-md5: 1b791f6634f562d215263306e7014d68 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Connectivity Bluetooth library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Bluetooth part of the Qt 6 Connectivity library. Package: libqt6bluetooth6-bin Description-md5: a912531a8c9292af84269fad0b3ebf81 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Connectivity Bluetooth module helper binaries Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Bluetooth helper binaries. Package: libqt6bodymovin6 Description-md5: 30a972e953b83e04a0e28263ae4de4f3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Lottie Bodymovin library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a plugin created/exported directly from After Effects. Package: libqt6charts6 Description-md5: 03108703a3dd98ba18e9897fbc85fc1e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Charts library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . This package contains the shared library for Qt 6 Charts. Package: libqt6concurrent6 Description-md5: 9cec83c0f4093047ba7e32ad593d5a17 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 concurrent module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtConcurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code. Package: libqt6core5compat6 Description-md5: 383698706d38a045fd920bc29b9951f7 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Qt5Compat library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 6 Core5Compat library. Package: libqt6core6t64 Description-md5: ed80e594b46abbc607aba1af415d15fe Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 core module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtCore 模块包含非图形用户界面的功能。 Package: libqt6datavisualization6 Description-md5: a9a25069499b1485a8ead59e6f089ec7 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Data Visualization library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of APIs to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. Package: libqt6dbus6 Description-md5: 20382f17c87d23906db49d6aff3e0465 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 D-Bus module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqt6designer6 Description-md5: 986f432bbff60ff52a603b9e2cf94ec0 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Designer library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtDesigner library provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt6designercomponents6 Description-md5: 71732d16c67ecd5566b66caf890a822a Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Designer Components library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package includes components for the Qt 6 Designer library. Package: libqt6grpc6 Description-md5: 548998f62ff5468f3abe553569e7f2cf Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 gRPC library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 gRPC. Package: libqt6gui6 Description-md5: f07aad264aff41f35affdd7048a48ba2 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 GUI module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. Package: libqt6help6 Description-md5: dd03e86544d1ff010af726d093f219ef Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Help library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtHelp library provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt6httpserver6 Description-md5: 0eb419b6bae25041bb661a6e2551ab9e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 HTTP Server library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 HTTP Server library. Package: libqt6jsonrpc6 Description-md5: 04b3fcca380b3e411efb4a780ff1e3af Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 JSON RPC library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt JSON RPC support library. Package: libqt6languageserver6 Description-md5: 4232ddc03b536198ec5ec54a478e853c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Language Server library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt Language Server module provides an implementation of the Language server protocol; see: protocol/specification Package: libqt6location6 Description-md5: 44946b0446850b3d7c1db03db9064daa Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Location library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 6 Location library. Package: libqt6multimedia6 Description-md5: b8886e830b3a216c39918a3b4d5bc34e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Multimedia library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt6multimediawidgets6 Description-md5: 3e8ca6cb11a3716022cbd462a48465bc Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Multimedia Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a set of widgets to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt6network6 Description-md5: d7dc5b8f2c46f21b15001c31c8361c8a Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 network module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. It provides classes to make network programming easier and portable. Package: libqt6networkauth6 Description-md5: fb8883324f70d5b0cd4cea9760ea1e48 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 NetworkAuth library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Network Authorization provides a set of APIs that enable Qt applications to obtain limited access to online accounts and HTTP services without exposing users' passwords. . This package contains the Qt 6 NetworkAuth libraries. Package: libqt6nfc6 Description-md5: cfeb1a8b25bea7ece0df841a99cf0486 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Connectivity NFC library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the NFC part of the Qt 6 Connectivity library. Package: libqt6opengl6 Description-md5: ab5139665c337d66ad0eee00d9dc3f85 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 OpenGL module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. Package: libqt6openglwidgets6 Description-md5: fda40a8dcce2f181f56eb4d655f044b5 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 OpenGL widgets module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. OpenGL only deals with 3D rendering and provides little or no support for GUI programming issues. . The OpenGL widgets module provides the widget for rendering OpenGL graphics. Package: libqt6pdf6 Description-md5: 9e93846359b72d728a876966127d4f0f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 PDF library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF library. Package: libqt6pdfquick6 Description-md5: 9e7d33b08d5bfc93fe9ebbbdca248f65 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 PDF Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF Quick library. Package: libqt6pdfwidgets6 Description-md5: e1f9338f5a102f7799e4115fb42cc9ba Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 PDF Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents. . This package contains the Qt 6 PDF Widgets library. Package: libqt6positioning6 Description-md5: 3cf36c29b87c8350c2f5ef70076f5d85 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Positioning library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Positioning library. Package: libqt6positioning6-plugins Description-md5: 7725251458ed6b3617a958ffd05e2fd6 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Positioning module - position plugins Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Positioning plugins. Package: libqt6positioningquick6 Description-md5: aef800aa9a002a54cadea1826c7460a7 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Positioning library - Qt Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contain the Qt Quick interface for the Qt 6 Positioning library. Package: libqt6printsupport6 Description-md5: dcb2db28fa663896211cb6e41decc68c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 print support module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtPrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable. Package: libqt6protobuf6 Description-md5: 956c707828ebc9ddc03d9515a19ab23e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 protocol buffers library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers. Package: libqt6protobufqtcoretypes6 Description-md5: bc7359f64c817e3be4861e333e577b39 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt Core types library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt Core types. Package: libqt6protobufqtguitypes6 Description-md5: feeee207fde21910d2f4b3a330e04497 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 procotol buffers Qt GUI types library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffers Qt GUI types. Package: libqt6protobufwellknowntypes6 Description-md5: ce35f87a202b31c6ea50f93ec067e525 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 gRPC protocol buffers Well Known types library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 protocol buffer Well Known types. Package: libqt6qml6 Description-md5: 9e821bae74d9c630c5c1bbd309c8915d Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 QML module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. Package: libqt6qmlcompiler6 Description-md5: 7c399dad5212c1282ecac1644a98525c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 QML Compiler library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt QML Compiler library. Package: libqt6qmlmodels6 Description-md5: 11d07bf5cec96ccbf30583e2f7e170a9 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 QML Models library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt QML Models support library. Package: libqt6qmlworkerscript6 Description-md5: bcc0f0d893d9ca241d5c55038759b573 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 QML WorkerScript library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt QML WorkerScript support library. Package: libqt6quick3d6 Description-md5: 4895322e2841afa45c49ca682ae2e77f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D library. Package: libqt6quick3dassetimport6 Description-md5: 0460c8c6c78e25bc82438569fda3e629 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Import library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Import library. Package: libqt6quick3dassetutils6 Description-md5: 7555ac1a9b8f642c1b61385fed19f5eb Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Asset Utils library. Package: libqt6quick3dglslparser6 Description-md5: 0bd48f182001de4ebbfa882ebd57272d Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D GLS Parser library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D GLS Parser library. Package: libqt6quick3diblbaker6 Description-md5: f08760f2ac66e6f9cbd301ba27540e2e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D IblBaker library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D IblBaker library. Package: libqt6quick3dphysics6 Description-md5: 0136ff6730be09198bd4f33d393bf374 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Physics library. Package: libqt6quick3druntimerender6 Description-md5: 7968ee0ab02aae4e574b58745842a271 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D Runtime Renderer library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Runtime Renderer library. Package: libqt6quick3dutils6 Description-md5: 8a878d2b052f67a5bf697e65175d9b33 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick 3D Utils library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Quick 3D Utils library. Package: libqt6quick6 Description-md5: 5a6117382d335f1384293dead42fd8de Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. Package: libqt6quickcontrols2-6 Description-md5: 8836d2ddb12c61d29938412dd3bd224e Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick Controls 2 library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 support library. Package: libqt6quickshapes6 Description-md5: d624e23b18487f8e5c538b3e85c0f7c3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick Shapes library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Shapes support library. Package: libqt6quicktemplates2-6 Description-md5: 1769134644a834e2569b0dc2785ea1bb Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick Templates 2 library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Templates 2 support library. Package: libqt6quicktest6 Description-md5: 892ace3716699467cf464afdafebb5b3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick Test library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Test library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt6quickwidgets6 Description-md5: 418d01bb487412fce92b8e7c0aac5b1c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Quick Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt Quick Widgets library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt6remoteobjects6 Description-md5: 6de2f12ca838bc15fafb5968a12940f4 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Remote Objects library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . This package contains the shared library for Qt Remote Objects. Package: libqt6remoteobjects6-bin Description-md5: f1a684789edace4207e3b0343cdfbf68 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Remote Objects - the Replica Compiler (repc) Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Remote Objects extends Qt's existing functionalities to enable information exchange between processes or computers. . The Replica Compiler (repc) generates QObject header files based on an API definition file. Package: libqt6scxml6 Description-md5: 26bdf2302f07c729d239a8689ca64420 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 SCXML library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 SCXML. Package: libqt6scxml6-bin Description-md5: 2689519dea08a13c0119dc272248f5f3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 SCXML helper binaries Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the helper binary for Qt 6 SCXML. Package: libqt6sensors6 Description-md5: c32d67dbb991f47e3a9e68e1e4de53d9 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Sensors library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains Qt 6 Sensors library. Package: libqt6serialbus6 Description-md5: 4c5cd03296a939557e8b39ab56031738 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Serial Bus library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt 6 Serial Bus module provides the Qt module for general purpose serial bus access, support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . This package contains the shared library for Qt 6 Serial Bus. Package: libqt6serialbus6-bin Description-md5: ab8bb0b1aafb74f0b93239ba19c41efe Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Serial Bus helper binaries Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt 6 Serial Bus module provides the Qt module for general purpose serial bus access, support for CAN and potentially other serial buses. . This package contains helper binaries for the Qt 6 Serial Bus module. Package: libqt6serialport6 Description-md5: ddc17c7527f4cef20d6d618886833627 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 serial port support library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the library for Qt 6 Serial ports. Package: libqt6shadertools6 Description-md5: ca473c82ae3e7e5f7d02c12b50bc7b2b Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 shader tools module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QTShaderTools module contains APIs and tools to provide functionality for the shader pipeline used by QtQuick. Package: libqt6spatialaudio6 Description-md5: 7643f5f795328c54852e03b86db640de Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Spatial Audio library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a rich set of QML types and C++ classes to implement sound fields in 3D space. Package: libqt6sql6 Description-md5: 57e79d838a6fcee7447f0e8d47e77121 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 SQL module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSql module helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. Package: libqt6statemachine6 Description-md5: e34f8e3a75a77b839a27b5fad17cb77c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 State Machine library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt SCXML module provides functionality to create state machines from SCXML files. This includes both dynamically creating state machines (loading the SCXML file and instantiating states and transitions) and generating a C++ file that has a class implementing the state machine. It also contains functionality to support data models and executable content. . This package contains the library for Qt 6 State Machine. Package: libqt6svg6 Description-md5: 5844f0be7c0f88ea38f4fbc4d462ac2c Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 SVG library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. . This package contains Qt 6 SVG library. Package: libqt6svgwidgets6 Description-md5: 73bf4421d651b6d185e6024a0e4d7e4f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 SVG Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML . This package contains Qt 6 SVG Widgets library. Package: libqt6test6 Description-md5: 04fef6f2638f7e52d1818d6708483554 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 test module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtTest module provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. Package: libqt6texttospeech6 Description-md5: d7cdfd5980f9123a38aaac4c5b08efa3 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Speech library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains the Qt 6 Quick Timeline library. Package: libqt6uitools6 Description-md5: 271cde670b39650fa4419c16bd52aba0 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 UI tools library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The package provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer. Package: libqt6virtualkeyboard6 Description-md5: 3eb5af4ef494525f20c8633640ba68dc Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Virtual Keyboard library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The Qt Virtual Keyboard project provides an input framework and reference keyboard frontend for Qt 6 on Linux Desktop/X11, Windows Desktop, and Boot2Qt targets. . This package contains the Qt Virtual Keyboard library. Package: libqt6waylandclient6 Description-md5: 30a8af942cc525f464197e2120885f0f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Wayland Client library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland Client library. Package: libqt6waylandcompositor6 Description-md5: caa2f97d75e9e7d3851511e109c9d6b8 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Wayland Compositor library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland Compositor library. Package: libqt6webchannel6 Description-md5: 0ca86750d90acef19cb2ad8855e57df1 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebChannel library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebChannel library. Package: libqt6webchannelquick6 Description-md5: f44fc0852871dfc25ed5fb643dfac08d Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebChannel Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (QML/C++ application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebChannel Quick library. Package: libqt6webengine6-data Description-md5: b935a676ba526c7f340df6421336baf6 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Web content engine library - data Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the arch independent parts of Qt WebEngine libraries. Package: libqt6webenginecore6 Description-md5: a2e570d6ccb599f68586a29a46577a68 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebEngine Core library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Core library. Package: libqt6webenginecore6-bin Description-md5: f04a2fb25e4a8f7682c8cc89cc3758cf Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebEngine Core binaries Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Core binaries. Package: libqt6webenginequick6 Description-md5: 36e25c0df42f958fd519dc93dbdbbef8 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebEngine Quick library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Quick library. Package: libqt6webenginewidgets6 Description-md5: d089185bff7c549185a1b4349061f421 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebEngine Widgets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebEngine provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebEngine Widgets library. Package: libqt6websockets6 Description-md5: c8b23c1ae85f4255bc861820d2091b5d Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebSockets library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . This package contains a Qt library that implements WebSockets, both client and server. Package: libqt6webview6 Description-md5: 35c4afdf6aadcf441fcf74ef3c30188f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 WebView library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt WebView provides a way to display web content in a QML application without necessarily including a full web browser stack by using native APIs where it makes sense. . This package contains the Qt 6 WebView library. Package: libqt6widgets6 Description-md5: dee1fa987803bb779f9789877ed5e2c5 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 widgets module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtWidgets module extends QtGui with C++ widget functionality. Package: libqt6wlshellintegration6 Description-md5: f78988f27b46d10a0bf7b8e54c55dc3f Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . QtWayland is a Qt 6 module that wraps the functionality of Wayland. . This package contains the Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library. Package: libqt6xml6 Description-md5: cc74db0521d7ab3d5dd5db432fb38e34 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 XML module Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . The QtXml module provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. Package: libqtdbusmock1 Description-md5: c36609046c2e0f8cc642d28ddef53461 Description-zh_CN: Library for mocking DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for mocking DBus services with a Qt API. The software is relevant for unit testing DBus services based on Qt API. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqtdbustest1 Description-md5: 89514a0eea9498fefc9b16ea3212239e Description-zh_CN: Library for testing DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for testing Qt based DBus services and clients. This library is relevant for running unit tests against DBus for Qt applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libqtermwidget6-2-dev Description-md5: 03023ee354c20507e7ff1f327b96a77d Description-zh_CN: Terminal emulator widget for Qt 6 (development files) QTermWidget is a Unicode-enabled, embeddable Qt widget that can be used as built-in console or terminal emulation widget. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libqtqmlmodels-dev Description-md5: 2bd08d3c61023a53aa25593edfed2847 Description-zh_CN: Additional list-type data models for QML apps This package adds 2 C++ data models to the qml back end, for use by QML applications. . QQmlObjectListModel : a much nicer way to expose C++ list to QML than the quick & dirty QList property. Supports all the strong model features of QAbstractListModel while having the simple and well know API of QList. . QQmlVariantListModel : a dead-simple way to create a dynamic C++ list of any type and expose it to QML, much better than using a QVariantList property. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libquantum8 Description-md5: 98137356779534c23753d1368f0d39fa Description-zh_CN: library for the simulation of a quantum computer libquantum is a C library for the simulation of a quantum computer. Based on the principles of quantum mechanics, it provides an implementation of a quantum register. Basic operations for register manipulation such as the Hadamard gate or the Controlled-NOT gate are available through an easy-to- use interface. Measurements can be performed on either single qubits or the whole quantum register. . Features: * Simulation of arbitrary quantum algorithms is possible * High performance and low memory consumption * Decoherence support for realistic quantum computation * Interface for quantum error correction (QEC) * Supports the density operator formalism * Implementations of Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm are included . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libquazip5-dev Description-md5: 90f03f0ef7b0288d2a8b723cf04f7e86 Description-zh_CN: C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files) QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. . QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. . QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libquickcharts-dev Description-md5: af657cb9239f3807960f0c37547a2946 Description-zh_CN: Quick Charts - development files A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts (GPU-accelerated). . It supports three different chart types: pie, line and bar, which can be fed from multiple types of data sources. There is also support for axis labels, an axis grid and a legend. Additionally, there is a submodule that contains some convenience items. . The pie and line charts are rendered using a technique called signed distance fields, which allows efficient GPU-accelerated rendering of 2D shapes without loss of quality. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libquicktime-dev Description-md5: d267680c6a1ab57536dc5a4e4fc20ab6 Description-zh_CN: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (development) libquicktime is a library for reading and writing QuickTime files on UNIX systems. Video CODECs supported by this library are OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, PNG, RGB, YUV 4:2:2, and YUV 4:2:0 compression. Supported audio CODECs are Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw, and any linear PCM format. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libqxmppqt5-4t64 Description-md5: 2918ea70a02995fa5b48f49929eff7c1 Description-zh_CN: QXmpp library for XMPP client and server applications QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librasterlite2-1 Description-md5: 12bc70dfe5821a821556377783558fe6 Description-zh_CN: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libratpoints-2.1.3 Description-md5: 1e579f92341608bffa5aa192daecd2e7 Description-zh_CN: library for finding rational points on hyperelliptic curves This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librav1e-dev Description-md5: 8d7c2cbd10e02bf8895ed474e03e2c34 Description-zh_CN: Fastest and safest AV1 encoder - development files rav1e is a encoder for the AV1 video codec. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: librav1e0.7 Description-md5: 6913a3c85d2bfe3cb57b219aecf84dd7 Description-zh_CN: Fastest and safest AV1 encoder - shared library rav1e is a encoder for the AV1 video codec. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0t64 Description-md5: 76b14fd0ad75ca5a0807b9f83a3a33db Description-zh_CN: C++ library providing OO API to information in mmCIF format The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librdkit-dev Description-md5: cadf4e2d9818548292d31eade9e00bca Description-zh_CN: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (development files) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan algorithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: librdkit1t64 Description-md5: f3b5688fc64de582110322df8c0d19da Description-zh_CN: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (shared libraries) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan algorithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libreadstat-dev Description-md5: c4c9405a2ebe7495b26e0924d68c367d Description-zh_CN: development files for libreadstat library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libreadstat1t64 Description-md5: 8f01b54ee7ce1af25a9e61a28b6a44e4 Description-zh_CN: read/write data sets from SAS, Stata, and SPSS - shared library ReadStat is a command-line tool and MIT-licensed C library for reading files from popular stats packages. Supported data formats include: . - SAS: SAS7BDAT (binary file) and XPORT (transport file) - Stata: DTA (binary file) versions 104-119 - SPSS: POR (portable file), SAV (binary file), and ZSAV (compressed binary) . Supported metadata formats include: . - SAS: SAS7BCAT (catalog file) and .sas (command file) - Stata: .dct (dictionary file) - SPSS: .sps (command file) . There is also write support for all the data formats, but not the metadata formats. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librec1 Description-md5: ffa49bf8375a16291b077e2800f007f8 Description-zh_CN: library for accessing recfiles programmatically librec is a library containing many useful C routines that applications can use to access recfiles. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libregfi-dev Description-md5: 2aed8bca746e6c7f0c3aadaeb08a57c0 Description-zh_CN: utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry (devel files) RegLookup is a system to direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files providing command line tools, a C API, and a Python module for accessing registry data structures. The project has a focus on providing tools for digital forensics investigations (though is useful for many purposes), and includes algorithms for retrieving deleted data structures from registry hives. . Currently the program allows one to read an entire registry and output it in a (mostly) standardized, quoted format. It also provides features for filtering of results based on registry path and data type. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libreoffice Description-md5: 9614e13c8592ae9a0c81c629137ef53e Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite (metapackage) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor It also recommends additional packages (e.g. fonts) in order to match an upstream LibreOffice install as closely as possible. . You can extend the functionality of LibreOffice by installing these packages: * hunspell-*/myspell-*: Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries for use with LibreOffice * libreoffice-l10n-*: UI interface translation * libreoffice-help-*: User help * mythes-*: Thesauri for the use with LibreOffice * hyphen-*: Hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice * libreoffice-gtk(2|3): Gtk UI Plugin, GNOME File Picker support * libreoffice-gnome: GIO backend * unixodbc: ODBC database support * cups-bsd: Allows LibreOffice to detect your CUPS printer queues automatically * libsane: Use your sane-supported scanner with LibreOffice * libxrender1: Speed up display by using Xrender library * libgl1: OpenGL support * openclipart-libreoffice: Open Clip Art Gallery with LibreOffice index files * firefox-esr | thunderbird | firefox: Mozilla profile with Certificates needed for XML Security... * openjdk-11-jre | openjdk-8-jre | java8-runtime: Java Runtime Environment for use with LibreOffice * pstoedit / imagemagick / ghostscript: helper tools for EPS * gstreamer0.10-plugins-*: GStreamer plugins for use with LibreOffices media backend * libpaper-utils: papersize detection support via paperconf * bluez: Bluetooth support for Impress (slideshow remote control) Package: libreoffice-base Description-md5: 5529fff5c628ca6b70284749063daea4 Description-zh_CN: LibreOffice 的数据库程序 LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . 这个软件包包含 LibreOffice 办公套件的数据库组件。 Package: libreoffice-base-drivers Description-md5: 95a600bf1d7e583b757fe5b8ea210d10 Description-zh_CN: Database connectivity drivers for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the database connectivity drivers used by LibreOffices database functionality: - ODBC - JDBC - dBase - Calc - Flat files . You can extend this by installing: . * unixodbc: ODBC database support * libmyodbc | odbc-postgresql | libsqliteodbc | tdsodbc | odbc-mdbtools: ODBC drivers for: - MySQL - PostgreSQL - SQLite - MS SQL / Sybase SQL - *.mdb (JET / MS Access) * libmariadb-java | libpg-java | libjtds-java: JDBC Drivers for: - MySQL/MariaDB - PostgreSQL - MS SQL Server and Sybase * libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb: embedded HSQLDB SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-firebird: Firebird SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql: PostgreSQL SDBC Driver * libreoffice-sdbc-mysql: MySQL/MariaDB SDBC Driver Package: libreoffice-base-nogui Description-md5: e83dd6cdb7c67ccb13c0407fd6a32ebc Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- database (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . 这个软件包包含 LibreOffice 办公套件的数据库组件。 Package: libreoffice-calc-nogui Description-md5: ed9483b973f6b2dd25d568b6ef77d8c4 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- spreadsheet (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the spreadsheet component for LibreOffice for use with libreoffice-core-nogui. Package: libreoffice-core-nogui Description-md5: d16e9871c20b5b5c8f38d6d74c8dfe8e Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the architecture-dependent core files of LibreOffice without GUI support for server-based or commandline usage of LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-dev-gui Description-md5: c7381cdfc5446c44dd4085615626c61e Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- "GUI" development stuff LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the gengal utility which was moved from libreoffice- dev. Package: libreoffice-draw-nogui Description-md5: c4d7d9707b31ef9344d70e006f7a27af Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- drawing (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the drawing component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-evolution Description-md5: 7d9a6b62e74d5a806f263ecd0d4bed18 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Evolution addressbook support LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package allows LibreOffice to access Evolution address books. You need to install evolution separately. Package: libreoffice-grammalecte Description-md5: cab97d278a9bcf38c1a9c753ab996cd2 Description-zh_CN: French spellchecker and grammar checker (LibreOffice extension) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains a libreoffice-grammalecte, a French language spellchecker, grammar checker and hyphenator extension for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-gtk4 Description-md5: 286c3520f994b01929165fe0f5270c87 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- GTK 4 integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the GTK plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with GTK 4 and GTK/GNOMEish print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk4. Package: libreoffice-impress-nogui Description-md5: 10ce2c27d434135cd9308937c1bdb31c Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- presentation (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the presentation component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-kf5 Description-md5: 60a27e47a640a57cbd044cc3528831f5 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- KDE Frameworks 5 integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the KF5 plugin for LibreOffice and a KF5-based File Picker when running under Plasma. Package: libreoffice-kf6 Description-md5: f949c58052050af92a4bb22203028d42 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- KDE Frameworks 6 integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the KF6 plugin for LibreOffice and a KF6-based File Picker when running under Plasma. Package: libreoffice-librelogo Description-md5: cdaef056eb365a457e28772fa2fd9de6 Description-zh_CN: Logo-like programming language for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains Librelogo, which is a pyuno-based Logo-like programming language with interactive vectorgraphics for education and DTP - basic Logo syntax for back compatibility with educational Logo systems - interactive vectorgraphics in LibreOffice Writer - native commands (easily translatable) - Python data structures (list, tuple, set, dictionary) and other Python features Package: libreoffice-math-nogui Description-md5: e104f51d572d2ee302d3c3550e97e6ff Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- equation editor (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-nogui Description-md5: b2664061ba9641158b0a41d2c958aa3e Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite (metapackage, no GUI) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor . WITHOUT GUI SUPPORT. . This package is intended mostly for scripting needs. Package: libreoffice-plasma Description-md5: 36a51d062e37f6d96526d1414adef018 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- some Plasma integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains some minor Plasma integration (like AppData and "Create New..." integration) . Package: libreoffice-qt5 Description-md5: 459572943562e2a51d6e9c1c30d84c71 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Qt 5 integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the Qt 5 plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Qt 5 and a Qt File Picker and print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 if you are not using Plasma. Package: libreoffice-qt6 Description-md5: a45aee748dd8cc60d61451e1f7253f31 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Qt 6 integration LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the Qt 6 plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Qt 6 and a Qt File Picker and print dialog. . You need to enable it manually by export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt6. Package: libreoffice-report-builder Description-md5: 8239ceaa4ebaf25c2b15325d48eb907c Description-zh_CN: LibreOffice component for building database reports LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the report builder: "Create with the Sun Report Builder stylish, smart-looking database reports. The flexible report editor can define group and page headers as well as group and page footers and even calculation fields are available to accomplish complex database reports." Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin Description-md5: 4de9416ad29a7951be39b95f83055e84 Description-zh_CN: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries (librpt*.so) for the report builder component. Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin-nogui Description-md5: 6d5263ac65fb4d1c4c7caf8eb713944d Description-zh_CN: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries (librpt*.so) for the report builder component. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-bsh Description-md5: 720bef09745ce9eb4902772fb5c437d8 Description-zh_CN: BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support BeanShell. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-js Description-md5: 41b18315e9be2aaa24a28415b907118e Description-zh_CN: JavaScript script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support JavaScript. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-python Description-md5: 019117f2dc708fc6c1179714b81e2076 Description-zh_CN: Python script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support Python. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-firebird Description-md5: 4ad372e2554b0f42b39c7e1325d5e6d0 Description-zh_CN: Firebird SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The Firebird SDBC Driver allows one to use the Firebird database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb Description-md5: 54ed9715a25b1dae2ad2d3a9b6838a65 Description-zh_CN: HSQLDB SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The HSQLDB SDBC Driver allows one to use the HSQLDB embedded database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-mysql Description-md5: 1022a8fb85f50d65847256d96ae25e4f Description-zh_CN: MariaDB/MySQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The MariaDB/MySQL driver allows one to use the MariaDB or MySQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql Description-md5: 06f71158aa78dbe7201679601bd1279b Description-zh_CN: PostgreSQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . The PostgreSQL SDBC Driver allows one to use the PostgreSQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-style-breeze Description-md5: b3a725e09462ccaec72c3b8bb964827b Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Breeze symbol style LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the "breeze" symbol style, default style for KDE 5. Package: libreoffice-style-karasa-jaga Description-md5: 62dc98488a5247cbad91f4e0ec562bcf Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Karasa Jaga symbol style LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the "karasa_jaga" symbol style. Package: libreoffice-style-sifr Description-md5: 0fd5516a8dab8f6841c284edea8786d7 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Sifr symbol style LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the "sifr" symbol style (an adaption of the Gnome symbolic theme), needs to be manually enabled in the LibreOffice option menu. Package: libreoffice-style-sukapura Description-md5: b9dbd94d0660dbc8a05ba918cb3fb897 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- Sukapura symbol style LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the "sukapura" symbol style. Package: libreoffice-uiconfig-base Description-md5: e6ac75c394251a0c3842ae13e3f9c033 Description-zh_CN: UI data ("config") for LibreOffice Base LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains internal "configuration" of various UI components. It is not meant to be editable. It is just split out for dependencies of other packages. . You will usually not need to install this package manually but it should just be pulled in by other packages. Package: libreoffice-uiconfig-report-builder Description-md5: c254f403f0fe84819d9f6437b3755876 Description-zh_CN: UI data ("config") for the LibreOffice Report Builder LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains internal "configuration" of various UI components. It is not meant to be editable. It is just split out for dependencies of other packages. . You will usually not need to install this package manually but it should just be pulled in by other packages. Package: libreoffice-wiki-publisher Description-md5: a66aaa282ae4941588a4d314d1ebbf79 Description-zh_CN: LibreOffice extension for working with MediaWiki articles LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains an extension to create/edit/publish MediaWiki articles with LibreOffice Package: libreoffice-writer-nogui Description-md5: 963dc225bb14f9e5974345a7995f16a7 Description-zh_CN: office productivity suite -- word processor (no GUI variant) LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This package contains the wordprocessor component for LibreOffice. Package: librhonabwy-dev Description-md5: e5f569124a9026722d3a10317a8a06aa Description-zh_CN: JWK, JWKS, JWS, JWE and JWT library - development Rhonabwy - JWK, JWKS, JWS, JWE and JWT library . - Create, modify, parse, import or export JSON Web Keys (JWK) and JSON Web Keys Set (JWKS) - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Signatures (JWS) - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Encryption (JWE) limited and experimental! - Create, modify, parse, validate or serialize JSON Web Token (JWT) . JWT Relies on JWS and JWE functions, so it supports the same functionnalities as the other 2. JWT functionnalities also support nesting serilization (JWE nested in a JWS or the opposite). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libridl-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-zh_CN: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: librist4 Description-md5: 0bf2f47b5cbee6438a188bd12233e1bc Description-zh_CN: Reliable Internet Stream Transport -- shared library Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is a transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy networks (including the Internet) with low latency and high quality. . RIST is intended as a more reliable successor to Secure Reliable Transport (SRT), and as an open alternative to proprietary commercial options such as Zixi, VideoFlow, QVidium, and DVEO (Dozer). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librobottestingframework-dev Description-md5: 3834250a96050de4a61e9f8544d652ec Description-zh_CN: Robot Testing Framework - development files It is a generic and multi-platform testing framework for the test driven development (TDD) which is initially designed for the robotic systems. However, it can be used for any TDD system. The framework provides functionalities for developing and running unit tests in a language and middleware independent manner. The test cases are developed as independent plug-ins (i.e., using scripting languages or built as dynamically loadable libraries) to be loaded and executed by an automated test runner. Moreover, a fixture manager prepares the setup (e.g., running robot interfaces, simulator) and actively monitors that all the requirements for running the tests are satisfied during the execution of the tests. These functionalities along with other facilities such as the test result collector, result formatter and remote interface allow for rapid development of test units to cover different levels of system testing. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: librostlab-blast0v5 Description-md5: 0393081ba7d558876c2bb0f10e1bbcee Description-zh_CN: very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs This package provides a very fast library for parsing the default output of NCBI BLAST programs into a C++ structure. . libzerg is faster, but it provides only lexing (i.e. it only returns pairs of token identifiers and token string values). librostlab-blast uses a parser generated with bison on top of a flex-generated lexer very similar to that of libzerg. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librostlab3t64 Description-md5: 76dc5ccc01952c4a4563b99c6cbbc880 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for computational biology This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. . The library provides the following facilities: * current working directory resource * exception with stack backtrace * file lock resource * passwd and group structures for C++ * effective uid and gid resource * rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format * umask resource . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librscode1 Description-md5: 81acf4c1026e1284d9edf654b47ab293 Description-zh_CN: library implementing a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm The RSCODE project is an implementation of a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm. It provides a byte-sized block coding which is convenient for adding protection to data which is stored as eight-bit bytes (i.e., most common computer data). . The Reed-Solomon code is the same one used for encoding of data on Audio CD's and CD-ROM disks, as well as many magnetic and optical disk controllers. You basically want to use Reed-Solomon coding in any situation where "forward error correction" is needed, i.e., the decoder will not have the option of requesting retransmission of bad blocks. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librsskit0d Description-md5: c94429a21401d8438dbba4f7c6a4461f Description-zh_CN: GNUstep RSS framework (runtime library) RSSKit is a GNUstep library (framework) for parsing and reading various RSS file formats. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: librt-extension-commandbymail-perl Description-md5: b9ae284975dc8a6d37886e56e78ce077 Description-zh_CN: Allow RT status and other commands by email - transitional package 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: librtaudio-dev Description-md5: dd73f8e0509286e46be77e27a5193600 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput (development files) RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: librtimulib-dev Description-md5: 036fd154cb8143dcfb3674ea47eae823 Description-zh_CN: Versatile C++ and Python 9-dof, 10-dof and 11-dof IMU library (dev files) The simplest way to connect a 9-dof, 10-dof or 11-dof IMU to an embedded Linux system and obtain Kalman-filtered quaternion or Euler angle pose data. Basically, two simple function calls (IMUInit() and IMURead()) are pretty much all that's needed to integrate RTIMULib. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: librtlsdr0 Description-md5: 29f2fdb7d8f0b96a1c1915fd8793a197 Description-zh_CN: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (library) rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librtmidi-dev Description-md5: 54fd0b82fc9ca8bd591d66ee5342b772 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput (development files) RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: librttopo-dev Description-md5: 8eef3f18ed202897263edf1c83073c18 Description-zh_CN: Tuscany Region topology library - Development files The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: librttopo1 Description-md5: 28d084e05e252c790a1717a903a1c453 Description-zh_CN: Tuscany Region topology library The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librttr-core0.9.6t64 Description-md5: 3021af7e7b903da8172f6cb9674dfb40 Description-zh_CN: C++ reflection library RTTR stands for Run Time Type Reflection. It describes the ability of a computer program to introspect and modify an object at runtime. It is also the name of the library itself, which is written in C++ and released as open source library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librulexdb-dev Description-md5: ac6ad7fd9adfc947ebfb73c98aed66e5 Description-zh_CN: Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (development) RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: librulexdb0 Description-md5: a5606473e216a1b29f0eee97637c727d Description-zh_CN: Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (runtime) RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: librutts-dev Description-md5: 7152874b99cdc8156556f47997827144 Description-zh_CN: Software Russian TTS engine (development library) This is a Russian speech synthesizer. it takes Russian text in koi8-r charset as an input and produces digital sound stream in the raw linear signed 8-bit 10 kHz format for the output. It doesn't actually play this sound. You should use some player for it like sox for example. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libsaclib0t64 Description-md5: 9ef64b4379b08a178e30a6a24481ecc5 Description-zh_CN: library of C programs for computer algebra (shared library) SACLIB is a library of C programs for computer algebra derived from the SAC2 system. It includes algorithms for list processing, arithmetic of integers, rational numbers, and polynomials, modular arithmetic, linear algebra, and more. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsail-common0t64 Description-md5: a7b42e3f0a94810c906656062f6c7c2f Description-zh_CN: SAIL common client library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsail-manip0t64 Description-md5: 7877af661f2ab7bf44fc6ff5884e0e3e Description-zh_CN: SAIL image manipulation library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . This package provides image manipulation functions. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsail0t64 Description-md5: 65412b6a2040da2e8eaeb66b3037deb8 Description-zh_CN: SAIL client library (shared library) SAIL is a fast and lightweight cross-platform image decoding and encoding library providing multi-leveled APIs from one-liners to complex use-cases with custom I/O sources. . This package provides high-level SAIL client libraries. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsavitar5t64 Description-md5: 15afd437d1a2fdc09439ae14a6aeefc1 Description-zh_CN: 3MF file handling library (shared library) Savitar is a C++ library with Python 3 bindings for reading and writing 3MF files. . 3MF is an interchange format for sharing 3D models and other 3D printing data between related software and 3D printers. It is XML based and standardised by the 3MF consortium. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsbjson-dev Description-md5: 80c527e6f229ee2b5ab89ed93b8d0408 Description-zh_CN: Objective-C JSON library (development files) A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsbjson2.3t64 Description-md5: e893ac05eae51ee3ea62fa0080ebd353 Description-zh_CN: Objective-C JSON library A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsbsms-dev Description-md5: da4c5f38e978e8518fc894111e1455f0 Description-zh_CN: Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis (development files) libsbsms is a C++ library for high quality time stretching and pitch scaling of audio. It uses octave subband sinusoidal modeling. . The audio is fed into a FIFO, which takes the STFT of the input. Each frame is high-pass filtered in the Fourier domain, and then written to a frame FIFO which does quadratic interpolating peak detection and track continuation. The tracks are resynthesized with a quadratic phase preserving oscillator bank at an arbitrary time scale. . The subbands are fed from the low-pass filtered frames, which are decimated by two and reconstructed in a half rate time domain. The subbands perform the same process as the parent band, only the data is at half the audio frequency, and at half the rate. There are typically 6 bands. The point of subbands is to allow high time resolution for high frequencies and at the same time high frequency resolution for low frequencies. . Pitch scaling is performed in a post-processing resampling step. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libscca1t64 Description-md5: 2f678b98ca09e74729ffbf3ad42cc6f1 Description-zh_CN: Windows Prefetch File access library libscca is a library to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libscrypt-kdf-dev Description-md5: 51e40e2f3b1c05220ad1d6129b59fa3e Description-zh_CN: Development library for encryption using scrypt for key derivation A simple password-based encryption utility which demonstrates the scrypt key derivation function. On modern hardware and with default parameters, the cost of cracking the password on a file encrypted by scrypt enc is approximately 100 billion times more than the cost of cracking the same password on a file encrypted by openssl enc; this means that a five- character password using scrypt is stronger than a ten-character password using openssl. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libscrypt-kdf1 Description-md5: 6fd3fcde499f770d8d2cb067fecd610f Description-zh_CN: Shared library for encryption using scrypt for key derivation A simple password-based encryption utility which demonstrates the scrypt key derivation function. On modern hardware and with default parameters, the cost of cracking the password on a file encrypted by scrypt enc is approximately 100 billion times more than the cost of cracking the same password on a file encrypted by openssl enc; this means that a five- character password using scrypt is stronger than a ten-character password using openssl. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-image1.2 Description-md5: b04046f8d6efcac7094eea4596dd127a Description-zh_CN: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-image1.2-dev Description-md5: 88e45ebbfade6fd5cc266ca8c5364641 Description-zh_CN: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl-kitchensink-dev Description-md5: 666585a0c6e65434efa813a54c80bbc5 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback - Development files It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl-kitchensink1 Description-md5: 953a996c93f273e40b62268379679c08 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-mixer1.2 Description-md5: 6365dd710480410f247a015e3bf6e992 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-mixer1.2-dev Description-md5: c9cb3ce99772b1ad82e3e483c57b44c2 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl-net1.2 Description-md5: d9a5c0da6adf42bc40db5f9ca3c36408 Description-zh_CN: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-net1.2-dev Description-md5: a16ffa7eccf37321735f330935ce44ed Description-zh_CN: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl-sge Description-md5: 6cf065bddd65a1ec6ba47d0e681917ac Description-zh_CN: extension of graphic functions for SDL multimedia libraries SGE is a layer over the SDL multimedia library which provides common graphics operations such as clipping, block copies, drawing of lines, circles and primitives, rotation and scaling of surfaces, pixel operations, palette functions and many more. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libsdl-sound1.2 Description-md5: 02f3434922f761b0483d433986a93ea1 Description-zh_CN: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-sound1.2-dev Description-md5: 757b1c478ca9ef83deab4980576bbe6c Description-zh_CN: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-0 Description-md5: 757b4624c2c48994a058634a99e0b456 Description-zh_CN: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-dev Description-md5: a13657785db12ed4c42ce57872ede102 Description-zh_CN: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl2-image-2.0-0 Description-md5: e5b1016aaab8f0b7659c8933fad826b0 Description-zh_CN: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl2-image-dev Description-md5: 69d53403a68162ef7e95a3a08bcf3861 Description-zh_CN: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 Description-md5: 34f4d1cbb2b9046174dc41bffcfcdaa0 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl2-mixer-dev Description-md5: 55b455dd6a9944b2e8ba9695b8456358 Description-zh_CN: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl2-net-2.0-0 Description-md5: 0e252144b4b100ffba0cf7c7abc24e53 Description-zh_CN: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl2-net-dev Description-md5: dfd3cc3d913384bda90efc6a0f7e822a Description-zh_CN: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 Description-md5: d1d11e371518d26e6e4ae98dff649ad4 Description-zh_CN: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsdl2-ttf-dev Description-md5: dbc0a7ada44359d9c3ee7bc8d63ba702 Description-zh_CN: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsep0 Description-md5: 605beb4fc7345849f097c7ce95815d09 Description-zh_CN: C library for source extraction and photometry SEP makes the core algorithms of Source Extractor available as a library of stand-alone functions and classes. These operate directly on in-memory arrays (no FITS files or configuration files). The code is derived from the Source Extractor code base (written in C) and aims to produce results compatible with Source Extractor whenever possible. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libserialdv-dev Description-md5: 6eb30d2fe7330bfa1122d15aab963a8d Description-zh_CN: encode and decode audio with AMBE3000 devices (headers) SerialDV is a C++ minimal interface to encode and decode audio with AMBE3000 based devices in packet mode over a serial link. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libserialport0 Description-md5: 6ff69924a185f7208c4a743671869971 Description-zh_CN: Crossplatform serial port handling library - shared library libserialport is a minimal, cross-platform shared library that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libseriousproton0 Description-md5: 8122784210141e52ac7b687994a43e2e Description-zh_CN: C++ game engine -- shared library SeriousProton is implemented atop SFML, from scratch. . "There will be dragons and undocumented stuff in here." . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsfcgal-dev Description-md5: 919dd9da004d2326cc5d43dcd247d649 Description-zh_CN: Library for ISO 19107:2013 and OGC SFA 1.2 for 3D operations (development) SFCGAL is a C++ wrapper library around CGAL with the aim of supporting ISO 19107:2013 and OGC Simple Features Access 1.2 for 3D operations. . SFCGAL provides standard compliant geometry types and operations, that can be accessed from its C or C++ APIs. PostGIS uses the C API, to expose some SFCGAL's functions in spatial databases (cf. PostGIS manual). . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libshout-idjc-dev Description-md5: d797877ae989976ee4bddf756728b122 Description-zh_CN: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions (development) A library for communicating with and sending data to Icecast and Icecast 2 streaming audio servers. It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data transmission, and prevents bad data from getting to the server. . This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsieve2-dev Description-md5: 7c881cca899d97b9d1029b169cf699d5 Description-zh_CN: library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail This code is a standalone library based upon code which had been distributed with the Cyrus Mail Server. Currently libSieve implements two APIs: one that is based upon, and compatible with, the Sieve API as built into the Cyrus Mail Server, as well as a new API which is very well suited to be incorporated into other programs and is reasonably extensible. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsight-dev Description-md5: 5c8c66562eaa9901e7a0d492014b954c Description-zh_CN: Sight header files The Surgical Image Guidance and Healthcare Toolkit aims to ease the creation of applications based on medical imaging. It includes various features such as 2D and 3D digital image processing, visualization, augmented reality and medical interaction simulation. It runs on many different environments (Windows, Linux, macOS), is written in C++, and features rapid interface design using XML files. . Sight was formerly known as FW4SPL. It was renamed in 2018, firstly to make its purpose clearer, and secondly as part of a major change in design and in the governance of the development team. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsignal-protocol-c-dev Description-md5: 5d3ef45e92ac682f94687bf547c324de Description-zh_CN: ratcheting forward secrecy protocol for synchronous and asynchronous messaging This is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsigrok4t64 Description-md5: 2e43895a132fca24faea76a0d1152887 Description-zh_CN: sigrok hardware driver library - shared library libsigrok is a shared library which provides basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers, as well as input/output file format support. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsigscan1t64 Description-md5: 2ac42ed06538e167efe0ea8718660fc4 Description-zh_CN: binary signature scanning library libsigscan is a library for binary signature scanning, using simple offset/string-based signatures. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsimpleini-dev Description-md5: a784ec5940251ed9ae300d0a42b28334 Description-zh_CN: C++ library for INI-style configuration files (development files) A cross-platform library that provides a simple API to read and write INI- style configuration files. It supports data files in ASCII, MBCS and Unicode. It is designed explicitly to be portable to any platform and has been tested on Windows, WinCE and Linux. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libskk0 Description-md5: 6ec6e9c23a0efdd5ce604f2c40184fa5 Description-zh_CN: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method Libskk is a library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods. Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libslopy-dev Description-md5: 5d80b8d4f984b66c3e757ace7151b64c Description-zh_CN: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libslopy7.6 Description-md5: 52d8c62a1a1dc295339b9113b3a34cdd Description-zh_CN: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsmdev1t64 Description-md5: 03d08de27e40f9b053bad466dba6c5b4 Description-zh_CN: storage media device access library libsmdev is a library to access to storage media devices. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsmraw1t64 Description-md5: dee097554f2b6d28429406de6f137733 Description-zh_CN: split RAW image format access library libsmraw is a library to access the (split) RAW image format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsnap7-dev Description-md5: 93e0eed9a59273a2502684613ee36c71 Description-zh_CN: Siemens S7 PLCs communications library -- dev files The new CPUs 1200/1500 and SINAMICS Drives are also partially supported. Although it has been designed to overcome the limitations of OPC servers when transferring large amounts of high speed data in industrial facilities, it scales well down to small Linux based arm boards such as Raspberry PI, BeagleBone Black, pcDuino and CubieBoard. . Three specialized components, Client, Server and Partner, allow you to definitively integrate your PC based systems into a PLC automation chain.\ . Main features: * Native multi-architecture design (32/64 bit). * Platform independent, currently are supported Windows (from NT 4.0 up to Windows 8), Linux, BSD, Oracle Solaris 11. * Fully scalable, starting from blade servers down to Raspberry PI board. * No dependence on any third-party libraries, no installation needed, zero configuration. * Three Different native thread models for performance optimization: Win32 threads/ Posix threads / Solaris 11 threads. * Two data transfer models: classic synchronous and asynchronous. * Two data flow models: polling and unsolicited (PLC transfers data when it wants to). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsnapd-qt-dev Description-md5: 52a4591df68465c7b093955419f9a46e Description-zh_CN: Qt snapd library (development files) snapd-glib is a library to allow GLib based applications access to snapd, the daemon that controls Snaps. . Snaps are 'universal' packages that work across many different Linux systems, enabling secure distribution of the latest apps and utilities for cloud, servers, desktops and the internet of things. . snapd-qt is a wrapper library for snapd-glib for Qt applications. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsndobj-dev Description-md5: 744a496c94d68da32b0221b041795ce4 Description-zh_CN: Sound Object library (development files) The Sound Object Library is an object-oriented audio processing library. It provides objects for synthesis and processing of sound that can be used to build applications for computer-generated music. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsoapysdr0.8 Description-md5: d14a42c7597dbb32defcaa0f0d64ec7f Description-zh_CN: software defined radio interface library SoapySDR is a library providing a common interface to SDR (software defined radio) hardware. Support for different hardware is added through external modules. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsocksd0-dev Description-md5: e3665f1fe22527f31227f98afb542c9a Description-zh_CN: Development files for compiling programs with SOCKS support Dante 是一款会话层防火墙和代理。只需要运行 Dante 的服务器能访问外网,它就能提供 便捷、安全的网络连接,访问多种类型的主机。 . This package provides header files and instructions for compiling programs with SOCKS support. Package: libsocksd0t64 Description-md5: d1245be6c35efe33be994e5f388cba4d Description-zh_CN: SOCKS library for packages built using libsocksd-dev Dante 是一款会话层防火墙和代理。只需要运行 Dante 的服务器能访问外网,它就能提供 便捷、安全的网络连接,访问多种类型的主机。 . This package provides the Dante SOCKS support library and will generally be automatically selected by packages that require it. Package: libsombok-dev Description-md5: 52846f6cd13fba1ac5d444a677039181 Description-zh_CN: Unicode Text Segmentation library (development files) Sombok library performs Line Breaking Algorithm described in Unicode Standards Annex #14 (UAX #14). East_Asian_Width informative properties defined by Annex #11 (UAX #11) may be concerned to determin breaking positions. This library also implements “default” Grapheme Cluster segmentation described in Annex #29 (UAX #29). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsope-dev Description-md5: c10883bbcc0d0514ed87f5d63e340068 Description-zh_CN: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (development files) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsope1 Description-md5: 003bea550b2dd06ebf538363d970d82b Description-zh_CN: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (shared libraries) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libsopt-dev Description-md5: ba9b7754a5bac80355a0263f4fdce0f7 Description-zh_CN: Development package for Sparse OPTimisation library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsopt3.0t64 Description-md5: 11e0e4aea8c231f5fc9490981eadcc74 Description-zh_CN: Sparse OPTimisation shared library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsoundio-dev Description-md5: 82d84138360d06d496c0429a66a34be2 Description-zh_CN: cross platform audio input and output library (development files) libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsoundio2 Description-md5: ab38558e8bf6559fc68033726b1fdff0 Description-zh_CN: cross-platform audio input and output library libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsoxr-dev Description-md5: 4e469fcf562dfd88d6ed1f3567fa556d Description-zh_CN: High quality 1D sample-rate conversion library (development files) The SoX Resampler library `libsoxr' performs one-dimensional sample-rate conversion - it may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio. . It aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant (rational or irrational) resampling ratio. Phase-response, preserved bandwidth, aliasing, and rejection level parameters are all configurable; alternatively, simple `preset' configurations may be selected. . A simple API is provided that allows interfacing using commonly-used sample formats and buffering schemes. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libspandsp2t64 Description-md5: acf1c7e090e21e8270204a3eecfaa217 Description-zh_CN: Telephony signal processing library spandsp is a low-level signal processing library that modulate and demodulate signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise" generated by a fax modem or DTMF touchpad. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libspatialaudio-dev Description-md5: 4b21283857d8215b7be0df183aeec23d Description-zh_CN: library for ambisonic encoding and decoding (development files) libspatialaudio is an open-source and cross-platform C++ library for Ambisonic encoding and decoding, filtering and binaural rendering. It is targeted to render High-Order Ambisonic (HOA) and VR/3D audio samples in multiple environments, from headphones to classic loudspeakers. Its binaural rendering can be used for classical 5.1/7.1 spatial channels as well as Ambisonics inputs. It supports Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) and ACN/SN3D Ambisonics audio streams following the Google spatial audio specification and the IETF codec Ambisonics specification. . The library allows you to encode, decode, rotate, zoom HOA Ambisonics audio streams up to the 3rd order. It can output to standard and custom loudspeakers arrays. To playback with headphones, the binauralizer applies an HRTF (either a SOFA file or the included MIT HRTF) to provide a spatial binaural rendering effect. The binauralization can also be used to render multichannels streams (5.1, 7.1...). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libspatialaudio0t64 Description-md5: 11fa3f0afe937b05aac37a66cbcdaf1f Description-zh_CN: library for ambisonic encoding and decoding (runtime files) libspatialaudio is an open-source and cross-platform C++ library for Ambisonic encoding and decoding, filtering and binaural rendering. It is targeted to render High-Order Ambisonic (HOA) and VR/3D audio samples in multiple environments, from headphones to classic loudspeakers. Its binaural rendering can be used for classical 5.1/7.1 spatial channels as well as Ambisonics inputs. It supports Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) and ACN/SN3D Ambisonics audio streams following the Google spatial audio specification and the IETF codec Ambisonics specification. . The library allows you to encode, decode, rotate, zoom HOA Ambisonics audio streams up to the 3rd order. It can output to standard and custom loudspeakers arrays. To playback with headphones, the binauralizer applies an HRTF (either a SOFA file or the included MIT HRTF) to provide a spatial binaural rendering effect. The binauralization can also be used to render multichannels streams (5.1, 7.1...). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libspectrum-dev Description-md5: 8c0165fe0df07cb34ea2b31b7fab0596 Description-zh_CN: ZX Spectrum emulator library - Development files libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libspectrum8 Description-md5: 69091c33a109e292f11ebdc04b73b56e Description-zh_CN: ZX Spectrum emulator library - Shared libraries libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libspelling-1-dev Description-md5: 1a950069655ddd0c3748a54cd5353d7d Description-zh_CN: Development files for libspelling A spellcheck library for GTK 4 heavily based upon GNOME Text Editor and GNOME Builder's spellcheck implementation. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsphinxbase3t64 Description-md5: 5fa18029a988cb1711f32f78d8c5b5e3 Description-zh_CN: Speech recognition tool - shared library CMU Sphinx is a large vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition engine. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libspoa7.0.0 Description-md5: d776046e84f6d77f898ca0be06ae8262 Description-zh_CN: SIMD partial order alignment library Spoa (SIMD POA) is a c++ implementation of the partial order alignment (POA) algorithm (as described in 10.1093/bioinformatics/18.3.452) which is used to generate consensus sequences (as described in 10.1093/bioinformatics/btg109). It supports three alignment modes: local (Smith-Waterman), global (Needleman-Wunsch) and semi-global alignment (overlap). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsqlite3-tcl Description-md5: cb33fef2641311d660662ee9d18d437c Description-zh_CN: SQLite 3 Tcl bindings SQLite 是一个 C 语言库,它实现了一个 SQL 数据库引擎。链接到 SQLite 库的程序 可以进行 SQL 数据库访问而无需再另外运行一个关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS)进程。 . This package contains the Tcl bindings. Package: libsrm0 Description-md5: 92ad90c19a9057168a572856ca509f73 Description-zh_CN: Simple Rendering Manager (shared library) SRM is a C library that simplifies the development of Linux DRM/KMS applications. SRM allows you to use multiple GPUs simultaneously and automatically finds the most efficient configuration. It also offers functions for creating OpenGL textures, which are automatically shared among GPUs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsrpc0t64 Description-md5: ed74668c111aeffec09b9914c15148fb Description-zh_CN: Sogou RPC (SRPC) Runtime Library SRPC is an enterprise-level RPC framework widely used by Tencent, Sogou and many small and medium-sized companies. It handles hundreds of millions of requests every day, mainly from search engines. It supports two common IDLs: protobuf and thrift, and implements several commonly used rpc protocols. It is also an open source version of Tencent's enterprise- level RPC protocol, tRPC. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libsrtp2-1 Description-md5: 54f09a32b6009291f468860d6047c45e Description-zh_CN: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libssu0 Description-md5: 78561b5d7e783826731a6a643f820317 Description-zh_CN: high-performance phylogenetic diversity calculations (lib) The de facto repository for high-performance phylogenetic diversity calculations. The methods in this repository are based on an implementation of the Strided State UniFrac algorithm which is faster, and uses less memory than Fast UniFrac. Strided State UniFrac supports Unweighted UniFrac, Weighted UniFrac, Generalized UniFrac, Variance Adjusted UniFrac and meta UniFrac. This repository also includes Stacked Faith (manuscript in preparation), a method for calculating Faith's PD that is faster and uses less memory than the Fast UniFrac-based reference implementation. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libstarlink-pal-dev Description-md5: 2fcebae6660cb5fb5c51bac9c69c931a Description-zh_CN: Positional Astronomy Library (development files) This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA library with code from NOVAS and ERFA. . Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a "pal" prefix. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libstb-dev Description-md5: 1f721b420ac6009c34bb41c899078f93 Description-zh_CN: single-file image and audio processing libraries for C/C++ - development headers libstb is a set of single-file libraries for C/C++. The files are dual- licensed under public domain and the MIT license. . It includes the following modules: * stb_vorbis.c: decode ogg vorbis files from file/memory to float/16-bit signed output * stb_image.h: image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC * stb_truetype.h: parse, decode, and rasterize characters from truetype fonts * stb_image_write.h: image writing to disk: PNG, TGA, BMP * stb_image_resize.h: resize images larger/smaller with good quality * stb_rect_pack.h: simple 2D rectangle packer with decent quality * stb_sprintf.h: fast sprintf, snprintf for C/C++ * stretchy_buffer.h: typesafe dynamic array for C (i.e. approximation to vector<>), doesn't compile as C++ * stb_textedit.h: guts of a text editor for games etc implementing them from scratch * stb_voxel_render.h: Minecraft-esque voxel rendering "engine" with many more features * stb_dxt.h: Fabian "ryg" Giesen's real-time DXT compressor * stb_perlin.h: revised Perlin noise (3D input, 1D output) * stb_easy_font.h: quick-and-dirty easy-to-deploy bitmap font for printing frame rate, etc * stb_tilemap_editor.h: embeddable tilemap editor * stb_herringbone_wang_tile.h: herringbone Wang tile map generator * stb_c_lexer.h: simplify writing parsers for C-like languages * stb_divide.h: more useful 32-bit modulus e.g. "euclidean divide" * stb_connected_components.h: incrementally compute reachability on grids * stb.h: helper functions for C, mostly redundant in C++; basically author's personal stuff * stb_leakcheck.h: quick-and-dirty malloc/free leak-checking . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libstdc++-11-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libstdc++-11-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0e691d175b22e08f5fb4ec06ccfa6661 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (alpha) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: cd2ad0496c8f7b261859c3dd4774e80c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arc architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: b3cf592d4bba33e3b225bbffa19ad85f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arm64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: ab3bbd18acc1427942e370921d69bba6 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 5c94411e364c10e6c08261a0a964d7c8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armhf) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3289c7de723a5f226a78565aee38eb5e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (hppa) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 0829514fa6f25204a2a56f32093b5496 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (m68k) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9694eddaa25cad4ecadcdfd0b8aa42e8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 268b16ec942125a360b59b2dbc0390ae Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 23c9b573fd21936f1b9a980cd440514a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 09da8031daea91b3223aac9f711bb4d3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9ed53ed2eade4c8b1ec98247d3d535f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 813d263957e8d32c052437fddcfd908e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ece25cff1ca3aab6c0da4e011b01872 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (riscv64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for riscv64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 2e07343add09b92b671f67aa5b4d02b8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (s390x) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 59250095b2d466277be2eb5637a5a157 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sh4) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 751105838e19d8219c75e6a4fcad4465 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-11-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libstdc++-12-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0e691d175b22e08f5fb4ec06ccfa6661 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (alpha) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: cd2ad0496c8f7b261859c3dd4774e80c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arc architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: b3cf592d4bba33e3b225bbffa19ad85f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arm64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: ab3bbd18acc1427942e370921d69bba6 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 5c94411e364c10e6c08261a0a964d7c8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armhf) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3289c7de723a5f226a78565aee38eb5e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (hppa) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 0829514fa6f25204a2a56f32093b5496 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (m68k) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9694eddaa25cad4ecadcdfd0b8aa42e8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 268b16ec942125a360b59b2dbc0390ae Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 23c9b573fd21936f1b9a980cd440514a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 09da8031daea91b3223aac9f711bb4d3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9ed53ed2eade4c8b1ec98247d3d535f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 813d263957e8d32c052437fddcfd908e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ece25cff1ca3aab6c0da4e011b01872 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (riscv64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for riscv64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 2e07343add09b92b671f67aa5b4d02b8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (s390x) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 59250095b2d466277be2eb5637a5a157 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sh4) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 751105838e19d8219c75e6a4fcad4465 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-12-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libstdc++-13-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0e691d175b22e08f5fb4ec06ccfa6661 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (alpha) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: cd2ad0496c8f7b261859c3dd4774e80c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arc architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: b3cf592d4bba33e3b225bbffa19ad85f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arm64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: ab3bbd18acc1427942e370921d69bba6 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 5c94411e364c10e6c08261a0a964d7c8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armhf) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3289c7de723a5f226a78565aee38eb5e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (hppa) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-loong64-cross Description-md5: c3dba1b542e40bef5f0cf6521e0eb43f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (loong64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for loong64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 0829514fa6f25204a2a56f32093b5496 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (m68k) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9694eddaa25cad4ecadcdfd0b8aa42e8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 268b16ec942125a360b59b2dbc0390ae Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 23c9b573fd21936f1b9a980cd440514a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 09da8031daea91b3223aac9f711bb4d3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9ed53ed2eade4c8b1ec98247d3d535f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 813d263957e8d32c052437fddcfd908e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ece25cff1ca3aab6c0da4e011b01872 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (riscv64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for riscv64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 2e07343add09b92b671f67aa5b4d02b8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (s390x) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 59250095b2d466277be2eb5637a5a157 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sh4) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 751105838e19d8219c75e6a4fcad4465 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-13-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0e691d175b22e08f5fb4ec06ccfa6661 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (alpha) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-arc-cross Description-md5: cd2ad0496c8f7b261859c3dd4774e80c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arc architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: b3cf592d4bba33e3b225bbffa19ad85f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arm64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: ab3bbd18acc1427942e370921d69bba6 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 5c94411e364c10e6c08261a0a964d7c8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armhf) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3289c7de723a5f226a78565aee38eb5e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (hppa) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-loong64-cross Description-md5: c3dba1b542e40bef5f0cf6521e0eb43f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (loong64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for loong64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 0829514fa6f25204a2a56f32093b5496 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (m68k) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 05755abdfa063dbe6573ea1108a17f08 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9694eddaa25cad4ecadcdfd0b8aa42e8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 268b16ec942125a360b59b2dbc0390ae Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 23c9b573fd21936f1b9a980cd440514a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 09da8031daea91b3223aac9f711bb4d3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 18aa08670926f6f48bc8b92686e377e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: 53054b833a4f7196e72ccfddf01b44e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: 7940ce18311e881b522f34469316cae3 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9fad388828b4fa14ecd808a58b88704b Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (powerpc) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9ed53ed2eade4c8b1ec98247d3d535f0 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 813d263957e8d32c052437fddcfd908e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64el) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 4ece25cff1ca3aab6c0da4e011b01872 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (riscv64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for riscv64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 2e07343add09b92b671f67aa5b4d02b8 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (s390x) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 59250095b2d466277be2eb5637a5a157 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sh4) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 751105838e19d8219c75e6a4fcad4465 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (sparc64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-14-dev-x32-cross Description-md5: 58857ed969230a807511ee5014cd839a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (x32) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-alpha-cross Description-md5: 77d6f08df433332036055863b9ef7da1 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (alpha) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-amd64-cross Description-md5: 5e49ca869389309d7a1689d9c5c97e1a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (amd64) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-arc-cross Description-md5: 5c7e475abfc5ee064ff21e4c4abfc03f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (arc) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for arc architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-armel-cross Description-md5: 3145e34b663c25d8c84322e1ca966066 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (armel) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-hppa-cross Description-md5: 23d2ef2a94443af687c0fb81a3fab323 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (hppa) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-i386-cross Description-md5: 28e5bee6794a19d1c3c53f77739d091f Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (i386) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-loong64-cross Description-md5: 339382eb8a9015d940f51a84c0b8c261 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (loong64) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for loong64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-m68k-cross Description-md5: 86c0319c80b8069fd15ae0b53e3afd64 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (m68k) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: f169c6452bc6c9c9a841f12b6d509f48 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: b7018fb902644ec9c1bc435e656ca004 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: f44f153acf0738c498694cf7a5ec9926 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64el) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64r6-cross Description-md5: 1415ddd4684985d7796518a5bbdae431 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64r6) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64r6el-cross Description-md5: 5a4afc830384f08a84d3c27234ea1b6e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mips64r6el) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mips64r6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: e660a54a60eb027be986f95203194b95 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsel) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mipsr6-cross Description-md5: b9aba3e09ea4bc6974bb6bd9d093a395 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mipsr6el-cross Description-md5: b676078a3f2eea2422d683e3f226c0d9 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (mipsr6el) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for mipsr6el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 918ab370246d860a81b1fef587175b0a Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (powerpc) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-ppc64-cross Description-md5: f6e15964395d8d9cd0b6b1fd48c51c45 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (ppc64) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-sh4-cross Description-md5: 01c1db71e5e4ff0203bfb90f345f7bdd Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (sh4) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4657c40108e08136b88fd48ddf2f08cb Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (sparc64) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-x32-cross Description-md5: 2e5c14095fc6a9fdeefc42e23ca1100d Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for x32 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdcompat-ocaml Description-md5: ed4bf9d8df50ea74cb4cd6e98272349a Description-zh_CN: compatibility module for OCaml standard library (runtime) Stdcompat is a compatibility layer allowing programs to use some recent additions to the OCaml standard library while preserving the ability to be compiled on former versions of OCaml. . The module Stdcompat provides some definitions for values and types introduced in recent versions of the standard library. These definitions are just aliases to the matching definition of the standard library if the latter is recent enough. Otherwise, the module Stdcompat provides an alternative implementation. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libstdcompat-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 41ae184409cbfb093a5a96424cb69777 Description-zh_CN: compatibility module for OCaml standard library (development) Stdcompat is a compatibility layer allowing programs to use some recent additions to the OCaml standard library while preserving the ability to be compiled on former versions of OCaml. . The module Stdcompat provides some definitions for values and types introduced in recent versions of the standard library. These definitions are just aliases to the matching definition of the standard library if the latter is recent enough. Otherwise, the module Stdcompat provides an alternative implementation. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libsteptalk0d Description-md5: 55bb8932d619b5f245c90da8442fcf99 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep Scripting Framework (library files) StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libstrophe-dev Description-md5: 6cd25cbb495f967c8648ecdc7dad08f2 Description-zh_CN: Library for writing XMPP clients - development files libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libstrophe0 Description-md5: 51b3da4908c7956a5002a69e692bd220 Description-zh_CN: Library for writing XMPP clients - shared library libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libstropt0 Description-md5: ee92d2a0bd33819639111a14afb7b918 Description-zh_CN: parse options from a string (supports quotation, arguments - library) This small library parses a list of options from a string. Options can be separated by spaces, commas, semicolons, tabs or new line. Options may have arguments. It is possible to protect symbols and spaces using quote, double quote and backslash. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libsugarext0 Description-md5: c698f638c917aa91eaf95e3c5085ee52 Description-zh_CN: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit runtime library Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional "office-desktop" software. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libsunpinyin-dev Description-md5: ee0ab4995e882afbb25b83272650b453 Description-zh_CN: Simplified Chinese Input Method from SUN (development) Sunpinyin 是一种基于统计语言模型(SLM)的简体中文输入法引擎, 支持整句输入。 . This package contains the development header files that allows others to write their own front-end for sunpinyin. Package: libsunpinyin3v5 Description-md5: 2097d4efba2fbcf7f271d3f42eb068be Description-zh_CN: Simplified Chinese Input Method from SUN (runtime) Sunpinyin 是一种基于统计语言模型(SLM)的简体中文输入法引擎, 支持整句输入。 . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libsv-dev Description-md5: 6bb10c693c81ea5d30040c733234fab9 Description-zh_CN: Public domain cross-platform semantic versioning in c99 (development files) 该软件的使用是自由而不受阻碍的,且被公布至公有领域中。软件包将安装用于 C 语言的、实现了语义化版本表示的软件库。 . This package contains the header files for libsv0. Package: libsv1 Description-md5: 19b1b29dd4321ae470a6400297a68702 Description-zh_CN: 使用 C99 编写的公共领域跨平台语义化版本表示 该软件的使用是自由而不受阻碍的,且被公布至公有领域中。软件包将安装用于 C 语言的、实现了语义化版本表示的软件库。 Package: libswresample-dev Description-md5: 756e0f4df4398b9100298535b7db8417 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libswresample5 Description-md5: a5f44d6a5d5b1cee3363537952d0e2cb Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libswscale-dev Description-md5: 0d8e27afb61d9773ce9b37356a71de28 Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libswscale8 Description-md5: 5ab1f77fb1b78fa767ca99e4a7a7a9ea Description-zh_CN: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . 本包包含其运行环境文件。 Package: libsymmetrica2-dev Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libsystemc Description-md5: 6ce85d52a129da2cc8933ab680139ed9 Description-zh_CN: SystemC library SystemC is an HDL (High Definition Language) based on a C++ class library intended for simulations using standard C++ tools. This library also includes TLM (Transaction Level Modeling) code, . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libtamuanova-0.2 Description-md5: ea2fd2f5bec81bf6dfb00e7a81fb08d7 Description-zh_CN: Library to calculate an ANOVA C library for single and two factor ANOVA. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libtango-dev Description-md5: e618df7940f0a511812d4eccd49a78b7 Description-zh_CN: TANGO distributed control system - development library TNAGO 是一种面向对象的分布式控制系统,使用 CORBA。在 TANGO 中,所有对象均代 表设备,这些设备可位于同一计算机上或分布于网络上。设备间通信使用 CORBA, 可 以为同步、异步、或事件驱动。 . TANGO 中的对象模型支持方法、特征、和属性。TANGO 提供了如下应用程序接口,可 以隐藏所有网络存取的细节,并支持对象浏览、发现、和安全特性。永久性数据存放 于 MySQL/MariaDB 数据库中。 . TANGO 正由如下组织积极开发中:ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, Elettra institutes (共同努力。 . This package contains the tango9 development files. Package: libtango-doc Description-md5: 27a38e435bbfd0ae4e29357b6b2337be Description-zh_CN: TANGO distributed control system - documentation TNAGO 是一种面向对象的分布式控制系统,使用 CORBA。在 TANGO 中,所有对象均代 表设备,这些设备可位于同一计算机上或分布于网络上。设备间通信使用 CORBA, 可 以为同步、异步、或事件驱动。 . TANGO 中的对象模型支持方法、特征、和属性。TANGO 提供了如下应用程序接口,可 以隐藏所有网络存取的细节,并支持对象浏览、发现、和安全特性。永久性数据存放 于 MySQL/MariaDB 数据库中。 . TANGO 正由如下组织积极开发中:ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, Elettra institutes (共同努力。 . This package contains the documentation for the libtango95t64 library. Package: libtango95t64 Description-md5: 07b63e916b41f8d54e9fbf0df09a98a0 Description-zh_CN: TANGO 分布式控制系统 - 共享库 TNAGO 是一种面向对象的分布式控制系统,使用 CORBA。在 TANGO 中,所有对象均代 表设备,这些设备可位于同一计算机上或分布于网络上。设备间通信使用 CORBA, 可 以为同步、异步、或事件驱动。 . TANGO 中的对象模型支持方法、特征、和属性。TANGO 提供了如下应用程序接口,可 以隐藏所有网络存取的细节,并支持对象浏览、发现、和安全特性。永久性数据存放 于 MySQL/MariaDB 数据库中。 . TANGO 正由如下组织积极开发中:ESRF (, Soleil (, Alba (, Elettra institutes (共同努力。 . 本包包含运行 TANGO 应用程序所必需的文件。 Package: libtasn1-bin Description-md5: 732971f746a6a2ec0311889ae799da20 Description-zh_CN: 管理 ASN.1 结构(可执行程序) Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are: * on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code file generation. * off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation containing an array. * DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding * no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values . 这个软件包包含用来编码、解码和解析 asn1 数据结构的应用程序。 Package: libtatsu-dev Description-md5: f9fb15627b2c1634a7e931166fdcce50 Description-zh_CN: Library handling communication with Apple Tatsu Signing Server This library provides functionality to handle the communication with Apple's Tatsu Signing Server (TSS). . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtcod-dev Description-md5: 286c0f28579e2f5e43d8eedf286de061 Description-zh_CN: development files for the libtcod roguelike library Libtcod offers a free, fast, portable and uncomplicated API for roguelike developers providing an advanced true color console, input and lots of other utilities frequently used in roguelikes. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtd-dev Description-md5: 18f7ca5b9eae7c1f3cb44b06e848fc7d Description-zh_CN: telegram database library (development headers) TDLib (Telegram Database Library) is a cross-platform, fully functional Telegram client. This library helps third-party developers create their own custom apps using the Telegram platform. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtecla1t64 Description-md5: 550fd5029b3b03d2dcc601bba3712aaa Description-zh_CN: interactive command line editing facilities The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive command line editing facilities, similar to those of the UNIX tcsh shell. In addition to simple command-line editing, it supports recall of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names or other tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of filenames. The internal functions which perform file-name completion and wild-card expansion are also available externally for optional use by programs. . In addition, the library includes a path-searching module. This allows an application to provide completion and lookup of files located in UNIX style paths. Although not built into the line editor by default, it can easily be called from custom tab-completion callback functions. This was originally conceived for completing the names of executables and providing a way to look up their locations in the user's PATH environment variable, but it can easily be asked to look up and complete other types of files in any list of directories. . Note that special care has been taken to allow the use of this library in threaded programs. The option to enable this is discussed in the Makefile, and specific discussions of thread safety are presented in the included man pages. . 本软件包含运行时库。 Package: libteem-dev Description-md5: df5cea85f40d7c11d96421b84f3cff14 Description-zh_CN: 处理和可视化科学数据和图像的工具 - 开发文件 Teem 是一组互相协作软件库,它可以表示、处理和可视化科学栅格数据。Teem 也提供方便函数库功能快速应用在文件和文件流的命令行工具,从而避免编写代码。Teem 中最重要和最有用的库包括: . * Nrrd (and the unu command-line tool on top of it) supports a range of operations for transforming N-dimensional raster data (resample, crop, slice, project, histogram, etc.), as well as the NRRD file format for storing arrays and their meta-information. * Gage: fast convolution-based measurements at arbitrary point locations in volume datasets (scalar, vector, tensor, etc.) * Mite: a multi-threaded ray-casting volume render with transfer functions based on any quantity Gage can measure * Ten: for estimating, processing, and visualizing diffusion tensor fields, including fiber tractography methods. . 该软件包提供了 Teem 的头文件,它们在编译使用 Teem 来进行 3D 可视化 C++ 程序时是必需的。 Package: libteem2 Description-md5: 8547f2556d1ab3a681bcf98b7b6f6d03 Description-zh_CN: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images - runtime Teem 是一组互相协作软件库,它可以表示、处理和可视化科学栅格数据。Teem 也提供方便函数库功能快速应用在文件和文件流的命令行工具,从而避免编写代码。Teem 中最重要和最有用的库包括: . * Nrrd (and the unu command-line tool on top of it) supports a range of operations for transforming N-dimensional raster data (resample, crop, slice, project, histogram, etc.), as well as the NRRD file format for storing arrays and their meta-information. * Gage: fast convolution-based measurements at arbitrary point locations in volume datasets (scalar, vector, tensor, etc.) * Mite: a multi-threaded ray-casting volume render with transfer functions based on any quantity Gage can measure * Ten: for estimating, processing, and visualizing diffusion tensor fields, including fiber tractography methods. . This package provides the runtime files required to run programs that use Teem to do 3D visualisation. Package: libtemplate-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 106c2cd31e746fb9439c9a02f173b74e Description-zh_CN: templating library for GLib - development files Template-GLib includes a simple template format along with integration into GObject Introspection for properties and methods. It separates the parsing of templates and the expansion of templates for faster expansion. You can also define scope, custom functions, and more with the embedded expression language. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libterraces0 Description-md5: 58848a5de9317c68beb9509927001af4 Description-zh_CN: enumerate terraces in phylogenetic tree space (shared lib) Terraphast takes a .nkw file in Newick format and a genes/sites file, which denotes whether (1) or not (0) gene i is present in species j. . Program output states some imput data properties, the species whose leaf edge is used as a new tree root, and the resulting supertree in compressed newick format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libtext-engine-dev Description-md5: 77c75336d3df5908a253244f3e7005bb Description-zh_CN: Rich-text editing framework for GTK 4 - development files Text Engine is a rich-text editing framework for GTK 4. The primary user of this library is bluetype but it can be used wherever rich text display and editing is needed. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtgl- Description-md5: d44ebdba13334b771cc60f1e03d40ede Description-zh_CN: telegram API library (development headers) Telegram is an instant messaging application with a focus on speed, it is super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time - your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers. This library handles Telegram API and protocol. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtinyframe-dev Description-md5: baca2f9cfc87cd507a0e88fb2f544572 Description-zh_CN: Minimalistic Frame Streams library (development) tinyframe is a minimalistic library for reading and writing the Frame Streams protocol. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtinyxml2-10 Description-md5: f7a6d9c81bce6e3c6808f3a7af25b07c Description-zh_CN: C++ XML 解析库 本包包含 TinyXML2 库的共享版本。 . TinyXML2 是一款简单小型的 C++ XML 解析库,能够方便的集成于其他程序中。它 能够读取 XML 和创建代表 XML 文档的 C++ 对象。对象可以进行操作、变更、以及 再次另存为 XML。 . TinyXML2 supersedes the previous TinyXML library, with various improvements: - Fewer memory allocations (1% - 10% compared to TinyXML) - Uses less memory (about 40% of that used by TinyXML) - Faster - No STL requirement - More modern C++, including a proper namespace - Proper and useful handling of whitespace Package: libtinyxml2-dev Description-md5: 010e91311a83f9f79a3ece268beb399a Description-zh_CN: TinyXML2 library - header and static library This package contains the header file and a static version of the TinyXML2 library. . TinyXML2 是一款简单小型的 C++ XML 解析库,能够方便的集成于其他程序中。它 能够读取 XML 和创建代表 XML 文档的 C++ 对象。对象可以进行操作、变更、以及 再次另存为 XML。 . TinyXML2 supersedes the previous TinyXML library, with various improvements: - Fewer memory allocations (1% - 10% compared to TinyXML) - Uses less memory (about 40% of that used by TinyXML) - Faster - No STL requirement - More modern C++, including a proper namespace - Proper and useful handling of whitespace Package: libtinyxml2.6.2v5 Description-md5: 68d44c9a512e85616444081383cca452 Description-zh_CN: C++ XML 解析库 This package contains the shared version of the TinyXml library. . TinyXml is a simple and small C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. It reads XML and creates C++ objects representing the XML document. The objects can be manipulated, changed, and saved again as XML. Package: libtkrzw1t64 Description-md5: ed015833fb6e58a23f2707a81d33456d Description-zh_CN: set of implementations of DBM - shared library Tkrzw is a C++ library implementing DBM (Database Manager) with various algorithms. It features high degrees of performance, concurrency, scalability and durability. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libtomlplusplus-dev Description-md5: 9757de7c70d6c71671adc7db1b805a6b Description-zh_CN: TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 - development files tomlplusplus is a TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 supporting the following features: . - Supports the latest TOML release (v1.0.0), plus optional support for some unreleased TOML features - Passes all tests in the toml-test suite - Supports serializing to JSON and YAML - Proper UTF-8 handling (incl. BOM) - C++17 (plus some C++20 features where available) - Doesn't require RTTI - Works with or without exceptions . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtomlplusplus3t64 Description-md5: a042281cdba2642e00e60d1663ddb762 Description-zh_CN: TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 tomlplusplus is a TOML config parser and serializer for C++17 supporting the following features: . - Supports the latest TOML release (v1.0.0), plus optional support for some unreleased TOML features - Passes all tests in the toml-test suite - Supports serializing to JSON and YAML - Proper UTF-8 handling (incl. BOM) - C++17 (plus some C++20 features where available) - Doesn't require RTTI - Works with or without exceptions . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libtonezone-dev Description-md5: ac6918413755537822c2a45291c1e97c Description-zh_CN: tonezone library (development) A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony interface. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtopcom0t64 Description-md5: 3b8263d16b9ad92055b8ebeb86926088 Description-zh_CN: Triangulations Of Point Configs and Oriented Matroids (library) TOPCOM is a collection of clients to compute Triangulations Of Point Configurations and Oriented Matroids, resp. . The algorithms use only combinatorial data of the point configuration as is given by its oriented matroid. Some basic commands for computing and manipulating oriented matroids can also be accessed by the user. . It was very much inspired by the maple program PUNTOS, which was written by Jesus de Loera. TOPCOM is entirely written in C++, so there is a significant speed up compared to PUNTOS. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libtpm-unseal-dev Description-md5: 74e97a1a1239066889dcbd333c3c02fa Description-zh_CN: Management tools for the TPM hardware (development) tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtracy-dev Description-md5: 885273523d7a997f2bc84499c1122b17 Description-zh_CN: Hybrid frame and sampling profiler (development files) Tracy is a real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtracyclient0.11.0 Description-md5: 3dc98164acf24e0a54fb9003240ce0dd Description-zh_CN: Hybrid frame and sampling profiler (library) Tracy is a real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid frame and sampling profiler for games and other applications . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libtsan0 Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan0-amd64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan0-arm64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan0-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan0-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan2-amd64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan2-loong64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan2-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtsan2-riscv64-cross Description-md5: 750c144e4cc79bcf76c58f43c882ff70 Description-zh_CN: ThreadSanitizer -- 一款基于 Valgrind 的数据冲突探测器(运行时) ThreadSanitizer (Tsan) 是一款用于 C/C++ 程序的数据冲突探测器。其 Linux 和 Mac 版本基于 Valgrind。 Package: libtspi-dev Description-md5: 7151dc43aab94706e767892365045c17 Description-zh_CN: open-source TCG Software Stack (development) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libtumbler-1-0t64 Description-md5: 4323f73e4ec816c00add5357207eae1b Description-zh_CN: library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libu1db-qt5-3 Description-md5: 86873426557b1e1ac37ceaad0f59ad6b Description-zh_CN: Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library Simple Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB ( . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libucimf0 Description-md5: 6a97a4c9da9967655a1c34207b9371aa Description-zh_CN: Unicode console input method framework - library Ucimf provides an input method framework for the Linux Unicode frame buffer console. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libucommon8t64 Description-md5: 64722b65b91a51d0c92f3e4c85215b16 Description-zh_CN: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - shared libraries GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libudfread-dev Description-md5: 45d825aa895c051312dd3b1263b877d2 Description-zh_CN: UDF reader library (development files) This library allows reading UDF filesystems, like raw devices and image files. . The library is created and maintained by VideoLAN Project and is used by projects like VLC and Kodi. . 安装本软件包将仅提供开发所需的文件:头文件、软件库。 Package: libudisks2-qt5-0 Description-md5: 12ac3db5f0872f4461cf60c20df6a7b4 Description-zh_CN: UDisks2 library with Qt5 Udisks2-qt5 provides the UDisks2 DBus interfaces binding of Qt5. . This package provides the library files. . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libudisks2-qt5-dev Description-md5: 6043758708bc49b12d1c59cf69777067 Description-zh_CN: UDisks2 library with Qt5 (development files) Udisks2-qt5 provides the UDisks2 DBus interfaces binding of Qt5. . 本软件包提供库开发文件。 . 该软件包是深度桌面环境(DDE)的一部分。 Package: libuemf-dev Description-md5: bb95966ed95831c778998eb2c21b64cf Description-zh_CN: Read/write EMF, EMF+, WMF files (development files) libUEMF is a portable C99 implementation for reading/writing Enhanced Metafile (EMF), Enhanced Metafile Format Plus (PMF), and Windows Metafile (WMF) files. libUEMF avoids collisions with Microsoft defined functions and values, so portable programs which use it and have a Windows version, do not require any conditional logic to separate the native GDI support from the WMF/EMF/PMF support provided by libUEMF. To accomplish this libUEMF does not implement GDI calls. Instead, for each WMR/EMR/PMR record type, and each object type incorporated into such a record, it provides corresponding *_set, *_print, and *_swap functions. For PMF and WMF there are also *_get functions, see below. For example, for the U_EMRBITBLT record there are corresponding functions: U_EMRBITBLT_set, U_EMRBITBLT_print, and U_EMRBITBLT_swap. A few additional functions are provided for assembling the EMF in memory, debugging, and converting the EMF file to/from Little Endian representation. (EMF files' internal data representation is always Little Endian.) . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libukui-menu-dev Description-md5: 86370f44f2ee3e87a04214a9532b7d0d Description-zh_CN: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for UKUI (dev) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libukwm-1-dev Description-md5: 317c675071c45ac284af1ad06bcc4eca Description-zh_CN: Development files for the Ukwm window manager Ukwm is a small window manager, using GTK+ and Clutter to do everything. . Ukwm is the clutter-based evolution of Metacity, which, as the author says, is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libulfius-dev Description-md5: a211182ebfc67e9d494dc96551bd3a7a Description-zh_CN: Web Framework for REST Applications in C - development Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API. . Used to facilitate creation of web applications in C programs with a small memory footprint, as in embedded systems applications. . One can create webservices in HTTP or HTTPS mode, stream data, or implement server websockets. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libunicap2 Description-md5: ddd4f7e30a6520061a0a2cb197f951b2 Description-zh_CN: unified interface to video capture devices - shared libraries Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libuninameslist1 Description-md5: 7a72092a2f6b5a9c8f83138a239c1f62 Description-zh_CN: library of Unicode annotation data The library contains a large array with one entry for each unicode code point (U+0000 - U+10FFFF). Each entry contains two strings, a name and an annotation. The library also contains a list of all the Unicode blocks. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libunique-1.0-0 Description-md5: c9a904ea2ae3ba5f0fdfe69ab466dfaa Description-zh_CN: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. . Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libunity-control-center-dev Description-md5: d94b8cc23eade4594fdcf9cbed49b9fd Description-zh_CN: 用于配置 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains the files needed to build Control Center panels Package: libunity-control-center1 Description-md5: d35b85c0b8b73f7bf4cf19c7aa215660 Description-zh_CN: 用于配置 GNOME 桌面的工具 This package contains the library used by Control Center panels Package: libunoil-java Description-md5: 9e017c19c2cbf8cab7b83a1ee17e6890 Description-zh_CN: transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件,有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉微软 Office 系列办公软件。 . This has now been merged into liblibreoffice-java and this package thus can be safely removed once installed. Package: libusb3380-0t64 Description-md5: fb7ed75175a42dba6509fcda8e999f5a Description-zh_CN: USB3380 abstraction layer for libusb The USB 3380 is a PCI Express Gen 2 to USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Peripheral Controller. It features one PCI Express Gen 2 x1 port and one USB 3.0 SuperSpeed client port. The USB 3380 provides a matching bandwidth at 5 GT/s between the PCI Express Gen 2 bus and the USB 3.0 SuperSpeed bus. . The library is developed for XTRX SDR which is the smallest easily embeddable software-defined radio (SDR). It is both affordable and high- performance. XTRX is designed to enable the next generation of wireless solutions, from prototype to production. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libuserbindmount0 Description-md5: 916af7fba71317146c8413c187f851f2 Description-zh_CN: bind-mount in user namespaces (library) Bind mount files and create user namespaces where bind mount is allowed as users. It does not need root access or specific capabilities to run (provided user-namespaces are supported) . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libuu-dev Description-md5: b8176280537096db2cd1f4d25c5fab00 Description-zh_CN: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - development Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libuu0 Description-md5: 28cfd7c41cdca190d19fad31737a147e Description-zh_CN: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - runtime Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvalapanel-dev Description-md5: 8e2860e765e4a4369ebe807c95465712 Description-zh_CN: library for Vala Panel - development files Vala Panel 是 SimplePanel 的重新实现版本。它是一个使用 Vala 编写的 GTK+ 3 桌面面板,奠基于 LXPanel 的设计思路。 . This package contains header files for building plugins or window managers with vala-panel support. Package: libvalapanel0 Description-md5: b587b588975f5d50b547fd35876a6092 Description-zh_CN: library for Vala Panel Vala Panel 是 SimplePanel 的重新实现版本。它是一个使用 Vala 编写的 GTK+ 3 桌面面板,奠基于 LXPanel 的设计思路。 . This package contains the Vala Panel library. Package: libvbz-hdf-plugin-dev Description-md5: 9cf3886b4780366e2800d12e4dd5ee1a Description-zh_CN: VBZ compression plugin for nanopore signal data (devel) VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress nanopore signal data. . The performance of VBZ is achieved by taking advantage of the properties of the raw signal and therefore is most effective when applied to the signal dataset. Other datasets you may have in your Fast5 files will not be able to take advantage of the default VBZ settings for compression. VBZ will be used as the default compression scheme in a future release of MinKNOW. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libverbiste-0.1-0v5 Description-md5: ef8b0541bd47af9937f37f81e4995178 Description-zh_CN: French and Italian conjugator - shared library Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libverbiste-dev Description-md5: 71f172ff99c36c1008b0630ad54e47ea Description-zh_CN: French and Italian conjugator - development files Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libvhdi1 Description-md5: bf23cbdc8c2736a515e0c3d7fffbd54a Description-zh_CN: Virtual Hard Disk image format access library libvhdi is a library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvidstab1.1 Description-md5: ef3c3c93c6f6188ee6028f40c9a20929 Description-zh_CN: video stabilization library (shared library) Imagine you captured a nice video with your camcorder, compact camera or even cell phone while skiing, cycling or whatever sports and the video is basically just jiggled. . Modern cameras come along with hardware stabilisation, however this does not work if you have really strong vibrations - rather the contrary - sometimes this mechanism starts to oscillate. . Vid.Stab is your friend in this matter. It is designed to stabilize even strongly jiggled clips. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvirt-ocaml Description-md5: f043fc0d3c0142c5f4ded5b178b96768 Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for libvirt (runtime) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvirt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4cbf2a655416969788baed546ad2ec29 Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for libvirt (development files) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libvirtualpg-dev Description-md5: 9aeb7fb9672349c68d9988da9e093cfa Description-zh_CN: VirtualPG development files VirtualPG is a loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite. . Its intended scope is supporting direct SQL access to PostgreSQL and PostGIS tables, to make any possible kind of data exchange between these two popular open source Spatial DBMSes as straightforward and simple as possible. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libvirtualpg0t64 Description-md5: 58515309f22ceb5e3d4b87798f6b298b Description-zh_CN: VirtualPG shared library VirtualPG is a loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite. . Its intended scope is supporting direct SQL access to PostgreSQL and PostGIS tables, to make any possible kind of data exchange between these two popular open source Spatial DBMSes as straightforward and simple as possible. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvisa0 Description-md5: 7e05d2326b24d699efeea2be5b0e016a Description-zh_CN: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (runtime files) The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libvixl-dev Description-md5: 9621b6a03690d7d32af2702682d129fb Description-zh_CN: ARMv8 Runtime Code Generation Library - develop Vixl is an AArch32 and AArch64 Runtime Code Generation Library. . It contains three components: assemblers to generate ARM code at runtime, disassemblers that can print any instruction emitted by the assemblers and a simulator that can simulate any instruction emitted by the A64 assembler. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libvixl5 Description-md5: 5c68ca9cdd173ea29a75ed6b94f66402 Description-zh_CN: ARMv8 Runtime Code Generation Library Vixl is an AArch32 and AArch64 Runtime Code Generation Library. . It contains three components: assemblers to generate ARM code at runtime, disassemblers that can print any instruction emitted by the assemblers and a simulator that can simulate any instruction emitted by the A64 assembler. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvlc-bin Description-md5: 06cd16e155538e2ee49a354477f87189 Description-zh_CN: tools for VLC's base library VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。 . This package contains the vlc-cache-gen binary. Package: libvlc-dev Description-md5: 12dd7b707396cd811cd0c9fd70dd8122 Description-zh_CN: libvlc 的开发文件 此软件包提供了编译使用 VLC 特性的独立应用程序所必须的头文件和静态库。 . VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。 Package: libvlc5 Description-md5: aa50eb20ebe126a4c5f468a6be6f8f8d Description-zh_CN: 多媒体播放器和流媒体库 VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。 . This package contains the shared library required by applications using VLC features. Package: libvlccore-dev Description-md5: 2a56521a556c4ea31988a96ec2901955 Description-zh_CN: development files for libvlccore VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。 . This package contains headers and a static library required to build plugins for VLC. Package: libvlccore9 Description-md5: c0a034effd010ff692cde9da58320cb4 Description-zh_CN: base library for VLC and its modules VLC 是 VideoLAN 项目的媒体播放器,能播放来自各种网络资源的 MPEG、 MPEG2、MPEG4、DivX、MOV、WMV、QuickTime、mp3、Ogg/Vorbis 文件、DVD、VCD 以及多种格式的流媒体等。 . This package contains the shared library required by VLC modules and libvlc. Package: libvmdk1 Description-md5: 9515a1d6230845100408642fb273944d Description-zh_CN: VMWare Virtual Disk format access library libvmdk is a library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvolatilestream0 Description-md5: d9ea145d6ada6c83d71dd3e8cc84b990 Description-zh_CN: stdio stream as volatile memory buffers (library) A volatile stream is a stdio FILE* stream as a temporary dynamically allocated (and deallocated) memory buffer. The volstream_open function opens a stdio stream as a temporary memory buffer. The buffer is dynamically allocated, grows as needed and it is automatically deallocated when the stream is closed. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvorbisidec-dev Description-md5: 1680a5cad977f07783da79c6efd826e5 Description-zh_CN: Integer-only Ogg Vorbis decoder, AKA "tremor" (Development Files) libvorbisidec is an Ogg Vorbis audio decoder (also known as "tremor"), implemented with no floating point arithmetic. This makes it particularly amenable to use on systems which lack floating point hardware. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libvpoll0 Description-md5: aaa9fe85f072103d6291a6764c52039a Description-zh_CN: generate synthetic events for poll/select/ppoll/pselect/epoll (library) This library uses eventfd/VPOLL if provided by the kernel or the vpoll device otherwise it implements an emulator (providing only `EPOLLIN`, `EPOLLOUT` and a non standard version of EPOLLHUP/EPOLLRDHUP). . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvshadow1t64 Description-md5: 892d66090c89bbe8dc811491c33751b3 Description-zh_CN: Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library libvshadow is a library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format. The VSS format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to maintain copies of data on a storage media volume. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libvslvm1t64 Description-md5: 723321fdaa621e28305116eaff443fc5 Description-zh_CN: Linux LVM volume system format access library libvslvm is a library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system format. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libwaei-dev Description-md5: cfb56b0f7a295120d5039d3c35bee69c Description-zh_CN: Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance, supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the terminal. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libwcstools1t64 Description-md5: 8ae2b91faabf34befb5234ae69f0ba4c Description-zh_CN: Handle the WCS of a FITS image (shared library) WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create, display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel position within the image to position on the sky. Auxiliary programs search star catalogs and manipulate images. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libwebm-dev Description-md5: 710104e0337efc08859946dc9f962cac Description-zh_CN: WebM 解析器软件库(开发用文件) 本软件库提供了 WebM 的解析器和相关的工具。它由 Google 作为 Chromium 项目的一部分得到开发,但它可用于其它项目。 . 安装本软件包将仅提供开发所需的文件:头文件、软件库。 Package: libwebm-tools Description-md5: 14c1039899e8548ee2b3dea4d3653113 Description-zh_CN: WebM parser library (binary tools) 本软件库提供了 WebM 的解析器和相关的工具。它由 Google 作为 Chromium 项目的一部分得到开发,但它可用于其它项目。 . This package installs tools: webm_info, vttdemux etc. Package: libwebm1 Description-md5: 7dcd51a107c8e2743275f52a71a344db Description-zh_CN: WebM parser library 本软件库提供了 WebM 的解析器和相关的工具。它由 Google 作为 Chromium 项目的一部分得到开发,但它可用于其它项目。 Package: libwebsocketpp-dev Description-md5: 9627826d2d93f50ab737667a7007ac8a Description-zh_CN: C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. Dev package WebSocket++ is a header only C++ library that implements RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol. It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. It uses interchangeable network transport modules including one based on C++ iostreams and one based on Boost Asio. . Major Features: * Full support for RFC6455 * Partial support for Hixie 76 / Hybi 00, 07-17 draft specs (server only) * Message/event based interface * Supports secure WebSockets (TLS), IPv6, and explicit proxies. * Flexible dependency management (C++11 Standard Library or Boost) * Interchangeable network transport modules (iostream and Boost Asio) * Portable/cross platform (Posix/Windows, 32/64bit, Intel/ARM/PPC) * Thread-safe . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libwgdb-dev Description-md5: 7d843e66540a881c3fe9bbef02a9cab8 Description-zh_CN: lightweight NoSQL database library, development files WhiteDB 为一款轻量级非关系型数据库的函数库,以 C 语言编写,完全运行在内存中。 它没有服务器进程,直接在共享内存中读写数据,WhiteDB 和应用程序之间也不使用套接字。 . This package contains the development files (headers, static libraries). Package: libwgdb0 Description-md5: 7797085a7e99078b1e0980f2a8cdec9c Description-zh_CN: 轻量级的非关系型数据库的库文件,共享库文件 WhiteDB 为一款轻量级非关系型数据库的函数库,以 C 语言编写,完全运行在内存中。 它没有服务器进程,直接在共享内存中读写数据,WhiteDB 和应用程序之间也不使用套接字。 Package: libwlroots12t64 Description-md5: 97e3959e8e2847e5055f1ef3ac6eb8f3 Description-zh_CN: Modular wayland compositor library - shared library wlroots is a set of pluggable, composable modules to build a Wayland composior. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libwolfssl-dev Description-md5: 11fa13e000d19178678f2bd021a81224 Description-zh_CN: Development files for the wolfSSL encryption library wolfSSL is a small, portable, embedded SSL/TLS programming library targeted for use by embedded systems developers. It was formerly known as CyaSSL. . It is an open source, dual licensed implementation of SSL/TLS (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, DTLS 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3) written in the C language. wolfSSL includes both a client and server implementation, progressive cipher support, key and certificate generation, OCSP and CRL, access to the underlying cryptography modules, and more. . wolfSSL also includes an OpenSSL compatibility interface with the most commonly used OpenSSL functions. . 本包包含开发文件。 . wolfSSL is solely provided as an alternative to OpenSSL for packages whose licenses are incompatible to Apache 2.0. For details, please see Bug#1023697. Package: libworkflow0t64 Description-md5: add69be7b3e24451e5c1e31004a23ed5 Description-zh_CN: Parallel computing and asynchronous web server engine Workflow can be used as a scalable web server to handle a variety of server workflows. It can be used to orchestrate complex relationships between computing and networking. Workflow currently supports protocols for HTTP, Redis, MySQL, and Kafka. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libwv-1.2-4t64 Description-md5: 6f5ae85042e05ce57c1778e4366f01c3 Description-zh_CN: Library for accessing Microsoft Word documents wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libwxsqlite3-3.0-dev Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-zh_CN: 过渡软件包 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 Package: libwxsvg-dev Description-md5: bf92691646fd55a30563b32ef48f4555 Description-zh_CN: Development files for wxSVG wxSVG is a C++ library to create, manipulate and render Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files with the wxWidgets toolkit. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libx265-209 Description-md5: 9a85cf11805d7cd3e922b7e2ad8ea348 Description-zh_CN: H.265/HEVC video stream encoder (shared library) libx265 is an encoding library for creating H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) video streams. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libx32atomic1-amd64-cross Description-md5: 17429d2d39217f0a95507decf171c10f Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (x32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libx32atomic1-i386-cross Description-md5: 17429d2d39217f0a95507decf171c10f Description-zh_CN: support library providing __atomic built-in functions (x32) 提供 __atomic 内置函数的支持库。当原子化调用无法转换为无锁指令时,GCC 将调用 这个库。 Package: libx32gcc-11-dev Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-12-dev Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-13-dev Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gcc-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-zh_CN: GCC support library (x32 development files) 本软件包包含了构建 C 语言程序所必需的头文件和静态库文件,它使用 libgcc、libgomp、libquadmath、libssp 和 libitm。 Package: libx32gomp1-amd64-cross Description-md5: 1388436f97e9425feb598766343a05b7 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libx32gomp1-i386-cross Description-md5: 1388436f97e9425feb598766343a05b7 Description-zh_CN: GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32) GOMP 是 GNU 编译器套装中用于 C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器的 OpenMP 实现。 Package: libx32stdc++-11-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libx32stdc++-11-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-11-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-12-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libx32stdc++-12-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-12-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-13-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 Package: libx32stdc++-13-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-13-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-14-dev-amd64-cross Description-md5: 6d3f657fb824f1fb9fc979f0e961ef54 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (amd64) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++-14-dev-i386-cross Description-md5: 330be67b9d0f009446721e88125fc019 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (i386) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++6-amd64-cross Description-md5: 0b4f943ad6f8520cd48bff4cb3ac380c Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (amd64) (x32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for amd64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx32stdc++6-i386-cross Description-md5: 3c4511ad1b073e393a184645c27951d1 Description-zh_CN: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (i386) (x32) 为 Gnu 编译器编译的 C++ 程序所准备的附加运行时库。 . libstdc++-v3 完全重写了之前的 libstdc++-v2,v2 已经放到了g++-2.95,而 libstdc++-v3 的第一版出现在 g++-3.0 中。 . This package contains files for i386 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libx86-1 Description-md5: 1f1d01fce5eb3b4aedab0103a3f4bcdc Description-zh_CN: x86 real-mode library A library to provide support for making real-mode calls x86 calls. On x86 hardware, vm86 mode is used. On other platforms, x86 emulation is provided. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libx86emu-dev Description-md5: ec2c3ae18ccfaeb5aa86ac8fcb0be6a7 Description-zh_CN: x86 emulation library (development files) Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions. The library features an API to create emulation objects for x86 architecture. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libxapian-dev Description-md5: be6758fb868bceeed72f590afe9bb6b4 Description-zh_CN: Development files for Xapian search engine library This package contains development libraries and headers for the core Xapian library. . Xapian 搜索引擎库为一高适用性的工具箱,可以让开发者对自己的应用程序方便地添 加高级索引、查找组件。它实现了信息检索的概率模型,提供如下组件,进行有序的 自由文本搜索、关联性反馈、短语检索、布尔搜索、词干提取、同步更新与搜索。它 具备高度可扩展的、能够处理包含数亿文档的集合。 Package: libxapian-java Description-md5: 3bed1a29c5f18bfc0c1681723bb209cb Description-zh_CN: Xapian search engine interface for Java Xapian 搜索引擎库为一高适用性的工具箱,可以让开发者对自己的应用程序方便地添 加高级索引、查找组件。它实现了信息检索的概率模型,提供如下组件,进行有序的 自由文本搜索、关联性反馈、短语检索、布尔搜索、词干提取、同步更新与搜索。它 具备高度可扩展的、能够处理包含数亿文档的集合。 . The Xapian Java bindings provide an interface to the Xapian library from Java, allowing both indexing and retrieval operations. . This package contains the architecture-independent part of the Xapian Java bindings. Package: libxapian-java-doc Description-md5: ad1298dbdedd7084902cfa54b49950ea Description-zh_CN: Xapian search engine interface for Java (documentation) Xapian 搜索引擎库为一高适用性的工具箱,可以让开发者对自己的应用程序方便地添 加高级索引、查找组件。它实现了信息检索的概率模型,提供如下组件,进行有序的 自由文本搜索、关联性反馈、短语检索、布尔搜索、词干提取、同步更新与搜索。它 具备高度可扩展的、能够处理包含数亿文档的集合。 . The Xapian Java bindings provide an interface to the Xapian library from Java, allowing both indexing and retrieval operations. . This package contains the documentation for the Xapian Java bindings. Package: libxapian-jni Description-md5: 3722ed5c9f5ca7806edd4883f1813d2e Description-zh_CN: Xapian search engine interface for Java (JNI library) Xapian 搜索引擎库为一高适用性的工具箱,可以让开发者对自己的应用程序方便地添 加高级索引、查找组件。它实现了信息检索的概率模型,提供如下组件,进行有序的 自由文本搜索、关联性反馈、短语检索、布尔搜索、词干提取、同步更新与搜索。它 具备高度可扩展的、能够处理包含数亿文档的集合。 . The Xapian Java bindings provide an interface to the Xapian library from Java, allowing both indexing and retrieval operations. . This package contains the architecture-dependent part of the Xapian Java bindings. Package: libxapian30 Description-md5: fe05dace1ac9262883532dcc501c8507 Description-zh_CN: 搜索引擎库 本包包含核心的 Xapian 运行环境库。 . Xapian 搜索引擎库为一高适用性的工具箱,可以让开发者对自己的应用程序方便地添 加高级索引、查找组件。它实现了信息检索的概率模型,提供如下组件,进行有序的 自由文本搜索、关联性反馈、短语检索、布尔搜索、词干提取、同步更新与搜索。它 具备高度可扩展的、能够处理包含数亿文档的集合。 Package: libxeddsa-dev Description-md5: 2ff2625ec31a28bff34876455cbbf2e2 Description-zh_CN: toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs - development files A toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs, with a focus on conversion between the two. Offers: . - Conversion between Curve25519 and Ed25519 public keys - Extraction of private keys from seeds - Ed25519 digital signing using seeds or private keys - Ed25519 digital signature verification - X25519 Diffie-Hellman key agreement . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libxeddsa2t64 Description-md5: 3264f1b0276ca8d7be02f66975daf4e4 Description-zh_CN: toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs - shared library A toolkit around Curve25519 and Ed25519 key pairs, with a focus on conversion between the two. Offers: . - Conversion between Curve25519 and Ed25519 public keys - Extraction of private keys from seeds - Ed25519 digital signing using seeds or private keys - Ed25519 digital signature verification - X25519 Diffie-Hellman key agreement . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxeus-zmq2 Description-md5: 2666756e1b741120391db2040636086c Description-zh_CN: ZeroMQ middleware for xeus (library) xeus-zmq provides the ZMQ transport for the Jupyter kernel protocol. This was formerly part of libxeus but was split into a separate library for xeus >= 3 . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxeus9 Description-md5: c9b0fc6f37086ac6ad0e12a58cd3e07d Description-zh_CN: C++ Implementation of the Jupyter Kernel protocol (library) xeus enables custom kernel authors to implement Jupyter kernels more easily. It takes the burden of implementing the Jupyter Kernel protocol so developers can focus on implementing the interpreter part of the Kernel. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxlsxwriter-dev Description-md5: b61012002cefcd5d75eeb3c8c865bcb8 Description-zh_CN: 用于 XLSX 的软件库 -- xlsxwriter 的开发库 Libxlsxwriter 是一款可被用来在 Excel 2007+ XLSX 文件中向多个工作表中写入文本、数字、公式和超链接的 C 语言软件库。 . 本软件包包含了 xlsxwriter 的头文件和开发库。 Package: libxlsxwriter6 Description-md5: d82cfc2624b63f692a0a3d9178e569b3 Description-zh_CN: Library for XLSX -- runtime library Libxlsxwriter 是一款可被用来在 Excel 2007+ XLSX 文件中向多个工作表中写入文本、数字、公式和超链接的 C 语言软件库。 . This package contains the runtime and shared library of xlsxwriter. Package: libxmmsclient++-dev Description-md5: 0f0fdc53bc82144f75ba87b6abec4956 Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - client library for c++ - development files XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains files for developing XMMS2 clients using libxmmsclient++4v5. Package: libxmmsclient++-glib-dev Description-md5: 25c0ce68e27316633bff33a30e328dd2 Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - glib client library for c++ - development files XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains files for developing XMMS2 clients using libxmmsclient++-glib1v5. Package: libxmmsclient++-glib1v5 Description-md5: 589b569cc4d9c8b165d216631c967c1b Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - glib client library for c++ XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains a glib based client library written in c++. Package: libxmmsclient++4v5 Description-md5: 1ab742b3c2fe3036a606a3f847f6325d Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - client library for c++ XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains a client library written in c++. Package: libxmmsclient-dev Description-md5: de8d0fa20abef6f948a0aefb29e812c2 Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - client library development files XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains files for developing XMMS2 clients using libxmmsclient6. Package: libxmmsclient-glib-dev Description-md5: 933e4b909f6067bc32add8a8c804239d Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - glib client library - development files XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains files for developing XMMS2 clients using libxmmsclient-glib1. Package: libxmmsclient-glib1 Description-md5: 161c9c06c3f7459673c1ede64ba6c568 Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - glib client library XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains a glib based client library written in c. Package: libxmmsclient6 Description-md5: bf89ab3a94632143ad0f135cd4b8476e Description-zh_CN: XMMS2 - client library XMMS2 是重新设计后的 XMMS 音乐播放器。它的特点是采用了客户端/服务器模型(C/S), 可以允许使用不同的用户界面(甚至是多界面同时运行),支持文本界面和图形图形界面。 所有常见的音乐格式都可以通过插件支持。在这之上,XMMS2 还有一个灵活的媒体库来帮您 组织音乐。 . This package contains a client library written in c. Package: libxnnpack-dev Description-md5: f064c03339a957a624bfd901ed00b487 Description-zh_CN: High-efficiency floating-point neural network inference operators (dev) XNNPACK is a highly optimized library of floating-point neural network inference operators for ARM, WebAssembly, and x86 platforms. XNNPACK is not intended for direct use by deep learning practitioners and researchers; instead it provides low-level performance primitives for accelerating high-level machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow.js, PyTorch, and MediaPipe. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libxpa1 Description-md5: ced41d497e96ae2c6579ba64235bac1e Description-zh_CN: Seamless communication between Unix programs (shared library) The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access can be extended or modified easily at any time. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxrdcrypto2t64 Description-md5: 3301b72ef7a8f6088a6a8c41da26d20a Description-zh_CN: 用于 xrootd 的加密库 本软件包包含了用于 xrootd 的加密库。 Package: libxrdcryptolite2t64 Description-md5: a3a93d2f5213ece0055f27be279b7b20 Description-zh_CN: 用于 xrootd 的加密库的轻量级版本 本软件包包含了 xrootd 加密库的轻量级版本。 Package: libxrdutils3t64 Description-md5: df00d1811409e8a067d7f9692e8f817c Description-zh_CN: xrootd 的实用工具库 本软件包包含 xrootd 的实用工具库。 Package: libxrl-dev Description-md5: faaae289681522ccb8f7b73b39e10058 Description-zh_CN: library for interactions of X-rays with matter (headers) Quantitative estimate of elemental composition by spectroscopic and imaging techniques using X-ray fluorescence requires the availability of accurate data of X-ray interaction with matter. Although a wide number of computer codes and data sets are reported in literature, none of them is presented in the form of freely available library functions which can be easily included in software applications for X-ray fluorescence. This work presents a compilation of data sets from different published works and an xraylib interface in the form of callable functions. Although the target applications are on X-ray fluorescence, cross sections of interactions like photoionization, coherent scattering and Compton scattering, as well as form factors and anomalous scattering functions, are also available. . xraylib provides access to some of the most respected databases of physical data in the field of X-rays. The core of xraylib is a library, written in ANSI C, containing over 40 functions to be used to retrieve data from these databases. This C library can be directly linked with any program written in C, C++ or Objective-C. . 本软件包包含其头文件。 Package: libxtb-dev Description-md5: 4cd944c18f5a34b1d1830297f9225eee Description-zh_CN: development files for xtb xtb program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA) parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are currently not implemented. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libxtb6 Description-md5: 8dcc0ea045b461c7ff4e3cba5b516a74 Description-zh_CN: shared library for xtb xtb program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA) parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are currently not implemented. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxvidcore-dev Description-md5: 4334df429fbd041981686e5d8ab2f2b4 Description-zh_CN: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (development) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libxvidcore4 Description-md5: 58b566ad678c3db3fe24389f5d39143d Description-zh_CN: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (library) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libxz-java Description-md5: ede81e573606bf52e463a7f6631c6909 Description-zh_CN: 实现完整的 XZ 数据压缩算法的 Java 库 用于 Java 的 XZ 专注于以纯 Java 语言实现完整的 XZ 数据压缩算法。本包提供对单线程流式压缩解压和随机访问解压缩的完整实现。 Package: libyang3 Description-md5: e5af2b726dd72ca12f90031fa161b6c3 Description-zh_CN: parser toolkit for IETF YANG data modeling language (library) YANG is a data modeling language for the definition of data sent over network management protocols (RFC 6020/7950). It can be used to model both configuration data as well as state data of network elements and is primarily used by larger network equipment like routers and switches. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libyang3-dev Description-md5: e195fd2f4eb1baf9a539b2c7c7333f9e Description-zh_CN: parser toolkit for IETF YANG data modeling language (development) YANG is a data modeling language for the definition of data sent over network management protocols (RFC 6020/7950). It can be used to model both configuration data as well as state data of network elements and is primarily used by larger network equipment like routers and switches. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libyder-dev Description-md5: 3f5855c0f77ceef14bea4852505605a0 Description-zh_CN: logging library written in C - development Simple and easy to use logging library. You can log messages to the console, a file or syslog. . Yder is mono-thread, which mean that you can use only one instance of yder log at the same time in your program. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libygl4-dev Description-md5: 6cc9379026151ad1aa71c6d49894a25d Description-zh_CN: Graphics library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11 (headers) Ygl is an graphics library that emulates the routines of SGI's GL (sometimes called IRIS GL). Please note that GL is different from OpenGL. Ygl is very simple to use, and very fast. The 2D routines are built around the standard X11 libraries and reported to be faster than GL itself. This release will also work with FORTRAN code and has been built with 3D support. The library therefore requires the use of the OpenGL libraries. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libykclient3 Description-md5: d5a161dc2ec6d671e1ad6a8cdd77e67b Description-zh_CN: Yubikey client library runtime Yubikeys are USB tokens that act like keyboards and generate one-time passwords (OTPs). The tokens are produced and sold by Yubico. . This library is used for talking to an online validation server such as yubikey-server-c, yubikey-server-php or yubikey-server-j. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: libyuv-dev Description-md5: 4fb6c8c77a38449a213487a2b38dede9 Description-zh_CN: 用于 YUV 缩放的库(共享链接库) libyuv 是一个开源项目,它提供 YUV 缩放和转换功能。 . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libyuv-utils Description-md5: 27354fe8c5816125f568f1ba814cb4fb Description-zh_CN: Library for YUV scaling (utilities) libyuv 是一个开源项目,它提供 YUV 缩放和转换功能。 . This package provides utilities provided by the library, including yuvconvert. Package: libyuv0 Description-md5: f898a81e191b47ca7cbbbddfc01012fe Description-zh_CN: Library for YUV scaling (shared library) libyuv 是一个开源项目,它提供 YUV 缩放和转换功能。 . This package provides the shared library. Package: libyyjson0 Description-md5: 414a44306623876345cf57d506e1bc73 Description-zh_CN: high performance JSON library written in ANSI C Some features of the library are: . - Fast: can read or write gigabytes per second JSON data on modern CPUs. - Portable: complies with ANSI C (C89) for cross-platform compatibility. - Strict: complies with RFC 8259 JSON standard, ensuring strict number format and UTF-8 validation. - Extendable: offers options to allow comments, trailing commas, NaN/Inf, and custom memory allocator. - Accuracy: can accurately read and write int64, uint64, and double numbers. - Flexible: supports unlimited JSON nesting levels, \u0000 characters, and non null-terminated strings. - Manipulation: supports querying and modifying using JSON Pointer, JSON Patch and JSON Merge Patch. - Developer-Friendly: easy integration with only one .h and one .c file. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzarchive-dev Description-md5: 5ca5acd449f48061ae9c87bed0196301 Description-zh_CN: library for creating and reading zstd-compressed files - development files ZArchive is yet another file archive format. Think of zip, tar, 7z, etc. but with the requirement of allowing random-access reads and supporting Zstandard compression. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libzarchive0.1 Description-md5: bfe2f167b11e07c6118a4ecf5d2838bf Description-zh_CN: library for creating and reading zstd-compressed files ZArchive is yet another file archive format. Think of zip, tar, 7z, etc. but with the requirement of allowing random-access reads and supporting Zstandard compression. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzbar-dev Description-md5: cbc904d6567674a270736247dc1af038 Description-zh_CN: QR code / bar code scanner and decoder (development) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libzbd2t64 Description-md5: 9aaceae0409fb381030c124e7bebbbc2 Description-zh_CN: Library to manipulate zoned block devices (shared library) libzbd uses the kernel provided zoned block device interface based on the ioctl() system call. It provides functions for discovering and managing the state of zones of zoned block devices. Read and write accesses to the devices can be done using standard standard I/O system calls. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzc-dev Description-md5: 73540c8d24c65154378f07416e297770 Description-zh_CN: fast password cracking library for zip archives (dev) libzc is a fast, portable and high-quality zip password cracking library. It is entirely written in C and uses POSIX threads for faster password recovery. A command line utility, yazc, also comes with the library as the default client. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libzck1 Description-md5: c39cc5931b69ed5fa38f742498f57759 Description-zh_CN: compress a file into independent chunks - shared library zchunk is a compressed file format that splits the file into independent chunks. This allows one to only download changed chunks when downloading a new version of the file, and also makes zchunk files efficient over rsync. . zchunk files are protected with strong checksums to verify that the file downloaded is, in fact, the file desired. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libze-intel-gpu-dev Description-md5: 6cc4654da2aab2691df3930af42eac8e Description-zh_CN: Intel oneAPI L0 support implementation for Intel GPUs -- shared library Implementation for the Intel GPUs of the oneAPI L0 specification - which provides direct-to-metal interfaces to offload accelerator devices. Its programming interface can be tailored to any device needs and can be adapted to support broader set of languages features such as function pointers, virtual functions, unified memory, and I/O capabilities. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libze-intel-gpu1 Description-md5: 6cc4654da2aab2691df3930af42eac8e Description-zh_CN: Intel oneAPI L0 support implementation for Intel GPUs -- shared library Implementation for the Intel GPUs of the oneAPI L0 specification - which provides direct-to-metal interfaces to offload accelerator devices. Its programming interface can be tailored to any device needs and can be adapted to support broader set of languages features such as function pointers, virtual functions, unified memory, and I/O capabilities. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1 Description-md5: 5f36f890b2fde009f3c657c743aacc4e Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - shared library Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications. Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1-dbg Description-md5: fe23cb66d3ff2d9bf1f3dd68bab85e55 Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - debugging symbols Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains debugging symbols. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-0 Description-md5: 4e21d365e9b78e295a900a61410f4c8b Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - shared library Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-dev Description-md5: 45d62a6a0aef9fdc2e1249d8efdd1ee2 Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - development files Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libzeitgeist-2.0-doc Description-md5: f302eeee2827f5a0a292f04d480119e1 Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - documentation Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains the documentation. Package: libzeitgeist-dev Description-md5: fd5d7b8d40b9c9f711482b8a95928b06 Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - development files Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications. Package: libzeitgeist-doc Description-md5: 6c5611aea56bd3880c45d1ce5940048a Description-zh_CN: library to access Zeitgeist - documentation Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . 它是一个详尽的活动日志,并且能基于使用方式来确定项目之间的关系。 . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . This package contains the documentation. Package: libzerg0 Description-md5: 6b8213ad68f80f10fea73b8c72357f6f Description-zh_CN: C library for lexically scanning the output of NCBI BLAST programs Zerg is a C library for lexing - lexically scanning - the output of NCBI BLAST programs. . Based on a GNU Flex-generated lexical scanner, it runs extremely fast, being especially useful for processing large volumes of data. Benchmark tests show that Zerg is over two orders of magnitude faster than some widely used BLAST parsers. . If you need a parser and not only a lexer, check out librostlab-blast. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzinnia0 Description-md5: 022f08051be677d36fcb5ea510579f1f Description-zh_CN: online handwriting recognition system with machine learning Zinnia provides a simple, customizable, and portable dynamic OCR system for hand-written input, based on Support Vector Machines. . Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as coordinate data and outputs the best matching characters sorted by SVM confidence. To maintain portability, it has no rendering functionality. In addition to recognition, Zinnia provides a training module capable of creating highly efficient handwriting recognition models. . 本软件包包含了共享库文件。 Package: libzix-dev Description-md5: 998779d41a3fedf63572e1d61b35cfb8 Description-zh_CN: library of portability wrappers and data structures (development files) Zix provides a lightweight library of portability wrappers and data structures. Components of Zix include bump allocator, B-tree, hash table, and binary tree implementations. The wrappers include filesystem and threading abstractions. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libznz-dev Description-md5: c6a5b0fcd9a0ea88b4ac1613921c8d73 Description-zh_CN: low-level IO library znzlib for the NIfTI-1 data format Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package provides the header files and static libraries of znzlib. Package: libznz3t64 Description-md5: c58dd33c657934afafd5d0169f34a7da Description-zh_CN: low-level IO library znzlib for the NIfTI-1 data format Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package contains the shared library low-level IO library znzlib. Package: libzthread-2.3-2t64 Description-md5: 07cd9ed79c6c21be879a6594e9db8a3b Description-zh_CN: Object-oriented synchronization library for C++ (dev files) Zthreads is an advanced platform-independent, object-oriented threading and synchronization library. Designed and tested under POSIX & Win32 systems. . It provides several structures for concurrent programming like PoolExecutor, MonitoredQueue, Barriers and much more. Furthermore, structures like Task and Thread are provided for creating threading applications in C++ easier. . This library wraps and interfaces with pthreads, so it is fully compliant. . 此软件包提供开发文件。 Package: libzug-dev Description-md5: 7893746982429099812022a69b36d621 Description-zh_CN: C++ library providing transducers -- development files zug is a C++ library providing transducers. Transducers are composable sequential transformations independent of the source. They are extremely lightweight, and can be used to express algorithms over pull-based sequences (iterators, files) but also push based sequences (signals, events, asynchronous streams) in a generic way. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libzycore-dev Description-md5: f2b2ef5077bc606ab5d62f1f53fc3651 Description-zh_CN: Zyan Core Library for C - development Zyan Core is an internal library providing platform independent types, macros and a fallback for environments without LibC. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libzycore1.4t64 Description-md5: 56d95480aac4180c76a397e2b6373369 Description-zh_CN: Zyan Core Library for C Zyan Core is an internal library providing platform independent types, macros and a fallback for environments without LibC. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: libzydis-dev Description-md5: cd146b3030171ffc7d7aeb77ed08f39a Description-zh_CN: fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library - development Zydis is a fast x86/x86-64 disassembler library. It supports all x86 and AMD64 instructions and many vendor extensions, doesn't perform dynamic memory allocations, is thread safe by design and has no third party dependency - not even libc. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: libzydis4.0t64 Description-md5: 25571d09615a33dd53c200a5d2b3d39b Description-zh_CN: fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library Zydis is a fast x86/x86-64 disassembler library. It supports all x86 and AMD64 instructions and many vendor extensions, doesn't perform dynamic memory allocations, is thread safe by design and has no third party dependency - not even libc. . 本包包含共享库文件。 Package: liferea Description-md5: 57f6fdb83a5fee63a19a055fbe0906ab Description-zh_CN: feed/news/podcast client with plugin support Liferea is a feed reader, a news reader, and a podcast client that brings together all of the content from your favorite web subscriptions into a simple interface with an embedded graphical browser that's easy to organize and browse. It supports: * aggregating feeds in all the major syndication formats (including RSS/RDF, Atom, CDF, and more); * synchronizing feeds across devices, with TinyTinyRSS and TheOldReader support; * downloading articles for offline reading; * permanently saving headlines in news bins; * playing podcasts directly in Liferea's browser interface; * social networking / web integration so you can share your favorite news articles to Facebook, Google+, Reddit, Twitter, Slashdot, Digg, Yahoo and many more. . Liferea 是 Linux Feed Reader 的简称。 Package: linguist-qt6 Description-md5: 5c91a7232e5aa73e31131ac79af1a3d9 Description-zh_CN: Qt 6 Linguist Qt 是一个跨平台 C++ 应用程序框架。Qt 的主要特点在于其具有一个丰富的组件集, 可以提供标准的图形界面功能。 . Qt Linguist is a tool for adding translations to Qt applications. Package: linphone-cli Description-md5: 182591eee3e2e23b6f780536fba3050b Description-zh_CN: SIP softphone - console-only client Linphone 是一个使用 SIP 协议的音视频网络电话客户端。它同时拥有 图形用户界面和控制台界面,包括了种类繁多的音频和视频编解码器,并提 供即时通讯功能。 . This package contains the console version of linphone. Package: linphone-common Description-md5: e8f0bd525e910718b4254080d72b90b0 Description-zh_CN: Shared components of the linphone SIP softphone Linphone 是一个使用 SIP 协议的音视频网络电话客户端。它同时拥有 图形用户界面和控制台界面,包括了种类繁多的音频和视频编解码器,并提 供即时通讯功能。 . This package contains the resource files of linphone (the rings). Package: linphone-desktop Description-md5: b9aaaa8aa96f5ad727be6db80341bfde Description-zh_CN: SIP 网络电话的图形客户端 Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. . The main features of linphone are: - a nice graphical interface; - it includes a large variety of codecs with different quality / bandwidths; - it uses the well-known and standardised SIP protocol. . This package includes the Qt/QML based graphical desktop client. Package: linuxinfo Description-md5: 9b8e0f9d63fd661b2d92f574c9670d77 Description-zh_CN: 显示系统的扩充信息 通常是通过分析 /proc/cpuinfo,显示系统信息,如 内核版本、glibc 版本、处理器类型和内存大小。 Package: livescript Description-md5: 99e893292de3bda94c3aeca3ed0376f1 Description-zh_CN: language which compiles to JavaScript It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: lokalize Description-md5: fb65e1340bca6ad2b951b8e6a11b17fa Description-zh_CN: computer-aided translation system Lokalize is a computer-aided translation system that focuses on productivity and quality assurance. It has components usual for CAT tools: translation memory, glossary, and also a unique translation merging (synchronization) capability. It is primarily targeted at software translation and also integrates external conversion tools for office document translation. Lokalize is a replacement of KBabel. . 本软件包是 KDE 程序开发工具的一部分。 Package: lpr Description-md5: dda80fd521c8858f31b8d27c8900a20d Description-zh_CN: BSD lpr/lpd 打印机假脱机系统 本软件包是 BSD 打印机假脱机(spool)程序及其辅助工具。您可以 用本工具进行本地或远程打印。 . 如果您安装了 magicfilter 或 apsfilter (在 ghostscript 的配 合下),lpr 将可以自动处理某些特殊文件类型 (比如 Postscript 和 PDF 文件)。 Package: lr Description-md5: ecb9fd8d5132cd0a85c22c1fc0ed1e77 Description-zh_CN: 递归地列出文件 lr 是一个用于生成文件列表的工具,它包含了 ls(1)、find(1)、stat(1) 和 du(1) 它们的最好的功能。 . 它提供强大而用户友好的过滤器语法、排序和格式化能力。 Package: lshw-gtk Description-md5: 5db6f64eacd69eb948a83477966cd1db Description-zh_CN: 以图形化的方式提供有关硬件配置的信息 一个提供关于本机硬件配置的详细信息的小工具。它可以确切报告内存配置、 固件版本、主板配置、CPU 版本和速度、缓存配置和总线速度等信息。适用 范围包括带有 DMI 功能的 x86 系统、某些 PowerPC 的机器(已知 PowerMac G4 可用)和 AMD64 的机器等。 . 这个软件包提供了基于 GTK+ 的图形界面支持。 Package: lskat Description-md5: 3ab7f03930c7679d3d693ba3432cfa0b Description-zh_CN: Lieutnant Skat card game Lieutenant Skat (from German "Offiziersskat") is a fun and engaging card game for two players, where the second player is either live opponent, or a built in artificial intelligence. . 这个包是 KDE 游戏组件的一部分。 Package: lua-ldap Description-md5: a7723a05f46b606e49686db915abfe7e Description-zh_CN: LDAP library for the Lua language This package contains the Lua LDAP library to: * Connect to an LDAP server (OpenLDAP or ADSI/WinLDAP); * Execute any operation (search, add, compare, delete, modify and rename); * Retrieve entries and references of the search result. . 本软件包包含了运行时库。 Package: lunar Description-md5: c7f194fb672c106978cfcb11a14dff50 Description-zh_CN: 中国农历转换工具 在中国农历(LC)和阳历(SC)之间进行数据转换的程序。提供任一日历的数据,程序都将输出相应年份的“生肖”动物和“干支”汉字。目前数据的涵盖范围是从 公元 1900 年到公元 2049 年。 Package: lunar-date Description-md5: 1a4e4f0a069e0c933ee1a3630cfcab60 Description-zh_CN: Chinese Lunar library based on GObject - command and D-Bus Lunar-date 是一个基于 GObject 的中国农历库,它能够在中国农历和阳历之间进行转换。 . This package contains lunar-date command, D-Bus org.chinese.Lunar.Date.service. The lunar-date need to call D-Bus when running. Package: lv Description-md5: 50944e913954e28c6199155395734a63 Description-zh_CN: 强大的多语言文件查看器 lv 是一个强大的文件查看工具,如同 less 。 lv 可以多种编码系统对多语言流进行编码和解码: ISO-8859、ISO-2022、EUC、SJIS、Big5、HZ、Unicode。 . 它可以识别正则表达式中的多字节模式,也可以进行多语言的 grep 。 另外,lv 可以识别 ANSI 转义序列,以产生文字装饰效果。 Package: lxc-dev Description-md5: c719178b7e79ce1ed39519707c589961 Description-zh_CN: Linux Containers userspace tools (development) Containers are insulated areas inside a system, which have their own namespace for filesystem, network, PID, IPC, CPU and memory allocation and which can be created using the Control Group and Namespace features included in the Linux kernel. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: lxde-core Description-md5: 9c57d74e560c1ac5ab7d9304ac26ee04 Description-zh_CN: metapackage for the LXDE core The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) is a project aimed to provide a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. . This package is a metapackage which depends on minimal LXDE components set required to get a working desktop - pcmanfm, lxpanel, and lxde-session. This package also recommends few the most useful applications such as terminal emulator, notification-daemon, and xscreensaver. . 如果你只是为了安装部分核心部件,可随后删除此软件包。 Package: lxlauncher Description-md5: 967182838658a56c83ed9d0aad7c0071 Description-zh_CN: 用于上网本的 LXDE 启动器 LXLauncher 是用于轻量级 X11 桌面环境(LXDE)的一款图形界面应用程序。 . 它是一款适合上网本和轻量级笔记本(如 EeePC)的易用的启动器。它符合标准且与桌面环境无关。它遵循 的规范,因此新添加的应用程序会自动在启动器中显示,溢出的应用程序同理。 Package: lxmenu-data Description-md5: 2b63ceed5a86315ef2d0b692c8b508c7 Description-zh_CN: LXDE 菜单规范 LXMenu-data 是轻量级 X11 桌面环境(LXDE)的一个组件。 . 它包含了构建用于 LXDE 的桌面菜单所必需的文件,以使得该菜单符合 菜单规范。 Package: lxqt Description-md5: 9e9319a563c8abe114bafe408b184c0e Description-zh_CN: LXQt 桌面的元包 LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . 本包为一个元包,提供 LXQt 的全部组件及一些能够提供 完整桌面环境特性的推荐组件。 Package: lxqt-about Description-md5: 5039922c4b9cd20c95e5596d1b29cdff Description-zh_CN: LXQt 桌面的“关于”窗口 LXQt 桌面的“关于”窗口 . 本包包含 LXQt 桌面的“关于”窗口 Package: lxqt-about-l10n Description-md5: c9eabd1f5f3a9c94c65b80f274cc78a2 Description-zh_CN: lxqt-about 的语言包 LXQt 桌面的“关于”窗口 . 本软件包包含了 lxqt-about 所需的本地化文件。 Package: lxqt-admin Description-md5: cf20a3685c2744db2cea1445017c5344 Description-zh_CN: LXQt 的系统管理工具 Admin tools for LXQt, as of now: * lxqt-admin-time * lxqt-admin-user . 本软件包包含 LXQt 系统管理工具。 Package: lxqt-admin-l10n Description-md5: d5ac0dabbe092f40f53c7d5a0d037aba Description-zh_CN: lxqt-admin 的语言包 The l10n files for lxqt-admin. . This package contains the l10n files needed by lxqt-admin. Package: lxqt-branding-debian Description-md5: 0ee1c0a94697ff22395bdcd2d9800691 Description-zh_CN: Debian branding for LXQt LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . The branding package contains misc. downstream configurations for LXQt. Package: lxqt-build-tools Description-md5: 60afb0a90e0a539c4b1cdac6d2062230 Description-zh_CN: Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This package contains the tools that are needed by the LXQt build process. Package: lxqt-build-tools-qt5 Description-md5: d6d3a54e6d78e6ea08ed6ba18b64f6cd Description-zh_CN: Build tools for the LXQt desktop environment LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This package contains the tools that are needed by parts of the LXQt build process that require Qt5. Package: lxqt-config Description-md5: 98381480c90008c61cfc182ed64478fd Description-zh_CN: LXQt 系统设置中心 LXQt 系统设置中心 . 本软件包包含 LXQt 配置用户界面。 Package: lxqt-config-l10n Description-md5: 2c605f545bca4b91f8d4a540317c722c Description-zh_CN: lxqt-config 的语言包 This package contains the l10n files needed by lxqt-config. Package: lxqt-core Description-md5: e4e772dfed3b10832b49ff62023d69fa Description-zh_CN: Metapackage for the LXQt core LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . This package is a metapackage meant to provide the core components of LXQt. These include pcmanfm-qt, lxqt-panel, lxqt-runner, lxqt-session and esp. lxqt-qtplugin (needed for communication between session, components and applications). . Recommend for lean and/or parallel installation with other desktop environments. Package: lxqt-globalkeys Description-md5: 170122a5c8b3fe5b9486c3e88f90ddf4 Description-zh_CN: 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序(应用程序) 用于注册全局键盘快捷键的守护程序。 . 本软件包包含 LXQt globalskeys 的程序文件。 Package: lxqt-globalkeys-l10n Description-md5: 1614aeca873ae362e747ba737cf68edf Description-zh_CN: lxqt-globalkeys 的语言包 The l10n files for lxqt-globalkeys. . This package contains the l10n files needed by lxqt-globalkeys. Package: lxqt-notificationd Description-md5: 0ab940765f0579cd4926b27c24c23810 Description-zh_CN: LXQt 通知守护程序 LXQt 的通知守护程序。 . 本软件包包含 LXQt 通知守护程序。 Package: lxqt-notificationd-l10n Description-md5: 85900c79f798e848ae8c9762a297dbfb Description-zh_CN: lxqt-notificationd 的语言包 The l10n files for lxqt-notificationd. . This package contains the l10n files needed by lxqt-notificationd. Package: lxqt-panel Description-md5: 73914c94b8d38c61c2e1ad1c38c5707f Description-zh_CN: LXQt 桌面面板 LXQt 的桌面面板 . This package contains the LXQt panel. Package: lxqt-panel-l10n Description-md5: 4c97fdb49a8327033263b5587057a385 Description-zh_CN: lxqt-panel 的语言包 The l10n files for lxqt-panel. . This package contains the l10n files needed by lxqt-panel. Package: lxqt-session-l10n Description-md5: 904b313b44989fc540b04eae1e8b74f8 Description-zh_CN: lxqt-session 的语言包 用于 lxqt-session 的本地化文件。 . 此软件包包含 lxqt-session 需要的本地化文件。 Package: lxqt-sudo Description-md5: e69098714a21cf2d7b31e31d087f543b Description-zh_CN: sudo 的图形化 Qt 前端 lxqt-sudo 是 sudo(8) 的图形化 Qt 前端(用于使用 GUI 请求可选的密码)。在它被调用时,它简单地启动 sudo 子进程并传递所请求的命令(及其参数)。如果 sudo 请求了用户的密码,图形界面的密码对话框将显示出来,且(在密码被提供后)密码将传递至 sudo 进程。 Package: lxqt-system-theme Description-md5: e2785079b82a604f39e26231d38e12fb Description-zh_CN: LXQt 的系统主题 LXQt 的系统主题提供了基本的 LXQt 系统组件风格。 . 本软件包包含了 LXQt 系统主题文件。 Package: lxqt-theme-debian Description-md5: d55f355561e769df01a4480101e7a351 Description-zh_CN: Debian theme for LXQt LXQt 是一款先进易用快捷的桌面环境,基于 Qt 技术。 它特别面向看重简洁、速度、直接界面的用户。不同于 其他大部分桌面环境,LXQt 也可用于性能较差的机器。 . The Debian LXQt theme is based on the theme LXQt Dark. . 本软件包包含了 LXQt 主题文件。 Package: lxqt-themes Description-md5: a1dc85d6146ef562e6ed114a50131dee Description-zh_CN: LXQt 的主题 Some upstream themes for LXQt * Ambiance * Dark * Frost * KDE-Plasma * Light * System . 本软件包包含了 LXQt 主题文件。 Package: lxterminal Description-md5: 6884daf53d9b2a2ab2e0f2b994874dfc Description-zh_CN: LXDE 终端模拟器 LXTerminal 是一个基于 VTE 的终端模拟器,用于轻量级 X11 桌面环境(LXDE)。 . 它支持多标签功能。它尽可能减少了依赖,因而完全做到了与桌面环境无关。 为了降低内存使用并提高性能,所有终端实例都共享同一个进程。 Package: lyx Description-md5: cce420c1c680aedda2cc2d6457c68fe5 Description-zh_CN: document processor LyX 是 LaTeX 的一个所见即所得的前端。有了它,习惯使用文字处理软件的用户就能 够使用 LaTeX 的强大功能和高质量的类型设置。因为 LyX 支持 LaTex 的通用标记概 念,创建专业质量的文档比普通的文字处理器更加快捷和简单。还可以在 LyX 中使用 LaTex 的命令,所以可以使用 LaTeX 的全部功能。 . You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * gnumeric: import spreadsheats * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * lilypond: support for musical sheets * maxima: integrated CAS support for equation evaluation * mythes-*: use the Thesaurus * noweb, r-cran-knitr: use literate programming * rcs, cvs, svn, git: integrated version control * texlive-xetex/luatex: use the XeTeX/LuaTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents * xsltproc (or saxon with openjdk-17-jre), docbook-xsl: ePub export Package: mailagent Description-md5: 72aa1356b5be0989045069d985606928 Description-zh_CN: automatic mail-processing tool and filter mailagent 是一个邮件传送代理,通过编程,可以通过比 procmail 邮件过滤程序更加 复杂的方式处理邮件。具有容易配置和通过 Perl 扩展等优点。不仅可以扩展基本功 能,还能以模块方式增加新的命令和处理方法。 . 遵循类似 lex 的语法规则,mailagent 可以把邮件传送到特定的文件夹 (既可以是 Unix 样式的,也可以是 MMDF 和 MH 的),可以将信息转发到第三方或通过管道传送 给命令或发布到新闻组。过滤消息的命令可以扩展,也可以按照要求重写消息头或消 息内容。 . mailagent 可以用作休假程序,可以用更加复杂的方式自动回复邮件。可以为回复提 供一模板并控制休假邮件的频率。使用简单的宏替换可以将邮件头的一部分重新写入 休假消息,这样回复就更个性化。 . mailagent 还可以用来建立通用邮件服务器,不用费心于那些底层功能,例如错误恢 复、日志记录和命令解析等。 . 注意:在 Debian 系统上,mailagent 需要将所有全部邮件保存到用户主目录。和其 他邮件传送代理不同,mailagent 可扩展性太强,作为 setgid 邮件会产生安全隐 患,因此无法对 /var/spool/mail 邮箱加锁。 Package: mailio-dev Description-md5: f4df09838cabb60431e30bbffd5731a4 Description-zh_CN: cross platform C++ library for email support (development) mailio is a cross platform C++ library for MIME format and SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols. . It is based on the standard C++ 17 and Boost library. . 本包包含开发文件。 Package: manpages-es Description-md5: 5d6f3e5926aa4a47e5f0e4587b6a5511 Description-zh_CN: 西班牙文版 man 手册 This package contains manual pages translated into Spanish, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set. . The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. . The original (software) packages contain additional manual pages which have not been translated yet. Package: manpages-ja Description-md5: 903d42e9bf0807452540604e087766fa Description-zh_CN: 日语版man手册(用户使用) 这个软件包有翻译为日语的Linux手册页 . 获取更多信息,请看JM项目的网页: . Package: manpages-ja-dev Description-md5: 0b11f8310db8658e61aff2913e273e6f Description-zh_CN: Japanese version of the manual pages (for developers) This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Japanese. Following sections are provided: * 2 = Linux system calls. * 3 = Libc calls (note that a more comprehensive source of information may be found in the libc6-doc package). . 获取更多信息,请看JM项目的网页: . Package: manpages-pl Description-md5: 3c700c20fdf6144ff05e9e2fe41e33ee Description-zh_CN: 波兰语的 man 手册页翻译 This package contains manual pages translated into Polish, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set. . The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. . The original (software) packages contain additional manual pages which have not been translated yet. Package: manpages-tr Description-md5: ada07752ef1fd01aa0ba5c3f8e12acc9 Description-zh_CN: 土耳其语版本帮助手册 This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Turkish. The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 2 = Linux system calls (e.g. exit, fork, open) * 3 = Library functions (e.g. malloc, printf) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. Package: manpages-zh Description-md5: f82c6563e01b4f535c4f8221dff686ba Description-zh_CN: 中文手册页 本软件包包含中文手册页计划(CMPP)翻译的中文手册页,同时提供了简体中文(zh_CN) 和繁体中文(zh_TW)版本。 Package: maq Description-md5: a53ece25af8b0564674b82b8ba4c34e7 Description-zh_CN: 将短的、定长的多态性DNA序列读段比对到参考序列上 Maq(Mapping and Assembly with Quality的简称)是一款用于构建新一代测序仪产生 的短读序列到参考序列的比对组装工具。它特别针对Illumina-Solexa 1G基因分析仪进 行了优化设计,并具备初步处理ABI SOLiD数据的功能。Maq曾被称为mapass2。 . Maq的开发在2008年停止,其后继者为BWA和SAMtools。 Package: marble Description-md5: 1f126a4752fd8384e6c2471b34c0cba7 Description-zh_CN: globe and map widget Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marble-data Description-md5: 7ed75411766d39c37afa00e8c22391ab Description-zh_CN: data files for Marble Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains the architecture-independent data files for the Marble desktop globe. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marble-maps Description-md5: 5ffb66de74b67fa9ac2b8427c33f3045 Description-zh_CN: globe and map widget for mobile form factors Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marble-plugins Description-md5: 94cc6f96b770964058cd35411cc0d773 Description-zh_CN: plugins for Marble Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains various plugins for the Marble desktop globe. The Marble globe widget library may not be of much use if this package is not installed. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marble-qt Description-md5: 3723681799383a47085e649e82c35bed Description-zh_CN: globe and map widget (no KDE dependencies) Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marble-qt-data Description-md5: 9606a6cd2b8e7884fffb1cc5f9277491 Description-zh_CN: Qt-only data files for Marble Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is included, so it can be used without an internet connection. . This package contains the architecture-independent data files for the Marble desktop globe. . 这个包是 KDE 教育组件的一部分。 Package: marco-common Description-md5: da780534a11dab2e3dfc2b3db4eace95 Description-zh_CN: lightweight GTK+ window manager for MATE (common files) Marco is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. It is developed mainly for the MATE Desktop. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-applet-brisk-menu Description-md5: c8bf2c1cb553e00b673600fc68d48695 Description-zh_CN: Solus Project's Brisk Menu MATE Panel Applet MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . Brisk Menu is a modern desktop menu for the MATE Desktop Environment providing the MATE Desktop with a first-class application and system menu applet. Package: mate-applets-common Description-md5: 724c9035376c2f74eed25cdf2d46c372 Description-zh_CN: Various applets for the MATE panel (common files) accessx-status: indicates keyboard accessibility settings, including the current state of the keyboard, if those features are in use. . Battstat: monitors the power subsystem on a laptop. . Character palette: provides a convenient way to access non-standard characters, such as accented characters, mathematical symbols, special symbols, and punctuation marks. . MATE CPUFreq Applet: CPU frequency scaling monitor . Drivemount: lets you mount and unmount drives and file systems. . Geyes: pair of eyes which follow the mouse pointer around the screen. . Keyboard layout switcher: lets you assign different keyboard layouts for different locales. . Netspeed: network traffic monitor applet. . System monitor: CPU, memory, network, swap file and resource. . Trash: lets you drag items to the trash folder. . Weather report: downloads weather information from the U.S National Weather Service (NWS) servers, including the Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN). . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-calc-common Description-md5: 8d90c04726a34ba8d3ae5997bafd1f5a Description-zh_CN: MATE desktop calculator (common files) mate-calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-core Description-md5: 9ff0776ded39cfed763cbf21cfce7add Description-zh_CN: MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, dummy package) MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . This package (mate-core) is a dummy package and can be safely removed. Package: mate-desktop-environment Description-md5: 8105273afc4042ae9495ec264fc266e6 Description-zh_CN: MATE 桌面环境 (元包) MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . 本包会安装官方 MATE 的应用程序标准集。 . 它同时会推荐安装一些非 MATE 标准桌面应用的一些程序,如网络浏览器、邮件阅读器、 网络管理小程序。 Package: mate-desktop-environment-core Description-md5: ebb6705e80f1c013244ed398a63c82a2 Description-zh_CN: MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, metapackage) MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . This package depends on a very basic set of programs that are necessary to start a MATE desktop environment session. The set of programs includes the MATE window manager (Marco), the MATE file manager (Caja), the MATE control center and a limited set of other obligatory MATE desktop components. Package: mate-desktop-environment-extra Description-md5: 1cd719415caf9d70e70b55f52a9576f5 Description-zh_CN: MATE Desktop Environment (extra components, dummy package) MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . This package (mate-desktop-environment-extra) is a dummy package and can be safely removed. Package: mate-desktop-environment-extras Description-md5: 4b5c85e307f109f83c4c7baad3417a66 Description-zh_CN: MATE Desktop Environment (extra components, metapackage) MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . This package installs an extra set of MATE components that are also part of the official MATE release. Package: mate-icon-theme Description-md5: 9f5f81013b9cf1ae49ae9420cadad27e Description-zh_CN: MATE 桌面图标主题 本包包含 MATE 桌面所使用的默认图标主题。 这些图标用于面板菜单、 Caja 文件管理器 及 MATE 附带的其他应用程序。 . 本图标主题提供了 MATE 桌面上代表不同应 用程序、文件、目录、设备的图标作品。 Package: mate-indicator-applet-common Description-md5: 954fc958fafab75b0fdf79c4b81e2379 Description-zh_CN: MATE panel indicator applet (common files) A small applet to display information from various applications consistently in the panel. . The indicator applet exposes Ayatana Indicators in the MATE Panel. Ayatana Indicators are an initiative by Canonical to provide crisp and clean system and application status indication. They take the form of an icon and associated menu, displayed (usually) in the desktop panel. Existing indicators include the Message Menu, Battery Menu and Sound menu. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-menu Description-md5: d67b341a436b80495f01109176e7650d Description-zh_CN: 高级 MATE 菜单 用于 MATE 的一个高级菜单。支持筛选、收藏夹、简单的卸载、自动会话和其它许多 功能。 . 本菜单来源于 Linux Mint 发行版并被移植到了其它提供 MATE 桌面环境的发行版中。 Package: mate-netbook-common Description-md5: 6f1bca578b639d0389f31b16c247b70c Description-zh_CN: MATE utilities for netbooks (common files) MATE utilities for netbooks are an applet and a daemon to maximize windows and move their titles on the panel. . Installing these utilities is recommended for netbooks and similar devices with low resolution displays. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-notification-daemon-common Description-md5: 2a8dd81dd552468e296c7f5e9a92ed2f Description-zh_CN: daemon to display passive popup notifications (common files) mate-notification-daemon displays passive popup notifications, as per the Desktop Notifications Specification. . The Desktop Notifications Specification provides a standard way of doing passive popup notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after a short period of time, as per the Desktop Notifications spec. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-panel Description-md5: 9334d503600c11dc5d1bebf83b94366d Description-zh_CN: 用于 MATE 桌面的启动器和停靠组件 MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 Package: mate-panel-common Description-md5: ac092d00f5038537486fea12cd254f89 Description-zh_CN: launcher and docking facility for MATE (common files) MATE 面板是 MATE 桌面的重要组件,它可提供 数个类似工具条的面板,面板可放在桌面周边。 它们用于启动应用程序,并内嵌众多功能,如 快速启动图标,时钟,提示区,音量控制和电池 电量指示,从天气预报到系统监视等组件。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-power-manager-common Description-md5: 27f2d2c53b0b50720396f6b33b4a90ba Description-zh_CN: power management tool for the MATE desktop (common files) MATE Power Manager is a session daemon for the MATE desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user. . The MATE power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the MATE desktop. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-screensaver Description-md5: 1402626f94a67f725c4c962e3ed354c3 Description-zh_CN: MATE 屏幕保护程序和屏锁程序 mate-screensaver 是一个屏幕保护程序和屏锁程序,它注重于使得默认配置简单、合 理而安全,同时和 MATE 桌面良好集成。 . 设计为支持,但不是仅支持: . * the ability to lock down configuration settings * translation into other languages * user switching Package: mate-screensaver-common Description-md5: d44b2330b9b1c87e5203c9cdb17d5a0e Description-zh_CN: MATE screen saver and locker (common files) mate-screensaver 是一个屏幕保护程序和屏锁程序,它注重于使得默认配置简单、合 理而安全,同时和 MATE 桌面良好集成。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-sensors-applet-common Description-md5: e4c76cc2aa83bdb03da567c8b9533dda Description-zh_CN: Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel (common files) MATE Sensors Applet is an applet for the MATE panel that displays readings from hardware sensors, including temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-settings-daemon-common Description-md5: 45308d8cd59887f565e9e87163d3bc72 Description-zh_CN: daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files) This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a MATE session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Keyboard: layout, accessibility options, shortcuts, media keys * Clipboard management * Theming: background, icons, GTK+ applications * Cleanup of unused files * Mouse: cursors, speed, accessibility options * Startup of other daemons: screensaver, sound daemon * Typing break . It also sets various application settings through X resources and XSETTINGS. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-submodules-source Description-md5: 491bbd317a9ec2086cbc4b411a91e48c Description-zh_CN: MATE code components provided as Git submodule repository MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . MATE 现持续开发中,在保留传统桌面体验的同时并添加新技术支持。 . This package provides code components required to build other parts of the MATE desktop environment. Package: mate-system-monitor Description-md5: 56c6a33b9a0ec5aae56c46fd1a5d0424 Description-zh_CN: MATE 下的进程查看器和系统资源监视器 MATE 系统监视器可以让您以图形化方式查看和控制系统中正在运行的进程。同时,它也有 对当前系统资源的概览,如 CPU 和内存。 Package: mate-system-monitor-common Description-md5: c19cddf128aaa2627a6f9d9fb0b9d28f Description-zh_CN: Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE (common files) MATE 系统监视器可以让您以图形化方式查看和控制系统中正在运行的进程。同时,它也有 对当前系统资源的概览,如 CPU 和内存。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-terminal Description-md5: a931d445b3af8a787a437f514a35a623 Description-zh_CN: MATE 终端模拟器程序 MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . MATE 终端的特点是能够在单窗口中使用多个终端(标签页方式),以及配置支持。 Package: mate-terminal-common Description-md5: 2ee8873670dcb4240b2f2c969aa2a68b Description-zh_CN: MATE terminal emulator application (common files) MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . MATE 终端的特点是能够在单窗口中使用多个终端(标签页方式),以及配置支持。 . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-user-guide Description-md5: 5e0fe58543872734166dd0ca69e57975 Description-zh_CN: User documentation for MATE Desktop Environment MATE (意为“(巴拉圭)冬青”)桌面环境是 GNOME 2 的衍生版。它为 Linux 或其他类 Unix操作系统提供一个直觉的、有吸引力的传统样式桌面环境。 . This package contains the user guide for MATE Desktop Environment and its main applications. Package: mate-user-share Description-md5: ae229f06bc1f4192ae8292b0a86270cf Description-zh_CN: 基于 WebDAV 的用户级别的文件分享 MATE user share is a small tool that binds together various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the masses. . The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows up in the Network location in GNOME. . The dav server used is Apache, so you need that installed. Avahi or Howl is used for mDNS support, so you need to have that installed and mDNSResolver running. Package: mate-user-share-common Description-md5: e55474a17e6a4865e1cd35bad922bd10 Description-zh_CN: User level public file sharing via WebDAV (common files) MATE user share is a small tool that binds together various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the masses. . The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows up in the Network location in GNOME. . The dav server used is Apache, so you need that installed. Avahi or Howl is used for mDNS support, so you need to have that installed and mDNSResolver running. . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: mate-utils-common Description-md5: 1fc47aa11d89c0b7e77b924a022b7093 Description-zh_CN: MATE desktop utilities (common files) This package contains all the tools bundled as MATE utilities: - mate-disk-usage-analyzer, a disk usage analyser - mate-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same) - mate-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content - mate-system-log, a log viewing application - mate-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them into a file . 本软件包包含架构无关的文件。 Package: materia-kde Description-md5: c9fb6034aa53e1b9983d4e7eeca829aa Description-zh_CN: 受欢迎的 Materia GTK 主题的 Plasma 5 移植 materia-kde 是受欢迎的 Materia GTK 主题在 Plasma 5 桌面上的移植,并添加了一些额外内容。 . This package contains: - Aurorae window decoration themes - Konsole color schemes - Kvantum themes - Plasma color schemes - Plasma Desktop themes - Plasma Look-and-Feel settings - Yakuake skins - SDDM themes - Wallpapers Package: mcstas-mcgui Description-md5: 76ab8e6abe133553a4f2b1742898afc8 Description-zh_CN: Neutron ray-trace simulation - GUI McStas is a tool for carrying out Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of neutron scattering instruments with high complexity and precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McStas is based on a unique design where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ISO-C code. . 这个包中含有图形用户界面。 Package: mcxtrace-mxgui Description-md5: c4f2d4119a901f625d6a102b85bb8045 Description-zh_CN: X-ray ray-trace simulation - GUI McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of beamlines and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis. . McXtrace is based on a unique design, inhereted from its sister McStas, where an automatic compilation process translates high-level textual instrument descriptions into efficient ANSI-C code. This design makes it simple to set up typical simulations and also gives essentially unlimited freedom to handle more unusual cases. . 这个包中含有图形用户界面。 Package: mdbtools-doc Description-md5: c8f8326321deead0ff8002bfdb0add31 Description-zh_CN: Dummy package 这是过渡用软件包。它可以被安全地移除。 . See package libmdb3t64 documentation. Package: med-data Description-md5: f2586eac64a8f64d673b27e0520d06c9 Description-zh_CN: Debian Med 药品数据库 该元软件包会安装自由的药品数据库及相关应用程序。数据库可以由 任何 EMR(电子健康记录)应用程序进行访问。 Package: mediainfo-gui Description-md5: ad7df2c5586cbcf55af18383b9b5c092 Description-zh_CN: graphical utility for reading information from audio/video files MediaInfo is a utility used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . 这个包中含有图形用户界面。 Package: meld Description-md5: a4f31a7bbb6825ffc38b4c9867a20df4 Description-zh_CN: 比较和合并文件的图形化工具 Meld is a graphical diff viewer and merge application for the GNOME desktop. It supports 2 and 3-file diffs, recursive directory diffs, diffing of directories under version control (Bazaar, Codeville, CVS, Darcs, Fossil SCM, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion), as well as the ability to manually and automatically merge file differences. Package: mencoder Description-md5: 3e0b1c03e45777592769ce1aa7a30c28 Description-zh_CN: MPlayer 的视频编码器 MPlayer plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, RealPlayer, and Win32 DLL codecs. It can also play VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies. . This package contains mencoder, a simple movie encoder, designed to encode MPlayer-playable movies (AVI/ASF/OGG/DVD/VCD/VOB/MPG/MOV/VIV/FLI/RM/NUV/NET) to other MPlayer- playable formats. It can encode with various codecs, like DivX4 (1 or 2 passes), libavcodec, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio. Also has stream copying and video resizing capabilities. Package: menu Description-md5: 0145fb4173b2e75d0c60cc61c6089403 Description-zh_CN: 为所有菜单相关的应用程序生成程序菜单 Debian menu 通过已安装程序列表来透明地保持在不同窗口管理器之中 菜单的同步。 . Debian menu 依赖于程序本身提供的菜单项构成的列表和窗口管理器与其他 菜单相关应用提供的生成菜单方式列表。 . Menu 提供了系统级和用户级的菜单项与菜单生成方法的配置与重载机制。 Package: menu-l10n Description-md5: cbc0425b7a4253f5af6852a0e4d4ee60 Description-zh_CN: localized menu entries for Debian menu. Debian menu 通过已安装程序列表来透明地保持在不同窗口管理器之中 菜单的同步。 . Debian menu 依赖于程序本身提供的菜单项构成的列表和窗口管理器与其他 菜单相关应用提供的生成菜单方式列表。 . This package provides localized menu entries. Package: metacity Description-md5: f151d15465b54378e38e11dff00a05f0 Description-zh_CN: lightweight GTK window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . 正如作者所说,Metacity 是一个“适合您这样的成年人的呆板窗口 管理器。很多窗口管理器就像棉花糖圈一样花哨,而 Metacity 像麦片一样朴素。” . 此软件包提供核心的二进制文件。 Package: metacity-common Description-md5: 344ddbeacffa94a670243e2455c7f6cb Description-zh_CN: shared files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything. . 正如作者所说,Metacity 是一个“适合您这样的成年人的呆板窗口 管理器。很多窗口管理器就像棉花糖圈一样花哨,而 Metacity 像麦片一样朴素。” . This package contains the shared files. Package: minihtcondor Description-md5: 3b54c3d7137fefb339a29d0c9ad53e9c Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This package aids upgrades of existing htcondor installations to the package name "condor". The package is empty and it can safely be removed. Package: mk-configure Description-md5: c516fbe9c4400446144252fef6c2dff2 Description-zh_CN: GNU autotools 的轻量级替代品 mk-configure 是 GNU autotools 的轻量级易用替代品。它使用 bmake(这是 NetBSD make 的可移植版本)和 POSIX 工具(包括 shell, awk 等)编写。 Package: mlterm Description-md5: 344a7672990ee06ff67716bffa92a42a Description-zh_CN: 多语言终端 这是一个用于 X Window 系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码包括: ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16]、TCVN5712、VISCII、TIS-620(与 ISO-8859-11 相同)、 KOI8-{R,U,T}、CP{1251,1255}、GEORGEAN-PS、EUC-JP、EUC-JISX0213、 ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}、Shift_JIS、Shift_JISX0213、ISO-2022-KR、EUC-KR、 UHC、JOHAB、EUC-CN(即 GB2312)、GBK、ISO-2022-CN、Big5、EUC-TW、HZ、 UTF-8 和 GB18030. . 支持所有双宽度字符如东亚文字,包括泰国,越南字符,以及其他区别音符, 用于阿拉伯和希伯来文字的 BiDi (bi- directionality,双方向)以及阿拉伯符 号。虽然 mlterm 支持印度的复杂语言如印地语,本 Debian 软件包编译时未加入 印地语支持。 . 由于 mlterm 检查当前 locale 并选择合适的编码,你不需要配置 mlterm 来显示你 的语言和编码。 . mlterm 还支持独特的特性如滚动条 API、多窗体、多 XIM、通过 FreeType 和 xft 进行反锯齿等等。 Package: mlterm-common Description-md5: 6c4111c276af77faa0c71a1d79d48752 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, common files mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains necessary files which are common for mlterm and mlterm-tiny packages. Package: mlterm-im-canna Description-md5: 7b1d3197b482903c544d42f94577ea50 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, Canna input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains Canna Input Method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-fcitx Description-md5: fd8b6e6063a381871e4e7f80ae72e664 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, Flexible Input Method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains Flexible Input Method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-ibus Description-md5: fd69d0e7b658456abd4c05fa0ae33cd5 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, IBus input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains IBus input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-m17nlib Description-md5: ba68b671a62fdda3868ba330617c9e58 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, m17nlib input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains m17nlib input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-scim Description-md5: d8c0fe658587f2bf052b1751c8a6756d Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, scim input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains scim input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-skk Description-md5: 0d6e069592c2c808a4f0e02b033e7556 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, SKK input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains Simple Kana Kanji (SKK) Input Method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-uim Description-md5: f9ecfa6349ce5f511d1009f7efba56e6 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, uim input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains uim input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-wnn Description-md5: 2bd05e480cd8bab1c74d3c93e865d66b Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, FreeWnn input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains FreeWnn Input Method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-tiny Description-md5: 66b7b5eb8dc1342743d0e39203115140 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, tiny version 这是一个用于 X Window 系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码包括: ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16]、TCVN5712、VISCII、TIS-620(与 ISO-8859-11 相同)、 KOI8-{R,U,T}、CP{1251,1255}、GEORGEAN-PS、EUC-JP、EUC-JISX0213、 ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}、Shift_JIS、Shift_JISX0213、ISO-2022-KR、EUC-KR、 UHC、JOHAB、EUC-CN(即 GB2312)、GBK、ISO-2022-CN、Big5、EUC-TW、HZ、 UTF-8 和 GB18030. . 支持所有双宽度字符如东亚文字,包括泰国,越南字符,以及其他区别音符, 用于阿拉伯和希伯来文字的 BiDi (bi- directionality,双方向)以及阿拉伯符 号。虽然 mlterm 支持印度的复杂语言如印地语,本 Debian 软件包编译时未加入 印地语支持。 . 由于 mlterm 检查当前 locale 并选择合适的编码,你不需要配置 mlterm 来显示你 的语言和编码。 . mlterm 还支持独特的特性如滚动条 API、多窗体、多 XIM、通过 FreeType 和 xft 进行反锯齿等等。 . This tiny version does not support fancy features such as background image and so on, except for i18n-related features. Package: mlterm-tools Description-md5: 910b0b310112a693b82e13230a41c984 Description-zh_CN: 多语言终端附加工具 mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . 本软件包包含 mlterm 的配置工具等。 Package: mocha Description-md5: 70d1e5130e31bf8c972ec24635fac387 Description-zh_CN: simple, flexible, fun test framework - Node.js module Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. . Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: mono-4.0-gac Description-md5: c6f7de15f8bc49ae076247d65db4e420 Description-zh_CN: Mono GAC tool (for CLI 4.0) Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package includes a version of the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language) libraries, for CLI 4.0 Package: mono-4.0-service Description-md5: 7e71e9ce32082b10f7f9108c3dffe525 Description-zh_CN: Mono service manager for CLI 4.0 Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the mono-service manager, used to start and stop CLI 4.0 services based on the System.ServiceProcess API. Package: mono-complete Description-md5: dacc30c6a4347277b44c68a99c998d5f Description-zh_CN: complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This is a metapackage and pulls in the Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries. . Install this package if you want to run software for Mono or Microsoft .NET which you are not installing from a Debian package. . For packagers: This package is not to be used as dependency for packages! You should build-depend on cli-common-dev and the needed libraries instead. Package: mono-csharp-shell Description-md5: 18c4878a8af999586fc3a3eec3c35ba1 Description-zh_CN: interactive C# shell Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the interactive C# shell named csharp. csharp permits dynamically evaluating C# statements, and can be used for writing scripts or testing code fragments. For examples and a brief overview of the commands see: Package: mono-dbg Description-md5: 3a82d07419414cf23ff1d696c9f1db7e Description-zh_CN: Mono debugging symbols This package contains the debugging symbols of various libmono-* and mono-* packages. . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: mono-devel Description-md5: 629b185238e84b344f23bbe244129c4e Description-zh_CN: Mono 开发工具 Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . 本包包含各种开发工具,并提供 Mono 默认开发栈(目前为 4.0 版)。 Package: mono-gac Description-md5: c2a755c0e15dc47388d889b42eb894b6 Description-zh_CN: Mono GAC tool Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package pulls in the default GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language) libraries. Package: mono-mcs Description-md5: 3f1aba4e9956099bfa702d53c275ffad Description-zh_CN: Mono C# 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 compiler for CLI 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.5 This is the Mono C# (C-Sharp) 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 compiler, a platform- independent compiler which produces CIL (Common Intermediate Language) binary executables. . This compiler targets the CLI 2.0, 4.0 or 4.5 runtime version. . The mcs compiler supports different C# versions as follows. With C# 2.0 it supports: - generics - iterators (yield) - nullable value types - partial types - anonymous methods - static classes - coalesce operator: ?? . With C# 3.0 it supports: - Language Integrated Query (LINQ) - object initializers - collection initializers - anonymous types - local variable type inference - implicitly-typed arrays - lambda expressions - automatic properties - extension methods - partial methods . With C# 4.0 it supports: - dynamic binding (duck typing) - named and optional arguments - covariant and contravariant generic type parameters . With C# 5.0 (which is the default) it supports: - asynchronous methods - caller info attributes (as of Mono 3.0 currently not supported!) . Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 Package: mono-runtime Description-md5: 0ef9550e0b708629302fd4b5f9bdeb39 Description-zh_CN: Mono runtime - default version Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Virtual Machine, JIT (Just-in-Time) and AOT (Ahead-of-Time) code generator "mono-sgen". mono-sgen executes applications for the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). Mono currently only supports the X86, PowerPC, ARM, S/390x, AMD64 and MIPS architectures. . This package installs this architecture's default runtime version. Package: mono-runtime-boehm Description-md5: 74feada03d34e3c54c7fc03b376a7cde Description-zh_CN: Mono runtime - Boehm Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Virtual Machine, JIT (Just-in-Time) and AOT (Ahead-of-Time) code generator "mono-sgen". mono-sgen executes applications for the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). Mono currently only supports the X86, PowerPC, ARM, S/390x, AMD64 and MIPS architectures. . This package uses Boehm's conservative garbage collector. Package: mono-runtime-common Description-md5: 0048a533f5c0a7f5ad413ee658ccd4d4 Description-zh_CN: Mono runtime - common files Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains common files for the Virtual Machine, JIT (Just-in- Time) and AOT (Ahead-of-Time) code generator "mono". "mono" executes applications for the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). Mono currently only supports the X86, PowerPC, ARM, S/390x, AMD64 and MIPS architectures. Optionally this package configures BINFMT support. Package: mono-runtime-dbg Description-md5: 0f5b756bd9c313fa705058f5c7b6d0a6 Description-zh_CN: Mono runtime, debugging symbols Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the debugging symbols of the Mono JIT/AOT compiler. Package: mono-runtime-sgen Description-md5: 5235eb83a7b861ac1e2aadac6b0f72f6 Description-zh_CN: Mono runtime - SGen Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains the Virtual Machine, JIT (Just-in-Time) and AOT (Ahead-of-Time) code generator "mono-sgen". mono-sgen executes applications for the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). Mono currently only supports the X86, PowerPC, ARM, S/390x, AMD64 and MIPS architectures. . This package uses SGen which is Mono's new simple generational garbage collector. Package: mono-source Description-md5: 02c38f502ff806332f3481f2f7e86d5d Description-zh_CN: Mono source code Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package contains an archive of the source code used to build the Mono packages in Debian. Package: mono-utils Description-md5: 18083e2952c8dd8c2682acaf34203df1 Description-zh_CN: Mono utilities Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . This package includes various tools useful for CLI developers, like pedump, monodis and monograph. Package: mono-xbuild Description-md5: 1a8d1c1ca7c8807496789b97878cf6c9 Description-zh_CN: MSBuild-compatible build system for Mono Mono 是一个运行开发应用程序的平台,基于 ECMA/ISO 标准。Mono 为 Xamarin 主导 的开源尝试。Mono提供一个完整的 CLR(Common Language Runtime,通用语言运行 库),包含编译器与运行库,它能够生成与执行 CIL(Common Intermediate Language,通用中介语言)字节码(即 assemblies),并提供类库。 . xbuild is Mono's implementation of msbuild and allows projects that have a msbuild file to be compiled natively on Linux. . Microsoft Build (msbuild) is a build system developed by Microsoft similar in spirit to Nant (in that it uses XML files for describing the build process) and in the same spirit as make. . Package: monodoc-base Description-md5: 538bae4502d2e025e6e74644ab0b3e8d Description-zh_CN: 共享的 MonoDoc 二进制文件 MonoDoc 项目为 Mono 项目的文档框架,负责提供所有 Mono 组件和 Mono CLI 实现 的详细 API 文档。 . 本包包含 monodoc 程序(如文档文件编译器 (assembler.exe aka "monodoc"))所用 的共享二进制文件。 Package: monodoc-manual Description-md5: 89fc8e2379a34f68629a43eb55f18ca3 Description-zh_CN: compiled XML documentation from the Mono project MonoDoc 项目为 Mono 项目的文档框架,负责提供所有 Mono 组件和 Mono CLI 实现 的详细 API 文档。 . This package contains the compiled XML documentation of MonoDoc. Package: monodoc-nunit-manual Description-md5: bdfa24e00fd8b32439c112043b93d957 Description-zh_CN: compiled XML documentation for NUnit - monodoc manual MonoDoc 项目为 Mono 项目的文档框架,负责提供所有 Mono 组件和 Mono CLI 实现 的详细 API 文档。 . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for NUnit. Package: mousepad Description-md5: 564a844cb82919302c57e74a6ea93345 Description-zh_CN: 面向 Xfce 的简单文本编辑器 Mousepad 是基于 Leafpad 的 Xfce 的图形文本编辑器。 . 开始 Mousepad 的最初原因是提供打印支持,也会因为各种原因和 Leafpad 有所不同。 . Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing Package: mpack Description-md5: 6101ce5c05ff67298326006e9ef48dc9 Description-zh_CN: MIME 邮件编码/解码工具 mpack 和 munpack 分别用来编码和解码 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 二进制邮件格式。为了兼容以前的格式,munpack 程序还能解码 split-uuencoded 格式的邮件。 Package: mpd Description-md5: f318c4a927bba8215d5caa973656c5e7 Description-zh_CN: 音乐播放器守护程序 音乐播放器守护程序(MPD)是一个能远程控制音频播放(Ogg-Vorbis、FLAC、MP3、 Wave 和 AIFF)、音频串流(Ogg- Vorbis、MP3)并管理播放列表的服务器。它也 支持无缝切换、输出缓冲和交叉渐变。其设计重点是将计算机控制集成到立体声系统中, 使之能通过 TCP/IP 控制音乐回放;目标是在易于安装和使用、尽可能减少资源占用 的情况下(据报道在奔腾 75 上也工作正常)还能保证稳定和灵活。 . 本守护程序通过客户端控制,客户端不一定与 mpd 运行在同一台电脑上。服务端与客户 端分离的设计让用户能选择最适合自己的用户界面,而与底层实际播放音乐的进程(本 软件包)无关。 Package: mplayer-doc Description-md5: c6fcbec0e0667e19084785de6460e973 Description-zh_CN: MPlayer 的文档 这个软件包包含了 MPlayer 的 HTML 格式的文档。MPlayer 是一个类 Unix 系统的视频播放器。该文档有多种语言的版本。 . You only need this package if you want to read the MPlayer manual. The manpages are included in the regular MPlayer package. Package: mpv Description-md5: 42d61bf874a5fe751d6c1a8601d1276d Description-zh_CN: 基于 MPlayer/mplayer2 的视频播放器 mpv 是一款基于 MPlayer 和 mplayer2 的影片播放器。它支持多种多样的视频格式、音视频 编码和字幕格式。 . Changes from mplayer2 to mpv include: * Removal of lots of unneeded code to encourage developer activity * Better OSD rendering * Cleaned up terminal output * Improved OpenGL output * Encoding functionality (replacement for mencoder) * Wayland support * Support for playing URLs of popular streaming sites * Screenshot improvements * ... See mpv(1) for more info regarding changes between MPlayer, mplayer2 and mpv. Package: mrename Description-md5: 514c4f318a159c36d2a7e87b0f7750d3 Description-zh_CN: 自动化、使用简单的多文件重命名工具 Mass Rename(批量重命名)是一系列 shell 脚本,可以帮助用户简便地同时移动、重命名或复制多个文件。它主要设计用于提供自动化、易于使用 的多文件重命名功能,并允许自定义前缀和序号。用户也可以编辑这些脚本以修改重命名格式。它简单、功能完整、运行高效且仅使用 sh 代码编写。 Package: muffin Description-md5: c2578888eaa4782e6998bf561b152036 Description-zh_CN: window and compositing manager Muffin is a window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in Cinnamon desktop environment. . 此软件包提供核心的二进制文件。 Package: myspell-bg Description-md5: acf781d38aaee8d59610366837c1b64d Description-zh_CN: 过渡哑包 This is a transitional dummy package to smooth transition to hunspell-bg. It can safely be removed. Package: myspell-da Description-md5: c9f64bd824cb82ec3010746d1cf96e67 Description-zh_CN: The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - myspell 丹麦语大辞典(The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary, DSDO)是一个自由的 丹麦语拼写检查字典,由 Skaane Sjaelland Linux 用户小组(SSLUG)发布。 这本辞典与众不同的地方就在于它的辞典内容是由校对者投票决定的。编写小组并没有 校对字典中的内容,而是引导校对者并跟踪字典的整体状态。 . This is the Danish dictionary, to be used with myspell to check and correct spelling in Danish texts. Package: myspell-fr-gut Description-md5: 35c58d9f930c04198a25e774670f18c5 Description-zh_CN: French dictionary for myspell (GUTenberg version) This is a French dictionary, to be used with myspell. . 这是GUTenberg版本。 Package: myspell-uk Description-md5: 055184e8f2d270d0d114ef6eaa8eae5d Description-zh_CN: myspell 的乌克兰词典 这是在 和 Mozilla 中用于拼写检查的 myspell 的乌克兰语词典。 Package: nautilus-image-converter Description-md5: ce93008694c0e402fc4a48eb79d56cf9 Description-zh_CN: 用于缩放和旋转图像的 nautilus 扩展 This package adds a "Resize Images..." menu item to the context menu of all images. This opens a dialog where you set the desired image size and file name. A click on "Resize" finally resizes the image(s) using ImageMagick's convert tool. Package: nautilus-nextcloud Description-md5: 236cc3a7b86311ec59adbd8d9416944f Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud integration for Nautilus Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . Nautilus Nextcloud is an extension that integrates the Nextcloud web service with your GNOME Desktop. Package: nautilus-script-debug Description-md5: a6d82d298ee3c9c8ad9d7ad90e73642b Description-zh_CN: 简单的 nautilus 调试脚本 This simply shows you the environment variables that would be passed to a nautilus script for the currently selected files. Package: nautilus-script-manager Description-md5: 1a7c85837221eaf97f907a30e6c11599 Description-zh_CN: 一个简单的 nautilus 脚本管理工具 该软件包提供了一个系统全局的 nautilus 小脚本“数据库”,可以允许每个用户自定义他想使用的脚本,只需将它们链接到自己的个人 nautilus 脚本路径下。该管理器是一个基于调用 ln 和 rm 命令的包装程序。 . 主页: Package: nautilus-scripts-manager Description-md5: c0069ba1d65576f0541540c656848ad5 Description-zh_CN: 一个用于 nautilus 脚本管理的简单工具 nautilus-脚本管理工具是一个小巧易用的程序,可允许任何用户激活、禁用或查看在系统上安装的 Nautilus 脚本。 . Nautilus 脚本是一种普通的脚本程序,激活之后,在 GNOME 文件管理器中右键点击弹出菜单时就会显示出来。 . 该程序可以通过交互式的图形界面来使用,或者通过一系列命令行选项来调用。特别地,它可以代替命令行程序 nautilus-script- manager(注意没有 "s")。 . Once installed, it will appear among the user settings utilities (usually in the "Preferences" menu). Package: nautilus-share Description-md5: 12abf75bd52cbea4113eeeaace72c2db Description-zh_CN: 使用 Samba 共享文件夹的 Nautilus 扩展 Nautilus Share 允许您不使用 root 权限就可以在 GNOME Nautilus 文件管理器中快速共享文件。 Package: ncftp Description-md5: 5640793ebf2b9afa9c585a33f69f5376 Description-zh_CN: 用户友好功能全面的 FTP 客户端 Ncftp 允许用户从远程网络站点上传和下载文件,并提供了在标准 ftp 接口中没有的额外特性。这个版本启用了 Readline 支持。 Package: nemo-nextcloud Description-md5: f69ec7c0f630d606911c2d8ea7e106c3 Description-zh_CN: Nemo 的 Nextcloud 集成 Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . Nemo Nextcloud 是将 Nextcloud 网页服务和您的 Cinnamon 桌面进行集成的扩展。 Package: neofetch Description-md5: 6b1e2c70a1a84519fc736defbe5a1220 Description-zh_CN: 显示 Linux 系统信息和发行版图标 Neofetch 是一款易用的跨平台命令行系统信息脚本,它可以收集您的 Linux 系统的信息并在终端中进行显示。它还会在信息旁显示一幅图像,如发行版的图标或任何您指定的 ascii 艺术。 Package: neowofetch Description-md5: 63328c8e6597e1e7ca85bef1f8dce473 Description-zh_CN: 显示 Linux 系统信息和发行版图标 Neowofetch is a fork of Neofetch, the cross-platform and easy-to-use system information command line script that collects your Linux system information and displays it on the terminal next to animage, either your distribution logo or any ascii art of your choice. Package: netcat-traditional Description-md5: 83fb6fcb16e6638fb447527fffff1e0a Description-zh_CN: TCP/IP 瑞士军刀 一个在网络连接中通过 TCP 或 UDP 协议进行数据读写的简单 Unix 工具。是可靠的 后端工具,可以直接使用,也可以被其他程序或脚本驱动。同时,它还是一个功能丰 富的网络调试和探测工具,因为其具有创建几乎所有类型连接的能力,而且还内置了 一些有趣的功能。 . 这是“经典” netcat,由 *爱好者* 完成。可能缺少许多 netcat-openbsd 具有的功能。 Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn Description-md5: f78a696714b7e5461d10e9fd4bb1a5f2 Description-zh_CN: network management framework (Fortinet SSLVPN plugin core) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides a VPN plugin for Fortinet SSLVPN. Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome Description-md5: 290f772ef315306502f1e3e3c238454e Description-zh_CN: network management framework (Fortinet SSLVPN plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's Fortinet SSLVPN plugin. Package: network-manager-iodine Description-md5: 6ae890d206a4e62ca2a3af16dbd0068a Description-zh_CN: network management framework (iodine plugin core) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides a VPN plugin for iodine. Package: network-manager-iodine-gnome Description-md5: 5b8d8861e58b3d20f3ba888a95d87d6b Description-zh_CN: network management framework (iodine plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's iodine plugin. Package: network-manager-sstp Description-md5: 6a5c6b13f879cef9e2b74bf314ed194d Description-zh_CN: network management framework (SSTP plugin core) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides a VPN plugin for SSTP, commonly used for connecting to Microsoft VPN servers. Package: network-manager-sstp-gnome Description-md5: e4beac8fee2fc789ed33ca2bfbae6b4c Description-zh_CN: network management framework (SSTP plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager 是一个用于管理您的网络设备和网络连接的系统服务, 它在网络可用时试图保证您的网络畅通。它可以管理有线网络、WiFi、移动 宽带(WWAN)和 PPPoE 设备,并为这些设备提供多种 VPN 服务的整合。 . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's SSTP plugin. Package: network-manager-vpnc Description-md5: 04d34ead8fa7ac84d259b3a1860b027d Description-zh_CN: 网络管理框架(VPNC 核心插件) NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when available. It manages ethernet, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services. . This package provides a VPN plugin for vpnc, providing easy access to Cisco Concentrator based VPN's. Package: network-manager-vpnc-gnome Description-md5: 8c3be5a91717d3c6b745652eac083e37 Description-zh_CN: 网络管理框架(VPNC GNOME GUI 插件) NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when available. It manages ethernet, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services. . 此软件包提供了 NetworkManager 的 VPNC 插件的 GNOME 集成。 Package: nextcloud-desktop Description-md5: a2bf7c3db498a3e87f05105e73c38541 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization tool Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . nextcloud-desktop provides the graphical client specialising in synchronizing with cloud storage provided by Nextcloud. Package: nextcloud-desktop-cmd Description-md5: 1d3fc9ea8ee11f0fc5833d214cdfec9d Description-zh_CN: folder synchronization with an Nextcloud server - cmd client Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package provides the command line client specialising in synchronizing with cloud storage provided by Nextcloud. Package: nextcloud-desktop-common Description-md5: 097c8472b33c7ba62a7dd6aa7298e5aa Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization - common data Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package provides data that is shared between different packages. Package: nextcloud-desktop-doc Description-md5: 955b00c281370289ce9148cab9517532 Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization - documentation Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package provides the documentation. Package: nextcloud-desktop-l10n Description-md5: 673ff08d85ea6f71b6c92f9826bad7cb Description-zh_CN: Nextcloud folder synchronization - localization Nextcloud 桌面应用能帮助您在任何地方使用您的最新文件。您只需要在本地机器上指定一个或数个文件夹,并指定要同步的服务器。您可以配置多个计算机 来和同一个服务器同步,在一个计算机上对文件的修改将静默、自动而可靠地同步到所有机器上。 . This package provides the localization. Package: nifti-bin Description-md5: e5640c12d4e3b949f9b90438d079b48b Description-zh_CN: tools shipped with the NIfTI library Niftilib 是一个用于读写 NIfTI-1 数据格式文件的输入输出库文件集。NIfTI-1 为 一二进制文件格式,用于存储医学影像数据,如磁共振图像(MRI)、功能磁共振成像 (fMRI)大脑影像。 . This package provides the tools that are shipped with the library (nifti_tool, nifti_stats and nifti1_test). Package: nixnote2 Description-md5: eb13fd2e11013a1cc11b7afea4d45200 Description-zh_CN: 开源 Evernote 客户端 NixNote 是一个 Evernote 服务(的客户端。 它可以将笔记同步到您的机器上,并在本地进行编辑。 . 它曾经使用过“NeverNote”的名称,后来它使用 C++/Qt 重新编写,为用户 提供了原生的使用体验。 Package: nkf Description-md5: 7f8e5c4e2e5ed23e006098ebc94be618 Description-zh_CN: 网络 Kanji 编码转换过滤器 Nkf 也是一个用于网络、主机、终端之间进行 kanji 编码转换的工具。它可以把 输入的 kanji 编码转换为 指定的 kanji 编码,比如 7 比特 JIS, MS-kanji (Shifted-JIS) 或 EUC。 Package: node-abab Description-md5: 2135cf4c9c932647b20af4c4df4e3021 Description-zh_CN: WHATWG spec-compliant implementations of window.atob and window.btoa A module that implements window.atob and window.btoa according to the WHATWG spec. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-abbrev Description-md5: 25e86cee706207e8292c36a57b3ca991 Description-zh_CN: Get unique abbreviations for a set of strings - Node.js module Given a set of strings, this module computes a list of distinct abbreviations. This is handy for command-line scripts, or other cases where one wants to be able to accept shorthands. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-abstract-leveldown Description-md5: 7a63b30666f02f5d3e26e27827d02be6 Description-zh_CN: Abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN API - Node.js module abstract-leveldown is a Node.js module which is an abstract prototype matching the LevelDOWN API. Useful for extending LevelUP functionality by providing a replacement to LevelDOWN. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-accepts Description-md5: dae95d9ca2b0746fd0c2a4fdb437179f Description-zh_CN: higher-level content negotiation for Node.js Higher level content negotiation based on negotiator. . In addition to negotiator, it allows: - Allows types as an array or arguments list, ie `(['text/html', 'application/json'])` as well as `('text/html', 'application/json')`. - Allows type shorthands such as `json`. - Returns `false` when no types match - Treats non-existent headers as `*` . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-acorn Description-md5: f026a9cb93b6cac7784f76876025036f Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript parser for Node.js Acorn is a tiny, fast JavaScript parser written in JavaScript. . acorn.js defines the main parser interface. The library also comes with a error-tolerant parser and an abstract syntax tree walker, defined in other files. . This package contains the acorn module for Node.js. . This package contains also small pluggins packages acorn-bigint, acorn- dynamic-import, acorn-jsx, acorn-node, acorn-private-class-elements, acorn-class-fields, acorn-static-class-features, acorn-export-ns-from, acorn-numeric-separator, acorn-private-methods. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-addon-api Description-md5: a7d02c221d8cd9136040260064a6186d Description-zh_CN: Node.js header-only C++ wrapper classes node-addon-api contains header-only C++ wrapper classes which simplify the use of the C based Node-API provided by Node.js when using C++. It provides a C++ object model and exception handling semantics with low overhead. . There are three options for implementing addons: Node-API, nan, or direct use of internal V8, libuv and Node.js libraries. Unless there is a need for direct access to functionality which is not exposed by Node-API as outlined in C/C++ addons in Node.js core, use Node-API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-address Description-md5: 0d755f4e64a2d10c66427e72e10709a4 Description-zh_CN: Get current machine IP, MAC and DNS servers DNS servers are read from /etc/resolv.conf. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-addressparser Description-md5: 6f5831b6e80ba528c6e0e0409cc125c8 Description-zh_CN: Node.js library to parse e-mail addresses Parse e-mail address fields. Input can be a single address (""), a formatted address ("Andris Reinman "), a comma separated list of addresses (","), an address group (";") or a mix of all the formats. . In addition to comma the semicolon is treated as the list delimiter as well (except when used in the group syntax), so a value ";" is identical to ",". . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-after Description-md5: 7cc515c98bda0b58f5b97c4f5716f861 Description-zh_CN: Flow control for Node.js after is a Node.js module to assist with flow control. It provides a function to invoke a callback after N calls. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ajv Description-md5: de886f35a36a16febbc1c7fe2232e6fe Description-zh_CN: another JSON Schema Validator The fastest JSON Schema validator for node.js and browser with draft 6 support. Ajv generates code using doT templates to turn JSON schemas into super-fast validation functions that are efficient for v8 optimization. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ajv-keywords Description-md5: 47edc3b56feed5ee06556202ba2b7cf9 Description-zh_CN: Custom JSON-Schema keywords for Ajv validator Ajv is the fastest JSON Schema validator for node.js and browser with draft 04/06/07 support. Ajv generates code using doT templates to turn JSON schemas into super-fast validation functions that are efficient for v8 optimization. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-amdefine Description-md5: 551fc16b262053be0d9d13d5dd82dcb6 Description-zh_CN: Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) for Node.js This module implements the AMD "define" API by wrapping Node.js module loading mechanism, and has some limitations: * modules are loaded synchronously * loader plugins API is partially implemented . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-align Description-md5: 357d85a00c31224da9b295d284e41e40 Description-zh_CN: align-text with ANSI support for CLIs Easily center- or right- align a block of text, carefully ignoring ANSI escape codes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-colors Description-md5: 49675692c346ee834d0f9d27393f244b Description-zh_CN: add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal Ansi-colors is the official ansi styling library for gulp, and is used by hundreds of other projects, including mocha and enquirer. . A faster drop-in replacement for chalk, kleur and turbocolor . It supports nested colors and chained colors with support to toggle support on and off. . It has no dependencies and thus easier to maintain. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-escapes Description-md5: d28a95fa4025bbf6b7d0d5b6423d6d7a Description-zh_CN: ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal Node.js module that provides methods to move/hide/show the cursor, get/save/restore its position, erase lines, scroll, clear and beep using ANSI escape codes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-font Description-md5: c358a521d973ad7c7c914764c84be6b5 Description-zh_CN: ANSI font styling utils ANSI escape codes (or escape sequences) are a method using in-band signaling to control the formatting, color, and other output options on video text terminals. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-regex Description-md5: 46311597c68dce90593747cc5eb6102a Description-zh_CN: regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes This module provides a regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansi-styles Description-md5: 2aa5b5a4797df5786c46b95adf18c67e Description-zh_CN: ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal with Node.js ansi-styles is a Node.js module which provides ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ansistyles Description-md5: 788ec4f45c8c4aa5d4fc80858a9f449d Description-zh_CN: prints output in different styles Functions that surround a string with ansistyle codes so it prints in style. . This library is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . In case you need colors, have a look at ansicolors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-any-promise Description-md5: 1475911cb77e8ceadc619e0aaa4fbe50 Description-zh_CN: Resolve any installed ES6 compatible promise Let your library support any ES 2015 (ES6) compatible `Promise` and leave the choice to application authors. The application can *optionally* register its preferred `Promise` implementation and it will be exported when requiring `any-promise` from library code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-anymatch Description-md5: 24ffbb2f4d1e0c4054030258f9381aa2 Description-zh_CN: Matches strings against configurable strings Javascript module to match a string against a regular expression, glob, string, or function that takes the string as an argument and returns a truthy or falsy value. The matcher can also be an array of any or all of these. Useful for allowing a very flexible user-defined config to define things like file paths. . It is a dependency for ava, a futuristic test-runner . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ap Description-md5: 3ce3cfbdea0b499a2bbfcf60a053f223 Description-zh_CN: Like Function.bind without setting "this" This Node.js module exposes bind, apply, partial equivalents that do not require setting scope, and preserve "this". . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-applause Description-md5: 0914957ab489572f83c5a5c18be22273 Description-zh_CN: Pattern replacer creating human-friendly replacements Node-applause helps matching text with patterns and replacing that text in a human-friendly way. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-are-we-there-yet Description-md5: ab034c25ec973c86f259855bc006c9ce Description-zh_CN: Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes Track complex hierarchies of asynchronous task completion statuses. This is intended to give you a way of recording and reporting the progress of the big recursive fan-out and gather type workflows that are so common in async. . What you do with this completion data is up to you, but the most common use case is to feed it to one of the many progress bar modules. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arg Description-md5: 39f9f9cd698484fc3f8456445ab1bf6c Description-zh_CN: command line option parser for Node.js It is yet another command line option parser, written in JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-argparse Description-md5: a13aac9a01810e18bfb954f5cd5e8b7e Description-zh_CN: CLI arguments parser for node.js Javascript port of python's [argparse]( module (original version 3.2). That's a full port, except some very rare options. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-argv Description-md5: 516f8d3df4ccd6892db1fe0d0851e8d5 Description-zh_CN: Node based command line argument parser node-argv is a nodejs module that does command line argument parsing. node-argv implement a strict argument parser, which means all options must be defined before parsing starts. This argument parser allow one to use a modular structure for options parsing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arr-diff Description-md5: d9fe01ccf290c5579270b2dd46266871 Description-zh_CN: Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arr-exclude Description-md5: 41903f1aee8f9b00b4884571f62ab83d Description-zh_CN: Exclude certain items from an array Include only certain items in an array This library is a dependency for ava, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arr-flatten Description-md5: 06d980534ad96b5d03aba7479dfc3687 Description-zh_CN: Recursively flatten an array or arrays Recursively flatten an array or arrays. This is the fastest implementation of array flatten. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arr-union Description-md5: 946380e420c5a201c376722a02867cde Description-zh_CN: Combines list of arrays, returning single array with unique values Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using strict equality for comparisons. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-differ Description-md5: 60f0ba41e197317c5424f01117978af9 Description-zh_CN: Create an array with values present in the first input array Create an array with values that are present in the first input array but not additional ones . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-equal Description-md5: cc0d4fc94c0ded63f35ff2aca9043e00 Description-zh_CN: check if two arrays are equal This node module checks whether two arrays are equal: . var equals = require('array-equal') assert(equals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])) // => true assert(equals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4])) // => false . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-find-index Description-md5: a09df45c282c4202a4ed12812399a951 Description-zh_CN: ES2015 Array This module provides a polyfill that doesn't overwrite the native method . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-flatten Description-md5: c45af171ab43fbd5462d12636557cf88 Description-zh_CN: Flatten nested arrays This node.js module flattens nested arrays flatten(array) Flatten a nested array structure flatten.from(arrayish) Flatten an array-like structure (E.g. arguments) flatten.depth(array, depth) Flatten a nested array structure with a specific depth flatten.fromDepth(arrayish, depth) Flatten an array-like structure with a specific depth . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-from Description-md5: ce6908c103306bb5453a6d5c8027812b Description-zh_CN: ES2015 Array.from ponyfill Node.js module providing a ponyfill (i.e. a polyfill that doesn't overwrite the native method) for the ES 2015 (ES6) Array.from(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-union Description-md5: 8f39f7a063afd6fd6f8e713bb604c694 Description-zh_CN: Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays array-union creates an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays. For usage, include `const arrayUnion = require('array-union');` . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-uniq Description-md5: 7021936a38d455ab5a90f9eb72c0bfae Description-zh_CN: Create an array without duplicates This module creates an array without duplicates. It is already pretty fast, but will be much faster when Set becomes available in V8 (especially with large arrays). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-array-unique Description-md5: 3bfb203b0df976d20724a98d2a966cb2 Description-zh_CN: Return an array free of duplicate values This node.js module returns an array free of duplicate values. It is the fastest ES5 implementation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-arrify Description-md5: 54ec0f50470b7fa509c372ba55ee6185 Description-zh_CN: Convert a value to an array Convert a scalar value or a single element set to an array. Supplying null or undefined results in an empty array. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-asap Description-md5: 9cd479568f11bb9a42afe9ac431fb997 Description-zh_CN: High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers This module executes a task after the scheduled tasks are over . ASAP strives to schedule events to occur before yielding for IO, reflow, or redrawing. ASAP provides a fast event queue that will execute tasks until it is empty before yielding to the JavaScript engine's underlying event-loop. When a task gets added to a previously empty event queue, ASAP schedules a flush event, preferring for that event to occur before the JavaScript engine has an opportunity to perform IO tasks or rendering, thus making the first task and subsequent tasks semantically indistinguishable. ASAP uses a variety of techniques to preserve this invariant on different versions of browsers and Node.js . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-asn1 Description-md5: 44ff4c74581529be95f83ee1f92e86a3 Description-zh_CN: ASN.1 encoder and decoder (BER) Asn1.js is a pure javascript ASN.1 encoder and decoder. Currently BER encoding is supported. . Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is an interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a standard, cross-platform way. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-asn1.js Description-md5: 50e81283b2f873c568c4a5ac2aa29bb9 Description-zh_CN: ASN.1 encoder and decoder (DER) Asn1.js is a pure javascript ASN.1 encoder and decoder. Currently DER encoding is supported. . Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is an interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a standard, cross-platform way. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-assert-plus Description-md5: c245882952f950a626bd15b37c38e91b Description-zh_CN: small wrapper over nodejs' assert module with two extra features This library is a super small wrapper over node's assert module that has two things: (1) the ability to disable assertions with the environment variable NODE_NDEBUG, and (2) some API wrappers for argument testing. Like assert.string(myArg, 'myArg') . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-assertion-error Description-md5: d9a0011f007cb0107f5164183697d4be Description-zh_CN: Error constructor fro validation frameworks Error constructor for test and validation frameworks that implements standardized AssertionError specification. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-assertive Description-md5: 1b16d4214e75a6e9f8ef680a009bed40 Description-zh_CN: assertion library, designed for coffee-script Assertive aims to make the exact cause of breakage and intent of tests as fast and easy to spot as possible, with much attention paid to both the colour and alignment of expected and actual data, so you should be able to glean what you need immediately. . It also tries to pre-empt false negative tests from ever happening, by rigorously testing for correct assertion invocation and by avoiding to pick names for assertions with a track record of being misinterpreted, not just by people reading the code, but also by programmers writing them. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ast-types Description-md5: 43fa17ca95900f4bda1f6a8d5effa580 Description-zh_CN: Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API This module provides an efficient, modular and Esprima-compatible implementation of the abstract syntax tree type hierarchy pioneered by the Mozilla Parser API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ast-util Description-md5: 2b68b25e0ec78129335845612ee32ba1 Description-zh_CN: Utilities for AST transformers These methods are useful for source transformers such as transpilers and macros, as they often have to insert variables into scopes and replace expressions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-astw Description-md5: cc19bd3343370acbef8111812a6d5af5 Description-zh_CN: walk the ast with references to parent nodes This package walk AST (abstract tree) and track parents nodes without doing source transform. . It is a dependency of Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-async-each Description-md5: 2874e16883139fc70fb1f78e31d3b9a6 Description-zh_CN: async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript This library allows you to have async parallel forEach / map function without having to depend on 30K async libraries. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-async-limiter Description-md5: 7ad38e82223e5d27c23e69215b17521b Description-zh_CN: Module for limiting concurrent asynchronous actions in flight This module exports a class Limiter that implements some of the Array API. Pass async functions (ones that accept a callback or return a promise) to an instance's additive array methods. . Async Limiter is used by Node Websockets library (ws) which is a dependency for thousands of NodeJS packages. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-asynckit Description-md5: 3aeca3fdaffb88f093e1857b6b18b76f Description-zh_CN: Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support Runs iterator over provided array sequentially. Stores output in the `result` array on the matching positions. In unlikely event of an error from one of the jobs, will not proceed to the rest of the items in the list and return error along with salvaged data to the main callback function. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-atomico-rollup-plugin-sizes Description-md5: e1b34afcf9227ec1271f2f9196984cc9 Description-zh_CN: Monitor the size of the bundle as generated by rollup This small utility allows you to monitor the size of the bundle as it is generated by rollup, generating a record by console, the size of both in gzip and brotli. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-auto-bind Description-md5: 764530d7bad44f992b8693dddbb4560e Description-zh_CN: Automatically bind methods to their class instance Node.js module that binds methods to their class instance . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-autolinker Description-md5: ba493e83cbcf593a453a0434fdb1cb14 Description-zh_CN: Utility for automatically linking URLs, emails, etc. in text Autolinker is a utility for automatically adding hyperlinks to URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, Twitter handles, and hashtags in a given block of text or HTML. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-autoprefixer Description-md5: 5f03a6fb5e5c5e32d976998f9c13656c Description-zh_CN: add vendor prefixes to CSS rules PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can One Use website. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Taobao. . Write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them entirely). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-aws-sign2 Description-md5: 0945ac0f7cc47563ebbb285cc8b884b3 Description-zh_CN: AWS signing in JavaScript Originally pulled from LearnBoost/knox, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-aws4 Description-md5: 28f89e0db961b114d2788759e1799787 Description-zh_CN: Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4 A small utility to sign vanilla node.js http(s) request options using Amazon's AWS Signature Version 4. Can also be used in the browser . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-axios Description-md5: 7960f41db588ff085b1137e82582a478 Description-zh_CN: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js Features: - Make XMLHttpRequests from the browser - Make http requests from node.js - Supports the Promise API - Intercept request and response - Transform request and response data - Cancel requests - Automatic transforms for JSON data - Client side support for protecting against XSRF . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babel-loader Description-md5: 5fcd456532b0579373ce9e99c663b057 Description-zh_CN: babel module loader for webpack This library is a babel loader module for webpack. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports Description-md5: 84367d5c4d8a720ddd5fdc6ca5fc75c4 Description-zh_CN: Babel plugin for default module.exports like babel version 5 Babel@6 doesn't export default module.exports any more. This plugin follows the babel@5 behavior - add the module.exports if only the export default declaration exists. . Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . ES2015 and beyond: Babel has support for the latest version of JavaScript through syntax transformers. These plugins allow you to use new syntax, right now without waiting for browser support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babel-plugin-array-includes Description-md5: 14a5f2cebcce41107b972c891109cf08 Description-zh_CN: Babel plugin to replace the array includes syntax This Babel plugin replaces the array includes(val) syntax with a check based on indexOf. . Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babel-plugin-lodash Description-md5: 8b30473107020f21e77715bcb037389a Description-zh_CN: Modular Lodash builds without the hassle A simple transform to cherry-pick Lodash modules so one don’t have to. This is a plugin for babel transpiler to make using modular lodash easy. . Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx Description-md5: c6cf08258a1584f6eeebf2b5b2b361bf Description-zh_CN: Babel plugin for Vue 2.0 JSX Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . ES2015 and beyond: Babel has support for the latest version of JavaScript through syntax transformers. These plugins allow you to use new syntax, right now without waiting for browser support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-babylon Description-md5: 2a238e4bff4710be7e2b3694d00cb5eb Description-zh_CN: JavaScript parser used in Babel Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . ES2015 and beyond: Babel has support for the latest version of JavaScript through syntax transformers. These plugins allow you to use new syntax, right now without waiting for browser support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-backoff Description-md5: a4284ab84b03a565c89504e2a67874f9 Description-zh_CN: Precondition checking utilities Fibonacci and exponential backoffs for Node.js. . It inherits from EventEmitter. When backoff starts, backoff event is emitted, when backoff ends, ready event is emitted. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-balanced-match Description-md5: 4339de146a775d87d677662efa1882c9 Description-zh_CN: Match balanced character pairs in Node.js node-balanced-match allows matching balanced string pairs, like { and } or and in Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-base Description-md5: ea976923e6dc3da05e84ae0337f0df44 Description-zh_CN: foundation for creating modular, unit testable node.js application base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable node.js applications, starting with a handful of common methods, like `set`, `get`, `del` and `use`. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-base16 Description-md5: e9515f7687053a2eff7d3e3c23196503 Description-zh_CN: Base16 themes as JS objects Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-base62 Description-md5: e71998fe8fe54ba4b570537a368a308c Description-zh_CN: Javascript Base62 encode/decoder The default character set is 0-9a-zA-Z. This can be updated to a custom character set. Naturally, it must be 62 characters long. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-base64-js Description-md5: 54677d19e96d72056da94df119450bc9 Description-zh_CN: Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS Converts a byte array into base64 string and vice versa. . Base64 is binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. (6 bits). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-base64url Description-md5: 9ed0fe7089e150d22d48340ec45ea2da Description-zh_CN: conversion to and from base64url This Node.js library provides an interface to convert to and from base64url. . Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet (base64url) is a string encoding scheme specified in RFC 4648. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bash-color Description-md5: 3c57daaa86106e44f5399c97124a9440 Description-zh_CN: wrap strings in color codes for pretty printing in bash This is a Node.js module for wrapping strings in color codes for pretty printing in bash. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bash-match Description-md5: 50384d3137578a179cabd343b2b2ce9b Description-zh_CN: Node module to match strings using bash node-base-match matches strings using bash. It is mostly used for checking parity in unit tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-batch Description-md5: b846641b3936402186428c497a40e56f Description-zh_CN: batch with concurrency control and progress events - Node.js module This module allows parallel execution of async functions, with control over concurrency, and reporting through progress events. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bcrypt-pbkdf Description-md5: 7e577da85b089a23f87b220ac62ea5d6 Description-zh_CN: Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JS Port of the OpenBSD `bcrypt_pbkdf` function to pure Javascript. `npm`-ified version of Devi Mandiri's port, with some minor performance improvements. The code is copied verbatim (and un-styled) from Devi's work. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-beeper Description-md5: 647be11c88b9347da53b86356ab1e415 Description-zh_CN: Make your terminal beep Useful as an attention grabber e.g. when an error happens. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-big.js Description-md5: 1951dfa46b2740bccab607fcd048a85d Description-zh_CN: small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic This module is the little sister to bignumber.js: - Faster, smaller and easier-to-use than JavaScript versions of Java's BigDecimal - Only 2.7 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed and toPrecision methods of JavaScript's Number type - Includes a sqrt method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive documentation and test set . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-binary-extensions Description-md5: 67b506eae3ccdc01c13904a8a5c96796 Description-zh_CN: List of binary file extensions The list is just a JSON file and can be used wherever. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bindings Description-md5: 46146e1200895543381be67f54b543d9 Description-zh_CN: resolve path to c++ addons built by node-gyp - Node.js module Throughout the course of Node.js's native addon history, addons have ended up being compiled in a variety of different places, depending on which build tool and which version of Node.js was used. In addition, the gyp build tool can produce either a Release or Debug build, each being built into different locations. . This module checks all the possible locations that a native addon would be built at, and returns the first one that loads successfully. . In Debian, addons are always built in the same place - in the Release directory. This module allows upstream code to remain unchanged regardless of the environment it is built in. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bl Description-md5: d736d684f83ac937d352b03669c44038 Description-zh_CN: access multiple buffers with Buffer interface - Node.js module bl is a storage object for collections of Node.js Buffers, exposing them with the main Buffer readable API. Also works as a duplex stream so you can collect buffers from a stream that emits them and emit buffers to a stream that consumes them. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-blacklist Description-md5: 9ff77ace466e6976bb09092cce416f75 Description-zh_CN: Returns a shallow copy of an object without blacklisted properties Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-blob Description-md5: fa05c7f3e0115ad30ee0c7d96ca5e3d8 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript blob constructor blob is a Node.js module that exports a constructor using window.Blob when available, and a BlobBuilder with any vendor prefix in other cases. . If neither is available, it exports undefined. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bluebird Description-md5: 4da2c7c276b0f089cb6a3019170aeeb0 Description-zh_CN: Fully featured Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js Bluebird is a fully featured Promise library with a focus on innovative features and performance. . This package contains the bluebird module for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-blueprintjs-colors Description-md5: dfd69507280c71cdfd254885710928d3 Description-zh_CN: Blueprint color definitions Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web. . This package contains color variables for Blueprint's color palettte. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bn.js Description-md5: 94297e6fa971c07dad1eed03777d76fe Description-zh_CN: Big number implementation in pure javascript This package handles arithmetic of big numbers (integers) provided through strings. . It can convert the big number to native javascript numbers. . Floating point number are not supported. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-body-parser Description-md5: 8793b6180a714d5f98c8a711e4d38330 Description-zh_CN: body parsing middleware - Node.js module body-parser is a Node.js module which provides connect middleware for parsing HTTP request bodies. It supports JSON and urlencoded formats and does not support multipart requests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-boolbase Description-md5: 8a9c7c2277872124bf199143674548c0 Description-zh_CN: two functions: One that returns true, one that returns false This very simple module provides two basic functions, one that always returns true (trueFunc) and one that always returns false (falseFunc). . By having only a single instance of these functions around, it's possible to do some nice optimizations. Eg. CSSselect uses these functions to determine whether a selector won't match any elements. If that's the case, the DOM doesn't even have to be touched. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-boom Description-md5: 0755d017d3ee4295855a2c1d83171f82 Description-zh_CN: HTTP-friendly error objects boom provides a set of utilities for returning HTTP errors. Each utility returns a `Boom` error response object (instance of `Error`). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bootstrap-sass Description-md5: 42c1c2d95174ca1104c6faf34365e902 Description-zh_CN: Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3 bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications. . Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-boxen Description-md5: dd07bc5c1570c4bd009d03c5a32ef92c Description-zh_CN: Create boxes in the terminal Boxen can be used to create boxes in terminal. For example, single box ┌───┐ │foo│ └───┘ . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-brace-expansion Description-md5: 19c2a84b77eb738d5f62051c84b01f13 Description-zh_CN: Brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js node-brace-expansion provides brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js. It provides the expand() method to return an array of all possible and valid expansions of the string argument. If none are found, the string is returned as the only item in the array. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-braces Description-md5: aaf88986a2cf3c406b39fb9c8a4ec006 Description-zh_CN: Fast, comprehensive, bash-like brace expansion implemented in JS Complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-brfs Description-md5: f96486f52b4220bf84d440dfbd586e2f Description-zh_CN: browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner This module is a standalone tool and module for browserify allowing one to include some external file in browserified file. . Browserify is a JavaScript tool (compiler) that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules usable in the browser context. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-brorand Description-md5: a0be1d5a69b2191f37db4e70c6aa13ef Description-zh_CN: Random number generator for browsers and node.js This script can generate Random numbers for browsers and node.js This script is a dependency of browserify . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-brotli-size Description-md5: d7394b3fddafaa535851969277b40683 Description-zh_CN: Get the Brotli compressed size of a string or buffer Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browser-pack Description-md5: 50692f69eef09c04f26cfb9f234a64b2 Description-zh_CN: pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle This module takes a JSON files as input describing a set of javascript files and outputs a javascript function descripting source code and dependencies. . This modules is part of Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browser-resolve Description-md5: bf4c6a24c3b4e88e5d7ce11ce4399b8e Description-zh_CN: node.js resolve algorithm with browser mapping support This package allow one to use javascript function require in browser context and to automatically resolve it. . Moreover, this extension supports the browser field (mapping) if set in package.json file. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browser-stdout Description-md5: 3dc442cd7714eea009a3320786ae2852 Description-zh_CN: process.stdout in your browser This module implements process.stdout as found in Node.js for browsers to allow using Node.js modules that uses process.stdout api also in browsers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browser-unpack Description-md5: cedd23a3dcdb367ec67945315d0ca3f0 Description-zh_CN: parse a bundle generated by node-browser-pack This package parses a bundle generated by browser-pack. Browser-pack packs Nodej.js source files from a json stream into a browser bundle. . This is dependency of browserify, a Node.js tool that allows one to run Node.js code in browser context. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify Description-md5: b5bbd639837962580f09b83ee1b96f39 Description-zh_CN: Node.js compiler for use in the browser Browserify is a tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Browserify lets developers use require in the browser, the same way this is used in Node.js. Browserify provides also suitable replacement a built- in Node.js modules suitable for browser uses. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-aes Description-md5: 9b9b3892afe25aee6ff95e8001b1ee43 Description-zh_CN: AES implementation written in pure javascript The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known by its original name Rijndael is an algorithm for the encryption of data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). . The algorithm described by AES is a symmetric-key algorithm, meaning the same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting the data. AES is based on a design principle known as a substitution-permutation network, a combination of both substitution and permutation. Unlike its predecessor DES, AES does not use a Feistel network. AES is a variant of Rijndael which has a fixed block size of 128 bits, and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-cipher Description-md5: a1ab68a8503bd81c53baede501c65195 Description-zh_CN: ciphers for the browser Provides createCipher, createDecipher, createCipheriv, createDecipheriv and getCiphers for the browserify. Includes AES and DES ciphers. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-des Description-md5: 9d97579465de46820b74617003d4838a Description-zh_CN: browserify DES cryptographic operation This package allows one to browserify DES cryptographic operation. . The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption of electronic data. Although now considered insecure, it is implemented in standard cryptographic library implemented in Node.js. . This pure javascript module is needed for browserify. Browserify allows one to run javascript code in browser context. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-lite Description-md5: be3fe2deeb71b6c997cd045ebda877dc Description-zh_CN: bundle client-side JavaScript using Node.js-style module syntax browserify-lite scans a JavaScript file for require() statements and then resolves the dependency, recursively scanning dependencies for require() statements, resulting in a JavaScript bundle that can be sent to the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-rsa Description-md5: 2b00d1e6fd63f46f4f8ae5698178974f Description-zh_CN: RSA for browserify RSA private decryption/signing using Chinese remainder and blinding. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-sign Description-md5: 56f4c137ba00be33abcd45643a67eb8d Description-zh_CN: adds node crypto signing for browsers This library adds node crypto signing for browsers. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserify-zlib Description-md5: 4bb9c96b13fe14c3386ed437c5538dd2 Description-zh_CN: Full zlib module for browserify This module emulates node.js' zlib module for Browserify using pako. Thus allowing one to use zlib API in browser context. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-browserslist Description-md5: 5a3167af92a0a4242572a8ba2cc801a9 Description-zh_CN: Share browsers list between different front-end tools This module can be used to share browsers list between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. . Developers set browsers list in queries like 'last 2 version' to be free from updating browser versions manually. Browserslist will use 'Can I Use' data for this queries. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buble Description-md5: e4a9f069782f79ae20e81974f3cee405 Description-zh_CN: Fast ES2015 compiler for Node.js Bublé is a ES2015 compiler : it will turn ES6 javascript code into Javascript that can run in older ES5 environments. Notice that not all of ES6 is supported, either because they give size or performance issues or because they can't be transpiled to ES5. . ES6 (or ES2015) is ECMAScript version 6 released in 2015 and is supported for instance by Firefox 55. The older ES5 released in 2011 was supported for instance by Firefox 4. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buf-compare Description-md5: a60b3b6efdb04c4ed32361785b5f9b6b Description-zh_CN: Node.js `` ponyfill It allows `` to work in old version of nodejs . . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buffer Description-md5: 7aae999e505089267f6bb06cb273f1d6 Description-zh_CN: Node.js Buffer API for browserify node-buffer is a port of well known buffer API of nodejs to browser context. . Using require('buffer')` or the `Buffer` global variable will allow browserify program to include automatically this module on your code. Thus any npm module using buffer features will work in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buffer-equal Description-md5: ed6a53ac357e942b919a14e4493015ae Description-zh_CN: return whether two buffers are equal Return whether the two buffers a and b are equal. If a or b is not a buffer, return undefined. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buffer-xor Description-md5: 63c33ed3289e096004bdd51725ef264d Description-zh_CN: Simple module for bitwise-xor on buffers This module applies xor operation between two buffers. This is a dependency for browserify . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bufferjs Description-md5: a4a79929dad3a502da6677656a0892cd Description-zh_CN: pure JavaScript Buffer utils Pure JavaScript utils which extend the global Buffer object in Node.JS. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-buffers Description-md5: ad79b9c1ad68a2e675956a290635651b Description-zh_CN: Buffer collections as contiguous partially mutable Buffer The buffers module allows you to treat a collection of Buffers as a single contiguous partially mutable Buffer. . Where possible, operations execute without creating a new Buffer and copying everything over. . buffers is a cleaner more Buffery rehash of bufferlist. . This package contains the buffers module for Node.js . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-builtin-modules Description-md5: aa8ee717eb3c8c8055534a0e340826a6 Description-zh_CN: List of the Node.js builtin modules List of the Node.js builtin modules. The list is just a JSON file and can be used wherever. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-builtin-status-codes Description-md5: 5c189e964ff666d8d50c58c98838f07f Description-zh_CN: map of HTTP status codes from the builtin http module This library exposes the latest directly from `http` in Node, with a zero- dependencies version for the browser. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-builtins Description-md5: b2be0d56aadbd723a3e47ddcf1a47ba4 Description-zh_CN: lists nodejs builtin modules This library provides a list of node.js builtin modules. The list of modules is provided as a JSON file. . This is a dependency for npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-bunyan Description-md5: 1e19430fae9718226e1acc544ee7c6a9 Description-zh_CN: simple and fast JSON logging library for node.js services bunyan structures server logs in JSON format. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-busboy Description-md5: bce69fbaa52c10eb8a147c2ff44d3a1d Description-zh_CN: Node.js module for parsing incoming HTML form data busboy is a highly used and easy to use HTML form parser. It is able to parse form data, including posted files. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cacache Description-md5: f5600a9e207320e8760771c9eafe0c02 Description-zh_CN: fast, fault-tolerant, disk-based, data-agnostic, content-addressable cache This module is a Node.js library for managing local key and content address caches. It's really fast, really good at concurrency, and it will never give you corrupted data, even if cache files get corrupted or manipulated. . It was originally written to be used as npm's local cache, but can just as easily be used on its own. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cache-base Description-md5: ee93c36e52efbdfa68644f1b8d9561ad Description-zh_CN: Basic object cache for node.js/javascript projects Basic object cache with `get`, `set`, `del`, and `has` methods for node.js/javascript projects . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cache-loader Description-md5: 51322253aec1aabddda21dff78a70dd1 Description-zh_CN: Caches the result of following loaders on disk This is a loader for webpack. . Webpack packs (combines) CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cached-path-relative Description-md5: 07253a48bb68512fe54a3d65cd6aeedb Description-zh_CN: Memoize the results of the path.relative function path.relative function can be an expensive operation if it happens a lot, and its results have a low probability to change for the same arguments. . This module thus cache (memoize) the result of path.relative, in order to speed of browserify. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-call-limit Description-md5: f5ab308030114feff0523f6495a1a824 Description-zh_CN: Limit the number of simultaneous calls to an async function This module can also be used with promise returning functions to limit the number of simultaneous calls. When the number of calls go beyond the limit set by this module, they get queued and called when the previous call completes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-callback-stream Description-md5: ed11702c403606a80071bd4b73c91937 Description-zh_CN: pipeable stream that calls your callback callback-stream a safe variant of the concat-stream package that will always return an array. It does everything callback-stream does, minus the concatenation. In fact, it just callbacks you with an array containing your good stuff. It is based on the Stream 2 API, but it also works on node v0.8. It also support Stream 3, which is bundled with node v0.12 and iojs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-caller Description-md5: 07c346a6cc9ea94d5b2691b7e02763c5 Description-zh_CN: @substack's caller.js as a module Figure out your caller (thanks to @substack). Caller also accepts a depth argument for tracing back further (defaults to 1). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-camelcase Description-md5: a00d0faeda335873833d6ef54f8a9c05 Description-zh_CN: Convert a string to camelCase Convert a dash, dot, underscore or space separated string to camelCase. I.e. foo-bar -> fooBar. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-camelcase-keys Description-md5: 5f2c3da701c9bbcf56997ae6ac969aba Description-zh_CN: convert object keys to camelCase Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-caniuse-api Description-md5: d5976a052d936e52482ed663ccba7ff5 Description-zh_CN: request the caniuse data to check browsers compatibilities Some of the features provided by this module include: - Ask since which browsers versions a feature is available - Ask if a feature is supported by some browsers - Search for a caniuse feature name - Get the current version for each browser . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-caniuse-db Description-md5: f4682f95bdc132dc56c16faaa2ff1afc Description-zh_CN: Raw browser/feature support data from This module contains raw data from the support tables. . This module provides access to the site's data for other projects. For this use the data.json file which includes all support data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-caniuse-lite Description-md5: 2cc0a226dc330ac18b2e74fb08235163 Description-zh_CN: smaller version of caniuse-db, with only the essentials caniuse-lite, is a smaller dataset of caniuse-db that keeps essential parts of the data in a compact format. It does this in multiple ways, such as converting null array entries into empty strings, representing support data as an integer rather than a string, and using base62 references instead of longer human-readable keys. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-canvas-confetti Description-md5: dee74af0105c546ed1d1dc813d48178a Description-zh_CN: on-demand confetti gun canvas-confetti is a performant confetti animation in the browser. This module helps users customize confetti effects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-caseless Description-md5: 8a8aaaa1827f81eb0b2557dcb7714961 Description-zh_CN: get/set/check for HTTP headers in a caseless manner This library is incredibly useful when working with HTTP headers. It allows you to get/set/check for headers in a caseless manner while also preserving the caseing of headers the first time they are set. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-catty Description-md5: 09c382e650035cb193652a37fb081409 Description-zh_CN: source file concatenator for Mapshaper Catty is the source file concatenator for Mapshaper. . Some features: * Each source file lists its dependencies in a formatted comment. There is no manifest, unlike some other tools. * Concatenated files are (optionally) wrapped in a self-executing function, to protect the global namespace. * Catty can monitor source files and regenerate output files when a required source file changes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chalk Description-md5: b9999751fb5319d62b7304c93bead8d6 Description-zh_CN: Terminal string styling for Node.js Chalk is a Node.js module which provides string styling via ANSI escape codes without extending String.prototype. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chance Description-md5: 246bb61bf7db021ce87394e5889b67e7 Description-zh_CN: Utility library to generate anything random Chance is a minimalist generator of random strings, numbers, etc. to help reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests or anywhere else you need anything random. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-change-case Description-md5: 3d80b1ddf5866ff807625c2f7129017e Description-zh_CN: Transform a string between different case conventions Transform a string between `camelCase`, `PascalCase`, `Capital Case`, `snake_case`, `param-case`, `CONSTANT_CASE` and others. . This package currently ships a subset of the modules included in upstream mono repo. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-character-parser Description-md5: bbeef04b4e2af2f67eaa75715918cdf9 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript parser character by character Simple and powerful JavaScript parser, useful for write HTML template engine. . JavaScript is parsed one character at a time, in order to have full control and to simply recognize sections delimited by brackets. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-charm Description-md5: 49788dfbe3b22c891330575719c06707 Description-zh_CN: ansi control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-check-error Description-md5: 67a725b9233502ea537fadf31f32b39a Description-zh_CN: Node.js module for error handling This module helps to retrieve an Error's information such as its message or constructor name, but also check whether two Errors are compatible based on various data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cheerio Description-md5: 4dd6bcae623f44776d95670b1b027920 Description-zh_CN: Server-side jQuery implementation Node-js module providing a tiny, fast, flexible and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chokidar Description-md5: 3bbb64ecbc20ed42ee5c37e49cad5c18 Description-zh_CN: wrapper around watch / watchFile / fsevents Chokidar does still rely on the Node.js core fs module, but when using and fs.watchFile for watching, it normalizes the events it receives, often checking for truth by getting file stats and/or dir contents. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chownr Description-md5: 002bb9a342a999d45d9e70d905da1606 Description-zh_CN: like chown -R This module takes the same arguments as fs.chown(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chroma-js Description-md5: 56f64d63f37756c5091f2d0c8968de88 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript library for color conversions - Node package Chroma.js is a tiny JavaScript library (12kB) for all kinds of color conversions and color scales. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-chrome-trace-event Description-md5: 6347ef92c87ca25a68e0f0cda3fa7f7e Description-zh_CN: create a trace of your node app per Google's Trace Event format These logs can then be visualized with trace-viewer or chrome devtools to grok one's programs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cipher-base Description-md5: 7b4c11f1f057af6b8c6306966fad44ea Description-zh_CN: abstract base class for crypto-streams This module implements an abstract base class to inherit from, for creating node crypto streams. . This module follows the same API as Node.js crypto streams API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cjs-module-lexer Description-md5: fe0658e881ad900e783c0c2e2ead8656 Description-zh_CN: Fast lexer to extract named exports from CommonJS modules Very fast JavaScript CommonJS module syntax lexer used to detect the most likely list of named exports of a CommonJS module. . It is used by Node.js for CommonJS and ES Modules interoperability. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cjson Description-md5: 20a69ec096fd1c4a2855a28a451aa409 Description-zh_CN: commented JavaScript Object Notation It is a json loader, which parses only valid json files, but with comments enabled. Useful for loading configs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-clarinet Description-md5: 9be6c5a9420cf67020d79e05d6b73f42 Description-zh_CN: evented streaming JSON parser - Node.js module clarinet is a Node.js module which provides a streaming parser for JSON. clarinet is inspired (and forked) from sax-js. . clarenet is intended to create better full text support in Node.js. Creating indexes out of large (or many) JSON files does not require a full understanding of the JSON file, but it does require something like clarinet. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-class-utils Description-md5: 5318f6b88d2e3ef9e4d1b0399b9b492b Description-zh_CN: Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-classnames Description-md5: 2442fae32b80cc75ff85f5dd070875a0 Description-zh_CN: Utility for conditionally combining classnames in JavaScript A simple utility for conditionally generating a list of CSS class names from criteria defined by a set of JavaScript objects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cli-boxes Description-md5: d57276ab971017d27d3d336154a1a3aa Description-zh_CN: Boxes for use in the terminal The list of boxes is just a JSON file and can be used wherever. . It can be used to create single, double, classic, single etc boxes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cli-cursor Description-md5: 93360cb75114c0175873fab4fac27fce Description-zh_CN: Toggle the CLI cursor Node.js module to toggle the CLI cursor; the cursor is gracefully restored if the process exits. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cli-spinners Description-md5: e3605324ed02037b49b76ffdce1438bf Description-zh_CN: Spinners for use in the terminal 60+ spinners for use in the terminal. Spinner indicates some operation is in progress. The list of spinners is just a JSON file (spinners.json) and can be used wherever. These spinners can be used through the ora module. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cli-truncate Description-md5: 086352e9697fe652d65b50136ee2cbbb Description-zh_CN: Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal Gracefully handles ANSI escapes. Like a string styled with chalk. It also supports Unicode surrogate pairs and fullwidth characters. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cli-width Description-md5: a2dfdfca3c47bf141b8e464b3eedea9f Description-zh_CN: Get stdout window width Node.js module to get stdout window width, with two fallbacks, tty and then a default. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cliui Description-md5: 3a244ab51726cffbd22675c424aa1430 Description-zh_CN: easily create complex multi-column CLIs Exposes a simple layout Domain Specific Language (DSL), reminiscent of HTML (with div and span elements) that makes it possible to easily create command-line-interfaces (CLIs). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-clone Description-md5: 75ee8ad2f250139536013416494f52ca Description-zh_CN: deep cloning of objects and arrays This module offers foolproof deep cloning of objects, arrays, numbers, strings, etc. in JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-clone-buffer Description-md5: b827a30f4887e8e54cac6e699fef69a5 Description-zh_CN: Takes a Buffer object and returns a clone Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-clone-deep Description-md5: 677259590daa45b10972a91d4699bcf5 Description-zh_CN: Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types This module allows one to recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date as well as primitives. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-clone-stats Description-md5: efe2545f6066d95ccc6de16369ddab5a Description-zh_CN: Safely clone node's fs.Stats instances without losing their class methods Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-co Description-md5: b7189a8037ece2c3b0ad9428e2f5feca Description-zh_CN: generator async control flow goodness Generator based control flow goodness for nodejs and the browser, using promises, letting you write non-blocking code in a nice-ish way. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-coa Description-md5: f80fa9f9f293835e0f38e9e9a507ea15 Description-zh_CN: Yet another parser for command line options COA is a parser for command line options that aim to get maximum profit from formalization of your program API. Once you write definition in terms of commands, options and arguments you automatically get: * Command line help text * Program API for use COA-based programs as modules * Shell completion . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-code Description-md5: 92f4db557f54a1f44a5949eab2cd65b4 Description-zh_CN: Test framework from hapijs Assertion library. used by the hapijs project inspired by chai. . Hapijs is a rich framework for building applications and services . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-coffee-loader Description-md5: 7c9d4380008d48cbdd2d289def0dffed Description-zh_CN: coffee loader module for webpack This package enables using coffeescript files directly from webpack. . Webpack packs/bundles CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-coffeeify Description-md5: 2b409031054f7a65676985077b7e044a Description-zh_CN: browserify plugin for coffee-script This plugin allows you to mix and match .js and .coffee files in the same project. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-collection-visit Description-md5: a32fe45b20ca0a315ec485bdf8e86108 Description-zh_CN: Visit a method over items in object, or map visit over the objects Visit a method over the items in an object, or map visit over the objects in an array. This is an alternative approach to using extend or merge, useful when events are emitted on a method like get or set. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-color Description-md5: 4bda4782077987e1e18ce3eba7242ac2 Description-zh_CN: Color conversion and manipulation with CSS string support JavaScript library for immutable color conversion and manipulation with support for CSS color strings. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-color-convert Description-md5: f3900926d9f98371cc6832c64a3d3f78 Description-zh_CN: Plain color conversion functions Color-convert is a color conversion library for JavaScript and node. It converts all ways between rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb, cmyk, ansi, ansi16, hex strings, and CSS keywords (will round to closest). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-color-name Description-md5: 61d8217c0f67139841b8de089df37e2e Description-zh_CN: list of color names and its values Given a color name, this package outputs its corresponding RGB value Based on standard 'named colors' as defined by CSS working group . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-color-string Description-md5: a2f9b56bee5bc3b60abbfdf952583861 Description-zh_CN: Parser and generator for CSS color strings For example, to.hex([255, 255, 255]) will return " will return {model: 'rgb', value: [255, 255, 255, 1]}. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-colormin Description-md5: 17fb4e5d93dfcacfc4e107da8895e140 Description-zh_CN: Turn a CSS color into its smallest representation colormin works for rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, hex & css color keywords. Note that colormin does not convert invalid CSS colors, as it is not a color validator. . For example, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)' will be turned to 'red'. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-colorspace Description-md5: 652b6f283acc2eb08dfe07d891aa9a9d Description-zh_CN: Generate HEX colors for a given namespace in Node.js Colorspace is a simple module which generates HEX color codes for namespaces. The base color is decided by the first part of the namespace. All other parts of the namespace alters the color tone. This way you can visually see which namespaces belong together and which does not. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-columnify Description-md5: b860bc9a434cf3cd81164a4d1ff8153c Description-zh_CN: Render data in text columns with in-column text-wrap Create text-based columns suitable for console output from objects or arrays of objects. . Columns are automatically resized to fit the content of the largest cell. Each cell will be padded with spaces to fill the available space and ensure column contents are left-aligned. . Designed to handle sensible wrapping in npm search results. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-combine-source-map Description-md5: f9d9379cf147c6505f313277c8d4923f Description-zh_CN: Add source maps of multiple files and combine Add source maps of multiple files, offset them and then combine them into one source map. . Source map provides way of mapping code within a compressed file back to it’s original position in a source file, hence improving debugging. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-commander Description-md5: f97e9c29df69027df835e52db2e33362 Description-zh_CN: Complete solution for Node.js command-line interfaces Commander is a light-weight, expressive, and powerful command-line framework for Node.js. . Inspired by Ruby's commander, this Node.js module provides command line option parsing, automated/customizable help texts, command line prompting password query, and many more features. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-commist Description-md5: 190e63c1caea99657bfd2a21fe4b21ef Description-zh_CN: build commands on node-minimist Build command line application with multiple commands the easy way. To be used with minimist. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-commondir Description-md5: 88f2f403bed79affb86bdf3f317f297f Description-zh_CN: compute the closest common parent for file paths Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-compare-versions Description-md5: eabe1c6d232e8cd76731d03d37b9f1cb Description-zh_CN: Version string comparison for Node.js This package provides a comparison function for version strings following the semver specification. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-component-consoler Description-md5: 1a7682d10a016d9f4e1eb2110bd2660c Description-zh_CN: console commands for component(1) This module contains the console commands for component(1). Use this to create consistent logs across component(1) commands and libs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-component-emitter Description-md5: 8ff059d332768a97c0704d0953d23bbe Description-zh_CN: Event emitter for Node.js emitter is a Node.js module for emitting events. . The Emitter object can be used as an instance, mixin or prototype mixin. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-compressible Description-md5: 8d31c29a4d8e9bfca242297d1fdf68bc Description-zh_CN: checks whether a mime type is compressible - Node.js module This module is useful for server software to check if a given mime type represents data that is worth being compressed. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-compression Description-md5: 87e1b340ad48e93bdf69a9fd2be5e738 Description-zh_CN: express middleware for gzip/deflate compression - Node.js module This package provides an express middleware for handling HTTP response compression using gzip or deflate. . Express is a web application framework for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-compression-webpack-plugin Description-md5: d6561d5376ed7ad0b6efd7bfa3bd96a5 Description-zh_CN: Prepare compressed versions of assets This module can be used to prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-concat-map Description-md5: da7946ac48676bec6248520405beb166 Description-zh_CN: concatenative mapdashery for Node.js node-concat-map provides a single method concatMap(xs, fn) that will return an array of concatenated elements by calling fn(x, i) for each element x and each index i in the array xs. . When fn(x, i) returns an array, its result will be concatenated with the result array. If fn(x, i) returns anything else, that value will be pushed onto the end of the result array. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-concat-stream Description-md5: 4c0802ac64ebd707a37d2c90a1adfe58 Description-zh_CN: writable stream that concatenates strings Node-concat-stream creates a writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-concat-with-sourcemaps Description-md5: 0a811b9cc201444081dc98ecd699b808 Description-zh_CN: concatenate files and generate source maps Concatenate file contents with a custom separator and generate a source map. . This library is a build dependency of gulp-concat, concatenation support for gulp. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-config-chain Description-md5: 6590087c9b477c43d2a699e417cf2ac4 Description-zh_CN: Handle Configuration Once And For All This module is used to load all the user configurations. It can also detect production mode or development mode. It is a dependency of NPM. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-configstore Description-md5: 58232ebe34b341cbad4f2918d77a79b3 Description-zh_CN: load and save config without having to think about where and how Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how . Config is stored in a JSON file located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config. Example: ~/.config/configstore/some-id.json . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-configurable-http-proxy Description-md5: dc838963b28ae4bc370177c367e42d33 Description-zh_CN: configurable-on-the-fly HTTP Proxy in Node.js configurable-http-proxy (CHP) provides you with a way to update and manage a proxy table using a command line interface or REST API. It is a simple wrapper around node-http-proxy. node-http-proxy is an HTTP programmable proxying library that supports websockets and is suitable for implementing components such as reverse proxies and load balancers. By wrapping node- http-proxy, configurable-http-proxy extends this functionality to JupyterHub deployments. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-connect Description-md5: c035365be0b65866fe0a618fb1ee7298 Description-zh_CN: extensible HTTP server framework - Node.js module Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for Node.js using plugins known as middleware. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-console-browserify Description-md5: 382766ca4b8c5e14d8a4eca5548248b4 Description-zh_CN: Emulate console for all the browsers This package emulates console in browser context. It is thus possible to use warn(), error() and trace() in your browser. By default this package redirect console API to internal console of your browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-console-control-strings Description-md5: ac677fac3cb85143034123fcc9e67a2f Description-zh_CN: cross-platform tested terminal/console command strings This is a library for doing things like color and cursor positioning. This is a subset of both ansi and vt100. All control codes included work on both Windows & Unix-like OSes, except where noted. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-console-group Description-md5: 3612d1ba38df775982a071f6ee1bfb93 Description-zh_CN: basic implementation for node In browsers, is an incredibly useful debugging tool. This module implements the same in Node.js. . It's a 5 minute job - highly unsophisticated, doesn't even have a test suite, so YMMV. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-consolidate Description-md5: ebc8941a787496c45c157ca88a64ebc0 Description-zh_CN: Template engine consolidation library This module supports a large number of template engines like ejs, haml, handlebars, pug etc . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-constantinople Description-md5: 4c2f05d7e662eb8d6f389f93570dfb4b Description-zh_CN: determine if an expression evaluates to a constant - Node.js module This module parses a JavaScript expression and determine if it evaluates to a constant, relative to a given scope object. It also checks for syntax errors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-constants-browserify Description-md5: 96c293cc050a7177afe4d96eaba10830 Description-zh_CN: Node's `constants` module for the browser This modules provides constants present in a Node.js environment to code running in a browser. . This library is a dependency for browserify and webpack. Browserify/Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Browserify/Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-content-disposition Description-md5: 43e0846db8ded223596c42b756e32bc2 Description-zh_CN: Create and parse Content-Disposition header - Node.js module content-disposition is a Node.js module which provides API to create and parse RFC-compliant Content-Disposition headers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-content-type Description-md5: fb2ae35c490c91d4fcde039ee4c4e3aa Description-zh_CN: Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header This module can be used to create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231. . This module is a dependency of express, a web framework for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-convert-source-map Description-md5: d6293d154219e4642ff5dd53c09b5700 Description-zh_CN: Converts a source-map from/to between formats Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing the properties. . Source maps allow tools to display unminified code from minified code with an optimized mapping between them. It is a kind of debug symbols for minified javascript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cookie-parser Description-md5: 8270023f19a4c0bac5c72340a7a3bb94 Description-zh_CN: cookie parsing middleware with signatures - Node.js module This module provides an express/connect middleware for parsing the HTTP Cookie header. It populates req.cookies with an object keyed by the cookie names. . Cookies can be optionally signed with a secret string, which is then stored in the 'secret' property of the Request object, so it can be used by other middleware. . Express is a web application framework for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cookiejar Description-md5: a9c8dc4d1229dbb01c7a5caccc2ca977 Description-zh_CN: simple persistent cookiejar system - Node.js module This package contains a simple and robust cookie library. . The following classes are included: * CookieAccessInfo: determines matching qualities of a cookie * Cookie: turns parameter into a Cookie * CookieJar: class to hold numerous cookies from multiple domains correctly . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cookies Description-md5: a57a465c4909e1b86c0c6276c4c7edf6 Description-zh_CN: Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip - Node.js module Cookies is a Node.js module for getting and setting HTTP(S) cookies. Cookies can be signed to prevent tampering, using Keygrip. It can be used with the built-in node.js HTTP library, or as Connect/Express middleware. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-copy-concurrently Description-md5: c5c09c528528b233004ea00207b1660a Description-zh_CN: Copy files, directories and symlinks concurrently Promises of copies of files, directories and symlinks, with concurrency controls and win32 junction fallback. . Ownership is maintained when running as root, permissions are always maintained. On Windows, if symlinks are unavailable then junctions will be used. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-copy-descriptor Description-md5: 2b3bb9db31e2a6a80fd2cf2b08d1d6c2 Description-zh_CN: Copy a descriptor from one object to another Copy a descriptor from object A to object B . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-copy-webpack-plugin Description-md5: 6f3b11040c6613922c15494ddf3038ef Description-zh_CN: Copy files and directories in webpack This webpack plugin copies individual files or entire directories to the build directory. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-core-util-is Description-md5: cd1d0bf64920b0b1fd01fbf3d3cadb3f Description-zh_CN:* functions introduced in Node v0.12 for older versions node-core-util-is provides the* functions from Node v0.12 core for older Node.js versions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-corepack Description-md5: 2302d7a21a3c8f120c70a123b5c0be58 Description-zh_CN: Access npm, Yarn and pnpm without having to install them Corepack is a zero-runtime-dependency Node.js script that acts as a bridge between Node.js projects and the package managers they are intended to be used with during development. In practical terms, Corepack lets you use Yarn, npm, and pnpm without having to install them. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cors Description-md5: b2b716b0f7de009ed7ce2916c9bd4129 Description-zh_CN: middleware for enabling CORS in express/connect applications CORS is a node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to dynamically or statically enable CORS with various options. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cosmiconfig Description-md5: 8e26232fa8fdde7bfaabd1d5445332d7 Description-zh_CN: Find and load configuration from different locations Find and load a configuration object from - a `package.json` property (anywhere up the directory tree) - a JSON or YAML "rc file" (anywhere up the directory tree) - a `.config.js` CommonJS module (anywhere up the directory tree) . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-coveralls Description-md5: b0a892c2b9adf8e4d4a4597c71cdcdc7 Description-zh_CN: input json-cov output and posts to is a web service to help you track your code coverage over time, and ensure that all your new code is fully covered. . Coveralls automatically collects your code coverage data, uploads it to their servers and gives you a nice interface to dig into it. . This tools based on node.js allows one to post coverage information to . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cpr Description-md5: 66875325f0304b2303a243f6db660808 Description-zh_CN: recursively copy files - Node.js module cpr is a Node.js module to recursively copy files and can also be used from the command line which is useful for cross platform support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-crc Description-md5: 0d4c563ae4eec4b1312e5c1b1066c099 Description-zh_CN: module for calculating Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) This package provides a pure JavaScript implementation, with no dependencies, to calculate CRC, the following algorithms are supported: * CRC1 * CRC8 * CRC8 1-Wire * CRC16 * CRC16 CCITT * CRC16 Modbus * CRC24 * CRC32 . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-crc32 Description-md5: cd203d1465f4edb8b719bb18098c2eb2 Description-zh_CN: CRC-32 implemented in JavaScript CRC means 'Cyclic Redundancy Check' and is a way to checksum data. It is a simple algorithm based on polynomials and is used in such projects as gzip. . This module only works with UTF-8 strings, and is meant to be able to work on node and in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-create-ecdh Description-md5: 670ba1aefb4c391a243e5ef8e7bb56f2 Description-zh_CN: browserifiable createECDH In io.js or node >= 0.11 this module is just a shortcut to crypto.createECDH. In node <= 0.11 or the browser this is a pure JavaScript implementation, more specifically a wrapper around elliptic to give it the same API as node. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-create-hash Description-md5: a4a36b0082cbe6cd2fc495ac055f03a1 Description-zh_CN: create hashes for browserify This package allow one to create hash in browser context using Node.js API. . A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size. Hash functions are related to checksums, check digits, fingerprints, lossy compression, randomization functions, error-correcting codes, and ciphers. Although these concepts overlap to some extent, each has its own uses and requirements and is designed and optimized differently. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-create-hmac Description-md5: e3084c70c3fccea0c9e17dc68906f226 Description-zh_CN: nodejs style hmacs in the browser This library provides nodejs style hmacs for use in the browser, with native hmac functions in nodejs. API is the same as hmacs in nodejs. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-create-react-class Description-md5: 0c5a27f05af364b8af9e514779a5fad9 Description-zh_CN: Legacy API for creating React components Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-create-require Description-md5: 21352a2a424b6baaa2fc731baeedb64f Description-zh_CN: polyfill for Node.js' module.createRequire Provides a polyfill to use the same module.createRequire advanced programming interface with different Node.js versions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cronstrue Description-md5: 7ceed6f1cd356c5a52158d336736944b Description-zh_CN: Convert cron expressions into human readable descriptions cronstrue is a JavaScript library that parses a cron expression and outputs a human readable description of the cron schedule. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cross-fetch Description-md5: 17a8aa0f86f5215f416228fa857559b0 Description-zh_CN: Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native The scenario that cross-fetch really shines is when the same JavaScript codebase needs to run on different platforms. * Platform agnostic: browsers, Node or React Native * Optional polyfill: it's up to you if something is going to be added to the global object or not * Simple interface: no instantiation, no configuration and no extra dependency * WHATWG compliant: it works the same way wherever your code runs * TypeScript support: better development experience with types. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cryptiles Description-md5: 4bdd0d842b1256f83a9dbe077d8982d1 Description-zh_CN: General purpose crypto utilities This library provides methods for generating cryptographically strong pseudo-random data (string or digits) of specified length. It can also compare two strings using fixed time algorithm (to prevent time-based analysis of MAC digest match). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-crypto-browserify Description-md5: f29cb1c61f0ad862316d4126d94360ff Description-zh_CN: implementation of crypto for the browser This library is an implementation of node's crypto for the browser. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-crypto-random-string Description-md5: b3b7470112f65d4ec4d84fc6b68dc170 Description-zh_CN: Generate a cryptographically strong random string Can be useful for creating an identifier, slug, salt, fixture, etc. . This package is a useful dependency of npm, Nodejs package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cson-parser Description-md5: 60472d7590eeeeb6273e8b198d2f96dd Description-zh_CN: Safe parsing of CSON files Node-cson-parser is a minimalistic CSON parser which offers: - A strict subset of CSON that allows only data - Interface is identical to JSON.{parse,stringify} - Does not run the code, free of intermediate string representations - Sane parse error messages with line/column - Regular Expressions are considered data and will be accepted as well . In addition of pure data it allows for simple arithmetic expressions like addition and multiplication. This allows more readable configuration of numbers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css Description-md5: f70f7209046d5d4fdec14183e8f3258d Description-zh_CN: JavaScript CSS parser and stringifier - Node.js module This module provides a CSS parser in JavaScript, able to make stylesheet rules available as JavaScript object, and a CSS stringifier which takes an abstract syntax tree from parser and outputs a CSS-formatted string. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-color-names Description-md5: a4cd7ada9827c3ed8b203c0f965e90d2 Description-zh_CN: JSON Object of css color names mapped to their hex value For example, aqua is mapped to . This list is generated from . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-loader Description-md5: eacd01db8695f8d4f68f3806b2d67b8b Description-zh_CN: css loader module for webpack Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-select Description-md5: 3572db8f91245d326d93c2816a6ff197 Description-zh_CN: CSS selector compiler/engine Node.js module that turns CSS selectors into functions that test if DOM elements match them. Provides an efficient and complete implementation of CSS3 and a partial implementation of jQuery/Sizzle extensions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-selector-tokenizer Description-md5: 92da02f376de5d182c627adc2c3eb98c Description-zh_CN: Parses and stringifies CSS selectors This library is a dependency of css-loader webpack plugin. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-tree Description-md5: 8c1ac2005c3e807a3848cc6d1ff99f69 Description-zh_CN: toolset to work with CSS CSSTree is a tool set to work with CSS, including fast detailed parser (string->AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST->string) and lexer (validation and matching) based on knowledge of spec and browser implementations. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-css-what Description-md5: 7887ab7768ec3560e0f768a8e998754e Description-zh_CN: CSS selector parser This module contains a CSS selector parser. . The function returns a two-dimensional array. The first array represents selectors separated by commas (eg. sub1, sub2), the second contains the relevant tokens for that selector. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-csv-spectrum Description-md5: a441e93a1cafe75eea3903e5460118c2 Description-zh_CN: Test for CSV parsing libraries The goal of this package is to capture test cases to represent the entire CSV spectrum. . A bunch of different CSV files to serve as an acid test for CSV parsing libraries. There are also JSON versions of the CSVs for verification purposes. . It is also a node module that you can require() in your tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-currently-unhandled Description-md5: 27272ae65314d316c9c24a8532be3483 Description-zh_CN: track the list of currently unhandled promise rejections Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cycle Description-md5: cf36198f520d1afd23066d1c8bde7eb5 Description-zh_CN: JSON encoder/decoder for cyclical structures in Node.js This fork of the JSON-js module contains two functions, JSON.decycle and JSON.retrocycle, which make it possible to encode cyclical structures and dags in JSON, and to then recover them. JSONPath is used to represent the links. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-cyclist Description-md5: 68b1ad8985a28dc95f6e3b0a3e71e576 Description-zh_CN: efficient cyclic list implementation for Javascript cyclist creates a list of fixed size that is cyclic. In a cyclist list the element following the last one is the first one. . This is a dependency for npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d Description-md5: d68a32e367ee5e0383fb3e7e661513c0 Description-zh_CN: Property descriptor factory Originally derived from es5-ext package. Defining properties with descriptors is very verbose, this module makes it short. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3 Description-md5: deb5234c8c1fe7410c6c4ea23fe29d93 Description-zh_CN: Data-Driven Documents to visualize data Library for visualizing data using web standards using SVG, Canvas and HTML. . Combines visualization techniques with data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. . Gives users capabilities of modern browsers to design visual interface for data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-array Description-md5: d5789697e0dbd9caef7b4aa5ed921f6f Description-zh_CN: Array manipulation, ordering, searching, summarizing, etc Data in JavaScript is often represented by an array, and so one tends to manipulate arrays when visualizing or analyzing data. Some common forms of manipulation include taking a contiguous slice (subset) of an array, filtering an array using a predicate function, and mapping an array to a parallel set of values using a transform function. . Before looking at the set of utilities that this module provides, familiarize yourself with the powerful array methods built-in to JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-axis Description-md5: 1522440ebcfe4184e9d9bf8bb1b03b46 Description-zh_CN: Displays automatic reference lines for scales The axis component renders human-readable reference marks for scales. This alleviates one of the more tedious tasks in visualizing data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-brush Description-md5: 31f1e4c46f45adc0a80f0b5369d3f2f3 Description-zh_CN: Select a one- or two-dimensional region using the mouse or touch Brushing is the interactive specification a one- or two-dimensional selected region using a pointing gesture, such as by clicking and dragging the mouse. . The d3-brush module implements brushing for mouse and touch events using SVG. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-chord Description-md5: fcd791df59929528c242a687953a08fc Description-zh_CN: Visualize relationships or network flow This module can be used to visualize relationships or network flow with an aesthetically-pleasing circular layout. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-collection Description-md5: 709bf53286c9a340d5164dcce43e3fca Description-zh_CN: Handy data structures for elements keyed by string A common data type in JavaScript is the *associative array*, or more simply the *object*, which has a set of named properties. The standard mechanism for iterating over the keys (or property names) in an associative array is the for…in loop. However, note that the iteration order is undefined. . D3 provides several methods for converting associative arrays to standard arrays with numeric indexes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-color Description-md5: 9cb027a695c53b69be08ea48e62f8dd9 Description-zh_CN: Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, Lab and HCL (Lch) Even though your browser understands a lot about colors, it doesn’t offer much help in manipulating colors through JavaScript. The d3-color module therefore provides representations for various color spaces, allowing specification, conversion and manipulation. Also see d3-interpolate for color interpolation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-contour Description-md5: d185bb83869d1c0d6eb5515aca14c251 Description-zh_CN: Compute contour polygons This module computes contour polygons by applying marching squares to a rectangular array of numeric values. . Contour polygons are GeoJSON, you can transform and display them using standard tools. Contour plots can also visualize continuous functions by sampling. . Contours can also show the estimated density of point clouds, which is especially useful to avoid overplotting in large datasets. This library implements fast two-dimensional kernel density estimation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-dispatch Description-md5: 8a512741c85b630c4c28bcc944ff3b35 Description-zh_CN: Register named callbacks and call them with arguments Dispatching is a convenient mechanism for separating concerns with loosely-coupled code: register named callbacks and then call them with arbitrary arguments. A variety of D3 components, such as d3-request, use this mechanism to emit events to listeners. Think of this like Node’s EventEmitter, except every listener has a well-defined name so it’s easy to remove or replace them. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-drag Description-md5: 4ddca5411e1af8d8246bdd5667e71363 Description-zh_CN: Drag and drop SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input Drag-and-drop is a popular and easy-to-learn pointing gesture: move the pointer to an object, press and hold to grab it, “drag” the object to a new location, and release to “drop”. . D3’s drag behavior provides a convenient but flexible abstraction for enabling drag-and-drop interaction on selections. For example, you can use d3-drag to facilitate interaction with a force-directed graph, or a simulation of colliding circles. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-dsv Description-md5: 900563f1ed0fa5c7811fdb34345d8fab Description-zh_CN: parser and formatter for delimiter-separated values, such as CSV This module provides a parser and formatter for delimiter-separated values, most commonly comma-separated values (CSV) or tab-separated values (TSV). . These tabular formats are popular with spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel, and are often more space-efficient than JSON. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-ease Description-md5: 575b23a2934fd0160881f2a2ee176e2e Description-zh_CN: Easing functions for smooth animation Easing is a method of distorting time to control apparent motion in animation. It is most commonly used for slow-in, slow-out. By easing time, animated transitions are smoother and exhibit more plausible motion. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-fetch Description-md5: 9e95625514203c55b61cd84df0d6f2ee Description-zh_CN: Convenient parsing for Fetch This module provides convenient parsing on top of Fetch. This module replaced d3-request. . The fetch standard defines requests, responses and the process that binds them: fetching. . This module has built-in support for parsing JSON, CSV and TSV. You can parse additional formats by using text directly. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-force Description-md5: ebc1d8683c0e47c6e97a7c4c6e3e6c98 Description-zh_CN: Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration This module implements a velocity Verlet numerical integrator for simulating physical forces on particles. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-geo Description-md5: 7ada2b5a00169586bdbe7a81c65b4097 Description-zh_CN: Shapes and calculators for spherical coordinates The edges of a spherical polygon are geodesics (segments of great circles), not straight lines. Projected to the plane, geodesics are curves in all map projections except gnomonic, and thus accurate projection requires interpolation along each arc. . D3 uses adaptive sampling inspired by a popular line simplification method to balance accuracy and performance. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-hierarchy Description-md5: fb809e5ee57ae4111f2d6a4a43858e42 Description-zh_CN: Layout algorithms for visualizing hierarchical data Many datasets are intrinsically hierarchical. Consider geographic entities, such as census blocks, census tracts, counties and states; the command structure of businesses and governments; file systems and software packages. . This module implements several popular techniques for visualizing hierarchical data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-interpolate Description-md5: 5fa5bc17c39db2c918dfe3bafec3a2b8 Description-zh_CN: Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever! This module provides a variety of interpolation methods for blending between two values. Values may be numbers, colors, strings, arrays, or even deeply-nested objects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-path Description-md5: f509f8a4d71e67989dfc8e9eebbc72b0 Description-zh_CN: Serialize Canvas path commands to SVG Say you have some code that draws to a 2D canvas, the d3-path module lets you take this exact code and additionally render to SVG. It works by serializing CanvasPathMethods calls to SVG path data. . Now code you write once can be used with both Canvas (for performance) and SVG (for convenience). For a practical example, see d3-shape. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-polygon Description-md5: 1c8038ef2a3570dd01d7cc677240bc54 Description-zh_CN: Operations for two-dimensional polygons This module provides a few basic geometric operations for two-dimensional polygons. Each polygon is represented as an array of two-element arrays [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], …], and may either be closed (wherein the first and last point are the same) or open (wherein they are not). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-quadtree Description-md5: 2c6895625bb6b26560c9b2ec715eb665 Description-zh_CN: Two-dimensional recursive spatial subdivision A quadtree recursively partitions two-dimensional space into squares, dividing each square into four equally-sized squares. Each distinct point exists in a unique leaf node; coincident points are represented by a linked list. . Quadtrees can accelerate various spatial operations, such as the Barnes–Hut approximation for computing many-body forces, collision detection, and searching for nearby points. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-queue Description-md5: c6f68bc66d484716cb2ad747d874fdaa Description-zh_CN: Evaluate asynchronous tasks with configurable concurrency A queue evaluates zero or more deferred asynchronous tasks with configurable concurrency: you control how many tasks run at the same time. When all the tasks complete, or an error occurs, the queue passes the results to your await callback. . This library is similar to Async.js’s parallel (when *concurrency* is infinite) , series (when *concurrency* is 1), and queue, but features a much smaller footprint: as of release 2, d3-queue is about 700 bytes gzipped, compared to 4,300 for Async. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-random Description-md5: 3957e0988a7a20ecd1ab17828a331978 Description-zh_CN: Generate random numbers from various distributions This module provides an easy to use API over default Math.random(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-scale Description-md5: 6d45ea00f08959e260c774175142fd2f Description-zh_CN: Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation Scales are a convenient abstraction for a fundamental task in visualization: mapping a dimension of abstract data to a visual representation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-scale-chromatic Description-md5: a57130aaa59ea1b33831cfd295e221a4 Description-zh_CN: Categorical color schemes designed to work with d3 Provides sequential, diverging and categorical color schemes designed to work with d3-scale’s d3.scaleOrdinal and d3.scaleSequential . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-selection Description-md5: 4413fe0ce96d582f65eb0b130c1b0ffd Description-zh_CN: select elements and join them to data Selections allow powerful data-driven transformation of the document object model (DOM): set attributes, styles, properties, HTML or text content, and more. Using the data join’s enter and exit selections, you can also add or remove elements to correspond to data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-shape Description-md5: 752cd2ae8cbd836b02aa5d2222cac7a9 Description-zh_CN: Graphical primitives for visualization, such as lines and areas Visualizations typically consist of discrete graphical marks, such as symbols, arcs, lines and areas. While the rectangles of a bar chart may be easy enough to generate directly using SVG or Canvas, other shapes are complex, such as rounded annular sectors and centripetal Catmull–Rom splines. . This module provides a variety of shape generators for your convenience. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-time Description-md5: 6ae7f2552a711eacb09fbfe5857c3621 Description-zh_CN: calculator for humanity’s peculiar conventions of time The d3-time module does not implement its own calendaring system; it merely implements a convenient API for calendar math on top of ECMAScript Date. This module is used by D3’s time scales to generate sensible ticks, by D3’s time format, and can also be used directly to do things like calendar layouts. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-time-format Description-md5: f65dddd9b9d92d09244d8236e0c16c3f Description-zh_CN: time formatter and parser inspired by strftime and strptime This module provides a JavaScript implementation of the venerable strptime and strftime functions from the C standard library, and can be used to parse or format dates in a variety of locale-specific representations. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-timer Description-md5: 4693876225a65df8e2425b8131baafeb Description-zh_CN: efficient queue to manage thousands of concurrent animations This module provides an efficient queue capable of managing thousands of concurrent animations, while guaranteeing consistent, synchronized timing with concurrent or staged animations. Internally, it uses requestAnimationFrame for fluid animation (if available), switching to setTimeout for delays longer than 24ms. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-transition Description-md5: db67fc8aebab5ef72479ff114db2003f Description-zh_CN: Animated transitions for D3 selections A transition is a selection-like interface for animating changes to the DOM. Instead of applying changes instantaneously, transitions smoothly interpolate the DOM from its current state to the desired target state over a given duration. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-voronoi Description-md5: 779e94e970eb79f8d65a453c3c0e3a55 Description-zh_CN: Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points This module implements Steven J. Fortune’s algorithm for computing the Voronoi diagram or Delaunay triangulation of a set of two-dimensional points. This implementation is largely based on work by Raymond Hill. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-d3-zoom Description-md5: 47316f0947f04f6e554e88d401d5e7b1 Description-zh_CN: Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input Panning and zooming are popular interaction techniques which let the user focus on a region of interest by restricting the view. . The zoom behavior implemented by d3-zoom is a convenient but flexible abstraction for enabling pan-and-zoom on selections. It handles a surprising variety of input events and browser quirks. The zoom behavior is agnostic about the DOM, so you can use it with SVG, HTML or Canvas. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dabh-diagnostics Description-md5: aa07d86cdf35d5ae717df12ab01cfd6d Description-zh_CN: Tools for debugging your node.js modules and event loop Diagnostics in the evolution of debug pattern that is used in the Node.js core, this extremely small but powerful technique can best be compared as feature flags for loggers. The created debug logger is disabled by default but can be enabled without changing a line of code, using flags. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dagre-d3-renderer Description-md5: a69160d4920371aa539a8902c727ebad Description-zh_CN: D3-based renderer for Dagre This library is an out-of-box replacement for dagre-d3 and it is based on the original dagre-d3 project. . Dagre is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to lay out directed graphs on the client-side. The dagre-d3 library acts as a front-end to dagre, providing actual rendering using D3. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dagre-layout Description-md5: 3a5e7ee5f5372c0714759b787214d691 Description-zh_CN: Graph layout for JavaScript This library is an out-of-box replacement for dagre and it is based on original dagre. . Dagre is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to lay out directed graphs on the client-side. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dargs Description-md5: d748b33c5ca8a0c3b879b7f72b487825 Description-zh_CN: Convert options into an array of arguments Node-dargs can be considered a reverse of minimist. It converts an object of options into an array of command-line arguments. This is useful when spawning command-line tools. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dashdash Description-md5: bf3512d9334bdde2def436bb0b79a5e8 Description-zh_CN: light, featureful and explicit option parsing library The author of the library gives this rationale: the other option parsing libraries are one of too loosey goosey (not explicit), too big/too many deps, or ill specified. . This library is a dependency for sshpk, a library to parse, convert, fingerprint and use SSH keys (both public and private) in pure nodejs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-date-now Description-md5: a2bef18e9ee62b1d0a74b651864b0bcd Description-zh_CN: requirable version of Use-case is to be able to mock out using require interception. For example var now = require("date-now") var ts = now() var ts2 = assert.equal(ts, ts2) Example of seed: var now = require("date- now/seed")(timeStampFromServer) // ts is in "sync" with the seed value from the server // useful if your users have their local time being a few minutes // out of your server time. var ts = now() . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-date-time Description-md5: 73b844c4e1acf76436df5bb63e2e1e3d Description-zh_CN: Pretty datetime like 2014-01-09 06:46:01 This module can print date and time in an easy to understand format. This also support time zones. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-de-indent Description-md5: 8d91fb02ac52df75f3cb76dd66b347a2 Description-zh_CN: Node.js library to remove extra indent from a block of code This module is a dependency of vue-template-compiler. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-death Description-md5: e5b3c1d8fa924b00f4fb07cf86e0efce Description-zh_CN: Gracefully cleanup on termination Node.js module to centralize the clean-up code and exit gracefully when exceptions are uncaught or on receiving SIGINT and SIGTERM signals. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-debbundle-es-to-primitive Description-md5: 437ede447ab81ca845ccff7821e354f4 Description-zh_CN: Pure javascript implementation of ToPrimitive algorithm This package provides a ponyfill for ToPrimitive algorithm, thus converting of JavaScript object to a primitive value. In JavaScript a primitive is data that is not an object and has no method. There are seven primitive data type: string, number, bigint, boolean, null, undefined and symbol. . This bundle package includes also a few small packages - node-is-callable test whether an object is callable. - node-make-generator-function : returns an arbitrary generator function, or undefined if generator syntax is unsupported. - node-make-arrow-function: returns an arbitrary arrow function, or undefined if arrow function syntax is unsupported. - node-is-date-object: test whether an object is a date. - node-has-symbol: determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. support specs or shams. - node-is-symbol: test whether a value is a JavaScript symbol. - node-object-is: shim for . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-debbundle-insert-module-globals Description-md5: db7712003d8c5cc3152519f039916ab0 Description-zh_CN: browserify transform for inserting global list of modules This package is part of the browserify tools, and allows one to pack the list of module in a JavaScript file. This tools analyses the syntax of the JavaScript file and replace the require function by a closure, thus allowing direct embedding of the required files. . This modules is part of Browserify a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . This package also includes a few small packages: - node-dash-ast: a small and fast abstract tree (AST) walker. - node-get-assigned-identifiers: get a list of initialised javascript identifiers from an AST. - node-undeclared-identifier: get a list of undeclared identifiers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-debug Description-md5: 7c763db2d0c9161753e24f880cfff2f6 Description-zh_CN: small debugging utility for Node.js node-debug provides a small debugging utility for Node.js modules. . With this module you simply invoke the exported function to generate your debug function, passing it a name which will determine if a noop function is returned, or a decorated console.error, so all of the console format string goodies you're used to work fine. A unique color is selected per- function for visibility. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-debug-fabulous Description-md5: 38e3df858bd81f64fce702c7b0791e5c Description-zh_CN: visionmedia debug extensions rolled into one Wrapper / Extension around visionmedia's debug to allow lazy evaluation of debugging via closure handling. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-decamelize Description-md5: 3567b260cd40db0b82a7e65524413043 Description-zh_CN: convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator This module converts a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator. For example: unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbow . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-decompress-response Description-md5: 09d82ec3f5ec2d1972dc384f9f4ea581 Description-zh_CN: Decompress a HTTP response if needed Decompresses the response from http.request if it's gzipped or deflated, otherwise just passes it through. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deep-eql Description-md5: b4ee9339bcd3599abeed41c7f718181d Description-zh_CN: Improved deep equality testing for Node.js and the browser Deep Eql is a module which you can use to determine if two objects are "deeply" equal - that is, rather than having referential equality (a === b), this module checks an object's keys recursively, until it finds primitives to check for referential equality. For more on equality in JavaScript, read the comparison operators article on mdn. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deep-equal Description-md5: 6d80f8d9b1cd6f38ef75da40ed469ee1 Description-zh_CN: node's assert.deepEqual algorithm Node's assert.deepEqual() algorithm as a standalone module. . This module is around 5 times faster than wrapping assert.deepEqual() in a try/catch. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deep-extend Description-md5: e3d3d30cfc02654621a98de5567b0883 Description-zh_CN: Recursive object extending This module does a recursive object extending. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deep-for-each Description-md5: e3f969f86a5eb1deb131b25329d3911b Description-zh_CN: Recursively iterates collection values (arrays and objects) The iteration is made using a deep-first algorithm. . Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. One starts at the root (selecting some arbitrary node as the root in the case of a graph) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deep-is Description-md5: 01dcd45f1418798fb9fbea0ea21f1779 Description-zh_CN: node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaN Node's `assert.deepEqual() algorithm` as a standalone module. Exactly like deep-equal except for the fact that `deepEqual(NaN, NaN) === true`. . This module is around 5 times faster than wrapping `assert.deepEqual()` in a `try/catch`. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-defaults Description-md5: 9ef4576d309bff46f9c6cf8609c93096 Description-zh_CN: merge single level defaults over a config object A simple one level options merge utility. This module exports a function that takes 2 arguments: options and defaults. When called, it overrides all of undefined properties in options with the clones of properties defined in defaults. Sidecases: if called with a falsy options value, options will be initialized to a new object before being merged onto. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-define-lazy-prop Description-md5: 34cb6e436511c4a6bf2fa4fc14775d5b Description-zh_CN: Define a lazily evaluated property on an object Useful when the value of a property is expensive to generate, so you want to delay the computation until the property is needed. For example, improving startup performance by deferring nonessential operations. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-define-properties Description-md5: 75024a9e33881cd9a3bc42dc79a79ff7 Description-zh_CN: Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once Uses Object.defineProperty when available; falls back to standard assignment in older engines. . Existing properties are not overridden. Accepts a map of property names to a predicate that, when true, force-overrides. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-define-property Description-md5: 066a487f836c66a9e9c4f600e4495013 Description-zh_CN: Define property on an object Define a non-enumerable property on an object. Uses Reflect.defineProperty when available, otherwise Object.defineProperty, depending on supported javascript version. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-defined Description-md5: b4200f8f2e989c1354c3c1cb3677e663 Description-zh_CN: return the first argument that is `!== undefined` Most of the time when you chain together ||s, you actually just want the first item that is not undefined, not the first non-falsy item. . This module is like the defined-or (//) operator in perl 5.10+. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deflate-js Description-md5: 4020cc2d539c382d1ec33b85aff67614 Description-zh_CN: DEFLATE implemented in JavaScript (works in browser and Node) This module does deflate compression/decompression in the browser and node. . This module is not meant to be run on node for any production code. The native version of deflate should be used instead because it is much faster. The main reason for this being node-compatible is for testing purposes. . Currently deflate does not pass all tests, but inflate does. This should not be used for compressing data yet in production. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-del Description-md5: 64510aefa07d68934532d7804df72236 Description-zh_CN: Delete files and folders This module is similar to rimraf, but with a Promise API and support for multiple files and globbing. It also protects you against deleting the current working directory and above. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-delegates Description-md5: 77deac6eff76636c6afbf3d12c694473 Description-zh_CN: delegate methods and accessors to another property This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-delve Description-md5: ca683045f856a0053af0303740fd573b Description-zh_CN: delve recursively into a value to retrieve a property This node module delves recursively into a value to retrieve a property and does not give an error. . For anybody using the fantastic lodash library, you can find similar functionality to delve with the get function. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-depd Description-md5: 64be03982d38eeb4ffc02d33a47d97a4 Description-zh_CN: mark a function or property as deprecated - Node.js module This module goes above and beyond with deprecation warnings by introspecting the call stack (but only the bits that it is interested in). . Instead of just warning on the first invocation of a deprecated function and never again, this module will warn on the first invocation of a deprecated function per unique call site, making it ideal to alert users of all deprecated uses across the code base, rather than just whatever happens to execute first. . The deprecation warnings from this module also include the file and line information for the call into the module that the deprecated function was in. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deprecated Description-md5: fc3732d39741729d7b10706395868b1d Description-zh_CN: Tool for deprecating things deprecated is a nodejs module for deprecating things. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-deps-sort Description-md5: f5e4d1125c580cc00d61df6b3dedb600 Description-zh_CN: sort module depends for deterministic browserify bundles This modules sort the Node.js modules depends list in a deterministic order allowing ones to create deterministic browserified programs. . Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js- style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-des.js Description-md5: fe1193aa252f5fa2d358a14d9517aa45 Description-zh_CN: DES implementation in pure javascript This modules provides implementation of DES encryption algorithm in javascript. . The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption of electronic data. Although now considered insecure, it is implemented in standard cryptographic library implemented in Node.js. . This pure javascript module is needed for browserify compatibility layer of Node.js API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-detect-file Description-md5: cc3d50ddf7e8803babb3b1cc694bde41 Description-zh_CN: Detect if a filepath exists and resolves the full filepath Node.js module to detect if a file exists and return the resolved filepath. . Uses a breadth-first search, when necessary, to resolve the file path using the correct casing, and verify that the file actually exists. Returns consistent results regardless of case sensitivity of the file path and/or operating system. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-detect-indent Description-md5: afd2e9d2a04e9249afb5478e517a14d7 Description-zh_CN: Detect the indentation of code Node.js module to get the amount and type of indentation (tab, space or null) of a string of any kind of text. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-detect-newline Description-md5: d0e1af9be758692d72a84937ef8ee128 Description-zh_CN: Detect the dominant newline character of a string Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-detective Description-md5: d151d512dc0e06defa784156abc191d4 Description-zh_CN: find all require() calls by walking the AST This modules allows one to determine modules depends by walking AST tree and detecting require() call. . In computer science, an abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code . This a dependency of Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-diacritics Description-md5: 4b0423c03314551e911d1c51468018c8 Description-zh_CN: remove diacritics from strings - Node.js module diacritics is a Node.js module to remove diacritics from strings. It is useful when implementing some kind of search or filter functionality. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-difflet Description-md5: 3abdefb0a0cea18ef582be94efbcf041 Description-zh_CN: colorful diffs for javascript objects Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-doctrine Description-md5: e09be849fd9e8da62c1160a4dd9cfec1 Description-zh_CN: JSDoc parser Doctrine is a JSDoc parser, that parses documentation comments from JavaScript (you need to pass in the comment, not a complete source file) . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dom-helpers Description-md5: 710dcb490eb459ab81174f5b1495a7c3 Description-zh_CN: Tiny modular DOM lib for ie9+ Mostly just naive wrappers around common DOM API inconsistencies, Cross browser work is minimal and mostly taken from jQuery. This library doesn't do a lot to normalize behavior across browsers, it mostly seeks to provide a common interface, and eliminate the need to write the same "if (ie9)" statements in every project. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dom-serializer Description-md5: c28cc8fedeab77a3b893c9dc97094613 Description-zh_CN: render htmlparser2's DOM nodes to string Node.js module that renders to a tring a DOM (Document Object Model) created with the node-domhandler module. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dom4 Description-md5: 0a1847e33b8fe35a94701038aab2d5f5 Description-zh_CN: Polyfill for new DOM Level 4 entries This is a fully tested and covered polyfill for both new DOM Level 4 parentNode entries: . Element#prepend() Element#append() . And for new DOM Level 4 childNode entries: . Element#before() Element#after() Element#replaceWith() ( Element#replace() has been recently deprecated ) Element#remove() . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-domain-browser Description-md5: 91ea36c08abb7d38760bf523e5db26c3 Description-zh_CN: Node's domain module for the web browser This is merely an evented try...catch with the same API as node, nothing more. . This library is a dependency for browserify and webpack. Browserify/Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Browserify/Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-domelementtype Description-md5: d9843369e248da2a3770a4f60ba0b1ab Description-zh_CN: all the types of nodes in htmlparser2's dom Types of elements found in the DOM. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-domhandler Description-md5: 061025a6fa05d4a127ea53e5ca162945 Description-zh_CN: htmlparser2 handler that turns pages into a dom Node.js module that creates a DOM (Document Object Model), i.e. a tree data structure containing all nodes of a page that can be manipulated using the node-domutils library. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-domino Description-md5: f17bdfbae8e8b6d6bf9e8b7f1b088e29 Description-zh_CN: server-side DOM implementation based on Mozilla's dom.js Domino provides a fast but insecure DOM in Node.js. . The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language- independent application programming interface that treats an HTML, XHTML, or XML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dommatrix Description-md5: 291a108d5c95351c032f9062712554b0 Description-zh_CN: ES6+ shim for DOMMatrix An ES6+ sourced DOMMatrix shim for **Node.js** apps and legacy browsers. Since this source is modernized, legacy browsers might need some additional shims. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dompurify Description-md5: 4e9053e5eedcc146babb7b8603f17d15 Description-zh_CN: DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. It's written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using else using Blink or WebKit. It doesn't break on MSIE6 or other legacy browsers. It either uses a fall- back or simply does nothing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-domutils Description-md5: e9bfa1f5ce3b50f8942f08bb7fd9fc26 Description-zh_CN: utilities for working with htmlparser2's DOM Node.js module that provides utilities (stringify, traversal, manipulation and querying) for working with a DOM (Document Object Model) created with the node-domhandler module. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dot Description-md5: b19b13c57a93de884a69d9d6a5e3c02d Description-zh_CN: Concise and fast javascript templating This library provides concise and fast javascript templating compatible with nodejs and other javascript environments. . This library is a build dependency of ajv, a JSON Schema Validator. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dot-prop Description-md5: 1238412c5b4ec81bbaa519f93ee94136 Description-zh_CN: updates a property from a nested object Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path. This package is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dryice Description-md5: b51bac00ea0288ba2059312a967915e2 Description-zh_CN: CommonJS/RequireJS packaging tool for browser scripts node-dryice concatenates sources, applying optional filters, to a given destination. It is customizable and has built-in support for CommonJS/RequireJS projects, with automatic processing of required modules and dependencies. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-dtrace-provider Description-md5: be03de2fef022657fc894f7d43dbc4d9 Description-zh_CN: Native DTrace providers for Node.js apps This extension allows you to create native DTrace providers for your Node.js applications. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 . Its a dependency of node-ldapjs Package: node-duplexer Description-md5: 93251b203d53e9865c1d9c525577b1ee Description-zh_CN: Creates a duplex stream This modules takes a writable stream and a readable stream and makes them appear as a readable writable stream. It is assumed that the two streams are connected to each other in some way. . node-duplex2 and node-duplex3 are similar but has different APIs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-duplexer3 Description-md5: ebb88eb72cdf0aab69e66fa54a4a0f99 Description-zh_CN: Like duplexer but using streams3 This is a reimplementation of duplexer using the Streams3 API which is standard in Node as of v4. Everything largely works the same Duplexer takes a writable stream and a readable stream and makes them appear as a readable writable stream. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-duplexify Description-md5: 727854fb444e407eaf6d76e546cc2894 Description-zh_CN: Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream Similar to duplexer2 except it supports both streams2 and streams1 as input and it allows you to set the readable and writable part asynchronously using setReadable(stream) and setWritable(stream). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-duration Description-md5: c1c0060ed324f12fc5a851c12f98e403 Description-zh_CN: time duration utilities for Node.js This Node.js module provides functions to calculate, convert and display the duration between JavaScript Date objects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ebnf-parser Description-md5: bf357e54dd7b8a480981c68c213e7f0a Description-zh_CN: parser for BNF and EBNF grammars used by jison The parser translates a string grammar or JSON grammar into a JSON grammar that jison can use (ENBF is transformed into BNF). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ecc-jsbn Description-md5: 618408b393fecafd2bc4efdb42c16367 Description-zh_CN: ECC JS code based on JSBN Elliptic Curve Cryptography package based on jsbn from Tom Wu. This is a subset of the same interface as the node compiled module ecc, but works in the browser too. It also uses point compression now. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-editor Description-md5: be3c866538b815553e286e73659f4ce4 Description-zh_CN: Launch $EDITOR in your program Launch the $EDITOR (or opts.editor) for file. When the editor exits, cb(code, sig) fires. . This library is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ejs Description-md5: 802f0e83733dbc6ab86d7f130954b564 Description-zh_CN: Embedded JavaScript templates This module provides embedded JavaScript templates, like - Control flow with <% %> - Escaped output with <%= %> (escape function configurable) - Unescaped raw output with <%- %> - Newline-trim mode ('newline slurping') with -%> ending tag - Whitespace-trim mode (slurp all whitespace) for control flow with <%_ _%> - Custom delimiters (e.g., use instead of <% %>) - Includes - Client-side support - Static caching of intermediate JavaScript - Static caching of templates - Complies with the Express view system . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-electron-to-chromium Description-md5: c6bfbf32bd1f4ac392d931194000dcb5 Description-zh_CN: Provides a list of electron-to-chromium version mappings This repository provides a mapping of Electron versions to the Chromium version that it uses. . This package is used in Browserslist, so you can use e.g. electron >= 1.4 in Autoprefixer, Stylelint, babel-preset-env and eslint-plugin-compat. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-elliptic Description-md5: df8843c93cd1ac7cb1c3aef3e3d1a65c Description-zh_CN: fast elliptic curve cryptography in pure javascript Fast elliptic-curve cryptography in a plain javascript implementation. . Incentive for Elliptic: ECC (another library with comparable features) is much slower than regular RSA cryptography, the JS implementations are even more slower. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-emoji Description-md5: 33dbddcf3b00c183731404ccb0d3beee Description-zh_CN: simple emoji support for node.js Node.js module to encode and decode emoji ideograms and smileys from their aliases or colon-sequences. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-emojis-list Description-md5: e35d347f9e25257943087b3b8233c848 Description-zh_CN: complete list of standard emojis This module provides a complete list of standard Unicode Hex Character Code that represent emojis. . The representation of the emoji depends of the system. It might be possible that the system doesn't have all the representations. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-enabled Description-md5: 1210d858fb1199230d9dc421dbe9cdbf Description-zh_CN: Check if a certain debug flag is enabled in Node.js Enabled is a small utility that can check if certain namespace are enabled by environment variables which are automatically transformed to regular expressions for matching. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-encodeurl Description-md5: 567224eda5bbd2323d7b0ec8293fa154 Description-zh_CN: Encode URL to a percent-encoded form Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences . Encodeurl will take an already-encoded URL and encode all the non-URL code points (as UTF-8 byte sequences). . This encode is meant to be "safe" and does not throw errors. It will try as hard as it can to properly encode the given URL, including replacing any raw, unpaired surrogate pairs with the Unicode replacement character prior to encoding. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-encoding Description-md5: cd1a7c8b2725651de8d7c5b7d8b21d01 Description-zh_CN: Convert encodings, uses iconv by default and fallbacks to iconv-lite if needed encoding is a simple wrapper around node-iconv ( and iconv-lite ( to convert strings from one encoding to another. If node-iconv is not available for some reason, iconv-lite will be used instead of it as a fallback. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-end-of-stream Description-md5: cf862692d72ba0fbb9af871b7ba1143b Description-zh_CN: Invoke a callback when a stream has completed or failed end-of-stream is a Node.js module which calls a callback when a readable, writable, or duplex stream has completed or failed. . Pass a stream and a callback to end-of-stream. Both legacy streams and streams2 are supported. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-enhanced-resolve Description-md5: 27fe0f4876e35245b4481da24ce82c92 Description-zh_CN: Offers a async require.resolve function It's highly configurable. . Features * plugin system * provide a custom filesystem * sync and async node.js filesystems included . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-enquirer Description-md5: 8cc8bf4017edf71a3d1cbb6d1b540e10 Description-zh_CN: Stylish cli prompts that are user-friendly, intuitive and easy to create Enquirer is fast, easy to use, and lightweight for small projects, while also being powerful and customizable enough for the most advanced use cases. . It is easy to implement and advanced features can be added using Pluggable plugins. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-entities Description-md5: 18aeb26363862bec03c40f02f894dbd9 Description-zh_CN: Node.js module to encode and decode XML/HTML entities with ease node-entities encodes and decodes three selectable levels of entities: XML, HTML4, HTML5. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-envinfo Description-md5: 5ca33bb888b691d2532f5d9363d2ed8a Description-zh_CN: Generate reports of the common details used by Node.js packages This package generate reports of common software installed on a computer, including browser version, Node.js version, Operating System and programming language support. . This is used by webpack a javascript module bundler, for generating build time report. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-err-code Description-md5: a6818b94d66537d12fc3e8c17d96363a Description-zh_CN: Create an error with a code Create new error instances with a code and additional properties. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-errno Description-md5: a0427d9520105651e743c35f5dc6c1d4 Description-zh_CN: libuv errno details exposed - Node.js module errno is a Node.js module which exposes more details of libuv errors. . When you need more details about Node.js errors, errno provides the mappings directly from libuv so you can use them in your code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-error-ex Description-md5: 234cbc088968591f81c2bfd057428b6b Description-zh_CN: easy error subclassing and stack customization Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-errorhandler Description-md5: 4fc41ebb3aa29c56ebfc7d9c9cfb1169 Description-zh_CN: error handler middleware - Node.js This package provides a middleware to handle errors and to be used in a development environment. . When an error occurs the full error stack traces is sent back to the client for debugging purpose. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-errs Description-md5: e833cf9b5e0436b50ed83f73b4fab2a9 Description-zh_CN: Simple error creation and passing utilities Simple error creation and passing utilities focused on: . Creating Errors Reusing Error Types Merging with Existing Errors Optional Callback Invocation Piping Error Events . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es-abstract Description-md5: aa6ee30a7a93b76f3525311d5763982f Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript spec abstract operations When different versions of the spec conflict, the default export will be the latest version of the abstract operation. . All abstract operations will also be available under an es5/es2015/es2016 entry point, and exported property, if you require a specific version. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es5-ext Description-md5: cbb6f7549fc0f730b064edc8f0686910 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript extensions and shims Shims for upcoming ES6 standard and other goodies implemented strictly with ECMAScript conventions in mind. . It's designed to be used in compliant ECMAScript 5 or ECMAScript 6 environments. Older environments are not supported, although most of the features should work with correct ECMAScript 5 shim on board. . When used in ECMAScript 6 environment, native implementation (if valid) takes precedence over shims. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es5-shim Description-md5: 6b86db9050963b971c5f2d90b391877e Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for old JavaScript engines (Node.js) The es5-shim library monkey-patches a JavaScript context to contain all ECMAScript 5 methods that can be faithfully emulated with a legacy JavaScript engine. . The es5-sham part tries to complete the picture as best as possible, but for those methods the result is not as close and mostly intends to avoid runtime errors : in many cases it might just silently fail. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-error Description-md5: 0cfc99dd00eabed7d07efd6c0e164cd0 Description-zh_CN: Easily-extendable error for use with ES6 classes This module allows one to extend Error for inheritance and type checking, without adding Error.captureStackTrace(this, to the constructor or easily get the proper name to print from console.log. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-iterator Description-md5: 29a0b727cf8bd566707f4a7baf361f87 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript 6 Iterator interface This module provides iterator abstraction based on ES6 specification. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-map Description-md5: 336253d2c61df59ef850d73cbae79572 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript6 Map polyfill Map collection as specified in ECMAScript6 . Warning: 0.1 version does not ensure O(1) algorithm complexity (but O(n)). This shortcoming will be addressed in 1.0. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-promise Description-md5: 5d0cdd26b24d2b20b1df2c03c44eae84 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight async code library for JavaScript (Node.js module) A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code in the browser, according to the ECMAScript 6 Promise, but as an ECMAScript 5 library. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-set Description-md5: b90bb59b888b9bdbe6a63af54ea5ce06 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript6 Set polyfill Set collection as specified in ECMAScript6 . Warning: 0.1 version does not ensure O(1) algorithm complexity (but O(n)). This shortcoming will be addressed in 1.0. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-shim Description-md5: 841da72bdc389e51b9eb8433ac4e24d6 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript 6 shims for legacy JavaScript engines (Node.js) The es6-shim library monkey-patches a JavaScript context to contain all ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) methods that can be faithfully emulated with a legacy JavaScript engine. . The es6-sham part tries to complete the picture as best as possible, but for those methods the result is not as close and mostly intends to avoid runtime errors : in many cases it might just silently fail. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-symbol Description-md5: a503308616199c0b6c2a42e334ab9863 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfill This module provides Symbols in ECMAScript 6 if the native JavaScript environment has not implemented it. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-es6-weak-map Description-md5: 5c5f2aa336acdfe85f7c135c53b18139 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript6 WeakMap polyfill WeakMap collection as specified in ECMAScript6. Roughly inspired by Mark Miller's and Kris Kowal's WeakMap implementation. . Differences are: - Assumes compliant ES5 environment (no weird ES3 workarounds or hacks) - Well modularized CJS style - Based on one solution. . Limitations - Will fail on non extensible objects provided as keys . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-escape-html Description-md5: b9f7feb5507992bfb90e542fb990f2e0 Description-zh_CN: simply escape HTML entities Contains a simple module to fast escape HTML entities. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-escape-string-regexp Description-md5: b9cd83c034924f3da783a6dbc5543fa8 Description-zh_CN: Escape RegExp special characters in Node.js escape-string-regexp is a Node.js module to escape special characters in regular expression strings. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-escodegen Description-md5: 3b11646c555274a2576807b5f40f2a08 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript code generator This is an ECMAScript (also popularly known as JavaScript) code generator from Mozilla's Parser API AST. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-escope Description-md5: 47d4d3eb8192ed9182723456eae1076b Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript scope analyzer Escope is ECMAScript scope analyzer extracted from esmangle project. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eslint-plugin-es Description-md5: d2878ae22d3511ebddde24bd12cd6ab7 Description-zh_CN: ESLint plugin which disallows each ECMAScript syntax Espree, the default parser of ESLint, has option "ecmaVersion". However, it doesn't support enabling each syntactic feature individually. . This plugin lets us disable each syntactic feature individually. So we can enable arbitrary syntactic features with the combination of ecmaVersion and this plugin. . ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eslint-plugin-flowtype Description-md5: 08315f26d29ca4583c4724a60ffff58f Description-zh_CN: flow type linting rules for ESLint Flow uses type inference to find bugs even without type annotations. It precisely tracks the types of variables as they flow through your program. . Flow is designed for JavaScript programmers. It understands common JavaScript idioms and very dynamic code. . Flow incrementally rechecks your changes as you work, preserving the fast feedback cycle of developing plain JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eslint-plugin-html Description-md5: 16e0040935691b6a79b38cbac684166c Description-zh_CN: lint and fix inline scripts contained in HTML files This module is an ESLint plugin to lint and fix inline scripts contained in HTML files. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eslint-plugin-node Description-md5: d614a3bf2bc30c61219dadd6ac915c8c Description-zh_CN: enforce code conventions for NodeJS with ESLint eslint-plugin-node provides a plugin for ESLint covering JavaScript code targeted Node.js. . ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eslint-utils Description-md5: 83006f874de3fbbb5a5421351aaca063 Description-zh_CN: utilities for ESLint plugins eslint-utils provides utility functions and classes for making ESLint custom rules. . ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-espree Description-md5: feda94de7c71769d65ebbda27a8d0dbd Description-zh_CN: Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser built on Acorn Espree started out as a fork of Esprima v1.2.2, the last stable published released of Esprima before work on ECMAScript 6 began. Espree is now built on top of Acorn, which has a modular architecture that allows extension of core functionality. The goal of Espree is to produce output that is similar to Esprima with a similar API so that it can be used in place of Esprima. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-esprima Description-md5: bdf5b61b0ec6d79f161f85f37ca3feda Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis Esprima is a high-performance and standard-compliant parser for ECMAScript written in ECMAScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-esprima-fb Description-md5: 2fc12546f95dda3f57ef94fa5f79bd8a Description-zh_CN: Facebook-specific fork of the esprima project Esprima-FB is a fork of the Harmony branch of Esprima that implements JSX specification on top of ECMAScript syntax. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-esrecurse Description-md5: b8f6f243f3fa1441eac737c35f4db13e Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript AST recursive visitor Esrecurse is ECMAScript recursive traversing functionality. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-estraverse Description-md5: cf7c3fdfde7d39f93896590b82049de8 Description-zh_CN: ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions Estraverse is ECMAScript traversal functions from esmangle project ( . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-estree-walker Description-md5: 473d93671296181a686b939249f59874 Description-zh_CN: traverse an ESTree-compliant AST in Node.js Provide ways to traverse an Abstract Syntax Tree in the ESTree format, as obtained for example using acorn. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-esutils Description-md5: db68c0cc2660c185ec968b02b683920b Description-zh_CN: utility box for ECMAScript language tools This package includes a few functions helping to use AST (Abstract Syntaxt Tree) traversal functions from estools bundle. . Estool is a code generator created from Mozilla's Parser using Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-etag Description-md5: 5f5e854f685398a0ffedc9acb1250a29 Description-zh_CN: entity tag creator for - Node.js module This package provides a fast and strong creator of entity tags, used in HTTP Etag response header to determine change in content of a resource at a given URL. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-event-emitter Description-md5: 37250c159796a4f522123247ad2c34f4 Description-zh_CN: Environment agnostic event emitter Event emitter as it sounds is just something that triggers an event to which anyone can listen. Different libraries offer different implementations and for different purposes, but the basic idea is to provide a framework for issuing events and subscribing to them. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eventemitter2 Description-md5: 207da4255e0fa143d51da99bb2b8b044 Description-zh_CN: Event emitter compatible with browsers - module for Node.js This module provides EventEmitter2, an implementation of the EventEmitter object found in Node.js, with additional support for namespaces, wildcards, and n-times listeners. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eventemitter3 Description-md5: f9631bf3013bf1460596af99101b606a Description-zh_CN: high performance eventemitter for Node.js EventEmitter3 has been micro-optimized for various code paths making this, one of, if not the fastest EventEmitter available for Node.js and browsers. The module is API compatible with the EventEmitter that ships by default with Node.js but there are some slight differences. . It is a drop in replacement for existing EventEmitters, but just faster. The EventEmitter is written in EcmaScript 3 so it will work in the oldest browsers and node versions that one might need to support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-eventsource Description-md5: 2d9bfa4513c4fdd2f1f472033886876b Description-zh_CN: W3C compliant EventSource client for Node.js This library implements the EventSource client for Node.js. The API aims to be W3C compatible. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-everything.js Description-md5: 319c7f2288c5942113bad1847ab368b3 Description-zh_CN: Contains every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical production Single javascript file that contains every ECMA-262 grammatical production, support has been added for ECMAScript 2015. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-evp-bytestokey Description-md5: 51fcbf04a3502c674b32b632fc5628ac Description-zh_CN: secure key derivation algorithm in pure javascript This package derives a key and IV using well known cipher and message digest algorithm, thus creating secure IV and keys from salt. This package is a clean room implementation of openssl algorithm. . In cryptography, an initialization vector (IV) or starting variable is a fixed-size input to a cryptographic primitive that is typically required to be random or pseudorandom. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-execa Description-md5: d48b41b81e551b03d4e169b230ed4e18 Description-zh_CN: better `child_process` This is better in the following ways: - Promise interface. - Strips EOF from the output so you don't have to `stdout.trim()`. - Supports shebang binaries cross-platform. - Improved Windows support. - Higher max buffer. 10 MB instead of 200 KB. - Executes locally installed binaries by name. - Cleans up spawned processes when the parent process dies. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-exit Description-md5: 394e0ac4661d7f114dbdabb949d6091c Description-zh_CN: replacement for process.exit that ensures stdio is fully drained To make a long story short, if process.exit is called on Windows, script output is often truncated when pipe-redirecting stdout or stderr. This module attempts to work around this issue by waiting until those streams have been completely drained before actually calling process.exit. . See Node.js issue . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-exit-hook Description-md5: aed96cf617ac98e3891148e3a2617510 Description-zh_CN: Run some code when the process exits Node-js module to run one or more hooks when the process exits, either because the event loop dried up, or because it received a signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-expand-brackets Description-md5: 218d75e85f00f7d0bd2b98bd6e35b013 Description-zh_CN: Expand POSIX bracket expressions Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-expand-tilde Description-md5: 5c1a6b6099e3adac29cbc276f7edcd58 Description-zh_CN: Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js Expands a leading tilde in a file path to the user home directory, or `~+` to the cwd. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-expect.js Description-md5: a9237ab52806e859377078829c29ae3f Description-zh_CN: behavior driven test assertions - Node.js module expect.js is a minimalistic behavior driven assertions toolkit similar to should.js but with less footprint. . Some relevant features are: * Cross-browser: works on IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera. * Compatible with all test frameworks. * Standalone. * No Object prototype extensions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-exports-loader Description-md5: 71840be96f996643fb95e145f7f23eb3 Description-zh_CN: exports loader module for webpack This module exports variables from inside the file by appending 'exports[...] = ...' statements. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-express Description-md5: 668b0cf01fd49d0d2b12c8154a1fe1b2 Description-zh_CN: web application framework for node Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-extend Description-md5: 12366d126cd4b82dce274e06f7f3b7f9 Description-zh_CN: port of jQuery.extend for Node.js This package contains a method extend() which merges the contents of two or more objects together into the first object. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-extend-shallow Description-md5: e0dcb207ed66c976eec9bcf6122ba712 Description-zh_CN: extend an object with the properties of additional objects node.js/javascript util. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-external-editor Description-md5: 68038b0386ea0c9529514b5d17f07271 Description-zh_CN: Edit a string with the users preferred text editor Node.js module to edit a string with the users preferred text editor, using either $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENT. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-extglob Description-md5: fb52c09faa30d892198a0f6fcdbc9be0 Description-zh_CN: Extended glob support for JavaScript Node.js module that exports a function that takes a glob pattern as a string plus some options and returns an object with the parsed AST and the compiled output, which is a regex-compatible string that can be used for matching. . It handles negation patterns and nested patterns, and is compatible with globbing in Bash 4.3. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-extsprintf Description-md5: 833ccf5f15ad9cd686af98913a55bffb Description-zh_CN: extended POSIX-style sprintf This library is a stripped down version of s[n]printf(3c). . This library is a dependency of verror, which provides several classes in support of Joyent's Best Practices for Error Handling in Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-falafel Description-md5: dd7d5dbd04910cdf5c72dcb9ee74130d Description-zh_CN: transform javascript AST on a recursive walk Falafel is a pure javascript implementation of recursive walk of abstract syntax tree (AST). . Using falafel you could do syntax aware search and replace, and patching using DOM like method. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fancy-log Description-md5: 28bc0a5af8fbe1bc8ebe08bb5b7c61f7 Description-zh_CN: Log things, prefixed with a timestamp This module was pulled out of gulp-util for use inside the CLI. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fast-deep-equal Description-md5: 5dec54556a1546601aaa401bc7e67ddb Description-zh_CN: Fast Deep Equal Features - ES5 compatible - works in node.js (0.10+) and browsers (IE9+) - checks equality of Date and RegExp objects by value. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fast-json-stable-stringify Description-md5: 753514f6ddd4b74a144a942a31084a5a Description-zh_CN: Deterministic JSON.stringify() A faster version of @substack's json-stable-stringify without jsonify . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fast-levenshtein Description-md5: 40fd8bd733d6c64df55775fbce5c4c40 Description-zh_CN: efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm In information theory, linguistics, and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. . This is pure JavaScript implementation for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fast-safe-stringify Description-md5: 428d61293fc330d5e67ce23d6f961c46 Description-zh_CN: Safely and quickly serialize JavaScript objects Safe and fast serialization alternative to [JSON.stringify][]. . Gracefully handles circular structures instead of throwing. . Provides a deterministic ("stable") version as well that will also gracefully handle circular structures. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-faye-websocket Description-md5: c255506ef803541087aef532cc54b245 Description-zh_CN: standards-compliant WebSocket library for Node.js This is a general-purpose WebSocket implementation extracted from the Faye project. It provides classes for easily building WebSocket servers and clients in Node. It does not provide a server itself, but rather makes it easy to handle WebSocket connections within an existing Node application. It does not provide any abstraction other than the standard WebSocket API. . It also provides an abstraction for handling EventSource connections, which are one-way connections that allow the server to push data to the client. They are based on streaming HTTP responses and can be easier to access via proxies than WebSockets. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fbjs Description-md5: e5272c27752bdca379d8d8dbe0e63e0b Description-zh_CN: collection of utility libraries used by other Facebook JS projects To make it easier for Facebook to share and consume their own JavaScript. Primarily this will allow it to ship code without worrying too much about where it lives, keeping with the spirit of `@providesModule` but working in the broader JavaScript ecosystem. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fd-slicer Description-md5: cfb0cc82c6571c89d627116a688970c1 Description-zh_CN: create multiple ReadStreams or WriteStreams from the same fd - Node.js module This module provides an API for creating multiple ReadStreams or WriteStreams from the same file descriptor. . The official Node.js API docs say that it is unsafe to use fs.write multiple times on the same file without waiting for the callback. This module solves this problem. . fd-slicer also provides additional features that builtin fs.createWriteStream is lacking, such as progress events and setting a maximum size to write. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fecha Description-md5: 3d98913d859c2cecfe541cdc25f63a9c Description-zh_CN: Date formatting and parsing for Node.js Lightweight date formatting and parsing (~2KB). Meant to replace parsing and formatting functionality of moment.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fetch Description-md5: 52a72c11c1e0cbfefe354c5f9a5862c1 Description-zh_CN: light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js Instead of implementing XMLHttpRequest in Node.js to run browser-specific Fetch polyfill, why not go from native http to Fetch API directly? Hence node-fetch, minimal code for a window.fetch compatible API on Node.js runtime. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-file-loader Description-md5: d48f43de321ad6e7f872b979255f506c Description-zh_CN: file loader module for webpack This module instructs webpack to emit the required object as file and to return its public url. By default the filename of the resulting file is the MD5 hash of the file's contents with the original extension of the required resource. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-file-sync-cmp Description-md5: d9c3af379fcdcf5a840ae672ddd2ef65 Description-zh_CN: Synchronous file comparison Node-file-sync-cmp is a tool that provides synchronous file comparison for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-file-uri-to-path Description-md5: 8f1f3de68b1d8b24e9e04c34aac41369 Description-zh_CN: Convert a file: URI to a file path Accepts a file: URI and returns a regular file path suitable for use with the nodejs fs module functions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-filename-regex Description-md5: 0b35cba2f637efc7d00afb9986af66b4 Description-zh_CN: Regular expression for matching file names Regular expression for matching file names, with or without extension. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-filesize Description-md5: a94e99f8a78d2a43e963e9e039db3b8e Description-zh_CN: generate a human readable String describing the file size filesize.js provides a simple way to get a human readable file size string from a number (float or integer) or string. . For example, filesize(265318) produces 259.1 KB. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fill-range Description-md5: 66288faec7bc049d23950f0aecb3a926 Description-zh_CN: node module to fill in a range of numbers or letters fill-range can optionally pass an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex` . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-finalhandler Description-md5: ea8694357b09480ce2802c9b0b44e6e2 Description-zh_CN: final HTTP responder - Node.js module This package provides a middleware-style function to invoke as the final responding step for HTTP requests. . The object it receives as parameter is used to output an error with a given status code, and defaults to 404 Not Found. . It is particularly useful in express/connect applications. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-find-cache-dir Description-md5: e98e42c86f5135f5166e36a64a6b05de Description-zh_CN: finds the common standard cache directory Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-find-up Description-md5: 4d8efa74188327d8495f03dea973f4c1 Description-zh_CN: Find a file by walking up parent directories find-up helps in finding a file or directory by walking up parent directories. There are related tools, too. CLI for this module is find-up- cli. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-findit2 Description-md5: 5c4ba78cda4bd9d96f569a454cc5ef79 Description-zh_CN: walk a directory tree recursively with events findit2 is a Node.js module to recursively walk directory trees. It supports optionally following symlinks and detects file system loops. . This module is a backward-compatible rewrite of node-findit to provide bug fixes and better symlink support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fined Description-md5: ab750f975c61c42cca8621d1aee809ff Description-zh_CN: Find a file given a declaration of locations Node.js module to find a file given a basename, a list of extensions and a path. The path can be either given directly or as a base directory for finding up. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-first-chunk-stream Description-md5: 785addb51554b89c92ae1a5a87941f22 Description-zh_CN: buffer and transform the first chunk in a stream This package transform a buffer in a javascript stream that could be pass to other callback. . This is reverse dependency of gulp a package builder for nodejs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-flagged-respawn Description-md5: 4a7b69405d498db4ca51d3221d8ab8ac Description-zh_CN: tool for respawning node binaries when special flags are present This Node.js module can be useful for command-line scripts written in JavaScript. It can selectively apply flags to the interpreter, by re- spawning it and passing it only the required flags - the rest are passed to the script. . Flagged-respawn also handles all the edge cases such as: - Providing a method to determine if a respawn is needed. - Piping stderr/stdout from the child into the parent. - Making the parent process exit with the same code as the child. - If the child is killed, making the parent exit with the same signal. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-flow-remove-types Description-md5: 533bae577301f6e4eeb106bc52581ff8 Description-zh_CN: Removes Flow type annotations from JavaScript files Turn your JavaScript with Flow type annotations into standard JavaScript in an instant with no configuration and minimal setup. . Flow provides static type checking to JavaScript which can both help find and detect bugs long before code is deployed and can make code easier to read and more self-documenting. The Flow tool itself only reads and analyzes code. . Running code with Flow type annotations requires first removing the annotations which are non-standard JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-flush-write-stream Description-md5: 07a1d2cff41111a50a4bfa428d77f60c Description-zh_CN: Write stream constructor This write stream constructor supports a flush function that is called before finish is emitted . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fn-name Description-md5: 176080f298edc4399b2835314ba351c5 Description-zh_CN: Get the name of a named function There is a non-standard name property on functions in Javascript, but it's not supported in all browsers. This module tries that property then falls back to extracting the name from the function source. This package is a dependency for ava. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-follow-redirects Description-md5: a3d2bb3873955f0a037fe123e395012d Description-zh_CN: HTTP and HTTPS modules that follow redirects Drop-in replacement for Nodes `http` and `https` that automatically follows redirects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fontsource-inconsolata Description-md5: 0684c416e1246a8cc9d967ccb36ef155 Description-zh_CN: Inconsolata font self-hostable for Node.js The node-fontsource-inconsolata package contains the Inconsolata font and CSS files suitable for self-hosting with Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fontsource-lato Description-md5: b7ad1a5a901926b8d7dd2ef1385d59a4 Description-zh_CN: Lato font self-hostable for Node.js The node-fontsource-lato package contains the Lato font and CSS files suitable for self-hosting with Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fontsource-merriweather Description-md5: da54bfa6d7c802c6c91ce879d17f3925 Description-zh_CN: Merriweather font self-hostable for Node.js The node-fontsource-merriweather package contains the Merriweather font and CSS files suitable for self-hosting with Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-for-in Description-md5: 12aea20a89bcde35eaf8beed46307889 Description-zh_CN: iterate over object Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-for-own Description-md5: e571355d521203cdf7c7321270df9b65 Description-zh_CN: Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object, and return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning `false`. JavaScript/Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-foreground-child Description-md5: 43a3de4a4b84e5056615879d51b6599a Description-zh_CN: helper running a child process as a foreground process This Node.js module emulate simple control group in pure javacript. It runs a child process as foreground process redirecting output to stdout and exiting main process as soon as child exist. . This module could be used for implementating TAP test for Node.js. . TAP is a simple text-based interface between testing modules implemented in many popular languages. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fragment-cache Description-md5: e6a1cf75657f1a99364dc0f85e7a3090 Description-zh_CN: Cache for managing namespaced sub-caches Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-free-style Description-md5: 91f834ddd8b2f48f9841b6b85b2348cb Description-zh_CN: more maintainable CSS styles in Node.js Free-style is designed to make CSS easier and more maintainable in Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-from2 Description-md5: 7091da18c1a96844751d246496820a0f Description-zh_CN: wrapper for ReadableStream Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2" . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fs-exists-sync Description-md5: 4e528a2393b335113ce94a0bbf403dbe Description-zh_CN: Drop-in replacement for Node.js's `fs.existsSync` with zero dependencies fs-exists-sync is a drop-in replacement for Node.js's `fs.existsSync` with no dependencies. Other libraries have crucial differences from fs.existsSync, or unnecessary dependencies. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fs-extra Description-md5: 76d6c25623d7121b38ace7b2c240feb6 Description-zh_CN: fs-extra contains methods not included in the Node.js fs module The fs-extra Node.js module adds a few extra file system methods that aren't included in the native fs module. It is a drop in replacement for fs. . The module implements common filesystem operations such as copy(), move(), mkdirs(), remove(), and specific read/write operations like readFile() & outputFile() and readJson() & outputJson(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fs-readdir-recursive Description-md5: 65cb3cd817acc9ab153ad821df94e5cb Description-zh_CN: Recursively read a directory Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fs-write-stream-atomic Description-md5: b81778937ce9983457d7017cf6bf4382 Description-zh_CN: Like fs.createWriteStream(...), but atomic Writes to a tmp file and does an atomic `fs.rename` to move it into place when it's done. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fs.realpath Description-md5: 38381dec741fefe13d67bf507ba76a4a Description-zh_CN: Use node's fs.realpath Use node's fs.realpath, but fall back to the JS implementation if the native one fails . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-function-bind Description-md5: 033a9d552c0700bebbb12c18dc928ca5 Description-zh_CN: Implementation of Function.prototype.bind Function-bind can be used for unit tests, and is useful for webframeworks that do not have the function-bind. . This package includes also the node-has (has) package, shortcut. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-fuzzaldrin-plus Description-md5: a7ec5c806744a4d83123398a281db683 Description-zh_CN: Fuzzy filtering and string scoring - compatible with fuzzaldrin A fuzzy search / highlight that specialize for programmer text editor. It tries to provide intuitive result by recognizing patterns that people use while searching. . A rewrite of the fuzzaldrin library. API is backward compatible with some extra options. Tuning has been done from report usage of the Atom text editor. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gauge Description-md5: 0e6a2019495d1ce8ce84fc682b8d8e04 Description-zh_CN: terminal based horizontal progress bar A nearly stateless terminal based horizontal gauge / progress bar. This library is a dependency for npmlog, a logger with custom levels and colored output for Node.js . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-generator-supported Description-md5: 6973597c8ca5a8b47b319cbaec1446ba Description-zh_CN: Check if JS harmony generator is supported in environment This module checks if JS harmony generator (for example due to parameter " --harmony" while invoking node) is supported in environment. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-genfun Description-md5: 4196fb2d09e008287c950ce78cfb500e Description-zh_CN: fast, prototype-friendly multimethods A genfun is a regular function object with overridden function call/dispatch behavior. genfun is a Javascript library that lets you define generic functions: regular-seeming functions that can be invoked just like any other function, but that automatically dispatch methods based on the combination of arguments passed to it when it's called, also known as multiple dispatch. . This package is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-get-caller-file Description-md5: 0d656c8c9746de4744123e3b606b63d7 Description-zh_CN: inspects the v8 stack trace Call this function in a another function to find out the file from which that function was called from. . Inspired by . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-get-func-name Description-md5: 0d7961af2c9ca1f2fe96351e26ed4469 Description-zh_CN: Utility for getting a function's name for node and the browser This is a module to retrieve a function's name securely and consistently both in NodeJS and the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-get-stdin Description-md5: 480eec2114f77a98b4ddd8b6cbdfd52b Description-zh_CN: Easier stdin for Node.js get-stdin is a Node.js module to easily handle STDIN with JavaScript callback functions. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-get-stream Description-md5: ccc248b4b712ecd6d149de296d103065 Description-zh_CN: Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array This package transforms a stream (a continuous flow of data that is received for instance over internet) as a string (a linear sequence of characters), a buffer (a linear sequence of bytes) or an array. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-get-value Description-md5: 6ae732dbca8e528ebcc96e05155015b9 Description-zh_CN: Use property paths to get a nested value from an object Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-getobject Description-md5: 742680fd8a399717ac88e6520cf48acc Description-zh_CN: set and get deep objects easily - module for Node.js getobject allows you to easily get and set deep objects. It also allows you to check if deep objects exist. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-getpass Description-md5: 1f7c35fb0f7e75abc7e1a2a6db6431c9 Description-zh_CN: get a password from terminal This library can be used to get a password from the terminal. Even though it sounds simple and sounds like the `readline` module should be able to do it. But readline module does not support it. . If available, this uses `/dev/tty` to avoid interfering with any data being piped in or out of stdio. This function prints a prompt (by default `Password:`) and then accepts input without echoing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gettext-parser Description-md5: b99098bba71f2b851ad4667615a5464b Description-zh_CN: Parse and compile gettext po and mo files to/from json Parse and compile gettext *po* and *mo* files with node.js, nothing more, nothing less. . This module is slightly based on other gettext related modules (node- gettext ( The plan is to move all parsing and compiling logic from node-gettext to this module and leave only translation related functions (domains, plural handling, lookups etc.). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gitlab-favicon-overlay Description-md5: 1710d545c7ccc329df66b2b60afa1c28 Description-zh_CN: Combine images for a favicon with the help of canvas This module enables you produce a favicon by combining several images on a canvas. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-glob-base Description-md5: 1937b732eccffae6a7f448f2833d9ef8 Description-zh_CN: returns an object with the (non-glob) base path This library returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-glob-parent Description-md5: 81a80b53324249f1451a998622120c0b Description-zh_CN: Extract the non-magic parent path from a glob string Javascript module to extract the non-magic parent path from a glob string. . For example, 'path/to/*.js' will return 'path/to' and '**/*.js' will return '.' . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-glob-stream Description-md5: c8bc5acf8411b32772321afc4850fabb Description-zh_CN: wrapper around node-glob to make it streamy You can pass any combination of globs. One caveat is that you can not only pass a glob negation, you must give it at least one positive glob so it knows where to start. All given must match for the file to be returned. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-global-modules Description-md5: 6967c04c70e0bc1e826279f553aaecdb Description-zh_CN: directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-global-prefix Description-md5: e659a5d96ae81fa055bcdeca762649a8 Description-zh_CN: get the npm global path prefix Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-globals Description-md5: 3fdc1d99021f9a3e3c0ac2c1468d54f5 Description-zh_CN: Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments Extracted from JSHint and ESLint and merged. It's just a JSON file, so it can be used in whatever environment one likes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-globby Description-md5: c947be95aa4553ac2c57370ae1d50636 Description-zh_CN: Extends glob with promise API Extends glob with support for multiple patterns and exposes a Promise API. . Related projects includes multimatch which can match against a list instead of the filesystem and then glob-stream which is a streaming alternative finally matcher is simple wildcard matching. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-globule Description-md5: 9cdc5148c5906082bf1554a6eb2e2f1e Description-zh_CN: Easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js globule is an easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js. . The library offers functions like find(), match() and mapping() that support globbing patterns. . globule.find returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s). . globule.match can be used to match one or more globbing patterns against one or more file paths. . globule.mapping returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects for the given set of source file paths. . This package contains the globule module for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-glogg Description-md5: ffa623aeb8c796d90eab5eb095525967 Description-zh_CN: Global logging utility This module makes no assumptions about the log levels and they will always be emitted. If you are looking to filter some out, your listeners will need to have extra logic. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-googlediff Description-md5: a410f045389ec9d0e53595ba845ab375 Description-zh_CN: Compares the differences between the two texts The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text. This library implements Myer's diff algorithm which is generally considered to be the best general purpose diff. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-got Description-md5: e749b7e4a354eccfd33aac9696a6b7d0 Description-zh_CN: Simplified HTTP requests This module provides a nicer interface to the built-in http module. . This module was created because request is bloated *(several megabytes!)*. . Highlights: - Promise & stream API - Request cancellation - Follows redirects - Retries on network failure - Handles gzip/deflate - Timeout handling - Errors with metadata - JSON mode - WHATWG URL support - Electron support . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-graphlibrary Description-md5: eb4870b75a01868f3bd8ce9a576ee873 Description-zh_CN: directed and undirected multi-graph library Graphlibrary is a JavaScript library that provides data structures for undirected and directed multi-graphs along with algorithms that can be used with them. . In addition to a core graph API, it also comes with implementations for many common graph algorithms. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-graphql Description-md5: f22039723b6d71944459a34deccd126b Description-zh_CN: JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL GraphQL is a Query Language and Runtime for APIs which can target any service. It provides a complete and understandable description of the data in an API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-growl Description-md5: 38c29d37eafb15b35d40f19cae118c5b Description-zh_CN: unobtrusive notification system for nodejs Growl support for Nodejs. Essentially a port of the Ruby Growl Library from the same author. . Growl is a cross platform notification system. . Applications can use Growl to display small notifications about events which may be important to the user. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-babel Description-md5: 9a3a4183e3162f7717e4752c16cd7380 Description-zh_CN: grunt plugin for babel Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, which is a tool used to automatically perform frequently used tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-clean Description-md5: d795e7dd6ea1c4aa4fa22cd95e8bc17f Description-zh_CN: Grunt plugin to clean files and folders Grunt automates several tasks related to maintaining a JavaScript library or framework. It can be used for JS code minification, unit testing, code checking, and several other tasks. . This plugin is used to clean files and folders. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-coffee Description-md5: ea1319cf58fddd442a633d4c14368015 Description-zh_CN: Compile CoffeeScript files to JavaScript This is a plugin for grunt javascript task runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-concat Description-md5: 74b3fa34a17b13ecf1746dcbe4d736b4 Description-zh_CN: Concatenate files This is a plugin for grunt javascript task runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-copy Description-md5: c496ce07d52eb7ceb4cd04e9be594a72 Description-zh_CN: Copy files and folders Node.js module that provides a grunt plugin to copy files and folders. Supports recursive copying, flattening, and processing files on the fly. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-internal Description-md5: ea5a0928517c938e58667e08610e8d2d Description-zh_CN: Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib projects This grunt plugin is required for building other grunt plugins . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-nodeunit Description-md5: e55a97cad29bbd1377bd7f60d007a3e6 Description-zh_CN: Grunt plugin to run Nodeunit unit tests Grunt automates several tasks related to maintaining a JavaScript library or framework. It can be used for JS code minification, unit testing, code checking, and several other tasks. . This plugin runs Nodeunit unit tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-requirejs Description-md5: 11710138e2e26f30ee2e0ac686a563ba Description-zh_CN: Optimize RequireJS projects using r.js This is a plugin for grunt javascript task runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-contrib-uglify Description-md5: 30b1c2a540480a242eaa05782eabef69 Description-zh_CN: Minify JavaScript files with UglifyJS Node.js module that provides a grunt plugin to minify JavaScript files with UglifyJS. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-legacy-log Description-md5: 6d43e85128a7136aaec9d15926eb707a Description-zh_CN: Grunt 0.4.x logger Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-legacy-log-utils Description-md5: c9580704f27dca2151c2707e8f58fede Description-zh_CN: Static methods for the Grunt 0.4.x logger Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-legacy-util Description-md5: b0ab1a5015eaf589c0c414d4e24f71d5 Description-zh_CN: Some old grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-replace Description-md5: 2e31ba543b84a7350623a792b061e97d Description-zh_CN: Replace text patterns with applause Grunt-replace uses the node-applause module to replace any text pattern with new text. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-grunt-webpack Description-md5: 945f90f07374fa7df44374d9707ccf76 Description-zh_CN: Use webpack with grunt grunt is a JavaScript task runner/build system/maintainer tool. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-babel Description-md5: 6bfc94d85c58cf005eefd0fff1f367db Description-zh_CN: gulp plugin to use babel gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Babel is a JavaScript compiler to use next generation JavaScript, today. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-changed Description-md5: 110bb0147f672afb2bdf0605ad63a530 Description-zh_CN: gulp plugin to only pass through changed files gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-coffee Description-md5: 869ba7b2e34b61dbb36578658bc67fef Description-zh_CN: Compile CoffeeScript files This plugin for gulp build tool supports compiling CoffeeScript files. . Gulp is a streaming build system to automate painful or time-consuming tasks. This library is a build dependency for at.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-concat Description-md5: 947cad51eb17d095f4d81e3253672694 Description-zh_CN: Concatenates files This plugin for gulp build tool which supports concatenating files. . Gulp is a streaming build system to automate painful or time-consuming tasks. This library is a build dependency for at.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-flatten Description-md5: a2fa6888cb4b40c82dec341c9dba97f6 Description-zh_CN: remove or replace relative path for files By default gulp stores files with it's relative paths. Use case: To copy all minified javascript files from bower_components to build folder without relative paths when you have multiple modules in different sub directories. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-load-plugins Description-md5: 1cf0b62e477a9c41e89feb8384c9d7fc Description-zh_CN: Automatically load any gulp plugins in your package.json Loads gulp plugins from package dependencies and attaches them to an object of your choice. . gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-mocha Description-md5: 128f7c1dee702d70ba630255a81fcc2f Description-zh_CN: Run mocha tests with gulp This package allows one to integrate mocha unit tests with gulp . Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and browser, making asynchronous testing simple. . Gulp is streaming build system to automate painful or time-consuming tasks . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-newer Description-md5: d92ebb9b88d844665f37df512fabd292 Description-zh_CN: Only pass through newer source files gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-plumber Description-md5: 24e17a98654d1da630379e8db2464797 Description-zh_CN: Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-postcss Description-md5: f82597d90274a5f358a6fec0c164191e Description-zh_CN: gulp plugin to pipe CSS through several plugins, but parse CSS only once gulp-postcss is a plugin that can pipe CSS through several plugins, parsing the CSS only once. You must install any desired postcss plugins in addition to this package. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-rename Description-md5: 6ff1f6936602146c63c7a4f3f382a778 Description-zh_CN: gulp pulgin to rename files gulp-rename provides simple file renaming methods. It offers easy methods to add prefixes, move to different directories, map files using a table etc. . gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-sass Description-md5: 62dbc41e933ec28ea81a9abc63a099f9 Description-zh_CN: Gulp extension for using the SASS CSS compiler gulp-sass is a light-weight wrapper around either Dart Sass or Node Sass, although currently only Node Sass is packaged for Debian in the node-node- sass package. . gulp-sass must be imported into your gulpfile, where you provide it the compiler of your choice. To use gulp-sass in a CommonJS module (which is most Node.js environments), do something like this: . > const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('node-sass')); . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-sourcemaps Description-md5: a6f112aeee1414d8708aa427c58eae0a Description-zh_CN: Source map support for Gulp.js Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-tap Description-md5: 55cfe80a82e826cfb6f650e35df7a5ae Description-zh_CN: Easily tap into a gulp pipeline Some filters like gulp-coffee process all files. What if you want to process all JS and Coffee files in a single pipeline? Use tap to filter out .coffee files and process them through the coffee filter and let JavaScript files pass through. . If you do not return a stream, tap forwards your changes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulp-util Description-md5: fea2d9273af2dffdfe7efcbe7166a97a Description-zh_CN: Type definitions for gulp-util Node.js module gulp-util module has been deprecated. More information at . This package now only includes type definitions of gulp-util. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gulplog Description-md5: 1ab98d976ce2d209a7f0a6ea25be669f Description-zh_CN: Logger for gulp and gulp plugins Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-gzip-size Description-md5: 289b4b02e01ffe6dc338e6bd7c0223e6 Description-zh_CN: Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer This module is a dependency of react-dev-util and webpack-bundle-analyzer . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-har-schema Description-md5: 810955713af73c3cddf277a89ad78ced Description-zh_CN: JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR) HTTP Archive (HAR) format defines an archival format for HTTP transactions that can be used by a web browser to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads. . This library is a dependency of har-validator. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-har-validator Description-md5: 8d9b79c4aa7660f47fe22f657fcff17b Description-zh_CN: Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema HTTP Archive (HAR) format defines an archival format for HTTP transactions that can be used by a web browser to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads. . This library is a dependency of request, the simplest way possible to make http calls. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-ansi Description-md5: 522394c5dc8dcc4707f11366065be939 Description-zh_CN: Check if a string has ANSI escape codes in Node.js has-ansi is a Node.js module to check if a string has ANSI escape codes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-binary Description-md5: 35e3ddff8728d5ff412158f4a9d1db82 Description-zh_CN: Test if a JavaScript object contains binary data The has-binary Node.js module provides a function that takes anything in JavaScript and returns true if its argument contains binary data. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-cors Description-md5: 5d6916721250f235519a8bcf4d6c44cb Description-zh_CN: Detect support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Node.js module to detect support for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), the mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-flag Description-md5: fddf31c74795878f3dfadc627fd5f0ef Description-zh_CN: check if argv has a specific flag This module checks if argv has a specific flag and correctly stops looking after an -- argument terminator. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-gulplog Description-md5: 6bc9b14b9be1cc16a35e27ebdac989ad Description-zh_CN: check if gulplog is available before attempting to use it Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-symbol-support-x Description-md5: d59a2ac4f69cc11ebe466294f84f8164 Description-zh_CN: Tests if ES6 Symbol is supported This library is a dependency of npm and gitlab. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-to-string-tag-x Description-md5: 83450db8ff4dd00509e00b21e9604bd5 Description-zh_CN: Tests if ES6 @@toStringTag is supported Indicates if `Symbol.toStringTag`exists and is the correct type. `true`, if it exists and is the correct type, otherwise `false`. . This was introduced in ECMA-262, 6th edition of ECMAScript 2015 Language specification (also known as ES6 or ES2015). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-unicode Description-md5: 188136e7de407851447bd29300b408ce Description-zh_CN: Try to guess if your terminal supports unicode This module actually detects UTF-8 support. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-value Description-md5: 2acd4faa02ee7bd54f3004ae28dd24fb Description-zh_CN: node library that returns true if a value exists Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-values Description-md5: 32fee9c33a3385a85de6ede2e595adca Description-zh_CN: node library that returns true if any values exist Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans, functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-has-yarn Description-md5: 4bcf6cbc7cc203af018cf9f0609a95af Description-zh_CN: Check if a project is using Yarn Useful to know whether to use yarn or npm to install dependencies. This library is a dependency for ava, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hash-base Description-md5: 6b9bab396bc71bbb6d7d5af32ed94637 Description-zh_CN: abstract base class for javascript hash-streams This module implements an abstract base class to inherit from in order to create streams implementing the same API as Node.js crypto API. . This module is needed for implementing in-browser context hash function. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hash-sum Description-md5: c31c998ea6ea0527bfcd96e9feea2c47 Description-zh_CN: Blazing fast unique hash generator This module has the following features: - no dependencies - minimal footprint - works in all of node.js, io.js, and the browser - hashes functions based on their source code - produces different hashes for different object types - support for circular references in objects - ignores property assignment order . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hash-test-vectors Description-md5: 6a5776f2a1513f420154479b732184b3 Description-zh_CN: test vectors for hashes This module includes test vectors for various hash and cryptographic function. This test vectors are ready to use and packaged as JSON data. . This package is used for testsuite of another Node.js modules. . JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is an open-standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pair. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hash.js Description-md5: a30162a3e6344f3212322893e54bf672 Description-zh_CN: Hash functions that could be run by both browser and nodejs This module implements a few classical hash function that could be run in browser and in nodejs context. . Hash functions implemented includes ripemd160,sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hashish Description-md5: e68b12e75d15f86a2e5e7dcf4bf33027 Description-zh_CN: manipulate hash data structures in Node.js Hashish is a Node.js library for manipulating hash data structures. It is distilled from the finest that ruby, perl, and haskell have to offer by way of hash/map interfaces. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hawk Description-md5: 11050b4870efe8512ecf3589f21d771c Description-zh_CN: HTTP Hawk Authentication Scheme Hawk is an HTTP authentication scheme using a message authentication code (MAC) algorithm to provide partial HTTP request cryptographic verification. For more complex use cases such as access delegation, see Oz. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-he Description-md5: 669200ccc3d2f5186d14918480ccbd4b Description-zh_CN: robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support _he_ (for “HTML entities”) is a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. . It supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a browser would, has an extensive test suite, and — contrary to many other JavaScript solutions — _he_ handles astral Unicode symbols just fine. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-help-me Description-md5: 957e4c55036f1eaa038d75686dcdee7d Description-zh_CN: help command for node, partner of minimist and commist help-me is a lib that provides an easy way to write a help command for a node. Should be used together with minimist and commist. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hmac-drbg Description-md5: a31c7d8bcb73ffb1e38db8518565728b Description-zh_CN: Deterministic random bit generator (hmac) in pure javascript This is a pure javascript implementation of deterministic random bit generators defined in section 10.1.2 of NIST SP 800-90A. . A DRBG mechanism uses an algorithm that produces a sequence of bits from an initial value that is determined by a seed that is determined from the entropy input. Once the seed is provided and the initial value is determined, the DRBG is said to be instantiated and may be used to produce output. . Because of the deterministic nature of the process, a DRBG is said to producepseudorandom bits, rather than random bits. The seed used to instantiate the DRBG must contain sufficient entropy to provide an assurance of randomness. If the seed is kept secret,and the algorithm is well designed, the bits output by the DRBG will be unpredictable, up to the instantiated security strength of the DRBG. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hosted-git-info Description-md5: 0a699dc3dffdc88f54feb7bdd8163a81 Description-zh_CN: Provides metadata from Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-hsluv Description-md5: 660770415110f2585ef5f838d8028f45 Description-zh_CN: HSLuv is a human-friendly alternative to HSL This is an alternative to the HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) colorspace which implements the idea of specifying a color by hue, saturation and lightness in a way that is compatible with how they are perceived by humans. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-html-comment-regex Description-md5: 5c897f7abe85cd9b00f8d875571561f9 Description-zh_CN: Regular expression for matching HTML comments This module provides a regular expression to test if a given HTML code has any comment in it. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-html5shiv Description-md5: 2006438e576b1c5c7973e14a4d99b81b Description-zh_CN: enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy browser This package enables use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer and provides basic HTML5 styling for Internet Explorer 6-9, Safari 4.x (and iPhone 3.x), and Firefox 3.x. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-htmlescape Description-md5: 77a6c03f1dc2d7e924830c267130677c Description-zh_CN: escape string for safe use in html This module escape a string to be safe for use in html particularly inside a script tag. . In programming languages escape sequences are used in character literals and string literals, to express characters which are not printable or clash with the syntax of characters or strings. . This module is a dependency of browserify, a tool that allows one to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-htmlparser2 Description-md5: 625012a37dfba147bba6c181cab395ec Description-zh_CN: Fast & forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser A forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser written in JS for NodeJS. The parser can handle streams (chunked data) and supports custom handlers for writing custom DOMs/output. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-http-errors Description-md5: 9aee61e0fcf8eff99fb14d8a7e7e6a95 Description-zh_CN: Create HTTP error objects This modules allow you to create HTTP errors for Express, Koa, Connect, etc. with ease. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-http-signature Description-md5: fbe929533eb792cacdcb14b627ecdd22 Description-zh_CN: Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme node-http-signature is a node.js library that has client and server components for Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme. . This library is a dependency of request, the simplest way possible to make http calls. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-https-browserify Description-md5: 25244c1cd168fe3e682054b9ee3ec40f Description-zh_CN: https module compatibility for browserify The API is the same as the client portion of the node core https module. . This library is a dependency for browserify. Browserify takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Browserify exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-i18next Description-md5: 79deba670b1e6ca321ebf5b330003941 Description-zh_CN: internationalization framework for JavaScript environments i18next provides: - Flexible connection to backend (loading translations via xhr, ...) - Optional caching, user language detection, ... - Proper pluralizations - Translation context - Nesting, Variable replacement - Flexibility: Use it everywhere - Extensibility: eg. sprintf - ... . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-i18next-browser-languagedetector Description-md5: 6fb0e8539a2d5e6149c9b1539e83ec28 Description-zh_CN: language detector used in browser environment for i18next This is a i18next language detection plugin use to detect user language in the browser with support for: - cookie - localStorage - navigator - querystring (append ?lng=LANGUAGE to URL) - htmlTag - path - subdomain . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-i18next-http-backend Description-md5: 1e9ffd76fea996f9d0d5094bf64aa67e Description-zh_CN: Simple i18next backend to be used in Node.js This is a simple i18next backend to be used in Node.js, in the browser and for Deno. It will load resources from a backend server using the XMLHttpRequest or the fetch API. . It's based on the deprecated i18next-xhr-backend and can mostly be used as a drop-in replacement. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-icss-replace-symbols Description-md5: 0ebdd60a71bea872732f048d79258759 Description-zh_CN: Replace symbols during the linking phase of ICSS Governs the way tokens are searched & replaced during the linking stage of ICSS loading. . Interoperable CSS (ICSS) is a standard for loadable, linkable CSS. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-icss-utils Description-md5: 70934d8ca749b8d450a4ab05fe976658 Description-zh_CN: ICSS utils for postcss ast PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-iferr Description-md5: d9abfca65be283b14f5fe5eb7930cc2b Description-zh_CN: Higher-order functions for easier error handling This library allows one to delegate to a function in case of error, thus easing the error handling of the Node.js application. . This library is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ignore-by-default Description-md5: 0b7aac414dd6d47118523ba4c1c7adca Description-zh_CN: List of directories you should ignore by default Node.js module aimed at Node.js development tools. It provides a list of directories that should probably be ignored by such tools. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-imagemagick Description-md5: c4284432f78d8f62502967424a5b4208 Description-zh_CN: imagemagick module for NodeJS A NodeJS wrapper around the imagemagick cli. By using the wrapper we can invoke imagemagick functions more easily. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-immediate Description-md5: b4718887b2dd532a545097e4a95024a9 Description-zh_CN: Immediate is a cross browser microtask library immediate is a microtask library decended from NobleJS's setImmediate package and includes ideas from Cujo's When and RSVP package. . immediate takes tricks from setImmedate and RSVP and combines them with the schedualer inspired by whens. . tricks are tasks mentioned from setImmediate package which are run as necessary. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-immutable Description-md5: 85e769205685dfd66ec188bcc31f091d Description-zh_CN: Immutable Data Collections Immutable data cannot be changed once created, leading to much simpler application development, no defensive copying, and enabling advanced memoization and change detection techniques with simple logic. Persistent data presents a mutative API which does not update the data in-place, but instead always yields new updated data. . Immutable.js provides many Persistent Immutable data structures including: List, Stack, Map, OrderedMap, Set, OrderedSet and Record. . These data structures are highly efficient on modern JavaScript VMs by using structural sharing via [hash maps tries][] and [vector tries][] as popularized by Clojure and Scala, minimizing the need to copy or cache data. . Immutable also provides a lazy Seq, allowing efficient chaining of collection methods like map and filter without creating intermediate representations. Create some Seq with Range and Repeat. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-immutable-tuple Description-md5: c561a53b8407614f26b0b01fac579562 Description-zh_CN: Immutable finite list objects This library provides immutable finite list objects with constant-time equality testing (===) and no memory leaks. . This package exports a single function called tuple both as a default export and as an equivalent named export, so all of the following import styles will work. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-import-lazy Description-md5: 679eacfe51533dfe1b9189658f674ebc Description-zh_CN: import a module lazily Instead of referring to its exported properties directly, it's cached on consecutive calls. It also works using destructuring assignment in ES2015. Works out of the box for functions and regular properties. . This library is a dependency of npm, Node.js Package Manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-import-meta-resolve Description-md5: 44831489ffe85fc1384b491b2ada2dcb Description-zh_CN: Ponyfill for import.meta.resolve - Node.js module A module-relative resolution function scoped to each module, returning the URL string. This module backports an experimental Node.js 21 implementation of a standard ECMAScript modules feature. It will allow smoother transitions when upgrading Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-imports-loader Description-md5: 5191ce88bc2404850cc702e26d25aef8 Description-zh_CN: imports loader module for webpack The imports loader allows you to use modules that depend on specific global variables. . This is useful for third-party modules that rely on global variables like '$' or 'this' being the 'window' object. The imports loader can add the necessary require('whatever') calls, so those modules work with webpack. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-imurmurhash Description-md5: eb2ea0681f9ba4fb6354b05498b5c032 Description-zh_CN: incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 hashing algorithm This module is an incremental implementation of the MurmurHash3 (32-bit) hashing algorithm for JavaScript based on Gary Court's implementation with kazuyukitanimura's modifications. . This version works significantly faster than the non-incremental version if you need to hash many small strings into a single hash, since string concatenation (to build the single string to pass the non-incremental version) is fairly costly. In one case tested, using the incremental version was about 50% faster than concatenating 5-10 strings and then hashing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-indent-string Description-md5: 697a8a35689909ffa631ad0dd8a9bf2c Description-zh_CN: Indent each line in a string A node.js module that provides API for to indent lines in a string. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-inflected Description-md5: a4478488bff7381faa00033dd5a42834 Description-zh_CN: port of ActiveSupport's inflector to Node.js This library transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to foreign keys. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-inflight Description-md5: ed0104d8ac9c5c35e76e4901ed610662 Description-zh_CN: add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-inline-source-map Description-md5: 65810c7a5ba5d60fe4a6b8044afbd66c Description-zh_CN: base64 encoded source mappings for a generated file Adds source mappings and base64 encodes them, so they can be inlined in your generated file. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-inquirer Description-md5: e4778dd83904db47aff98a5ab47b26d2 Description-zh_CN: embeddable command line interface for Node.js Node.js module that provides a collection of interactive user interfaces and inquiry session flows for the command line. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-interpret Description-md5: 3c6e9f16043f59cc9159867d517a6967 Description-zh_CN: dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders This is used by Liftoff to automatically require dependencies for configuration files, and by rechoir for registering module loaders. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-invariant Description-md5: 7fd57b42958710c856e4e62d9d3f639f Description-zh_CN: assert function Node.js module to provide descriptive errors in development but generic errors in production. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-invert-kv Description-md5: 2f2e5caac2ede57d9cdd6dff266044ce Description-zh_CN: invert the key/value of an object This module provides a method to invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'} . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ip Description-md5: 6a2098ab9e6f8559444b0fb42e1e9103 Description-zh_CN: IP address utilities for node.js IP utility in node.js helps one with IP related queries. This module helps in quickly accessing ip address. . Ip utility helps fetch results on ip address, comapre ip address, validate ip address, range checking, subnet information etc. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ip-regex Description-md5: f447117ee66b3c42f4e55bec930565c0 Description-zh_CN: Regular expression for matching IP addresses Returns a regex for matching both IPv4 and IPv6. . Only match an exact string. Useful with RegExp to check if a string is an IP address. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ipaddr.js Description-md5: 5f67e775ef6e06a6eb59611ff147d604 Description-zh_CN: IPv4 and IPv6 addresses manipulation - Node.js module This modules features: - verification and parsing of an IP address - match against a CIDR range or range list - match against reserved ranges like loopback or private ranges - conversion between IPv4 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-irregular-plurals Description-md5: 47bdf7c12066140ea0a9c373c5a31fa6 Description-zh_CN: Map of nouns to their irregular plural form This package can be used to find the plural form of some nouns who have irregular plural form in English language only. If the noun ends in an "s", "x", "z", "ch" or "sh", add "es" If the noun ends in a "y" and is preceded by a consonant, drop the "y" and add "ies" If the noun ends in a "y" and is preceded by a vowel, add "s" . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-accessor-descriptor Description-md5: 84467f1090a2f251e6c048d761150aed Description-zh_CN: Identifies value with valid JS accessor descriptor characteristics Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript accessor descriptor. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-arrayish Description-md5: 3a129ce17fd1a3002fc58b99613cec7c Description-zh_CN: Determines if an object can be used as an array A Nodejs module to determine if a given object can be used as an array, thus the object support indexing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-binary-path Description-md5: b56688ff8bbae6fe13b8f37b083fb8a6 Description-zh_CN: check if a filepath is a binary file This library checks if a filepath is a binary file by checking known binary file extensions list. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-buffer Description-md5: da6c1904001aa854db90b30e39710daf Description-zh_CN: Determine if an object is a Buffer This module lets you check if an object is a Buffer without using Buffer.isBuffer (which includes the whole buffer module in browserify). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-builtin-module Description-md5: 3ec031e1550ee9c4d8f6f9bfe1eda57d Description-zh_CN: Check if string matches name of a Node.js builtin module Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-data-descriptor Description-md5: c863830a11d55c8f47b38f526e182e3b Description-zh_CN: True if a value has characteristics of a valid JS data descriptor Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data descriptor. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-descriptor Description-md5: c7efd1cdb4914303693756112069862b Description-zh_CN: Returns true if value has characteristics of a valid JS descriptor Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-directory Description-md5: 33ff8317a218865b1a3fa0ba1a764667 Description-zh_CN: checks if a given path is directory Returns true if a filepath exists on the file system and it's directory . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-docker Description-md5: 77c2f094e0a1b087aed1069653f20f85 Description-zh_CN: Check if the process is running inside a Docker container Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-dotfile Description-md5: 7afa7aba153e839e98b1cf4006df7ae3 Description-zh_CN: Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile. Returns false if the path is a dot directory. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-equal-shallow Description-md5: b04c81a46a444fed383a64c0b4ef398e Description-zh_CN: Does a shallow comparison of two objects. Node module that compares two objects and returns false if the keys or values differ. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-extendable Description-md5: c4d7dbc29b7ab0bd870c15daec1a591c Description-zh_CN: determine if a value can be extended Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended, e.g. "can the value have keys?" . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-extglob Description-md5: 1286052fe25e0ad5b9db2caa9b2d57ab Description-zh_CN: Node module to return true if a string is an extglob Node module providing a function that returns true if a string contains an extglob. Extglobs add the expressive power of regular expressions to globs patterns. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-finite Description-md5: 6f3a22a67826cd65824f8ec924367fea Description-zh_CN: ES2015 Number.isFinite() 垫片实现 该函数返回一个布尔值,指示给定的值是否是一个有限的数字(检查输入值有限还是无限)。 . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-generator-fn Description-md5: c90e7dc60d7ce57aad679fde8b656516 Description-zh_CN: Check if something is a generator function It is an library to check if a function is a native generator function. This library is a dependency for ava, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-glob Description-md5: c8f3c81c91b33c96bb8b87145e6d76d8 Description-zh_CN: Node module to return true if a string is a glob or extglob Node module providing a function that returns true if a string contains a glob or extglob. Extglobs add the expressive power of regular expressions to globs patterns. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-module Description-md5: 55c02e12ad8d5d167b522fcbb3501e7d Description-zh_CN: Node.js code to check if a string is an ES6 module This simple code checks whether a string is the source of an ES6 module. It doesn't actually execute the code and doesn't check other module types, so source strings without module loaders aren't recognized as modules. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-negated-glob Description-md5: fb1dfd836d5171d7db8db06781fd2ab0 Description-zh_CN: returns object with `negated` boolean Returns an object with a `negated` boolean and the `!` stripped from negation patterns. Also respects extglobs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-npm Description-md5: 49270891923030e2627fce66d8afdaf5 Description-zh_CN: Checks if your code is running as an npm script Is-npm checks whether your code is running as an npm or yarn script. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-number Description-md5: b98b5e796fe090bc970fc0a32258f3f4 Description-zh_CN: returns true if the value is a number It has comprehensive tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-obj Description-md5: 456d7c51880b73d1014386b28c2e6144 Description-zh_CN: Check if a JavaScript value is an object Determines if a value in JavaScript is an object. Arrays, functions, regexp are also objects in JavaScript. . This package contains the is-obj module for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-object Description-md5: aed6b5c0cf1c4cfd72ee4ef3cbff9904 Description-zh_CN: Checks whether a value is an object Returns true if the value is an object and not null. . This package is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-path-cwd Description-md5: 76003add1467d9065658b06771d770a3 Description-zh_CN: Check if a path is CWD Node.js module that checks if a path is the working directory. . is-path-cwd module is a dependency of webpack-bundle-analyzer, in turn this is needed for gitlab. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-path-in-cwd Description-md5: 9183409590c6e6024e64c126c317e6c1 Description-zh_CN: Check if a path is in the current working directory This module is a dependency of del module, which is similar to rimraf, but with a Promise API and support for multiple files and globbing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-path-inside Description-md5: 81a4a3482fb5382322bcd96a47cac077 Description-zh_CN: Check if a path is inside another path When checked against same path given for both arguments it retruns false. . Node.js library to check if a path is inside another path given. For example "isPathInside('a/b/c', 'a/b/c');" given then it return false. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-plain-obj Description-md5: 8d6b3b5f39e35ebf1ffbbf0b99936b99 Description-zh_CN: Check if a value is a plain object An object is plain if it's created by either `{}`, `new Object()` or `Object.create(null)`. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-plain-object Description-md5: 3e590f486e0d13dbb74745b816215f3a Description-zh_CN: Returns true if object was created by `Object` constructor Returns true if an object was created by `Object` constructor. . This library is a dependency of ava, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-primitive Description-md5: 077c2c66a465b7e1ef46705515f2fe7b Description-zh_CN: Returns `true` if the value is a primitive Is the typeof value a javascript primitive? Returns `true` if the value is a primitive. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-promise Description-md5: 8d9cd34c8f77a50ff94e5cf10bc200b8 Description-zh_CN: Test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise Node.js module to test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise (a javascript object representing the eventual result of an asynchronous operation) compliant with the Promises/A+ specification. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-redirect Description-md5: 3c30ec2e709cf9453cec67193f61b7d5 Description-zh_CN: Check if a number is a redirect HTTP status code The class of HTTP response status codes from 300 to 308 indicates the client must take additional action to complete the request. Many of these status codes are used in URL redirection. A user agent may carry out the additional action with no user interaction only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD. A user agent may automatically redirect a request. A user agent should detect and intervene to prevent cyclical redirects. From this package you can check if the number is a redirect HTTP status code. . This package is a dependency of ava. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-reference Description-md5: 17d2323d2601177101f227222ec47bed Description-zh_CN: Node.js code to determine whether an AST node is a reference Utility to determine whether an AST node which is known to be an Identifier corresponds to a reference or not. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-retry-allowed Description-md5: 1ba47b3d2d62b3db4ddfde0bd76b8575 Description-zh_CN: Is retry allowed for Error? This module can be used to determine if an error allows retry or not. For example, ETIMEDOUT allows retry but ENOTFOUND does not allow retry. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-stream Description-md5: 4c76c955c3e17fbcbaccb97d551c1956 Description-zh_CN: Check if something is a Node.js stream A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js. The stream module provides a base API that makes it easy to build objects that implement the stream interface. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-unc-path Description-md5: a97dbd345a51ddfd31b464f3d9683c66 Description-zh_CN: returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-valid-glob Description-md5: d7dfba093082bd321264a2c010ed5c2d Description-zh_CN: Return true if a value is a valid glob pattern or patterns This really just checks to make sure that a pattern is either a string or array, and if it's an array it's either empty or consists of only strings. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-windows Description-md5: 30f27e4b20c8bd8d508ca552f090cba8 Description-zh_CN: True if the platform is windows Returns true if the platform is windows . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-is-wsl Description-md5: 1f1fc49ee863ae5ade0ded9767348ea5 Description-zh_CN: Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isarray Description-md5: 963a92a9526e1e1622d65940337e05e1 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript Array#isArray for older browsers isarray provides Arrray#isArray for older browsers. . This package contains the isarray module for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isexe Description-md5: 1f1009ac6eb93a784fe22b09eb981536 Description-zh_CN: minimal module to check if a file is executable This Node.js module allows ones to check if a given file is executable, using promise is available and checking PATHEXT environment variable on windows. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ismobilejs Description-md5: 51952069c1db35425a72ea2efbc6f7fd Description-zh_CN: JavaScript library to detect mobile devices (node) A simple JavaScript library for detecting when a page is viewed on a mobile device. Output is placed in a JS object that you can then test for various results. . It works both in the browser as a JavaScript library or on the server side via NodeJS. . This package contains the ismobilejs module for Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isobject Description-md5: b283ac7c95143099622bb9c332997ad5 Description-zh_CN: Checks if the value is an object and not an array or null Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isomorphic-fetch Description-md5: c5ddb9ec2e7bdf75b2b3b3ec1fd072cf Description-zh_CN: Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify This adds fetch as a global so that its API is consistent between client and server. . This requires an ES6 Promise compatible polyfill, like es6-promise. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isomorphic.js Description-md5: 3dbfc0fbaeeeb422395347b65cacfde8 Description-zh_CN: Isomorphic JavaScript helper functions Helper functions for Isomorphic JavaScript (aka Universal JavaScript), for performance, crypto... . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isstream Description-md5: 45d889d86d170d2044fcf3ace97ba50b Description-zh_CN: Determine if an object is a Stream The missing Stream.isStream(obj): determine if an object is standard Node.js Stream. Works for Node-core Stream objects (for 0.8, 0.10, 0.11, and in theory, older and newer versions) and all versions of readable- stream. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-istanbul Description-md5: 100720c8b24e2db22c5bb4662eba92bb Description-zh_CN: JavaScript code coverage tool This package is a JavaScript code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-istextorbinary Description-md5: 56f2c1ec99a9a9576cc8c9f73eea2c13 Description-zh_CN: Determine if a filename and/or buffer is text or binary This library provides smarter detection than the other solutions. . Determination works like so: 1. Extension Check: If filename is available, check if any of its extensions (from right to left) are an text extension or a binary extension, this is near instant. 2. Contents Check: If no filename was provided, or the extension check was indeterminate, then check the contents of the buffer. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-isurl Description-md5: 6288462d8a9f184fe849c2343890137c Description-zh_CN: Checks whether a value is a WHATWG URL Works cross-realm/iframe and despite @@toStringTag. WHATWG URL API is used to parse, construct, normalise, and encode URLs. URLs will be encoded as per RFC 3986. . The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group is a community of people interested in evolving HTML and related technologies. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jed Description-md5: e261da88ee9dae5b59713abaad5f558c Description-zh_CN: Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps - Node.js module If you don't specifically need a gettext implementation, look at MessageFormat instead, as it has better support for plurals/gender and has built-in locale data. . Jed doesn't include a Gettext file parser, but several third-party parsers exist that can have their output adapted for Jed. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jison-lex Description-md5: 8e1d806a1ae139ec7815f26039c20031 Description-zh_CN: lexical analyzer generator used by jison A lexical analyzer generator used by jison. It takes a lexical grammar definition (either in JSON or Bison's lexical grammar format) and outputs a JavaScript lexer. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jju Description-md5: d1c149e49defb2071111f14bb5ea2167 Description-zh_CN: set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents `jju.parse()` and `jju.stringify()` are better in some cases, but slower than native `JSON.parse()` and `JSON.stringify()` versions. . See /usr/share/doc/node-jju/ for more details. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jose Description-md5: 5f4246d14830c913360b8751168f2f72 Description-zh_CN: JOSE library without dependencies "JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno. . The following specifications are implemented by jose - JSON Web Signature (JWS) - RFC7515 - JSON Web Encryption (JWE) - RFC7516 - JSON Web Key (JWK) - RFC7517 - JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) - RFC7518 - JSON Web Token (JWT) - RFC7519 - JSON Web Key Thumbprint - RFC7638 - JWS Unencoded Payload Option - RFC7797 - CFRG Elliptic Curve ECDH and Signatures - RFC8037 - secp256k1 EC Key curve support - JOSE Registrations for WebAuthn Algorithms . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jquery-mousewheel Description-md5: 1475c39a708f7f6ed95045348547b213 Description-zh_CN: jQuery plugin to add cross-browser mouse wheel support (Node.js) In order to use the plugin, simply bind the mousewheel event to an element. . It also provides two helper methods called mousewheel and unmousewheel that act just like other event helper methods in jQuery. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jquery-textcomplete Description-md5: 93d96bd4cd7909d4a07a832fe92eb2d7 Description-zh_CN: implement auto-complete support for textareas This jquery plugin implements auto-complete support for textareas, like a GitHub/Gitlab comment form or a social network comment box. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jquery-ui Description-md5: d139e08d8eb027c6ed4e9cf3dcdab7d6 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript UI library for dynamic web applications (NodeJs) jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jquery-ujs Description-md5: b9e7400d463f67a35c85f8838bbcf694 Description-zh_CN: Unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery This unobtrusive scripting support file is developed for the Ruby on Rails framework, but is not strictly tied to any specific backend. You can drop this into any application to: . - force confirmation dialogs for various actions; - make non-GET requests from hyperlinks; - make forms or hyperlinks submit data asynchronously with Ajax; - have submit buttons become automatically disabled on form submit to prevent double-clicking. . These features are achieved by adding certain "data" attributes to your HTML markup. In Rails, they are added by the framework's template helpers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-js-cookie Description-md5: b3493e1c42b2ea51f89799f08769e775 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight JavaScript cookie API JS-Cookie is a simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies. It supports JSON data, custom encodings, and standard JavaScript module loaders. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-js-sdsl Description-md5: b3c302049116c076fa16bed1bff0cc50 Description-zh_CN: javascript standard data structure library js-sdsl is a library that implements standard data structure just like C++ STL. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-js-tokens Description-md5: 9e7e130a182dc7d5e4c54259425878e6 Description-zh_CN: Regex that tokenizes JavaScript js-tokens provides a regex with the g flag that matches JavaScript tokens. The regex always matches, even invalid JavaScript and the empty string. The next match is always directly after the previous. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-js-yaml Description-md5: 3fd34972a0ba10cc4aa565730d109639 Description-zh_CN: YAML 1.2 parser and serializer This is an implementation of YAML, a human-friendly data serialization language. Started as PyYAML port, it was completely rewritten from scratch. Now it's very fast, and supports the 1.2 spec. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsbn Description-md5: 7fbd8139e2ecae980690936081a72bc7 Description-zh_CN: fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JS The jsbn library is a fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JavaScript, enabling public-key crypto and other applications on desktop and mobile browsers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jschardet Description-md5: 1cf3d16b4dcbe2d5a8f7c0fbee0905a4 Description-zh_CN: Character encoding auto-detection in JavaScript This library takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding, and attempts to determine the encoding. This module is a port of python's chardet. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsdoc2 Description-md5: a58abd23f9b770cf274366cd1a0156f9 Description-zh_CN: automatic documentation generation tool for JavaScript node-jsdoc2 is a port of JSDoc2 Toolkit that runs on Node.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 . Using this tool you can automatically turn JavaDoc-like comments in your JavaScript source code into published output files, such as HTML or XML. Package: node-jsesc Description-md5: c0b443e6e1d801fbdd692d3fd8485e1e Description-zh_CN: Escape JavaScript strings, with short output (Node.js module) Escapes JavaScript strings while generating the shortes possible valid ASCII-only output. This can be used to avoid various encoding issues. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-buffer Description-md5: 6406fa7e18b546b121fb2649269dcbab Description-zh_CN: JSON functions that can convert buffers. json buffer converts to base64 instead, and deconverts base64 to a buffer. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-loader Description-md5: 8e18631a7199589ee00abcf24b41bf50 Description-zh_CN: json loader for webpack This library is json loader module for webpack. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-localizer Description-md5: f76edb4d863470933f3d51cfc25fd30c Description-zh_CN: Utility to localize a json object Node-json-localizer can be used When you need humans to localize a json object from a config file. A typical use case is for a local config file, to extend an application config on the fly. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-parse-better-errors Description-md5: 81353f74b5e9f152882644209d593630 Description-zh_CN: JSON.parse() with context information on error This is a Node.js library for getting nicer errors out of JSON.parse(), including context and position of parse errors. . It servers similar purpose as the JSON.parse method but returns more useful errors when exceptions happen. . It's really fast, really good at concurrency, and it will never give you corrupted data, even if cache files get corrupted or manipulated. . It was originally written to be used as npm's local cache, but can just as easily be used on its own . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-parse-helpfulerror Description-md5: 8d5530cedef43e035848f4326544ea22 Description-zh_CN: drop-in replacement for JSON.parse that uses `jju` A drop-in replacement for `JSON.parse` that uses to provide more useful error messages in the event of a parse error. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-schema Description-md5: e15d9dc92fd29204d0c049389cea1d20 Description-zh_CN: JSON Schema validation and specifications This is a "finished" JavaScript implementation of JSON Schema - a simple, efficient, lightweight implementation of the original core elements of JSON Schema. It does not house the latest specifications nor does it implement the latest versions of JSON Schema, but seeks to maintain the stability (in behavior and size) of this original implementation for the sake of the numerous packages that rely on it. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-schema-traverse Description-md5: 33d0835c9cc27c5e7f99a1720b37c037 Description-zh_CN: Json schema traversal package Traverse JSON Schema passing each schema object to callback. This library helps to traverse a JSON schema to callback. This is a dependency of npm. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json-stable-stringify Description-md5: 1a8b3c38e2e604515403cf5bfb3d675c Description-zh_CN: deterministic JSON.stringify() It comes with custom sorting to get deterministic hashes from stringified results . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json2module Description-md5: 125fd51199f98020bcc86252b1f5b7e2 Description-zh_CN: Convert a JSON object to an ES6 module For example, given a package.json file and run this through json2module, you’ll get ES6 module as output. . This is particularly useful for exporting a version number defined in your package.json file when using Rollup. Unlike rollup-plugin-json, which enables Rollup to parse JSON directly, json2module creates standard ES6 modules that can be consumed by any client. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-json5 Description-md5: 97fd17b58309e4239a6c5b4052035526 Description-zh_CN: JSON for the ES5 era JSON5 is a proposed extension to JSON that aims to make it easier for humans to write and maintain by hand. It does this by adding some minimal syntax features directly from ECMAScript 5. . JSON5 remains a strict subset of JavaScript, adds no new data types, and works with all existing JSON content. . JSON5 is not an official successor to JSON, and JSON5 content may not work with existing JSON parsers. For this reason, JSON5 files use a new .json5 extension. (TODO: new MIME type needed too.) . The code here is a reference JavaScript implementation for both Node.js and all browsers. It’s based directly off of Douglas Crockford’s own JSON implementation, and it’s both robust and secure. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsonfile Description-md5: 6d9687783e73d4fb182ca1e91e03d1ff Description-zh_CN: Easily read/write JSON files in Node.js jsonfile is a Node.js module to easily read/write JSON files in JavaScript. . The module provides readFile() and writeFile() methods that combine JSON.parse() with fs.readFile() and JSON.parse() with fs.readFile(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsonify Description-md5: 2eba82d491117ded0c4a10f2d04f34c6 Description-zh_CN: JSON without touching any globals Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsonminify Description-md5: 70c7d223496fcd0800c661f1724c57f0 Description-zh_CN: Minify blocks of JSON-like content into valid JSON Node.js module to minify blocks of JSON-like content into valid JSON by removing all whitespace *and* comments. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsonparse Description-md5: aeb3c11f7569476d2647cdf3dea6d48f Description-zh_CN: Pure javascript JSON streaming parser for node.js This a simple nodejs module that parses a given JSON file and returning object form suitable for grammar analysis. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsonselect Description-md5: e1a2bd7f495e9cf93f97a825c31c69e0 Description-zh_CN: CSS-like selectors for JSON JSONSelect is an attempt to create a selector language similar to CSS for JSON objects. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jsprim Description-md5: 1c2876011acc3a93ac1467cdc303174b Description-zh_CN: utilities for primitive JavaScript types This module provides miscellaneous facilities for working with strings, numbers, dates, and objects and arrays of these basic types. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jszip Description-md5: 2b56c30e7bd5c49d343d1ea92c38f4f1 Description-zh_CN: 使用 Javascript 创建、读取和编辑 .zip 文件 一个使用 Javascript 创建、读取和编辑 .zip 文件的库,它具有可爱又简单的应用 程序编程接口(API)。 . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-jszip-utils Description-md5: 4c6d0b3267da6d2f7a78cceb26f668c5 Description-zh_CN: collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip It has two parts, one for every browsers and one for IE < 10. . JSZip is a javascript library for creating, reading and editing .zip files, with a lovely and simple API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-keese Description-md5: 399a4f26b3595e1995c83fcac2ecfce9 Description-zh_CN: arbitrary-precision floats encoded as strings - Node.js module keese is a Node.js module that generates well-ordered values, appropriate for use as sorting keys. . keese can always generate a bigger value, a smaller value, and a value between two other values. This is trivial using numbers with x+1, x-1, and (x+y)/2 respectively. However, numbers have limited precision in JavaScript, so instead keese uses strings. . The string values are comparable with the builtin comparison operators (such as <), and keese can always generate a new value that satisfies the constraints (limited only by system resources). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-kew Description-md5: c072129947d760c133e1e531cc173776 Description-zh_CN: lightweight promise library for node kew is a lightweight promise framework with an aim of providing a base set of functionality similar to that provided by the Q library. . Q is still an awesome library and does way more than kew. Kew support a tiny subset of the Q functionality. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-keygrip Description-md5: aca98d3653f1506ff8bb29eba4061556 Description-zh_CN: Key signing and verification for rotated credentials for Node.js This module helps signing and verifying data through a rotating credential system, in which new server keys can be added and old ones removed regularly, without invalidating client credentials. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-kind-of Description-md5: a09d028e63965311909bc6f138007882 Description-zh_CN: Get the native type of a value Get the type of a value, fast. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-klaw Description-md5: f3f91b842339543cb0db99d299906dec Description-zh_CN: File system walker for Node.js Returns a Readable stream that iterates through every file and directory starting with the given directory as root. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-knockout Description-md5: 76484b5e6c322e758937568172e4a376 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript MVVM framework Knockout is a JavaScript MVVM (a modern variant of MVC) library that makes it easier to create rich, desktop-like user interfaces with JavaScript and HTML. It uses observers to make your UI automatically stay in sync with an underlying data model, along with a powerful and extensible set of declarative bindings to enable productive development. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-knockout-sortable Description-md5: 9b1dbd8030e33f689148c8e7ed9750c2 Description-zh_CN: JQuery-UI "sortable" binding for Knockout Knockout-Sortable is a binding for Knockout.js designed to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI's sortable functionality. This allows a user to drag and drop items within a list or between lists and have the corresponding observableArrays updated appropriately. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-kuler Description-md5: 9412a6dce86961382998048a8f28a68b Description-zh_CN: Color your terminal using CSS/hex color codes, for Node.js Kuler is small and nifty node module that allows you to create terminal based colors using hex color codes, just like you're used to doing in your CSS. We're in a modern world now and terminals support more than 16 colors so we are stupid to not take advantage of this. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lastfm Description-md5: c6ed7e9a5cecc11b55d1dcfb9d99e7ed Description-zh_CN: Read and write to - Node.js module lastfm is a Node.js module which provides API to read and write to users' recent plays on . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-latest-version Description-md5: 919b74f6fc13e47c1bd3cde439e39818 Description-zh_CN: Get the latest version of an npm package Fetches the version directly from the registry instead of depending on the massive npm module like the latest module does. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lazy-cache Description-md5: 5d581b9de5c697e17b161f4b2c48ba4b Description-zh_CN: Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed. Works with browserify. Uses node's own require system with tried and true, plain-vanilla JavaScript getters. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lazy-debug-legacy Description-md5: 25f0f117d4bb851a12e3752b95d8a037 Description-zh_CN: Generates module names for vision media's debug Node.js module which generates app & module names for visionmedia´s debug using __filename and package.json. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lazy-property Description-md5: e644082919d228072ba3b582d29d13eb Description-zh_CN: Adds a lazily initialized property to the object E.G. require("lazy-property")(obj, name, init[, enumerable]) obj is the object to add the property to name is the name of the property init is a function that computes the value of the property enumerable if the property is enumerable (default false) . This library is a dependency of npm, Node.js package manager. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lazystream Description-md5: a44c1bd0668567b78a0146e7874cfbed Description-zh_CN: Open streams on demand - Node.js module lazystream is a Node.js module which provides an API to create streams lazily when they are read from or written to. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lcov-parse Description-md5: 4060a2af7c33278466705c18b9cd49fb Description-zh_CN: Parse lcov results files and return JSON This modules allows ones to parse lcov files and to return json reprensentation of these files. . lcov is a graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov. It collects gcov data for multiple source files and creates HTML pages containing the source code annotated with coverage information. It also adds overview pages for easy navigation within the file structure. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ldapjs Description-md5: 64c6a3437448f8de4fab4751af1af772 Description-zh_CN: LDAP toolbox for Node.js LDAPjs makes the LDAP protocol a first class citizen in Node.js. It provides both client and server libraries. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-leche Description-md5: 29fca321a7e0c16f17e9948f02db8410 Description-zh_CN: JavaScript testing utility for Mocha and Sinon Leche is a JavaScript testing utility designed to work with Mocha and Sinon. This is intended for use both by Node.js and in browsers, so any changes must work in both locations. . Sinon is a set of standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript working with any unit testing framework. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-less-loader Description-md5: 879cc0facd09217077efd227f35d1d8a Description-zh_CN: Less loader for webpack which compiles Less to CSS with webpack This library is a less loader module for webpack. . Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-less-plugin-clean-css Description-md5: 894762b40548a2935ee8c1f14470cd0e Description-zh_CN: clean-css plugin for less.js Compresses the css output from less (a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS) using clean-css. Specify the plugin with the --clean- css command line option to lessc. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-leven Description-md5: 6afdd2b3b294f2172ad100f92d76fab1 Description-zh_CN: library to measure the difference between two strings leven is a fast JS implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm to measure the difference of two strings. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-levn Description-md5: 4827e6ac05ee48403e2c83d71de77225 Description-zh_CN: Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation Levn is a library which allows you to parse a string into a JavaScript value based on an expected type. It is meant for short amounts of human entered data (eg. config files, command line arguments). . Levn aims to concisely describe JavaScript values in text, and allow for the extraction and validation of those values. Levn uses 'type-check' for its type format, and to validate the results. . How is this different than JSON? levn is meant to be written by humans only, is (due to the previous point) much more concise, can be validated against supplied types, has regex and date literals, and can easily be extended with custom types. On the other hand, it is probably slower and thus less efficient at transporting large amounts of data, which is fine since this is not its purpose. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lex-parser Description-md5: 9646a339711f01fa86263f7a27319b1b Description-zh_CN: parser for lexical grammars used by jison and jison-lex See /usr/share/doc/node-lex-parser/ for documentation . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lexical-scope Description-md5: f33230987ec68389970cd2b64e1428a7 Description-zh_CN: detect global and local lexical identifiers in javascript This package detects whether an indentifier is global scope or lexical scope. . This a dependency of Browserify. Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lib0 Description-md5: 14791f263500923a98385c7ac730ecb9 Description-zh_CN: Monorepo of isomorphic utility functions This library is meant to replace all global JavaScript functions with isomorphic module imports. Additionally, it implements several performance-oriented utility modules. Most noteworthy are the binary encoding/decoding modules lib0/encoding and lib0/decoding, the randomized testing framework lib0/testing, the fast Pseudo Random Number Generator lib0/PRNG, the small alternative lib0/websocket, and the logging module lib0/logging that allows colorized logging in all environments. . Lib0 has only one dependency, which is also from the author of lib0. If lib0 is transpiled with rollup or webpack, very little code is produced because of the way that it is written. All exports are pure and are removed by transpilers that support dead code elimination. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-libs-browser Description-md5: c3166807d8bb8b9465f315871038fba3 Description-zh_CN: node core libs for in browser usage This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lie Description-md5: cb744c5200a2a168dfe0979cb8a5b049 Description-zh_CN: basic but performant promise implementation lie is a small, performant, promise library implementing the Promises/A+ spec Version 1.1. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-liftoff Description-md5: f714459e6b9048d0ec7d51edf34aec9e Description-zh_CN: command line tool launcher Node.js module to make it easy for globally installed binaries to find and load a local installation, no matter what version it is, using a search algorithm similar to how node finds modules. . Supports intelligent filesystem traversal if the command is run in a sub- folder of the project, and explicit directory specification. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lightgallery Description-md5: 205f7c17112eab486f33885bd1280d12 Description-zh_CN: Modular lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery Lightgallery is a customizable, modular, and responsive lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery. Its main features include mobile device support, keyboard navigation, animated thumbnails, and HTML5 video display. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-load-grunt-tasks Description-md5: e8d1ac391a21c9c225b2f23cf46120e8 Description-zh_CN: Load multiple grunt tasks using globbing patterns Usually you would have to load each task one by one, which is unnecessarily cumbersome. . This module will read the dependencies/devDependencies/peerDependencies /optionalDependencies in your package.json and load grunt tasks that match the provided patterns. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-load-json-file Description-md5: 0bf2fc4c012c54d214eab5d788d75a0a Description-zh_CN: read and parse a JSON file Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-loader-runner Description-md5: 5c134ea938f4b1b4c7f188a9dae8645c Description-zh_CN: Runs (webpack) loaders This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-loader-utils Description-md5: 374cb0414fe81a5b8c433ff14efce850 Description-zh_CN: utils for webpack loaders Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-locate-character Description-md5: 4dbd3f537282db0b1901e88fe481791c Description-zh_CN: Helper to find the line and column of a character in a string Module to find the line and column of a character within a string, starting at any index. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-locate-path Description-md5: 17e56ae314e7ebce51aa486c3b6764e2 Description-zh_CN: Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths Node.js module to get the first path that exists on disk, from an array of multiple possible paths. . Provides a synchronous version and an asynchronous version (that returns a promise). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lodash Description-md5: bea052a4d57dbbdce15fb293f92ce722 Description-zh_CN: Lo-dash is a Node.js utility library Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays , numbers, objects, strings, etc. Lodash’s modular methods are great for: * Iterating arrays, objects, & strings * Manipulating & testing values * Creating composite functions . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lodash-packages Description-md5: 4a53ee0cffcb30a0535c0c4e037c1e3d Description-zh_CN: Lo-dash is a Node.js utility library (per method packages) Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays , numbers, objects, strings, etc. Lodash’s modular methods are great for: * Iterating arrays, objects, & strings * Manipulating & testing values * Creating composite functions . This package provides lodash methods exported as separate modules. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lodash-reescape Description-md5: 0bbde1d62a696cc13542fd104eba1c7e Description-zh_CN: modern build of lodash’s internal `reEscape` as a module Most of the per method modules are available from node-lodash-packages. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lodash-reevaluate Description-md5: d85bc5d6c0c4f7bb95cf97cc358b6351 Description-zh_CN: modern build of lodash’s internal `reEvaluate` as a module Most of the per method modules are available from node-lodash-packages. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-log-driver Description-md5: 23452fe7d30ffa46461598ded17d18b2 Description-zh_CN: simple logging framework in pure javascript This module implement logging to stdout and concatenate before every message the log level severity (configurable) date, time and local time zone. This modules allows ones to easily trace log event even. . In all the cases logs are redirected to stdout in order to allows one to pipe output to irc or logger program . This modules is needed by tools like coveralls, a coverage tools for javascript program. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-logform Description-md5: 94a7435e68fbbd98c53933052f90be04 Description-zh_CN: mutable object-based log format for Node.js A mutable object-based Node.js log format designed for chaining & objectMode streams. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-long Description-md5: dc1fc13ec46c8754d4dcf88970020690 Description-zh_CN: Class for representing 64-bit two's-complement integer value A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's-complement integer value derived from the Closure Library for stand-alone use and extended with unsigned support. . This is a class used by various modules that does not use newer bigint. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-loose-envify Description-md5: 450575588c1b41f56be2fc3f42167c7f Description-zh_CN: Replace Node.js environment variables with plain strings Performs a Javascript source-to-source transformation (transpiling), that efficiently replaces process.env environment variables with plain strings. This makes the environment variable checks faster and easier to optimize out. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-loud-rejection Description-md5: 0d0e547cfd93422efa735b60a31577b4 Description-zh_CN: make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly This library can be used to make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lowercase-keys Description-md5: a6af89313156495f25159829be56f4c7 Description-zh_CN: Lowercase the keys of an object It lowercases the keys and returns a new object. If you pass the keys of an object which are not in lowercase or if you want to ensure that all the keys are in lowercase then you can pass the object as an argument and it returns a new object with all the keys in lowercase. This package is a dependency for ava. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lumino Description-md5: 3bfc1e60e19eedd7bbda309f2843e4c2 Description-zh_CN: large set of libraries to develop Node.js applications This package provides these libraries : * algorithm * application * commands * coreutils * disposable * domutils * dragdrop * keyboard * messaging * polling * properties * signaling * virtualdom * widgets . It used to be PhosphorJS. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-luxon Description-md5: 800f49641c4d7980750696fa99bbd415 Description-zh_CN: Wrapper for JavaScript dates and times - Node.js module Luxon provides a set of powerful, modern, and friendly wrappers for DateTimes, Durations and Intervals. The API is immutable, chainable, and unambiguous. It uses native time zones and internationalization. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-lynx Description-md5: 71bc9228aa6a011dc042cf7ac8112a03 Description-zh_CN: Minimalistic StatsD client for Node.js programs Lynx is a minimalistic node.js client for the statsd server. . Features: * Minimalistic — there is only a minimum of abstraction between you and statsd * Streams — You can stream in and out of a lynx connection * Re-usable UDP Connections — Keeps UDP connections open for a certain time * Errors — Pluggable error handling, by default errors are ignored . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-macaddress Description-md5: c4c3795aaf63d7ec90399527eb4c7f61 Description-zh_CN: Get MAC addresses of host network interfaces in Node.js node-macaddress is a nodejs library that retrieves the MAC addresses (hardware addresses) of the host's network interfaces. It provides a convenient wrapper of os.networkInterfaces() call. . If the host system has more than one network interface, it will automatically pick one appropriate interface if you'are only interested in one MAC address identifying the host system. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-magic-string Description-md5: 25a1e5d7462ea7253603e0102faf7df1 Description-zh_CN: Modify strings, generate sourcemaps This package makes it possible to update a source map of a lightly modified source code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-make-dir Description-md5: b3e06cfe648f5489588e11bad517fcd5 Description-zh_CN: Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think mkdir -p Advantages over mkdirp - Promise API (Async/await ready!) - Fixes many mkdirp issues - 100% test coverage - CI-tested on macOS, Linux, and Windows - Actively maintained - Doesn't bundle a CLI . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-map-cache Description-md5: 6f3117797de69c8669d99fd810407699 Description-zh_CN: Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs. Based on MapCache in Lo- dash 3.0 . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-map-obj Description-md5: a13bd5aafbbb64bf8245766af0e79471 Description-zh_CN: Map object keys and values into a new objects map-obj takes key and values from an object and maps them on to a new object with new keys. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-map-visit Description-md5: a27c85505ff20d4dc52c8c4f4a26cd39 Description-zh_CN: Map `visit` over an array of objects /usr/share/doc/node-map-visit/ for more info. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-markdown-it Description-md5: fbec5b8832029920f5969660f5a1089a Description-zh_CN: Fast and easy to extend markdown parser Follows the CommonMark spec, adds syntax extensions and sugar (URL autolinking, typographer). Provides configurable syntax, can add new rules and even replace existing ones, and high speed . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-marked-man Description-md5: 944a30e94078213d30981ed6a02bdc83 Description-zh_CN: Markdown to man page conversion - Node.js This module adds groff output support to node-marked. It provides an easy way to maintain man pages in a markdown format (with gfm flavor by default). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-match-at Description-md5: ce592c8f43cd90a20a09dd1c8b8d4ab0 Description-zh_CN: Relocatable regular expressions Like String.prototype.match if it only checked the regex at the given index instead of searching the entire string. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-matcher Description-md5: 943383a18b784b782b4a98735c0ee65e Description-zh_CN: Simple wildcard matching Useful when you want to accept loose string input and regexes/globs are too convoluted. . This module can be used in different ways. It can accept an array of input's and pattern's and returns an array of inputs filtered based on the patterns. Or it returns a boolean of whether if the input matches the pattern. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-md5-hex Description-md5: fa4cb8739e0f768eb0a541d75376fbe4 Description-zh_CN: Create a MD5 hash with hex encoding This modeule works in the browser too, when used with browserify/webpack. . Warning: Please don't use MD5 hashes for anything sensitive! . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-md5-o-matic Description-md5: 002e6fe0e5b469805b87e9bcc4caaaf3 Description-zh_CN: Fast and simple MD5 hashing utility with zero module dependencies Simple & fast MD5 hashing for Node.js that requires no other module dependencies since it is pure javascript . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-md5.js Description-md5: 4b0c67ca0f10a5fdfa818a657bbd3b74 Description-zh_CN: implementation of MD5 in pure JavaScript This module implement md5 on pure javascript for browserify. . The MD5 algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value. Although MD5 was initially designed to be used as a cryptographic hash function, it has been found to suffer from extensive vulnerabilities. It can still be used as a checksum to verify data integrity, but only against unintentional corruption. . Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js- style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mdn-data Description-md5: 1df7560edc66ecb1bfa3a91b16795423 Description-zh_CN: Open Web data by the Mozilla Developer Network This module maintained by the MDN team at Mozilla contains general data for Web technologies. This data is used in MDN documentation, to build information boxes or sidebar navigation. . External tools have started to make use of this data as well. For example, the CSSTree CSS parser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-media-typer Description-md5: 2757b806f6d0a29f455b9325c4dda3bd Description-zh_CN: RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter - Node.js module This module parses a media type string as typically found in HTTP Content- Type header. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mem Description-md5: 5179744e50c8730c5424aa62bfdafa67 Description-zh_CN: Memoize functions An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-memfs Description-md5: 03c35140c8108cc170ea8537a304b40a Description-zh_CN: In-memory filesystem with Node's API Implements Node's fs API . stores files in memory, in buffers and throws same errors as Node.js has the concepts of i-nodes and implements hard links and soft links . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-memory-fs Description-md5: 8a9642f7fa5402d8498f2c596a8fe3c3 Description-zh_CN: simple in-memory filesystem It holds data in a javascript object. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-meow Description-md5: 7bfab58f109f275ad4d2beb0c059062e Description-zh_CN: Command-line interface app helper Features Parses arguments using minimist Converts flags to camelCase Outputs version when --version Outputs description and supplied help text when --help Makes unhandled rejected promises fail loudly instead of default silent fail Sets the process title to the binary name defined in package.json . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-merge-descriptors Description-md5: 8bc087693a2e4b276274e0a45c9ee24f Description-zh_CN: merge objects using descriptors Contains a simple module to merge objects using descriptors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-merge-stream Description-md5: b8e7b1ca0b489feca5e2b409330eebe3 Description-zh_CN: Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams This is adapted from event-stream separated into a new module, using Streams3. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mersenne Description-md5: 34b4e06fa91aaf6a3ffb12e7649840e1 Description-zh_CN: High-quality Mersenne Twister random numbers for Node.js A Node.js module for generating high-quality Mersenne Twister random numbers. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mess Description-md5: 392f19671287f47732896b24063dc66e Description-zh_CN: Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm implementation for Node.js Mess is a Node.js module which provides the Fisher-Yates shuffle function for arrays. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-methods Description-md5: 1e961fa000135e6e39a6621d4593085a Description-zh_CN: contains the HTTP methods that Node.js supports Simple module which exports the HTTP verbs that node core's parser supports. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-micromatch Description-md5: 77657be23be3e8643682059b02c498db Description-zh_CN: Glob matching for javascript/node.js A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-miller-rabin Description-md5: 41582bb204ef941ecd366c0863d53caa Description-zh_CN: Miller Rabin algorithm for primality test This a pure javascript implementation of Miller Rabin primality test. . The Miller–Rabin primality test or Rabin–Miller primality test is a primality test: an algorithm which determines whether a given number is prime. . Like the Fermat and Solovay–Strassen tests, the Miller–Rabin test relies on an equality or set of equalities that hold true for prime values, then checks whether or not they hold for a number that is tested for primality. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mime-types Description-md5: 643c6b03ca33c0cb6fcbba37a3ea4d64 Description-zh_CN: ultimate JavaScript content-type utility - Node.js module This package provides a library for mime-type mapping similar to mime module with some differences, such as it always returns a value, even false if mime type is not found, and supports additional mime types. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mimic-fn Description-md5: 5430645b6ce24e115a79936d62164845 Description-zh_CN: Make a function mimic another one Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mimic-response Description-md5: 55ee70ac166b99ca75f060c26b9eca40 Description-zh_CN: Mimic a Node.js HTTP response stream Make a function mimic another one. . Useful when you wrap a function and like to preserve the original name and other properties. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mini-css-extract-plugin Description-md5: 1deb8b6d0aa141a8d46cb884ce9ffcb8 Description-zh_CN: extracts CSS into separate files This plugin extracts CSS into separate files. It creates a CSS file per JS file which contains CSS. It supports On-Demand-Loading of CSS and SourceMaps. . It builds on top of a new webpack v4 feature (module types) and requires webpack 4 to work. . Compared to the extract-text-webpack-plugin: * Async loading * No duplicate compilation (performance) * Easier to use * Specific to CSS . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-minimalistic-crypto-utils Description-md5: 9a7f1517ac0116e24aa4a9b27124aad0 Description-zh_CN: Minimalistic tools for JS crypto modules This package includes tools and functions useful for implementing cryptographic operation in pure javascript. . This a dependency of browserify, a tool that create self contained module that run in browser context. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-minimist Description-md5: facf2aa518afc1cf63731009e7209673 Description-zh_CN: Argument options parsing for Node.js Minimist is the guts of optimist's argument parser without all the fanciful decoration. . Optimist is a light-weight node.js library for option parsing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-miragejs Description-md5: 011a864d9720fb62d4604641669cdda9 Description-zh_CN: client-side server to build, test and demo JavaScript apps Mirage JS is an API mocking library that lets one build, test and share a complete working JavaScript application without having to rely on any backend services. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mississippi Description-md5: c96c9ef4da3ba03880872080048c5788 Description-zh_CN: collection of useful streams This modules is a collection of useful stream utility modules. Learn how the modules work using this and then pick the ones you want and use them individually. . The goal of the modules included in mississippi is to make working with streams easy without sacrificing speed, error handling or composability. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mixin-deep Description-md5: adc626f6f4395f9477b58050d4cb242f Description-zh_CN: Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object Like merge-deep, but doesn't clone. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mocha-lcov-reporter Description-md5: 089b1d34285d729b5de4387ffbcc1837 Description-zh_CN: LCOV reporter for Mocha The package provides a reporter for the Mocha JavaScript test framework in the LCOV format. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mock-fs Description-md5: 6f43e98706782027ef69419a7843214a Description-zh_CN: configurable mock for Node.js module fs The "mock-fs" module allows Node's built-in "fs" module to be backed temporarily by an in-memory, mock file system. This lets you run tests against a set of mock files and directories instead of lugging around a bunch of test fixtures. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mocks-http Description-md5: ab33ad4a8ae12ab6dc9d7a74f034b0d9 Description-zh_CN: Mock 'http' objects for testing Express routing functions Mock 'http' objects for testing Express routing functions, but could be used for testing any Node.js web server applications that have code that requires mockups of the request and response objects . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-module-deps Description-md5: d094a6053c49a26d4aad5389cdacefa1 Description-zh_CN: walk the dependency graph to generate json output for browser-pack This modules creates a dependency graph allowing browserify to embed all modules in a single object. . Browserify is a JavaScript tool that allows developers to write Node.js- style modules that compile for use in the browser . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-moment Description-md5: 4db150f8a4fc67daf457c78fba7b1de5 Description-zh_CN: Work with dates in JavaScript (Node.js module) A lightweight JavaScript date library to parse, validate, manipulate and format dates. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-moment-timezone Description-md5: 82e150d03b2a9f1f5d2fa92abf18476c Description-zh_CN: Parse and display dates in any timezone (node.js library) Parses and displays dates in any configured timezone. This is done using the IANA timezone database data. It also enables timezone conversion. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mousetrap Description-md5: b8b1058d82637894a2e4e5d57620001a Description-zh_CN: Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts It is around 2kb minified and gzipped and 4.5kb minified, has no external dependencies, and has been tested in the following browsers: - Internet Explorer 6+ - Safari - Firefox - Chrome . It has support for keypress, keydown, and keyup events on specific keys, keyboard combinations, or key sequences. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-move-concurrently Description-md5: 5f5e90441c3364f814829b5a10ddb5cc Description-zh_CN: Move files and directories concurrently Promises of moves of files or directories with rename, falling back to recursive rename/copy on EXDEV errors, with configurable concurrency and win32 junction support. . If you `move` across devices or on filesystems that don't support renaming large directories. That is, situations that result in `rename` returning the `EXDEV` error, then `move` will fallback to copy + delete. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mqtt Description-md5: b5b9a8a6c90723278ccca528811241c1 Description-zh_CN: MQTT client library for node.js MQTT.js is a client library for the MQTT ( protocol, written in JavaScript for node.js and the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mqtt-connection Description-md5: 9594bc05eb2d935586bc8175064bbc1c Description-zh_CN: Barebone Connection object for MQTT This library uses mqtt-packet for generating and parsing MQTT packets. It works over any kind of binary Streams. For example, TCP, TLS, and WebSocket. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mqtt-packet Description-md5: 264ea137cb6fcbe67eb1b0f19f8b48d7 Description-zh_CN: parse and generate MQTT packets This library parse and generate MQTT packets like a breeze. Encode and Decode MQTT 3.1.1 packets the node way. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ms Description-md5: 84600ffab13360bd07ef328fb1d3ad59 Description-zh_CN: milliseconds conversion utility - Node.js module This module provides a tiny milliseconds conversion utility able to transform a string with a valid time unit to the equivalent number of milliseconds and vice versa. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-multimatch Description-md5: b54f6ebf7f1c0b47544c3b91f62acbff Description-zh_CN: Extends minimatch.match() with support for multiple patterns Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-multipipe Description-md5: eb9fe6465a71ef07457d39c2b6316aa9 Description-zh_CN: pipe streams with centralized error handling A better `Stream in one place. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-music-library-index Description-md5: 0dcdfe8baf742549b1dcb3f58104d548 Description-zh_CN: build a searchable object model given track metadata objects - Node.js module Given track metadata objects, constructs a searchable object model. . Sort order ignores 'a', 'an' and 'the' in artists, albums, and names. Sorting and searching is case insensitive and diacritics-insensitive. Searching uses word-based filtering on all track fields. Distinguishes albums by name, date, and album artist. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mutate-fs Description-md5: 479d7bcd3ad741da179ebebb0aae2ac3 Description-zh_CN: Mutates the node.js file-system behavior for tests Node utility that mutates the node.js file-system behavior for tests to be used in a test environment. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mysticatea-eslint-plugin Description-md5: 8cb65327d69365e37d6c782cde4eee0b Description-zh_CN: additional rules for ESLint as used by Toru Nagashima mysticatea-eslint-plugin provides additional rules and configuration profiles for ESLint, used to validate other more general-purpose ESLint packages. . Unless you want to code in same style as Toru Nagashima, you probably have no direct need for this package. . ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-mz Description-md5: 5634234fde354d31668900fc5a72629d Description-zh_CN: Modernize node.js to current ECMAScript specifications Node.js will not update their API to ES6+ for a while. This library is a wrapper for various aspects of node.js' API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nan Description-md5: 6256ab4fdd24fc7cd5126056086e4e73 Description-zh_CN: Native Abstractions for Node.js A header file filled with macro and utility goodness for making addon development for Node.js easier across versions. . Keeping native addons compiling happily across versions, particularly is a minor nightmare, due to API/ABI incompatibilities. The goal of this project is to store all logic necessary to develop native Node.js addons without having to inspec NODE_MODULE_VERSION and get yourself into a macro-tangle. . This project also contains some helper utilities that make addon development a bit more pleasant. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-natural-sort Description-md5: 9ef29483c7a62183fb1ed057e6d03436 Description-zh_CN: Sorting with support for numbers, dates, unicode and more The package provides support for sorting dates, numbers, unicode, et. al. . This has the following features: * Numbers are handled properly – “2” is before “10” * Strings are after numbers * Empty strings are after “z” * “a” is before “B” (opt out via caseSensitive: true) * Semver-compatible sorting of version numbers . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ncp Description-md5: f4d572d104c706e7adb37a967caffe8c Description-zh_CN: Asynchronous recursive file copy utility - Node.js module ncp is a Node.js module which provides asynchronous recursive file and directory copying. . ncp supports several options to filter, transform the stream, disable clobber, dereference, stop on error, catch errors in a stream. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-neo-async Description-md5: 6aaedb3a9fc4f8f29f04facd1b3e7b3d Description-zh_CN: faster replacement for Async Neo-Async is thought to be used as a drop-in replacement for Async, it almosti fully covers its functionality and runs faster. . Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous Javascript. Although originally designed for use with Node, it can also be used directly in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-netmask Description-md5: 5226d6dbe9f839d3290bedbdd5e87a9b Description-zh_CN: Parse and lookup IP network blocks The Netmask class parses and understands IPv4 CIDR blocks so they can be explored and compared. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nock Description-md5: 40a5aa490cec8308eff69825d9f09941 Description-zh_CN: Nock is an HTTP mocking and expectations library for Node.js Nock can be used to test modules that perform HTTP requests in isolation. For instance, if a module performs HTTP requests to a CouchDB server or makesi HTTP requests to the Amazon API, you can test that module in isolation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-node-dir Description-md5: fd259ebbb5b414c376dd31f8f789a30d Description-zh_CN: asynchronous file and directory operations for Node.js A lightweight Node.js module with methods for some common directory and file operations, including asynchronous, non-blocking methods for recursively getting an array of files, subdirectories, or both, and methods for recursively, sequentially reading and processing the contents of files in a directory and its subdirectories, with several options available for added flexibility if needed. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-node-rest-client Description-md5: b7fe38fede4171006d8acf8079f28b92 Description-zh_CN: Rest API client for NodeJS Allows connecting to any API REST and get results as js Object. The client has the following features: * Transparent HTTP/HTTPS connection to remote API sites. * Allows simple HTTP basic authentication. * Allows most common HTTP operations: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH or any other method through custom connect method * Allows creation of custom HTTP Methods (PURGE, etc.) * Direct or through proxy connection to remote API sites. * Register remote API operations as own client methods, simplifying reuse. * Dynamic path and query parameters and request headers. * Improved Error handling mechanism (client or specific request) * Added support for compressed responses: gzip and deflate * Added support for follow redirects thanks to great follow-redirects package * Added support for custom request serializers (json,xml and url-encoded included by default) * Added support for custom response parsers (json and xml included by default) . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-node-rsa Description-md5: 1fd02492259585e74cb4580faa1fa6a7 Description-zh_CN: RSA library for Node.js This package provides an RSA library implementation in Node.js based on JSBN . . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-node-sass Description-md5: 2bbc4322619e2141776c0f0b1466c2f0 Description-zh_CN: Wrapper around libsass Node-sass is a library that provides binding for Node.js to LibSass. . LibSass is the C version of the popular stylesheet preprocessor, Sass. . It allows you to natively compile .scss files to css at incredible speed and automatically via a connect middleware. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nomnom Description-md5: 553b6e9b5d2d841be58f9cc2ccdbee47 Description-zh_CN: Option parser with generated usage and commands for Node.js nomnom is an option parser for Node.js. It noms your args and gives them back to you in a hash. . Nomnom supports args like -d, --debug, --no-debug, --file=test.txt, --file test.txt, -f test.txt, -xvf, and positionals. Positionals are arguments that don't fit the -a or --atomic format and aren't attached to an option. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-normalize-git-url Description-md5: 1b1c962f5fbfb4577b5f8515533f1acd Description-zh_CN: normalizes Git URLs You have a bunch of Git URLs. You want to convert them to a canonical representation, probably for use inside npm so that it doesn't end up creating a bunch of superfluous cached origins. You use this package. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-normalize-path Description-md5: b35af19dd4f4fe2dc3ca1ad009095568 Description-zh_CN: Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes. Also condenses repeat slashes to a single slash and removes trailing slashes. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-normalize-range Description-md5: e66cdc8d99f09a24921b9b44dd7e73ec Description-zh_CN: Utility for normalizing a numeric range This module can be used to normalize a value by bringing it within a given range of values. . This module also comes with a wrapping function useful for polar coordinates. For example, in a polar coordinate system, 270˚ can also be represented as -90˚. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-normalize.css Description-md5: 532dd44c26321ce9583f2c5f488da307 Description-zh_CN: Modern alternative to CSS resets Normalize.css makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nouislider Description-md5: 04dc1d7f9a1dc977963946e7c9535b9c Description-zh_CN: lightweight JavaScript range slider (node) noUiSlider is a lightweight range slider with multi-touch support and a ton of features. It supports non-linear ranges, requires no external dependencies, has keyboard support, and it works great in responsive designs. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-npm-bundled Description-md5: 8a176cf18dab4756d01c14fe8a81af1a Description-zh_CN: Parses info on bundled dependencies Npm-bundled gives info regarding bundled dependencies or transitive dependencies of bundled dependencies. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-npm-package-arg Description-md5: 90c66d4b33548cc2755605f02c29229f Description-zh_CN: Parse the things that can be arguments to npm install Parses package name and specifier passed to commands like npm install or npm cache add, or as found in package.json dependency sections. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-npm-run-path Description-md5: 74c9e6fba35aef6e648b71f5aead4735 Description-zh_CN: Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nth-check Description-md5: 87cadb861e1b70a6cdb8713f4b979f77 Description-zh_CN: performant nth-check parser & compiler This module can be used to parse & compile nth-checks, as they are found in CSS 3's nth-child() and nth-last-of-type(). . nth-check focusses on speed, providing optimized functions for different kinds of nth-child formulas, while still following the spec. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-number-allocator Description-md5: eb359e4be7549e0931c73cce665b35e1 Description-zh_CN: Unique number allocator for JavaScript Unique number allocator maintains number intervals that are not in used. For an example, users can allocate an interval from 1 to 100. And if the user uses 6, the interval will split into two: 1 to 5 and 7 to 100. Unique number allocators will tell the users how many intervals we have right now. And what number is still vacant to use. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-nunjucks Description-md5: 014d36f613a3b4953ed1250de29c026e Description-zh_CN: templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more This library is a powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-obj-util Description-md5: 446f9c25ed41bba66ad260d6de49d01b Description-zh_CN: simple helper to set/get keys from objects This module is a simple helper to set/get keys from objects using a string path like '' . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object-copy Description-md5: 045b8a4c71b9ddc711ddb6cf7a6318fb Description-zh_CN: copy properties of one object to another This library can be used to copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object-inspect Description-md5: 998f89a043bb447a8fae0606ac7e6fde Description-zh_CN: string representations of objects in node and the browser Node-object-inspect provides string representations of objects in node and the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object-key Description-md5: 782da853fdc2df1b9a057495617359cd Description-zh_CN: Nodejs object key helpers This module simplify assigning value to an object property by using path string separated by dots. . This module support also lookup values using the same dot separated string paths. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object-path Description-md5: 1326ba86a9e00ca5da814d3c786a2a7b Description-zh_CN: Access deep object properties using a path Node.js module to access (get, set, insert, delete, test) deep object properties using dot-separated paths. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object-visit Description-md5: a3d0e8682f80611a686aa8c74a4199ec Description-zh_CN: Call a specified method on each value in the given object Call a specified method on each value in the given object. See /usr/share/doc/node-object-visit/ for more info. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-object.omit Description-md5: 17e200b50619062ec97f4a8fcd5f1d73 Description-zh_CN: Return a copy of an object excluding the given key Return a copy of an object excluding the given key, or array of keys. Also accepts an optional filter function as the last argument. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-on-finished Description-md5: 023a0041ae28ea442f1550e15d83150d Description-zh_CN: calls back on request close, finish or error - Node.js module This module is useful for cleaning up streams. It is used to safely destroy any object and stream used while serving a request, and is required to fix what many perceive as an issue with Node.js streams. . This package include small package ee-first. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-on-headers Description-md5: d09b73f329079545f28017a9eb1d26fe Description-zh_CN: HTTP response headers listener - Node.js module This module tracks when headers are written to a Node.js HTTP response and provides a facility for calling listeners before the headers are written. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-one-time Description-md5: f976b42d84499ed845c26d7c01cd77d8 Description-zh_CN: Run the supplied Node.js function exactly once Call the supplied function exactly one time. This prevents double callback execution. This module can be used on both Node.js, React-Native, or browsers using Browserify. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-open Description-md5: 111f9441fd3afe0d09cd10cf676e3ef9 Description-zh_CN: Open stuff like URLs, files, executables This is meant to be used in command-line tools and scripts, not in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-opencv Description-md5: 9e3f8e99994d8b62105bcbd3a91f2e4e Description-zh_CN: OpenCV Bindings for node.js OpenCV is the defacto computer vision library - by interfacing with it natively in node, it gives powerful real time vision in js. . People are using node-opencv to fly control quadrocoptors, detect faces from webcam images and annotate video streams. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-opener Description-md5: d33af240e18613709089795ea99b48dc Description-zh_CN: Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables That is, in your desktop environment. This will make *actual windows pop up*, with stuff in them: . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-optimist Description-md5: 1bdd95f24b4e29706861c5bac7bb41f4 Description-zh_CN: light-weight option parsing library for NodeJS Optimist is a light-weight node.js library for option parsing. . It is a library for people who hate option parsing. More specifically, this module is for people who like all the --bells and -whistlz of program usage but think optstrings are a waste of time. . With optimist, option parsing doesn't have to suck (as much). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-optionator Description-md5: 9a4ecf81a50b42608da94511b2ecd71c Description-zh_CN: option parsing and help generation Optionator is a JavaScript option parsing and help generation library used by eslint, Grasp, LiveScript, esmangle, escodegen, and many more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-orchestrator Description-md5: 70e83b83637b0e89ff93b0b921e4d000 Description-zh_CN: sequence and execute tasks and dependencies in concurrency A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies in maximum concurrency . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-ordered-read-streams Description-md5: f185c75dac7559af1214ed961e74769b Description-zh_CN: combines array of streams into one read stream in strict order `ordered-read-streams` handles all data/errors from input streams in parallel, but emits data/errors in strict order in which streams are passed to constructor. This is `objectMode = true` stream. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-original Description-md5: bbc78cea01d2f8232d378bd638b92772 Description-zh_CN: Generate the origin from an URL or check if two URL/Origins are the same Original generates the origin URL for a given URL or URL object. In addition to that it also comes with a simple same function to check if two URL's have the same origin. . This module is browserify and node compatible. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-os-browserify Description-md5: a4d23d5b3d90a6f8ad315bfcfa9b25d0 Description-zh_CN: 'os' module from node.js, but for browsers When you require('os') in browserify, this module will be loaded. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-os-locale Description-md5: d89d01ab9c8513f7a87b70266aa9a721 Description-zh_CN: get the system locale Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-os-tmpdir Description-md5: 775468cfcf1160b0ab27a7a66c23472c Description-zh_CN: Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill Ponyfill: A polyfill that doesn't overwrite the native method. . Use this instead of require('os').tmpdir() to get a consistent behaviour on different Node.js versions (even 0.8). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-output-file-sync Description-md5: 180a0bebd0f7ffc7c8585bca784f3dbd Description-zh_CN: Synchronously write a file and create its ancestor directories if needed Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-cancelable Description-md5: e77cbffa0ce427448c66d2993681521a Description-zh_CN: Create a promise that can be canceled Useful for animation, loading resources, long-running async computations, async iteration, etc. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-finally Description-md5: 0b197e17404c726a3d8005b48cff7676 Description-zh_CN: Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome `Promise regardless of outcome. It can be used for cleanup purpose. . This library is a dependency of ava, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-is-promise Description-md5: 4d8ce26e8ddd95b0ce94edd7f4821e45 Description-zh_CN: Check if something is a promise Just pass your value to Promise.resolve() and let it handle it. . Can be useful if you need to create a fast path for a synchronous operation. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-limit Description-md5: 81365e701d9a3e32ba307a4802aee705 Description-zh_CN: run multiple promise-returning & async functions This library allows running multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency . This is a dependency for AVA, a futuristic test runner. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-locate Description-md5: cd28baa1ccd09a19b3a14fcf15c7f04c Description-zh_CN: async version of Array Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function. . Array.prototype.find(): The find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. p-locate is async version of this function. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-p-map Description-md5: 4fcd073f89787fefe6cf160ab54ddd09 Description-zh_CN: Map over promises concurrently Useful when you need to run promise-returning & async functions multiple times with different inputs concurrently. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-package Description-md5: a95e0fe31277462b0a605dbda52a6b95 Description-zh_CN: easy package.json exports Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-package-json Description-md5: aa796022032cdef2fce598dda9740cfc Description-zh_CN: Get metadata of a package from the npm registry Both public and private registries are supported, for both scoped and unscoped packages, as long as the registry uses either bearer tokens or basic authentication. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-package-preamble Description-md5: 07cd0218bac71f72f43daa6822b2d49a Description-zh_CN: Generate a tiny preamble from a package.json Generates a minimalist preamble from a package.json. For example, // Version 0.0.1. Copyright 2016 Alice Baker. is generated by this tool. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pako Description-md5: 48f9433c1a1b0c8e73e3dd15f8c056ef Description-zh_CN: fast zlib port to pure javascript This module is a port of zlib to pure javascript optimized for speed. . Pako could compress stream and string using well known zlib API. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parallel-transform Description-md5: 2703b422dc260e404afcec52b6de9303 Description-zh_CN: Runs transforms in parallel Transform stream for Node.js that allows you to run transforms in parallel without changing the order of the output. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parents Description-md5: 9164936932a13db2731075eb8491b05f Description-zh_CN: Node.js module returning all the parent directories This module return a list of all parent directories of a given directory. . This modules is useful for creating find(1) clone in pure javascript. . This module is a dependency of browserify, a tool that allows one to write Node.js-style modules that compile for use in the browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-asn1 Description-md5: b4b9946cbd5d055ce9e4935e0f8ac4b7 Description-zh_CN: utility library for parsing asn1 files utility library for parsing asn1 files for use with browserify-sign. . This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-base64vlq-mappings Description-md5: 28a6e15f11243649b6befd953bfbfdb7 Description-zh_CN: Parses out base64 VLQ encoded source map This modules allows one to parse and decode VLQ (Variable Length Quantities) base64 encoded source map. . Source maps are JSON files that contain information on how to map transpiled source code back to their original source. Source maps are JavaScript’s version of debug symbols. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-filepath Description-md5: f44c0c3c446c96330daf5eca66f3287e Description-zh_CN: Parses a filepath into an object Node.js module that provides a polyfill for the native path.parse, that parses a filepath into an object with absolute filepath, dirname, basename, extname etc. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-glob Description-md5: 66d8e812588623b4f2bd71ae3f6ba0a6 Description-zh_CN: Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-json Description-md5: 57adb78c674d5439cc1c4ba9f3b336fc Description-zh_CN: parse JSON with more helpful errors Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-ms Description-md5: 8a104dd690aa6bb1aca1b3d8489e0804 Description-zh_CN: Parse milliseconds into an object This package converts input milliseconds to days:hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds format. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parse-srcset Description-md5: 0ed76c2562f9511ee8c6a75b5a607066 Description-zh_CN: Spec-conformant JavaScript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute A javascript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute, based on the WHATWG reference algorithm. It has an extensive test suite based on the W3C srcset conformance checker. It conforms to the jQuery JSCS style rules. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-parseurl Description-md5: 2bb6d5debc6080a583dc2b4f3bf94f44 Description-zh_CN: parse a url with memoization Simple module which allows developer to get pathname: . var pathname = parseurl(req) . and `pathname` can then be simply passed to a router or something. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pascalcase Description-md5: 09837e021f44e024186331f9bdd7ee2b Description-zh_CN: Convert a string to pascal-case For more info see /usr/share/doc/node-pascalcase/ . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-browserify Description-md5: 64c827e6a5bb89b1a83b282e0f8235d9 Description-zh_CN: path module from node core for browsers This library is a dependency for webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code to programs that are unaware they are running in a browser. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-dirname Description-md5: 426f801734ae24f64ea337f694ef0708 Description-zh_CN: Node.js library for function path.dirname ponyfill This was needed in order to expose path.posix.dirname() on Node.js v0.10 . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-exists Description-md5: f0d2c9364b549dccb09cd563589e875b Description-zh_CN: Check if a path exists Helps to check if a path exist. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-is-inside Description-md5: c85b5f8c8243cb5379c48743b5c27474 Description-zh_CN: Tests whether one path is inside another path The **path-is-inside** package will give you a robust, cross-platform way of detecting whether a given path is inside another path. . Like Node's built-in path module, path-is-inside treats all file paths on Windows as case-insensitive, whereas it treats all file paths on *-nix operating systems as case-sensitive. Keep this in mind especially when working on a Mac, where, despite Node's defaults, the OS usually treats paths case-insensitively. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-root Description-md5: 7f34b23073a774e5a4d8c0b153a8d09c Description-zh_CN: Get the root of a posix or windows filepath Given a posix or windows filepath as a string, returns the matching filesystem root. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-root-regex Description-md5: d103320712428fbdb9dd7d6213bc143a Description-zh_CN: regex for the root of a posix or windows filepath Regular expression for getting the root of a posix or windows filepath. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-scurry Description-md5: 7baa5dd11ddea399f9c51f83bab8eee1 Description-zh_CN: Fast and cached directory traversal for javascript building tool Extremely high performant utility for building tools that read the file system, minimizing filesystem and path string munging operations to the greatest degree possible, using cache as long as possible. . Cache as long as possible approach means that changes to the filesystem may not be reflected in the results of repeated PathScurry operations. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-to-regexp Description-md5: 9dedd50dd91111ed179c4770a76bfedd Description-zh_CN: express style path to RegExp utility Turn an Express-style path string such as `/user/:name` into a regular expression. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-path-type Description-md5: 468442c4c9342e50f1b174af44ed3ec6 Description-zh_CN: check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pathval Description-md5: 64e135ba9e8a650a196428caebd442da Description-zh_CN: Node.js module for object value access from a path This module is a tool to access Object values given a string path, both retrieving and setting properties. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pbkdf2 Description-md5: 331622d7861831f91d5b6a356e44f6b4 Description-zh_CN: RSA PKCS This library implements the password-based key derivation function, PBKDF2, specified in RSA PKCS algorithm returned from crypto.getHashes(). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pend Description-md5: 2676076160ba0dc69b7ea31adc7a8c6a Description-zh_CN: simple parallel async callback helper - Node.js module This module allows one to wait for multiple async operations to be done before executing a callback. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-performance-now Description-md5: 0366227c161459cb3e8de58db89a866e Description-zh_CN: Implements (based on process.hrtime) Modern browsers have a `window.performance` object with - among others - a `now` method which gives time in milliseconds, but with sub-millisecond precision. This module offers the same function based on the Node.js native `process.hrtime` function. . Using `process.hrtime` means that the reported time will be monotonically increasing, and not subject to clock-drift. . This library is a dependency of request, the simplest way possible to make http calls. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-picocolors Description-md5: 78fdd41d0863e3929ede8485a128ffc1 Description-zh_CN: library for terminal output formatting with colors (Node.js module) This package provides an extremely tiny and fast library for terminal output formatting using ANSI colors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pikaday Description-md5: c33446391de93a63239c7bdf9a7adb3d Description-zh_CN: Lightweight JavaScript datepicker Pikaday is a lightweight JavaScript datepicker with modular CSS and no dependencies. It is designed to work well alone but supports integration with Moment.js. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pinkie Description-md5: ec7cb78578388ef61d0f9a8b2ada27bb Description-zh_CN: Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES2015 Promise implementation Node.js module - Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES2015 Promise implementation . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pinkie-promise Description-md5: 2eb0710f96bd8c4222ab026efadc27f7 Description-zh_CN: ES2015 Promise ponyfill Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pinkyswear Description-md5: 3bfaf141b19440edacce998c0022343d Description-zh_CN: very small implementation of the Promises/A+ specification This Node.js package is a minimalist Promises/A+ implementation for embedding. You can use it as a lightweight dependency for your library if you need to return a promise. It is not intended as a stand-alone library for more complex applications, and therefore does not support assimilation of other promises. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pkg-dir Description-md5: 60057560f626edc628648dd3e935861c Description-zh_CN: find the root directory of a npm package Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pkg-up Description-md5: a9ff49ca9604cb5b1c73a13d71726332 Description-zh_CN: Find the closest package.json file Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-platform Description-md5: 8951ff083d99f1da465def3d5ec27cfb Description-zh_CN: platform detection lib works on nearly all JavaScript platforms Platform.js is a detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. Platform.js is for informational purposes only and not intended as a substitution for feature detection/inference checks. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-plugin-error Description-md5: 467613c7d32038c81015b5d64308cc89 Description-zh_CN: Error handling for vinyl plugins Just an abstraction of what's in gulp-util with minor changes. . By default the stack will not be shown. Set options.showStack to true if you think the stack is important for your error. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-plur Description-md5: 18ea3a1ae22c8d548659d7a6ef86bdf3 Description-zh_CN: Pluralize a word This package works only for English language currently. Default: - Irregular nouns will use this [list] ( blob/master/irregular-plurals.json). - Words ending in *s*, *x*, *z*, *ch*, *sh* will be pluralized with *-es* (eg. *foxes*). - Words ending in *y* that are preceded by a consonant will be pluralized by replacing *y* with *-ies* (eg. *puppies*). - All other words will have "s" added to the end (eg. *days*). Pluralized word. The plural suffix will match the case of the last letter in the word. This option is only for extreme edge-cases. You probably won't need it. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-posix-character-classes Description-md5: 497e3aaf75b6a469e1deb143e6999876 Description-zh_CN: POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions The POSIX standard supports the following classes or categories of characters [:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:ascii:], [:blank:], [:cntrl:], [:digit:], [:graph:], [:lower:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], [:word:], [:xdigit:] . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-posix-getopt Description-md5: 532480b5b7ed1c98d90cdc6e3e6baaab Description-zh_CN: POSIX-style getopt() It implements the POSIX getopt() function for Node.js, hence a functional interface for option parsing. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss Description-md5: d23ed4fdcb947bb28402e077c63a4596 Description-zh_CN: Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . PostCSS is used by industry leaders including Wikipedia, Twitter, Alibaba, and JetBrains. The [Autoprefixer] PostCSS plugin is one of the most popular CSS processors. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-load-config Description-md5: d52308dc8329cccecbc99b54467e6532 Description-zh_CN: Autoload Config for PostCSS PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-load-options Description-md5: 84b54cf9c3fe70d7c3a3afe78022184e Description-zh_CN: Autoload Options for PostCSS PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-load-plugins Description-md5: 8d8cfdef951e4814dc348a471b9de050 Description-zh_CN: Autoload Plugins for PostCSS Install plugins and save them to your package.json dependencies/ devDependencies. . PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-loader Description-md5: 66a48706160164b00724be1368d808f1 Description-zh_CN: PostCSS loader for webpack This package is a loader for webpack to process CSS with PostCSS. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-modules-extract-imports Description-md5: 95a34822a4701bba84e3572fc9764815 Description-zh_CN: CSS Modules transform to extract local aliases for inline imports PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-modules-values Description-md5: 1ffb34fe203129bb9df8c17b29713483 Description-zh_CN: pass arbitrary values between your module files This module is a PostCSS plugin for CSS Modules to pass arbitrary values between module files. . PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-preset-evergreen Description-md5: ae60416edac409a345ecbaa6deae7895 Description-zh_CN: postcss preset for modern css syntaxes This preset includes the following packages: - autoprefixer - postcss-clamp - postcss-flexbugs-fixes - postcss-font-variant - postcss-media-minmax - postcss-page-break - postcss-replace-overflow-wrap - postcss-selector-not - postcss-will-change . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-reporter Description-md5: e6ef7b0187a24c524e188f48d41363d0 Description-zh_CN: Log PostCSS messages in the console A PostCSS plugin to `console.log()` the messages (warnings, etc.) registered by other PostCSS plugins. . As of PostCSS 4.1, a single PostCSS process can accumulate messages from all of the plugins it uses. Most of these messages are warnings. Presumably, plugin authors want you to see those messages. So this plugin exists to read the accumulated messages (or messages from only the plugins you've specified), format them, and print them to the console. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-postcss-value-parser Description-md5: 30994a4e227a653f433a2f9e39af15be Description-zh_CN: Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree This module transforms CSS declaration values and at-rule parameters into a tree of nodes, and provides a simple traversal API. . postcss is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pre-gyp Description-md5: c5dffe0a1a5562af14cb2be8e94b8951 Description-zh_CN: Native addon deployment tool for Node.js This executable extends node-gyp with commands to package, test, and publish Node.js binary addons. It also improves build configuration and module loading. . This version is patched to always build modules from source. . node-gyp is a native addon build tool for Node.js . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-preact Description-md5: 8d0082c10d6494e3dd02616cb88895f4 Description-zh_CN: React alternative with the same ES6 API This module is a fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM. . This module claims to have all the power of Virtual DOM components, without the overhead. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-prelude-ls Description-md5: 246ce465820e7faa62dbe48d09627730 Description-zh_CN: functionally oriented utility library for Livescript This library is a base library for LiveScript, including tools and basic functions, for instance mathematical basic functions. . LiveScript is a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-prepend-http Description-md5: 4483bfdff59f3fbe412417f599d3fead Description-zh_CN: Prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like and localhost This package can be used to prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like and localhost. This package is a dependency for ava. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-preserve Description-md5: 2267e009a63183e30d94ee93607cb6f6 Description-zh_CN: Protect tokens from being mutated when the string is transformed Temporarily substitute tokens in the given `string` with placeholders, then put them back after transforming the string. Useful for protecting tokens, like templates in HTML, from being mutated when the string is transformed in some way, like from a formatter/beautifier. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pretty-bytes Description-md5: 3c59fcbec811b5385beec7775e86797e Description-zh_CN: Convert bytes to a human readable string It is useful in displaying file size to humans. It uses base-10(kilobyte and not kibibyte) and support values from B(byte) to YB (yottabyte). . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pretty-hrtime Description-md5: 54e26e9144bf5ce9fa3249472101c3df Description-zh_CN: process.hrtime() to words Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-pretty-ms Description-md5: 1ce4e8696800b2d97daff180bdc18ec5 Description-zh_CN: Convert milliseconds to a human readable string This module can convert 1337000000 → 15d 11h 23m 20s. . Node.js 是一个基于事件的服务端 JavaScript 引擎。 Package: node-prismjs Description-md5: 36d9dc0e27b5577ff389d64f6285cb73 Description-zh_CN: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting A spin-off project from Dabblet. Some of its unique features include: * It’s tiny. The core is only 1.5KB minified & gzipped. * It’s incredibly extensible. Not only it’s easy to add new languages, but also to extend existing ones. * It encourages good author practices. Other highlighters encourage or even force you to use elements that are semantically wrong, like
 (on its
    own) or